Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, July 25, 1913, Image 3

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t Uw
2 i. m.
I'll 3
CxjI Happening, f
A. M. Commnn of Orytown, wim
Omrl niljourncfl lodny nl noon nnd
nil tla (tvlilutirir lim bcm ttikirn In Mm
IMVfiiNil fnf. Thn nrniifnwil will
l0 IMNllo l.'lfortl Jtltl(i (Mlllpholl (
Portland, .Suj.u 4,
John Aurhlin went to Dolpd Mil
wo U fnrt fltnte Kntcir P. A.
K'liott, of gltn. himI 0. 8. Clwptnui,
'"tolwry if tho Orttgon Forest Fire
Wx-latltMi. who twc mnkliiit a tour of
Ui? rounty.
Hebool tllHtrlrt No. I of Fturvlew l
KH'i-tlnu: nuw wohrh for Urn die
Irlrt, ami nImi giving Mm e hnil hoimu
new rt of ni. MU Mvrtlii
Canton lm lion winployt-d (mono of thr
Ctar(,itr fop the footing on.
Mts. V., U VIlHo ur)lcrwiiiil a very
nrtini iifxritluti on Thursday nl Mm
ImmU of Dr. Kernm, nnnlatixl liy Dr.
II m nny frltimU of Mrs. Vlii-
tin will In- ploa.rd to In thai tha In
Kfltfiif nbtnif vnry nicely tlncr Mm 1
oH-rtlw. ,
Tim Utile of ,n UnlM HrrMmrn
; 'hureh will glvu a box nuppcr Monday
rivr-nlng, July 28. All will gather at
thr. rhtireb At 7:l& p.m. trul go In
l"lv to a (irlyati: homo. All are In
' vIIinI to romp and Imv-j n purl In thin.
; The li.c will bi old for f0r.
Or. A. Tt oiii(if) and wife and non
' 1. . . ...I l t li
j'" .ii-rvoani, nnu wr. r. injmiwifi
w. j. unn im unmincK roi-re'.tmt, j Hlli w)( f T)C I),,!),.,, IM,nt ,
minuiwn iMlfiilnf. I, r. w vUliU.. ifM it m
uiuimi MaiaanMMB
I It, J. JM) of lltmvcr
rtt in town'
to hi.
J. II Dunttmt l r.nrtiit.
Ixuni mi Account of HltHtM.
UfUH I'aM for rllleV-i vjvr.
i.CMi'w-'' w Mr, I. I.arwttt!
l, -er - lf" from ui lfk
h.ptM?fi nn TtoirUy.
u lv mlp a iinc nip
P. I), 8mll ml IU,
trtt t tb TrJt to tttn
on T)Hirlay.
Mr. lluivur. of tho firm of llonnv it
mturttlnt; un Wet!-! IUt;ir, if amneicul Uoninnia t
j Ktkft IhU iwtMrk.
a fc mllV ww, Prank VfUwtiirt il o CHtr
r wo4t jf Tet;ry t'tnUl) ? tn town d WJnoi
ltoy mJ nonJy.
, , . . Mr. IL I). l.amr atvl datitthtur
I tmrr mturooil on N I .hi ... ... .
vi.it with I ' 7" " , ' "7 T' ",nK v"n,or'
ft 'W'l
i ft aiaj
shfcin n-Hlm; bihJ collfrtlnc :
(ijibe cr ev.lng tnarhlnc
.H ..f raiiC naynirrtU. Ito
If XtmtU Jay Hatter
difd t lleavrr weff
lo T-v.rwJa-
m&tU 1 m,Mali to buy letter
lif Mm ...t Itratnl at the IU0
(Joo. 1 llatnlln. only tlrt ca
. . t, i .. . 1 1 1 .i. i ..
riwtii1 iinv.fri in iiiihiiii jmtn,
!riilfl'lv yrn In lhr ltunlnr-. I'. 0,
Hot No. itBL
r. w
Kulilman hikI family Hi tlm M. V.. I'nr-I
M)tiKi thin wci'V.. ,
lr. Itnjy, rounty wtrrlnnrlan,
wllum to Inform tho liutillc thai all
jtl(f. iiiir Vitm i.ttt iL'tttftli itin In I
laftown al tho Mtminif eoutitv fair. Si-lit. !
une tiiang a , art), 4,1, ftu gu,, (l,mt K. ,4.,Ur, am
f)h wthry f hw- a eri,r Mil of hoalth. 11io who
aro lUtiln to rnatso i.'ntrlpof ilirlratock
al Uim fair lioukl lot tin? doctor know
at otwp. n that he will hav? plenty of
tltnr to look altorthu iMaltcr.
