Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, July 18, 1913, Image 1

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Largest Circulation of any Paper in "Tillamook County
Tillamook, Omkcon, Jri.v 18. 1018.
NO. 51
It in the dim of thin Intuit to ivc
the I witt bunking Hervicc pohNihlc
-and vc do it.
It i iiIho our aim to have the
very lc?U equipment. Htieh n.s
Modern Fire I 'roof Hanking
Room, Kite Proof Vault, Hur
jlar Proof Safe. Modern Safe
Deposit Hoxen and we have
KvcrythiiiK lfnh in Drugs,
hvcr.v thing in Sundries.
Anything Vott Want.
If u-c hnven't it. uv will et it.
We wmnt your Inwwr "Gtve s r trial.
B. L KOCH, lit. G.
Huxxr. IUII iiJ Muluill Mill
l Xit Sntisfnctory
How You Can Visit the
Pacific Panama International
Opens 1 Q1 C C,OSC'
Feb. 20 IV ID Dec. 9
WrlU of Cull for Information
Tillamook, Oregon
I ibriT - riai
Root Paint
Lime : Brick
Drain Tile
nd Warehome Front St. between 2d and 3d Ave. West
Allomey t Lw nd NoUry Public
Tillamook, Oregon
Washington -Itnprnnnintlroi e(
(be 10.000 conductor and trainmen
of (rrn railway who Hutu votd to
strike for higher wagn am managing
offlcrt tif tlm railroads agrned at the
Whlln Hoti to inbuilt ttirlr differ
ence to arbitration under iho provis
ion of ttii Clay-Newlanda act, which
President Wtlon sud congressional
leader prumUed (o maka law. In the
meantime no strike will be declared,
official! of lllo employe' brotherhood
agroeltig to an arinUtlca
This victory for arbitration over the
t;tk wm iho rult of a two hour
0OUferue., at thn White House be
twrnn President Wllaon and congres
sional leader, txitli republican and
democrat. tli president and inauag
or of tlm railroad and reprtenta
tte of the llrotherbood of Conduc
tor and Trainmen.
Southern Pacific StrlV. Vote Taken
Han Fpnclo.-Nirly 1000 em
ploye of thn Southern I'oclftc railroad
on llnrs extending from Portland, Or.,
to Kl Pan, Tel., members of thn Or
der of Hallway Conductors and thn
Brotherhood of ltnllro.nl Tralurnen nra
voting on tlm question whether or nol
to atrlkn. a the result of a dradlock
between company official and the
employ-' srui-rnl committee orr v.
lul Ustitju.
The trauliln Imd arltnn ocr thf fall
urr of thn company to rxti-nd Inter
cbmir.f of rUhta to nltyctrlflcd
Liie I'ev3 ct the Week
A m;nU rnVoluun In CUlua I re-.
in!il ii Immluvnt
Tin- cuwntneni ha rested lt t:
l N t. trk wKtttunt thn aocallud mo
lo;i picture trunt. after calllnc mor-
. :t lou w.tirr... Tho hfurlnRa cro
t;urnd until OctoUr 1.
The director of th Nntlonal Kdu
ttlonal aascclallou. In conventlOu at
ylt Unke. aoli-ctcd St Paul. Minn..
the iiH'Dtinit ptnew for noxt ytnr'a con-
vetit'o't. Tho boanl nlw cIioro Ouk
lni.il. fnl.. for the 1015 convention.
Ii t announced from Hi. 1'nul that
the Northern I'ncUlc hn refuned to
Krant tho ditnmnd of Ita loleRrnph
operiitotK for Sunday overtime or 15
dny vnc- tloni. nllhoiiKh offcrlnt; to
mnku minor clmnKea In worklnc coudl
ttona It Klvea na n rmtaou untl-ratl-road
leKlalntlon. both fodural nni
AcconllnK to thn report of tho In
loritiute commorco coinmlnloii, tho
employment of nn "liuuperlunced nnd
unlnatmictrd nnulnoor" respona
tlily for the wreck of u Now York, New
Haven Hnrtford pnsaonKor Irwin
June 12 at Slumlord, Conn., in which
Mix people were killed nnd '.'0 Injured.
