Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, July 11, 1913, Image 3

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Hfid ha
ralW for unlirpriln
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.... AAA A AAA I Is ! I I . I I I l
! alLt (or frvnt lie to He jr nri
( imt, (or avrrynsn,
Tho Third Kdulinont lUnd of thirty.
. .i f.h i tia tiitii fur thick' ! uteres will i:Ivt n liromeiikda cun.
... ,i ... , l l .1..... . -...1 .l .I...-- II II.,.,
.S v coinottt nwn IMunUy evrnln. hvcryone Invlt.d
. I I1H Tlt&jtiiV Mlt'kl flirt rt-trlttst. itf
JU!i rm l THUrrwoV w H. Juhn.o. wlwi rr.ld on l!wley
! ITfvMtL Wal baimm! I A tlm ifriwtrut with
dairy rrii. hit .,. . '
1 y at the timnut the fir. The homo
.... . tl WtttU wsftf Imtlfcd.
mivui t Uw;llli ....... , , . .
4 , f I'm bltlh f mmi ; fcn.
. .,. 11 ti 1. i
Tillamook Bridged ami Tsktn.
(Continued from I'du J)
'I.'ici ('i(l,iiorcM Clulieiiterlalnud thu
nftlcera uf the reitlmunt at n reception
Mid m thu club room Thurmliiy
fitif. It Kfivooiir ihkiiI mi oiitcir.
Hnlly to int tlm vUitom.
Mny uf tlm olllfrrn nri vtrrm of
Oim Kmnlli Arnorlcrtn Wwr wml Unto
on ftinnlilnriihlit nurvicu In thu I'hlllji'
Two torn nf elnmi wore ilnrmtrit til
the rwiflmi'iit liy lh C'orniimrinl fMiili
wprr ijivoii in in fnon nl thu niKiii
iiii on I'rfilny. Thin Hel wh ninrr
ritHH hv fi irlvl At ummlly II In
utilv lli oftlrfr wm urts rrtcK,tli'l.
Hrjf H"icf tiniiii f tli Hdlwn rnn-
imny u m iiif(iil.'r uf tho HlitiMtmnn
. ImIi. but i-ijuy iuiM(rlni
inmijf winl oi pri
T)u rrltiiiiiitfll iirtlrnrri iumI roinpnny
rrunmntlr vtvro i:lviri I nut lium
Koilo iuft bit tlin nmniia uf th llcu
, t-finiiU mih) trntiit.
Tin l.iniitnnnnU whu r with llilr
e urn In Cmnii Wtut Hr' : C . ti..
Kn- J M Wit; 0. Jlmiiy MK;itinvl uriil
t', Wi...fflt; t), . K. rrmlciifMl I.
. It'iiifwm; K, lliirrv itnt-niitniirh
bimI Wnril Aekluy , V. Itul Fol.lm.i'i;
G, Wttyno UroiwKil ; t, !.ll(y nni!
T-KiJ. L I. t'. Iirn ml B ft
Itlatirhnnl, M, Hoy ,SVr unci !.. JuJ-in.
Kir.l SrfnK O It. C. II. Whltn J
F. C. MctVillficJi ; I), (illlii-rl : K.
K. I'. A. Krwler : 0. llor
nll Hieh ; j, Henry B. Siimly ; I,
Ili-Bch ; I., I., I', linrna ; M, I'crcy
yitnrtjniitttor KerifiiU, Co, H. A.
Vunfr : i . Ilowanl ; I). Siuti : V. J.
V. .Hrlmr ; G. IVi-J 'otl-r ; II. Ivl
vrr : I. Muck ; K. Iliitrliiiivin ;
J. C. Simnrlc i M, llrl B. Iiwii,
Tungstefi Lamps
10, IB, 25 Watt Lamps, 35c
4-0 " " 35c
(() u 4 4:5c
100 " " 80c
West Coast Electric Supply Co.
