Sit COMMUNICATION. Washington. l (. March IS, 1013, The ordendmMl, member of the H rd of I'ru.itw of tho Carnegie Kn dow.nent for International Pence. In vite th attention of their fellow-citli-en to the.followintrstntonient concern ine the ffrnv international discussion which bs srlsk'-i over the exemption of American eotwis vesl from toll? on the nma t'nnal : On November IS, 1901. treaty "to facilitate the construction of a ship to connect the Atlantic and Paeirie Oceans" was concluded betwisen the United States and Great Italian, at tho re,uft i on tie initiative of the the United Stat. . the ntial provis ion of the treaty were (It that "the canal mv be constructed under the auspices of the Government of the UmtM State." and that "the said Government ahall have and enjoy all the ritrhu incident to such vn traction, a well the exclusive right of pro viding' for the regulation and manage ment of the canal ;" (2) that "the canal shall be frt-e and open to the vessel of commerce and of war and of all nationa observing the-te Rule, on term of entire equality :" (3) that the plant for operating the aanal and the canal itself trail be "neutralized." ii; d shall enjoy complete immunity from attack or injury Hy betlitrerenta : free from iwacjonUlon. and prove to prove that thoyundemtood th.-.r that tho action of Oomrri in exempt- . highest Intcrrst.jml rrvonuo their injr American coastwise vessel from ( l(ity to promote It "for the benefit of the payment of canal tolls involve a , mankind. " UHOAT. construction of the llay-rncefote Treaty which is fairly open to ipnwtion. A dilferenc ha arision eowerninc; the Interpretation of a treaty. On the 4th of April, IMS. tho United State and Great Britian made another trraty in which they screed tlwt "difT-j erence men may arise i a itn" on- . ture or rolstlnc: to the interpretation of ! uvstm rHiiiRK iwTw w ...v trading Parties and hich it may not have been possible to settle by diplom acy, shall be referred to the I'araa nent Court of Arbitration established Hoe by the Canve ttion of the AHh of Julv. ISM. provided, neeee- thele. that they do rot alfeict the vital interests, t.V tale wntence, or the honor of the to Contracting Stales, and do not concern the inter est, the independence, or the honor of the two Contracting Slate, ami d not concern the interest of third I'arti," The question whether American coast wise vessel shall psv tolls fur passim; through the canal cannot possibly be said to afreet either nation vital in tercet or independence, or the ' honor" of either of the two government. Clearly a difference rlat;nr to toe in- . terpretation of treaty ha arisen be tween two governine.iU which bare . agreed to submit such difference to Hague Court of A rbitration. iUite fin4 JOSKI'll II. ANDHKW I). W II ITU. CHAK1.KS W. KUOT. JOHN U CAHWA LA Drill, KI.IIIU KOOr. l.UKK K. WI510IIT, C11A K I.K.M AON K TOW Hit, H. S. WOOIWAKD, A USTKN tJ. FOX. J. G. SOIMlDLAiT, ROHKKTS. IIKOOKINUS. (VSCAK S. S I K A US, SA.MUKI. MATHKU. JAMF-S k 8I.AYDK.V. CIIAKI.KS 1.. r.VYLUll, hknky s. hutch ktt. WILLIAM M. IIWWAIU). CLKVKLAND It. DODOK. KOBKKT A. FRANKS. NICKtU AS MURRAY IUITLKK. ARTHUR WIl.UAM FlKSTBR. JAMBS HROWN SCOTT NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. I Plan for new MASONIC TKMI'I.K can bo seen nt Chns. I. CltniKti I'mi! Stort ami at K. B. Mrt'laran. Arelil tect's Olllce In IVrtlaml for llwrinsf 'on tho erection of snme. after Jum j 1 IStli. bids will I lecotvotl till I', i M., June HOtb. A ecrtltlwl cheek nf t n.mwl! at bill IlllUl srcollltMIIV PfOtHVl- i alas a nrnttti-e tlwt lnd will b ! Civwi awl contract lIoil. Owner j reervn riht to reject sny or a bhl, j FOR SALE. I U acre bottom (ami with but Wine. ' J 4 eowa, and horse, wile fioin town. . pric fl.WO. Brand new P oi bun 1 aU with basew it, 1) acre of land, I acre berrte. near the new depot prue $33m. Fin home near