Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, August 08, 1913, Image 3

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    Yillarnoolc Herald, Atitctmt H, 1 013,
Notice of
Delinquent Taxes
rt uciii rrooeriv
, Tlllook County,
for the Year 1912.
I MnCKIiV 0ivr.fr,
kt it I
tf tlttr tooe'"' .- tlrru.
ft mo
. . . . . . . . . ..
it. 'W upufithr folluwlntf tic
"i -i titol.ntV
In nlmnnok
t'Li. Orrjon, br
C'"n 3. .1 I ut .in of Ami!. IUI2.
,.,t.i ( i
..J iir l)r1l"ilr tj m
'nr. it iMtrir-t at Ilir lulr n
.'.,lr P-rt P" ' "'
w J, " i that lll tlrci It I ii i ol
$7, K' i f i i'ny upon which rtiii
iiilifril InUUrlil, ttlltl the MllMUIllt
j ., t nint ltr timtir of II r own
... ilirird ' the IM'C'
'.' . ttir 1 .tV KOll. MIC M
I""".. .. I..... 1L l..l...l
m I'
I rillun 5. to )
.i.i I I
elS '
Ml' J
S miitfr U tfl
klrlriiUlif. U
, rttliili IP. town
S raiiift 0 rt
u in
M Co. lot . an Hun
If, la ninp i I'mKr
. .. it
,(i,r. hm, ,Nw l. tfllotl
X l"i'!M I N' : u
s.h V lrt"ll. Nr V
S i s" 'l of N 'l. "
, it II low iililp I N.
ufiiff V ' . ' .
ft 70
U'"l tl.urr V, Ol 7w
mi-ihn " ionlil I
tint W rl
if If. Vl -ifcM. N t of Nw
,ri t o V Itmiiahlp I N.
uniir 0 rrl
p t lUlltawuV, till I, mrf
i1 .' .-WIIlll I Ht'flll.
fnr 1 Tl . .
t V ntVrr. N h ol '
rttl -. ol H- i ol
kku II I ttw lllll I N.
Idli.T i n
I (. Il.iii rr. Tfufl No- l
J-'i r loii'icr ilrt iHlldii
iroi I IxHih lo irof'
rffl W X nrfllon Z
)M.lii I N. inllU'r 10
S.tlrf A CfOrtl. Tllttt
jM i I ill I. not ittnlrl,
nlloii Tt. Itiwnohlji 1 N,
ini;r 10 r. .
V U MrMtlllro TlnCl No.
Ml hoi liifllirr lrcrl(
lion " Ifwil ltoV III
ar.r iifllfr, iinKr lit
rvli. it II, lowillllo .1 N,
fnsr 10 rl . ...
I lliltrlllliaoiv Tim' I
No t Vut ljUirr 1r
il,1uin rr Ifticl Ixmk In
a.ror',tfY)t('r. ; 10.
r M n ,-'lowofihlt I N.
dltiQ(0 CI
7. UHV Hrnl'h Krully Co
TW So, VtA. Vut liftlirr
tri mtlltifi re iroci IhmiW
In amntantit'm IllllCr. W.f
i crtiun ,1. towolili I N.
IJ IfcT 10 wpl
C sirr, NV M ol Np 'j.
ifii II. lowiililt I N.
"ifr 10 turn! . , .
t.m K Jolinoii Tnrl No.
U lor luitlifr ilrcil
li. it rr It tit' I UmiV In
r.iir OltU'1 Jtnk"
tun II, ovniil 1 N.
lar.'c 1(1 wrl . N W Nh'
( rtlttl r 4 ol N j.
riiion II, towndlilp I N,
iit 0 vcl
( I KcilllrllV. TlttCt Nj.
K For lurllirr tlr.tiip.
lion in Iritt l ItooW "
ror it olttcr. tl
tr lion II, totvnolilp I N.
lnni" 10 pct
I t .inK r.iraliloil', Hw , ol
rt an
.h 7
ll jo
t II
,1 r
11 W)
'jtl rtini rlvrr, urciuoi n.
t trfiivhlp I N, ruiiur 10,
w l . .
Ilrllr v V Mini w, '4
t l 'iw , r-tittn IS. totvil
lll I N, rnlllfr 10 vrAt
'Hip (iiililiitlilf UrntJll Co,
W Ol t7 l, IHH'tlOII III,
townli(p 1 N. 'rniiu'r. tt'
wral ; Ne I tn Sc I.
lion 18, ipAimlili ' N
rmiKr lO.Wral
A. C IcnnliiK'a. Tmct No.
iifj. I'or lurllirr tlr.
i itpllon ace Inifl bo In
ttMfxnor'ii ollkv. itintf lj.
netlion 17, towiiHlilp 1 N.
i.inur 10 wmI .
1. K. Coiwliwr. Tiiut No.
HfW. l'nr furllirr ilmfrif
tlilll nrr Irill'l book III P(
arnnoi'H oOliT, r.lK '7.
wrcilon 17, lownHlilp I N.
riinu;f 10 wral
ilir Onriliultlf Mfitfli Co..
till title html l; A A. on
Lot 2. arcHon '-'0, lownalilp
I N. ruiiKti 10 weal ... .
