Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, August 08, 1913, Image 1

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Largest Circulation of any Paper in "Tillamook County
Tillamook, Okkgok, August 8, 101.0.
NO. ."7
'r Nik
It ih the nim Of this html; to give
the let lmnkiii),' ktvIcu pQMille
- ami wo do it.
It ih also our nun to have the
vrrv leHl e(ipuient such ns
Motlent Hire Proof Manlcing
Know. Hire Proof Vault, Mur
j.ir Proof Safe. Modern Safe
lu imsit Hoxemnl vc liavc
m m v of the ordinary fec crt?t!
rtfCk fl tMJl from the other a I
11 jLV?Cvl , jiu, ,un compared wl
Of the ot.lli.nry fec cream. It
i ttollre-
littarco Willi the
j.,! n oa o'.Hpf faff rtnatn compare with
Dike's Pcroxogen Cream
. . - .ii .. .. .,...u- l niliitr )kln nfTcc-
ro .e . Hit or r--,-- -
I.. .rrfuml U la tlio idea: cfrfttti fuf the particular ttotnall.
Hid ti t'wlW' (tr shaving
llrtstmUrf it UiWc' IVioioSfO Crtm Jr
A bltf )f of tufcliun.
K. K. Koaf.'PKror- - - . .
J'htmc, IW-tl iiw Mwtiuti Miln
Uiufi 'i liuttrnntectl Aomci firA it Sot Siitistnc ton-
l'rttt-lr lit'
SolVf TW
Atttxiwy 4l Ij -"v.! NoUry.Poblie
Tillamook, Oregon
m,.II monthly saving -c-mtiineiiciiu,' "wwil1
pstn . your visit to the
Panama-Pacific International Exposition
IN 1Q15
Iy my PUn you um ol iMuyrUtlon.
hotrl coii.inoJallm. aHu.IuIoi. tlcWU. ild"
lrlrl everything nrMAry lonukc a Ril I'lP
Cull or Writ for Information
Tillamook, Oregon
Portland, On Taking under ad
visement with lr(nf paaalng rum
mniil. the appeal for government aid
III irfjuilMK "40 fett of water nt tint
Columbia bar," Hrtary of War (Jar
rli) n( ih ImtiNtiKt lnrti niacin In lilt
honor, mailt) ait nrfinii i, for jwak
rued rotiiillilllty and ro operation
on th 'ri of Uiu biinlnrin nioii of tht
con ii try In litilldlnK up n tron tin
llonnl r,unr.l ulilo hy ( with tht
tandltiK army of thn Utiln-d Htntm.
"TliMff l a irlt III tint r( thai
L nt illrr-etrd toward thf Urr.fr af
fall of Ihu ilrpnrliK'dl with which I
am U!ittl(lml," ald Htrrt'tary (iarrl
on. Tin n U a lai!r aphfrn than
that of lh dwrnlopmptu of your own
rimourtoa t J ou ri'nllti! that In all
Itif IHilltlntntal tltitlml Klali-ii, you
tiat ou I in f?ri and fully equipped for
nation In of war only 32,000 mm 1
"If a qunrril I lorcrd on u, and I
am tlir- limn amciiu: you thai would
hot fur nucIi a thltiK, do you malls
that IwVM ut to hav liolilud our
utandlne army a tmln-d national
KWtrd to ntntid n a M-4Jtnl lln. and
Imck, of thtauvn muni hant laua that
will tinrtbt" ii to brtiiK Into action all
of th atil" votuiittMr who am willlnj;
to hrar arm?"
l:lllfd nnd l-'ra.ik Wilbur ncrlouity )u-
jun-d, nt t lit- hand of Jam: Hutch
;uriit iiv inr iiitiiiin mi jinn; 1 iir'(iiii;t.'n u;iu ii-irii:in.
93, who n'uldua with hl ino'h tr ou Such wan th.t flmt rullnu of tho Ori.-
liflr iioHirm-mj wiri ui upifiin iiiu.
The ahootlriK occurrrd when Jam'
lliitcht'iix and It L. Hi'nly mi ft- drlv-
IriK atom; on th road lul!nK from
what ) known a IV.i Vino KldK'J to
Mc-Mlnnvllli.. Thfy pullt-d up at a
plact In tin road whrr mo of th
mnch;rs K-t tlidr mall and have thtilr
mall hoxt-a
k'on IndUKtrial Widfiirt C'onitnlmlon.
The comin!itnlon wa organized lnut
Juno unilf r the law enacted by the taut
Oregon li'Klxlature, which provides
thai the ruling shall take effect CO
days after Its adoption.
