Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, July 08, 1913, Image 1

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L-arq est Circulation of any Paper in Tillamook County
Tillamook, Quhc.os, Jtxv H, l'Jl.'l.
NO. 48
"Mct me at Haltom'jt corner." Mnltc this vour home store
vhen vou conn to tin- en. ninpmcul. vm and wriiinj; room in
mi light. un balioi. , lavatoiies, both phonoMnt your disposal.
I li week Friday, all tlav, double Cold How) tr.tdin slainps
Mil tin minimal the m ore.
Encampment Week "---Every department
.1 i t C ! 1 . i . t
n tne siore orrenng many vaiue-giving sensations, bnerly
1.1 I . - 1 C.A 1 I I i
nib dreen luf rhiMn-n
at leii than
ia womni'i and young Imhi-n
.lilt- ttlU dl'C-MH nt llSft
uiiuiuYd millinery, new
I, reduced (i1csm tltfia
diid inis.M',' cants nticl
i ' he luti-Ht fiisl.ion. nt
t i. onttf,
both in color
Cliaimmg .silk dress made Irom thc
latist piniii and Inney sill:, greatly
red u ced.
A w-usniinnal of nil women's
and young ladies' con. is and tail
ui'i'd suits
hainty muslin wear at tiuuMinlly
low prices
goods greatly reduced dur
uu linen mpineut Wcelc
Ladies' neck wear, gloves, hand
i'.K. jewelry, laces, cuibroidei ii s,
I. nit underwear, fancy hair orna
ment, lie-nitty boxes etc.. at the
lender price.
j.j.niy with uh
i phone. We
ill purchas-ci
to $1.00 to
il it I pout.
llm tti n (oicnlrit to ltcrnpfn
Wonderful sale of men's,
youths' and hoys' cloth
ing; the reaicht ecjm
omv event of the vear
t iish garments.
Third Regiment
Now in Camp West
Six Hundred Officers and
Arrive on Time. Buy Scene u
Camp it Put in Shape.
Tim Third Regiment Oregon Na-
Uonal Guard ; tho citizen toMiur of
our state, to tho number of GOO officer '
d privaUa hive established their
the TO
W. J. Stlllvcll him been employed
by the itto to kill off the deal whi-h
I inhabit Tillamtnk Biy and which have
Privatei ' k'-'cn o destructive to salmon. Mr.
Htlllwcll will net mines at ths mouth
of the Sturgeon Channel, and thoso
mine will bo attached to electric bat
teries. Notices and Hunts will be put
out co as to warn this public against
danger ami Mr. Stiliwelt will nt all
tlmci bu on ham! to sec to it that boats
ore kept away from the mines.
Pavement Case
Being Tried
Some of the Beit Legal Talent of the
State on The Ground. Trial Creates
Coniiderdable Interest.
1 , . . . .... A. w v X. v , v r v w r
We guarantee satisfaction
or money refunded
the Ith with the assurance that what
hu lure must ivc you satisfaction.
li.lI.KCXH. I'b. G.
I'bowf. I'll 4iwl Muli.il! Miln i
. w i iv w w
Lirne : Brick
Drain Tile
AM H -St;i 1 R ADER ( X)M PA N Y
I .... ... I I A lf-.,i
hfl UFomaIi . t-mm.mi Vff llf lL'lI 11 ,'11 illlll .111 IVl. 1
On Your Own Account
7 k"' '" wonuy h. Iliu b.u.U? rrt of your W -
!"" l'lc Hum., nnywuy. Kvt.ryb.Hiy r-an utK.nl to b no j o
lK1W,vr llltlfl. Ilnvo n Lank mm.,t f ymr w nn
fuel l.ppiu,. bottor, more Intlopoiulont. Muko jour
"'y cm n on, nn.F ho Krow blor. llottw h..n .onnl ur
cro (Iro or thluvfH can road. It. Vour Imnk-book Ian wctlpt
ml uh uvldonco of your wlsu oniiimuy.
tiii.' nrn RKl.lAlll.n
Tillamook County Bank
Mr. Alitn lxcwl who lit in tho tun
ploy of tho ijovormnont, to look nftor
Itm invotiuatlona of binty ami ImuibIs
,of lhi I'afiflc Coaul, in company with
0. J. Murie, n npociuliitt finployctl by
I the flntti, iirrivfd he u on Tuottdiiy of
Ikitt wt)k and on Wtnlmuulay wero tnV:.