The tjueMtlon "Should HoIIkIoh Ho
TniiKht In the Schools?" wn nuawered
nfflrmivtlvoly hy tho conferouco of
minimum attondlnK tho 20th Interna
tional convention of Chrlatlan Kndenv
or Socletlea at I-o Aunuli. So ftlao
wim the quuHtlon of the twchlni; of
ex hyKlone.
SerloiiH rlolliiB bntween oranRemen
nnd imllonnlUtH mnrked tho celobrn
tlou of thn 2i:ird annlvtiraury of tho
buttle of tho lloyno Ht Htilfnat. Tho
flKhtln Inated two hourH, and wi
quilled only nftor tho police chdrged
the moha ropentedly.
Events Occurring Throughout
th State During the Patt
Bank Cathltr Paroltd.
Salem. ('olncldertt with an n
IVtjuncrment that HlaU Hiiptrtntfnd
nt of llsaka Wrlr.ht had dnclamd a
dividend of 20 per cent for the drpoal
tor. of the Ftrat Stat Ilnnk of Philo
math, maklcir a totnl of SO per cent
declared, la another thai Jnme Krari,
caahlrr of the bank, convicted of for
gery and aentnnced to crv from two
to 10 ynara In the penitentiary, baa
been paroled.
i The llabllltlea of 'ho inatltutlon
'were tfi,000, nnd Mr. WjIrM bellevea
Ithe aatuta will be aufflclant to pay
the depoaltora In full, but thorn will
be no money for the atockholdera,
The bank failed In October. 1911. nnd
Kvara, whoie right nam la Kvana.
win Indicted aoon afterward. Money
be U alleRed to have ueJ fraudulent-
jly waa Inveated In n creamery by thn
(cannier, and. It U aatd, ho got no ben-
'i:it from It.
i -
Governments New Policy Will Aid In
i nualnnmrnt nf Cirmnan.
Portlnnd. (TnrrylnK out the govern-
jmenl'a new policy of aecklng out whiit
nrlculturnl landa may lurk within the
couflnc of fVrct r?ervc and dealt;-
imtinj; ll propony ao wiai u may u
ihrown opon for actual acttlement.
L'hlef Forester llonry 8, Oravea ar
rived In Portland from WnahlnRton.
jknurlns M ylalt.iicrc ho expct to
settle definitely for recommendation
what ifhnll to dono with tracts which
have been tho subject of field ngenU'
liivuktlgnltor. I'oth In the Sltmlaw ro
Klott of nouthweatern Oregon, thn pu
mice lands of control Oregon, tho Des
chutes region nnd In the Cowlitz river
landa In tho Itnlnlcr forostB of Wash
ington. Hcretoforo tho government haa
mnde llttlo effort toward discovering
what tracts ure aultnb! for agricul
ture. The prospective settler wns re
quired to seek out thn lands himself.
I decldo whether ho could us them for
j ngrlculturo nnd then make hla appli
cation for settlement.
Jly tho new plnn. experts of the for
eat service will pick out fertile tracts
now grown up in trees, report them
suitable for agriculture, nnd eventual
ly have, them listed separately from
the general forest reserves, throwing
them opeu for homesteaders from
time to time. This will Include land
from which the timber has been sold.
Rear-End Crash of Electric Train
Caused by Mistaken Signals.
I .oh Angnlos, Fourteen deud and
150 Injured Is thn toll estimated of a
renr-end collision of two Pacific Klec
trio nillwny trnlnn filled with Sunday
pleasure seukors returning from tho
sen shoro nt Venice..
Tho ncoldtMit occurred ut Vlnoyard
station In thn westerly cl(y limits of
Un Angeles. Two throocar trains,
their seatu nnd iIm1b packed with tho
usual Sunday merry-miiklng crowd,
i l.mm Mtnlled nt Vlneyurd station
I by tho breaking of a trolley wlro. One.
j of the crew of the Becond train wuh
' sunt back to flag the followlni; trains,
The noxt train, however, wept by tho
signal "t big" speed, and In tho dark-
ness crashed Into tho standing trains.
I HeBponBlblllty for th wreck lies.
according to tho official 4 the road.
between Conductor Albort Rartholo
I mal nnd Motorman Josopk Korrstor.
