Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, July 08, 1913, Image 4

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Senate Lot ' y Committee Issues
Subpeim for Agent Manu
facturers' Association.
Washington.--Further sensations In
the ente" lobby Investigation wrv
forrhn:i. wed when tt became knovn
that uv"Mma tad been aerrod on
M.'ri i M. Molaall o( Baltimore, ro
ported to have bn tor many years
t!.e rest e fhrtd agoU" una lobbyist
ot the NVti.i ..-.! Association of Manu
facturer The sut-.vna . ordered by Chal.
man tutrm.n. of the lobby commit
tr. sft.M prcn nations had ban
mir tf r.m t.it Mr. Mulhall was
w. a o Ko .. glvo the commlttaw
I . t ttllTlll I
I People In U'c news
Jnck Johnson, negro pugilist. hn
'skipped hi twil" to t'.ie amount ot
$15,000, and Ua fled viu Ottnnilii to
It t reported that Kins Alpha'
vli-w with much favor the proposal
of tho trailed State to ratso th lo-
Notice CIo.iIhk Strenm.
N-liee. i hereby given Hint tho KN'0V Al.l. MKN HY TIIBMK I'KK
Cotuty Court of Tillamook County. gKtvrS, That, WIIKUKA8, the r'tal"
UrCtOH. will M'CMVO Beaten o.... mm ()1(p ivnnW,.n
U o clwtlni! of llio -igl't-o.-wny, grad
lug and e.vcavntitip, nod building all
nocownry brldgo and trestle, of i
wucon pi'iul. running from tho Ivunt
gallon at Madrid to tho rank .f n ne of (iarllmMI, at St : txtUto.Stii
em tansy.
Merda .Vtetiofcmn, Iho Indiana
novelist, has declined to accept the
post of minister to Portugal offered
him !y President Wilson.
Governor Dunne signed th woman
uffMe bill recently pcd by the
(6 30 iumr tho Kt C.uribii lill rook
quarry, on tho J. M. Harrison County
roml. according tojplnna and upecilien
tloi on A to In the ollleo'of tho Cotlii'y
Clark of T(llt.nnHik County. Oregon.
Contract to bo completed on or bofttro
Sopt. c 1013.
A certified chock eipml to 6 per cont
er. or Hie mate oi "hk" -
,1 predeoeaaora. lhe Iwmd of Fish
Commissioner of tho Stat of llrogoni
. . . .. .j ...i t ......
hue propagnlsn aim nioenon. now
pi:trni and alofkiwi tho aier
l!lno; loglalotum Tho new law n
franchfee l.600.0a0 -omon In Illinois. ' 0f th, nUWUhiof the bid, muxt acwom
.nd douMea the number entitled lo lmnv on(., nf n KUuriuito that tha
', in tho fBtted mate. ibiddorwill OAttito n bond for tho
Thief ot Pal Ice Undaey ot Usuls j compI,)tlol, 0f tho vntruct If nwnnletl
vilto, Ky., iaauod a blanket order for ( th0 3ume.
the arreai of werr of apllt aktrt-j Ail bids to bo Alod In Iho oilleo of
lthor.t proiectlna undentarmonta. tJl9 Co,Blv clerk of Tilla.njok funlv.
Chf rle r.. IVndoll. wealthy real oe Oreno-. on or boforo 10 o'chnsk a.m.
liut-.-nar.: f.vt r'pardtna attempts to tate rroaer and money lender of ltaaalMy tl avih day of Joly. A. I).
IntiJi ce 1- :islatton. AnRo . wn found in hi otftco with i
Thi; n.