"Tho EiBatrtestora"
rurlunlvc ctnt. Ilnll
' c' r" i IomLmiI. It. & K. rH'v ttneti
' . i ' Kfcto Him Urilue, .null .uit
Vt at lilt. . Ct .-.i . t-. -..j
ifr i yiH tnMKrtil. lt.rJ UI l
A I r -l will ivl lot j tvw f r Ibctr rwtiifn tu It. M. llry
' I I ... . a H . B ..A. IIMM ... ..M .1(111 r I
.. . ii rtJr It U Wli in ttfHier iim nun
U ' th Ualnc. r. 0. , ,tJ,irt hisl v,, , ThurJ ilJit urn!
, W , a ml Uft r f lmlliimf i
, ..... . .hie"? Wn ttiakrUwl Sir. Itunti'iR.
i; I J. H. l.inar u, oil-rtnirn liral rvr4 for thi
lolHIH of M l0t.
toilVrlttttin t
li.'m,.' lino Jirtfw to all.
fat li ,v i;arafitcr..
' .uti.rtr,) wllJi yimr
- l.fli-V nml fst ywr
l :t wy the Hl( i
lt '
Tbi Uniiwl Suti CI it Scrvlco (Vim
mltwluo h oniMMitKol Uut un Auc
ttt OUi an eimlnatioii will tc h"W
. the jltio ft tMtttiaiitjr t Hy
1 in. Th timif the tf4om r. M
MHI plri nml uwior tlm new
law dpplteaiu mut le n ennmln-
niton, plhi-iiiu uifiti in mo civil pih v.
Mr. IJ C. WHIInin .hkI chlldrun of
Ureumi Cty nrnvel Mmlnynl will
listi'l the uuwnur lire. Mr. Wilhaiiu
will join liU fa. nil hero Uter In ti e
Mr atJ Mr. W, J. Cl"nuii niint
the wrofc ami nt tholr rotUirc, return
Ini; ti I'.irtlnn'l Monlnv.
Mr. I'. 0. Hunca rfturm.! Mnnlny
frtim twu ilnn tmiliieM triji to I'url
Iwl Mt. J. I'.iuU'in nivl fiuiily nrrivn.l
(run iir'lnil Muwlny 11J will mreupy
lilt iftOa fir IH- uimiir.
Mr. J. T. Amblor of t)rekMn City
Jijiiiixl hU wife hore the ;flmt of the
wk, wlicrn tho in vUlttnji with hor
liiUtr Ami huibjml, Mr. Mr. 1). .
linker. j
I'url of the i.ivit! on CUrk lrcjt ,
ha Uon complutwl biiJ AIJr street !
wilt b i ei iiiila to I hf tfiti eil of t'to
wwk. !
Own Your Home Stop Paying Rent
nml ties ire thenM of Ii irrowed money. vc ask
votir careful consideration of the xidvantnjjcs
afforded bv ur motttbly installment plan of
loan, in which the i'l-Unllments for any fjiven
term are each of exactly the same amount
throughout the entire term of the loan. With
but little greater outlay jtltan would be retjuired
for rent, every payment keeps the interest paid
each month and steadily reduces the principal.
We will irladly explain our plan of a loan to you
if interested.
wiu5()N kMvi-ii inn
ls' 'a
v on t'ie ij
Tti, nltirlnc uf a Mill h.itfhorv
rivnr i weleiiine ne.v nl (ileasein
ttversone. lull locallnj; it nrar tho
iiumth of the North IVrit, ni'e'n.i to he
ii very inxir lucntlon to many who have
lived mi tho river for yearn nml know
of wirue of the part experience in tUl
matter. It i the unanimous opinnn
of rmlilentu that a hatehi-ry cannut lie
made tu hold nl the intemliil loeaifxt,
Cement Sidewalks and
Concrete Construction Work
Enquire at Ramsey Hotel
.i,.Ji.L mwif ihi aiiivitniiiienl tier i liptHlen ll I ernl.uni rimj the hruluo.
: ....... r.l. .. . llf- Ul. Tl...r ar.l IIMir. HMltllllll- IlK'atlOlU III
inancinu Hiving inn i"1!!""! ----
: Tho ifctnirmliun U op,.n l nil citu. , era mile, further up
Imii ml eolleetlitK of tin- Unltml Sut.ia who eomply 'ih Mr. ! Mi. Ui... Atkin "f t.a
. 1.. .huu.i ... I M.i-ft K.Vfiral r.ui' in thlfc Vic
Rawini; maehllic
ray ptiyinetit.
f I'm .
i " i'i lunula to go hack
I runt a ftirnUt'i"! ranrh
S fur half hy atnaJy
IttjUM ami I'. B. HilKan,
I 'icrv. Mav t lie.
t..' ri nl thu 11 H! 1: ciblmu'C.
teri Irttlicn, curuinherr.
r .. . ... t . ....nil....
