Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, August 01, 1913, Image 1

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Largest Circulation of Any Paper in Tillamook County
Tillamook, Okhoon, Arr.rsT 1, I'Jl.'J.
NO. 55
It i (lie nim of till Imilk t01fa
tu Ih'hi ImiikiiiK service powt1bl
.mil wc lo it.
It h also our aim uijjn-ye the
v.rv lnt fuipminl aueli tis
..it'tii 'hv Proof Hunk big
p. mm. I'irc Proof Vnuti. IUii.
! ti Proof Snfif. Mnrfcfrn Safe
h onii lloxes hI wp li'ivc
t 'i.-tn.
muudot:.. OKWK
f . v
. - ...iia j i.iIm mm utii i i-u k iicr crrunia
a - j mm lit vid Tim irHi u t eras si mmwr r a. '
Dike's Peroxogen Cream
. . , i ..... a itlH. kamtlma tun lunk. est-
- I II ( . . 11.4 k.. .. . rttl
, .1 .11.. .
A Inrgc jnr for 25c
JL JJ. KOCH. l't. G.
I'hu.w, Ml kJ Miitiuti MjIh i
(' r m C,titinm(cc( Mtnicy Hack it Sot Sntisthetmy
,SVf'"- Tin
Aitornry it I J v NutJtv Public
ilMUHI 'iKAtl ""
si'kvbyinv, : insi-kancis
Tillamook, Oregon
i ii .it : ..,nimi'iicii)'f now
"IM V Villi! Vlfill. Ll -"
Panama-Pacific International Exposition
n iqTB
Hy my rU V" '"r 'u,"r,, "' n,r,,,u,,0,,
hold AccoiuiiuAlloui. .nln.Mon llckf l- M'
lrlpi rvrr ylliliiR nrccwJry to i".k' Br"1 lrP
Call or Wrlln for Information
:. I ri AiiQQFN Tillnmook, Oregon
fna Lime ; DHrv
Shingles : Plaster
Root Paint : Drain Tile
- ' I M, fl
ek! ,n, W.rehome Front SI. between 2d "" 3d Ave. West
I'ortUml - Hult him livn fll"il
agMlllKt Uli itnulllTU OrK'il4 r(Jllii(Uiy,
Ir1iu corwirBtUii). in t'liltml HtnlTi
district Mitm liy T- H. Mlnut. u HntiU
ami tli uttittr witiinUltiatiid.
tklUr lh :oiilliitii Oronoti corn
imny, cwld Wwc i;itrwnor, and A.
M Crwloril. ulionmy Kmiernl of Ore
Tb ruimpUitnl 0t Corth ibt itto
orijm Are aml lwru Uih Sutr
d( OrMion h tMa MHntit In fill-
Mllng trust )mt'iMl In ll by Mm-
groM. whteli in Ifc'JC unuttrd to Uif
tain rlp ( liM npproxinwiUUy i;
milt wi4 rxlMtlMR Irotn lto4lmr
u 'oo Itajr. on condition ibat tulll-
iMt wann mk1 b conMiwiMl lie
tWlfli 'KXM two DlMMi
T& oomplAlot stir thst all ttrm5
f tb Kmnt br 1wij vioUlM nt4
QlJtll tlMI I ho lllltt 10 th lttifl DOW
tMI by tfe Houih-re Orvfton company
U tmHuntma to ib tt" of Ortscn.
Administration supporters Be
lieve They Can Force Cur
rency Bill to a Vote.
Mush Oregon ,0 b Thrown Opn
ill a iid Ttim-.!,l rt hi-., or
mi riculturl land hi riotor in
14 tn th tutionsil Jirwi nvrrtc
h (drawn o"o (or almttt bv-
l .ar Xh nd ot ih juir.
J MchM or ihU laiiti la In I ho Bl'tiUw
jaa Ut lh IMullna tmUoaiil lonl,
;.gi terva : In oilier dUtrtcu bIim miijr
b J.
WliltiR!o;t. iU)UirunUt vllh !
rw; tly lrrf-ortlihbu; iliuiiireuini!Ut
'4710 IK tli UIniU f tilt) hOUB'.'
klre mul currubcr rominlttne on
Lkc (iitllng enrnuic- hill, tlio dnit:i-
ittrktloti iikhIii cltaiiKiNl lu iilntw lor
utUiik iho iniiAKur ibrovah thf com-
nlttue ami Die Uout. Tlir ncbftno ot
nirnmn OUutt to lak thf unfinUtiod
I out ol tli" hand of the commute
Mcmcrtc mid toail It to tho dttmo-
tic hou muotiH which fallen). '
tMndon'j', if(iir Chtlrmn C$in had
mf(rrMl wlUi I'rrtulmt V.'lliton.