The ruling Is the first Instance of
compulsory minimum wag- legislation
Ih .t... fttl.t Qlllfil Cnl-h.1 Hlll&l
It. I i fij '.n ; in inv Willi-. UMir;., -.i- nv--. -
lletif lluicheni. met Wilbur and they i now huve similar laws, but the com-
WMr. tf.witi In ft riint..1 fltlnrrl. OVr 1 mli.lnnn-. nt fii.-uA itnti-n linvn tY-n
vrhat I not known, but It Is generally lower In getting Into action,
conceded to be the climax of tin old xhc law provides that any employer
Krudi!ft. Rome witnesses to the tmg- j wj10 BUa violate the ruling of the
dy declare Wilbur struck Hutchens commission shall be subject to a fine
twice and Hutchens pulled his revol- cf not less than 123, nor more than
ver, shooting Wilbur twice In the arm ; yjoo. or Imprisonment In the county-
Story t KoAh Ii TounU on Stone
l'hlladelphm,-Tbo lllble story of
Noah and the flood Is confirmed In
many dnalls by hieroglyphics written
at least tono years ago by a historian
who lived In ancient Itntiylou, accord'
lug to anno,i!:c incut made by the
t'ulversity of reniisyltania.
Governor Condemns Coos Day Citi
zens, Officials and Radical I. W. W.s
Halem. Or. Declaring that the fail
ure of tlui authorities to prosecute the
leader of the "mob" thai deported
tr t-alley K. Leach, ukUIIm editor,
from liandon. will stbect them to n
nnvul from office. Governor West. In
' a written statement scored tho radical
element of the I. W. W.'s and leading
business men of liandon.
The governor criticises Al Powers,
of the Smith I'ower Lumber company,
declaring If he was the Inspiration of
the "mob" as reported, "he has proved
himself nit enemy to society nrs.l nil
outlaw. He has placed himself on as
unsafe a footing s any of the I. W.
W.'s or Or. I.ench. . - -
nnd once In the left shoulder.
Institutes to De Held
Corvallls. I'lans for holding na in
tended serlea of farmers' Institutes In
fall In lwtke. Harnjy. Klamath and
Crook counties nre formulated by tho
extension division of Oregon Agricul
tural college as it result of the urgent
demand for such Instruction expressed
to A. 11. Cordley. dean of agriculture
r.t O. A. C. on his recent trip through
Central Oregon with representatives
of the Oregon INivelopment League.
Orrflon State Printer Dead,
l'ortlfttid, Ore. Valvular disease of
the heart, from which ho hml been
sufferer for 17 years, ended the life.
Tuesday of Willis Scott Dunlwny.
state printer of Oregon bIiico 190C.
Though he had been gravely III fol
lowing a nervous chill In n restaurant.
! where he and Mrs. Uunlway were tak
ing dinner four weeks ago. tho euti
was unexpected.
-ement : Coal : Lime : Brick
Shingles : Plaster
Root Paint : Drain Tile
Umb-schrader company
Docks and Warehouse Front Si. between 2d and 66 Ave. .
Wertise in the herald
Events Occurring Throughout i-ortiand. ore u win be unlawful Resignation of Ambassador to
ttt cut. n...l. o4 ' I" Oregon to employ a girl under 18 ...
the state During the Past .,...,....;...:.......,..,.. u Mp c Arrnntprf hw
i T ,l 1 n ui nsjki- iiii iiiui lllilll risiiu liuuir I . www w w iwwwb ww sv w
McMlnnvllle Man Killed
years of age for more than eight hour
and 20 minutes a day, or 0 hours a
we-k, after October 4, 1913.
It will also be unlawful to keep a
girl under 18 employed after '5 I. 11.,
McMlnnvllle. -Walter Itodgers was or to pay a girl from 16 to IS less than
II a day, except In the cases of ap
prentice nsiu learner.
President Wilson.
! Jail for not le8 than ten days, nor
more than three months, or both fine
and Imprisonment, for each offense.
The ruling applies to girls employed
In virtually every capacity except that
of domestic service.
N. P. Operators Favor Strike.
SL I'aul. Minn. While exact re
turns on the strike vote recently tak
en by Northern Pacific Hallway tele
graphers have not been given out by
union officials, it wnu Intimated here
that prnctlcnlly all the 1237 men In
volved have voted In favor of a strike,
If necessary, to obtain from the raid
their demands of higher wages and
belter working conditions.
First Coast Artillery Wins
Pott'and. The flrl Const arilllery
team won the much coveted and hnrd
fought for governor" trophy In the an
nuo! Oregon stale mlllila rifle match
iield at Camp Sherman rifle field.
ei..in,i.L Tin, limn senred 10S2 ! . ........ r-.-t.n.... ...v. ...
imvouwx -- - i answering seaiiie ooounsio uu
jtll of n poAslliie i;vu nun ior wiii
Socialist Plea Rejected by Governor.
