Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, July 11, 1913, Image 1

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issued twice a weektuesday and friday
Largest Circulation of any Paper in Tillamook County
Tillamook, Okhoo.n, Jim.v 11, 1913.
NO. 10
It n the mm of tlu.M Imnlc to give
thchctfl bmiluuy nervlec possible
unci we do it.
It in also our aim to have the
very bent equipment mieli m.h
Modern lfire Proof Hnukiuiz
Room, l'ire Proof Vault, Mur
jlnr Proof Safe. Modern Stife
Depotdl Boxen and we have
ISveryihiujj l?rcli in Drxms.
1'verythiufi in Sundries.
Anything You Want.
44 t . ...'II
wc tmvcil i n, ivr win
We cant yoty busjoest. GJvcvJrUl
KOCH &. H I lL
IL I'- KOCH. I'b-G.
PIkkw. IWtl iiJ Muliuh Miln l
( i t Hon Ctmrnntcai Money lck it Vt iuitisMCtnry
Improvements Num
erous At Tillamook.
Many New RtsUeacts Bc!nf Erected,
Buiiscu Block Going Up.
Tillamook Clly l now experiencing
a building boom which fur urpac
anything !! city has previously en
Joyiil, HtinliiDin htnrH are being
rrnclcd : many dwelling rn living
Itiillt . cement nlk are being Isilil
and tlw I'alhulle have Iwgun the con
struction of a lino new church,
Mr M MelrMor has thu contract for
thi- construction of the new Catholic
Church whirl) will be U2x'M f-vl over
lt Thu foundation has alrcidy been
Ulil, and workmen arc now huy at the
othwr wurk. The new church will be a
fine edifice, modern In nil It construc
tion and nn ornament to the city. It
will be till III f brick, and will cost ap
proximately tlO,ly). Tho money ha
II hcfii rulmcrllx-fl for tho new church.
Fred footman has just completed n
line five room bungalo, located near the
Catholic Church.
David O'Dunnell, who recently moved
hic from Jlunton l building n five
room bnngnlo with nil modern improve
ment, near thu depot. He Intend
building two more near the ono ho U
tw building and two more In the west
end of to vn. Mr. O'Donnell ha
great faith In Tillamook.
Clyde (Moment i building flnoncv
home on hU property In the west end
of town. Mild we undertttind that he
will hull I another later on.
Cheater McGbee. I building a fine
two story residence on Hint Street In
the went part of town. Thin building
will have nine noma and will have nil
modern Improvement.
The following property owner are
building now cement walk! W. C.
King, Dave Martlncy, llel, John
Hrant, Wade. T. II. Coyne. First Nn
tlonal Hank, W. A William. Knights
of 1'ylhia. The cement wcrk Id very
cxtenilvo aid include many blocks.
The new bank ami hotel building U
ncaring completion ; the 1 O. O I''.
Mock la now being rudldly erected and
work o.i I'm new Maonlc building i
now under
Tho twenty-fourth annual convention
of the Oregon State Pharmaceutical
Aiaocfatlon ii now In tetalon ut liny
ocean. There arc IOC delegates, whole
ale and retail drui;KlU, and travel
Init men are eleclhle U lteil. The
tnornlntc nit.lon arc achcduled for
builn nnd Um afternoon enjoyed by
lchteeln( and cntcrtainmentii provid
ed for them, DruKi(it Lamar, Clouh
nd Koch of Tillamook attended the
convention. Many of the delegates
pen' o:ne time in Tillamook. The
convention close thU evcnliiK and ha
ben voted a very ucceful one. The
delejialca nil belnif plraed with place
jiml manner In which Uiey were nter-
ctd i imrn vn ii 1 1 r
Dinnnuto niiAUE..
A lari;c whale had boen cait aihore
n the aand pit nt N-tarU. It Is 70
feet Ioiik, the Jaw lionc measure 22
feet loni; and 1 1 feel wide. Meaure
(rienU were taken by Dr. Shartw who
ueht to be nn auUlorily, The eu
(noiHtcr la quite n aight nnd many
hnve Rone to rtctaru to ace IL A
iiiimlxr nf (kn tnillttamun aru tilnnnlnf
poinjr out there next Sunday nnd may
practice their harp hootimc abilitie
pn the aeationt that are no plentiful on
hc rocks nlnjut Nt Uirt.