.rt at d eitoat of tho dt.- h!a rkull rrehod. It wag discovered
cl-?rn -h:t are expected wore out-li-.
d ta ri i-rtxlp paWthfd, ondor
tie i- or: -nature of Mr. Mttlhall. In
the N Wrk World and tho Chicaaxi
TV M lv'1 rr; ",-le named many tor
m.r . wi ,-r-t nimbsr of conijreas
whn a.ifced to haro been active
a,;t:it. in .-upport of lejtiaiation do
8 rfl Ik- the Nat o"al AMoetatlon Ol
Mnu.atn :r r It specified employee
of cvr. r,.. fclui :.ad fcoea retalnod to
sru-.o I .fon-.Mtlci. and alleged that
even tc. r rcra oi me nouse w
n?DIV: t'l .. .H'9
l! rnmtioa
Cucus ht Deaf to Westerner's Plea j
Nt.; ith-a.:dUm tho efforts of ev
oral .aterii lmocmt to induce the
cam ii.- to i.'i.ioe on tho free liat all ,
tocin clot. s. clotolas. blankets, and j
cth ::unu'..i tarea of wool, an over-
ni.jrity stood out ag&lnat
thu amendi:. ut and defeated tt.
7 esu rn senators urgt'J that. In-aan-.'j'.h
as raw wool Is placed on the i
free ii.n, it would bo only (air to tho
that mere than ilPOPOO In caah and
Jewelry bad boon tufteR by his murder
The announcement of Manaper Birtn
Ingham, of U; Cloveland American
League club, that he tatended to bench
Napoleon jjoi, ocood baseru.iB of
the team. ha precipitated a feud be
tween Lajole and Hirmlngham.
Jmes R, Garfield, commissioner of
corporations durinc tho Rooeovolt lol
ministration, restified for the defense
tn the government's anit to dbuolvo
Tho County Coirt rservv tho rlctit
to reject any ami all hid.
H ardor of tho County Court.
Coor.ty Clerk.
Notice ol iientt's $;ile if Kc
I'rupcrl y.
rtllmok Hay and it tributarie. in
nilamcok County. St"'? Uroson.
uitli tnlmon Ash. ami
W1IKUKA8. ld Tillumonk Hay and
It trllmtailert ttre frsquenlad by awl
n n Ash. and. for tho mirpos of pro
tectlntt the same, the earn" ftate Hoard
of Kih ami tlame Commissioners ha
dVridetl tocloso a tributary of tald Til
lamuok Uoy. Hnown m tho lloquart
on SkHh. ml iU tHbUrle
abuve a polm on W UUrt.
on Sboithr 31 West 9.019 1 trl fmm
the irtlon cor. irr cmmiio to Section
W. il. S6 and W. of Township I Sh.
Rano tO Weal, of the Willamette
.Meridian this point on saw1 lloquart
on Slough hl more particularly U
intl by poaU roctel by the Ma'et
Klh ".Vanleo wamin the public, ami
also another tributary of al nils
mok I'aj. known Miami Kivcr.
above tr t hrro tho county wan""
briUito cru said Miami Kv.r J w
below tho faelAc Railway A Nant
tion Compony 'siailrad bridge .-rusaintf
ui.l Miami Mlver. all bolei tn tilla-
Abstracts on Short Notice!
ii y tiii:
Pacific Abstract Compam
,.,iA,.tA,J', Mtuuifiri
CompKMi Svt of AbatrActs of Ihr Krcordsol B,
TilUinook Covinty, Oregon )!.
;iwith vi..
ItO'fM CilONItti
Mi At. Muliul
P. O. lOX I ?
.Votico ia hereby pven. that by virtue 0twlt County. Stato of Oregon, lo pro
of an Execution and Onter of Salo U- Vvnl nnln (herein by any hhmos
auod out of tho Circuit Court of tho wwuw, ,p with hot and lino.