1 b bill will b kept In tho confur-
m.rf af !h. nniumittM dninccrsta tlll
jprr. aoeortllna to ih t" lln. and
:4i' .II b fore Ml to vot- on tb o
entii'i. .f tli m'wurf Tt dmlni
rth i nupport.'ri bUfv thy will Im
rb!- to outvotn tbii o-ralljd li.urR
nt' !-) 10 to 4 or prh.ip 11 to 3.
Tlf ndroiiilBtmtion forcHi uppnront
Ij -n -acouroBd nr.d advanced the
belief thnt thr Prwldiinl. dntlif the
nnhrppy ouifooV. would b able to i
hi bill tbrouKh both i'd of the cnpl
lot fmrtlaillj- uncbaiiKl.
Party Vote Kills All Amendment
Wbib) rujiubllcnn senntorn contln
uctl to offor ntiiHndinotitH to noiirly
tory twroKmidi of the Underwood
B.mmoilK tariff hill durltiR Its n-ttdini;
lu l!.u lontttf, thi democrats lu rolld
ph.iliitx volcnl them down.
liie flrtst tout voto camp when Sen
ator Sinoot mov.-d to retntu tbtt I'nyn
rsto of two cuitB u pound on oxalid
ncld. reduced by the ndrnlnlitration
uiPAttiiro to on nnd one-hnlf ct-nts
WanhlnBton. - Arnbntmndor Henry
I.an WlUon. umnio:Ml from Mexico
City to Inform tbo Wmhlngton admin
Iritmtlon of condltlonti in thu rbIIIon
torn ropublic, conferrd with I'ri-M-dnnt
Wlliion nnd 8-cn-uiry Hryan, ul
mlttlnK chiefly a rcommnndatlon that
tht UnlKtd Htiilfti ti" It Influence to
mtabllith the Hu-rti rcRimo.
It hixaitni! known thai the presi
dent' ld-a and thoso of Ambat.idor
Wtlaon n to thu count'; to bo pursued
arc no radically different that the ad
mlnUtratlon offlclnla intrpr-tfd tho
dtf lopminti a forecaatlng tho acccp
tnc of AmUapnador Wllnon's renlsna
tlon. I'retildnnt Wllaon and the ambannn
dor looked on tha future Mxlcn alt
uatlon. It wan Inarncd. from opposite
1ctwpolnt. Tb pr?ldnt la concern
M ovur th? morality of any policy
adopted by tho Unltjd Suuon and the
effect on other I-atla-Amuricnn toun
trloa and la disinclined to stre.-iRthon
n Kovnrament that came into towr
throtiKli the queatlonabla eventB Inci
dent to Madcro'a aatutsfiination.
Evct3 Occurring Thrcu'jhout
tlie Stu.v i?iring ths Past
Find May &s A'i!-.r9rfi.
Marehfl'-ld. PrfnJc ktaciicrby, until
recently a m!iab-r n' " mp.iua
Mfo-Barlnf ?tUoo '."''w .i '' Jlaer,
la th pov.ror of an T, .-.1 lcrap
that la really worth lu v :. , t in sold,
that is vnteaa h ard 1 who have
examined it are badly di-wl It la
aald to Im amhorsrla. flf foi-.d It in
the brakra. while pa'r!!i:.ii tho
bch. Sample were -at ;o David
Starr Jordan In California Th latter
replied that It apparpnt was genuine
arabemrle, bat It prooa'.ly would ba
naeeaaary to send ur,y.- to France
to definitely dertnlB It and ao tMack
erby will. Amberjfrta la worth flW
or J10C0 a pound.
rainier fire deimrtltient wero unable
to cope with the altuition.
Special Election Not For Initiative
Rnletn. Or HoldliiK tho conntitu
Moit plainly provide Hint the aecrc
u ry '. ' atnte ahall bo guided by the
-e rnl Uv.a. thi Rtipromo court In an
opinion, derided that no bills could
Le Inltlnted ut the apodal election in
S8.G4 Wgr Uroed for Factory Girl
I'orlland.The mlnlinum weekly
wiim' for wnmen worker In nmnufne
tti.l ik etahllhmeut of Portland, not
I iludtttK apprentice, ahotild bo not
lem tlmn JK CI n week, itecordlnK to
tho recommendation adopted by the
conference milled by the OreKon In
dunirlnl Coinmlalon.
Quadrrnnlal Trip of Toada Taken.
