Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, June 24, 1913, Image 2

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    Cbe ailamosk ReraSd
C. G. Cromblcy, editor
issued Cwlcc a lUk Cucdav Frldav
1-nlered a e.-ond-bM matter Mm IT. WW. l IV s l TUfeww.
Oregon, under the act of March S, IsW.
Jlttccrtlshw Rate
Each subsequent insertion, tin
Resolution of Condolence ami
' ral Advertised , p une
I--rt Insertion, fwr Hnt - 5 NneiIV(i(wioMlf.i
iMortion. KlM .Of ninUav ArfvorttSOHMnL Mr inch
Homestead Notice " 2 ALL Dwplae Ads muat b In this of-
Tmitvr Claims - - " flee on Hvtiday and Thursday Moro-
Notie. per line i w inure publication In follow-
Ctrl f thar.k. wr tin - .05 Ing Tuesday and Friday Moot.
L nrr line, first insertion - Reason are imporatiTe.
TTESDA Y, Jl'NB 1913.
TVs issue of the Herald contains
communication from the member of
the board of trustee of Ihe Camogie
Kndowment f.r International Peace,
in regard to treaty righto and pcoet
s; ins m connection with the Panama
(."anal toll controvert-. The coaimtt-
ri"-t:on H very interesting aa giTrp t lftM
ce a clear outline or u siumuun
q '
The sloran : "Free toll? for Amer-'
ienn boat" sounds one and if it were
n I for natural consequence as we see
it. it would be Soe. T he natural con-yequer-i-e
which we refer to is the
inclination award combinntioo. What
pood ill free canal toll do the people
of the Pacific Coat a a whole if eoast
vis shipping interest of both the At
lantic and the Pacific coasts form a
comH-nt as is evioent by the following :
Washington. June IS. Chairman
Alexander, of the House ship trust in
ve tigs ting committee. rnakioE public
the first three v-ilume of the commit
tee's pn-ccediniH today, declared they
contained evidence that competition
between coastwise line had practically
been e'iminated and that all established
lines from American ports were in
agreements. He said :
"Practically all the lirte ;nrlng
both the Atlantic and Pacifis seaboarl
of the United States are members of
conferences or work in eo-oporatiun
through written agreements or oral
under tandings. "
Jsary Ann O.ay was born in London.
Suerkod, No. 18th. 13j. died in Tiile
aoofc. Ore. June 81. 181S. belaj; S7
yexrs, 7 month and 3 d ys old.
Deceased was married in Illnois in
to Wm. Johnson, who
died in 1ST9. To thte union eight
children were bom. namely: J. W.
and J. L. Johnson of Canada, Henry
Johnson of Montana. 0. 1- Johnson of
California, Mrs. Alice Davb of Texas.
Mr. Mary Creviston hnd J. A. John
son of Washington and Mrs. Lillic 11.
Harris of Tillamook at whose home for
many year she has bvon tenderly
cared for.
She ha been on the Pacific Const
87 year and a resident of Tillamook
County for H year.
Mrs. Johnson ha always lived an ex
emplary Christian life and was lovod
anJ resoecled by all who knew her.
The funersi serri-e wh hold at the
Christian Church Sunday afternoon at
1 o'clock. The services were con
ducted by Mr. Jope.
Portland, Ore. June 21. (Special)
That would-be ettlers coining Jo Ore
gon have, in many instaness, been vlc
i timiioJ by unscrupulous land sx:culat
iors and that the state as a whole has
i been iniutedbv tneir operations, is a
At a special meeting of the eitv ' statement made at the annual convon
council or. Satjrlay. Mayor Hartr ten-! tion of Oregon bankers recently held
dered his resisrnation, the same to take at Corvalhs, ail the attending dele
place the first of July. Following t a gates expressed a determination to co-
copy of his communication to tne coun
To the Honorable the Common Council
of Tillamook. Oregon.
I hereby tender my resis nation as
Mayor of Tillamook, Oregon, said res
ignation to take pia.-e on or oefore Ju
ly 1st 1913.
I have a living to make and as long
as I have the arTairs of the city on my
hands, I can do nothing else. I have
spent almost a year and a half looking
after the business of the city, to the
neglect of my private aHairs, and I
feel at this time that 1 am n t askine
too much of you to albv me to shift
the burden, and judg,n the future by
operate with th i commercial bodies
ml throughout the st.ite in an effort to put
greedy real estat- men out of business.
i The plan does not contemplnte the en
tire elimination ol land selling agen
cies, but does propose to annihilate
the sharks who h.ve been speculating
in good Oregon sii', taking it out of
production and ho-ling it for an un
reasonable increase in price.