V. 8. 0110 nral fiiu N'i'Uon of liny 1
City mere Tillamook vititom on That- ,
ilay. tlr. NcUon, though rompwhati
ilrlapliUtril from hU recent nrctdent,
i raptilly Improving. We umluriitnml
tnnt Mr. P-lticr U "till rtiiillmil to hln
. . . t ; ,!rir. IL h. lUtnlln ami
' Mill Hour at Pulfvlrw.
MoVaiit lot frcram In paelrr, from
onu to tt ualloti. tlcllvcrol to any
twi of tho ctiy, II.2S per kbIIoiu
()uSwl Simp. 5i-uvc utrtl.
rrfHrhl wont 10 lUrvir to
Kf, JUrhman l-lay ! " 'S4- J- Mr" whu h" ,,r':n vu'1.
1 . ui, 1. 1 . . .. .1 1 (n irirmJ" al oriiamj. rorpi uruvr,
liu KUrn llrwli y wcnl o 1'ortlatnl , ' . . . , , .1 , -
,it..ii. . . . . ti...i .i. t- Vamh III and OaitUin for tho pt Uirvc
1 U tnrtt her itrr Uutn who . . ,,
I . , , , day aliciftHnin.
It ui. a 9S0 tMitltiil hnr. U
J, b-Kriiil.ul,tn. l'rlro IT6.W). ' U. ni Mr. PranV Hyd who r-
..... , 1 ... , fr1ml in I'orl awl art tu ininMn'
.'lAUtnr for ap f I.2A imt trmlo ' . ....
.. ' tuiatlKif hnrn tvirinanuntlV.
tfarain lloml fruit farm.
Pnl K. Shw nml mother, Mrs. J".
C, Shw of l-nnd Itaptdn w vlnitl i;
bI the hoi of K T. Walktnt. Mr.
Walklnt I 110 du htr of Mr. Sfi tw.
Geo. Ilf mlt;roii of Portland, who hm
Infill pnll(tK hU vacation here, left
on fhumluy !iiir(iiiK' for home. II in
arm whtrh wn briken about three
W, J. j week ai;o U rapidly mondlnK, and ll
the li (t,(lH'Ctd that he will aoon he able to
again angle for the (Kirttvu trout.
George K. HtiUinnun. iH'Cinl agent
for tho OrfUnurna lUnch Wild Wet
Shaiv, wn in tlio city Ihiit week and
Uelllmade arrangementii to havo that tdiow
give an entrrtiiinincnl here tho fore
part of Auguit. The upvclul dwte of
how will be tiinile iliortly. The uliow
ha n ixtraonnel of 225 jieople nnd cur
rle l.0 home, buffalo and long horned
jiuen. T'o pr(orinvr win consist 01
tcowtioyi, cowgirli, Indiutm und Co
ao. riietcwill he n line nireoi
pnrude on the ttwrnlug of ihe Hhw.
Frd 1 Skomp on tlitt Hell.
n. !n . Itatael. who ha bcrlt vill-
lilUt h-ue of her aUtor. Mr. HI.
ittjr'.sd to her honiq In Port-
If jnTfcurlay
hi ..f Whlto Plour nay It l
k IkiI thing they ever struck. Al
Ft I. ShriMlo left nit TlittradaV
""i f -r Vancouver, Wnh.. whom j
III I'H , h. r clill.lrril nnd villi
pof her paranta for n time.
A grout ninny of the city x-nple hnvc
been paying lc per lb. for new potntoeH.
Thv 1110 I h been .elllng nl ac all
the time- ( thorp yon r.) Hy ' 0,1
ml flml wit whom you nro.
Mra. Homeyne nwl children hnve re
lurwul to lhlr hum In SfKikann. hnv-
liv the I oean nl
J. 0. Iloiorth. Ur. Hnwk nn.l Tien-j
lore Jacoby. tnemnem of the Port l'f i
liny City, met with members of the
Tillamook Port on Wednesday evening ,
nnd conferred in regard to a joint reso-
lotion by both port , which the govern 1
men! ilemnntJ, legnnling the muinten
nnce of a nl.Jt) ftaH channel to Tilla
mook City. The government deinundn
that iiorta ohllirulo ihemielveH to tieti
, g cIUhI tliuro i.y me urn-.-. .. , ,nilinUll)lll
".mi.t.r miMlltig vacntlon on Mr. oinet.i woo i..iu., "i""' ,ri,s jminui. mu now been overcome
h w wi , (0 t ,ehauge work tin for appmltelti. , , ..miBrstaml Unit theru Is noth
bcMrd. Adilrcua Tlllu Mn jonni, oiion nt been In Port- j iu! way of tne appropriation.
i..,t ,iri,. itiu nam ten diiyt". being ' Thn monov from thu trnlo of Hay City
Salem ! .ii-i il,r.i bv the illne of her tliiugh I P.,rt bond will now be turned over to
rrwtrt and
P Herald
II Wllitll null (l lfr.
