Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, June 27, 1913, Image 4

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Funrnh J by Pacific Abstract Co.
Gcoige loeronhel fc wf U Til In monk
County. M t. tnp of land for road.
Sec. T J X K W. $1.00.
A. M. Hsre to Joseph Wrrollyos
NF.i ..f SEi and SWJ of SKI of NFt
Sec. 33 T 3 N R 10 W, 80 seres, $10.
A If ml Gupser to Albert Okte covers
lands in sections 16 17 T 8 S R 8 W.
Alfred Gupser. et al. to Albert Okia
, -over lands in See. IS T V S K 9 W.
.1. P. Jones A wf. to Bdd. Kostic
SEi of NF Sc St. and SW of NWf.
j of SE and SV ?.TaS R
W. S0i
Manhattan Realtv Ca, UC A. Nor
wood lots -II 12 Blk. Manhattan
Beach. $70.
Anna Vhitcm et aL by the Sher
itT to W. G. Dwight Si of SEi nd SE
of SWi Sec. r and' NEJ of NWi See.
36 T 2 N R 10 V.
A r.arowy to H. K. Bailey et aU
tract n ft. by 210 ft. ta Tillamook
City $6ST0-
J. D. M.rrit and wf. to C. M. Dol
larhide lots 1 to 11 inc. 11 to SO inc. and
l-ots "A" and "B" in Blk. 38 Sand
lake by the Sea $1.
M S. Ta. nton wf. U Mary A.
ki IS, Id. 80 And Blk. 13
Kockaway Beach, $400.
Mary A. Gordian to Geo. R. Bactey
& W. G. H. re lots IS. 19, and 30olk.
13 R'ckaway Beach $10.00.
Frank Lambert Jb wf. to William
Fl vn lot 48 blk. 4 Roekaway Beach,
rt;cUs of incorporation of tilla
nxjl. Sanitariun and Medical Co.
GravM Wendc Hattie J. Moulton &
S. A Moulton. Incorporator.
i lsrtoK. Henry wf. to W. A
l.js.tt illnf BlvVa Noa. 1 to 38 in
ci'r. - in Hr-ehi Waters in Sees. 19 &
,H)T!SR 10 w. no.
V. C SeirsoG. ! DeLong Lot 36
St re Acre. $10.
r-. K!mre Peking Co. It Anna A
J. T. C m-jray lot 47 Blk. t Elmore
p-;. no.
I Sheldon to A?nf Sheldon,
tr i i t ft. by 105 ft. 60 ft. West of
Hi- 1 Sunny Mdd Ad in. U. Tillamook
si- .c a,r tract in Tillamiok. $10.
('. 1. Stedraa A wife to Roth A.
Kt. - t 5 & 6 Blk. 1 First Addn. to
Bar Vn-w.
J - 1 Stolte. to Janice C. Howard
I-1 -i ( 19 inc 4 $4 to 39 nc. in Rtk.
S Ss- Lake by the Sea.
'". S t Charles B. Daw loU 1. 2.
HtS,-.STlSs U Wf99.i acres
V ) Sfllwe'i to W. O. Kilbourno
lot 1" Bik. 1 Sullwell Park Addn. to
Til'.-n ' $'-'
'f!f.--A wf. to George W.
P-V3 Tract in See. 31 T 1 S R 10 W.
(at N'eti-t-) $1
Br?' t -i !)t.velop'nent Co. to Mrs.
A S -,rs lots 43 & -1 1 Blk. 65 Bright
on Beach.
The Masonic BkJg. Assn. of Bay
Citv to Trustees of Bay Citv Lodge No.
102, A. F. & A. M. lot S Blk. 1 Bav
Citv S10.
The Nehalem Co. to Alex Tully lot
J Blk. 66 Rowe's Addn. to Wheeler.
The Nehalem "Y. to Al Tully lot 5
Blk 55 Rowe's Addn. to Wheeler.
r. W. Tbour, Portland, Ore ; J. H.
Corbett and family, Port'and ; J. J.
Killrn and wife. Portland : W. G.
WxJ. Portland : A. D. Sickafoose,
Portland ; R. L. McCalee, Portland ::
E. E. Bent ley : Portland ; A. C. Alex
ander, Portland ; A. Thompson, Port
lam! , Homer L. Johnson, Portland ;
F. A. Taylor and wife, Portland ; A.
H. Dorrif, Portland ; A. J. Hange.n,
P rtlar.d : B. Ortrnan. Forest Grov-.-,
Ore. ; Roht Montgomery, Hillsboro.