town, lo hm house w ith ft acr of lanl. acre or .hard. ) acre berries, wrice JW. Acrvnifs in price to ult Hee the own. , r A. 1'U.ker. NEHALEM Will Celebrate FOURTH. the SpurtM of till K t tulM 4itt;l it Hunt M (, NEHALEM TILLAMOOK Imu- tin- (.'h.impuuiNhii of Till.imm.k To Bit; Dance In the Evening, W li Mltit I.D ( WOKkY " itiul nit th, Him to Nclutlcui No. (X Revrt of tho i ..ti ution .if the FIRST BANK & TRUST COMPANY AT HAY CI 1"Y, IN TUB STATK OK ORE;. ON nt th Clone of Hus iiee June 4, k'l K (it at the I'r.juJ States shall be at liLH-rtv tu maintain an adeuuate mili-1 In a special sense the United trv riolice akn the canal : and (5) ". to observe faithfally that "m. Chan.- of territorial sover-! without question the treaty of April, eienty or of th international relation ; for the United Stastea ha beon of te country or countries traversed among government the great dvocet bv toe tforometit.od canal shall sf-1 of arbitration, baa practised it in im- fect the general Drincinle of oeutratir-' portant case, and has urged it strongly obligation a.iin or the obligation of the High Contraction Parties under the present Treaty," The concluding of this tteaty com monly spoken vt as the ilay-Paunce-fote Treaty -was a necessary prelimi nary to the construction of any Isth mian canal by the United States or under iu auspices ; because by a pre vious convention oetween uie sirae part.ei concluded in April, 1S50, United State and Great Britain UHind themselves that neither would on all other governments. The United State cannot refuse to arbitrate the difference which has arisen concerning the proper interpretation of the Hay Pauncefote Treaty, without turning !ta back on a very honorable chapter in its owo history, and damaging throughout the world the cause of free institutions. The Republic ought to be the most scrupulous of nil governmental in the ,h exact observance of treaty obligations. httfi I'- intact oe absolutely faithful to it word, even to its uwn nurt. Assuming that the di Here nee which "ever obtain or maintain for itself any exclusive eoutrol over" an Isthmian has arisen concerning the construction canal or "mainuio sny fortifleations ' of the Hay-Paun?foie Treaty must be commanding the same." or exercise : arbitrated unks the cause of the ditT domi -ion over "any part of Cen- erence can be with Irawn, we desire to tra I America." The contractins par-1 on our fellow.citiaens the expedi ties further agreed to protect the canal ency of promply repealing that action f -om "itittmiptioa. seizure, or unjust i f Congress which ?ave rise to the c.," and to guarantee its t1ty. - convention commonly spoken ne Clayton-Bui wer Treaty made .-.-quest and on the initiative of -canal tolls, since the .tad States, established the sen- w include voyages difficulty Granting that same American shin ing interests mignt be bene'Ued by the exemption of coastwise vedU from term cilwise half round the Ti. .i .i a; '. i 1 1. I era I principle of the neutralisation o: an-, iV.nmian canal which might be copi-trji-ted, a principle which Uie Hay I'aur.cefote Treaty reatUrmed. f he great design o! both treaties. that of m. was to pro-note the con-1 a,n c"n enUsr nnble prutest. stru-tioi, and maintenance of a ship. j The United -State an immense m ,iu,- fK- leret in the sanctity of co.ntracu. ami "the be writ of mankind, on equal te;m U all," arnl to protect tne neu tralized canal effiectivelv when bunt. RKSOURCia. laAM and Discounts .... Oeefdrsft. secured d uticured -Uond and Warrant .... Hanking boose und lot ... Furniture and PI v lures Other Renl Estate owned . Due from bank (not reeert, bank) Due from approved mafrw bank -Checks ami other cash itt C ij on hnd rlxpsjoseji Tout LIAB1L1TIK8. Capital Stock paid In -Surplus Fund .... Postal Saving Bank deposits Deposits doe Stat Treaswrwr Individual De,iu subject t cheek Demand Certificates