Cbe Cillamook Rcrald C. 6. Cromblcy, editor l$$ucd Cwlcc J Week Cucsdav and Friday Kntonxl scond-clns mutter Msiv 17, U10. at the pol office at Tillamook, Orcgvn, under the act of March 3, 1S?.." SlUICRU'TION $1.50 A VUAK IN ADVVNOK ecal Adwtiwmonts First Insertion, por line $ .10 Each suhjwqtwnt Inwrtlon, lin .( Homestead Nolle - MW Timber Claims ... 10 00 Notices, per line ... .06 Curd-' f thanks, iwr lioo - .06 Local. -M3f luie, first insertion .1 tach uhtHUent insertion, line .05 It evolutions of omlolonoo and lcsige notice, per line 05 Bttin & Professional oanls.tno. t.'""1 Diaplay Advrtement, per inch .'Jf A l.t. Pistilav Ad must be in this of tier ' Momlav ami Thursday Morn in to inaurv publication in folio in Tudny ami Friday issue Reason are Imperative. How You Can Visit the Pacific Panama International Exposition in Open 1 Al Closes Feb. 20 I V 1 D Dec. 9 DOLLAR BY DOLLAR Writ or Call fur ltttotnitlii E. J. CLAUSSEN, :: Tillamook, Oregon STATKMKVT 'r OWNUHSOP ,M' MAN.VitKMK.VT Tinnmoh HeraM. eMt!e.l Svrm-wv-l: m TH1m,ok CHy. R.li tor '. I Trmtl futiiT C. TkmwW, oww(. C. l- Trv.mbter. M.iritf. Kr Sutioaol Tillamook Oty Or Ti'KsnAV. h'lv ), HUH. The tboticht come to u a we con template the ruinous fire that Sheridan ha. just been smitten with, how would Tillamook City fare t fire pot any real headway here? For some time we have been fortunate in discovering fire.-' before they cot much of a start and have been able through the aid of our splendeti fire department to keep fires from creating damace to speak of. However, the time is coming when we will have a real fire ami the thing which we should now consider is. will we be in shape to cope with it? We have enough water pressor- to supply four streamer with telling effect, but should we need mare that four stream, we mignt find ourselves belplea-'. Should a tire pet a good srtirt in the concerted district of our city after n dry spell in th summer time, we would need a large amount of water to put it out and it is this contingency that we should be ready for. A pump vention. Intervention is fraught with to" jeritrtis conseijuenecs to be thought j of ovefpt as a but report. As to nv ; offnition. President Wilson has host tated to thus seem to approve of the , assassination of Madcro, and also bo j eau-e recognition u-as sought for the j purpose of eubling iiurvta to obtain a I foreign loan, and to further specula- tive schemes. Most other govern ments, bovever, have recognized the I Hureta administration ; and it would j seem to be the easiest way out for the , United States; although it is doubtful ' i whether it will help mucn toward the restoration of order in Mexico. Mean-; j while American as well as other for- j eign interests have suffered greatly, i ' Minister Wilson, without any standing officially, has been unable to exert much influence. Lat week President . ' Wilson, convinced that the unpleasant ' duty of facing the issue and deciding ' on some definite policy could no longer . J J-n 7MW-: yLOADlNG RIFLE 7& Krlnti C. placed adjacent to one of our power be evaded, directed secretary of State plants to be used in case of necessity ! Bryan to summon Minister Vtlon to a would be a tine thin? and would furn-1 conference in Washington, to see if a ish additional watr from the slough j solution of the problem cannot be with which to fi a tire in case our ! reached. The Uniten States certainly present gravity system did not furnish j placed in a delicate and embarassing enough water. A cool way to fight tire : position. The governments of F.urope is to prepare for it and now is the time I have reason to insist that as a corollary to consider these matters. Let us not j to the Monroe doctrine -"Hands oir wait until it is too late. Let Sheri-! frn this western hemisphere!" DEFORE you btiy n big panic rifle, by nil menna -) nslc