Or-. : W. H. Owens and son, Clorer-
dale. re. ; . .1. Ixgus, Cloverdale
J. A. Jenen. S heeler. Ore. ; f
lift cltr, Wheeler.
j' )
Phil Wirt I, Portland, Ore ; Mrs. St
Clair, Portland ; Gladys Schafrer, Port
land : P. A Jaeger. Portland ; V. B.
Cabin, Portland : R. D. Cruit-shank,
Portland ; p. H Turner, Portland ; O.
W. GriffK Portland ; A. I,. McGure.
Po-tland : W. II. Eadberg. Portland ;
A. L. MfiWi s, Portlaud ; E. Senders,
roruana : t,. a. Kern. l'ortlafJ
i rar.k Otonald, City ; G. W
Keef, i
Mi-NDAY, JUNE 23rd.
rill. Crik. Portland, Ore. ; E. H.
Rocental, Portland ; Jane ilauri. Port
lend ; E. Sarders, Portland ; Chas.
Sar.ijuiskv, Portland : Louis Cohen.
; ori ani ;ii a iien jonos, Vancouver, , East half of the
rtah :A E.Thompson. St. I een.,iPi ihu
Gretne, St. Helens : Albert Hucitcr,
Bav City. Ore. i
O W. Keefer, W. Okley, O Mangold, :
A. Mongoid, E. H. Landun, Alex An- ,
derson, A. C .Sickagoose, W. E Banks.
( A. Janes. W. Conner, T. A. Taylor
and Frank O'Donncl of Portland; H.
R. Etrenherger, of Nehalem: B. E.
M f . I ll . T ! i - t
.ru, jamnm; weui, u, i AnuerEon,
-j linn I Iro '
' TUESDAY J UNE 21th ,
Cill. Cook, Portland; E. M. Rosen-!
thai. James Jl sines, B. D. Cruikahank, i
h. ij. turner, O. A, Newell. E. Send-.
ders, Chas. Sandusky, Louis Cohen and
H Allen Jones, Vancouver. Wash. ;
A. E. Thornsson, St. Helens, Ore. : !
J. W. Myer. E. M, Green. Neskowin. !
Oregon; Albert Notlcker. D. R. Tereli, ,
Mrs Tho. Steinhilber. Oregon. !
City; Miss Cecil Wallace, Hemlock;
H. Alien Jones, Vancouver, U. C,
R. D. Cunneborg, A. Donahcy, A. D.
Sickafooso and Mrs. R, C. Pearson of
Portland; G, D. Ugger, Wheeler; E1
Lyater. Yellow Fir; A. E. Thompsorn
St. Helens; D. R, TVrell, Eugene,
E. C. Endieott, U. S. Army; Mrs. E,
Wilpon, Beaver; II. Block, Paul Smith'
H. J. Brown, Webb Ciunbell and I.
Gunthe of Portland; A. C. Alexander,
Soutli Africa; Louis Cohen, and A, L.
Owens, City; A. L, Datton, If, R.
r . ., ,r.'i ,,. f ..
in pursuance of writ of execution
isuti (Hit of Uio Circuit Court of the
Stnta of Oregon, for Multnomah
County, on the 1 Ith day of June, 1018.
upon n judgment r 'ndored in hi Court
on tiw 18th day of Mtiy. 191S. in fnvwr
of the Northwestern Ntlenl Hank l
Portland, a corwrUen, plaintiff, awl
tint S. G. Rued, defemlnnt, for the
sum of fSf00.C0, with interest thoreon
at the rate of S jer cent per annum
from November lth. 1918, and the
further um of $886.00, and 11 1.9ft.
cost and dibitMmenU, which snM
execution i to me directed. I hav
levied uon the following decrtbtl
real property, situate m Tillamook
County. Oregon, tho property of the
defendant in said execution, 'o-wh :
Uts vmr to twenty-three inrhulvo,
i:i block one ; kU one to eighteen in
clusive, of block two ; lot one. two,
four. ix and eight to twelw Inclusive,
of block thn ; lota oiffht and ten to
fifteen induaive, of block four : - lottt
one to seven inclusive, and hats four
teen to twv.ity-four inehvo, of block
rive : lots one to oieht inchuivu. )U
twelve, thirteen, Afteen to eighteon
inclusive, lot twenty, twenly-ons,
twenty-two. twenty -three, twenty-live,
twenty-six and twenty-eight of block
six ; lots one to nine inclusive, of block
seven , ht$ one to Afteen inclusive, of
block eight ; lot one to five inclusive,
lot seven and low nine to fourteen
Inclusive of block nine ; loU one to
four inclusive, lots nine and fourteen
to seventeen inclusive of block Ion ;
lot one to eleven inclusive, of block
eleven ; lots one to sis inclusive and
twelve to sixteen inclusive, of block
twelve ; lots on to six inclusive, and
' eight to twelve inclusive of block thir
teen and lots two and three of block
Alt in Neah-kah-nic Mountain, ac
cording to the recorded plat thereof.