The !-ovnl Bcrean Clasa of the
Church of Christ of Carlton, 16 atronff.
left on MordV. June 30th on n hike to
The warty connistcd of the following:
Kldln Sulfin. Wm. FUhback, Lcn Fish
back, Ulmo Holfman, A M. HolTman.
T. S. Stnllcop, Newt Livinu'on. Ivan
Clllam, Holla Woolman, Mits Zcttaand
Mildred Bodle. Mi Mildred Simpson,
Miw F.ffie Smith, Mr. N'lna Stnllcop,
-Mr. J. K. I.itnpu. chaperon, nil of
Carlton ; Ml Helen Morning of Cor
vrtllii. The party wok entertained by the
liyul Son "a Cla ut parlor of the
ChriJtiun Church Wednesday evening.
Iniiiiiial warehouse. tll .WU. PUr-U. T,- nnv4nv nmmiiniontion n from
chninl by Mr. Daniel J, Fry of Snjem, ' c. W. Talmauo who is takinK his vaca-
OrcRon on lliunuiay. me irati i Uon in Southern Oregon:
vcrv choice .ne for the purxo nnd is uie (jr,.ck. Curry Co., July 5, TJ13.
lociltnl iii the East aide of the rnilwny Herald;
track ami on the North side of the Mule Creek enters into lioRue river
ciitiniv road. A eoitncl w immiHi-. nn ,h vrth s de aluiut ha f wnv b
. .1 . rl . I rrst RrirU
Shingles : Plaster
Root Paint : Drain Tile
t .i i v. a e u.iu.-P.Mt 7i ami Htl Ave. West
i.ili- r.iii.r.4l Itiin uiih Mr. J. F. Slran
nlian, architect, for n lnrc wnrehoue
on tho alKhl, the cost of the lame when
completed will be hIkhiI $0500. and in
lo be completed by the 10th of August.
Tho cfipiiclty of tho warehouse will be
about J cars of gerornl frviKht. Kol
lie W, Watson, took n lone time lenne
on tho complete! atrnperty.
r.mnln Pans and Cold lieach. It
' Ik in the Sinkiou Forest Kesterve. We
reuchetl it by trtfil through tho reserve,
running down the river, i will not try
l to describe the trail. Much would
' have 'o be left to tho imagination
: nnv wny. Rogue river (and it is a
. mj'i.litv tttri'um hnvlnir an nveruire fall
of -tO feet to the milcl tore iu wny, in
ngco paused, through the Coast Range.
The tmil is hewn, and dug, nnd
goughed nlong the brink nnd sides of
th's gorge, nnd over nnd nround the
ridges, that's nil.
Wo did not And much grass there for
our pony, so hiked on down here, where
wo struck it rich in that line.
P.kiL sore and weary nnd worn"
were we, so we celebrnted tho 4th by
On Friday morning of July -ah. 10I3,
(i r till.' 1 1 fl f Kundlnkers. tifty-nine in
number, met at the homo of John Wha-
i 1.1..1.1.. ..ninrininml. 1 it nlt(-of the Inviiii? over, letting our iwnv fill
I ...i . i.. .i, n.ir.. iL rroA-ii ! r.,'t-iitii- h fuw trout, and huntim;
...,... ii 1 1, 1 niM niituriHl as then c-1 k HiiL' a nittlo snnUe we had discov
nie crowds on Sundlnko am noted for. creil the day before up the creek. We
At nine a.m. the parade of vehicles ' move on tomorrow,
nnd leaini begun to cross the bridge nt This is a rough country, but its min
Mr Whnlin's place and continued to , erul wealth is untold. There tire
come until after 10 :C0 n.m. t j mountains of quartz and the day is
1 T FMwnnls, Ihu priifessioniil pho-1 coming when Western Josephine and
toi'ninhcr of Snndlnke, was there with Eastern furry will turn put enough
his ciimorii and took severn I snapshots. gold to eiToct the prices nil over the
Tim Sandlako people were pleased to ! United States. But wo uro not out for
have in their midst Lawyer Hunting- j gold.