of Deposit Time Certificates of Deposit Saving Depraits Total Dtnr,Ct, JMIn? TI7.W m.v ttaOOiM .fM tkilir.Cl. m 50 31 S-t 5.'W H) mt a,m.!W It's Worth More Than ( to Relieve the Mind und Enjoy ..GOOD MOVING PICTURES The Kind They Alway Show nl The New GEM THEATl THE BRIGHT SPOT bll- mtr F. C. FELDSCHA Cement Sidewalks and Concrete Construction Worl Enquire at Ramsey Hotel .1. STATE OF ORKGO.S COUNTY OF TILLAMOOK. ( I. John O. Bosorih. Cashier of Uw hw-nod bank, ta soWmnly swear that the above stntoinent i tra to the best of my knowledge sod belief. JOHN a ttOZOitlH. Cashier. Subscribed and swurn to befurc in this Correct Attest: 16th day of June. 1013. R. J. ItKtmiCKS. U F. imoDE. j SCOTT BOZORPH, Nour" Public. I Director plobc, America surely has much larger interest which would bv greatly aervud by the prompt abandonment of ' any interpretion of the Hay-Paunct-fote Treaty against which Great Brii-1 in tho strict observance of all interna j tional convention and treaties. It ; has an immense interest in the faithful In urgiijr on the British Government the making of the Claytori-Bulwer Treaty, tne American negotiator said U Lord i'aimeriston : "The United States sought no exclusive privilege or j preferential ritjht of any kind in regard to the proposed communication that I is a canai or ran roau, I ano tneir sin cere wish ticabie, wag r ran roau.j ano their sin- ' 7 - ' " if it shouW be found prac- ' " lr"Pr'tlont u' for a to .-ee it dedicated to the vnl,o'- Despotic and r observance of any treaty between two or more nations which ha.s been outered into "for the bonelit of mankind." It is true that in times pait many trea ties have not been strictly obiurved ; that others have been sutTered to lapse quietly ; tttvl that some have buen vio lated by one or more of the parties. new con- rnonarchicai common ue of all nalioni on the roost sinnen in meo , liberal terms ana a of nrf,t I rpoctd, republic have ben ae- .. (u f.. n xk... .u it:.,..i cuied of lik 1 M w nH Ja b kilt; U III I 1 sStitfs aiiuW not, if they couid, obtain NEWS FROM OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL Steel and Iron Raw Materials Are Placed on Free List in Tariff Bill. Washington The trnnsfnr to th free list of the tariff bill of Iron and stee; raw mati-rlals, with an oil Unit ed dutiable value of more than J'iiM,- u ear, waa afiproven ny the wu !oTly meinbem of th sonnto flnnnce '.jmilttee. Thla Incrunsod the sen t- addttlooa to the Underwood e Hat to an aR5ri,ato annual !osa . 42.'.i,m in revenue, roaklnx the ' -tal . itlrnatert anuual revenue lof any ex -,uive njrht or privilege in a threat highway which naturally Ije longe J to all mankind." This state rr ent .x presses accurately the avowed intention and resolve of the United States from 150 to 1012 concerning any I'a..aj.-.:-. Canal. All treaties on the .-'uIijki t are base ! on this intention and resolve many times reiterated by offi cial r-;r-entative of the American (ioverr.rnent. l i Uie summer of 1U12, Coiigreas pa-.eJ - bill fixinn the tolls to bo paid fur pa,-' tg thro'ih the Panama Canal cortru-ted by the United StattH and apprort..-h nn completion but added a sectio,. wli!'-h cxeimited American coahtwi.-u -.e-hftls from paving tfl'o, tuu., K'vinji American coast int; vt--,. 1-, a privilege which no jtiier vt--i N wojU enjoy, ai,d dimiii iishi!.if t probable income of the canal in i .iiinu. After a . nturval of several rnonthi-, Great Urn. an ha prusentod U the UniUi'1 .Stat' s a pro teat against the ex empt'on oi' inorican coitstwise vessel on two pn-. grounds. First, that such an ux' dijitioii i inconsistent with ti.e pfovih .,ii of the Jlay-f'aiincefoto Treaty that the canal shall hu opyn to vessels of all nations on terms of en tire equality ; and secondly, that the exemption of American coastwise ves sels would inevitably tend to increase tho charges on all other vcmijIs usintf tho cuiiui, to the disudvan ag.' of all other nationii in comparison with tho United Status, u dlsadvaitao which Jiiilit iiicruakc in the futuro, since the higher the rates the greater would be tho7irivilexo of exemption from pay ing them. J'ho British arguments are calm and e conduct. AH the more reason that the American I'.upublic j r n 'he fr-e list about tST.OOO.ooO. snuui'j no no act unuer a treaty wnicn j iruciunu steel, which wm can be even questioneij by candid and I :' 1 iuiiwhie u 12 per cent In tho honorable men. In the efficacy of I 1 !