WE GUARANTEE 4 BIO A IWNEY & HA THA WA Y PRICES a o o o CO 1 1 ftlftrwvr'v - - j, TrUir- k Meat (J. iwn. 4, , ' : r-f IH tttWtt It. V. HUlock, ocroltry uf the Til UnumV County Kdlr Aocliitloii, left thl m iriiliiK on n trip. Into tho north te l nf the county In th Inioroil of the fnlr. Ml. Kllxabttlb PiiUiMorj of Kenttlo, wlii hit bn vUlt'nn nt Mm homo of hrr unrlf, M, Munwitf fir wenk or mure, left for har hotno on Wcdfnn' day t. J. Crook, merchant of llnmlnck, lfullllv iMirchnsnr! u nuiLor imrlt whlrli hi? tuM to hnlll mcrrhlldle to ! 4 ffi hetvri Tillamook and Horn, j btrk Work ) the Odd Follow building I jfr1i rapidly. The hri'-kwork f'ir the flrl 11 r I iilxml completed nil Hit) frame pirtltloii wall are ItlMHll III. VnUl, furnlnhml h'uio or h'uc klitii room, Jmiulie nt Herald i.th. . A U'l upply of cedar shingle on IioihI nt AolflMOn Khingltt Mill ritiu half mlc7 north of iloHilock l'ojtofllre l'rim,it atlMtliMi .jlvcn to order and (Irlivfry. Mr HtMl Mt. A. 8. Campbell and f 4tiily .irp vUillm; 4t tlui homo of Mr. ;nd Mt. P. I.. Modi. Mr. Campbell n imrrlmnt of Dnllna, On., I a Itucll. Own Your Home Stop Paying Rent ami IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR BUILD A HOME OR REPAY A MORTGAGE rind den ire the aid nf I) irrowcel money, we ask, your careful consideration of the advantages nfTorili-ri lv our monthly inHtallment plan of loan, in which the iriHtallnients fur any given term arc eacli f exactly the same si mount throughout the entire term of the loan. With hut little greater outlay than would he required for rent, every payment keeps the interest paid each montn and Kteadilv reducV.s the principal. Wc will gladly explain our plan of .i loan to you if interested. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State uf Oregon, for Tillamook County. W. 0. Dwight, Plftlntltr. TK. Mount Vernon Cream Company, n Corporation, Defendant. Summon In Foreclosure of Delinquent Tax Certificate. To .Mount Vernon Cream Company, a corporation, the nhovc named feodanl In thu Name of the State of Oreir in: You are hereby notified that W. 0. Dwlicht, the holder of Certificate of Delinquency numbered 833 Uwed on the 7th day of June, 1913 by the tax Collcetjr of the County of Tillamook, State of Oregon, for tl.e amount of r ... tfi inn t3 in, ftr-.t. Inrs, th- ame being the amount Uien idue awl delinquent for taxe for the year I'jM together with penalty, int erest nod costs iherjon upon the real .wx. ir- t 11MTCn. REALTY, LOAN'S, INSURANCE jjj property asacased to you, of which you KOLLIL W. WAioUIN RENTS, COLLECnONS 2 arethc ov,Mr 88 aP?ear,, ot r,:'m, c :"uatifl in sald County and State. apHHawaaMMMM mcrsxaamzmmammmmm-ji. land nurtipillnrlv lioumled and deAClibed JU!: fulto At T1IUXA if Lit w rJ..r Uk ;tllll lcVl0, A wilrli full ttia fnuml on uur strKota lM Owmirran hv rtui by '0,her of Mr j.aylBtf for ad awl provKii; proimrty, MU. A)ma ttM w0 ,.,, vl A iV rritir ha tm irt tip oti'fni; itdativua in California for the pant Wll.ofi ittvrr awl wilt lw t in 0hira-' twtt inonllm, rrtnrni-l innie rurndny, ttn at urwn I Shf had ArnUl trip arid her ... , . ... i . . 