State of Oroiion, for the county of mu. ,,ii .mtiiaK. fur salmon
th t nited state, ateel coroorat Ion. ' Hamook, dntotl tho Ml day of Juno. .h Autt,tK lh- trud of lime horew
re tired to nick UP 14 it uld that ha rwnorted to President ' VAS u "' n Jment od dwro rmv .n-...tiM.
abut prHKd totsia- Roosevelt tn IMi that ho. had found " a,'J &"h day of N,nv, rHRREPORK. NOtlCK KS
; April. iio, in i no onuso wnorow a. m . tKKEHy GIVEN by MM Slate Uard
IT .otnpavn and Fioyti A. Swan, co-port- of Klh vftd Cm. c.mmUsiooer that
now. (loinir business tinder tho Ann t)d tM,,uWy uf TiUamouk Hay. hm.on
twmo iiml stj-to of Thompaon nnd 8w,n, ),iartun Sloofh, and Ha
were plaintilt... and Alton H. Wilson ,flhtlUrMS gbovo a point on;
and Uura U Wilson, husband awi . HuOUlirtoI, Uawb. tT 81' Wwt i
wife, Sa .ud Uttack. Willinm l'ono ,., - f. irnm .k mmm
nothing that would call for prooocu
tlon of tho corporation
Ray Diamond, the Glondnle. Or.,
bank robber, wag arrested by Sheriff
liailey of Curry county He said that
he hath had a hard time of It la the
mountains and claimed that he wa
oomfr.R in to give himself up. He bnd
for, and Joseph K. Dilliam, were dt
eurr I
common to 3cc:iun 23, 3. 2& and 3tt.
of Township t South. Rafltfo 10 Weat.
of the Willamctle.iterltlian this point
on said Hoquartn Skwcrt '..boin nwrr
particularly drstfrnatod P"1 orri-
thrown away his gun. Most of th- ' inoani. aKainai saw ootomiatiw ami
stolen money wag found on his porson " fwr of said plaintiff, to antlafy,
Salmon Prkes Are Fixed I the said judgment and dooroo. A mount-
Astoria. Selling prices of the 1$13 init to tho sum of Four Thousand Six
t. . -.t..nKi r4nr ranaari U HUM II lnitreti &IM rifll -OTliI lioIUM. With .. . . .ki . ... . . .
woo'crowers and the public feneraliy " " , . , , ,. V .u o i a t- ,n " r,,n " "nwn warning
to ,...co on the free lUt the mapufac ,ollow- r oc,,p" t're,t from lhtt 2n dV of tho pubHe. are turn each of them
cans: ibiis. ji.w, ."v. m. i-. .v...7. , k"" (, hereby Closed to nhiritf
pousU. $1.25: oval. I2.S5. cent per annum; tho further sum of 0f wjnj (ot Mtmon flub. ott
These prtces were aeciareu warnuii- o iiutoo innars mwriwy tees, wit litl0 -inmonty ralW.
turc- of wool, which would really ben
efit th - consumer much more than
free ' wooL
Tin . mmlttt'o insisted that if man-ufactur-.-.s
of wool were placed on the
fref l.bt there would be a lame deficit
in th 'reagury, and for this reason
th.' cr'Uiltteo and the caucas would
njt : ; ' the proposed amendment
Sevirzl Chanoes In Currency Bill
Se-. i : changes were made in tho
cnrri:r bit as tho result of the nu-mcrci:-
cooferonces in which Presi
dent Wi.. ;n. democrats of tho house
nttJ -tn.it.j committees. Treasury l-
pan t.. rat officials and a committee
of lunl' took part, but despite earn
est ap.--.ls that the federal reserve
board 'o control the proposed new
curr-':r system be increased and that
the tai.kri-8 receive representation, no
chat.e in this provision was made.
The board will constat of seven men
to be apio!nted by tho president.
In the scenate. Senator Cummins
contemplates proposing an amendment
which would make tho board an trac
tive body.
Reiiit-ered In the bill was the orl?-
or! by the fact that tho run thus far and tho costs of said auit arvKUia cuata niti,nj, fmm and after July H. I14.
has not been large and thorp Ii a and ox;nsea of said execution, I will, uni, on' tlMj f u,, 0tobr &. jpja ami
strong demand for the Columbia rtver . on Saturday, the 2nd day of August, t lroU thtt tritoJt4ry 0f ttd TilU-n-.k
product, which is in a class by itself, j 113, at 10 o'clock a. in., of said day. gay Miami Rtrr iu.
