Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, July 04, 1913, Image 4

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Ask Your Grocer Why He Sells So Mi
Drifted Snow Flou
Annual Encampment Oregon National Guard, at Tillamook City
Juiy 8-14, 1913
Administrator'. Notice to
Notic. is err':.: given that thi un
dersiftiei, E. J. Grer, has been du
ly ar;i"ted A u.Uirator of the
estate of Mwrite Ciov deceased, by
ordtr mane htA o .tered In the
County C- urt of ! State of Orecon,
and all :er--.( h&. i-ur claims agatast
saiJ .-Mate '.erf.y rotifitd to pre
sent sim t 'i'y verified, at Til
lamook, TiHaTi-ok Co Oregon, or at
the office of S. S. Johnson, attorney,
at Tillamook Co. Oregon, within six
months from this date.
Dated at Tilin t-Ktc, OrtJjfon. uiio
Jane ISth. 1913.
E. J. Gier.jer,
Adrcii.iatraivr of the Betateof
Marjrrite Cieon, deceased.
F Last isue Jaly 11.
This summon is published bv order j the first ;.ublieati in of thi litimnvona Is
of the Honorable Homer Mason, Judge the 20th Jay of June. 1013.
of the County Cour' of tho Stat of
Oregon for the County of Tillamook
and said or!r was made and dated this
17th day uf Jane, 1913 and the date of
the first publication of thi summon
is the 20th day of June, 1913.
All proc'-s and paper In this pro
eroding may be served upon the under
sijfned residing within the Stitte of
uregoo. at tne addres noriler raja
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Aihlrea ! iliunviuk, Oregu
P Uut Issnie Auf. 1
All proces and tii(ieri in this pro
ceeding mny bo served upiri the under
signed, residing within the Stuttv of
Oregon, the address hereafter men
tioned. GEORGgWILLHlT,
Attorney fur the PtalntilT.
Addrent nil.-nook. Oregon.
F Lat issue Aoif. 1.
In the Circuit Conrt of the State of
Oregon, For THIsuaoik County.
W. G. Dwight PUir.tiff
J. E. Corlett Deferdant.
Summons for Publication in Foreclos
ure of Tax Lien.
To J. E. Corlett, the above named de
fending In the name nt the State of Oregon :
You are herehy notified that V. G.
Dwight the holder of Certificate of De
linquency numbered 716 issued on the
23rd duy of December. 1911 by the Tax
Collfctor of the County of Tillamook,
State of Oregon, for the amount of
Sixtyone and 2d-IOO Dollars, the same
being the amount then due and delin
quent for taxes for the year 190S to
gether with penalty, interest and costs
thereon upon the real property assessed
to you, of which you are the owner as
appears of record, situated in said
County and State, and particularly
bounded and described as follows, to
wit: The Southeast quarter of th.
Northwest quarter (SE N'.V,) the
East hit If of the Southwest q"arter
(E SW'i) and th" N rthwott q'jarter
if the Southeast quarter (NWj SEJ)
of Section No. (10) in Township Six
(0) South of Runge 'Cine .3) wet,
containing 100 acres more or leiS.
You are further notified that said
W. G, Dwight has pid tasea on said
premises for prior or sebsequent years
with the rate of Interest on said
amounts as follows:
In the Circuit Court of th State
Oregon. For Tillamook County.
W. G. Dwight Plaintitf,
F. T. Elliott. Jr. Dsfendnnt.
Su.Tmons for Publication in Forclos-
ure o' Tax Lien.
To F. T. Elliott, Jr., the above named
In the Circuit Court of the Strtte
Oregon, fer Tillamook County.
W. G. Dwight, Plafntiif.
v. k
Mount Vern.n Cream Company, a
Corponitlon, Defendant.
Summon in Foreclosure of Delinquent , Merslgned, K. J. CHngvr, ha iwondu'y
Tax Certificate. upjfjint.il Administrator of th estate
To vtcMint Vernon Cream Company, , of Alice Calhrinn llnlmrr, deceased, by
a alov totrn, t tgvlhfr with (-oat
and accrued mlr.-t an 1 in e of
your failure tu lu i. a iloer j will be
rendered fufeeUaintf tV l,n ( ai I
taK n i c jam! I S ' land nl
premium alJuvs nera4.
