Cbe Ciliatnook fierald . G. CromUUy, Editor NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Entered ' ao-oHl-vUvu m Uter Mnv 17. I 1). .it t.'ie put o Ilea Oregon, under tho act of March 3, IS79." Sl'llivCKK'HO.N 5130 A Y.'AK iN AD NCB Jiik'erttetttt; aU& UNMTKD STATIC LAND OFFICE, Portland. Oregon. JtmolM, P.M. CucsUnv .ntd Friday N,,ti,H' lt i'1'? k,v,' v - . Ftnloy, by Edward K. Day. Id ultor- nt Tillamook, ney-in-faet, whose iotolllco nddroas in Si. Johns. Oregon, iliil on the -1st dn of June. lt'l;l, 111.' In till oltk'o I"" implication, as Individual v, liilitiiint, to soleet umU't the provisions of the . OK. ELMER D. ALLEN, Hat LocatlTd in the CommrrcUl RMc, SuwVdiwa Ur. P. J. Sharp. i mn. . i . I" JOHN' 1 1 UNO IILMM.ItiiON Vtlnritr lt l Uti.ti Iff lilliimook Ihiiltllnu Room 216' rr-'.ili I . ' )'.': its INTIIK(MltClTTl CtfilltrJ AltfllK .t.lllJN TV ' ,w .. lit. Olftccilnunu j () j,,' t m Or Kvnlis Itoui 7 until 8 o'clock M ' eirl Advertiswswnt Firrt Insertion. pr line Each mibavouent irrtion Homitad Notices Timber Cuvroa Ntvtiewa, rx-r n OanlN ' ti. :vr li . Lv.tt1. er Ime. rtrst nwtibn Keh sulwoo.uont insertion, lino Ka.dutions uf ' ondolnco awl 1 llfte notieon, per line -0f ? .Id KiistjnwsX- Professional erds.nio. 1. 00 lint '.OS Display Advertisement, pr Inch .26 MA. Disphtv Ada must be in this of- w fwe on Monday ami Thumiity Morn .V tin to insure publication in follow -in: Tuowl.iv and Friday issue. .? . Reasons arts imperative. K A Olhoe in Sluuvon lll.tii. All WorW l.lMtaiilred. GEORGE WILLETT Attorney t t-.iw Office Im Gnmnrrcl.1 I). l-'.Jrowl.Hlrt, j.,, (,s i.nvirniirn r, nf Tim I'lr.i u 'A 'ra , Mill. to i.Nwronfw i: f,,i. ru.i. v.Mnon. Ai-iof July I. ISlW. k ottomUtl by tho Act of Mny 17. 11HW. tho KJ SWl Sc- t on VX nml US. NV1. Soct on :. i Township 3 South. Kunco 10 Vot. Any hixI all tu-Motw oUimliiu u.l ! I p PfCDY. D. V. M, Th lat word whieh w have in rv The revolt im w rioiH tht I'redcnt ... , la , ... , 1 Wi'son hns vIuUthiIium to ;ivo ut h. cRrd to harbor improvements Is t the . jumnier vacation ami t.tv riht on tho ciTeet thm the piYornment h5 ordeml , .ob jU Washington- hU job, rather. Major Morrow, who fe locatotl at Tort- -for with the tariH. the currency, Mo land and bus chante ot hurbor develop- icu ntul all tho rest ho has several of ments in this locality, to Ro ahead them. K'ood sized ones too. with the Tillamook project, which in-; elude the boiklinc of a north jetty at! Bulgaria ! She is imvinc dcarlv for her mid-summer madness in trying to ijra'j from her allies an und'ie share vorsely the Inmt iloserihetl. or dosir-, Im., )a ..I. !.. Lu.it.n .. t (V.. ... I ........ I 1 character of the Innl, or for nny other i roa on. to the disooiul to npiilleant, should their nllllavits of protest in ! this olllce, tin or before the iWth day ' of August. I9i:. ! II. K. IIU1UY. I RlKlxter. I Notice to be published In the "tttla- ! iuoo Herald" Uicatod at Tillamook. ! Oreeon. ' Ist Issue Autr. 12. T. Vt.VKKlN.WI AN (lluth I'lcine) t t i Orxtjon I. J . Clausben Lawyicr DlU TSCHHK A )VoKAT TillaniooK lUntK n ii"riM num.. ai I i i aUivn timttxl defrf. j IN 'I UK NAM! iik OFOI'KODN Y.... ...i " ltejl I the nbtivo oi'Htir l ( Dr. L. i. Hewitt OSTKUI'ATIIIf I'HYSICIAN ANH SUIfBUN T. H. G0YNE AUemcy-at-l. ami U, S towmiiienrr Opi'Oiilr Ctutlliomr ! Uifnre the Ut iUv ftM,ijj older for tli l.',.,,tftf2J j tiu.n. hrrtof e it..e ,t,i t(l 'lilt wilt . ' l .... " ; f TT i( ' HJtl fjf the rri , f NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. the bar. We understand that Major! Morrow will arrive here on the llth1 and look over the ituatkn carefully; and advertise for bid at once. ine people OI mis loca-uy arc rauc i Hoth I'houoa Hes. and Olllce vVhttohutue Kesldenee. TII.1.AM1H1K. OWV. 