Klamath Kail. Mllllona of uuill
touli. are now iimklm: their way from
tl:o i)vami' surrounding Lake Kwnt.
i a to tho Upper Klamath Inko. ICvor;.
few year. durlnK tlie hitter iurt or
July, tho reptile leave the murshei.
atoiiB tho lake and work their way
through the streets of tho city to Link
rlvor. They do not take tha lino of
Wt relHtnnco for their march, which
Ih nlotiK the lake shore, but como the
iihortest route Ihrough the city. Tho
hegtra of timd occur ubout every
four year,
Coal Vein In Nehalem Valley.
Clatskunle.J. M. Oavey. of tho de
partment of tho Interior. Kovernmont
uorvlco. has boon In this vicinity lo-o-itluu
coal und mineral lands. He re
turned from a trip throlish ' Nen
out vnlley and reported tho (lulling of
coul In mitrketahlo and worknblu ijuan
tltlos In tho southorn part o( tho coun
ty, principally In the I'ehblo croak dis
trict, Rabbit 6quad la Named.
Salum. tlovornor Wet hna appoint
ed V, L. Flnloy, atnte gamo warden;
Pr, W. "H- Iytl. 'nt' Yoteriaarlan,
pud T. U. IK-cl:wlth, profosaor o( bac
torlolccr n Orcpon AsrlcuUural
tcUOfiU, a oommlailon to devlsa Plan
fcr'tlto extermination o( ruhblta, which
..nvo bocomo n pest lu Uio southern
yK ut th. alato.
Two Shru FIrrd at Mlcht Wate' an;
UIjjb Grllevetf Ineandlary
U Ornd. Or.lln. belUjvod to
kie hen loo tn Inpendlariam. cnuacd
a of (.bout "JtOO.OOO rear here
be:i the ynnl. eral hl and a
itw..iMt nt ..nntntilHnl flf tlie. f.eO.
JaJjuar.Juuibur cunjiiauy waa.dostroytiLTho motion wna lou f0 to 2t. eight
pj j progressive republicans aupportinc
'I he fire Marled about the time that 1 the democrat. This Is taken io In
it unidentified men fired two allots j dlcate that the progressive republ
t n niRhtwatclunatt and made their i cans will aid the democrats In a num-
.tcape. ber of tariff reductions.
Thr fire started nt tho most wiitern Tlie prospect for tho coming ".reel.
poi-it of the yard nnd swept through was that practically all of the repub
tlie dry lumber northward like iow Mean leaders will make their last for
The city fire department and tlie mnl argument on llu mil.
Tho democrats are confident that
the Htuhborii fight inado thus far by
Senator Hrlstow and Smoot on a!
most every Item will be relaxed Inter
on. They are so encouraged by th?
icnrcity of long sp.-eches from the op
.Otltlon (hat ;l.ey count on getting to
the final vote by August 10 to 15, ntK
to adoption of the conference report
two week later.
,Vall Street Plot Is M'Adoo't Charge
Secretary McAdoo Issued n elate
ment flatly charging that tho decline
of government 2 per cent bonds to
9ijti n m,w low reconl was due "al
most wholly to wlmt happened to be
a campaign with every Indication of
concerted action on the part of a num
ber of influential Now York City
banks to cattso apprehension and tin-ensliier-i
about these bonds In order
to help them In their efforts to defeat
Uie currency bill."
In his statements Secretary McAdoo
declared the 2 per cents wero worth
par, notwithstanding their decline In
hu Now York market, and continued:
"The Idea seem to bo tlmt tho coun
try bank, which hold about two-thirds
of tho 2 per cent bonds and use them
a ttio basis for their circulating notes,
may be Induced to unite with tho Now
York City banks In opposition to the
bill if they can ho mtulo to beltovo that
tho proposed currency measure is go
ing to Injure those bonds and cuuse
losses to tho bnnka."
National Capital Brevities
Consideration of tho Alaska railroad
bill will bo postponed until the next
rogular Besslon of congress, which be
gin In Decombor.
Tho house labor committee Is con
sidering legislation to prevent tho em
ployment of children under 14 year
of age lu mines und factories, und to
limit tho workttiK hour of women to
eight dally.
Formal reaffirmation o( tho Monroe
doctrine by congresu as a "warning to
Japan and others" was proposed In
tho house by Ropresoututlvo Olnrko
ot Florida.
Tontatlve plans (or sending tho At
lantic fleet through tho Panama canal
In April havo boon prepared by the
navy department by direction of tho
secretary of the navy, who Is now on
tho PucKlo coast making an Inspec
tion with a vlow to the-establishment
of a naval base.
Colonel Said to Be Preparing to in- j
vade Mexico.
Austin, Tox. Governor Colquitt has
received what purport to bo reliable
and insldo information that Colonel '
Thoodoro Roosevelt has quietly organ
tied four regiments of volunteer cav I
I .. 1. .. It I. Tfl.l... l.nA f.nmnnE .