County Deputies look Alter weignw ni we iront uoor ot um county court ,w i m.-t,
Salem. Attention Is bolnit called ty houoe. in 1 illamook City, OrsipHi, soil mift1rt j,tm( n,
Deputy State Soaler of Weights and
Measures F. G. Buchtel :o the fact
that under the bill creating his office,
it Is mandatory upon tho county courts
to appoint deputies tn the counties of
tho statu. These deputies will be un
der tho supervision of tho deputy slat
sealer of eights and measure. Mr.
lluchtel has been provided with a
room at tho slatt-bouso and h3i ontr
od actively upon hid dutlos. i
county wag-Hi bri'ig.
at Hublio auction to tho hirhai biddor reifle Ulw ft N.vig.twm .
r Im a.aa.i u ll as a V sal.
' . a e "i I 14 w'rgy lsWf n.nv'at riti4 hilirM sr.Wtn.e
1 r . . ft- J L. . : .1 1 . a a . i LtT
I li mn isnvi wswajifj "va
twocent passencMr laws In .Missouri,
iaal projofltlon for retiring the pros-J Arl-r'nn M Wer-t Vlritinln, and the
lan H. Wilson and Laarn 1.. Wilson,
husband and wifo, had upon tho est-co-t
t o of tho mortaico described In said
pUintitl's complnint, or which thuy, or
either of them, hnvc since ncquired, in
und to tho real property situated in
TillatiKxik County, Urogon, doscribod
ag follows, to-wi;:
Tho nt rth tulf of tho northwest
quarter of section 5, in township 2,
south of ranu 10 went, WilfttmutUr '
Murtdiiin, anvo iinii ojtcoptinj; there- j
from tho Innd heretoforo convovotl to i
road rate :enlslatlon In Oregon, Mis- Schoo Oilricl M0. 7 t,v lrHttrumunt ro-'
w)url, Arkinsas and West Virginia. eorwi jn jj, .-j.- paKvm, deed roc- be proaoctitod ig by law provide.!
mm .5M"i.on i.iriuueu irKiK1Il mux ortjiof Tillninook County, OrKon. ! J. F. HU(5ll!iS
out of Portland In the Oregon clllua: Aitn h.innimr nt n noint on th U. I
S. MonmJur lino at thu HouthonHl cor- ' ''
V.'tthout ar)lns a dot from the prin
ciples laid -town last wc-k In thi M'.v
nesota rati cates. the supreme coun
of the Calfed Ste upheld state rail
ing of any kind for salmon AkH. "t.-. .
with hok ami Hoe. cowinKtn . u..'
angling, from and after July 1?. Il t.
until said tributary ia opened agatti t..
salmon Ashing, as provided fr uv.lrr
Se?tion' 5316 of lord's Oregon l.a.
aini It is and will be unlawful to hi
for, or lake, ir ealch a"y salmon rlt
by nny im-ans whatever, egrt pl with
. hook rind,, line, rommonly called khk-
line, in any of sold wnters during the
mill oriods of time nbovr stwciAed.
Any.'ntMl all porson uhotrinoevttr
AsbiliK in violation of thu notice -.s ill
,S4tup l'U gr(l. " a thw bo4Ch Iiavb ",
trr nun atn t"' imivr iritllnrs, Nc Iwt-i. l,
m.lcrn o.nei cosjr ntt8o, estn4K 6'"- U oi
Double Daily Train Service
testing I' rtUrvl Uilv
a I 1
dally etrwpt Mats I ay I !' l
t iin-M iir'. lrr iturUr ftrto ot Sff . 1
t-v st 111 ii-i tot .!. if-l lha evvntng -! '
ih th - fmi'c '.uti lu t"ftUi!l ftomUy
iat l of lime Iron. '..iiijrM.