'of the Turkish spoils. Ambitious to be ,'cotne the dominant power in the Balk' nns. sne linomil to nau an vice, ann oe U. S. . . Illicit OHV MVT ivt, ' 4 pltflbeofthtf fact that itll ob. !s.dwafeiirfuua!l0f hn hfLl b,wx, (.Mri. ot tacler have been overeome and that w, oomo out wilh fmlch territory . 1. 13CWM finally harbor imirjveme.-.ts are atout to beetime a relity innttcad of a dream. Harbor improvements will mean much for thi? country. U will act as n stim ulus in the development of la tire areas of timber land ami in the building op of our eitie-i. The expenditure of nearly a million dollar in cons ruction ' work to Ceirui witn h ill be u tine thing ' too. We understand that s.vne of the mon ey raised by the sat of rt bonds will be used in building expensive docks for Bay City and Garibaldi. This m ve, we are told, is sure to briri&r about con tention at the v. - JUUet. There are many taxpayers of the port of Bay City who are anxiou to see harbor improve ments, but who do not care to hnve their money spent to further the aims and interests of private concerns or special localities and for that reason ' there is sure to be trouble if port , money is used for the purpose of build- I ing docks at Bay City or O.tribnldi. The cities of Bay City and Garibaldi should avoid this trouble bv nd nir on their own feet and building and taking care of (heir own harlwr facilities. A "row and law suit at this time over harour improvement expenditures would be out of place and much to be deplored, as it would have a bail ellect just when things oui;ht to move along smoothly. (PUBLISH Kit.) Department of The Interior. LAND OFFICE at Portland. Ore. July 3. It) 1 3. OTICK is hereby iriveu tint Jekub of lllntne. Ureeon. who. on 1 XV.3, made Homestead Kntrv 1 l&SOto- Serial. No 021. for Ni f , than she fairly earned, that will make ' SKI nd SJ of NF.J, Secti m IS). Town her the weakest of the Balkan states 3 South, Kantro S West. Willam- j , .! . t..,u. otto Meridian, has tied notice of In-' for a generation to come. But for the , u,ntj(,(1 l(j yim K(vo ymf ,. , lnte'ventlon of the jxtwers, ntiliraria t Mtabl:.h claim to the laud above woukl be crushtxl completely; the de- ileertbel, before J. C. llulilen, County sire to preserve the "balance of power" 'crtc of Ti!!am.Hk County. Oregon, ut the petty Balkan stales, j " , 7" r" 1 " ' J3r. Jack Olson KKSIOKNT HKNflST Olllce Hours Iro'ti ' a. in. to ? p, in. Over F R. Bc.nl' Real K.UIr Office Both I'hoix's Tillamook H. T. i3ons, LAWYER COMPt.liTl: St:T 01s AHSTRACI . Ollicc 'Juii-'JOI, Tillamotl Tillatnook. Ore Baker' Geo. P. Wirislow ATnKNKY AT LAW TilUmuu BUx-k Tillamook, As it is she must give even among also saves her, up a good slice to Roum.nia and an- i other to Servia; she will hue Saloniki j to Greece anil possibly all outlet t- the E;ean sen; ami m.iy have to give Ad rianople and all of Tnrace bask