J I llnmllry. .Triii'l So. 17.
lfor iurllicr tlrafrlttlni ;r
Hurt Won In MHrriiHor h
olllcc, piurt! 15. urclirtii -0,
townalilp I N, ruiiKt' 1(1
went ...... . ''.'
IVIrr llyroin. Tnift N- (-kS'
I'ordiillmr tlrMi-rlptlon nc
ft .V.
17 10
tmcl book In iiHHtiintnr"
tifller, pKe an. i
towiinliip I N
MfCllon -ii
Tim O.ulliiiltli Hcaoh Ci ,
Tract No. !1X For fnrllicr
ilccrlitlon acr tract tiih
In aaanMHor'a olllce, i;
l, ucctlon SI, towiiMlilp I N,
r4iiKf 10 wont ; Tmct No.
U. For further itcacrli"
tion aec tmct l)ok In mh
Heaaqr'a olllcc, );
Hl'CtlOtt 2l, tOWUHllIp IN.
niiiKc HI weal ; Ti:l N.
30, For further ilcacrlp
tlon aco tract book in aa
iteaaor'a ofllce, K .
Heciloti ''I. townaliut 1 s.
rimifc 10 went; ull thle liimln
V A A, on l.ota li, , Jena
rutin oi way, n ,
tWnkhlp 1 N,
weali .-
Im.ia'n" VV'nltllll.
TrAct No. aa. For further
(leacrJptlon aer tract boo"
In iiaaeHHorM olllee, piikc
10, Mt-ctlon 21, towiiHhlp I
N, raiiKe 10 weHt i Nw 1 of
Nw l aeclion 21, lowenhlp
I N, hinife 10 went ...
Hurry Mitchell. Tnict No..fM.
For further ileHcrlptlon ae
tmcMtiuuk l naara-oi a
oilier, (tiiur. 'JU. .rt Htm ai,
lownalilp I N, iniiKf f)
Wf h
AnittfM I', in. mi, Titt,.i No.
II. I'oi IniHicr tlt'ai dp
lion rt inn 1 book in ti'
M'ani'H nlllri', pnun 7.1,
t Hon .M, low nalllp I N,
iniiy 10 nr. I , Tmi't No,
I. 1. I'll! Illllllrl ilfaiflp.
II. Ill n- If ill I lioiik In H
rvaiU'a Ollb r, tiiKf V,
' Mill .'I, tftfllalllp I X,
fitiiUf I" vrrnl . '('(ml No.
t i I'M Illllllrl lloMlIp
I on nrr 1 1 in I botik In 11-
ranoi oilier, piiKt4 311,
f Hun II. Itmiinlilp I N,
littler III writl
1 fir (titiltiiilill llfiii Ii Cti,,
II 10
li '&
I iiti t M I I'm in liter
ilr. Milium nrr tmct ImjiiV,
In iinBriKi.i'n ofllte put'"
VI. tit- tmn 'H lnwnliip I
N. ftni;t' 13 it , hII
litlt Inn . I'. .V A , on l.ota
I, I A. p tlijlit ol viy,
an Hon ll, lownnlilp I N,
1 1 it; ID val
II. K Ntil.lr I lul l No, 50,
I'or tin 1 1 it- r tli'nt 1 Ipllon rr
Iftti I Ih .iIi IM nrH'
oilier, pttr SI. ar-lnii 'Ii.
lownrlllp 1 N. IMilr 10
C. I' Ktlnri If. 11 t Ni. lW.
I'm fm titer ilrct tptlun
arr Itm I I .miW in pil'n
nllltr, nr art'linll
lownnlilp I N. I HUB' 10
Tlir C.iliUlfill Hrjt ll (( , nil
1 nli- IhikI I' A A, 011 l,ot I,
n lltm 'Ai, I.im nlil 1 ,,
litllfr U tip.!
T U. A.ltlr. l it., i No. 71
I'of flit liter trHflpHoil
rr Ii ji I l nit In itaarMatit'
tlftlfr, payr l I IOII '11,
l.iMit"liii I N. i.Hir IU
Cm Abtwiiia. 'lint I No 8v7i
1 1)
I I'.m Iniltiri ili-inr IfHiiM
rr lrt t IhmiW in""""""!'! a
oilier. pnr I", eellon III,
liwnililjt I , ittnar 10
wr.l . .
s tft
(Ci C'rnmtl Soli ttl Ikmr Ml.
l o , I ra. I .No lor
lllltltri trt'liloil rtr
Irml IwuV in urot'
itlllff, l;r I, art-lion l.
lownalup I N, rmtKr I)
(ft Vrl . I'l.tilNo tJI I'oi
J(llMlirr iri Itpllon arc
tin l.uk ill nvarntiura
ollttr. pat'r 17. .rcllotl 31.
lownnlilp I N, lufitfr 10 wrn
n l.oinbri to . Tmct No
71ft. I'm lurllirr tlracilp-
H(lt) III tfW't 'Ma "
ry. inr'" olllir, ntt;c 4&,
nntlOO III. Iiiuonllip I N.
IrtiiKr IUrn . Tiiifl No.
f7i I'or llirlliri tlracilp
lltm arrliitil book ill
ranol'a ollb r Imikc
rrlltin HI. Inwnalllp I N.
