Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, June 27, 1913, Image 1

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issued twice a week tuesday and friday
Largest Circulation of Any Paper in "Tillamook County
Tiixamooic, Ohkron', Ji'nk 27, lai.'j.
NO. 15
IHCllWiaK lW"Mi y wuvi VIVU L VCIllUl'B WI1LI1 .IU1V '-frill
.i-Mtu'i SftOI) KlornlUMiu oxl j.Im. imiii metal. I. ins. mid 'intent colt, noliliv
I. .IS .Si.V'j Or. t Ittt'l' IL'il t I Kill It lilt II Kit, lil 1.IUI I lltu Itr llrill m.m
iMfcli' ' ' I' WlMllllfj nljtllllH fi, VIUItll ih' l.lHll IMirCltnuiC. J-lMUH.
Men would never wear long trousers
i i. . . . i c. ,i i.ilur k'tiH'Irfi'linL'Icfr's" knee breeches.
ti.m..i..i ... 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 n.-Minhninlilfjuid stvlish, They did not have such oppor-
ittts.is aie preM-nted todn l walk into a first class shop, put on a
ii .r .ill ..,t iiilirir in m'li'ff- frnm.
iKu,i. ,l ,l ii i...-li..f III mill ( 1 I'.SS VIII ll'U on -
. .'. i i "Atwl think at I hi'
. HIT II tic.. lltllftlil Ifkl1 IIIIMI II Ml I I Mil ML IIIVII Wl . . - "
. . I 1 ......... .... .,.-.. .it- rln.
ihc had to pav!"-3r(() l was tne moueu u in,..-
oi cxmc.ee, yon can puchac a Hart .Vhal uer
. I . I I .ii lu.liM'.i ( MM .I,f It niul VI'
. 1
at the
lor $L'f
... . . ,
r- - v , - . , , . ... ,, .., , .
...ii 1 !..!.. ill I Until llllll L'lllll 1)1 Mil. 11 ii uwwu
-..v., .',111.1. ....... i
-'. A II 11 I
wis ii vv nni
D "If
n I n
tn od
The Best and Most Sensational Sale of
Men's, Youths' and
Boys' Clothing
Boys' Knicker
bocker SuiU, val
ues to $10.00
That Has Been Held in Years
1 lid l iud juww.
..i i i.. ,.t... I.!,.,. ....... I- cull. It nwnimn
Savim. Hi- vnur liidencildiiH'r 1U iiuss-up uii" ,, .,
. " . . . , i...M, i iik ! m in s i.uesL i. in i. : v v uwn.ua
I , """". . ..'. ....li.hini on time or the money-saving
' "am semes, bv suiiieu wium- - - . , lf IllfMii nr..
' - . l'IH'IpC fMHI 1IIII11V IfWUUttU w w
in A w. n .w A w V i . I... rsf LV-.fr!lU IJt&ll A aw--- '
vance styles and lasts, ace iww, "
n. .... i r .......... iiiiMi ii iini
v "nun I ii I nib ii , ,
I i 1 1 1 v I l; 11 1 HIUIJIC.- I III It . "i
Miniiiicr wear. You'll be surprised
UlKse uIiihkv hats so moderately
1 ii i
Mcu's Shirts for Every Occasion, 75c
l lt" CM
Also a broad showing lor youths and
bovs- attached and detached collars,
I-reneh or still cans, mwsnuu "".si
white or colors, a variety of materials.
Wash and K 'lfawr. owh,gcndsur..n.tandb!twtags, 25c t. $100
. ....
1rt hi i . ' . .
- mi Miciiu Miiuwn ivn
uiin aim uuii ihkui
a.. . . ... . . .
r "inn ine 4.1 m in""
"kc your siloes sciee-
We deliver by parcel post
free of charge to any point
in Tillamook County pur
chases amounting to $1.00
'Charges United Stales Attorney
General With Interfering
in Important Cases.