Barton Is Given 1-10 Year Term
Cofjultlo. Judge Coke passed sen
tentm on J. S. llarton. who was re
cently convicted of an attack upon
MUs Madge Yoakum, to an Indeter
minate term of from one to ten yearn
In tho penitentiary. The case has
been appealed and bond furnished.
llnrton Is a Coqullle abstractor and
representative from Coos county In
the statu legislature.
Government to Open Largs Tract to
Vale. The throwing open by the
government of U0t000 acres of land
adjacent to Vale to homestead entry
promises to make this city the mecca
of homeseokera during the next few
months. A Urge proportion of this
land Is fertile valley and bench lamd,
below the Dully Creek and Star Moun
tain Irrigation projects, nnd belug bus
ceptlblo of Irrigation cannot be taken
up undor the 320-acre homestead law,
ICO acres being the most any one per
son can homestead.
Of this land, 73,000 acres have been
held la a petroleum reserve, nnd, 37,
000 acre wero withdrawn for tho
Harper reservoir project. Settlers
huvo boon petitioning thn Interior de
partment at Washington for the past
wo years to release the petroleum re
orve lands, and have Just succeeded
u having thU done. The land will
bo opon for selections, according to
advice received by the Vale Land of
fice, on July U, at 9 o'clock A. M and
filings will be received after A. M.
August 18th.
Advertise in tho Herald, twcaUM
tho Herald has the largest circulation
of any papa in tha county.
Ixmdon. The lialkan States appear '
to be again In the malting pot There City and County Officials Movt
la no slga of pc at present. Greece
nd Bervla have declined so far to
agree to an armistice. The Turkish
army Is advancing by forced marches
from TchataIJa and liulalr, apparently
with the consent of Oreece and Ser
via, to attempt the recapture of Ad
Hanople and Thrace.
Houmanla la aald to be proceeding
to occupy a much larger extent of
Hulgarlan territory than she previous
ly clalmod. and Greece Is burning to
avenge the Bulgarian massacres, con
cerning which horrifying details con
tinually appear In official reports It
suod from Athens and Salonlkt. Ac
cording to these reports, ears and fin
gers of Oreek women still wearing ear
rings and rings were found In the
pockets of Hulgarlan prisoners.
Kettenback and Kester Pardoned by
Washington. President Wilson has
granted unconditional pardon to Wil
liam K. Kettenbach and George H.
Keiter, Lewlaton, Idaho, bankers, con
victed on the charge of having falsi
fied records of the First National
Hank of Uewlston, Idaho. The pardon
was granted after tho president had
conferred with Senators Borah, of Ida
ho; Lane, of Oregon, and Kern, of
Indiana, and after they had strongly
appealed to the president to do Justice
to men. who, they showed, were mar
tyrs to abuse of privilege by govern
ment prosecutors formerly employee"
by the department of Justice.
But for this pardon Kettenbach and
.... . I a fAV itiAiieriAiruT
Keater would encti nave oeen reauireu i HHTaJi Jkuifai iBut-r ii.tfuea x -
to serve five years in tne penitentiary
People in the News
Two agents of the Itallnn govern
ment left Home for the United States
to take back Porter Chnrlton to Italy
to btand trial for the murder of his
wife at Lake Como, June 7, 1910.
State Supremo Court Justice Goff
of Now York denied former Police
Lieutenant Charles Becker, sentenced
to dlo for the murder of Herman Ros
enthal, a gnmbler. a new trial.
Successful treatment of tuberculos
is by means of X-rays was announced
by Dr. F. II. Gibson, of Denver. In a
paper read before the National Society
of Physical Therapeutic.
Francis Bowers Sayre, who is to
marry Miss Jessie Wilson, daughter
of the president. In November, has In
tlmnted thnt he would enter social
settlement work after his udmleston
to the bar. His fiancee Is deeply In
terested in the work.
Superior Judge William A. Huneke
of Spokane has signed an alternative
writ of mandate against the city coun
cil, commanding It to call a recall
election against Mayor Hlndley and
Commissioner Fallley before Junn 21.