Illkr 10 rl
Hontrrn linptttvriiirnt Coin
t.nnv. I linltrtl. limber on
H i. arrlton SI lownnlilp
J N mitiir .1 rnl
I. 1J. I), .icon, l ot Z N V
of I til :t. iimlN i nl Nr I tl
,S' I. nr. Miin 7. lotvnnlilp
.' N ftniii' 0 nrat
li. I'. Kot non. Xwl ol ?f I,
nrt iion HI lonalilp 2 N,
l.tttur 0 ml
Co Uprf CtCklllK Co. 'I liu't
No !w7. Ilir lintlirr tlra
. 1 1 1 1 1 i nrr Hint book 1 1
unarnam't t'lllt r, pitlir 67
,, nrt-lloit '.' lonnalllp -N
mntfe I" wr'
If. AN I . f t No.
U7I. I'm linlliei tlcHi-np
lion nrr lint t !ok In .ta
nei'noi'n olllir. p.lc 01.
ctMlon ltiinl. lownnlilp '-'
. . ntner JO ural
17 10
15 CO
IW its
If. Iliimllloti. Lot 'i lena
l..t,l ..I n. net Holt I
lownnliln 1 ' N, niiiUM
rt . I I'lr IiiihIh !. A
on Lot J. H t Hon t. town
nltip J N. tunue 10 went
Jonlr llaibei N ' ol N h ol
tc I ol e i. h- llmi
loiiitlilp a N, iiiiiKe 10
tt ittll ...
I I'owt-H, N 'j o( St I,
arellon '.' lownnlilp a N,
ntiiur 10 eit
Thro. Sleinhilbei. I mi l
No. HO. I'm fiulhf' orn
i ilplion ee tittt l l"k
nnHfnnoi olllee p.me
hrftion :rj, towiinliip a N.
. ........ Ill wrnl
(!. Ilitlinrr, Tmct No ll.
Hor loithfi ileniilpUmi are
i.,., l l.ixtK III nnnrrniii r
..nii-r. iiiii'r 71. nrflion !".
towiinliip a N. IIUIKt
1 a us
m... . ..... lOilrr. Sr l. Ht'f
' ;C louimlnp N, mime 0
went ,
:i 8)
I, fin i bi. N 1 m .
Hon It. towiinliip II N. ninui
ll went ;
A. Moline. Ne 1, Hfttnm
lownnlilp H N, rmiKe
0 SO'
21 80
weal , .
i i".,.riii l of Ne 1
' v.. l ..( "w 1. HfClion 10.
townnliii. II N, utilise
Wl'Mt V ' " ,'
lili.i.betb C.loMnei, h 1.
nrctioii 10, lownnl'lp N.
riinise 0 wchi .
vv N DoMcher I.o'h
ii, 1. r
i c... I i if Nw
lowiihllip II N. nnose H
I.oii.IiihiI A U!,',nl"1
J. arc.lion 2. townahtp .1 N.
M) (V
iitniie n wrm
V. 11. DwlKht, I .oh
m't lioii 2, townnl. p
... c ti-itut v. y'j
7, H.
of He
X S 8w l..l. neetion
ft, tOWUHllIp II Ni "Ken
wrnl , -, . ., i
II. Plenefre,
aretlon !, lowiiHliifi .1 N,
U ti'HUl
".." I v... I ..f N.-
i i. it. i ti.. " .
l urt'Holl ll', It'""" "
11 ml Lot 10. Heetit.ii l.
"wiiHiiin a fNv.wrHyJ
wrat : bw 1 of Nw t
oM, Hi'ellon II, towiiHlilp
'l M raime 8 went.
k'YHc If.SeJof Swi jiml
l,i IhO. 10, H. tu,l',u,n i8i
wna .IP a Ni ratine 8
went .j
V. SchtiHi. bw
Hection 1,
inline 0
III 20
Se i of
Sr j, art'llon tl, lOWLnllip
II N. iiitiue 0 wrnl
ICJ r,o
S. I. Chllalrilarll. Sw ,
, arrllon .I, townalilp II N,
lilliur ll rcat
raa )
Ni-ln Nrluon, ' Inlt'irat In
I Hi , aniion 2, lownnlilp
1 .1 N. tiinue 10 wrnl
II. H. (iniy, IJ t ol Sw I mill
Ilita I, II, I, Irna purl pint.
rtl, xci lion 7, lowiiallip II
N, mnur 10 nrnt
1) I . HkMuirr, I'. i ol li H,
I arrllon 7. loiwnnliip II N,
I r.tliKr ) wra
I'. I . Wlillitkrr, : or l.ot
I a aft Hon in, lownalup ;i ,,
1 t.if.K" 10 wmt
liiiill) Tiltltn, Hir i ol Nw J,
if, U)
Ifi to
27 tO
Nr 1 ol Hw i mill Lot I,
lra Irurt nnlil, nfrlloit III,
townalilp ;i ,S', nitiyc 10
V. mitt A. Tliompami,
Trio I In Sr J ol Hw J nml
Hw c.l Hr I, roiiliiliiltiic 10
tirira, nri.ltiiii II, townalilp
II N. liltiur 10 wrnt
l!T, (J
10 ai
lJ H. 1. Ifrnt. Hr I of Sw I nil 1
I fw J ol Sr attllon J7.
I townalilp :t N, lutiKC 10
: li I. lim it. Tmt t No. 07B.