All pf jcnw mri pjpvr in this pro
eeeiin mty he rJ eon the ua
derijf ied reeidiaff within IH State of
Oregon, at the ad Jrest hareafter men
tioned. George Wiltott,
Attorney for the Plaintitf.
Addren, 'niisimoofe, Orcatm.
F Last ismiu Au'jat I.
A l.iiiiiistr.itor's Not.c. to
Notice is herehy glvun that the un-
the nbv.'u named de-
n corMratiori,
In the Name of the State of Oretron:
You are hore'jy nntiAl thit W. G.
DwiKht, the holder of Certitlcato of
Delinquency numbered 883 i.4iied on
the 7th day of Ju.tjt, 1913 by the tax
amount of
of Tupntv.i-ipht iind ln.ioo irr mi rii.i.
Delinquency numbered 150 issued on :lrM lhe 3amu tnu arm)Ulll tht.n
the 5th day of January, 1911 by the duf and delinquent for taxes for the
Tax Collector of the County of Tilla- yt..ir J933 tOKelher with penalty, int-
mook. State of Orein, for the amount t.re)lt amj cosl3 tlur.,0 urK,n the real
o: Fifteen and 79-100 (S1&.79) Dollars. pTuptiny M30Mu to you, of which you
the name bein the amount then due are tht. 0Wfll!r ni ,,pu,irH f reCord,
ar.d delinquent for taxes ft r the year Btunt.-! in said County and State.
1909 toeether with penalty, interest aml particularly hounded and d.-iibed
a to (iivs. ui-wii uescriueii uon me
In the name of the State of Oregon : ; Colle-Hur of the County of
You are hereby notified that W. G. ' guitc of Oroiron, for the
jwisni, tne hokJer of Lorlilicate
order duly made aixl entered In thu
I County Court of the Stale of Oregon,
atd till (tenons havir.K rlatma actual
, said estate, .ire'liareby notltlml to irc
sent snme to trie, dulv verlfieil. at Til
lamook, Tillamook County, Oregon or
at tho office of 3. S. Johnsan, attorney,
at Tillamook, Tillamook Co. Oregon,
wiihin -iix months from this date.
D-.itwl at Tillamo'K, Oregon, this
Juni 18th, 1913.
K. J. GieiiKwr,
AdminisiraUir of tho Ettato of
Alice Calhrina Ita limjr, decuased.
F Last iaiuo July II.
Adnilnistnitor's Notice of l:Iitnl
eny asiesgoo w you, oi wnicii you are
the owi.er aj appears of record, situ
ated in said County and State, and par
ticularly bo jr.de l anl deierlbed an fol
lows, twit: i'hi Southwt quarter
ol the Southwest quarter (SVVJ SWJ)
of Section Foarteen (U) and the Eaut
half of the Southeast quirler (EJ SEi)
awl tho Southeast quarter of the North
oust quarter (SK NE of Section Fif
teon (15), all in Towndiip Two (2)
North of tango Ten (10) west of tho
V. M.
You aro further notified that -said
V G. Dwight has paid taxcj on said
(iromiaes for prior or subsequent yearn
with tho rat'j of Interest on Haid
amounts a follows :
Assessment toll rf said County for' ...f,.c. , . ,
the year 1903 an trael No. SOS ami more ! , 'I , J" , f" !"
pnrticularlv described as follows, to- U""lM Ad.n.nUtrator.
P.irtnrtimr it thi. Mn.'iniliti , . I W i 1 1 ant.e Xcd. O t thO OHUU
on the meander line between Section i
Twetit . -llvo (2i) in TownHhii) one (1)1
Frnntzen, di-emmxl, has filed
South of lianjje Ton (10) SV-t of
W. M. and Section Thirty (30)
bin Dual
that the
with the
of ( hriat
with tho
and that
'Saturday the 19th day of July, 1913,
rownahir. fin,. Ml ..illi ,.f Mi.,.. . "' 000:1 " l''u time, lllld tho
(9) West of the W. M. on the' North ' (W Tlllofti.aok County Ore-
Hank of Uoquorum Slouuh. the'U'o ' " , ; ' , "i u ' r 11 " nenriii(roi ill"
thoncu North 2.88 chains, thence Weht i ,n a"y "''J'""1!'"' t',u . H"M ,1,,nl c"
3.00 chains, thence
U'l.ul I TJ r'lii.lnu ..