'Itllini; with tliolr frlonil". 1 1.., Mm Ho Iimr. who will
W ' r lluwnltt unit wife.
'Ure tor It U'ifib'al Vxrtril inft
lit. A g.
i". mi ,ir. iienry u, .laiton '
rn; vii 'vti. wiiti urn a emi ni: mo
"strut Nehnlem. Vialted nt tho I
if their iliioohtiir. Mra. John
P"y thvi fir.1 of the week.
l'. mid Mrn, Pverett l.nntllnglmin
r Mr, ami Mr, I.' I WorthliiLfton of
rrly, returning liotnn lolny. Mr.
lukitiilit m lltt.a 111111 fritni
' McKnll op the KuIcIiIh, wbllti liure.
riy oprrnltMl on for apttndlcitlit
I a umiilv of c.xlnr vhlligles oil
nt Anlirnotl Shlngto Mill one
who tiro apendlng the . .., ., ......1. f lUmlock Ponlolllce.
Pnutipt iittuntion aivon I" order nnd
Send your broUen eyeglnaea to K.
A. Wnhjmi. O. t).. eyenlghl npocillat
now located at No. H C7rml Ave.,
Porllnnd, Oier.on. Clnioiea gtoiind nnd
leturno.l mwuo diiV when received.
For Hale A dniry fnmi on the fnni
oiiH riverdiottoin land about 11 mil"
from Tillamook. Contain 10
rich piiHttiro land, limmo of 7 room
with two vernidim, now burn 20 x 32
feet and 1 f"v wall. II vo gootl row.
u..t.. 1.... for overvtlnng. including
hoiiKchold luniltu, farm tt.ols
i nnn rush nreferru;!, II
cmvn, . ,
Fowler, Tllliunook, Oregon.
For Sale ; Seven litre of llnem or
chartl lan.1 adjoming city limit "
i ...r Wiih.. under fence, about
, llm ,1,1 . V . ,
half cleared, bal.incn In bruli
aioall HtiimpH, "i vlty l'lcks from
..i..Mriccar liiiua. very sightly.
drt'HK owner, J. W.
I When you wnnt Jinytliing
h't in a FIRST CLASS
Drug Store
I lu also keeps
for every pupil
Til 15 KIJUAHLlv
Druggist and Book Seller
the g.ivernuianl un.l bids for thu eon- ;
atruction of tho lurth jolty will be ;
cal:l f'-r at once. ,
Whereii". It has pleased our Divine
Muater to cull U lar eternal sleep, the
mother of our beloved ulster. Anna
(JodHoy therefore be It
Itesolvo 1, by Heaver Kebokah Lodge
No. 200 1. O. t). P. that we hereby ex
press our heart-felt sympathy to the,
bereaved ones and that 11 copy of these
resolutions bo spread on the minutes of
this lodge mill a copy sent to the'
county paper.
Fraternally submitted,
Hessie Hays
Delia llellmeyer
Kniiim Trobough. ;
The Most Important
Business of Yours 1
Is where yon invest your money.
The Western Loan & Savings Co. of
. . i i 1
and : Salt Lake City, Utali, n trieu nnti pruveu
two 'company. Is now reudy for business in
a, i. Tiihimook and Tillamook Co. To loan
I llsberg ' Tilla-' you money or build yon u home on small
M., imi'meiiu. at ii low rate of
inook.Oru, lntUrnt. Write or see
ill; "'speeiiiE' A. C. EVERSON.Lom. Agt.
K- mimently located A. M'NAIH. President.
,tr" ' " .I vn,J n l.. SHRODE. Vice Presidont.
ffTare tl.e"., ensi'tlve or- CAN7.ADA EVEItSON, Scey. &TreH8
eyes which ro the i im i(10l Honl of Appraisors.
M? " 7"" : ..,i.h than the need
nlMHIMue - ,,,., U1H
Hoard of Trustees.
John LolimU Hen-
derson, B. L. Bfwjf.
L. C. Smith, W. G. McGee.
Own Your Home-Stop Paying Rent
mrTY' i in i i i w w mmm
nnd lcnirc the nit) of h r rowed money, wc sk
your ciiuTiiI eonsidenition of the ndwmtiics
ifTordt'd by our monthly inxKillment plnn ttf
hj.in, in which the installments fur nny iven
term ire each of exnetlv the twine nnioniit
throughout the entire term of the lunn. With
hut little renter out!;t thnn would Ik reitiirel
for rent, every pnvment keeps the intereit piiid
eiieh month nnd ste ulilv reriuces the principal.
We will elndly expl.'tin our plun of loan to you
if interested.
Christian Ctiurch Notes.
10 o.m,, Hunlny Sehool.
11 n.rn., F'roacfdng by tho pnitor.
