Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, July 15, 1913, Image 1

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    fHtwf FrfM) ,"" f .rax
Largest Circulation of any Paper in Tillamook Oountv
Tillamook, Okp.kok, July 15, 1913.
NO. 50
tycortf .nrwiwccmcntMH IJel'nr will leave the city the first of
next week on her Full Imyinn trip and, an heretofore, will take pleas
ure III ftllllitf any hjk'CuiI order frr rendy-to-wear jrnrments, and in
vitrs lier friend and patron to ad I thin week.
And Now Comes the Great Economy Event of
the Year the
Third Reginent
Breaks Camp
SeJeW leyi Leav Wki Wti. ef
frakt far TtMaateefc, its PeeyU
ui fllmsta
Not in a generation have time been commercial eo a d j t j qi is t ha t m a d e
it o vital to reduce toe It to the lowest possible figures as exist in
tlu.s year lUlil, with a new Tariff Hill just ready to pans through con
gress, lowering dtilio on a vast list of the merchandise we sell Hence
this July Clearance, instead of bringing" reductions on odjd lots and
things that are not selling, must bring drastic reductions on many
complete and staple lines of merchandise L)nictothcJlig Store e.x
pecnug the greatest assemblage of genuine bargains in desirable mer
ehaudise yon have ever seen and you wilMtothe disappointed.
W omen's dainty summer n QQ
messes, values to $7 0(1 ffc.iFO
Children's wool sere di esses,
Miiartly triinmcd. to $0 a QQ
values .... TfO
l re a t c r -1 h a n - h price sale
women's and young ladies' to
SU7 CO new tailored tiije
Mi.ts 1-45
To $8 .00 inisws' and children's
smart spring ami sum- oo
mer coats - - T""
To $ women's beautiful n no
silk and net waist - eWO
To $3.f0 stylish tub dresses,
snmrtlv trimmeil, latest aq
models' - - - ?1.0
$:t.U8 lilegantly tailored wash
coats for wiHiien and q
votmi' Indies - eUr
Tailored suits formerly selling up
to $11)85, spring and tQ Qo ToS.'l.f.Ouusses nnUclnl- tl gQ KIM
..mmrr model - . 5f.W dren's stylish tub dresses f fcj-J
SmtftiatMg SAYlngs-Childreu's play clothes, romjwrs, Indian suits,
aprons, overalls, etc.
Very Important Clearaway of Dress Goods
To Hoc lirton suitings, fancy
French nuiusooks and ginghams,
organdies, etc.. choice - 19c yd.
To 25c fancy dimities, lawns, or
gandies, novelty batistes, ctc,
choice - 9c yd.
:fie Smart worsted shepherd
checks, vcrv special 23c yd.
Remnants! Remnants!! Remnants!!!
The cad ! the cason'i choicest materUl, gathered together on mi
. . . . 1 (n.mD. mtio nrb.
table and marker anoni - "
To fiOe beautiful wanh labrics
comprising the season's beat plain
and figured materials, choice
..... 27c yd.
Wonderful sale plain silk lisle and
lace hose to 50c values, in all the
new spring and summer shades,
also black - - - 19c fri
75c to 08c Women's beautiful
neckwear, jabots, stocks, urns,
etc, in dainty combinations,
choice oc
:i5c to 50c Women's lovely neck
fixings in n large assortment ol
the new and fascinaling styles.
Me sale vacation sta
tiouary tablets, envelopes and
fancy box paper.
Excellent SavingsKnit under
wear women's, young ladies'
and children's.
Women's fine Jersey ribbed union,
suits very special - - 43c
Sanation Sale Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats! All Kinds
mw e t
or Irimmings
x .i... ;.. Imlf fascinatinie summer models
W lmvL irmre tnan cut m- ".. . ... i ... fnr flio
r I." inuf ...nr,l n fashionaDic crimmcu mm"".., -
expressing the last soni m ,
season. All trimmings intensely .educed.
Ldvlm THE HERALD. It ha the largest
yaVh.r ninr in i uieuiiuun. wiui
Th Orcn Natkmal Guard hav
com ad Kune. With th band playing
AuM l-rit Syne. th lut train
of the three ectiuha left at tan o'clock
Monday. Up lo (he lut minute tn
man were kept at aome exercise or an
other what abauld t done in caae of
actual warfare.
Tbtoratlcally Tillamook wm invaded
from coaat, from (he interior and wm
t'efended by the larce armiva tuppoMd
ly to be operating arou.ul here. Small
detachment of the aoldicr were used
by the raard officer to exemplify the
different rrMivementa neceaasry to work
out the problem given them by the
regular army officer. On Friday a
Ham. battle waj fought to
dUlodga th army that wm entrenched
to the rear of the railroad apur grade.