to Tur- key. Moreover, she has forfeited in large part the admiration and confi dence of the world, gained in her splendid right against Turkey. Poor Bulgaria, she has made a pitiful mistake. Claimant numos as witnesses; Bert Downs, Walter Cmon, John Browning. Pcrley It. Coulon. all of Oregon. H. F. HIGBY, Register. Last Issue Aug. 5. T. Blaine. FOK SAUv A'l ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. ALL GROCERS J. Wm. EdwaH Bread Pioneer Transfer Co. G. L. HICK ft SON. Pivj.. Blh Pluwut 'I lie Sninc Price to livcryone E. N. CRUS0N. LOCAL NEWS. Editor Bake.- of the Headlight keep3 harping about attorneys a.tJ their f-es in connection with the pave ment case. Tnis is aopare itly done to cause people to think that the pave ment controversy ha been caused only by a desire of attorneys to secure fee, which idea of course is certainly urone-, ous. In taking up the case against ' F rl. Egglcston has purchased the Palm Cafe, serving the first-meal Mon day noon. Mr. Eijgleston is a veteran in the restaurant business ami has se cured n good cook and competent help and proposes to run a first class, up-to-date place. F. Lewallen ami family of Hebo were in the city today to enjoy the sights of a live town and incidentally take in the Wild West show. He hon- ored the Herald olllce with a call and t.l ; advanced his subscription a couple of pegs. Tho masons have completed the brick laying on the Odd Fellow build ing and today started work on the Ma-: some building. The Odd Fellow build-' ing is now in the hands of electricians ' and lathers and everything is rushed for the early completion of the build-, ing. NOTICE is hereby given that the undfrslened adninistratir ef the es tate of George W. Eleninger. deceased. has filed with the Unin ty Court of thei State of Oregon, for the County of . Tillamook, his t'nal account, and Unit Tuesday, September Uml. 1013, at ten o'clock a in. has been fixed as the time, ami the comt houce of Tillnrnook j County. Oregon, s the place for the hearing of tne said final account, and; all person having any objection to the' said final account uro hereby notified and required to present the same to J the iud rourl on ur before tho hearing aiuresiiiu. Oated this 2')t'i dav of July, 1913. Robert Kirhingor, Admini 'trat r of the estate George W. Kichinger. drcensed. Last issue August 2Hh. 1913. Cailor for ttlen and Women h LLAa WIJKK iTiu Painter ntul I'aprr Contracts Taken IvstiiuaivM iMinu.siicil. All WnrU (iiiiiriiitvrl. TilliuniHitt. Or t!J i . ....... 1 . . t..r! . Hei.l.i, 9 , ." .1-. ... ..... . .""I U . HHjjJ rnii no arrr-.i-fc nf Ai.nl. lMr.1 l. , I. f, .:: re'mif.u iiiki rctu mxt m rutr.1 by Md dcils-iu( jJJJJ Samlnr. am) l.rrttiulc y,. J fr of pUintHT kM(6 hiuJM Htt,W ami lntrpl, s'WrwirJl iMK.ni.ii tod ituii 'ullr.l UTJ K'inir. M'vgwi, net fiij i to- U TI f Itorthrail qe,' rt of tho WlllmiKtlr VJj law In urh eat n llmt lie prefcrd! f rjtt, M, i.iirtl Inwards Ihu atnf...iw. n(t.Oh( line the pt,it f! oauM n-pfit . wt an item iitif ptKlUiav I mini ,-4 ehrsl . lliat piairt n 'ny " riy to thl? M l i . l,,-, making ale their. ' i pifeicr of n- ; tmtui ixakiexlun thffrvf Tni ntnrtwio. is 'ttds IKjIillrallilfl Ihrfr I ( orit llaO. Webatnf It" I t JoJ,-, t iirtin t ..tirt .r tin sj, fr the t otiy . f T i'ita. f.fOor l OMcmJ the ..' I 4lf A, l . itHa. ml ! NfaWs. racn wcol lor H r ' M-stlH ft orcn eoim-ittte H!r4, ti. lh flf KJIiIlrati. II rtt'4 i. iinm day of July 113 a 4ti IflP l tniMlfl( t- UM 2d day of .SptcmV' l)ln Ju y ' .'1 T. II llASDUtt T II C0J AIL t ttttiM Cleaning and Pressing On 2nd Ave. Opposite Eu" Garaie V.MOOK L'N'DIJk f'AKLNO CO U. S". Hi XM.Ii. Mi-f Four Ioiir Wrt of BaV -ry. J'un.ml Dirsclor ik! l.ctiid Kmb.lni.r lolv Anaists.