Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, July 22, 1913, Image 3

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Coc.il Itappcninas. :
t ft )) pf)r paid fr rhlrV-
Ml U T 1 ' Mr at (-.. ahon.
t'Siftsttt fee r? coutlnu In i tH
rfptS H ' "f MtK I" "n
L ,t 1I" of UoVrr WAD lit
r a few inllV
uf wr.il fof TrCfi!fy,
L K. II'mIkoi, the brilliant iidltorlil
writer of th On-gfinUn mill F. H. Rey
nold.. Hx. (TIko) who in making the
ItMjHtr Ninoim fur timely and p.
prnprlnto cartonim, hiked down th
rlvjf HnluMuy with thirty pound pack
on Umlr (met fiity nru tin their nn
nual Vacaluu, hm!ikJIiik part of It n
the road. Thla your hik from
F'irtt (irovtf to Cannon Iloitch, whcio
tliwlr fnmllUn are aummrrl'ig.
The "Hurrlnr" l tho approprlnt )
iiiiniK tli ii l hm l3rtii:ivo lh. illi of
neat to IiuimmIIiIu riiml In the grnn
Umber honr tint autnmll of the Wllaon
river rtwil, lu Uio olutnelo thnt bant
humlrod from coming to tho bench
am good trout flihliig ettmw. Ilverv
" drlrt It mi outrage- thnt the
riMinty MfU'turHloa do wit tlx up ihl
ple of ittwl.
The llr warden Urtd to patrol
thotr territory Minduy, July I4ih.
Tinin'ruUitt In thtr territory f-om hl
plare in tSo llllnsworth brfde. I.en
Jttuh from thm to Rynn, Wm. Smith
from Ityai t UUwn and Arthur
Rl.cvr to tho autmnit.
Jamb ItliiHT. one of WIIxhi rlvi-r'n
il.. iii-c.ru, who make hl homo
'villi hl daughter In Portland
hill k-iwU hU nuinitKrm on tint river,
'trfttto hi tin. i-lrvi-otli for hi' utuat out
'"""'in,!, UtK with tho Hunfi family.
any ur hi Mi, w. u. llrwmun of 1'ort.
Own Your Home-Stop Paying Rent
jukI ilcnirt the ntil ! 1 crowed moncv. wv niU
your careful totisidi-nitiiin of the riifvantncs
affnnlcil liv tir titonttily itistalhticnt plan of
limn, in wliiclt tin inM.ilImeiiu for any nvi'n
term ae mch f a ictiv the hiiic aiimtiiit
throuliMiii tin entire term of tlie lnan. With
bttt little renter otuhu tlinn would be rcttiireI
for rent, every payment keeps the interest paid
eaeh month and hte idily reduces the principal.
We will L'ladlv explain our plan of a loan to you
if intereHted.
uOLLILviVV. WAi cjUN RErrrs. collections I
lite 1
f I'uttUwl, ( vliltlttK
tWjf st iftttta.
lit'i J.hn Wi of
tix- ' vn of Hay Uty
. t Satuf.Uy,
Iti r i IUH-ru vLltlne frfi
I?r11 " t wmi,
ltj(ark- . dlini; ami rlltlnK
xi-4i ) ..ii pfcy payttionla. Itr.
Inf.- -..
J, i 4 i . C arlton, l aiM-julIni;
llfcjl l l'tr lffl-nil.
!iiv,-hrJ of HrndooV
l!stV r e t .r lUv.
S. ('..in ..f lUy City l trAOi;t'
fXainrtt t iwn tJy.
r of llrvrr. was in lti
ft to t . Snturilov.
I1 A J . oiul iif., ..f l tviL ami'
krTii!iitir,.i v iitom SatunUy.
ti .f lUrtcr ruirnl an Mo
lim ek ty In I'orlUrol.
ht mic tt Ulo mil homa, lx
wokl. i.r..nrntlnuhla. I'rlr I76.W
lUtut T J tVitUh. Maine. Or.