. b i . . i ...
i r l i no ii ii "
ft V if If Incltt U) It. . . . i.. l. ...1.1 1... ..vntnuifVI
I), ryetuhl M.cMll.t Knl yotr..ly , " "
If' (Irantl Ave., Iy a phyt.-inn who ia rn,m.n
. i..- i. T... AimiMiunh ri ('ri-rk himmiI M-vi:r;i t.nyi in triU vicin-
for IIhi ll.eoeean ollW lt year a Ity awl Tlll.iilKKjk vIhiIiuk' rxUlivei ,
!L Mm. Atkins will make a numher of
" I rhatiKea on her old pluee. whien will
KorSa!e A ilalry fatm on the fan-. nce'itnle Wm. Stnil'i iicntine the
ou rivor-Wttum laml about n iiu.o I place. Uohert IllinAorth returnH j
' 1 r. tianuln 10 acre, i ! !'' "".V '. hn ""I'1' nk ;
, . n luime wiin inem mr n Winn-
rich paiuro imi, imiup oi i -with
two vermla, new Imrn 20 x $1
fret arul 18 fi-it walla, live c' "'IV
.Sale pore for everything, Inclmlira:
h,uholil luriilturv. farm tool nml
r.m. I4,. (iti preferred. II. I
Fuwlrr, Tillamook. Oregon.
I) r . W i n d t i the
I..... Cli.blflllMl
V Vxk . lit. Inrntml
rriiiiiii" .v.. ......
ill THUmook. 'lour
mint 1.1'iu live i r-
Orve if Gliiva uihiiikI anu
t lay when rticelviHl.
Fra-icmco Mualciil Comeily
niMh Mrriineeiitent with the
i ill GiiuriU ItuL'Imentilt
ii ii, tin mi ,h f.i.i.m,., fir urn.
the llltltlnmi nml iilmiIm for
I'M. ! ... . ... I.......
week to undergo an opera-
t'ciii: ciitiNod throtndi mi )
I..II . M I
"in a norvo or ono in ner
" .vim want nn.vtmiiK
in .. IMIIL'1' fM A CC
l I 1 IV v I V-ivw
He also keeps
w y u
Nglst andBook Seller
iilxo ilineiie other than lh nciil of
l.I.i.ho. I iiuunuiteo my rIm ""'I
i. ...-,. I, .ir. i to miiko L'liixl
cuiirn.ilee. l'rlc ro
any where.
touKomitite an
, The averaue workman like tu ro' on
Sunday bt ',n ''! u! c,,u.rcl,'1
Hut he very neldorn thlnka how hard
hU w Ife worka on 'hat day. more than
'any other. He liken the reM ho why
lot la r he f.ee fr.ni the enre and trouhle
of cookum Sn-.-lay HI .uif r. ami tlj
and the leim inner o- . v
rill.. in, HIK H le I... UK -.-(lliHH
.h.wn to Til ... hook h . - ; leave una. .. .m ,, " ,"y .
hmim! and eilluy Will eoiinuiin y nlluriioon hv i : .ii;iih
llimnij iiii" 'I' i from i .... ...i ...I l,...1 .i lll iii-mimnimv
KUIIIVi w ........ hid n'i; uillMll'ii uiiii" w .
.1 ...M.innl.iii im will a go ii unto
l mi rAiiimi" ' , ' .y
T. 1 niimtmr of tllU oIllCOM lliul IHOH Of the
PALM CArti ;r.K'lment
2nd Avenue, Nevl Dijor to Tillamook
Knml t o.
ilr. W. S. Hur inciimo of
Portland have come In for their xum-'
titer camp. Thev njieiit all Uxt Hum-j
mer and enjoyed it o well that in tho
future they will eo nowhere elue.
Mtn Helen Klehm i over from Ne- :
turta for a vlnit with her urandparenta
Mr, and Mr.-.. 0. A. Lyoiw.