01 roriiiinu , wo
.S'tV hrnn.
Alton? t Ljw 4iul Notify Public
MA X -w
TiHninook, Oregon
I have in ineir nmisi
I..... mill frii.inl Mr. Allen
nnd Hanker Wilson of Wullti Walla,
Wash. , ... .
At eleven a.m., the Indies of
it... Uiiiwiiiil:,! rixikiiiL.' club begun to
prepare tho table to receive the many
li'ilntv and wholesome luxuries pro
paml bv thuin tho previous day. Any
one who has enjoyed theso picnic din
ners prepared by tho ladies can well
imagine what a treat was in store for
those gathered around tho table to par
take o? the feast.
After partaking of this most excel-
lent repast tho people were served to
1 iro cream which was donated by deorgo
I, mid and was appreciated very much
by all
i are after trout this month. The
menu is trout or oucon. n.exi moiun
it will bo venison or bacon.
Tell tho boys wo are well and enjoy
ing the trip. A hike over the rock
ribbed hills, a supper of fresh trout, n
Iiipo or two by tho camp tire, and a
jlanket under tho silent stars. What
more does man need?
crowd with several selections from
violin. ... . .
Although we livo in tho backwoods
wo can say for the Sandlakers that
they always have a good timo and no
trouble over comes up among tho crowd
ti i..vi. il.ntoiifA ut ttwiif tiiftiia
' . . m. . : ..'..a aiifu.il tii nil. .....l ..II ... r n.lv for n rilil.riit ion and
.. """I . ....! I llui,.i,l,,i, I., flu. nm. ,1 !,., In IHU.
1110 people iiij"." """""'h . " , , .,
.i,i f Lawver Huntington which was, Hurrah for Sandlako and its people
DELSMAN & ihilaim
a in 5, nuui
Building BIoc'-s, Septic lanks, nic
SANDWO iviaiui..-.w
11(111 III ln)' .
.. i..i..v..uitiiir mill hmtrutivu and Oil
loved by all. He ended his oration by
thanking tho people for their kindness
lohim anil his friends and to show their
appreciation of his oration, tho people
nil joined ill giving regular old fush-
, ioneil cheers. . . .
I A very pleasant day was onjoyed by
all and best of all in our celebration
"Ono who was there. "
The Most Important
Business of Yours
Tillamook Beseiged
And Taken
Have Capitnlited to fhe Third
Regiment, 0. N. G.
Ideal wcathtr conditions and the en
thusinstic co-operation of officers ami
men is going to make the Third Regi
ments annual encampment a record
lireBker for work accomplished along
the line of instructions nnd drill or
dered by the war department and Col.
Martin. From the sounding of reveille
at 6:30 Ui the blowing of Taps at 10
o'clock, there is something doing. The
routine of work ha gone along
out a hitch, a if 11 was the
day business of the guardsmen. There
ha been a large number out to the
carnp each morning and evening to
watch the drilling nnd nxerclses. The
problems in actual warfare that are
worked out before the peoples eyes are
a revelation nnd gives one an insight
of modern open tactics that are so
different from the old mass forma
tions. The sanitation, cooking and equip
ping arc exemplified. Each man is
taught and must become familiar with
proper care of his physical condition.
The dress parade and guardmount
axercisc between six and eight are not
so well attended as they would be if
the public knew how impressive and
interesting they arc.
The regiment breaks camn Monday
morning at 6 o'clock and will immedi
ately en-trnin and start for their res
pective homes. Six of the com
panies nrc from Portland and one each
from Salem, Corvallis. Oregon City,
ami NVoodburn.
The Commuwry.
As everything else in the army the
The lineup was: Third RcKi'ment
Whitehead. S. S. Holllngsworth 2b.
Hill, c, Kucrtz 3b, Mansfield lb.
Erickson, If, Newell rf Cook cf,
Horn, c, Arnspigcr lb, Kinglf, Wallace
rf, Hare p.
Team work is what counts. The
militia men had some good players but
as it wm the first time they had played
together made it a pretty ragged prop
osition. The Mount.
The classey horses ridden by the offi.
cers are the admiration of all eyes.