IAUoIutrly iiNatin tfi Inly heller
!( than M Union llranil nl 111" UIO
Mi'ltqlil tre i-runni In irVtjr,
( to ion nltbttt, dollvnro to
p-rt of the rity, fl.ii er unllnri. ' lJ l Itulr pluce for
St Hlw., Ptfu,lve fli;na. H,', f''tKhUrerret.tlon.
t,li. Mm. C, A I.noiih u mI ilnui;tit r (Irucc
i hve koho to NctJtiU hi-nrh tn vltlt
Mlt I)t I'ar, who hm ehrK of tho : rrUtlve hut) enjoy tho many mtrac
ImJIc. ro4y.i.rAr dapartnuwl t ' lt,M M t,,"t rul",rl
llllft'. ft Mwy morning to imr-' ,"1 it'-m.iUilt hav.? :t.neup thr
i i .r . rvr iliiijf to KHMjUWf but were
tltne hiit i all itr", lurneil Inrk un arnmtit of the now
A Kfe.t many of the lty p-ople have U',mi , "H'?" " ' rertl
. n ' . eorf of marhioi'tt have otun turned
Iwn pyloK It pr b. for nc' ttatoe. uf) tnc otflt.r f U)c j,vjp.
Tb. IIIO Uw tft ollln at :te al' ri Wi hfar kltt nailen! to the nldo
tW tlc ( Unre yM arc.) Iluy of u jf John Kirch' e;)ln la an aitrnftlon
wJii ixHt w(Mtr yi are. J to thu kodak .ru. wh ubc it for it
, ImrkiiruutM for their vtihl weal pic
"UttUral lj-wit Inatrurlor of tin. tttrea.
in(le )rnce arrival here Friday tu ' '
Mwf.tr with Dm aehoul wrd In regard TP fir TVJncf Tm-nnfanf
tu tho Installation nf a fvUrae of do-
mMile rlctit tn Mr hlk'h "fhixil
Cement Sidewalks and
Concrete Construction Work
Enquire at Ramsey Hotel
i I
Ml Julia Atttojt of Ta-la. K J
I rluin; at fne fnme ol ner uncle
and g.V. Mr. ..ml Mr. Wm. (5. Tall.
M Antaa' father i owner of the
Crntrl Nallonal Hank of Tteka.
'niJ. furnHhwi hu? or hiwo-1
kMtMns rnotn. Inquire at llnrnldt
ttttke. f
0,0. l'rWjwot o Sbrida Mon-j
Miwl to tl hit wife wlm lin K.un
VtU(n rallre liier" the pal fw
'0ck. They will return In auto ihit
A B4l upply of erdsr hlnt;le on
hand at Adbron Shlnlo Mill nnc
Imlf m)U twrlli of HeniloeV I'mtnillce,
l'rwfit aitemlon alvw to order ami
. T. Ilnliott U oui o bl Fall Uiy
Inu lrl he will meet with a lari;it
KCllin of buyer at lha mwt on
UnlWeitern City. Siwkww, u liwpw i
maitiuwuth umle lln aool fram tie
I&tkv ewstern Imiwrter ami wlwlwnlo
home. Mr. Ilaltoin deaj-l Ilia tnt
aomewhal Intar than unual, fwllni; out
h' tho now tarlir hill will .iifert the
mcretiandl he aelU.
Business of Yours
i.s where you invest your money.
The Wralern Ixian & iiilii-.(.'t t4i. of
Salt Lake City, Utah, n tried nod proved
roni(wny, la now ready for tuine In
TlllaiiiiHik and TilUrriuok l'o. To loan
you money or build yoti n home on amall
monthly pnymenla. at n low rale of
hUro'L A'ntoroe
A. C. EVERSONfLoan Agt.
A. M'N'AIIt. I'r.'ahlenl.
I). L SIIU0D& Vi-e I'reaident.
Hoard of ApprnUor.
K. M. Hale. F. H. Mlnlck. .
It. F. Znehmiin, K. J. Clausen.
Hoanl of Truatcc.
John I In ml tlcn-
demon, H. L. Heals.
U C. Smith. W. C. Mctiee.
It's Worth More Than Gold
to Relieve the Mind and Enjoy
The Kind They Always Show at
Dm knivtM Cm W iW
tctt ttt Kat i
r. .
A i
gee, Oeo. L. Ilnmlln. only fimt clan
hfliine mover In THIntnook County.
rir.f ilow White Flour tay It ll 'rhirlv..ilve veam In the hunlneat. I'. O.
U1 t!i,.,j thrv ever atruck. At xa te-i
h mo i
Ivorr i larh wan Iruiuhollnj liunl-
F In the northern pari of the enmity
C Haberlnclt iirriiuiimnled by III
otVr (tutve, vlalted hla ranch nl
Mi lat Friday.
maker apendlnc vucnllun
8iid your broken eyoKlumen to ll.