-.t Wlmn Rr.mraU-d. TO WATER C0NSUKHI Tlio Water t'oirn ao l Mr loe j.wltlvo '.'lrlksMS oil watr Mini all - jfn' m.t pu) tl Br Wfltrr rr't h) i.f e&rh month By Otdrr Water l nr.miM?s. of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. u. the Warren Construction Company it was necessary to secure the best legal West S itton has been at Marshfiel I . talent that could be s.-cured. This the , S. D. during the summer looking after citizens did with the result that a far j some business interests there he expects stronger case has been made against to return in about six weeks. He is the Warren Construction Company, cnrr.ing back with a stronger love for than was at first anticipated. In fact , Tillnmo k county ami a determination the citizens have every reason to be never again to wander from its pros perous atmosphere and delightful cli mate. Mrs. H. W. Laselle of Por land is visiting in the city with tier niece Mrr. M. F. Leach. Mrs. Laselle formerly resided in Tillamook but it has been seventeen years since last she was here and of course notices many changes and new faces She is meet ing mar y of her old friends nd is en joying her visit Attorney John Leland Henderson has a son fifteen years of age whom ho would like to place on a ranch, with good family, to work for his board and go to school and at the same tirre learn the practical side of dairying. Mr. Henderson is anxious that his son learn tho dairy business from the ground up. Should any of our ranchere desire a good strong boy, they should see Mr. i Henderson. ' I Mr. an 1 Mrs. R. S. Clark of Port- President Wilson is finding serious ' nml gent a few dava in the citv visit- satisfied with the work of Attorneys Bagley ami Tongue of Hillsbriro, Sena tor Fulton of Portland and Att'jrnfcy Bingham of Salem. This idea of try ing to make out that the pres.it con troversy is the result of the attorneys' desire to secure fee is certainly ridicu lous, in the face of the facts in the case, and the present condition of our pave ment whicfi is showing a continual ad dition of defects as the days come and go. Breaks are developing here and there and at different places a multi tude of cracks are making their ap pearance. The citizens have a just cause for putting up a fight and if it is necessary in hire attorneys no one is to blame but the Warren Construction Co., and any move to discourage the people by howling abjut the attorneys is wholy uncalled for. insurgency in party against gram. In the house bunking renc committee, there are own ,)L. w th Mrs. Clark'H brother f.runt his cunency bill pro-1 Thayer. She delighted her old and cur- friends by fuvoring them with a couple stormy f solos ut the Methodist church last times over the matter. Representa-1 Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clark have Uvea Henry and Ragsdulo are trying ' Kono to Netarts for a couple of weeks to tear the President's measures