Because a train crew had thrown
hltu off the train of which he wns try
ing to steal a ride, Frank Smith. J2
years old, It Is alleged, tried to wreck
O.-W. It. & N. fast mall train on the
lino two miles east of Hood Rlvcer on
a curve within 1U0 yards of a high
At a meeting of merchants In Lon
don. Lady Balfour was one of the
speakers and told of a method she had
accidentally discovered to silence cry
ing babies, which she said she had al
ways found successful. She said cry
ing babies would soon fall asleep, It
lain with their heads slightly lower
than their feet, at a "gradient of about
one In 12."
Ploughing his way through a mob
of 1000 persons, a block front the Ore
gon Packing company's plant at Port
land, where a strike la In progress,
Governor Oswald West Saturday
planted himself two feet from a barrel
on which Tom Burnt, a Socialist ora
tor, waa making a speech, and, Inter
rupting the talk, shouted to tha ora
tor that If any more disorder took
place he would take such action as
would quickly aulet tha disturbance
ol tsa peace.
Beaus Maney at Banslan.
Baatoa. Ia tha last law daya husl
ess men and others have found them
selves possessors of half dollara which
are not genuine. Upon Investigation
It la learned that the circulation of the
counterfeit money began during the
Fourth of Jnlv r.elebmtlon In Bandor
Approximately -50 of the half deluw
coins was placed In circulation here.
to Prevent Meetings in
Portland. "We will fly the red
flag of anarchy over the marble palace
up there!" shouted Tom Burns. I. W.
W. speaker, haranguing from a soap
box at Sixth and Washington streets.
The next minute Frank Curtis, Dep
uty Sheriff, under orders from Sheriff
Tom Word, stepped forward and pull
ed Burns from the soap box.
Tou are under arrest," said Curtla.
Almost on the Instant. Sixth street,
tilled with a crowd of several hundred
persons, only a comparatively small
percentage of whom were L W. W.'a,
became a scene of the wildest disor
der. As Burns was pulled down another
agitator jumped on the box.
At the same time Word and five
other of his deputies Jumped forward.
They were reinforced by a dozen pa
trolmen under Sergeant Roberts, who
had been posted on the outskirts of
the crowd under strict orders from
Mayor Albee to preserve order at the
meeting. The raid that ensued waa
made as the result of concerted action
planned by Sheriff Word and Mayor
Albee. Both were present In the
Speaker after speaker who tried to
mount the box was seized and placed
under arrest
Sheriff Wcrd himself stopped the
procession of speakers after 10 had
been arrested by seizing the soapbox.
Secretary Says He Is Compelled to
Lecture to Augment Income.
Hendersonvllle, N. C. While here
Secretary Bryan declared he was com
pelled to deliver Chautauqua ad
dresses to supplement his government
salary, which he declared was not suf
ficient to meet his expenses.
"As this Is my first Chautauqua lec
ture since becoming a member of the
cabinet," said Secretary Bryan. "It
may not be out of place to say that
I find It necessary to lecture In order
to supplement the salary which I re
ceive from the government. As I have
lectured for 13 years this method of
adding to ray Income la the most natr
ural one to which to turn and I regard
It as extremely legitimate."
Wnshlngton. Following Secretary
Bryan's statement that he had to
spend his vacation on the lecture plat
form because he could not live on the
secretary of state's salary of $12,000 a
year, Senator Brlstow Introduced a
resolution calling on the president to
"advise the senate what would be a
proper salary to enable the present
secretary of state to live with comfort
and to enable him to give his time to
the discharge of his public duties."
When Mr. Bryan's nttentlou was
called to criticisms In regard to his
lecturing, he replied:
"In devoting a part of my vacation
to lecturing. I am doing what I believe
to be proper, and 1 have no fear what
ever, that any unbiased person will
criticise me when he knows the facts."
Dynamite Plotter Freed.
Leavenworth, Kan. Edward E.
Phillips, convicted at Indianapolis of
conspiracy in the alleged dynamite
plot. Is the first of the 33 men to leave
the United States penitentiary a free
Plotters Against Huerta Arrested
Mexico City. A plot to assassinate
President Huerta. General Felix Dlas
and General Blonquet, tho war minis
ter, has been frustrated by the iirrest
of one deputy and 10 others of no
great prominence, , u Ml
Tillamook, Ore.'