Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, June 27, 1913, Image 2

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    "IsMifit Cltftcc .n lUtfck
C r o iti b I c y ,
Cuesdav and Friday
linteredessnl eU.-. matter Mav IT Ml st the p-m t THIamiM.
Orvrn, under the net of Marvn S. ISTV.
Jlthwrflifan Kate
J vn Advert iwwnU
Ptrst Insertion, per line
Eech QhiHwueit Insertion
11 metd Notieve
Ti -Tiber Claims
Notices, per line
Card of thanks, per line
lAKb. -er line, nrt insertion
KaWi sutwwspiont inserthtn, lin
Resolution of otntokmco ami
' Ludtrc nolle. per line
.10, 'hineA rWeelonlenr,m.
line ; iifl,Uv Advertisement, per inch
10 0 .M A- iimU and TbwrxUv M
.05 it, t.. iMun'tiubliCHttoa in follow
.iV i-l ruHkiT am) PrWny ie.
,?i Reason are Imperative.
licki union nutting at tlx Christian
Cliureh. Mr. 11. U Studdon will
the speaker. Tho public I urgvd
be ptvenl at thu service. A St"'
treat will b in trc for . a. Mr
SboKlon is powerful and fetU
itjonkrrof whle tvMHtrumoo.
iclnvl. Th'r m rvii for the''atrrk
er. We hsvv olieH id teacher '
At 11 a. m. Public wwrnhlp xt the I
It. Out-en. Yr ar Incited. Sub
M Tbo Whole Armor"
1,00 ! ... "jv Va.h. Paxmlnt' Mutliitf.
"7 At SKU Union
Meen-, nare.i.
M, V. Kuhlmsn. ruler.
lour You
Bank On
ling at ("hrlli"
frjday. jr.E un:.
Nr.MAl.iri NRW:
From Entrprie.
L. A. Ulfers received notice from the
U. S. Custom Inspectors at INorttand
that a fine of had been levied
against him few not having H bell and
fin- extinguisher in his- launch when
tw otficor; of the service made a vtoit
to thaio pru recentlj-. He intends to
t: . Portland Saturday mornimc t
iv just the mutter with the ctwtoin
o See and avoid further trouble.
Dr. RanJle report the birth of 10
pound dHUirhter to Mr. and Mrs. V. L.
Mayer Thursday. As a result. Ward
is exeeedinely haopr. he assumei the
weighty obligations of parenthood very
philosophically which is a very cood
indication that he will be n ideal par
ent. Mrs. Mayner and child are get
tins alone very nicely.
Matt Olsen received notice thai a ftixs
of was placed upon him bv the
customs inspectors for not having suRi
cient equipment for bis fijhing boat.
It is possible that tne fine will be re
duced considerably when he comes to
pay it. From our way of thinking, it
will soon be a crime to own a motor
We neglect--! ta mention in last
week's iue of the Enterprise that
Ralph Essoni. the eldest on of Mr.
and Irs. lbert Easom, sustained a
broken arm Sunday before lnt as a
result of falling from an apple tree.
Dr. Handle reports that he is recover
ing very nicely.
A note written in the Raisian and
Engliih language was found in a botti
on ti- N -h ile..i Beach April 6. 19U by
Rudoloh Jaii. one of the Mimi surviv
er, it fvi.fi -.g 'irifted acres tne Pacific
Ocsan. an 1 discloses the fact that it
was thrown overboarl from the "H. L.
R. M. S. Mandyour" on October 11,
1909 in Latitude 49 JereeJ anl 45 min
utes North. Longituile l'l decrees and
3 minutes East. It has re-juired three
and one half year's time for ths current
' to carry the bottle across the Pacific, '
the pla:e of its deposit being le's tin
five degrees south from the pjint
where it was first throw i inti lis
water. Tns news of its recovery w'll
be forwarded to the Hydroraph c I'.