Ilir Ul HI-" JWUhlt ..u.- ... ..v, . v.. ."-
txl of trained riders and marksmen of j
Arltonn, New Mexico and Western
It 1 alleged that the real purpowi
of the colonel's present visit o tho
southwest Is to direct the selection ol
the men for the military division and
that he will soon hare ll in readlnesi
to enter Mexico In event of hostllittej
with that country.
The report says further that Colonel
Roosevelt Is carrying on this work
with tho knowledge and sanction of
the United Status war department. He
will bo placed In command of the brig
ade If war should come. It Is sa- i.
People in the News
Thomas T. Hayden ot San Francisco
hns handed In his resignation to the
attorney general as special prosecutor
In tho Dlggs-Camlnettl white slave
A huge mass meeting of women wns
held at Chicago to protest against the
resignation of Mr. Ella Fiagg Young;
as superintendent of the Chicago
George Carroll Todd, a New York
lawyer, was nominated by the presi
dent to be assistant to the attorney
general, and will be In diroct charge
of anti-trust prosecutions.
A women's municipal party has been
formed at London. The Duchess of
Marlborough, formerly Consuelo' Van
derbllt. Is understood to have accepted
tho presidency of the organization.
The estate of the late Lucky Bald
win of California grew In value from
111,000.000 to J20.000.000 In the four
years sinco his death, according to the
order of the distribution mndo at Lo
In n speech nt Los Angeles, Secre
tary nanlols of tho navy department
declared that every state In the uulon
should pass n law milking tho exercise
of the frauchlse compulsory on the
part of every qualified voter.
An explosive cnlled Total has been
perfected by Lleutonant Harold Chase
Woodward, an officer of the national
guard of Now York, after three years
of work. It Is said to bo the sa(est
explosive tho world has over known,
and yet to be equal In power to tho
Btronuest dvnamlte made.
Remorse Makes 'Fugitive Surrender.
Albany. A fugitive from Justico
since December 8. 1912. since ihen
the county has offered a reward of
$100 for his arrest. Paul Ackermau.
who shot and serlouily injured Jack
Lelb In a road near Shedd, while tho
lauer was buggy riding with his sweet
heart, gave himself up to the authori
ties. Although bis victim has recov
ered from the Injuries. Ackenaan said
that the incident continually preyed
upon his mind and he assigned this as
the reason for giving hlrnsclt up. He
has been tramping through California.
Socialist:- Oenounce Coos Sheriff
Coqullie. Tho socialists of Coos
county, In a convention called here for
tho purpose, of denouncing the action
of residents of this section in deport
ing Dr. H. K. Leach, adopted resolu
tions addressed to Governor West,
asking that the sheriff cf Coos county
be removed from office because ho
"refused to enforce the law agaiast
mob rule."
U hns been discovered by Represen
tative Rrltten of Illinois that only 700
torpedoes are available for Unci
Sam's torpedo boat flotilla, nnd us a
number of tho bouse naval a((alrs
commutes ho will Introduce a meas
ure to double tho capacity of the gov
ernment torpedo plant at Newport, R.
Representative Lowla, ono of tho au
thor of tho parcel post law, deolared
that sooner or later tho government
must tako over transportation of par
cels up to 100 pounds, lie contended
that under tho law the postmaster
general hus complete authority lo In
crease tho limit on parcel poat bt'l-ueifl.
Nation Joins State, Counties and Tlaa
ber Owners to Protect Billions.
Salem. To protect Its ullllons of
feet of timber from fhe ravages of
fire, the state, with the aid of tke
federal government, la this year tak
ing more elaborate precautions than
ever before, and as a result of the
work thero has not been a dlsastroua
fire this season. Timber owners will
spend about 150,000 for firo protec
tion, the federal government has ap
propriated for firo patrol work $160,
000. and a law passed at tho last ses
sion of the Btatc legislature places ai
the command of tne state board or ror-
estry $75,000 for the next two years.
Oreaon has one-fifth of the stand
ing timber of the United States, or
about 5-I5.OOO.O00.C0O feet, wortn on
the stump $6SO.OOS,000. and If manu
factured would sell for $6,822,500,000.
Tho money expended and the precau
tious taken are In protection ot tne
stato's chief resource. The forests
already distribute more wealth la the
state than apples, fish, wool and wheat
combined, nnd the marketing of tha
timber has scarcely begun.
Mines Bureau t Be Aided.
JUbany. The Albany commercial
olub will cooperate with tho Oregon
bureau of mines and geology toward
the development ot the mining Indus
trie of this section of tha atate. At
tha request af the bureau the club
haa named a special committee oa
mlalng. which wUl work with tha
rasa toward that aad.
Subscribe for the Semi-Weekly Herald.
j Tillamook, Ore.