'walth l arnlly emprovwl. UhlktN waninl, dtijcm lyJK h. white ridltji nrftrrl. ! J. It. ',lnimrnnn Unk the train AJ4,o.. n k't.U, THUuaot Mn. Thjrvlar oveninif for Walla Walla lul jAwir. Mr. awl Mr. Wwily ItiA frnm op hfnr Tnr4ay. wlwtf h w'ai ettlll liwnuie of the In-lur)-i hlei hl ton l.tnyd sutlaliasl In rrfl) op fBr., wrtek that morntnir. wrn Iillamaost Sc G. I.. Ilumllu, only flrtl eln a HrW ttv WIIhim ItWf r inn r ..all ; Jr f oy. lull HfM'rUI f' . t un Uin x"ehi lo i . i..- & Vri?ty Siorc. Anv.li McUralnlo of May .... .... . . IImmuo iiw vor in llllainook County. t. deHrl to Bny ?,rll'0Vf r,,rMnl,,Cl'U',m,!'"' , . . . .i Itoi J... -IhS. i.fl ol ino nir. Il.w Hr Kaiwn. Swr4 2Uhii. irluv a;a. Hdl M. H. emnlnmplaio tHIflk'slO OH HtlllWoll AIHlr, Or Hc4y w at Joni latt wnk cvmiettint lth t)r, W. H. Lytic, tl vtritnn F. C. FELDSCHAU Cement Sidewalks and Concrete Construction- Work Enquire at Rjmssy Hotel w i i l . I pi'iwiiulns plum, nimwbornc Ho ,.. Hi. Sf-nil your luokcn trypsin? to H. A. Wwhlen. 0. I)., eyinht upceilliit no-' ktcMtcil at No. 102 .(irand Ave., IVirtUrwl, OrK"it. (!? srvund and I rvturitnl auie day when received. Things to eat at the ItlH I : rnlitiai;e, carrott. Ih-oU, leittlce. cucumber, lufMtn, pfiichn. apricoU, orntiitc. caff fton HleM on Tbowlay. Thty "III rr ) horn for a tim Jat. MettrtlUH, a roirwitlvn uf thrt Market! I'ktur C. fvorl ti with a rl Itil Wfttk tti !,, w4tr ou'Ijii. Tim build 1 1! of on apartment hour? imit lmn started by C. M. June. It will comlit of ten apartment, each huvlm' two or more room, and it will . .... t H. b.cntel iicrot from the Christian lUffUun hwI children ,,.,. vne ami .Ml Ar-ta litifc- the dy nt liar r a few milk Cfl. ir weal uf Toaifory, 31 4 'i ( ... t a a i Uihi:4 from Vananiver. U. 'ton g at the homo oi .'torn . . . i i t . . i . . j ire tun ftutiaiictii wiiii ruui U&r Ihnin Iiafk a Mil L'fL VUUf 1 wn HinK lina nvveil ini" na limit iiiiMf inf ifi tiw firw iiiiik 'A'cdr.c lay I.. A, lturrwiv;K wenl Mr. Krtn aecowiwHlwl by Mm. Mark llarrlon Pat Thomlav at Iltrvr'. IVr K PW jmirl home. U yctar otd. brftkw dtnblo. I'Heo 176 . Addr- T. J. Wolatt. Illalne. Ore. Mr. C. HotTlirhl. of Portland, ar- rlvwl berc? Tuctday for a two ivcnk's I viall llh her frleml Mr, Jnbn OIn. It's Worth iMore Than Gold to Relieve the Mind and Enj ay . . G000 MOVING PICTURES . . The Kind They Always Show at The New GEM THEATRE THE BRIGHT SPOT The old Hnn'bill bulldinn on F"iit Street U beiiiR put in hape to accomo date Arthur Sttllwell with Ins stock of .Irv wl. until the new Odd Fellow Kxenvatlon for the new warcboune to j biUldinc i compleU-d. be built for Daniel J. Fry ul the rail- ( For Sl(,u: Seven acrea of finest or r.ad lermtiml ha been Marled. The clmrJ ,an(, mjjl)rntnij city limiu of wrehoue will far.- the county road Vancouver, Wash., under feice. alwut at of town and exteml bIoiik the rail-i..f -i..nrmT halancf in brush and road HKbt of way. , .,..,. slllm. 15 city blocks fr.im two Cwt WH nr h!n UH in fri of th lrh.'terin Chnir1-. I Ti" ntotk 8niliirlum and the II. T. Ito't rraidctx-e. UreaitiaK'r K(inlinK varalinn n Iwache would llie l hno ".irk for wn -wl bonrd. Addrco Tilla mmk llerakl. Arch Mverw telurmal Wwlnrday rrnm Prtlnl. hnr he inri'hinl a lnre f-c of fall and winter Ktod for tin. I'clto Slum. , Mr. W. It. Kutherford and little tun of Mr.Mlnnvlllu. who have been vidlii nr nt the 0oyn parontlnl home, loft fr home today. Faher Heme, formerly of thla place, ! ..u..