3otan 1 hIiIi on dHf . . . t-t 00
W..V I'm! (ff t.lf Motxl.y) ,.13 00
I i.)fe.ion.li'if taw ff. (n' lKr .tlkl
0:tll tttf due hmnd nov tnUSf "TlUAMOO QJUW
I 04... .-4 l.g tlMt(M . , -1 I .,. I
City Ticket O I ilea
SO Sixth St., Cor. Oak
'MS V N,
f '.vHcfdl I'nuscii);' t
I'urllnm). Uu-.
I l(X0tM,.HX,.tl I
I t M OU It. I
ent banknotes within 20 yearn and
the oi.iwrution of additional federal'
n-i-r-.w- notfg for them. I
To Study Government Aid for Schools
' A. st p toward tolling the question
of governmental aid to the founding
of vo'tt" ji.al educational school was'
taken ' t'te senate through the yas
face of Hr-nator Hoke Smith' bill pro
viding for a commission of nine ex
perts to (study the question and report ,
to the nut session of congreis
Tht- b:ll is expected to halt action
temixtrarily on the various vocational
h'choo! Ills now before congress, hik!
whicli 'in . been the subject of rnu' ii
diccui--Ion. Tho commission that
would tn- authorised would not tke
up t! f o-isidcratlon of agricultural
pxten-.rii work, which Is covered in
fitp;.rM' ,U before congreak. Tb
romiiij 'i would be appolntod by the
pregld'Tt u, serve without p;iy.
Nati.rai Capital Brevitien
Goldtfti . ..' -M:-r htrapK are to be.
restored to 'lie ui'iforins of naval offi
cers. adr,r!.:ii; , an order Issuod by
St'critary I a n i nt Washington.
'Hit- liou )i. a puKed a bill for a
prohibitum i,.x jf $200 a pound on the
man jfuct.,.e r.i opium, and al-o pro
hlbltn x i'-. iii.t.i.rtation except for
medicinal icirpo-cg.
maximum trflgat rate laws lu Missouri
und Arkansab.
M JgT rl . I"
1 :.t
4;. i
1 13 rrHzrs
i&SXS The
it n .
t 101m trift vr .rlil mrt-r nm n YWt,
t 01 ,rrr"itr-ligrKt oveo .se.u
J'.,r, :-Iiojt w.'h I't.'itB K'-y.hvm
7 tvcj hau ytur fuel iJO!,
,7 TKe Great dnd Grand
: Majestic
A h !l .
n be introduced In the
Mtlhible ind Charcoal Iron.
r r i.xrfjf cxcltiiivofealurBI.Cftrli
4u. . ; tj i'jii jra'' u'yarniprat 11
C:i f rvi., 11 akin( Uio MjrjtTf) tljfl
I X iu:ivr yoa r.11 l,jy rM'anJIfM ut
in -. 'ilrit's wliy fit', cii oUiur tnanu
Jvturcu try to imitato it.
rot: sale ax
tier of lot fi of section 0. in tovnnhip 2 1
south, rane 10 wool of Willamette '
Meridian, nnd runninir thonco N. -iftj
W. 7.30 chums; thonco N. fr w. 8.87
chulng ; thenco N. l K. 17.80 chains;
thonco 18 W. 12.00 chains; tliuncu
N. 40 W. 2.00 clialns; tho forooing
being the mean lor of high water;
thence west 10.00 chnina to low water
mark ; thenco alont; tho rnuumler lint
of low water as follows; S. 67 R 11.00
chains; thenco S. 21 B. 8.00 chains;
thence .S. !l W. S.21 chains; thunce A.
7 E. 10.50 chulmi ; thenco S. 22- K. 5..10
chain ; thunoo S. 70 K. 1.00 chains ;
lliencu N. 1.S0 chains, to place of be.
M. .1.
Chairman j
.State Dm.nl
Flah ami (isinc
ITs Worth More Than Gold
to Relieve the Mind and Enjoy
The Kind They Always Show at
Portland, Orofjon. Juno 21, 1913.