7 p.m.. Young People's Meeting.
3 p.m., Special KvangelUtie ser-vlct.-s.
Subjec'; "Hiding ti) Four
U. K. Jopc. Pastor.
UniUd Brethren Church Notei.
A. M.
ami Serrmin--ll
'Dread Upon The
M. Topic :
Homo and
Cement Sidewalks and
Concrete Construction Work
Enquire at Ramsey Hotel
Sunday School -10
Morning worship
A M. Subject: '
Christian Brileavor -7 P,
"Missionary KsentiaJ lit
1. lnformalfon. Leader liarbara
Kvening Service - P. M,
"HcncflU of responsibility.
All are conllally invited.
Minutes of our Oregon Conference
recently held are here and can be had
at the church Sunday.
The Sunday School is planning for a
picnic on Tuefday. August 5th.
Dr. P. O. Boncbrakc, our Presiding
Elder, will be here August 30th, and
in the morning of the 31t. Lt's get
ready for him and make this a great
H rbert F. White,
Methodist Church Notes.
It's Worth More Than Gold
to Relieve the Mind and Enjoy
The Kind They Always Show at
Guess How Many.
One Guess with Every Dollar Cash Purchase
at the Tillamook Feed Co.
The one guessinjr the nenrest to the uuiuIkt of beans in
the jar will receive absolutely free this beautiful
Hornless Talking Machine
No trailing stamps iven with guesses. See the ma
chine in the window or
Always Attractive
Attractive All Ways
That's tho decription of
"Standard" modern bathrooms
wc inttall them.
Always Attractive hecautc
of the beautiful white enameled
finUh and exquisite designs of
the fixtures.
Attrastiva All Wavi.
from the standpoint of health,
appearance ana economy be
cause of their sanitary, well
designed, durable construction.
Aik for booklets.
When packing ycur trunk for your
vacation trip don't forget to put in a
Many are away from home, yet the
attendance at both services last Sun
day was very good.
A number of our youni people away
, to summer school report profitable ses-
r N'extSjnday: At 10 a.m., Sunday
I School. We have classes and corape
I tent teachers for all.
At 11 a.m., public worship, bubject,
"The purpose of Life."
At 7:00 p.m., Young People's Meet
ing. At 8KX) p.m.. Evangelistic Service.
Subject, "Jonah Paying His Fare
or "lr.e Price Paid By Running Away."
S-00 p.m. Weduesday, Prayer Meet
ing. JJThursday, choir practice.
I.Friday, moving pict ures.
You are invitqd.
' ) II. W. Kuhlman,
Pastor .
Naierene Meetings.
Services Tuerday and Friday even
tLgs. Sundays i U und 8 v. m.
i he work of getting the new hotel in
shape to accommodate the public is fast
ncuring completion. Mr. Chas. Weiside,
j who will have charge of the new host
lery, is now on the ground and over
I seeing the finishing touches,
j Mr. Weiside had cnarge of a Nampa,
; Idaho, notel for eight years, that was
j considered the finest hotel west of
Chicago. Of late years he has raan
' aged the Weihard Astoria Hotel.
Some twenty-five rooms are now
j ready for occupancy and Sir. Weiside
I thinks that the entire hotel will be
t ready for use and formal opening in
t about two weeks, at which time n tine
' banquet will be served.
1 The hotel kitchen is equipped with
all modern arrangements. Thu range
is a Lang, seven x'eet long.
The lobby is large, well lighted, and
furnished with plenty ot easy chairs.
It is estimated that there are ull told
some sixty guest rooms.
Mr. McQueen, late of Astoria, will
be hend bar tender.
The new hotel is a fine one, being
up to date in till its appointments, nnd
and will be en tuiileo. improvement of
much value to the city.
The United States Division of Dairy
ing in cooperation with the Extension
division of the Oregon Agricultural
I College will, in tho future, maintain a
dairy field mini who will iiwtit the
I farm dairymen of Orego.i wiiii tho
many problems of successful dairying,
j Professor W. A. Barr has been selected
I for this important work with heiid
'quurtersat Corvullis. His assistance
mentis u visit to the dairy farms when
desired, suggc tions on building iio
more profitable herds, f.-uJinj and
management, barn, silo nnd milk house
construction, nnd records of feed und
milk weights. Tho use of the yearly
record book for each cow will be shown,
whereby the profitable cow may be
selected and the unprofitable cow de
( tee ted and eliminated from the herd.
Professor Barr calls attention to tho
need of better cows. A profitable
herd, he says, can be had within four
J or five years by using a pure bred
j sire and making tho actual record the
! guiding factors in selection. Assist-
unco will be given committees in tho
! selection of dairy bulls, the organiz
ation of cow testing associations, and,
in every way posssible, without uny
cost to them.
2 I