A. Wahlen. 0. !.. oywlRht npeclllt
now located nt No. 102 firnrol Ave..
I'rtlrtiid, Oreifun. GIm around nml
returneil annut dV when received.
Tim Fori of Hav Cllv him received
word that the money for tho utile of
jmrl Iwnd l n w nvnlhiblu nml ready
1 kfcy
1 1 A' ' Ik. -
liti Mould llko to oxehttnie work u ho turned over to the unvernmunt.
w,irl. Addrea Tllln- but thai the uimranlee bund In connec
tion with th mipiiliitlun that n nine
foot channel miut bo kept open to ill
Ininook tnuat bo furnihel by u teputii
lilu bondlnt; hmuo before tho work enn
........i Tint luiiiil to hu furnuhed U
of thn THInmook I)rti (llly Mn one, Homethinu like fl".-
it (ha lll tutPrial '
it la nnd Liiirra.iI
I id rmico Uuil'l
tho vuilJ nnr ai a
in nlMi-ht ovru IjNCIi
.jiu;ln nl . l l'vna AancaToa
I V -uvo laU jt)ur lucl uu.
li. rr y i i n I
n me ureat ana vaiarxj
ll Mauestic
hhlxublc indOurcaal ran
moaJUnc toltUurlillity aJ iinwU.
r-il Kolrr, niiVlue ili Majuiiu tha
iVit miin Vuu con luy trrarulmi ol
iitir. Uliit i why filu-rn otluminu
(Mluron uy to liuluu It.
!r.in and
ftti Claiuaen of Portland, iiceom-
W by hla wife la vtlnif III"
Mm K, J., here thla week.
.J. Hill
left on Miuulav for I'ortllind ruwt u. iu.. inulLratniid. 11 nil Ihia iroulile
rwfo hn will li.i.li ..rt..r r,.iwiriv In-1 . in .. .... i... , iuii.nmi.il with. Tliorn
'"t thla week, ,e n meeting of the pottn of liny
Ifi. Jcnnlu T. (inllunllne, who hint ' tlity nml Tillamook tomorrow to i;lve
n vUuinif frluntU nd rolutlvea at , the mutter conalilernllon.
For Side A dairy fium on tho fntn-
ohm river-bottom land l'l ,nll
from Tlllninoiik. Contiilim iu ncres
. . n
nimlnro ami. IIOUNO III I
rou SAUB I
Alex McNiir &
iiiiai.inHHm -w.
Ifai'il itri I AMtMUMaU.JU . ,
Made bjr the Foremost Ammunition
Concern in America
T'HE biccrit name in the ammunition and firearms world to.
1 day ii litmlnfton-UMC. Whether your arm i a Remington
or any other r-tandard make, whaiever its calibre and the load
vou need, vou want RemmRton-UMC methlLc not because
they are neccri!y itamped with the same n; ine t your
firearm, but because they give nrrs accurate reu:.
TKii Comrwir hit been rrmVini nmmonition for fifty Y1
rrfojuce mrtillici lor erery 4in(lird mke ol rm nil every R
UMCcutiitU' lettrU in the m lot whicn it is rnaa:.
et. l
The'e i deiler in tKIi community who cin bivj you Rcmine-ton-L'MC
Metallici for iwur rule, your jurtol. Find him. Ak
him for them. LooV fot the Red Bill .Mail, cn every b?s of
roetillici and ihot thelU you buy.
Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co.
i llroadway ? f w Y
-cHlPiivllle unci Portland for the
"lh arrived homo Inat'Frttbiy.
When you want anything
kept in u FIRST CLASS
Drug Store
lie also keeps i
Dru&lst and Book Seller
with two vnrtmliiH,, now bam i!0 x ifc.
feet nml 18 foot wiill. live Kiod eowB.
Snlo price for uverythniK', Including
household furniture, fnrm tooln nml
rowti, $-1,000. Cnb preferred. II. U
Fowlor, Tllhimook, Ori-Kon.