-l ..iro Wi.dned(iv mid ha Rone i,. S'uiart -vhem h" will reside for month In bin new cut lane. Mr .lidinron who renlde on tlie ii-..... lill.. rum loit a vaiuaiiio Mr. C. E. Trombley ami rinuuhtor Sah left on Wednewlay for a two woeka mitin at Uockii'vay. They ware accompanied by Mr. Jni. E. Hrrv hihI daiubtuM Ruth and Calh- lnof Hay City. Mich. electric car line, very sightly. Ad drea owner, J. W. Liisbertf. Tilla mook, Ore. It W WaLion went out to Portland ami returned with hi fam- ily who have been visiting in that city YES. the Moone are eomini; rooj for the past two weeks, on wcunesuaj. nd Min.mr. and with them come Mar- Uollie report business picking up con- cel. the odicin, convention phoUi.r,, a.den.hle in . - " jilier who rside the Pewlulton itoumi- i" k"- " "- up famous. Ev.-rylwdy l.avc a pleas- Umo ..o. ant smile on and jjet busy. i An attempt is leln made to organize .. ... . . i. .;t;ii,i f.tmii'inv here. Several boys iitritmn i.r Lim.idirLiM mi ofm I 1111- a i. i ...ii.ii.... i.. i.. 'i'.., i... Mill e IIUIIUIUK. IB Ml ........ cavatlon for this building ifl !'.lh la ...IIImi. hmiI (ollnellne ' mr in. ......... ...tuiiui ill Mm. lit it. - ..- vi.i.fi p.iftl .......... iuriiil..l r i U'n.ll.i ... ; I. t ,II.M.. ' " vi ,miiiiiiii hhii r4viiiib mitw' (nver liiail'i1 il'i'ii " " winin '(t'lovcrdale. weru In the t'lty ' (in t u)r(y b) the animal being i lllirp, t kicked tiy anouiiir iwiw. ikiivi i. ...... .. .....ii....i ,..fiii ii i... ir . iimviurh iiii .i.xu ... iimi ii. mi nmi.iTi i ..... l.l ii i I. ' . , ii .i s . i .... ......i.t .. .. . i....k ...r..iit.ii hi inr in ur piiwi inr nan uy p'ii j iiuprai iiunm Munii iiiiii r, i. i"'hm'i ' voni iiuih City Livery, Hay City. Evervbodv Invltod to nttund. I ttlKberl ail Ceoro Johnson, I Mia- Jebsb- Donal.ls.in returned from KJKUrt IhMHheen viltiug with reiaucs ! . . . .i .i n.... ii'i.iit'ii. u """ " I .. .. H... ii.,w r h ronrac- Md.lMreii ar ai.emllng the day i wr. r- " "...' ,,,. ' . 1.1 - lir.mi 11. ' casi'it. atomurii iroMiup-. i..v -. 1 10 fr,.. Olllee Coininerclal Hldg. i..iv..i ,.M.I wife, of Millpln, iari .ii'ni"- . lOrcKon, wore visitors .a the home of lV. K. SmithwieK uuriug " I They left this morning for Victoria, H. 0. , , For Halo A dairy faun on the fain u river.bottom land nlmut a milo frnm Tillamook. Contains 10 rich pasture d, h.-nse of 7 roonm ...in. ...... vnriiiidiiB. new barn wgr Mkwa ii kii o PI lie m , t P"1 ... fnnn tools mid I 1 Mill iMt 1111 111 III! Ill I rows. $.HtO. ('anil preferred. II. Fowler, Tillamook, Oreiton. Dr. Wo ii dt u . work f(,r Ul0 only Eye Specialist , ,wl ponnanontiy iocuwh , mni... ...... u Your cisco on ThnrMlay with car of house hold goods and stock. Hufore depar ture Dr. Iteedy examined too stock and aave .Mi. GralT a eertitk.ite of ik! healtli in regard to the stock. F. C. Iranrhell. of Tranchull & 1'iri.liiu. ennt actor for the now Ma- The ox has been (ompleleil ami me cmirruiu wiills and footing- are now being (...v.. ni.m...l thj rill of the proposed company , and it ih thought that enough more will sign nji to complete the roll. A militia company for Tillumook ,i i... .. r.i. i l.l m' milI would be n I. M I), i. nis uf III. line Lrou'ht hi wife and children to to the city Tues day and they took the train Wednesday morning for Portland where Mr. Den nis will visit her parents for a short time