Expedition of the Paci.ic Ocean in
Vladivostok, Si -n , ut once since
they are endeav.im to determine by
this means to fatuiy the course of tin
Japan current. Tne note in Eiglin
reads a follows: "This note is thrown
from H. L. R. M. S. Mandyour for the
purpose of studying the stream, Octo
ber 11, Vj J6, Latit'ile -13 degrees, 3
minutes Enst. If anybody finds it,
please inscribe the latitude, longi
tude, time snd where it was found,
send it to the Hydrrnrapbic il Expedi
tion of the Pacific Oeean in Vlalivo-6toe."
their eotUe on Ocean Boulevard for n
couple of werka.
The Bay Side Hotel ha Woo leaMl
I for the teason. by Mrs. Hutc.tiiwaa. to
Mr. A. A. Beektrom.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. Ckmen. af Port
land, tirrived Sunday ami will spend a
few day at their eel tag on Hay Houle
vard. Mrs. J. T. Ambler and infant daugh
ter, of Oregon City, arrived Sunday
and will spend the summer with Mr.
Ambler's sister, Mrs. D. C H.tkcr.
Mrs. Bert S'oble ami children arrived
from Portland last week anl will spend
the summer here with Mr. Noble, who
has ehare of the rtnisn work on tho
Paulsen cottages.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Nichols and f.m
ily. of Kansas City. Mo., arrived last
week and are visiting for the aumm-r
with Mrs. Nickols' brother anl wife.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. l.ockwood on
Clarke St.
From Courier.
Elder Waymire was in the city today.
He hs accepted a eharge at G-avel
Rock. Coo County. Ore., and will
move to that place.
J. C. Mills arrived home last Friday
after a three months' visit in Kansas,
with his health much improved.
J. L. Lowrance is enjoying a visit
from a brother-in-law, Robert Addio,
of Kansas'.
Wirt Sappington is assisting Mr.
Jensen of Hebo in the building of an
addition to his barn.
Tne M:ae6 Bauer and Sutton, of
Neskowin, were passengers to Tilla
mook Tuesday morning.
Huy Mnttoon and family, of Pleasant
Valley. Sundayed nt the 0. P. Ma toon
home at Hebo.
E. L. McCabe, of Portland, one of
the oilieers of the Nestucca Valley
Bank, has been in Clover Jalc the past
week, visiti.ig the caahie, Mr. Lvgus.
Frank Worthinton hu i the mi!for
tune to lose hi driving horse last
t'uesdnv. Some time ituring the niht
thj animal w.i kicked by another
horse and its leg ams broke i, which
necessitated killing.
Methodist Church Notes.
Delegate are assembling in Port
lurnl for the great convention. A good
ly number should go from here.
Imm tur sjhhti von onn tst
urvil that ynw hfivc a Knlnj
tUmms it i'jMsniblc H mill. A
flour tlMtt s elortu iixmIph'
curing mnchiufs vnn tunko
tuitl us vhokitmc nml jnti
the futwt whciit will jimIiict
Driltrd Snow I'lourissohl with
a .MLiriiiltrf Ifvou nrt H"t ""nt.
Sunday of tho mmth. a union service ( ittl with the HnttiR iTltlt! vuu
ibtnm from this Hour, yum grik
ier will jmy you Irnck the Hill
price tor the wluile snek ami the
flour von hnveubetl will cost you
uothi'u. It takes kcjoiI flour lj
live up to such n uunnmlce -;
ami l)rifti Snow Inn iilwuy.
ttintle )jct)l.
Prejbyleriin Church Notes.
Public worship with sermon by the
pustur at 11 a. m. Subject 'MVnry
Ward Ueecher the Human Heurted. '
Bible school at 10 a. ni. A. C Kvr
son, surintbikleiit.
No evening atrvicv. Being ti' fifth
will be hold in the Christian church.
in which tlvo congregations of the Pi
ciple. Metinvilsls, Presoy e !!, and
Uniteil llrvtbren will join. The pok
or will bo Mr.H.U Sheklon of Portland,
the superintendent of the Oregon Anti
SakKMi league. Thl meeting will be
gin at S o'clock p. in.