your dealer to .show you the Remington Autoloading R(flcx 1 hey arc five-shot repeaters operated by the recoil. Always n shot ready for the emergency, for the cripple, for the deer that is getting away, or the charging beast that promises to be troublesome if you don't get him quick. The Remington Autoloading Rifles nnd Shot Runs nre the latest achievement in ninety-six years of producing fine fuenrma. Remington Arms-Union 299 Hrotdnay mciaiuc iirmUKi J N e io. e York dan's disaster be a lesson to us. The investigation of Col. Mulhalls's allecations retrardini; the operations of the National Association of Manufac-i turers in the field of congressional leg-1 islation, are being told in detail before) ... t the senate investigating committee, j After he is through there, the house committee are waiting to pump him further. All in all, it fs certainly a remarkable story. Mulhall affirms the organization referred to deliberately . planned, and worked its plans, to be the controlling factor in campaigns for congress, to defeat legislation in Wash-, ington its members did not approve, to ' gel tne ears ot men who were running presidential booms and to lani a mem ber of the association in the cabinet of a president. And much more of the same sort. One day last week Mulhall swore to the authenticity of nearly 400 letters which told of these plans and brought in the names of such men as former Presidents Kooi-evelt and Taft, the late Vice-President Sherman, former Speaker Cannon, former Sen ators Aldrich, Hemenway, Foraker and others, Arthur I. Vorys, Ohio manager of the Taft campaign of 1903, and Frank H. Hithcock, one time chairman of the Republican national committee and postmaster-general in Mr. Tart's i cabinet. Mulhull testified too, that' the National Council for Industrial Do-. fense, an organization allied to the Na-1 tional Association of Manufacturers, 1 had raised between JVXJ.OOO and 700, 000 a year to be used in opposing leg-' islation its members did not like. To offset these charges, the general man ager of the Manufacturers' Associa tion, J. P. Bird, has taken to Washing ton half a car load of books and papers to disprove the Mulhall story. It is to be hoped that the probe will be thorough and lay bare the whole truth. All good men, too, will hope that the serious charges which involve the Manufacturers' Association and ho many public men, will be disproved, and the fair name of all concerned vindicated. the United States shall see that th legitimate interests of other countries on this continent are safeguarded. Railroad Show to Visit Tillamook. Oklahoma Ranch Wild West Show Will be Here Tueiday. August 5th. Will Show at P. R. & N. Terminal Grounds. The Mexican situation has been put up to the government of the United States in a very acute form during the past few days. The state of anarchy which practically exists in that un happy country has become intolerable io European governments whoso citi zens have largo interests there. Last week the diplomatic corps in Mexico united In declaring that the attitude of the United States was a contributory cause of the increasing disorder. At The coming of tie Oklahoma Ranch Wild West Show to Tillamook will be signalized by what is described as the novel and euVctively-picturesque free street parade ever seen in this city. According to those who have seen the street pageant otfered to the public by the management of the Oklahoma Wild West, the display is entirely different from that presented by other Wild, j West shows, because, while strictly 1 representative of the West "and of life on the ranch, it does net exhaust the , possibilities of the show itself. Too 1 i ofton, even when the street parade is 1 I mediocre in character, it leaves noth 1 ing for the performance itself to olfer. The parade given by the Oklahoma Ranch Wild West