ForSnlo: Seven ncrea of llnent or
chiird liuid mljornlntf city liinits of
Vtincouver, Wuh., under force, about
hiilf chuired, rlmlaiico in briiHb nnd
imall Htumpn, If. city blocks from two
olectrlccar lino-, very sightly. Ad
dreHa ownur, J. W. Ulnlww. lIHn
inook, Oro,
tr. Wont I Is inu
permanently locnted ni
In Tllliiniook. Your .e0 nwrenco B
i... r... o. i,,i.Vnt ir.,, r.r thla mini, or ft-vcn consecutive issues, the date of
" , :.V.' the first nuhllention thereof beini: the
mnnn heretofore made nnd tiled herein
nnd if vou fall ho to answer, the plain
tiff will, for wnnt thereof, npply to the
Court for tins relief prayed for in his
complaint herein, to-wlt: For judg
ment apainst said defendants, Law
ronco K. Sanders and Gertrude A. San
ders, for tho oum of $iW.00 unci ae.
cruel nnd uccruinir intercut, at 7
nor cent per nnntitn from the 2 lib tlav
of April, 1W, for $05.52 taxes, f 10.1.00
nttornov's fees, and tho costs and dis
bursements of this soil ; for tho fore
closure of that certain ninrti;itiro exe
cuted bv BRid defendants, Lawrence E.
Sanders and Gertrude A. Sunders,
22n l day of July. 1913, end the date of
the last publication thereof being the
2nd tiny of September, 1913.
Dated Jnlv 22nd. 1913,
Attorneys for PlnlnPtT.
What minht have been a very seriott?
accident took place on Sunday after
ntKin jtit as the Clovordule stnKO. on
its way to Tillamook, neared the Yel
low Fir mill roi.d. A lady with a horse
and butriv was couloir towurds the
in i auto stnire when tho horse became sud-
fitvor of niaintiir uiven for said si:m of dimly frightened and whirled around
$465.00 and Interest, and convevmi: to and apparently dove head flrst into u
plaintiff the lands situated In Tillamook pile of loiis and brush. Those ncurb'
County, Oregon, described as follows, .ran to tho rescuo of ,tho woman and
to-wlt: TU northeast quarter of see-; borso which had its head fastened be
tion 4, in township -1 south of range!) tween two logs and was wedged in be
west of thu Willamette Meridian; for twt en broken limbs nnd sharp promts
tho sale of said promises acconllng to : ol tno logs, a mintcuioua pnasa or tne
I Tim prnalrimt hn st aside 2440
acres In Klamath county for entry un
der the cnlarKod homt.-stcad act.
Senator Chamberlain has accepted
an Invitation to deliver the principal
address before the Unltfd Irish sod
etlcn In Chicago August 18.
j Klft;-n permit for the constrnc'lon
of rttttorvolr in the stato at an estl-
! matfd cost of fM'JZ.GOO, w-re issued
ft by thn nUto cni;iner durlnic the quar
jj ; tor ending June 30.
Tli'j citizen of Madras have organ
Izcl fair association, nnd will hold
tho first annual fair and llvitstoe ?x
hlblt In Madras on October 1C, 17, and
While playing with a small target
rtOij at Ilaker, Gerald MiyvJy, ihe 'J-year-old
eon of Orson Moody, a Heal
thy nh;e;miui. was accidontall shot
through the bead and Instantly Itlllfd,
Th" llrst conference ever held for
church rnlntf.t;rs of all denominations
In Oregon will take place at the Uni
versity of Orepon during the week of
JuU 21 to 27.
Ity unanimous consent the senate
passed a bill making Oregon lands
, which had been withdrawn or classi
fied as oil lands subject to entry un
der the homestead or desert land law.
Application has been received by
, tho comptroller of the currency for
' permifslon to convert the State bank
J of Hcdraond Into the First National
j Hank ol Iledtnond. with a capital of
1'roft-asor C. J. Hushn-ll hns resign
ed as bead cf the sociological depart
mont of Lawrence college at Applt
ton. Wis., an old Methodist Institution,
to become president of Pacific univer
sity cf Foreit Grove.
To prevent the necessity of having
, to remove n number of old s-JIers
from the Soldiers' home at Roseburg,
the state board of cottrcl raised tho
pension limit over whlcb veterans will
not be admitted from 20 a month to
; According to an announcement
I made by Assistant State Superintend
' ent of Puvtlc Instruction Cnrltcn. 1S00
j teachers took the rece'nt examiuat.on.