Section Twcnty-llvo 125) and Section a""r lK;f"fu "''';" f'reanlij
itaid final ucrou.it, inwl all (lorvoim Imv
iiif any objection to the Hald llnnl ac-
North 33 ,0(.rCo3 c"u,,t "ru ,,uru,,y nnt"l,;'1 required
the lino boteenllo',r,!'funlth,'""m,'to 1,10 H"il1 CiUrt
Thirty (80) as above Hpoclflod thenco
Said J. E. CorltU as tne owner of1'
the legal title of the above described '
property an tne same appears of re
cord and each of the olher persons
ubovn named are herehy further notl-
heo that Yv. G. Dvilit will apply t t
the Circuit Court of the County and
State aforesaid for a decree foreclos-:
ing the lien against the property abovu
described, and mi ntioned In said cer-,
tificute. Anu you are hereby sum
moned to appear wiihin sixty (i.tyn after
the first publication of this summons
exclusive of the day of said fir3t publi
cation, and defend this action or pay i
the amount due as above shown to-1
getlier with costs and accrued interest
und in case of your failure to do bo, a
decree will be rendered foreclosing the
lien of said taxes and costs against tho
land and premises above named. "" 1
North .32 Chains, thence West 1.50
Said F. T. Elliott Jr. as tho owner Chains, thence South 6.0S1 Chains
of the legal title of the above described tbonco East 1.50 Chaina to thu pUeo of
property as the nanio appoara of record, ; beginning.
and each of the 'other persona above J You are further notified that said W.
named aro hereby furthur notified that G. Dwight has paid taxes on said prom-
W. G. Dwight will apply to the Circuit le" for prior or subsequent years with !.
Court of tho County and State afore- the rate of interest on said amounts a:i !
Dated this 19th day of Juno, 1913.
Mult OIhdii,
Adminlntnitor with Will annexed,
of the Estate of Christ Frantzon,
Last Ihuiiu July 18,
said for a degree forclosing tho. lien
against tho property above describe i,
and mentioned in said cortillcUe. And
you are hereby (summoned to appear
within sixty days after the first publi
cation of this summons exclusive of'
Chumbcrlfiln's Colic. Cholera mid
Diarrhoea Kcmedy.
follows: Every family without exception
Year's tax 1910. da'o paid, Nov. 9, ' should keep this prepariitloii at hand
1911, tax receipt No. 051, amount 11. 41, 'during the hot weather of thu summer
rate of interest lo per cunt.
Said Mount Vemon Creamery Com
puny, u corporation, as tho owner of
the day of said first publication, and tho legal title of the above described
defend this action or pay the amount property as the same, appe irs of rcc
due as above shown togetner with ord, and each of the other pursona
cobts and accrued interest and in case aboyed named are hereby further po
of your failure to do so, u decree will tilled that W. G. Dwight will apply to
bo rendered forclosing the lien of said the Circuit Court of the County and
taxes und costs against the land and Ktato aforesaid for a decreo ftrecloj
promisee above named, ' Ing tho lion against tho pnpuvty above
This summons la published by order described, mid mentioned in laid cortl
of the Honorable Homer Miiaon Judge ficate. And you aro hereby summoned
of tho County Court of tho State of to appear within sixty days after thu
Oregon for the County of Tillamook service of this summon upon you, ex
and said order was made and dated thin elusive of the day of uervioe, and do
17th day of June, 1913 and the date of ' lend this action or pay the umount duo
months. Chainberlain'H Colic. Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy Is wortli many
times Itu cout when needed and Is al
most certain to bu needed beforo the
Btimmer is over. It has no superior
for the purposes for which It Is Intend
od, Buy It now for sulu by all dealers.