is, it is declared, a complete and separate exhibition in It self. Although it is a free offering to the public, it ha3 characteristics that entirely differentiate it from the displays given by simular exhibitions, and at the same time it anticipates the wonders of the sho- in the big arena without duplicating thern. The parade, it is announced, is fully a mile in length. Great floaU and tableau-cars, with beautifully-grouped i figures, illustrate the story of the Win-' ning of the West the struggles of the pioneers, the battles of the border, the j warfare, with the wild Indians of the nlains. Old Mexico is brought into visible evidence by wild bulls and in- , trepid bull fighters. Cowboy land has its champions in scores of expert cow boys and cowgirls. The old days of the overland mail are seen again In the delapidated stage coach and its long haired driver. Indian lore is revived by picturesque blanket-wearing and feather-desorated Indian hraves, with their squaws and pappoosea. A semi Oriental touch of color is given to the line by a company of pony-riding Cos sacks. With all this there are ten kinds of music to enliven the air and to stir the blood of thu eager crowds that always line the route of the Oklahoma Ranch pageant will MABflBSS Pf N'T SPOIL A GOOD W I SK by keeping him In shabby old Harness. We arc selling Harness made of the best stock at prices that ought to tempt du. A WELL MADH HARNESS will not 'jnly improve the appearance of your horse, but contribute to your saiety as well. .Many a runaway could be avoided if the old Harness had been discarded in time. W. A. WILLIAMS, Tillamook - - Orcnon A Good Invettment. W. I). Mngll, a vtl known merchant of Whltemound, Wis., bought n t""i of I'hiimberlnln's medicine no tin to bo able to supply them to hl customer. After receiving them ho wan himself taken sick ami says that one small little of Cl.atnberlnin's (, olie, Cholera ntM Diarrhoea Remedy wn worth more to him than th- "ot of hi entire stock of these medicines. For sale by all deulers. Notice ot lierlllV Snlc nl Hcul Property. Nutlee in hetoby given. Hint by vlrUin of an Heeutlim wild Unlur f Hale ( sued out f the Circuit Court of the State of OrH"it, for the eotiuly of TlUnim-ok, dated the iMtli day of June, lULt. upon judgment " decree ten .leted m ild court on Hie Ullh day of April. ULt, I" U"' '',"", "htueln M. W, nod Kloyil A. Mwaii. CO part ner, delm; IhuIii! umte-r the firm tinine ami tyU of riiiipii ami Swwii, were jdaintitr. ami Alton II. W.ot ami Laura L Wllwn. IhuImihI -imI wife, Samuel l.ellaek, William IVltu. or, ami Juah i:. Ullllain, wore tl feit.lant, aamt ld dfmll ami (nvi.r ..f aahl plalBtllt. to iatufy. the mid judgment ami dere. amnuM me to the aum of lrmr 1lMuml 9i H i. dretl and Ptfly woo t"llar. with inlrrt thrro frWH the Uml day of IVbruary. 1912. at the rate of U r rent per annum. Uw further mn if Two llUivlred IWIUf Attorney' fr, and the roal of td null ami the rt ami epore of all xeoUoii, I will, on Saturday, the twl day of AuMt. Wirt, at 10 o'eloeV a. in., of ad d)r. t the freot door of the eounty court h. .ur, in I ilmmooV City, Oregon, aoll at Culille auction to tho tllKht Wdilr f.r -h in hand, all of tlx right. Utle ml l iterril hlh ahl defofldanl Al lan II WIUn ami Ultra U WiUoti, biibaml ami tfe, bad U the oeeu tion of the motirtje derbl In ahl i. l. fitlir eumpUint, or whleh they, or either of then. haKe olnew neqtllrrd. In ait t thu real roperly lluatl In .ilim.k I'ounly. Orevn. dmCrtlKalj a. f..l.i. to-wit: j The mrth half of t' mrtht quarter of nee I loo A, In townahtp , j Muth of ramje JO m, WllUnmttol Meridian, ao ami eeopUi; thoro from the land heretofore rortYcTrd t S-h'l lhtriet No. 7 by Instrument to lordrtl in 1UK "V" jse2l3, dwil fee nrdaof Tlllnvi County, f)r(jon. Alo. beitlnnlnK at a int on the IL S. Meamler line at the autheal