This is the largest number to take an
examination in the history of tba
i It does not mntter what the amount
of a wldow'B salary or wages is. if she
has children depending upon her for
support and has no other income aside
from her wages, she Is eligible to tho
benefits of the widow's pension law,
according to an opinion given by the
attorney general. ,
-Senator ChnmberJaln will tnke up
with the fccretary of the interior a
petition from the residents and citi
zens of the Grand Ronde Indian res
ervation and vicinity to replace pres
ent police svstem with one competent
mnn to do police duty and look after
old and infirm Indians. '
A mortgage of $500,000 bos' been
filed at Eugene which covers nearly
32.000 acres of timber along the Na
tron extension. It was glien. by. the
Fenn Timber company of Warren, Pa
to the Detroit Trust company, and Is
taken to indicate the early construc
tion of a large sawmill. '
Marshall and Hick Lockott -wero In
dicted at a special session of the
grand Jury at Baker, and their bail is
fixed at $S500. They are accused of
stealing thousands of dollars worth of
cattle fi3!n eastern Oregon ranges,
and if tl ey are convicted. Sheriff Ker-
t foot will receive a rewardof $2009.
According tb n statement made
at Salem by Governor West, 1C cents
a day for three meals, or a little over
five cents a meal, is the average dally
cost to the state of Oregon for feeding
its employes and prisoners at the peni
tentiary. At this small cost, he says,
an abundance of food of a good qual
ity is provided.
R. L. Harriott of the statu engin
eers' forne. has started a survey of
the Clacl'.vmas river to' determine the
fall and topesraphy of the banks as a
means of ascertaining tho value of
the stream for water power purposes.
During this season ho will take up r
similar survey of the Sandy. Hood.
Santlam nnd McKenzlo rivers,
Tho senate passed Senator Cham
berlains' bill authorizing the state of
Oregon to exchange 40,000 acres of
school sections in forest reserves for
a compact body of land In the San
tlam reserve, not exceeding 40,000
acres In area, which land shall be held
by tho state for a permanent state re
serve. A dozen men will be sent to Tilla
mook county to spread poisoned grain
over tin area of 2000 acres and kill
1). F. Trowbridge, l'laintiff.
I.iivvreticu E. Sunders, Gertrude A.
amounts duo the plaintiff on said jutlg
inont ; that nil rights, title and inter
est of the defendants in and to said
premises be barred and fore
closed ; that plaintiff may have execu
tion issuo to enforce the said judgment
thnt nliiintifT. or unv other
ul Pe. Snecialist Sui tiers. The First National Bank, a party to this suit may become pur
.?"..? L S 'oration, and G. L. Dye, Defend- chaser .tweh . fa. -i "1 t pon
mum uk oaiv uicivut miv pmvmm m iv
tSnmlerc, Gertrude purchaser of nald premises into the
flalri tm o f-r.i.hra nml nthnr rnrlnnt
nw in auen bi tw nimw .. pro v.., , ".-- pests that might destroy the seeds of
lllHV Hie lirUrCCUH yi BUl'll SIlIU uu nuiiiw iuvvv.it nuiin-vt, oiii...vvvM -
niied towards thu sutmiacuon 01 uie ) in guiiini; u.e norsu oiu oi uw wy
1 1 H I..aliV 1.1 L,.fn... : l...rl tiiint.A1 latxf tn
I uiiuriuiii
heap before it had injured itself in the
least, anil there wtis not n tning auout
the buggy or harness that was broken
except one or two small straps.
16 ucrcs 1 miles from Tillamook.
Will run nine cows. Enquire at Her
ald office.
lee my kIhhc ' ro hereby required to appear and un- for the
n.u ,v , , . ,1... "...l.,l., llil iiuu nit Atl in nrrler ia
um nlwy ! 0 J!,Wruusonablo ub the above ent tied court nd suit, on or A. D 1913. and is to be published once mook.
Kuarantee. Trices uro roasonaoio us gJly,, Mt day prescribed by the each weelt for six consecutive weeks, I
A beautiful gray horso 1800 lbs. or
over, will make the following season
day of July, ; at Dawson Bros. Livery barn at', Tilla-
C. S. Briscoe.
Dsugl.ts fir to be planted there this
summer, This arrangement has been
made at Eugene by A. E. Cahoon, su
pervisor of the Siuslaw national for
est. Although tho law which require!
commission merchants to obtain state
licenses and puts them under the reg
ulation of the state railroad commis
sion, has been operative more than a
mouth, only ene concern has ehtainei
a license, The object of the law :wa'
the protection ef farmers hat
growers uud many have askea' Mm
railroad commission why the law i
not euforced. , ' ,