Bjii KrnncUco, ('al Iti &eriiirilloual
tolDCraitu to rrfildi .l Wtln.'ui mid
Unilt'l Hliitfn Attorney omirral Joint
CjlvKiiynolilH, In which Iw cltarso
tlm liitt r with IiuvIiik InurfrJ with
111 "iidiiiliiUinitloii of juktici) in two
lmlGrtnt ca', John U. llc.'iab has
ri'TtBtU'd tt Unltirtl Htiiic attorney
i fornix iiorthi-rii illntriut ot California.
yi'Uy ordurctl by the imornwy Bn
rnl In th iroi'cutlo;i of Irfv Ca
tiilncHtl nrnl Mnury I)1kk. under tho
Mail n liUi' jilnvo iict.'iiiid of director
oritur WpDtom Fuel company on
Cli.'irr.''" of t'oimplracy In ikfrm;ulrK
th1 Eovi-nunuut In coal wetghlni;
fmuds wuru Klvon by JleNiib n th
CHtui of tili roMguatlon. which wan
tcIc'jtniph.Hl to Vnithln;ton.
Omw tVimlimttl l n noil of fortnor
....... !....-.. . I .... t . I ... . ann
i j niiv oiujaiu vnuiiiiriii ui ?hii-
' dor. r.Ti'ntly atHMilntod united btsteii
'oosimlMlonor Knrttl of Iwmlsratlon
j byl'rMild()nt Wllnon.
j Mo.S'ah wa llml ordered to delay
uutl autumn th prosncutlon of Oa
ImlfiKtl and DIkb. On thl account
hlmd Intwndod to rlitn nftr tho
coaduHlon of tho We torn Iuol aaes.
buwhen he received n tolojtmm from
McIEeynoldn. ordcrlns him to pottnono
lniftflnltflly the trl.-l of Hobert liruco
und Sidney V. Smith. Indicted with
1 uttlothrr Western I'uol dlroctom. hu
dftcJdw) to wait no lonKor.
F Aft
Events Cccu.T.ng Throughout
Die S'.a.e During tlie Past
Vtdslng Ctspped 3y Melhrr
MdforI.--OoWt 'It, ailth, a .rith
of 31, of tilt city, il(j;Ure he wfil In
voke tho :rn arm of the law tn or
der to w' bis rwethonrt, Mlnr-a
Wltbraw. whooe motlier, after slvis
j written ctnnlf sloo for tbc lwuar.ee of
llccn for thr marriage, ens icheil
her girl, who la cm: li year old, from
the protection of Ur lavprv Vlo tho
oouplo Ktood before the m '.ie II
coniw" cleric In Jtoeksonrfll es-coi-UmI
hor away to the prc i'.'.sn of
tho ftmlly home, intid of ij tl : mar-
Sheriff To Fice Grand Jt;rsr
Salem. With the view of procrcut-
V ' Wk-M- ' '- lns fi,,eiirf K,,ls'- of Wheeler ccuty.
I ft boy to the reform school here aevcr
! al weeks &ko In an Intoxicate! co ldl-
Hannah Silverman, leader of t"- . tlon w s Hale guperintendert of tho
llioto by American i'rc AMOdaOta
or over.
nhlnEton.--lt developed th.it the
! trim of Urv.- Uamliuttl and Maury' I-
niss wr ionttH)nel by Attorney
i Oi)Brnl Mcltoynolda at tho requeat of
I a'!'Jitr.oft.l-Uor WUoa..w)ioJaa,
taken upon hlmnelf the responsibility
for the postponement of the trlnla bc
cnune he wanted young C"amlneltt's
' father, to como here and famlllarlzo
', hlmitelf with hln new dutlo as com
, nitiisloner Keneral of tmmisnitJon.
ciued the president to take an Inter
! mi In tho rri'itrnvorttv.