Jame lluulmy and J. K. Klrsch are
upemlini: Ho wee'i in Tillamook tnkiiih'
in tho niithta oilcrcd by tho militia )u
eampment. , ,
Kift.ien trout nveraijinit ten inches
i the record of Let. Huih In an hours I
The expected tour over the Wilnoni
river r ad hy the eountv court haa not ;
yet taken place although dally expect
ed hy the raneherc. Wo fear if it j
d..e n't noon take place tho roitnty'
dado will need a kui.Iu not, only to j
Hhuw ilivin the way where the brush i
ef.i.vnu ov. cthe loud, hut too much of
the paved -itre. ta of Tillamook may
have . auHed them to lork'ot what j
a mountain idh.I liaikei! like. ,
Hill Kviin went into I illamook ,
V...lno!idav. he Int.! hh'Wl In hia eye
and thore i liable aoniuthiiiK to drou
mam, when Hilt Kets on the war path.
Th.ire will ho iiii excursion train
leave 1 Illamook for Harvlew bunday
Abstracts on Short Notice!
Pacific Abstract Company
L. V. EB1-RUARDT, Mntmgci
Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of
Tillamook County, Oregon
(Willi KiiLLit Watson)
Mln 533 Also Mutual
P. O. BOX 147
a-vay from homo. Dinner
II A. M. to H l M.
I, ok for tho aitfn h A I
Ill aercH 1J mTle from Tillamook.
Will run nine cow. Bnqulro ni ner-
aid olllce.
SUlyncrummWiliioiiKlvor, it par j
of whut Ib known . tlm 1-j.ler HrunJ
,,., with or without Htoek. wnitt
Uo or ...on,
nlunty of Urai ror mo u.n..w. ...
Zl rintor-t. See N. I "hiwo".
U , .11'
u,h(, Ore.
Limt Umio October f
.. . .-w. . ii.Mi n D
",vini cnrwi. a noon HORSE
bv keeplmr him In shabby old Harness.
Wo are selling Hurnesn mndu of the
best stock t prices thut ought to
tempt you. umpss
t wr.iai mni'H iioi"m"
A beautiful ry lm. 1H00 Ihn. or jucnnlwl In time.
ov.r. will m-k- lhA ' ff. iT Hn" W. A. niLLIlTId,
inook. c g ijracco.
rt's Worth More Than Gold
to Relieve the Mind and Enjoy
The Kind They Always Show at
15, 25 and 40 Watt, 35e
60 Watt .... 45c
100 Watt .- 80c
150 Watt .... $1.20
250 Watt .... 2.00
Print fit l.mii' .tc IU.ru.
Imnix (o nay part ni
!mc villi nnj,ii"i. ... I
wlrlnu at the lnwtt prloca con- f
nlntcnt with K! workman!.!!!, 1
wiHMok ;oWfl tiIHV.,.,. I
Senator Simmons Says Tariff
Bill Will Reach President
Last of August.
Washington. With the tariff hill
comphited hy the nat caueiw, tho
annate leadora feel certain that the
measure will he in the hands of the
j president hy th, latter part of Aujjost.
j Klvfi wciiks Is the tlmo S'.'nator 81m
! roona, who will bnvo the hill In chance,
; bol!v: will he needed. Ileptibliraii
' senators, however, Insilat that It will
! take much more tlm.
I forty-seven democratic senators
atcod up to the party caucus one hy
lone and declared their intention to
vote ior the Underwood-Simmons tar
1 iff revision hill a finally approved by
the caucus. Two senators, HniiMlell
and Thornton, of Loulsana. said that
they would not make such promise b-
p I cauiMj of the proposal to place sugar
on lh; free Hat In 1913. Senatore
Hitchcock of Nebraska and Culberson
of Texan were ahuent. but tioth aro
known to be In favor of the bill. Tills
gives the democrats 49 votes for tho
hill or a slender majority of one, with
the vote of the vice president to fall
back on In an emergency.
Retslutlon Not Binding.