I I'or fnilliri tlcat ilpHon
I." arr 1 1 ni I book in hm( ouCh'm
i oflit r, pur 7li, lownnlilp
I It N. rtmijr III wrnl
H. V, Krttl. l.ota I. 2. It, I
lh w
7 :o
arrllon I", townalilp II N,
lltllip' 10 wrnl , 1, , nee
Hon 10, toMtjnlti II N,
lllllttr III rat , Nr '4. Irna
Intel nol.l, n'-t lion an. lown
nlilp II N, iitor 10 wrnt ,
I. i - f Nw , nml l.oi- I 2.
art Hon Ji. townalilp UN,
rtttlUr 10 wrnl , I.ola II. I,
Irnn pi.it ilnllrt, nri'Hoil
'.tj, townalilp .'I N ntnur h)
wrt ; Sr l. Iraaliai'l nottl,
an Hon tl. townalilp .'I X,
litnur 10 wrat
P. li .Mini, linpiovrinrnt on
a itrrr 1 met. aretlon 20,
lownnlilp II N. Ulllr 10
W. I' Cram, Impiovrmrnla
on 2 iti rr trnel, nrrtlon ao,
lownnlilp It N. r.tnur 10
wrnl . . ... .
Iliiininonil Lumber Co., N W
0 CO
ol N . ncction
alup -1 N, ranue
N ol Sr J. Sw
VI. town
10 went ;
1 ol Nc 1
J, nntion
iiihI Nc i ol Sw
ai lownaMp .1 N. ruiiKe 10
w rat
Antlirw ( lOttrnbrrL:, 1'rnct
No. IUI lfor lurllirr ilea
rrlptlon nrr tmct book in
itnaranor-'n ofllfr li.iyr SI,
nrrtion IS), lownnlilp II N,
ritnur 10 weal
If. i. Whitukri. Tr .ut No.
lilt l;tir furllirr tlcacrip
tlou nrr Hurt book in 11
nranor'n olllir, IIKC hi
nri-Hoil ail, towiinliip II N,
finite 10 wrnl . Tim-I No.
l.tt) For furllirr tlraerij)
Hon nrr tr.irt book in im
nrnor'n olllee, ptiKC A
ncrtion 2.1, towiiMliiji II N,
litnijr 10 wrnt ...
Jo. Anurllo. Tmct No. HO.
b'or fnilliri timer iptiou nrr
a ft
It 05
tmct booh in annranor a
I ofllce, pne Mi. ni-etion a.1,
lowiiallip II N, inline 10
, wrat
1 1--. A. M. Cnltlcr. Tract N0 I.V1.
lfor fpitlirr tlrncripHon arr
tmct book in iinMrnoi'a
oilier piurt'J. arelion -I.
lownalup II N, 1 nunc 10
II II Meliovrrn, i inlcirnt
In lir lj ol Sw '4, nriiimt
27. lowiiahip Ii N, inner 10
D.itiu-1 liourii. entitle. l.Jt
(I mill title lituibt 1''. tin
niiiur Irnn town l'ncilie
I litrbor. nrctton Hit. town
nhiii II N, i-nue 10 wrnt
The Neliulrm I onip.iny. Sr
1, ol Sw Irnn riubt of
witv, nretion ICi, towuHllip
II N, uiiik'f 10 wrnt ...
V S Kinnrv, l.ot 4, S, lent
linllt tif way. Hrction Itt
lownnlHp II "N ninur 10
wrnl ... .
I'rml Cinnnloii, I II ; Ma
litit llcimliiiw, a-II. l.ot 1,
Hection 1, towiinliip II N.
ratlirr II went
12 20
15 11)
11 tvs
1 (VI
Anna K Pai)iiet, Sr M 01
Nr '1. Hrction I-', town
Hliip I S, mtiue S wrnt
, ij' litinrn 1 luliey. Nw '4 ol Ne
i.j, noun m " itaon im.vi.
Hrction 17, towiinliip 1 H,
1 urn;'-' 8 wrat
Ilium C Hannon. Sw ' 01
Sw ',, nretion lowuttnip
I S. ruUL'f S wrttt
1 1 11 11 r. (. Ilannon. S $ of be
i,, nretion 21 1, townnnip 1
S, none 8 went
Ilium C Hannon, Nw 4 ol
Nr'o nretion ;i2, townnnip
t S. nume 8 wrnt
l so
I0I111 li Nelnon, Ne J. bcc-
Hon it, towusnip 1 r, muni.
II wrnt
Oak Nolan, Tract No int.
l-or further ilcncnpnon hcc
1 1 net book in iiMteHHor'a
olllcc, taue 100. aectlon 0,
townwhip I b riinne 0
went .
17 05
80 00
M M Tittle, W hi ol nc'i,
anil be "i ot t, hcciioii
1,1, towiinliip I S, rnnue 0
vi' fall i
Jainenb'tnttek, Tract No 182.
J.'or futtlicrileiteriptiou ace
Intel booh Hi iiMHenHor 11
nii.. oni't! 111. ncction 1.1
towiinliip 1 b iaue
ti of Nw t. aee.
... 0
lion 15, towiiHiup 1
uinne 0 wrat
II. If. llititlwxll nml Vincent
Cook, Sw J of Nw ! nml
Nw 'i of Sw J. Ichh Intel
noli), ncction 18, towiinliip
I S, rani,'" weal........
lint Jacob. N i of Ne 1 ami
V i of Sw 1 of Ne i, lean
tract boIiI, Hection 22, town.