I'resldent Wilson telofiniphed to
United States District Attorney Mc
Nub, of San Francisco, acceptance of
the letter's reslKnatlon. tho form of
i which the president characterised "an
' Inexcusable Intimation of Injustice
I and wroiiK doliiK" on tho part of At
j torney flenenil McIteynold
I Altoruey Oenenil lcIlpynolds' stnto-
mont that he ordered a postponement
! of tho cases as an ordinary proced
i ure In criminal trinls, without antic-
IpatlnB that "any fair-minded man"
would attribute "a malign motive to
Mei, wan acknowledged by the presi
dent. in u letter to tho attorney-general
In which tho president exonerated
him from blame nnd adopted Mr. Mc
Iteynohts' sitfiReatton Hint the On-mlnettl-niKps
und tho Western Fuel
cumpany cases bo prosecuted Imme
diately by speclnl counsel for tho
Chlcaco Police Think Mystery of Dar
Ing Holdups Is Solved.
C'hleiiBO. Mrs. Irene Urunner. of
L':U7 South Dearborn street, was ar
rested In- connection with tho hold up
and robbery of the dry Roods utoro of
Mrs. Kliraboth Foley. 7Cti Kasl Forty
tioonth Htreet, Saturday nlRbt. Mrs.
lirunuor wno Idontifled by Mrs. Foley
nnd MIhh Mary l'ollano. u clerk, as
the w(man who held a revolver In
their faces nnd rifled tho cash drawer
of tho Btoro Saturday ulRht. utter buy
InK u flvo-cottt handkerchief.
Mrs. Ilrunnor, who .is Iho wire of
Joseph J. Ilrunnor, owner of a HamKo
at 1-J48 South Wabash nvonuo, was
t.ilum into ciiHtody at hor husband's
BariiKO throe hours after tho robbery
had taken placo".
8uffrsnlfit Avoid Violence Question.
lludaposU Thanks to tho tactful
leadership of Mrs. Carrlo Chnpmau
Untt, tho presldont, tho Congress of
tho lntornntloniU Woman Sufrngo
Alliance closed without becomlnfj en
tunnlod In u controversy over tho ques
tion of militant methods Id the ad
vancemont of thu causo.
Murdor of Wlfo Charged
Astoria. The circuit court grand
jury roturnod an Indictment charging
Fruotoso Ferdinand Fernandez with
murdering his wife, the luto Ruth nut
uott Fernando, who wus mysteriously
;ibcrt nt her home ou June I.
school, has consulted with Assistant
Attorney-General Van Winkle wltii re
lation to prercnting the matter to tho
grand Jury' when It convenes, the 1st
of July.
I. W. W. Paterson, N. J., strikers, who
la called "Firebrand."
To De Called On to Distribute S3.C20,
030 to Shippers.
St. Paul. At n conference with
ambers of the state warehouse and
railroad commission representatives
of railways affected by the dec'.jdoa
of tho United States supreme court In
.. . . i
mo .Mianescia case ajjreeu u, p.u laio , awa). wUh $1600 worth of pay chec;;s
-ffect as soon as possible the state Qn an or(Jer tQ whlch had torzcd
mtea declr.red valid by the supreme . name Q, an a.lstant gcncrnl naB.
r?'rtv These Include thoccnt pass-1 nr.'-m b found-a person-elos-ly in
enper rate, the merchandise freight touch wlh thfi company acd Jts af.
t-chwlule and the commodity freight Mr& N(J perMn u ,s he,df noI tfcor.