before they start on a Journey to Hrazil where they will visit childrei and other relative. County Commisioner G. it. Edner and Go N lson were thrown from h buggy and Nelson was considerabl cut and bruised on Thursday morning They had been driving from Garibaldi to Hay City, and when on tne road just north of the Minmi Bridge, their horse became frightened by a passing freight train and backed the rig over the em bankmeit. Nelson fell on the rock riprappiug along side the road. He was assisted to the Hay City sanitari um where his injuries received ntteii tinn. Mrs. J. C. Hidden, who for Several years has been nanager of the tele phone exehai.ge, resigned her position on the 15th of this, mouth. Hryan Klock, formerly of Portland, has been aunoi.tleJ her successor. Mr. Kloci. will ii Inn net hs wire enief for this dis land particularly Iwunded and deAciioed ja follows, to-wit: Described upon the ft . Au'eamcRt Holl cf said Count for F j 'he year 1993 as tract No. 303 and more i, particularly described as follows, to-.Jwit:- Beginning at the Meander Post K1 on the meander line between Sections f Twent -five (23l In Township one (1) South of iUngc Ten (10) Went of the !W, M. ani Section Thirty 11) in Township Hoe (1) South of Itange Nino (&) West of .the W. M. on the North Bank of. Hoquorton Slough, thence North 87J degrees East 5. CO chains, thence North 2..S chains, thence We&t 3.00 chains, thence North 3S degrees West 4.32 Chains to the line between Section Twcnty-fivo (25) and Section Thirty (30) as above specified thence , North .32 Chains, thence West l.W iCnains, thence South 6.SSi Chains 1 thence East 1.50 Chains to the place of Ii beginning. i You are further notified that said W. G. Dwight has paid taxes on said prem I ises for prior or subsequent years with i the rate of interest on said amounts as ( follow: , Year's tax 1910. da'e paid. Nov. 9, 1 1911, tax receipt No. 6M, amount $31.41, , rate of interest 15 per cent. ) Said Mount Vernon Creamery Cora j pany, a corporation, as the owner of 1 the legal title of the above described ' property as the same appears of rec lord. and each of the other persons ,ubovid named are hereby further no titled that W. G. Dwight will apply to the Circuit Court of the County and State aforesaid for a decree fireclos ing the lien against the property above described, and mentioned in said certi fica'te. And you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the service of this summons upon you, ex clusive of the day of service, and ue fend this action or pay the amount due as above shown, together with costs ani accrued Interest and in case of your tailure to do so, a decree will be rendered foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs against the land and premises above named. All process and papers in this pro ceeding may be served upon the un dersigned residing within the State of Oregon, at the address hereafter men tioned. George Willett, Attorney for the Plaintiff. Address, Tillamook, Oregon. F Last issue August 1. WUUIW lv l I.H. .....? Will IIISO aCl S WOU I-IIIUI 1U1 illia uf good healthy pastime for our '0llnK ! trjctt jiHrrv Anton vh . held that po hi ... ...i... .viuH to iin the' ... . . u.. u. ... IIIL'11. I ItVOV ..w ..f.r.tii.ii.1. nun tin HO bv calling on Ira sition for several months having re signed. Miss Uuby Anuerson is now chief operator. Miss Vernu Hu-nke and Mrs. Anderson are also employed fh nxchnnire durini; the day. Er. Smith ut King & Smith's store. John M. Scott, general passenger t tt... i i. lioi's in Oregon. llUllk H"- " " 1 ' " accompanied bv T A. urntiam oi nan whitu remains us nigni operator. . . . . 