eof ner of lot i'i of txtioo In townhlti t ollth. rnnije 10 wmt of Willamette Meridian, ami running thenee N t()J W. 7.30 chalnt. thetwe ,S'. fij" W. S.S7 chains, thence .M. &l H 17.S) ehaln ; ' ee.ee N ISJ W. 1'J.CO elwlfw ; Uwe N. 4ti W.St) ehaiiu; foreiroine llng the meanler of htgh water, thenee vl 10.1M) rlulit (o Uw water mark . thence along the mmtmlrr tin of low water a follow. S. &7 K It i hi . .... . wienre n, i.mi ciialm, t, Kllitillitt eoiitaliiliiij . AUu, luta four. five. .i. ,i ..hi in inn..!. 11.. . "i. Dalml at TlllamiH.V. 11 I ... I ...... . " 1 'niiiw. , iiiinitimia 1 0111 ty, Hiey,,; " ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCt or iiNii 10. Al Jnri'i u 1 1 ...... v.. . ,.r,r.., ( , iiiHiriKiiri auiiiii ''fiof tateof tieirge W I ha lllel with idol. State of Oregon 1 1 Tillamook, tils Ural Tlleadajr, Heplemlwr o'elook n.m, ha tliiie, ami the mutt County, Oregon, 1 ' hearing of Hie n. 1 I alt pcrMi having a , ' ai final aeKiot of ami cutred to pre e the ald Court on ..r aforr.Ald. f)all Ihl. 'i'.lli day if JB, i, ICoVfl UMt AdlitltlUtrator of Ihr u' Hrorifo . I.ietilttt'er !g'tti l.a.t l.tUn AtlitUit t CARD OK THAN 111 lj'irt II. r fiii of IJf l tti We wlh to thank rchllvei for the k durtntf the IcVd.v.. ami mother. Walter hi aw. Mr. W V. . 0 I 5ta K0TICE. 1 It. It. Itebort. In f. "iirvaA All aeettuut owinif t -a J t klHttNlMlleatf., AffMt.A..'.'. I.r 'wolf e. It K I: M TIIUmn.iV. Of euoit. J 4 y 3, a FOR SAI.K OR 1.EA5L A fil-xl live rrlUr t I 8 Itcarli, OretTOn Hell 1" Yyf. TIIOROUf.MBRKO PKR- CHKR0N STALLIOX chain . thonee S 21 ' K. SC) chain,! A Injaullfol umv fx r.e lt) It thence S :i W K.2! chain, thence S i Vcf. wl make the f t at Dow.-in llfw, Liter. Ufl . .. . ' ' . ' m.wk. cnain . uiei't-e M ,i k I elmliu.j t f'jt Tillamook Bakers Bread FOR SALE AT ALL GROCERS J. Wm. Edwall Cailor for men and Ulomen FIRST CLASS WORK Cleaning and Pressing On 2nd Ave. Opposite Ed's Garage least one European government asked 1 Wild West parade. The the United States to indicate what It' leave the show grounds. intended to do, and a cablegram about 10:30, I de-, and will cover tho principal downtown dared that if the United States did streets. This will be followed by the' not Interfere for the protection of for- Initial performance In the big arena at I eign residents In Mexico, European na- '5J o'clock. This will be novel and com- j tlons would. All these developments' plete in every way, and will embrace, maoe it clear tnat the United states ! arnonir many features, ron ntr and rid- ANOTHfR ClJf IN MAZDA (TUNG STEN) LAMPS J5, 25 and 40 Watt, 35c 60 Watt .... 45c 100 Walt .... 80c 150 Watt .... $1.20 250 Watt .... 2.00 I'rntteil Lump Ac liitrn. We deliver Uinim to liny imrt of the city Telephone na. We iln wlrlnif nt the lowet price eon. lttnt with tronil workiiinnililii, Tillamook llietrlo ,. win T.IrO, V rt hpiihilnif, Cauiei of Stomach Troubles . Sedentary habits, lack of out door exercise, insufficient mnsticutlon of could no longer maintain its attitude of inaction and uncertainty. President Wilson has shown a determination neither to recognize the Huerta gov. eminent, nor to adopt a policy of Inter fnml .r.nciltnr.lf... ,..f.l 11 Ing by the famous Mulhall., Colonel and inxletv al, T"t"r Zack, Lucille, and Georgia and the sen- 'wk! and drink not suited to your aire your habits TuhlctH and For buIu sational auto polo. The night per- um occupation. Correct ..i.- ' 1 t n 1 . and take Charnberla n'a ... V 1 . , ,UCK' anU yu wl" ""on weH agaln wIU also bo completo In every way. by all dealers. WHEELER THE MANUFACTURING CITY ON NEHALEM BAY OFFERS 4 Unequalled Opportunities AS A Field for Investment For Details as to Investing in Wheeler, Write to The Nehalem Hato Co. F. A. JACKSON, Sr.l,ry Wheefef, OfegOtt Portland Ortlec 1 327 Falling VH Tlllimooli Office. Care F. R.