Pay Check Robber Knew Methods of
Railrcad Company
Portland. Southern Pacific officials
believe that the strangers who got
rate, enacted by the leclslnturo but
oughly familiar with the methods oa-
never pui inio ciieci uecj.u-e 01 uv p,oye ,n paJ.,nR 0,f the mcn wouM
Injunction proceedings. Qave fgure(J out hou. to work the
Tho agreement ended discussion of j scherae 80 cleverlv without detection,
lurther litigation by President Gray; A 8.rangw preseIlted t0 the pay
of the Groat Northern, assured the , aReU u the Southern pacUlc car
bUto officials that there would be no ghops ,n Soutneal Portand an order
further delay In establishing tho state for thc cnec.s Q eng,ne ftnd
raies anu mm nun .s uue .u P.a - tnUa men s)gned by one of the a,8t.
lor overcharges during the period of ,
ant general managers. It has been
.1.1 .. .1 . V. Jlll....,nn..
m-muon represenu,.,; u. ' , custoraarj. t0 honor orders In the past
between the present rates and those &q pay agent dd Qot upect
made by the state would be paid anylh,nK wronR wheB tho 8tranger
handed out the checks.
, I Virgil Catching. 19 years old, a
Fairbanks Urge. Harmony In Party. , mau w)o has geryed 0Qe iem
Omaha. Neb. Forget nnd forgive ,Q jaJ and Dan !llleyi a,as 3aor
was tho keynote of an address dellv- Burke. have been arrested In Vancou-
orcd hero by ex-Vlce-Presldent Chas. ver Q a Tne tWQ deuy thelr
W. Fairbanks at a banquet tendered have enBaged a iawj-er nnd will fight
him by 300 Itepubllcnn leaders of Neb- exl.dltlof according to word recelv-
raska. The gathering was fairly rep- ,n Portland,
resentatlve of both wings of tho Farty ,
111 thl3 8tat0- Trace of Robber la Lost
, , . noseburg. Nothing hn3 been heard
Russian Treaty Renewal Refused. g the whereabouts of Ray Dla
London. A St. Petersburg dispatch mondf lhe ciendale bank robber, and
to tho Standard says that President . the offlcers nre luerely awaiting some
Woodrow Wilson has declined Russia's j WQrd from tno coast of(lclais wJ,tch
request for a renewal of tho treaty i .,n tend t0 substantato the theory
ou commerce except on tho absolute j that he ,g procetHlms i that direc
condition that American Jews are nl- j t,on WUn n tralla leaiUnK l0 th0
lowed to enter Russia freely. j const cIoseiy guarded by armed off!-
cers. Sheriff Quine maintains that Dla-
GnWCDfJD 0 1 j I 7FTD mionil will bo captured when he
UsLnilUn OULLuii I emerges from the heavily timbered
J4 Dead, 60 Injured in Dust Explosion
Albany, N. V. Accusing Charles F. j Buffalo. N. Y. Four nro dead and
Murphy of being "behind a conspiracy ; of CO In hospitals, It Is said half
to blacken my character because I cannot recover, as the result of an
rofusod to do his bidding," Governor , explosion and fire in tho olovntor
Sulzer gave in detail his version of his j and grain warehouse of tho Husted
break with, tho Tammany chieftain. . Milling comoany here. Many ot thoso
For moro than nn hour tho governor 1 in the hospttnl nro fearfully nurneu.
Tho dead are: Michael King. 41
years old: Henry Vetter, 45 years
... I.. l... nv.mnllvn .)iniltr nnrl tnld
p.iv ill mu uavLUUiw ........- .w...
tho newspaper correspondents, blttor
In Its denunciation of Tnmmnny's lead
er and reploto with allegations that
Murphy had attempted to Influence
tho executive notion In matters of leg
islation, appointments nnd removals
from office.
Tho governor said he had seen Mur
phy only ,threo timos since his Inau
guration. "I listened to his propositions," tho
governor snld, "but I refused to do
what ho wanted mo to do because, In J
"1 hnvo ulways answered, ho said,
"us 1 ntn nnswerlng now no mtm cm
ruin mo but W'tllnm Sulxor. 1
fused to do Murphy's biuu..:s. I re
fused to bo part of a criminal con
spiracy to loot a stato."
Subscribe for the Herald ; it comes
twice each week,
old; John Couroy, a Nicklo Plate en
graver, and an unidentified man.
Tillamook, c
- t