It was decided to form an appraise
ment committee in each community to
Dss on the prices of 1 uids, the corn
'nittee to consist of tw. members of
'.he local commercial '.Kxly ami one
hanker, ami intending purchasers will
o; auviseu u purensse no real esiaie i
Department of tie Inlet ior.
I'. S. Mnd OtBcv at tlawL Orefto.
My HI, 1913.
NOTICE ht'rvby civ lht Fleo
( Kr, of Roote No. I. Box Tf. A.
TtiUmook. (tp. who, on OeUKT
14, 111, made llonwetond Kdtry, No.
083s for Ut XSw AT. It. S
Soction SS, Township 1 South. lUn
Woat. WillaiaetU Mercian, h nled
notice of intention to make tlnal C
mutation Proof, to subllah tMm to
the land above described, before J. C
HoHn. Count v Cler of Tillasaook
County. Oreon. at Ttllatswo. Otvo,
on the 10th oay of July, l$VL
Claimant rutiwos ns u-itsnw:
Ullian Kline.
liarW Maitiny.
(idward Harwnkratt,
Bdward C. Smith, all of TlllstmHiW.
II. F. Higby.
Mtnhtl Ittvsir. U btrvby ohl l rtl
ing of ny klml fr allium nli, i';it
v!Ui li.k awl lh. commonly "ltl
from aiwl nflrr July 17, tP,
until M tributary luonwl ngxlil t
Notice Clolni: SlrcniiM.
HoanUf Hh Cnm Commlon-, ..,)mon Milng. lirobt fur under I
rr. of the Stt of Own ( SwW" Ml of t'' V""!"!' . -V '
.t. a-or. tho lonl of KWhiMaiil . ami iii w ui...m. - . , n -
l mmioHew of f ! for. r Uk. or raltlt "V " J. L.. ILLU I , U, V
Pioneer Transfer
;o. u pick ,v son, iv
I lie Sfim Price tullv
. . .iMtMl and U mo- ' ht n niMn) wblVir, rti
M(Unari otkine the walar of, hue ami lino. MMtuuwily eH '
Tii!a-n. Bay awl U tribuUrtea, In j n. in any of hl wln diiUnd the
Ti1!uh County. StoUi of urCn. ( tM perto.lt oi iimi' i.
Department of Tie Interior.
U. S. LAND OFFICE at Portland. Orr.
May 17. lOtS.
NOTICE is herbv given that Clarke
C Wilmot, of Bbiine. OrtHTon. who. on
January 1012. made Homos tend
Entry. No. 083M. for NJ SV1-SK1 NWl
and SWi NEi. Section 24. Township 3
South. Kunge s Wt. Witliametto Mer
idian, hns nled notice of intenUon to
make Final Commutation Proof, to es
tablish claim to the land nln.vo de-
eribed. beforo J. C. Hoklen. C-junty
Clerk of Tillamook Co.. OrtfRon, at
Tillamook. Orogon, on tlw 80th day of,
June. 1913.
Claimant nnmee.ai wilnestM :
I'erly K. CouUon.
Silas I). Moore,
Albert Down.
Henry Duvi. all of Blaine. Oregon.
11. F. IIIC.BY.
T. I-t tuo June 17.
ceiveJ at your nanus, aid wishing you
God speed, I am very truly yours,
John Harter,
r, . ... , I from any dealer until the value of the
trouble in getting some one elss to , ' . . ,
, , same has been passed upon by the ap-
stand under. . . , . . . .. . '
, . , ... . i I praisers ani the price asked decided to
Thanking you one and all together , kl . ...
.... , Z. be a reasonable one. It vcs stated as
with the various otuer city officers, . , . , . . .
IX iH'-l JIIUUII V. bill. tf fH ILUIkUl .11
t j : - i : . t. , ,.j n. i. : . .u
figure. There ,s douotless plentv of ,
good land which can be obtained at a .
fair pric", but the newcomer, uruallyl
unfarriliar with local values and condi
tions, seldom heirs of that land. The
committee will ee that he gets a J
squire deal.
Oregon is likely to become the
The county treasurer received on FH
day $3-9.13, frjna t'.e sti'.e treasury,
Department of file Interior.