Jen by W. J. Stillwoll in hi new sua
, golnj; launch, tho l.o Hoy, to the Arch
Kock K"Vornmunt reserve. Tho Arch
i Hock rervo In a group of rock.i local
. etl olf tho coust nf Nctrt- and ts in
habited by blnln nml uu lionn. The
I vt.iitor.i tnndi! the trip bore for the
' purpimc of ittudyiiuc the l.inls nod hou
', Ilium on those rockn.
Mr. Stlllwoll loft thcBeciuli!tts nt
the rm-ka and went onjtu Netartu, in
tending to come for them the next day.
1 1ll he did but be found .the ftea mo
rough that he could not make a landing.
In the tiieniitime Messra. Murio and
l.evvia bndbeen having n very Htrenu
oun tine. To begin with they found no
wood mi the rocks ua they bud antici
pated uml were obliged to get nlong
without n lire during their entire stay
there, and on Thursday whilo they were
In ti h id it 1 1 boat going about among the
rocka taking pictures and making ob
servations the ca became suddenly
tpillo rough and when they tried to
make u landing the boat caimUcd
throwing Mr. Lewis into the water nml
wetting Mr. Murio considerable. Mr
Lewis was in the water for soino time
before Mr. Murie got him out. A large
number of valuable pictures and two
cameras, valued ut.&ISO ouch were lost
when the boat capsized.
Mr. Stillwell made nil attempt again
on Friday to get the men oil' tho rocks,
but tho sea was too rough anil ho was
obliged to wait until Saturday when he
succeeded in getting them oil". Tho
atm was breaking high over thu bar
during ovory attempt which Mr. Still
well made to reach tho stranded men.
mutual active service camp on
dr of railroad land et of tho
road and south of tho Fairvlcw hiirh-
ay. The ground hwl been prepared
b? the commercial club and everything
wan in readine for Major Winn and
Ltautennnt Hitto rspaehor and several
1-n. Uw advance iruanl nrrlvinir Ihkl
nlht, who laid out the grounds and
hl thr carknul of tents hauled thereon
refcly for Ihe soldier boys Ui get busy
at oroct tlio Whlto City now In evi-
The flrst of the three trains arrived
tfthroe o'clo folluwod clonoly by the
othur two. Tho run In was made in
goUl time, no mUhaii of any kind. The
rnlrond company have put In several
now hiuciracics maKtng ample room to
place the csrs In good position for un
loatliug and loading.
The officers are well pleased with the
grounds uml location and have made an
Ideal camp. Tho hoadquarters arc
placod on tho north side with their
mvif in thr orchard. The companies
south of t'oee each have a row of tents
rut) dng east and Mt. The west part
The Mazatnn Club of Portland visited I
Tillamook County during the past I
week. The party coutistcd of the fol
lowing perjoni: Geo. Hronouge, D.
Nelson, Mrs. J. K. Kelson, D. A. Ar-j
nold, 11. H. 1'ronty, Dr. Kerr. Hose)
Keed.Nell Sprock, A. Grainger, A.
N'ewlin, Wm S. Conner, C. 15. Wood
worth, W. H. Kbcrman, I. C. Sharp.
Charlotte Harris. W. P. Hardeoty,
Katherina Knapp, C. K. Atlas, A. L.
Hazes, Pauline Gcballc, H. E. Monroe
and others.
The party arrived at Bay City Friday
afternoon on the train and spent the
night there ; on Saturday they hiked
to Netarts and remained there for the
The pavement c;te, ilitizons of Tilla
mook vs. Warren Construction Co., is
now up for trial before Judge J. W.