Also the southeast quarter of the
-southwest quarter, and the southweat
quarter vf the southeast quarter of
section seventeen ; lota one, two, three,
four and five of Section eighteen ; bt
one of Section nineteen.
Th Northeas quarter, the east
. half of the northwest quarter, loU one.
two, three and four, l-.-w that pitrt ol
lots three and 'four; 'pluttwl, and the
southeast quarter of Section twenty,
all in Township three North of Rnge
ten West of the Willamette .Meridian in
And I will, on Q Thursday, the 24th
da of July, 1U13, at tne Court House
door in Tillamook C'ty, Oregon, at the
hour of 10 o'clock a.m., sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash
in ham! the said described rent property,
or so mcchtheroof as. may bo neces-
sary to satisfy the sold judgment, to-
1 gether with the accruing costs and ex
penses of sale.
I Dated thit June 30th, 1913.
. Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, For Tillamook County.
W. G. Dwight Plaintiir
J. E. Corlett Defendant.
Summons for Publication in Foreclos
ure of Tax Lien.
To J. E. Corlett, the above named de
fendant. In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby notified that W. G.
Dwight the holder of Certificate of De
linquency numbered 716 issued on the
23rd day of December,' 1911 by the Tax
Collector of the County of Tillamook,
State of Oregon, for the amount of
Sixtyone and 24-100 Dollars, the name
being tne amount then due and delin
quent for taxes for the year 1909 to
gether with penalty, interest and cosU
thereon upon the real property assessed
to you, of which you are the owner as
appears of record, situated in said
County and State, and particularly
bounded and described as follows, to
wit: The Southeast quarter of the
.Northwest quarter (SEJ NWJ.) the
Southwest quarter
Northwest quarter
of the Southeast quarter (NWi SE1)
of Section No, (10) in Township Six
(0) South of Range Nine (9) west,
containing 100 atrts mr.ro or !...
You are further notified that said
W. G. Dwight has paid taxes on said
premises for prior or subsequent years
With tne rateof
interest on said
amUnta 88 fo,,ow :
St.id J. E. CorlUt as too
owner of
tho leirul title of tho ulir.vn
nronertv as the sum.. Mor.r
ProPtrty a3 L s't,n((; PPew
conl umI vich " tho olher
ara of re-
above named are hereby further noti.
fled that W, G. Dwight will apply to
the Circuit Court of the County and
State "foresaid for a decree foreclos-
ing the lien against tho property above-
described, and mentioned in said cer-
tificate. Ami you arc hereby sum
moned to appear within sixty days after
tho first publication of this summons
exclusive of tho day of said first publi
cation, and defend this action or pay
tho amount duo as above shown to
gether with costs and accrued interest
and in case of your fnilure to do so, a
decfeo will bo rendered foreclosing thu
',.r , .... ..t r n?t h"
This summon is published lv order
of the Honorable Homer .Vinson, Jtulgv
! of tho Count) Covir of tho SUto of
Oregon for the County of Tlllnmook
ami said order was Hindu and dated this
! l?th day of Juno. 1913 and the ditto of
: the tlrst publication of this summon
I is the SOth day of June, 1913.
j All process and ntpr In this prv
j ceeding may be served upon tho under
i signed losidlng within the State of
! Otvgon, ut the addni hereafter men
Attorney for I'lnlntitr.
Address Tillamook. Orcgtui.
K list l.-sue Aug. I.
In the Circuit Court of the. Stnte. of
Orugon. for Tilluiiwofc Cuty.
W. G. Dwight. PkilntliT,
Mount Vermui Cnmrn Company, n
Corwration, Defewlnllt,
! Summon in Foreclosure of Dcltnquottt
Tax Certificate.