1 ...lOIMl . - . ... .iraen on me ily b?atoa b brotner lines in Oregon, wore Tillamook CUv rue,iay m iming. Punons had been visitors this week. They made the ( Rjvtin ,,"erm,lsiou by the Whitney Co. Herald olllco a pleasant cull. j to pasture his horse on their land Some fakers have been working in I which is us.nl by the McFall boys. He ,1... r...i..ra eollini' ' .... ..t 1.1a ,-..mii nn Mo.iduv eveninir vni I. me county hioiihk mu ....... i r i.m.... ... - . Two carload of furniture for the dope and giving bills of good health in m staked the horse out, but on Tues- 11 . ... . .... r...... ol.i frr n 1 .1 rmi.u1 it nn thu eountV I Ed. Gilbert of Heavei-, arrived here ' from Portland. Wednesday. While in ! Portland Mr. Gilbert bought u two mid one half ton motor true for the firm ot Gilbert & .Sous which will be used in hauling goodH from Tillamook to Heaver. accomptinleu ly I . uruonoi ui . . vniie reiunio i mii". ' Francisco, assistant freight and tratliic. ,j parsonSi Fire War manager of the S. P. Co., nd it. M. I Kilchis Itivr, was severjlj Hinshaw, general freight agent S. P. two of tne McFall .. . -.. n!!!.....!.. fitv i . ri VISIT CLOU G H lieu von want miytliing l'lt in a l-IUST CLASS Store lie iilso keeps CH00L SUPPLIES FOR EVERY PUPIL CLOUG II TIII5 KHLIAIUJv Dnujiist and Book Seller . i.. ..1 ii. i.... .....i ti... now hotel nrriveu iHi-wiiiy mm Jones-Kmulson Co. has been engaged in iiHtalllug it. U i expected that the hotel will be open Saturday to ac comodate the members of thu Moose Lodge Hcheduled to arrlvu then. The Tillamook buso ball team will play two game Sunday with the Mome team ol Portland. One will tie played in the morning ""'1 " 11,0 af,or" noon. Tr.o Mooko team has defeated teams in Albar.y, Snloni and Eugoiv this season and thu boys expect a last game. On Thursday nt about 10 n.m., lire emmed by mi oil stove, began to burn ilio building occupied bv thu lunch . i.., f,, fwnit of the Silver Dollar I,. KOIIIIIUI ' ' ,, ...i Tim blaze was soon oxtin regard to the farmer's cattle, for a May morning found it on tne count) ......ci, ni-i.ti.m. we unuersiaiHJ romi. when no remonsirueu io m ii.i ...ir fiirmern hi.vo been worked to tin.. the extent of some SoOO. All authenti: oxaminations must bo mde by Dr. Iteedy, county veterinarian, or by tho state veterinarian. The School Board has employed three additional teachers for thu coming year: William U Will, of Hillsboro, for mnnuul training; Miss Emma Uo bind, of Corvnlltfl, for domestic science mid Miss Mary DeHar, of Eugene, for tho high school. A fifth, grade teacher is yet to lie employed Mir1? Vuva i.... ..... ..!..... i. f.ir lis DOS uuuin i won no ul;....... tionon recommendation of Presidont J, Haclcerman, oi ui ouu Scluiol. iieonneu. Mr.',.lU thev turned on him and trounced him unmercifully. Hussel Hawkins and J II. Edwards, of, the Whitney Co., are investigating. Admi listrutor's Notice o! Final Account. NOTICE is hereby given" that the undersigned