An aLuolutoly bjndlng resolution
wan not adopted, the poll by individu
als hclns tubstltuted, and that poll
! was put only on the sround of person
; al promise and was not made binding,
i A rerolutlon was adopted, however,
i declaring the Underwood-Simmons
; hill a party measure and urglns Ita
i undivided support without amendment
j mi lea such should be submitted by
. the committee.
J Hefore final action on tbe bill the
' caucus nave concessions to the scn
Hton, from woolprowlng states by
adopting an amendment makins ef
' fective a provision for free raw wool
, In December 1. 1913, and ihe rates on
manufactures of wool January 1. 1914.
Mulhall's Story of Lobbying Told.
How the National Association of
Manufacturers, through its hired lob
byists at Wafchington, secured legisla
tion favorable to its Interests, obtained
the defeat of measures beneficial to
The lebor interests, how it controlled
i concession il committees, made and
i uimt'de sir.atorj and representatives.
1 acd how It levied tribute on all raanu
frr'. r-tf Interests great and small
' throur.hout the country, was explained
I by the sensational exposures of Colon
el M. M. V.ulhall. for 10 years the lob
byirt. field worker and strikebreaker
of the organization, before the senate
Ipv-stigatlon committee called into
i existence by President Wilson's
charges that an "insiuious loooy ex
ists and has existed at the national
capital for marry years.
Witness' Confession is Astounding.
A story of misrepresentation. Imper
sonation of public men and organized
effort to Influence Wall street finan
ciers probably without parallej In the
history of congressional Investigations
was unfolded before the senate lobby
committee by a prosperous-looking,
self-possessed Individual, calling him
self David Lamar, of New York, self
described as an "operator in stocks"
and admittedly the bearer of several
assumed names. With entire abandon,
arousing tho committee to laughter at
times by his naive admissions, he told
of his impersonations, his participa
tion in attempts to Influence Wall
street. He telephoned to financial
men and lawyers In the names of
Representative Palmer and Uepresen
tatlve Hlordan. He assumed the guise
of Chairman McCombs, of the Demo
cratic national committee, to telephone
to Chairman Utiles, of the, Republican
natlounl committee.
National Capital Brevities
Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska
withdrew from the democratic caucus
when his proposed tariff bill amend
ment for a graduated tax on tobacco
production was defeated. A spirited
scene followed.
Attorney General McReynolds has
dismissed Judge Clayton Herrinston
from the department of Justice at San
Francisco. Herrlngton had criticised
the federal authorities In connection
with the Dlggs-Camlnettl case.
The Interstate commerce commis
sion will have to get along In Ita creat
task of making a physical valuation
of railroads without the assistance of
the army engineers unless congress
can be Induced to pass special legis
lation. ,
Government officials are greatly In
terested In the reported achievement
of Dr. Goldschmldt, a German Inventor
of wireless apparatus, in sending mes
sages between Neustadt, near Han
over. Germany, mid Tuckerton, N. J
3900 miles.
The American people drank mor
whiskey and beer, smoked more cigars
and cigarettes and chewed asore tobac
co during the fiscal year 1913 than la
Nazercnc Meelingi.
Services Tuesday nml Friday even
lugs. Sumluys ut 3 nml 8 p. m.
Notice is hereby Riven that J. B.
Rohiiifun, administrator of tho estate
of Daniel Hull, deceased, hns filed in
tho county court of tho Stnt of Ore
Bop for Tillamook County, his final
account In tho snid estate and that
tho matter has been set for hearing
by tho said court for Aupust 15. 1913,
at tho hour of 10:00 a.m. AH persons
having ony objections to tho said ac
. I ..II ............... ...... .,...... In
COUIH, .... IIUIBU.im uiltii-riuii iii - ..... ,
. ' i.. .i... ...i.i ......... .. ., ......... nn.iv narlnri nf Inn tintlrm'a
tuny way in mu h.ii.i esmic, nm nv.tujr anj- umcr jcu.i;
(notified to apnoar on or before tho history, according to estimates based
tlmo stated ami make known llmlr ob- fc reqonj.breaklni; Internal rv
iect mis nnu cla ms. , . . . T-,.i'i VarA.
.1, n UOUIN.SON, ! enue receipts . of tho .federal sTvm
Administrator Aforesaid. ' meat for tho 12 months endsd .Hut 34).
Attorneys for Administrator.