To Mount Vernen Cream Cos,ay.
n corpoTrttion, the atvmi mimwi div
In the Name of the State of Qrugflu:
You re hereby notified that W. 0.
Duight, tho hokler of Certtflcate of
Delinquency numbered SSS IsmimI on
the th day ef June, 1913 by the tnx
Collector of tint County of Tillamook,
Stole of Oregon, for tnc amount of
Twenty-eight and 10-100 ($25,10) Dol
lars, the same Wing the amount thou
due and delinquent for tuxw far the
year I SOS together with penally, Int
erest and costs theron upon the real
property assessed to you, of which you
are the owner as apnears of record,
situated in said County and Stale,
ami particularly bounded ami desciibod
as follows, to-wit : Described upon the
Assessment Roll cf said Cvuntv for
the year 1 as tract No. 303 and more
particularly described as follows, lo
wit: Beginning at the Meander Post
, on the meander line between Sections
Tweotv-five (25) in Township one (1)
South of Range Ten (10) Wi-st of the
W. M. and Section Thirty (3D) in
Township On (1) Smith of Rungs Nine
(9) West of the W. M. ou the North
Bank of Ho unrton Slough, thence
North S7t degrees Unsl 5.30 chains.
! thence North 2.55 chains, thencu West
3.W chains, thence North 3S degritos
West 1.32 Chiitns Ut the line between
jSoetion Twenty-fivo (26) ami Section
Thirty (?0 as above specified thence
J North .32 Chains, thence West I 10
' Chains, thence South G.5l Chains
j thence East I. SO Chain to the place of
, beginning.
j You are further notified lust said W.
G. Dwight has paid tsxos on said prem-
isos for prior or subsequent years with
the rate of interest on said amounts as
follows :
Yuar's tax 1910. dau paid, Nov, 9,
1911, tax receipt No. GM, amount $31.11.
rate of interest 15 per cent.
Said Mount Vomon Creamery Com
pany, a corjKiration, 'as the owner "f
the legal title of me above described
property as the same appears of rec
ord, and each of the other persons
aboved named are hereby further no
tified that W. G. Dwight will apply to
the Circuit Court of the County and
State aforesaid for a decree f rectos
ing the lien against the property nbive
described, and mentioned in said certt
ficate. And you are hereby summoned
to appear within sixty days after the
service of this summons upon you, ex
clusive of the day of service, and de
fend this action or pay the amount due
as above shown, togethur with costs
and accrued interest and in case of
your tailure to do so, a decree will be
rendered foreclosing the lien of said
tuxes and costs against the land and
promises above named.
All process and pajiers in this pro
ceeding may be served upon the un
dersigned residing within tho State of
Oregon, at the address hereafter men
tioned, George Willett,
Attorney for tho Plaintiff.
Address, Tillamook, Oregon.
F Last issue .August I,
in the Circuit Court of tho State
Oregon, For Tillamook County.
W. 0. Dwight Plaintiff,
P. T, Elliott, Jr. Dofondarit.
Summons for Publication in Foreclos
ure of Tax Lien,
To P. T. Elliott, Jr., thu abovo named
In tho name of thu Statu of Oregon:
You are hereby notified that W. G,
Dwight, the holder of Certificate of
Delinquency nurnborcd 450 issued on
the Gth day of January, 1911 by tho
Tax Collector of tho County of Tilla
inook, State of Oregon, for the amount
of Fifteen and 79-100 ($15.79) Dollars,
the same being thu amount then duu
fl"l iti.llrwitlfrtt f f..- ,t.
.... Mwtimituitv ,w huAvo itf uju year i
1909 together with penalty, interest
und costs thereon upon tho real nron-
erty assessed to you, of whieli ynu Uru i
the owner as appears of record, situ.
ated in said County anil State, and par
tieulurly bounded uud described us fol
lows, towit: Tha Southwest quarter
of tho Southwest quarter (SWl SW1)
of Section Fourteen (11) und tho East
n-vl the Southeast quarter of" North
rast quarter (SKJ NCI) of SciMlo.i Ftf
tevii (Id), nil III TowtMhlp l'" I'"1'
North nf Rtuik Ton (10) wit 01 tho
W. l.
You are further notified that ' I
W. C. Dwight has tll t n ''l
premises for prior or stibssfluwl
with the Mia ii f lHlrt on
atnmiulii as follows :
M F. T, Elliott Jr. as th wm.r
of tho Ingnl title of the above dwentl
property tho same apmrs of record,
nnd each of the other (wrsons alnivt
namil are hereby further notifiv-l tl"
W. G. Dwight will apply to the t trcuU
Court of the County ami Slate afore
said for a degree foreklng the lien
against the property iiNv de4.ritw i.
and mentioned in td eerlifieUe. A l
you are hereby summon! to appoor
within slMr days after the first publi
cation of this sumi-jons exclusive of
the day of W nrs publication, and
defend this setwn or jwy Uie aimrtjnt
due as above shown together with
ceit aixl accrued interest ami In c.e
of your falhito U h so, a decree will
be rendered forel-sing the lien of said
fates and costs against the land ami
premises abe named.