H,i, l S, raitueO went. . . .
C V. Stoker, Tract No 22.1.
'or furlheftle8crl)tiun nee
tract book in anneoHur h
olllee, liaise IUI. Hection -.',
lownnhiil S. ratine " went
C li. Keynohln. I.otu 11, lo.
10, Hection 23 lownnlilp 1
S. nume V went........
C. 15 KeyiiohlH, bw J of bw
1, Hictioii 21, townahip 1
S, raue 0 wcat ....
N. V. R. K. Co., .ol 2, nec.
tion 24. lowiiahip 1
rauKC 0 weal
40 110
(V. 10
12 10
a7 00
;a 8
12 40
1 '1 1 1 1 11 11 11 . ik Unl'-r
',0 No. Ti",. I'm fn
Co , Tiiirl
iriher ilea.
i riptimi arr Irm l I ook fu
ntaraaor'a oilier, pnur IU,
ac Hon 20. lownnlilp I H,
r.iuur it wrtii
Nrwf'iiil,, rrn t No
I'or furllirr ilrarilp.
Hon it nit book In ii.
annain M ofl( r, nur 111,
ar.linil 2", townalilp IK,
filllKr 0 wrl. .
U, U. I irinfralct, I met No
21V, I'or furllirr tlranp.
Hon rr uni t IkkiV !n an
araatir'a ofllir, p'tr I Ifl
an (Ion 2a, owiialili I H,
rntiR t' wtvl , Tritet No.
212 For lutttirr tlrarfip
tlon arr tract book in an
nranr'n olllir, puce HI,
act Hon 2 townalilp I 8,
inline U wrnt ...
8. Mlloltaoo. rotate, Tfiot
No. I' I'or further lira
million artr Ifin t bo-ik in
,innrnor' ollkr, pr 151,
50 (
arrllon SO towiinliip I S,
mi IK' 0 wrat . ...
T I llnrrla. Srii.. Tmct No.
2X, I'm fuiil.rr tlracrlp
Hon r 5 Itm t bowk In ua
arator. oilier, page IM,
aeitionlfO, lowmlilp 1 8,
tanK? tt wrat
I'm illc lmlwnv A I'hv. Co .
Ui'a 5, C. 7, In (5ootl
, apretl'a I'mk, Iran nuht
oi way art lion ISO, tirvu-
' It I it I S. lunar U wrat
12 00
f If. I tenia. It net No. IK).
I'or further ilrncrlptlfiM aee
' Imrt book In nnncnnoi'n of
' lice p'e IV). nrrtion i).
' lownnlillt I S. r.inae If went
C. li llittliry, lniprtuniit.nta
. on nectioo IW, lownalup 1
1 S. rinmr U wrnt
I' li Norton. Tmct No. ti'r..
1 10
I'or lurthcr tleaeriplon arc
tmct in tiaaraaor'a oilier.
piiKf UVi, aarlioil :0, town
ahii I S. lailKC 0 wrnt
11. S Vtntrrn", tmct In Tract
No 1UH I'or further ilea
ctlptiotl nrr tract book in
nnrmaof' olllir pnne HWA.
nretion III. townalilp 1 S,
inline 0 w nt e jt;taininir 20
Arthur M.ttoP. Tract No. llV5.
Hor lurllirr tint ription nre
I r net book in ita-rt.-ot' n
olllee pavrc 173 A. ncction
32, township I S. ninjre. 0
C.otlieb Wn-, Tract No Uli.
I'or further tlencrlptiori nee
tract book in nnrtrnnor'n of
flee pae 170. rection .Ct.
townahip 1 S, runae 0 went
A Ifobertnoii. NW of Nw4
nretion IW. towiinliip 1 S.
riitiirr 0 wrnt
Ktlithl. Kramer, TmctNo ICa).
I'm lurllier tlrcciiption arc
tract book in nwacnor'n oi
lier pae lvl. nretion '2
lownalup IS. range lOwrnt
V. S Conr. Tract No. 59.
I'or fur thcr tlrneription ace
tmct book in annenaor'a of
fur pae H) -retioii" 3. '2,
i.iwiinliio 1 S. mime 10
wrat. Tract No. U55. b'or
furllirr tlrneription arc
tinel book in .tancn-or'n of
ficr iiKe H" erttioo 3.
towmiliip I S. iaiie 1J
wrnt; Tmct No 371. lor
lui titer tlrneription are
tract book in aanrnnor'a of
lier payr l-'J. nntion 3,
lowiiahip I S. nitijie 10 went
I .
W. S. Conr, intcrrnt in
tract No Hit) For fnither
tlrneitplion nrr tract book in
anarftaor'n ollb e p'.tue 18,
neclton 3. trwnnhip I b,
raiifc 10 went . .
Win. 1. Kiefcnberir. rut t
No. 3)7 For further dm.
ciiption are tract hook in
aaaeaaor'n olll.T pae 17,
ncction 3. townahip 1 s.
ramie 10 went ... .