u, j outing at Happy Camp. tatters, substituting radieul changes. ' Martin Peterson, Charles Dickens. These southern men want currency is-' gKnor 1Ir,u1ml uniJlit.'i)', Iw,? of . , i . r Portland hiked over the Wilson li ver sued on warehouse receipts for cotton, roa(1( BrrivB in Tillamook Monday, corn and wheit, as well as .pn bonds, having had lots of sport fishing along stocks und other securities. Henry ; the route. They went from here to even went so fur as to charge that the . ;0K,r., continue from there to Bavocean and un thu beach, return. (PUBLISHER.) Department of The Interior. S. LAND OFFICE at Portland. Ore. Juno Si, 1913. i NOTICE is hereby given that Henry Hinck. of Hamlet. Oregon. who mi Feb ruarv2l. 11111, made Homestead Entrv. No. 029-.il. for SW SW Sec. M-NW NW1 Sec. 23.EiNBi.Ser. 22. Township I North, Range 9 West, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Commutation Proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before Register mid Receiver, U. S. Lund Office, "at Portland, Oregon, on the 21st day of August, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses. Frank Cole, Frank Porter, Otto Gustrich. SamuelTrumbcl, all of Hamlet, Ore Ron. H. F. HIG'IP.Y. Register. The Most Important Business of Yours Is where you invest your money. The Western loun & Savings Co. of Salt Luke City, Utah, a tried and proved company, is now ready for business in Tillamook und Tillamook Co. To loan you money or build yon a home on small monthly payments, at a low rate of nteroU. Write or see A. C. EVERSON, Loan Agt. A. M'NAIR, President. D. L. SHRODE, Vice President. CAN.ADA EVERSON, Secy. &Trens Bourd of Apprnisors. E. M. Bales, F. 11. Minlck, R. F. .ucliman, E. J. Cluussen. Board of Trustees. John Luland Hen derson, H. L. Haul. L. C. Smith. W. G. McGee. WHEELER THE MANUFACTURING CUT ON NEHALEM BAY OFFERS Unequalled Opportunitiel lilass bill, wnicn l'resiuent Wilson ap. proves, was "written wholly in Nthe in terest of the creditor classes, the bank ing fraternity and thu financial world, without proper provision for the debt or classes und those who toil and pro duce and sustain the country." These insurgents want to divide the emer gency currency authorized by tho bill into three separate groups "commer cial currency,' '"industrial currency," ing home via thu Ne-kah-nee trail Astoria. and John Patterson of Tillamook and Miss Luella Hickey of Portland nero married on July 29 ut Vancouver. Rev. I Walter I. Kck of St. Paul's English Lutheran church odiclating. Mr. I'm tor son is employed in Billy Stephens place and is very popular 'among his friends who gave him und his bride a hearty reception when they arrived last Frf- 'agricultural currency," And us on. I reside there. day evening. They have taken anart- incnu at tho Tilluinook hotel and will ANOTHER CUr W MAZDA (III NO- SUM) LAMPS 15, 25 and 40 Watt, 35c 60 Watt .... 45c 100 Walt - - - 0c 150 Watt .... 51.20 250 Watt 2.00 I'nmud l.(inii r.c linira. We ilvllvrr linniin to nny part of the city Telriilionc tin. Wc do wlrliiK nt the lowet prliT t-on. ltmt with Koi workiniiiiHldp, TillamsoJt Sloctvlc win Light fc rucl 0o. ri 'MiT' AS A Field for Investment For Details as to Investing in Wheeler, Write to The Nehalem Habo P. A. JACKSON, jcattary Wheeler, Oregon Portland Officei 327 Tlllimook Offlcei Ctff.M