This j nm is puhlisned by order
of th iWi'st-le Homer Mason Jii
of the County tart of the State of
Oregon fur the Ctwintv of Tillam k
snd ssid order was made sni dated this
17th day of June, 111 snd the dat af
the first publication of this immn is
the tk dy of Juiw. ItU.
All proeess and papers in this pr
ceeding assy be served upon the un-lrr
signed residing within the Mtste of
tfgo, the address hereafter men
' Attorney for the IMamiuT
AoVres rillamook. orsntn.
Y IjisI issue Au. I.
Afitiltibtrnti.r'c iNutico tu
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, E. J. Gienger. has been du
ly appointed Administrator of the
estate f Margritc Ctcei, deceased, by
ordvr duly msde and entered In the
County Court of the State of Oreip-n.
sod ail persons having claim against
said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent same to me, duly verified, at Til-
' iamk. TiMsmook Co Oregon, or at
the office of S. S. Johnson, attorney,
st Tillamook (X Oregon, within six
month from this dale.
Dstrd at Tilln-tifiuk. Oregon, this
June iSth. 1911
i E. J. Gtcnger,
Admi iistrator of the Eststmjf
Margrile Cicnn, deceased.
! P Last issue July II.
Admlnl.stmtur'.s Notice to
! Creditors
! Notice is hereby given that the un
jdorsigned, E. J. Gengsr, hns hem . t .
' appointwt Administrator of the estate
! of Alice Csthrina Bulinor, ilccouneil, by
order duly made and entered in tho
County Court of the Statu of Or.-gnr..
j and all persons having claims aguinst
1 naid estate, are hereby notified to pre
j sent same to me. duly verillixl, at Til
, lamook, Tillammik County, Oregon t,r
at the olllce of S. S. Johnson, attorney,
at Tillamook, Tillamook Co. Oregon,
within six months from this date.
Dated nt TilUmwik, Oregon, this
June 18th, !9M.
K. J. Gienger,
Administrator of the Estate of
Alice Calhrinn Rultncr, deceaseil,
F Last issue July 11.
Administrator's Notice of Hutil
NOTICE is hereby given that the
undersigned Administrator, with thu
will annexed, ol the estate of ( hrlst
PranUon, deceased, has Illeil with the
County Court of Tlllumonk
County, his final account, and that
Saturday the 19th day of July, 1913,
has been fixed as the time, and the
Court House of Tillurnook County Ore
gon, as the place for thu bearing of tho
said final account, und all persons hav
ing any objection to the said final ac
count aru hereby notified and required
to present the same to thu suld Court
on or beforu thu hearing aforesaid.
Dated this 19th day of June, 1913. j
Matt Olson, 1
Administrator with Will unnoxed,
of thu Estate of Christ Prant.en,
P Lust issuu July 1H.
Whereas It has pleased our Heavenly
Father in bin nil wise providence, on
Juno 15th, 1913, to call to bur Eternal
Homo, Phoebu Curl, daughter of Bro,
Wallace, Bo It Resolved that wu tho
members of Ml, Holm Lodge No. 221
J. O. O. P. do extend to our beloved
Brother and the entire .family our
deepest sympathy In this their hour of
Borrow, and pray that the over sus
taining grace of God's inflnltu lovu be
their comfort and help.
Bo It further Resolved that n copy
of thesu Resolutions be recorded In tho
Minutes of this lodge nnJ a copy Hunt
to tho county pa porn uivj onu sunt to
tho bereaved family.
Frutornally yubnlttod, '
ni,i,ii.i wnomi
. .,
u nmittou.
"It'. !! iMilr. J'dia 5ii filit down, Diiiu.r dui'i
iV jilty IHlW ihi I ! iku
New "PbrSct ion.