V. I) Wootl. l riu t No- Uxr.'.
I'or fnither ttencriptK n e;
trail book innnnenor n ol
Ike pane 102 A. flection 3
towiinliip 1 S, rmme IU went
II. I.. I'rovo.-tt. Tract No. 3.2.
I'or further ilrtcriptum ace
tmct book in asnteasoi-'n oi
lier puiif 1-0, fectiim 3,
townahip I S, rnniic 10 went
I), li. liuoiHpeetl, rmct No.
tl For fnither tlcncrip
lb n nre tmct book in an
urn4in'n olllee uime 21'-',
an ao
1 r.o
(I (VI
nretion 13. towiinliip l b
mime l; Tract No 103. hor
further ilencriptton ace
tract book in aaaeaaoi not
lice pane 201, nection 13,
townahip IS. ranreOwcnt;
l,ol 11 lean tract noltl icc
Hon 13, towiinliip IS. nume
It wrat, Tract No. 300. hor
fill titer ileacription aee
tract book in aaacaaor'a of
tier pane 20J, nretion 13,
lownnhip 1 S. ratine 0 went;
Tract No. U. Ifu' further
ilc enption nrr tntct booh
in iiaaesHtir'a olllcc i)iine20l
ncction 13. townahip I S,
r.mne 0 went
Milcn Warieu, l.otO. aeclion
23, townahip I b, range 10
21 00
ll 70
2 50
I. Spencer, Tract No. 1027.
f.r further ilencription nre
tract book in the naaeaaor'a
olllee puce 23S A, a eel ion
25, townahip 1 b, tanne 10
Percy Shelilon. Tract No. 1Kb.
For fnither ileacrip'ion aei
tract book in the nanenaor a
oilier p.-ne 213, aeclion 2;.
lownnhip 1 b, ranne h)
W. I. KuinlH. Tract No. 010.
For further tlrneription aee
tract book in aancnnur'a of
fice pane 213, auction 25,
township 1 b ranne 10 went
C. li Martin. Tract No 1028.
For further description ace
tmct book in naaeaaor'a of.
p;iKc238 A. ncction 25, town
ahip 1 b. ranne 10 weal....
Mauirie Hcrnanl, I met No.
725. Tor further ilcaorlp
tiou ace tra'-t book in aa.
aeaaor'a pane 230, aeclion
25, townahip I b, ranne 10
weal "."'," '
Peter Aap, (eBtate) 1 met No.
Oil. For fin liter ileacrip
tion are tract book in aa
aeaaor'a oflico pane 243,
aeclion 25, townalilp 1 b,
ranire 10 weal ...
Ivilnn b. I.uinb, Trad No. 401.
For further Ueaeiiptlou aee
.1 IK)
3t) 05
1(3 (VI
08 IK)
1 (VS
13 80
0 60
Intel book In tiaaraaor'a of
lice piir 232. arellon i.',
townahip I S ranne 10
lill.iibrlh Shea. SW V, of
37 ir.
15 SW arellon 27, town.
ahip I b, inline 10 wi;M ...
Ilyron I'nulaoii, N V, of NW
J acellon 24. townahip I S,
miw 10 went ; N Vj of Nli
i. aretlon 20 lownnliiti I S.
.V) mni'e 10 wcat
20 70
P. S. Phrlpa, l.ot I It-aa Imcl
aobl. Hrt Honlil, lowiiahip
1 H, rnrutr 10 wtat .......
V. L. .Mcl'owell, Tract Uo.
713. I'or further descrip
tion arr Inr t book in na
aeaaor'a ofllce, pn" 218,
M.-CU'MI 31, tOVIIHllip I S,
rnnsre 10 vrat
W. Tompkina. N W o Sli
J, aretlon .ti, lownalup i a,
ratine 10 wrat
N'rllir li. Armatronn. N i of
Sli i, an tion S. townahip
a b, rariijr wrnt . .
Nellie K ArrriattonK, SW
of Nli 1. Sli i of NW i. aec
lion ., townahip 2 S, rane
t wrat
A. li. Illoornlicbl, 15; H. IL
lilomnlieltl. 15; I. li. HU
tltrtl, 1-5, I. II I'iohl. a S ;
Sli faction IS, townahip
2 S, mnice H went
li. F Younurr. Tract No.
10 it)
ID 00
HJCri For further dracrip
tton aer trac t book in sia.
en? olllcc, pane 270,
aeclion 20. townahip 2 S,
ranr' i weal
IJ. O. Sniilfer. S W of
21), tow uahip 2 S,
ranne 3
S. W. Antleraon, Tract 53.1.
I;or further deacrtption ft
tract book It) aaaeHHor'a of
fice, liane 209. aection I.
townahip 2 S. mnne 3 weal
J. Ifnpp, Timber on ttta
I and 2. aeclion 2, town
31 50
ahip 2 S, ranne 0 went
),ivitl Cm tin, lota 3 (J, ntc
liou 2. lownnhip 2 S, ratine
li went
I). A. Stronn. 5K i of SK ,
nretion 3, town-hip 2 S,
mnne 0 wrnt
I). I). Jonra, Sli I of SW i,
arclicn I, townahip 2 S,
monr 0 went
lidwnrd Karl. K i of NW i
of NW . nretion t, town
ahip 2 S, ranne 0 went. ...
F. N Hlaner. li t, of Nli
i. S of Tmak If ivcr,
tion 5. townahip '.
ranne 0 went
John Salvcy. N W of N'K I S
It 70
of Tmnk If iver, eection .,
townahip 2 S. ranne 0 went
2 70 John Salvcv, 30 acre oil li
end of b is of NW 1 lens
) tract Hold, aection 5, tow n
' nhip 2 S, ranne 0 weal... .