Man In Duel Is Kilts
St. HeloiiH. Robert MoPhorson was
Instantly killed mid Green Adams was
hot th"ou,s!l tho leg In u duel, In
vlilch tho two moii oncnRed ut Ver
nulii. It In said that Mol'horHon had
attributed his (loparatlon from his wife
to A limn, .dams Is in jail at this
lie will till vmi t' Ihviuhc thr Drifted Siidw f0.
never IniN t Kivr niwolnttf niuhliiction i.hhI,
uwtkc better litcuil, liU'tillH, pic or enkes wIku tiny U(
Drtfiml Snow Nmir. UKi,rr. whiter itntl tnrc
Jti.it for proof, finlrr Drlftcl Snow next tunc if yoaVt
not cotivtncrd ol it" kowIiich, tlon't kx) it N'oirf
will itov it buck ntnl and wlotl .vuu'vc mvi won t nmt JftJ
a cent.
Why can vc aH'onl t make ucb a nmnn ''uktjuv.
nntec? lU-cntoe then t "Satifaclitm in cvn n. k k'
All tH'eii sell Dnltrtl Snow I'lcaif,
Speffy Flour Co.
It's Wortli More Than Gold In
to Relieve the Mind and Enjoy Brj
The Kind They Alwaym Show at
Abstracts on Short Notice!
ii v thi:
Pacific Abstract Company
l. v. i;nt:iii!.h'tr, Mntwi
Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of
TtlUniook County, Oregon
ttlk ltMU V,t..
Miln iU Al MmIimI
P. O. llOX M7
"Nature's Playground," a thee imachr havn Ikoii cIM.
are now opn for sumtnrr visitor. Nuw hntils, with ll
modern convenience, ey cottne, cnmiiliig around ifi
Double Daily Train Service
leaving Portland daily 8,4f A M
dnliy except .Sunday .... 1.20 P M
lluslnes men can leave Saturday afternoon and arrive be'h
puInU in time for dinner, pn. (ha evening and Hur ay
with tin fnmily und return to Portland Sunday nik'lil w'ln
out losn of time from Immnass.
Sraton Tlckrli on tale dally , . . $4.00
Woek End (for return Monday) . . $3.00
CorrnpimdlnB low farat from olher points
Oull tar our brand now toldor "TIUAMOOK QOUtitf
PubUrt ..J full Maimallun Itum nr S I'
City Tiokmi Office
80 Sixth St., Cor. OMk
John M. Scott,
General PiiH.senner AM1""1
I'ortluiH, Oregon
Trains from Portland -Lcnvu B:iTi
a.m. nrrlvu horo id 4:15 p.m. l.oavo
ni i wu ji.m. arrive i..ru at 7:15 p.m.
Trains from Tillamook Leave t
7:00 a.m. arrive in Portland 2:20 p.m.
l.oavo 3:15 un rrVo n
10:00 p.m.
Motor service botween Tillamook mill
Leiivo Mohlor at 8:10 n.m, nrrlvu
herent9;55, l.oavo Mulder ul 3:35
urrlvu here C:20 p.m.
I.oavu Tilliiinoolt at 10:30 n.m. nr.
rivoatMoliler ,.t 12:16 p.m. Louvo
Ill uinook at, 5:85 p.,. urrVo ftl
Mohlur at 7 :10 p.m.
TH" M "iflKGTS.
Whom Club, U4o; blurnU'in,'!
red RuiihIuii, 02c. .
liny Timothy, I IS; lfflfa.
Iliitter Creiuiiery, Sc
Hkkh Cumlled, 2lc.
f.....rf .... .it... i in.
t,ri'il'iieo, tvvt tfL
ti...... ...... . ifie; v'l
out j'.iiiiutu ori'fcuui
lnmiittu viilhiy. IGc.
Bcsttie. u.i
Wbortl llliieHtoiu, Wai club,
red lliiHAlnu, l)0o.
ii....... i .. ..... in
imnur ivrenn.uii " ,.j
liny Timothy. SIS tmr ton! "
113 uor too.