Olympla. Wash. Governor Ulster,
honors defeated the third
team with a score of 1042.
Allen Sheep Decision Rendered.
Salem The attorney general hns
rendered an opinion to Thomas S. Far-
roll, deputy district attorney at i-nke-ilew.
that tho county cannot collect
license fees chargeable against foreign
;heep brought Into the county for feed
ing If the sheep are removed without
ihe owner ever applying: 'or ft license.
California Mllltla Called Out by Riot
Hnerameiitu A special train enrry
Ing five companies of mllltla has been
nniered to leiive here for Wlieiitiniui
Cnl, where four men, Including the
n.triei ntiornev of Vulia county, were
killed In a but tie between 400 Htrlklng
hopplckers nnd a sheriff a posse.
D la Mav De Refused
i.r.hfiMd. Contractor llernarrl.
.i! i.h,..ii..h the mail servlc between
Coos and Curry county points and
.......I...... Iima notified the goyernmtni
that he will not bo able to handle tho
parcel post business during the winter
n.- even at extra pay. in i
lPr months It I ofteu neoessar) io
transport the mall on piicKhorses In
stead of by stage, the rondH being too
muddy for the latter.
Girl Dies of Ptomnlns Poisoning
Maishflold.-MlRx Viola Lnttln. n 1
..i.i Q,.nti, inlet Ktrl. died sudden-
ly at the home or l.or parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Milton l. tiu. of ptomaine, pol
onltiR. Blio wnH taken III after eatlnf
Z w green l-eftches. Other we.ube
7ll 7Zl were uIbo uftected. but
Six room house with jmntry ami bath
room, ami two piod. lots, very cheiip.
Cul'iS of.F. V. 1'hlHiPH. Corner of
ul. nml Stlllwoll Avo.
Electric Road From Melollus io Bo
Built by Tacoma Man
Prinevllle. After negotiations cov
ering practically a yeur, n final con-
mm was closed by the cltliens com
mittee, representing the business In-
erest of Trlnevllle and vicinity, nnu
II. 1'. Shell, of Tacoma. Wash., for tho
construction of n railroad from Meto-
mi to l'rlnevllle. Mr. Shell haa lnrgo
business Interest at Tenlno, Wash.,
nd Ib well known In construction clr
The proposed road will run trom
Metoltus to l'rlnevllle, a distance of
nt.ant 30 miles, throush one of the
richest fanning districts In the state.
Immediately ndjacent to the roui-J are
vast nreaB of undeveloped agricultural
and timber land awaiting farmers and
The pine forests covering thousands
of souare miles, with fine timber, ex
tend down to within n few miles of
l'rlnevllle. nnd nre enplly accessible by
well-built wagon roads, nnd can bo
reached byram roads with un easy
pealed, from Adjutant-General Llewel
lyn's order refusing the us-of the
armory' for presentation of the play,
"The Colonel and His Friends." based
on the riots which occurred during
I'otlatch week. Indorsed General Lle
wellyn's action."
Brief News ot the Week
Girl to Bulldog a Steer
i..n.il..ion. Tllllo llaldwln, bronco
luiHtor nnd trick rider, who rode nt
.1... ..milium nt T.ncomn this year, has
n new nnd thrilling stunt which she
la going to put on for tho llounciup ai
ii.n.nimi Seiitembor 11. 12 and 13.
Tlllle any ho la a cow girl and to
prove it Bhe Ib going to uuiiuor n sicur.
ci. l- now uractlclng up on tamt
half-breed Jersey on tho Shorry ranch
north of town, but when It comoi io
the Houndup she snya alio la goln to
let them shoot tho Hteer out ot the
bunch of Texaa longhoniB and she will
i,n rrnt if sho succeeds she will
be the first wowa'n I" tho world to
bulldog ft eteer In open competition
with cowhoyt.
Drastic Cut Mde In Express Ratee
San Frnncluco. Tho stato railway
coinniloslou of CullfovnU orderod ro
For ulo: 80 ncnn of lain! on NotnrU
l..... new eOlllllV mini 1 fllU'
honi 'mimnook (hty. In wgr ( auction. l the expreB rufa of W.JU
r. ieruflunil un. tiiitiro irnci ior ", . ,i flUt, f
t i bargain. I'nrt ciihIi down, tmiunco p-argo uo.
ofi o.y terms, J. M. LIUberg. ' ITIO.ODO fr pr.n Mi WJH
A train near Dodge City, Kan., was
stalled by jrasshoppera In a deep cut.
A law abolishing free lunch in sa
loonb has gone Into effect in Connecticut.
Following America's example, Bel-
glum will celebrate her first "mothers'
day" August 15.
Tho Russian government decided
not to participate officially in the San
Francisco exposition.
Ileports from 1'eUlng say that the
backbone of tho revolution In southern
Chlnn Is believed to have been broken.