Krnent W. Kninht. Nli i of
7 50 ;;ii i W of middle Trunk
, Kiver. section 0, townahip
' 2 S, mnne 0 went
John Collin-, Tract No. 543.
for luriner uencrtimuu pec
tmct book in annensor'n of
fice pane '270, pection U,
towiinliip 2 S. ranne 0 went
Jn. T. Leach, Tract in Tract
No. Ul". For lurther de
I nenption nee tract hook in
I nnneanor'n oilier, pane 202,
nrcti.-n 7. townahip 2 S.
' ranne 0 went
O U. Lamb. W h of li W of
0 50 bK 1 and W i7 of Sli I lean
liant tHJ aerea of Sli 1, nec
! Hon 0, townahip 2 S, ranne
tl went
W. If. Owenn. S W of NW 1,
ncction 0. townahip 2 S.
13 30 ranne 0 wct
M. II. Owenn, SW I of NW J
and NW 1 of SW . nection
i 10. towiinliip 2 S, ranne 0
1 went
II L Simmonn. Tract Ne.
14 21 300. For further denerip-
tion nre tract book in an
; nennor n office, page 291,
nection 21. townahip 2 S.
inner 1) west
4 23 as
William on. N t ot
Ii 1, eectian 21, townahip
2 S, ranne 0 went
li. li. Mason. SW i ol Nli J.
nccrion 21, townahip 2 b.
mnne 0 wcat
Natiev If Siinmona. NW 1 of
Nli . aection 28, townahip
2 S, ratine 0 went
II. li. Turner. W of SW J
of NW i nection 28, town
' hip 2 S. rann 0 went., .
W. If. l.u-by, Nli 1 of SK 1,
. nection 28, townahip 2
! ranne 0 went : Tract No.
1 571. For further ileacrip
i tion ee tract book in an
j neaaor'n office, pane 207,
nretion 2S, township 2 b,
1 ratine 9 wcat
W. R. I.uaby, N W of NW i,
i aection 34, township 2 b.
1 mnne 0 went.... :
Jmnen Tone eatate, bh I ol
bW t, aection 3. townahip
1 2S. ranne 10 went .........
r I). Pence. N la of NI. J.
50 00
aection 4 townahip 2 b.
ranne 10 wcat
C. 1). Pence, li W of SW i.
aection 4, township 2 b,
ranne 10 wcat
S. S. Phelps. Lot 0 leas
part platted, aection 0.
township 2 S, ranne 10
Isabella Collina nml Chan.
K. Collina and V. L. Robin
sou, 40 acres in the S V'.. of
bW i ami west half of SW
J, nection 12, township 2
b. ratine 10 west . . .
K. K. Hlack, 30 actea olf h
sitle of NW J ol bW i,
aection 13, townahip 2 b.
ranne 10 went ; 31 aerea oil
14 05
20 40
S aide .Nr. 1 ot .W t. aee-
8 25
tion 13, township 2
ranne 10 weat
Oscar Muuaon. 10 acres
W aide of NW 1 of NW
aection 13, townahip 2
3 30
ranne 10 weat . . .....
riurnr Mttnaon. N4v I Of
i, aection 14, townaiup -'a.
ranne 10 wcat
Chaa Mum. W 4 of bh I
ami li hi of SW 1, aection
25, townahip 2 S, ranne 10
T. W. Ross, Nli 1, aection
81, townahip 2 b, ranne 10
weat; NK t of SW 1, see
tion 31, townahip 2 b,
in want
0 03
4 05
nml ?l. li. mum, r. x
Nlii, aection 30, townahip
' 2 S ratine 10 wcat
John li Cnplea, Nli rf Nli
I, Tirohcr on Ne of Nc h
arellon 30, townahip 2 b,
tanne o weal
W. i Dwinhl, Nli of NW
J, m-t licit townahip 3 H,
mnnr 7 wrat, ...
Matt riintiipf.oti, Sli 1 tinder
tontrtict from 'rcnon Cal.
f. If. ( o.. aec lion 15, town,
ahip 3 S, ranne S weal
lidwln Hooker. I ruatrc, fita
3-1, nerlion h, towtiahitt 3
mnnr h wrat; Ijla I. 2
nml Sli i of NW i, aeclion
10, townahip 3 S, range 8
N K. ati'l J. T. Moon, NW I,
nection 20. townahi 3 b,
rminr " wrat
T. J. Fellow, bW i, aection
Vo. townahip .'I S, rnnne 8
S Moon; W W of SW
nrcliott If. townahit) 3
mnne ft wrat
li. M. Nelaon, N" Vi of Nli
aection 30 lowiiahip 3
mni'e a vent
Chit". S Wella. SW o'
i, and LoH I3-H, nection
I, townahip 3 S, mnne 0
P. I;. JoneJ, I-ota 12, eection
I. town-hip 3 b, mnne 0
D. I). Jones, N W of SK ,
ItnD. arction 2, townahip
3 S, mnne 0 weJt
Frit. Ituhrow, SW Ira.a
Imrt -old, aection 7, towii
nliip 3 S. ranne 0 west
C J. Keaar. Tract No. 051.