The attracting force approached from
Wilton River on the turnpike, spread
ing out In skirmUh line uting every
available natural cereen to cover their
operation. Several thousand blank
cartrldgM were uaed. The attacking
force were succeuful was the decision
of the judges. Sunday morning the
soldiers were all inspected In heavv
marching order, besides the whole regi
ment wm required to set up it
smalt pup-lenta finally making a tour
of the city headed by the band. Sun
day afternoon they attended Military
Church aervices and laUr spending
the day on the bay or at nearby beach
The officers and men with few ex
captionaawe thorough gentlemen and
are a credit to any organixation. There
is no other body of several hundred
men In the prime vigor of health and
spirit who would gather in a place for
a week and conduct tbemselvca as the
soldier boys have. Oregon ha regi
ment to be proud of and its our earnest
wish m wall m the wia of iu officer
thai the Tillaiaauk ynuag a orfaaia
and Join the regiment.
MiUtmry Ckarck Service.
Never before in the history of Tilla
mook, has it been the privilege of its
chiaena to altead auvh impressive and
inspiring exerclaea m look place in the
old OoodsDeed aoide orcharu last Sun
day afternoon whan Chaplain Major
Gilbert held the Military Church aer-
rm, In ih mimi flnM Tor thi Third
Regiment. The location was ideal for
the exercise, surrounded by. all the
accoutrement of a soldiers life, the
oldicr in their uniform, the rtara
and strioa floating between trie tree
hrmnchea over hi hi ad. Chaplain Gil
bert lead the service, assisted by
Srrs- Sherman of comuanv. O a min
latar of the Congregational church of
Corvallis who lead in the responses.
The following wm the program of the
services: Selection by band. Song
America by congregation accompanied
by band. Song, Quartet. Raaponaive
reading. Banc 1 mM Thee Kvery
Hour. Prayer, ay Chaplain. Song,
Nearer as God to Thee. AwSraas.
Chaplain. Solo. Lieut, H4a. Song.
The Star Spangled JUaaer. Tape,
aunar by the Quartet. Chaplain Gilbert
In his sermon spoke of the soldier to
the civilians, to the soldier of their du
ilea, rloaina- with a. word of apprecia
lion to the people of Tillamook for the
many enuxtceiea shown to the Third
Regiment during their encampment
here. Rev. Gilbert is a very rorcible
speaker and held his audience spell
bound for half an hour. The chaplain
ia honored by every man in the regi
ment and Idolised by every memocr of
the old Second for his bravery during
the operation around Manila. They
aay he could not be restrained from
keeping otf the firing line administer
ing to the wounded and suffering, ven
turing away beyond the outpost to get
water from a well in the enemy's terri
tory to quench the torturing thirst.
ltuai la iMmmarulAO In hft
ti UUVVI ltv ivsajti tee wsnniaiiruiit
of all the State troopa and Adjt. Gen-
erai riiiser ia me sncuuvs nw ..
is on duty all the time, wita qmces in
Uia uerunger nuiiuiua;.
when the troupa are not in the field.
ataior avnavp ia unoer nun anu u
charge of the quartermaster depart-
Ujsttt attitlanun Kmva hMi MW1.
n acted with the guard many year and
ware omeu in ine aecoim urauu um
t id. atkllll.lM .-nnalim. Tha vov.
ilia vt .),"' "-r. .
.am ataaT nf MiMn Mpmurt anooint-
d from the officers act an an advisory
DSarU paaa on ail diiib anu miwr yvt
talnlug to the state guard. Oregon haa
II military organisation, one regiment
infantry, eight m coaat artillery, one
batterv, naval reaarve and two band.
"AS in many a new move pertaining
km. iiiHiit nnumn la the Hrat
ate to be aaaignad a regular army
eer to epmrMad ita guard, an honor
reevgntitng uw nign avaiiumg o ue
Orean arganliatlcw. , H ia an egpari
mh and If auceeaaful will be adopted
aa the policy in all the aUtaa. JDoU
Martin lata oi ue war eoiiegw nr
unn lll a Una military record
kJi. to wmbm ha Tklnt Oraimn SUB.
fief 0 any OI iu aina in we umiw
StaUa and expeett to find it an easy
mattkr conaidarlnc the line smaeh of
men he haa to work with, s '
Tanal Prarika.
Kvarv aaaav la reawTired U theraajghW
uiweratand aha wsshaajsm ef hta rie
and hecoaae sraaanaiy ita vwe, mm
Sat wa(elW'a4 aww hav
la wsW.ejwerlea tA km, Uey hart
It is the aim of this bank to give
the best banking service possible
and we do it.
It is also our aim to Have the
very best equipment such as
Modern Pire Proof Banking
Room, Fire Proof Vault, Bur
glar Proof Safe, Modern Safe
Deposit Boxes and we bare
rifle ranges nereby for rifle, practice.
Annually ue nv men naing ntgnesi
nereentatre in each comDaav ito to the
atate shoot at ClackaaaM. beginning
this year July 28. testing four Cay.