KniiBim is oppressed by drouth, hav
ing suffered the second driest month
In July ever known since the weather
bureau was established 30 years ngo.
Fire Insurnnco companies which left
the state of Missouri because they
were displeased with an act passed by
the last legislature tiro arranging to
In tho city election nt Cincinnati the
Citizens' ticket, headed by Walter H.
Knight and nominated to frame the
proposed new charter, swept every
thing before it.
nnlirurhi. Servln. Greece nml Monte
negro havo signed a five days' nrmls-
tie., nt llucharest. Roumaula. tlioir rep
resentatives hnvlug agreed to hold a
peace conference during thnt period.
A court martial has convened at
nerilii to try the German officer ac
cused of ncceptlng bribes for Infor
mation ns to ponding government con
tracts for arms and ammunition.
Tho Woodmen ot the World, in ses
tilon at Colorado Springs, soleotod Den
ver b the place for holding the next
triennial convention of tho Pacific jur
isdiction, In 191C
According decision handed
ilnti'li IiV the district court at St. l'uul.
Minn., newspapers have a right to de
cline advertising when tnoy ueem ii
niiioetlonnble. even when It Is submit
ted to thorn under a yearly contract.
Tho reason why Oreat Britain i
holdlug nloof from the Panama-Pacific
oxposlUon, la, accordlne tne otn
clnla of tho British board of trade,
that their Inquiries have shown It to
bo Impossible to Induce a Bumcteni
number of British manufacturers to
Inour tho necessary cost of preparing
WashlngionPresioent Wilson took,
the flrr step la the policy through
which he proposes to deal with th
Mexican situation when he formally
accepted the resignation ot Ambassa
dor Henry Lsne Wilson, to take effect
October 14, and sent to Mexico as his
personal repreentat!v-!-bUi nbt'''ac
credltod to the Huerta government''
x-Governor John Llnd, of -Wlnnesdta, ,
a life-long friend of Secretary "Bryan.
The understanding is that when a 'ata--ble
government l established In Me!xf-''
co Mr. Llnd will be named as amtds
dor. 1 - ' -' ' '
It Is Bald the president Is observing
with keen interest- the efforts of lead
ing Mexicans to brins about peace and
will offer no suggestions until these
apparently prove futile. That Mr. Llnd
will be empowered to explain to"dll .
inquirers the unalterable opposition' of '
theifAmerlcan government 'to the"recJ
ognltlon of the Huerta administration''
Is said to be a factor which "may ass fat
the situation. :
Protectorate for Nicaragua Dropped
Secretary Bryan's plan for an Amer
ican urotectontte over .Nicaragua, pro- .
vlding for American 'Supervision.' ot :
Nicaragua's finances, independent. and
foreign relations, have been shelved .
for the time being.
Apparently with the knowledge of
the administration, the senate foreign
relations committee passed a resolu
tion asking the secretary of state to
submit a new Nlcaraguan treaty, omit
ting the protectorate policy. The com
pact at the request of the senate com
mittee is to be limited strictly to the
.original negotiations with Nicaragua
by which the United States was o
pay $3,000,000 for an exclusive canal
-right across the country, a naval base
site on the Bay -of Ronesca,, ana a
lease to the Corn Islands In the Car-"
Ibbean Sea.
Opponents of the proposed prote'e- ,
torate had made It clear that it would
be Impossible to secure ratification of
the Nlcaraguan treaty in the present
congress If the so-called protectorat
amendment were Included In It. This
sentiment Is understood to havi in
duced Secretary Bryan to consent to"
Its withdrawal.
Federal Cash to Help Move Crop
Twenty-five to fl'jy million dollars
of government funds will be deposited
ln the national banks ot the south and
west nt once by Secretary McAdoo to
f.iellitate the movement of crops. Fed
eral, state and municipal bonds and
nrlme commercial paper wlU .be ac
cepted as security for the money, on
which the banks will pay 2 per cent
The motive of Secretary McAdoo in
announcing this policy Is to anticipate
the money stringency in the late sum
mer and fall, which Invariably accom
panies the mnrketlng and mpvement
of erons. esnecially when they nre un-
usunlly large, as the harvest now be
ginning forecasts.
Henresentatlve bankers of 59 large
cities In the ngrlcujtural regions of
the south, middle west aim raciuc
const were Invited by Secretary Mc
Adoo to come to Washington to con
fer with the treasury department re
garding the "distribution of govern
ment funds to be deposited In trie
national banks to facilitate the mar
keting and movement'of -the crops.
Among the 59 cities tuvlted to be
represented are Los Angeles, San
Francisco. Portland, Or., Seattl?. and
Spokane. Wash,
Herald advertisements bring results.
Tillamook, Ore. '