For lurther description ace
tract boak in aaHeaaor'a
1 ill
j office, pane 333, section
1 township 3 S, ranne 0 vcat
Chaa. S. Wella, I.ot 1, aection
i 12. townahiti 3 b, ranne 0
wcat -
lidwiti Hooker. Triiatee. Lota
2, 5. 7. 10, aection 13, lown
nhip 3 S. ranne 0 went; S
t, of bli i and NK 1 of SK
1, aection 13, lownnhip 3
S, ranne 0 west; Lota S, 0.
-ection 13, townahip 3 S,
mnnr 0 went ; Nli i of SF
5 andSK i of Nli i, section
50 sO
I 1 1, town-hip 3 S. range 0
10 10 Hav tl Ifeddaway, SW i of
SW , scciion 11. township
1 3 S. mnne 0 went . . .
03 GO David Kcddnvay. K -j of Sli
nml NW i of bh, i, sec
tion 15. township 3 S,
ranie y west
S3 20
W. G. Dwinht, W ol .nw
! 1 of NK . nection 16, town
I ship 3 S, mnnr 0 west. . ..
70 20
Geo. Pierce, bh I of NW t.
.-ection 10, townahip 3 S,
ranne 0 weat ;
W. G. Dwinht. NW i of bh
i and MK I of SW SW J
of Nli i and SK i of NW
J, aection 10, townahip 3 S,
ratine 0 wcat
li. A. Schclkr, NW U of SW
i4, N J, of NW i und Nli U
of NW I, section 10, town
ship 3 S. ranne 0 weat
Brown I.yntrr. SK of NW
4. section 17, township 3
S, raimeU -wes-t
II. A. Ktnuaman, SW '4 of
50 rO
2 W
10 00
Nli 'j. SK U of NW 1, NW
i of SK i and NK 4 of SW
tt lean tract nold, section
18. townahip 3 b. rann: 0
D. F Cnulnon. Nli 4. sec
tion 22. townahip 3 b,
mnne 0 weat -
Iidwin Hooker. Iruatee NIv
1,. section 21, town-hip 3
S. ranne 0 west ; Ii 2 of
NW lt, arction 21, town
ship 3 b, ranne 0 west .
Maine Cannery Co., Tract
3 15
21 50
13 00
No. 1020. bor turtner ue
ecription sec tract book in
aancaaor's office, pane 340,
section 23, township 3 S,
ranne 0 west
C. Creecy, NW tjofSW,
section 20, township 3 S,
ranne 9 west ,
57 20
24 50
O. II Kinnaitian. W ot
Nli i-i Sli 'i of Nb W ana
Sli 1 1 of NW U 40 aerea
out of the above descrip
tion, taction 35, townahip
3 S ranne 0 wcat
7 35
Carri- P. Gordon, section M,
townahip 3 s, ratine V west
B. G. Faust, &W l4 of NW
ti, section 8, lownalup J a,
ranne 10 west . .
0 01
Hans P Gyellstud, Sh. U,
section 0, township- d s,
ranne 10 west .. . -.
S. li. lleliiveti. v 01 c.w- i,
Se '4 of Nw 4 anil sw
Ne U ncction 10, township
3 b, ranne 10 west
Randolph Lamb, K c
14. and Sw i4 of Se '4,
14 05
tion 11, townaiup
ranne 10 west
lfaiulololi Lamb. Nw
3 S,
11 50
Sw i, aection 12, township
3 S. mnne 10 west .
Victor Urandt, S i of Se U,
section 13. township 3 S,
mnne 10 wl-st .... ..
Otis K. Farmer, b J of Nw
14 of Ne l4. section 17 town
ship 3 S. ranne 10 wrat ...
Klijah Osborn. K i of Nw t4
and N i of Sw I4, section
17, to7Miahip 3 S, ratiftc 10
limil Kniin, Tract No. 1011.
For further description
a-e tract book in naaea.
aor'a olllcc, pune 300, aee
tion 20. townahip 3 S,
ranee 10 weat .....
limil Mosier. K J of Sh, !f, aee
tion 21, township 3 S,
ranne 10 weat
limil Mosier, W J of Sw W,
section 22, townahip 3 S,
ranne 10 west
A. M Hare, Lot 5, aection
20, lowiiahip 3 S, ruune 10
west ;
Helle May, Lota 0, 14, section
30 township 3 S, raiiRO
10 west
L. 1), Whalin, Tract No. 014.
For for further description
ace tract book in tisseaaor'B
office, pane 303 aection 81,
townahip 3 S, ranee 10
M Ji Phelps, estate h of
Se 1,, section 31, townahip
3 S, ranne 10 weat ; V i of
Sw , aection 32, townahip
3 S, ranne 10 weat
II. J Kaullman, lota 2 und
3, Se li of Nw v and Sw Vi
of Ne 4, Bcctiou towa-
5 SO
41 40
2.1 00
4 00
18 40
10 35
2 30
8 05
13 80
E4 10
20 70
1 15
11 P'
0 20
3 50
11 50
2 30
2 30
30 00
3 00
75 60
1 40
4 00
1 70
15 30
5 10
00 00
11 50
30 20
0 20
11 50
2 48
4 CO
20 70
22 40
19 00
3 43
29 00
1 IS
3 45
3 45
20 70