-rwood bill, h boon reduced an international agreements lie the chief j 11 ''jmpennation for the placing nf hope of the world for progressive civ-'rn materials on the free list. The jilation. I raw material were placed on the fro The further promotion, in a rnothod i lur80ly liecaue they are control of uncertain value, of tho interests of American coastwiiu shipping, interests already protected by the possefljiion of a complete monopoly as against nil other nations, is a doubtful matter of I commercial improvement. The whole country considered, the pecuniary ad. vantage would not he large, and might 1 00f4' ,ar dye. by the United Statea Steel Cor poration. Among the articles which the ennts ub-f:otumitteos havo added to the free list are: i'jg Iron, furro-manganesf and sploglolaon. hemp, livestock, wheat, photographic film, oodarwood. easily he completely offset by accom-' panying disadvantages ; hut whatever advantage might come to this well-protected industry, it would bo as nothing compared with tho interests of the whole United States in carrying out the noble work of building n canai be- 1 tween the Atlantic arid Pacific Oceans for the common advantage of all na tions. Tho greatest interest of tho United j State as a free nation is to represent worthily before the world tho prineU pies of civil and religious llheity and, the public elliciency and well-being ' which those principles develop, ami , inereoy to promote tne adoption : tho&o principle the world over. This is a great material as well as a great moral interest. In comparison with this large interest, the interest of tho United States in its coastwise vessels sinks in insignificance. By securing the repeal of that purl of the act of Congress on the Panama Canal whieh provided for the exemption of Amer ican coustwiso vesseiB from the pay mont of tolls, tho American people would embrace u precious opportunity Print Paper Provision Changed. Amending the section of the Under wood tariff bill which would place on the free lint all print paper valued at not more than 2 cunts a pound, the majority member of the minnle fin ano committee voted to Incorporate In the bill tho provisions of the farm, dlan reciprocity act passed In 1011. This action would extend tho free list to Include all print paper valued at not morn than i cuta n pound, on condition 'that no export duty, export llccnwt feo or other export charge of any kind whuUoevor, or any prohibi tion or restriction In any way of the oxpoi union, shall have been impound upon such paper, hoard, or wood pulp, or tho wood pulp iued In the manufac ture of Huch paper or board." Frto Postnne Ula Aid to 8uBar Men. How the government printing office nnd the postofflee department helped In the f'lit against free migar and the con3re:,.iional frank nont tons of nntl free augi r literature circulating throughout the land, was brought out by the senate. lobby Investigation. Truman 0. Palmer, Washington rop. j retentativn nf foe i nito Mtaies j sugar InduDiry. tiint that mor thn M ,'o copio of argument In i b.itilf of sunar had been turned I out by the :orniunt printing omc. I made pu! II dix:utinis by order of romrres ai.d had rl.Jdeu on thr frnnVn cf senator snd rproimtAtlrr. txst- urv free. "HuRr st a CJIance," prcprHl by him. lin said, had atuln"d n clrcubi Hon of J20 oo