Oil Cook-stove
Th'to's v 'l of ro, 14 Willi, iwi wnin (or ll ttt (,, (
Ullnl " '. m (IIkV snd llt. ) l lllitirl, ,w
!S iiHI'oSATI'I'l
Both Phooi
j It's Worth More Vhiin Gold
b to Relieve the Mind And Enjoy
The Kind They
ho Mow fiHTVl THhA K
Cement Sidewalks and
Concrete Construction Work
Enquire at
Cull fr JIIdH,
Srliool Dinirii-1 No, 1, o! Tllln
iniKik County, Ori-gon, will reeelvi
libl up lo iiiuI Im ludlng ih,. ot,
diiy of July, HU;i, for u. ,U,inif
Of II WO((ImII(I ((It- Hill. I iMhIii.-i,
liuiM mill iipeelllciitloiiH for w)ii-i
iiiuy be Hceti it t tin- ruidilent c ol tlm
UtllletHiglted or lit tile nton. nf
, (irmil .MIIIh iu THImiiook City.
MiiIm will n Uo I,,. ri'i'ivi'il for the
IpiliMtlllg Of Hlllll IllllllLllg with (y;(1
' i oiiIm of imltit. umI iiIhii (In- ttiiint.
i tig of mrhool house of hiiIiI illMtrli-l.
hulil Mfhool liotifo (o iceeivr one
font of imiiil, mill Hie roof to lie
im luili-d,
, Hills will nlrto Im received for the
fiiiiilMliIng of H coiiIm of wood, Ilio
Hilllll' to lie HpitlCU IllllliM, vloe
, iiiiiple or fiiiliiipulu mill lobe u.
Ilvered on the kiouikIm on or liefoie
AugiiMl ir.th, I0KI
'Hie Honnl riiHcrvim Hie right to
rejeft miy or nil bid. K
i DldilerM iimy iiifliulit nil of the
'above ileum in 0L. ,, or ,,
(Home iimy he hl.l on Hi-piimluly,
HiuLl ' w,,h lh" ,,,,,,wr'
lOrtii Ckawpoii,
( li-rk Dlmih t (, ( nu,,
iiiook wregoii,
Illds will bo received until 0.00 p.m.
Thursday, .lulu !l ini-i ... ',,
, j .., ...., ,vr leveling
anil cluanlnir im Hw,
iillamook City and seeding to grass,
well t,lt t(,
Htw did we t (! .L
oiit on of ,Mi N
a . . t t
: INSl'liANv I
Always Show at
Ramsey Hotel
iss eWSMaWei-liss'l'
nujuiiuuuild Ul tunuv-
wmwrrxw iir sin wt fin iiiii bib
n rt... i.. . '.'Mh.
I117IIVIT, UIW , w. .-.
hereas It hns pleas' i ' '' """"
Father In his all wisv ' viwi
iiiiio i-iiii. iin.i. hi can -
home Alinlrn Jackson, wi'i "f 1'
F, .lacksop
He It rLScilveirtlml iv. . I ' " HICB
of Ml. Ilubo LislgoNo. 1 I ') 0'
on exienu hi our uutuhw i
ii s entire limine nnr in ( I ' i .j-i-
1.. .1.1.. i ... i nrflv
in u iis noil r in aorrnw. u r--
.i. ... . r.iA't
inu ever suNitiitung firin'i
flnllii lovu bo their comfort awlMpi
ii I furl I vki II ill H "l'
.1 ,i, a u 1...1 nn
inesu resoiutiunu im r t'1" '
minutes of this Lodire. a "'I'V K"
,1 1 nt la
me i-uuuiy papers mm i'"' 1
bereaved fninily.
Prutcrimlly iu mill1.
Fori-hl J. Ayf
01 lie ix"1
John Hi ilmt'f
' ''..irtttill
V I'm
r-i... i . ii.. -(wiliTS
wiiniiiiicriHin bimwi
DlnrrhoeH Rcnicily.
Nvery faiui y wllliuui
- . . ... . A.siUll
slum Id keen thla nrtiimratlon
lllirillir l til. tin. uj.tiilliiir in Lliu .
... rhi
miinins, ctisnioeriniii s wim
iiimi wiarrliooa lliiniedy ih wou -times
Its cost when nuedcil ,('
tnoit certain to be needed bofor
u .urmsuuu uy tho School
I , J. Cluussuii,
rtsr (jS.
I ill- tin I I urn, uu r.ii- flilih It )H I '