Rev. I). A. Mucketuie will be absent
from the city all next eek attending
the Christian Citizenship Conference.
1). A. Mackenzie. B. 1).
Christian Church Notes.
Bible school at 10 a.m. Classes for
all. A special service is being ar
ranged by the l-oyal Daughter's cU
for 11 a.m. Junior Endeavor at3p.m
Senior Christian Kndeavur at 7 p.'".
Mr. H. L. Sheldon of Portland will ad
dross the Union Temperance meti ig
at S p.m. Everybwiy welcome to all
thee services.
.Mr. Shkl-in will preach at tho Chris
linn Church Sunday at 5 p. m. This i
is what the press says of him: j
Mr. H. I,. Sheldon, the new suporin- j
tcndenl .if the Oregon Anti-Sakwn j
league, comes with years of expert- i
ence in the most successful AntUSti-1
loon fighting n thi country.
He was a member of the legislntu'e
of Illinois during the most Intense
battles in that lxly for local option i
legislation. He was leader of the
temperance forc-s on the Monr during
his several terms and introduced the
famous Sheldon-Berry local option bill
and was chairman of the judiciary ,
commtitee to which it wos referred
and sueceeded in reporting it unamend
ed to the Houie. He led the forces to
its triumphant adoption by the legisla
The groun'is near the depot are be
ing liiid out and water Is being piped
to them for the use of the Oregjn Na
tional Guards who will hold their en
campment here July 3 to 19.
The regimental band which will ac-
Manv stran rers are seen in our ser- company me soldiers, oeiwes giving
vices from time to time. A most -voral outdoor concerts, will give a
is sntislnctioti m every
Spcrry Flour Co.
Skin On fire ?
Cl I tl I 111 L I V Hhll'ww.
1 111 Jill W I I lil I III
Seashore op JWountai
j.ti4 TrVet mi " li
Dwtlje I'ltUI l
! flV...
Si nil (fiMH
P. , -
IIHIIMI- ' ,iw...,
' " I
tl.r lll tllrtl
hiihiK Hoi'1ip t lidlim
U i. ......
I'Kt ?U TO
PiMlloml TUIeiiKK.i H-
DirKnii Cl)
?leslflU w
( ttiieatotlltnC low (nre (routs other i4til
uii pnle Icoiii nuMOUo (kiImu
fa..aai 11 i St went ft.... I. I.
tl l " i "1 i Mil OfMIO HfO if Mil t
at VlJ UumiI. MU ttrf WiltllM IlililU,
I'lnal Ufturit Undid Oct. .list
lfnr le.MlUlllll ltlMltttnl bonk "Vni il. ,ii ,t.
lwtlrt le MblllU Illlrtlll'Hik ( ntltily lrt hr Sri.
..(1. ... Am I II Ik.t lllr I till hIu.iiI U .t.. r
l.Milrn. at,itirrn e. . all i iteoir! Agrni wuif h
Jill IN M SCUl'r, -rl!rul lietlge Atfe'-I, llbttj. t.
Jut Iho ntlil. lmjt waah. !
known lt'i' iTeM-rlpllon fur Kcam.
aaJ 111 llfh l foe.
A liul i.l prut It.
V hire M olhr rtne.la ff ln
trouble tul nne ihl cou!4 rviian
ire -n m PI'P rm.lf U
the nrat rtdUr all 1 1 9 lOl do
no I 0m .ta.-ilr 'i r, II "I" "l
cuat jou a ccuL
Dr. L. K. Hewitt
AND .St'R U.oS
ib.ii iw;"vl
Itv nl Oilleo : Whilhu-o tMenre.
TH.t.AMotiK, OltM.
Dr. Jack Olson
Ottlcti lloun lrm 'J Hi- tuft p. t.