Notice im horeby iven that W. II.
Finluy, by Edward F. Day, Ills nttur-noy-iii-f.tct,
whoso tHWtolIlce aililretx
ii St. Johrw, OruKon, di I on tho 21m
day of Juno, 1913, file In this ollh-u hi.
application, a Individual 1 laimant.
j to Ht.'icct under thu proviiions of the
A,. ..f 1 iUftJ . .. 11 1 .1
.Mnninir er.ntninln.' 1.1 US nrr- nf tl,K. ' "u,Jr '"" "Y l""
,Hvll, "Autof May 17, 10 5. tho EJ SWl Sec.
Alai), loU four, flvo, alx. soven nnd!1'0'1 ,u- "ni1 Section 0,
oight in lllock three In NotnrU Uay , Townnliip U South, Htinno 10 Wegt,
W, M.
1iouh to i -bt r. l.i. it- .'oo.OOO dlbcarded
KruK-lorgt ii. r.flca amoui; clubs of
clvlliaiib, it. tj : i to stimulate general
liiti.i' t In n"'- 'hooting.
Ari rnej tj. i-ral Mciteynolds sent
to fiiHrtbS :nl i ho corrcbpuudence re
latlt to tin: Dikr ('ainlnettl nnd
AVrHLrn Fuel ri,.,cs, which caugei) the
recent ret lgt at ion of Olstrict Attorney
McN:.! .it .Su Francisco, lie tKd
tlilu v .ttiout waiting for aotlou on tho
deini iid for an inveutlKatloti iiovv pend
ing in the houHn.
A "Kentlfiuan'a agrpemont" was
made between the threo party lenders
of the house tliat no buBlneng nhall hn
tranuactod during tho next two weeks
except on unanimous consent.
lex McNair & Co.
Ontod at Tillamook, Oresjon, Una
1st day of July, 101.).
II. Cronnhuw, Sheriff of
Tillamook Coin ty, Oregon.
mi uLlLi, Ui- 1 1
we Mwion
i DON'T .SI'jIL A 0001) HOUSE
I by keepliiK lilin In nhnbliy old HarncHH.
jWo nro Bellir.f,' IliirnuBB made of thu
Lost Htoek nt priceH tlmt ought to
I tempt you.
will not only Improve the uppouranco
f your homo, hut coutrllitito to your
m.fetv n well. Many n runaway could
bo avoided If tho old Harness had been
I discarded In tirno,
I I illamook - - Oregon
Any ami all pumonfl claiming ad
vurmily tho lanili ilescrlbwl, or deiir
ing to object becausu of tho minora!
character of the land, or for any nthor
roiiHon, to thu (lint.osal lo applicant,
Hhoulil thoir nflliliivltH of pro tout In
HiIh olllcu, on or huforo thu 2Uth day
of A'ugiikt, I0i:.
' II. F. IIKillY,
Notice to bo published in thu "Tillu
triook Iloruld" Lcatud at Tillamook,
LiiHt Ihshio Aug, (j, I'.
Surprisiujr Cure of Slomtc'i Trouhlei.
Whun ymi huvo trouble with your
Htotnach or chronic coiiHtlpation, dim 't
imagine that your ciiso is lioyonil hulp
jiiBt liucaUHu your doctor fallu to give
you roliof. Mr. (J. Stonglo, I'hiliifloM,
N. J. wrltos, "Forovor a month punt
I Imvo been troubled with my atom itch.
Everything- I lite iipn t It terribly,
Onuof Ciiamboriiiui'ti uilvorllsing boolc.
lets camu to mu. A ft iv rending n fuvv
of tho lutturs f r un opIu who had
boon cured by Chuin'torluln'ii TubloU,
I ilecldtfd to try thorn, I Imvo lultuii
nearly threu-fourtlm of a piickagn of
thorn nnd can now wit almost uvory
thing that 1 wunt." For uulu liy nil
Il'l'lil.isiirit i
Drparlmcnl of Tlir Inlctinr.