They are the property of the Kramer
Riding Academy of Portland. The
second largest riding school in the
United States, lorated on Sixteenth
ami Jefferson St, The fourth floor
is used for riding and intru 'tion floor
It owns 90 hones, 35 of which are In
with- Tillamook at the present time. S. E.
cvery- j Kramer tne proprietor is nere wiin tne
regiment naving several grooms irom
his stable to take care of the horses.
The fine horse hitched to the trap
seen on the streets Is a prize winner
at many horse shows. He will remain
in Tillamook having been purchased by
Kustel Hawkins.
commissar; is systematized to a very
fine point. By experience tho officer in
charge knows just how much rations
arc used and thee are issued to the
quartermasters of each company. At
ihu present prices it is estimated that
each mnn will consume about 29 cents
worth of food a day and each company
is a ititled to food to that amount. For
instance one hundred men will consume
125 pounds q( beef a. da.yor.75 of bacon
or a percentage "at the same ratio of
each. Flour 125. beans 15 or rice 10,
potatoes 100. coffee 8, sugar 20, even
Col. Jackson the Neater of the army
In Oregon and the Pacific coast, is with
the boys at Camp West. Although the
colonel Is 83 years old he never misses
camp and enjoys being with the colors
at every opportunity. He has seen
much service especially as an Indian
fighter on the frontiers, back in the
days before some of the grand fathers
of today wfre born. He is now on the
retired list of the regilar army.
Each company have been is'ued
guidance flags, during camp are posted
at the first sergent's tent but during
actual service are carried with com
pany. OapUin White of the ordinanse dept.
in private life is an editor on the Ore
'. I gonian and is representing that paper
.1. ...... .11.1 U tll III t.ivli'iit lnir drinks of ailV
lliuru io n ii."."-"-."i7 : . '
kind ninong thu people of which wo are
liioilv nroutl
Mr. Hurt
Mnpos entertained tho
Is where vott invest your money
TIiq Western Loan & Savings Co. of
Knit l.akoCltv.Utah. a tried and proved
company, is now ready for business in
'Pllliimonk and Tillamook Co. To loan
. . monov or build you a homo on small
ttr W A If m.inihiv nnvinunts. at u low ratu of
wm. cowan
ntoroit, Wrlto or soo
A. C. EVERSON, Loan Agt.
A. M'NAIK, President,
n. L. SHRODE. Vico President.
Hoard of Appraisors.
E. M. llalos, F. H. Minick,
It. P. Zachman, E. J. Clausson.
Hoard of Trustees,
John Lolaud Hen
derson, H. L- Ooali,
L, C. Smith, W. G. McGee.
for men
and Women
Or 2sd Ave. 0ita Ed's Gmge
Market, about 550 lbs. are used dally.
The M.il.
The several hundred soldiers have
greatlv increased the work of the local
postorfice force, bdt it is well taken
care of by postmaster Baker and his
etlicient force. All mail for the regi
ment isjtaken to the adjutant's tent at
headquarters and by him distributed to
the several companies and in the same
manner it is dispatched.
The Quartermaster.
Capt. Henry Hockenjos has charge
of this department in service and he
certainly has his hands full. He is re
sponsible for all the equipment. The
lent, uniforms, guns, amunition. etc.
If telephone service or a bridge is
needed, he has the goods. There is a
large amount oj stutt to Keep a cneca
upon. .Major Knapp oi mis ucuatimcni
in the adjutant's otliee arrived yester
Hoioital And Ambulance.
Maior Marcelius, city physician of
Portland has charge of this branch.
The hospHal tent is located in a nice
shady spot. He has trained assistants
with nun to wan on me siciv, uui
thanks to the fine physical condition of
militia men and the healthful and in-
v urorating Tillnmook climnio uieir ou-
ties have not been very arduous. The
Ambulance Corps is a very worthy
adjunct to tho fighting force. It is
composed of about 25 men commanded
bv unpt. A. N. Creadick. and LieuL
Honneporg. tne men arc ixamcu in
Litter-handling, bandaging and first aid
service to wounded. Their drilling is
very interesting as well as instructive
to all who have been lortunaie 10 wit
ness them.
The Band.