Camtiboll of Oregon City. The trial
lx;gan Monday morning. The attorneys
for the plalntitrs are: R. ti. Tongue.
Messrs. Haglcy & Hare of HilUboro.
1 C. W. Fulton of Portland ami G. G.
I Bingham of Salem. The attorneys for
the defendants arc H. W. Montague.
D. J. Malnrkey. C. W. Huntinirton. J.
jM. Head, V. S. Grant and F. D. Allen
of Portland. The case is one wherein
tho citizens claim that they have not
gotten from the Warren Construction
Co., the kind of pvement they are
asked to pay for viz: Hitulithic pave
ment. Mr. Bagley is conducting the exami
nation for the plaintiffs and Mr. Ma
larkey is conducting the examinations
for the defendants.
Among the experts who arc here to
investigate the pavement are; Major
H. T. Bowlbv. stale hiirhwav cntrincer:
t. k reggv. cnemist
for the citv of
night, returning to Tillamook on Sun-1 "Jorvallis'.
day, where they registered at the Todd The first witness to bo examined
Hotel. On Sundnv afternoon thev w -nginer ISiebarOson who had
took the train for home.
Field Notes.
The Regimental Chaplain He v. W. S.
charge of the engineering work in
; connection with tho publ-c improve
; mcnts that were made last year. Mr.
: Richardson took the stand at eleven
'o'clock Monday forenoon and was not
released until today at the noon hour.
some 01 nio testimony
wns auite sen-
! sationnl. Anioni? snmo .if tho thintm
Gilbert is pastor of the leading Prcsby- j he testified too was that he had not
terian church in Astoria, a very clo- j done his full duty as engineer of the
ofth, grounds are fordrillin,; i'luent preacher. He will hold field re- tting" the kind
mid the parade grounds. I Hgious services at the camp next bun- 0f pavemonUit was csked to pay for.
jwtlaynjornin.to.wlichvary-oc''rlii-f'l)orras th?-vxniinitton 'of "fr,
jvitcd. Some fine music will
ored at these services which
I in the open.
Major Winn chief of commissary
this state accompanied Capt. Uittcr
spacher in advance of the troops to see
-vi Wednesdaytlic-regnlar rotn'"c,"
sildloring w:ll boin. Tne daily sche-I
dule of drilln and exircisos are as'
follows :
Forenoon: Fifteen minutes' calis
thenics, immediately after reveille ;
7:30 to 9 o'clock, company drill ; 9:30
to 11 o'clock, battalion drill ; 11:30
o'clock, inspection of camp. After
noon: 1 t!W o'clock, tactical ride, nil
mounted olllcjrs ; taetlcnl walk, all that the boys' mess quarters were all
dismounted oilkcrs ; 6 o'clock, parade I well provided for.
and retreat ; guard mount immediately JudRe, Campbell who is now presiding
after retreat. 1 ... (hn t,rm nf dUtriV-t. rnurt la a wol.
The above schedule will vary some I come nmi interested visitor at the
from today .There will undoubtedly be a I Climp He is a veteran of the Philli
sham battle as there are 10.000 rounds of ' ,)i,K.St havinff been First Lieut, of Co.
ulntiK canriuges nero lor tne purpose. ' jf ovor there.
Isveryone is welcome to visit the camp:
during the day and up to "call quar-1 . . ... . .. nrmv
tern" at night. The dross parade and n v n B, fnrfllnn, ,n hnvi
such an efficient commander.
Tho Commercial Club are mnking
' every provision for comfort und enter
' tainmeut for the soldier loys. A force
' of men are out gathering clams for the
, entire regiment. To provide n mess
1 for each man. it will require some
bo rend-1 Richardson, it was brought out by Mr.
arc held Hichardson's testimony that Mr. Geib
i isch of the firm of GeibUch & Joplin
i had gone to Mr. Richardson and corn
er. Macelius at the head of the mod- a'n"lf,"- inspection of thf sew
. .. . ... ,. , er was too close and that Geibisch &
ical stair is the city health oiheer of I J0plir in consequence were not going
Port land under the new administration. I to make what they ought to out of the
fljub. In regard to the conversation
ninuu iieiiiiruuii Htm .tir. ueio
retreat exircises in the evening are
i-pcciiilly interesting and inspiring,
also the ceremony of guard mount is
very tine. It Is customary for the reg
imentnl band to givo a concert every
lino evening between the hours of eight
and nine and no doubt it will be carried
out at Camp West.