U. 8. LAND OFFICE at I'urtlan !. i.r...
June iW, lin
NOTICE is horehy glvnhM lln.r
lllnrk. of Hamlet, Oregon, wh ..n
I- ebruarv 21. lull uiml.- Homestosd
It-nlrv, No 02921. fm SWl swt Sec
II- MVlNWI Hoc. 23 Ucj. Liim
jif lownahlp I North, Itangi- 0 West.
W i lamulle Meridian, has AM i.otitu
of intcnlion to make Final Commiita.
lion I'roof, to oatablish claim to tho
Inntl fibove doacribod, tu fon- keenttr
find llorelver, ). S. HlHrVt. at
l'ortlnnd, OruRon. on the 2lt day of
AtiBiut, IU13.
(.lalmaiil iihiiios ag witnestea
Frank Colo,
Frank I'orlcr,
Otto (!etrlrh.
Sarnuol Tnimliol, nil of Hnmlut.
Department of The Interior.
U.S. LAND OFFICE nt l'ortlnnd, Ort.
1'iiy :i. una.
NO I ICE (gitraliy given thill Juktih
0rii.en, of llluitiu, Oregon, who, on
July 0, 1004, miulo Homoitoiul Entry
Nn. l.'ICOOl. Sorlul. No. 021. for Ni of
HBl i.ti.1 HJ of NEJ, Hecllm, 2(5, Town
Hliip !l South, Uiiiiuo 8 Went, Wlllum
otto Merliliiin, Iiiid filed notice r .
leiiimn to muni) Fliml Five year I'ruof
to untnlillKli claim tfl t lift lltlifl
ili'Mcriliuil, Iioff.ro J. C. Hnlile,,, County
; V""" ."ingnii, on lliu 2fil i
day of AiigiiHt, loia.
i". ".'".'!' ,"!""'s m wltneaaoH:
liort DowtiH,
Walter Ciihom,
John Hrowiilng,
Oregon. yH Cm'' "f '""'"
lLnatlHUoAuir.fi, F. KUKlMlUr
(I't'llI.lSlU '
Drparlmcnl of llic I
U. 8. I.mu! Oillct nt I'
NO TICB U horebv k
ito Kogors, of Itniite N
Tlllam .k, 'Oregon, '
It, 1011, inriiio Hoinric
Oaaifl. for Ml :i, Sec ... 1
W., SV,. SKI, 8KMl
Scctlnii :t2, Towmhlp I
Wont, Wllliimullit Mi r. !
notice of Intention to to
mutation I'roof, to itnt
the land abovti dciicri'ii d
illol'luii. County Clerk
Ctiiinly, Orngiiii, lit 'I ill""
on tho lOlh day of July. '
Cliiliiianl nnincM iih wit
I.llllan Kline,
' David Mnrtlny,
IMwaril lliimuiknilt,
IMwaril U. Hinllh, nil
. Orugtin.
t ,! IVI
i x?.i.l
. TV. St
. R
si O-
i T
P. R. & N. TRAIN SttlltoULES.
TraliiH from Portland
i.m. iirrlvu horo at l :1' l
nt I s20 p. id, nrrlvo lire at
HV0 i'
iii i.m.
. TruliiM from Tlllnm 1 '" v '
M .... ...til Lit ILtD.
mm ii.in. iirnvu in roriiii' i - .
.. ... ,.. Pnrt If"1
kuiivu .hid p.iii,, nrrivo
10:00 p.m. ,'
Motor iiorvlro botweoii 'i iHtunook t
Mohlor: :
I.envu Mnhlor nt 8:1"
hern nt UM, I.ouvo Molilcr t J " '
nrrlvo hum 6:20 i,m, J
I.uiivu Tllliinioolc nt lO.ltO 'j;
nvu in Molilor ut 12il0 p.ii , I
Tllluiiiouk at K'HT. n.lii. MtW
Moiiler ut 7:10 p.m.