Administrator, with the will annexed, ot the estate of Christ Frantzen, deceased, lias filed with the Countv Court of Tillamook Count'v. his final account, and that Saturday the 19th day of July. 1913, has beiu fned as the time, and the Court House of Tillamook County Ore gon, as the place for the hearing of tho said final account, and all persons hav ing any objection to the said final ac count are hereby notified und required t prese t the same to the said Court on or before the hearme: aforesaid. Dated this 19th day of June. 1913. Mutt Olson, Administrator with Will annexed, of the Estate of Christ Frantzen. rf.i:iid. Last issue July 18. F Administrator's Notice to Creditors. TSie Most Important Business of Yours Is where von invest your money Notici. is hereby given that the un dersigni'd, E. J. Gienger. has been du ly appointed Administrator of the estate of Margrite Cieoi. deceased, by order duly made and entered in the County Court of the State of Oregon, and all persons having claims against snid . itnte are hereby notified to pre- Tlm Western Lonn & Savings Co. of .,, to tne. duly verified, at Til- Salt Lake City.Utuh. a tried and proved !:, ,v..,v, Tillamook Co Oregon, or at comniny. is now ready for business In tho oilico of S. S. Johnson, attorney, "'"I - . .... ... n'lll ..! " Mrui.nn within al csldont Tillumook mid Tillamook Uo. to loan :u i "'"" ,hu Normal you monu.y or build you a home on s.null T Tillamook. Oregon, thlt .tv,u. mivini'iits. at a low rate of t...... iqi. ioia "v . . . i ,i... i i . John Aschim lias rucuivou uiu nter, t wrltaorsaj . u ctwi, . umih ioon ext i- Moiiii - .i... ..r .,.,....... jlmr (iro leardun . ...i..i...a i.,u..i-. and there was no poiuimui.v u. .. . a r F.VKHSi IN. Loan Act. the T-' . : .1 , -omnany when it for Tillamook County l.m.sn state 7- - 1 . . 1 1... 1..... ,.1... in nr till r . ill ivnut. i ivoiuvim V Administrator of 'tho'Estate'of . Mnrrrnin ii pi 11. ucuciucu. imt .issue July 11. .... tl... Pit. . Tillamook. Your' Hev. linger, , -' f., ....... t;onereuat timu vnnuvo, VJZttS humnined ?rf.-tK5h m "V. " la canablo to recog- July i. V...,. Z 7 J , . . 1 1... l... s.tturirt nf Mil tinpoinimuui, mm 00 v.....b ,.,,m, ,,..,, tho lire warders of tho county. A. u .u " 'T,' TUnnntlfiHRRKIl PER McCartv has boon nppointeit county UAwnim rowwu,, .i-.j.-v '.v- ...w., r MCtyUriJ iii 7 , , , . 11,,,,,.? of Amirnlsora. PUCDDN (Tl nl..n Mr. Am-him lllld Mr. Ml!' .1IW.. ..... ift thin miirnliiir for tho t.lut sop County lino where they will meet gan 01 " . ,.,.....1, u to recog- July 10 io AUKvm ............ county lino wuero moy ( hyaphyaleianwhol ' J 1 , Jf wlll ll0 held during that time f suporylsing warden for. U0 .HHuMfK oil. J" ' ' , Kblnger will .od most of cllilBOp County, and confer with him. gliisHos, l,r"n uo good that vacation at N-tnrt beach with hla , r0KJn, l0 eomo ,ww trails connect. ..... nlwiivs hero 10 ..... ,1.. n ... i p.. "" iirlcca aro reusuiuiu uoouj. jiijj uuin tuw"'". Hoard of Aniirnisora. E. M. Hales, F. Ii. Minick, R, F. Zachman, E. J. Cluusjen. Board of Trustees, John Lolund Hen- ; dorson, ' H. I'- Roala, . L. CSmith, W. G. McG.ee. CHER0N STALLION KING. A beautiful gray horse 1800 Iba. or over, wlll make the following season nt Dawson Hros, Livery barn at Til)a; 'inook. ' n ' , C. S. Briscoe. . itnvwhoro.