The camp has been
West in honor of the governor of Ore
gon. The olllcial roster of tho officers
The great Pilgrim's Progress moving
nicturo play will bo given at tho Meth
odist Church on Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday evenings of this week.
This pla.V eoimtltutoa tho very nemo of
thu moving picture. It was g(von in
thu First Piesbytorla'n Clpirch of Port
land one evening last week, at which
tlmo 1IUI0 peoplti were turned nwny.
'J'lio Mum will bu accompanied by a
lecturer nml a pianist, thu former ulao
doing thu solo work. Tho exhibition
of those (lima promised to bo a rare
treat indeed and onu that nhould not bo
missed by anyono.
i i i ...i... ..... i...... .....i.
in etilllfliuim mm uu (tit; iiuiv tiv.i j
t'oops aro :
Regimental Colonel C. H. Martin,
Lieutenant - Colonel May, Majors
Bowman, Smith and Abrnms, Ad
jutant Captain llotcbkiss, Commissary
Capt. Hit'.erspacher, Chief Medical
Corps, Major Mnrcelious, Portland ;
Chaplain Rev. W. S. Gilbert, Astoria.
Companies and Commanders Co.
B.Portland. Capt. Doliorty ; Co.,C,
Portland, Capt. Mowinan ; Co. D, Cor
vallis, Capt. Murphy ; Co. E, Portland,
("apt. Schumacher ; Co. F. Portland,
Capt. Cooper ; Co. G, Dallas,; Capt.
; Co. 11, Portland, Capt.
Peroni ; Co. 1, Wooilburn, Capt.
- - ; Co. K, Portland, Capt. Sever ;
Co. M, Salem, Capt.
Besido tho above is also mi ambu
lance company and tho regimuntal
band. Tho total number uf officers
lied men will bo between 500 and GOO.
The full strength of n company is 70
olllcors and privates, but as tho militia,
personal uro mon with trades and pro
fossloiu thoy aro unnblo to all leave
their business or jobs (luring the en
campment. Tho boys of the stnto guard lire nil
clean cut manly men, chosen from tho
best families of their respective tqwns
who spent considerable of their timo
when at homo drilling to become effi
cient in the mamml of arms and aro
tho reserve forces our nation depends
on in time of trouble. Their connec
tion with tho guard are true patriotic
motives. It behooves our cittiens to
become acquainted with these boys and
show them tho hospitable side of tho
isch had. Mr. Malarkey attorney for
the defendants asked the following
Q. Then you ought to remember what
the conversation was pretty well?
A. It came up over the question of
.Mr. Geibisch not being able to make
any money out of the contract and I
fcuggested to him it was more than
enough, (referitig to the contract price
of the sewer) and I said why not and
ne saiu: "uy tne time I nx Marter up
with S3.S00 and nav tho others nff hi
Martin is an old soldier holding! wojld not hnve anvthimr left."
At another point in Mr. Richardson's
testimony he stated that in his opinion
the late council were eitner "crooks or
fools," because he "thought they could
have gotten a different improvement
that was better adapted to the condi
tion here at a les price."
Mr. Richardson's testimony
along with testimony of others
will be gjven in full just as soon as we
can get it from the stenographer.
Court adjourned at the noon hour to
day, to convene again at 9 o'clock
Wednesday morning.
The attorneys for both sides are en
gaged this afternoon in digging up and
examining samples of pavement from
dilferent parts of the city.
named Canin ! hu.stHnKi also some of the famous Till-
1 1 1 .. . ...III l... !t I .1
uinooK cneese win ou lurnisneu uic
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