From the best ahota in thie contest a
team of 12 is pi:ked to represent Ore
gon in the national shoot held in the ,
east. Two years ago at. iramp rerry
in Ohio, Oregon atood twelfth.
artiltary at Fort Steven and waa for
a time cook instructor at that place.
Ha has a thoi una," tmeats Jg ef every
detail of caaar eeewmaraea earwtaUon.
Corporal Ceak aawTaVaesdearef Co. E.
eerpa at
The report of the commleeary show
the toUl rations the compuniaa were
entitled to was $832.71 and that tbey
drew $660.18. leaving a balance due
the: companies of $173.91 of which Co. B
receives the largest amount 133. Two
companies, the band 11.96 and ambu
lance, three cent, overdrew their ac
count and had to pay in the above
amounts. The following amounts were
used: Beef IM6 pounds, potato
4200, bread 1523 16 oz. loaves, colNe
300, sugar 500, bean SOO, rice 200, eett
100. dried apple 100 pound. 8 caeea ef
milk, S aacka of onion. 6 boxea of bff
ter. 11 boxea of crackers, 60 pounwi
lard. The above is an idea of the
amount of each article uaed. There
u ranalilaMhle other stuff illlh d and
the different companies purchased oatl j
Me tne commiaaary irooi me wcai
merchants end ranchera what wm net
kept by the eommieaary.
General Baabe the laat Brigade com
mander of Oregon wm a visitor in
"Attorney's. S. Jfohaaon a veteran of
the Spanish-American war wm very
much interested In the work of the
beya at Camp Weet
Tell the peeeJe of your beautiful
city that the bend cannot thank them
sufficiently for all the courtesiea shown
and we assure them that they are
heartly appreciated" remarked Direc
tor McDougall to the Herald editor.
"We haa a very succeesiui aance net
ting $110 and the mattlnce at the Gem
cleared over $17." The above are the
sentiment of every member of the
band. The people of Tillamook feel
the same toward the band and were
pleased with the liberal manner in
which the music wm aerved.
We have not yet got a report from
Cupid but have no doubt he wm an
artiva iittia fellow durlne last week
and no doabt time will show result of
hia work. The aoMier boy are a gal
lant bunch and no doubt carried .back
with them aome of the heart of our
fair aa.
Camp cook Santo CorvM of Co. K..
aerved many vears in the 34th coMt
are Lieu
the Oregost
Com pan v C Isfar baMast meetered in
14 year, saaf ! that time bm had
only three raptaiM, 800 men have
beeaVoa ita roll and have learned the
art of soldiering, giving an idea ef the
number of men receiving military ex
perteftee gffcJ who would he "trained in'
caae of war. Capt. O. K Bewaa ia
the preaeut captain of the company
also a member of the state advisory
board of governors star?.
Company H was represented in the
leet national shoot by four men in the
atetfl team of twelve and hopes to do
aa Well if not better thta year.
Tillamook cheese has been on the
table at every meal and .aH the men
have enjoyed it. The liberal donation
hy Mac Ceeamerctal Club wm certainly
Major Clayton. CapC White and
Lieut. Fellman. accompanied by order-
S. left Sunday P. M. on horaebaekr
Portland, via the Wihron River road,
aipacting to arrive there Tuesday neon.
Tbey will endeavor enroute to eatcb a
lew trout tor waica mat arxeaai i
The equipment on a soldier In heavy
Mng oroer eoan tne uwtea ataue
eWrara. It ineludee ahelter half.
ho. blanket riSe. meaa kit etc
idea the olive drab uniform, each
than bM a blue uniform in hia lacker at
The peace footing, of each company
la SS man and war lootmg i US men.
Thaae are the maximum ngure. , ,
Betide the Third, Regiment Oregon
Haa eight companies of eeacoMt artil
lery and one acid battery constituting
ita citizen soldiery.
Lieut-Col. J. C. May U the aasistant
atiperintendent of the Southern Pacific
Railway ; however, he ia every inch a
eeddier in action, having been in com
mand of the Ashland company in the
Palltipinee. beside long service in the
National Guard.
Capt Ritterspacher, in charge of
Camp West commiaaary, wm on the
firing line around Manilla. He is now
eneef the proprietor of the People's
Market in Portland, which sells mere
Tillamook cheese than any other retail
store and ia one of Tillamook County
cheese factories' beat customora.
Benjamin 6. Via'a home i at Pacific
City, but he is now a law student at
(Continued on Page 2.)
On Your Own Account
bavwjett ajtyeawaey in the bank? A part of your earning-, ought
tobeaiiiil ,here, anyway. Kvtryhmty can afford to aave oa
teawver Mttle. Uave a bank aeeount of your awn anetyen v
iff fa4 wwWktwk better, Mar Indafwndent Make your httla t
teaay eeJgjn.alB. and ae grew Mger. atetter uma aoarmac uare
when jf-fiwee earn reaeh It Your bank-aoek ia raaaitiaaal.
your wiae aawaeaay.
Iwfcaisst Ceeaty BamV,
m m