0cr K K. Bcali' Real K.Ltc Office
llolh I'Imjivoi
A beautiful efy brw 1M
. ..I, ... ...
at Ua ;n Ut" I sicij Un
1-()U si.i; AT
s ' . i a " a . a
vnii i rvvvw 1 1 f'virFi. A Hi Ut tCII I ItlCC 1
The j lr! Iil work, f ChamUerlatn'. , UHl llll VOItlt) 'it'ltbrfl
Tildet it 'laily Ix-etiinwig mate wxloly f .l,lli. i... ii.l
1 l, .fiiisl. t..l llvr-r Ir.mlitna llaa -v-r
j lirrt! kfi.i n P .r unlp by all liratrra t' li TMoMIUIV
U. T. Hii-vi M
cordial welcome is always extended to
sojournca in the city.
Next Sunday we unite in services at
the United B-nhren Church at 11 a. m.
Hev. Mr. White will be in Portland.
On the Sunday following P.ev. White
will oec'inv the pulpit in the Methodist
special concert -it the opera house on
Saturday evening, July 12. The con
cert will be followed iiy a grand ball.
Arrangements are being made to
give the oilieers a fine h,tnrtiut during
one eve'iing of the encampment.
it is trioiignt tnat some nail garnet
Mr. arid Mr. E. Mallory were
from Portland last week ge ting
cottages ready for the summer.
Mr. and Mr3. H. Woodhouse and
family, of Portland, are occupying
It Is the fiim of this bank to give
the best banking service possible
and we do it.
It is also
very bi-st;
Modern I ire
Room. Fire
glar Proof
Church while the pastor is at the con- j between the soldier boys and the home
vention. As Rev. MacKenzle will also tea,r will be pulled otf.
lie in Portland the Presbyterian con- Moru ''ennite announcement. will be
gregation will also unite with us that '. ma()e 1,,,or regard to the doings of
Sunday, July G. encampment week. However, we may
N.xiS.indav evenini? there will be ' rail a Wired that Tillamook will bo
treated to a novel enturtaininent dur
ing the time the militia is here and thu
people of the surrounding country
should take udvnntage of this fact.
On Wednesday, J. M. Myers, Bill
Heater and another gentleman by the
name of Green, all of the south end of
the county, came to iho city with some
stuff which they thought was amber
Kris. They took their find to Portland
on Thursdry to have it examo:l.
Quite a largo quantity of the sub
stance has been found ail along thu
coast from Neskowin to Pac'flc City.
Forest Gist, Clint Miles arid thu
Learned boys have each found pieces
of it. It is estimated that about -10
pounds of thu stuff has been found,
If the substance is proven to bu amber
grig thu boys have certainly struck it
rich as ambergris Is said to bo worth
in thu neighborhood of $500 per pound.
While walking along thu beach near
her homo, Miss Ethel Terry of Say
ville, N. Y,, found a lump of umber
gris suid to be worth $5000. It had
been washed up by the tide.
Ambergris is u fatty uubutuncu, tho
product of a diseoHo in thu intestines
of thu sperm whale. It is very light,
mm iioiits like a cork. In its natural
stato it has a repulsive oder, but when
It Is larjely diluted with either, viola
tile oils, or alcohol, this becomes u de
lightful perfume. A single pound of
umbergrls will make barrels of costly
perfumery. Thu material Is rare and
liitrhly prized.
our aim to have the
equipment such as
I'roof Banking
Proof Vault, Hur
Bafe, Modern Safe
Uoxes and we have
Come iinii Establish
Yourself at
The Nehalem Harbor Co.
will make special inducements to
men with families who will lo
cate in WHEELER.
IjrojK'rty lor residences or foi' business buildings can
be seeureaMy on uisy terms.
The Nehalem Harbor
F. A. JACKSON, Secretary Wheeler, QegOti
Portland Offiui
Tillamook Offlcci
327 WW
Care P.?-