The regimental band is tho best non
professional musical organization in
Hi.. tnti. Thoro aro 86 nlavors here
on duty under the directorship of Wm.
A. Uougaii, manager musicm instru
ment dept. Graves Music Co. He is
also director of tho Al Kadcr band.
Tho band rehearses every morning.
gives it concert In tne atternoon anu
plays lor uress paraue anu uuuriimuuuv
In tho uvenlng. They havo been voiy
generous and havo given some lino
concerts in tho city. Saturday even
ing nftor tho exercises at camp thoy
will L'ivo a concert and dance at the
opera houso everyone is wolcome to at
tend. Sunday evening they will give a
concert at Uuvocoaii. T. 11. Willet is
tho drum major and director of march
Bate Ball.
Thoro was no game between the lo
lu iinil unlillur.1 nn W.lilnnsilttV on ac
count of tho weather. On Thursday
however there was a slaughter th-it
was not mimic but actual. Tho milt-
i fniini from tho reirl
mont to cro un against our boys, but
there waa liothlng to it as our boys
mu.ln flm anl.llpr havA fool liko U kill
deraardon. The score was 16 to 1, not
bl-metaltsm but boao ball.
during camp.
The pay received by the miltia while
in camo is: Captain, (6.67 ; 1st
Lieut., $5.50 ; 2nd Lieut,. U.T2 ; 1st
Serg., $2.00 ; Sere. $1.60 ; Corporals,
$1.40 ; Privates. $1 25 per day. This
is the pay of the soldiers in the regular
Last year the Oregon troops joined
with the militia of Washingioa. Idaho.
Montana, and the "regulars stationed io
tiese states, totaling 8.000, and went
through war manuevers for 11 days
salt, vinegar and candles are hgurcd.ncar tacoraa, vtasn,
out. Major Winn of Albany and Cant. , The dress uniform of blue is not car
Ritterspacher have charge of this de- j tq$ to, nor worn, in camp any more,
partment. The goods issued are all i ne -nodern rule is to cut gold lace and
bought at wholesale. The bread comes j 8now. Everything is for actual ser
in daily from the Royal Bakery of , vlc6 ami the most practical knowledge
Portland they being the lowest bidder, obtainable. Regular army officers are
The meat is supplied by Leach's Meat 'on the field all the time criticising and
Rev. Gilbert the chaplain wishes to
nee a large attendance at the regular
army field religious services next Sun
day afternoon at 2:30. The services
are open to all. The band will furnish
some instrumental music, beside some
fine vocal talent will sing.
Senrcnts A. R. Deburgh and Clark
of the coast artillery are in camp hav-
ing been assigned to temporary service
with this regiment.
Serg. Ori P. Romaine of Co. H. has
a national reputation as an expert '
rifleman, being the sixth best shot in '
the United States. He has medals
enough to cover the side of a circus
tent, Co. L of Oregon City also has
two good shots in the persons of Serjr.
Spaglcr and Corporal Kellog. Q. M.
Serg. Lewis of M is also an expert
with rifle and pistol.
Corporal Lewis Compton of Co. M.
secretary of the Y. M. C. A. at Salem
honored our sanctum with a pleasant
The Herald man appreciates the hos
pitality of Co. H mess and can vouch
for their good grub especially its pies.
Tie chef Wm. H. Howe, pastry cook
at the Multnomah Hotel in Portland,
certainly can deliver the goods. His
assistant, Horace Welch used to run a
restaurant at Bay City consequently is
O. K. They with Q. M. Irvers and top
Serg. Spady are a good team to tie to.
Tho dance given for the militia at
tho Opern House last Wednesday night
was very well attended and enjoyed by
Capt. Max Gehlhar of the Salem com
pany is county clerk of Marion County
and has met a large number of political
acquaintances in Tillamook.
Cunt. Abrams of Co. M being pro
moted to Major, made an entire change
in the otlical staff of that company,
only a few days before starting lor
camp, every otneer went up a numi.
E. C. Hromllee of Co. E. is the asso
ciate editor of the A. O. C. Barometer
at Corvallis. Co. E. is composed
of High School and College men.
(Continued on page 3)
Tillamook, Or. '
i i3