coplen nuder tlm frank of H-oatoi Ia4ks "Heport of the Flnnnee rcmmltter," hj the ni nnn ator. had boatn the pamphlet b; go. 000 coplcn. Honator Ashnrsl. of Artsnna, prn scntrd th rport of th ..! ,if. frane committor, rrcomintinillnic ths passnge of Senator rkamberlain i re. olutlcn for constitutional ameitd mem enfraiehlsltiK women. The report vlgorouHly urKod rain ' Tor wornnn. It declared flufrnr.f Justified "by rvory tt tho students of government U net down" for uti franchlseiiK'nt of any !. of cltlxen. Natlonsl Caplul Brvltle. Pr.Htldent Wilson has Informed Colo nel Ooethal that lie rlult ths Pnnnina cnnnl as soon am congress ad journs. Majority inemhrs of the senate f. nance uommlliee declare thai thoy ex. poet to have the tariff bill In shaun for consideration by thy Unmocnulc cauoti this weuk. Heorotnry of the Interior Uitio holds that assignees ()f reclamntUni home- studs on which final de need not lie qunfid homestead rs. Secretary Unc snhmltted n rimulu- tlon to congress for n Inw (iiilhorlzlnu tho ilrali.aH and reclamation by the United States of public aw.tnip and overflowed Innda In any slnte or terri tory. Ilepresentatlvo .,nry ), Ittt roltic--ed u resolution In the house giving congres vlsltorlal powers over natlon- ui imiiKH in houxing n record of currency svstein. ... ... InBlnielloiiH to pnntniiiHters were Is miod for hnndllng ('. o. li, parcel post paekagea. The regulations will he In effect July j. (!uirgns on package will be collided from fnldresseM on and after that dale, provided thn umouiit on u single parcel does exceed JJfiO liiniiKM' s acatiuiis Seashore or. JVIountains J T1LJ Hennun Tjckcln on Hnlly I'nttl Hrpi ,lrwJf suSatT Ye1 1 i I'" I Sii - .fi;l TIIJ.AMOOK SCSBUI) fllMW if (till IU5ACH8M r I ii Tt) AND NIvWPOUT llie r ill, innl l,itli)ll II) IIHHiW llcsu'llr'a tire M ItllfoW". I'K'OM TO I VKR I'oMliiml Tlllanioik llwrhca H Orrtrtm City ,. .. I rJ SnUin: ,, f, 0) AlUii.y ,, . Cot vnlli M f , i Itllgrlir M M I'M UoKcliiirtr 1 O Meilfiinl " ..' Anliliuiil i i;,i', Corrt'Htioniliiig low f.uti (mmii other piilnld. WmI 1 'eUM mi mile from viulono iiilnl. EXCURSION FARES E A ST. Tlikcit. will .r Mid. I In. m ell iimIii nnil h . "" in Orrgon in lui.ti rii .etlinitl.iii one wey tliruiut- ' "' nrviu I'oilKiinl. stop ovrr within IniiH' TICKETS ON SA DAILY TO SEPT. 30 IMnnl Urturti Limits Oct. ;ilt. 1-nr lifimtiful illii.tntti hook "VnnilU'i" I liPOhlrtn iIcki lll.ltIK 'llllMHIiU.k (. ninny Hem hc S' olhcr (miIiiUj ,im well an InfoiiiifitiiMi iiliout ('if' loiitee, nlop.oM'rn. cti .. i nil on ni-tuext Agent nr JOHN M SI Oi l, I'uHHcngrr Agnnl, I ' r I ,e, ull'l f the Chnmherlilirs Colic, Cholcni mul Dlirrliocn Remedy. livery family without exception should keep this preparation at hand luring the hot weather of Iho summer months, f !l)ftinhr luiti'a folic. mid Diarrhoea Hemtxly In worth many limes Its cost when needed ami Is n. most certain to bo needed before the Hummer Is fiver. It him no Miporlor for tho purposes for which It In Intend ed. Iluy It now fur sale by nil dealers. 1 s: "i nut Can't Keep It Secret. The splendid work of Clmiiiburliiln Tablets is daily becoming more widely known. No such grand remedy for stomach and liver troubles lies over been known. For.Biilo by all dealer. LAMAR'S VARIETY STORE Tillamook, Ore. "DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND" i llfiNM'i' uonll. a IIi i i- 'll i... i..... ..i.... I..... i.. ..i.. i 1 i llir "r iw'immmk 1 1 1 1 in niiii". - -- i of.. ii ....... 01 no iiiij neiiing iinrin'T ,ai host mock IU price tl ..t k'M tempt you, A Wlil.L MADIi IIM'N3 will not only Improvi II ''I'l'f ,,f I ... I..'., ... ..Ih.i.hIi' to ) jwui iioinu, in. v ii'""" .inw Mafetv as wull. Mnnv li ri nWW.V be avoided If tlm old' llnllit J '"ia iliHcnriled In time. W. A. WILLIAMS, iillHiiiniiL . . On1 Stilmcrlbo for tlm Herald it fa twice each week, Iiitvc o HOf!' I