U. S. LAND OFFICE at Portland. Ore.
April I7lh. Ifl3.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Chester C. Shaw, whoso post olhe ad
dress is care of Shuw Ixieko Realty
Co., PertlrfiMl, Orogon, did, on tkn 26th
day of April. 1012. tllu In this ollieo
Sworn Statement and vpplicntion,' No.
03SM. to purchase the S. W. I ofS. E.
. Section 30, Township 1 South,
Uange 8 West, Willamette Meridian,
and the tuntwr th.T"i'. u U?r th pr
v.ttiorw of tlc act of Ju..v ', HTif, ant1.
acts amendatory, k.-io- n as thr
"Timber am) SUik Lhw," at tuch
value as might bo tlxed by npraisemunt,
and that, pursuant to u:n application,
the land and timr thurcon have bren
appraisud, tne timber estimated SO.000
boanl feet at 7f cent fur M, and the
land 3-10 ; tnat said applicunt will olTer
final proof in support of his application
and sworn alitemsnl on Uie Seventh
day of July, 1913, before the Ucgmttr
and receiver of the United Status Luna
Ollice, at Portland, Oregon.
Any person is at liberty to protest
this purchase before entry, or initiate
a contest at any timo before patent
issues, by filing a corroborated ufndavit
in this office, alleging facts which
would defeat the entry.
T Register.
t u tiK MfekMt fish, and
Wit ERICAS. W Tillamook Itay !
it inUiUfWa are fwjoont,! by al-
R.k .ful far tho DttRMa of lr-
! ! tin tho mm, the said SUo Hoard
of rih and Game CnroiNwr ha
Voided to rke a tributary of aW Tib
lamooh Bay. known a Hoauwrt
on Sloufh. ami It UibuUrtea
lx a point on W Honuart
ikit if si- Wttt 1.013.7 feet from
the section eoroer eommoo to Section
89, U, and 96. of Towtvahlo 1 Sooth,
Rsm 10 West, of the Wittamolto
Mrtodtan th vn on said Nouwart
on Slotth beJac mot partlevlarly de
Manatod by poU enetod by Ike Mtor
Fh VTardon warnin Uw . "d
abx another tributary of uM rtt -u.
ktwHn aa Miami Rlwr.
a oore a pwnni nni uiv -
bTKtge croMMW Mid Miami Rivor just
brlow the PacuV Railway NvliC
two Company's railroad brhU crowdng
d Miami Rlw. all betnt In Tilla
mook County. SUt of OriKton. to pro
vmt nshln therein by any ummiw
whatever, eJwopt with hook and line,
commonly raitod anctlNr. for salmon
rtuh. dunrur the periMW of Uw fcoipirt
after paifled.
HEREBY GIVEN by said Stato Boanl
of Fish and Uasse Cmmhwioflrt that .
said tributary of Tlllajaook Bay. known ,
a ilotiuarion Skwih. and U
Uihutarie above o point on
aid Hoquartoo Slouh. 17 31' Wl
2,013." feet from tho celion comer
common to Seetlona 33. 24. 2S and 3d.
of Township I South. Knnge 10 West,
cf the Willamette Mdredian this point
on said Hoquartoo Slouch ban more
particularly designated by punt erort
d by the Master Pith Warden warning
the public, are and each of them
h) hereby closed to flihlnf
of any kind for almr. fith, etcepl
with hook and line, cummunty ,-ullc I
angling, from and after July 17. 1013,
until on !! flr fK-tolxr li. 1013. awl
that the tributary of tar! Tillamook !
Ami. n.l nil MIMIU W llOIIIHH) Vwr I
.... ..... ...... ...Ml
fHhlnC In violation o im m.,...
: pma-t'UUd a by ltw protttlrd.
j. r. iii'iiM) i
l"halrman J
C. F, STtlNE
M. J
(Until I'd mi-t)
rill.iinook i ,
STtlNE .
Htntc lhuril
Itelt nd Gatuo
vj o t.
Dhi'Thciii u hvukat
lll'll I ...
I IllUIIIOilli
Dr. L. li. McwiU
I lei I plM.n IrTI W
Temporori Rc, . A C Knoii Ihmi,
Ttl.t-WIOOK. oil It.
Dr. Jack Olson
Oltlco Hours frm 'J a in to & III.
Orer F R. Hcali' Rest Kitate Office
llottt !'h.i(ica.
Attorney.!. Lw tJ
U. S. CamtatuuMMf
OppotlU Couttko,
lll.l.AnoOK IMH iUAkl.Sfl
U. N III SKI I yrt,
FlMir Doors cat t lUien
,...-,, .1. . . i I . -
juii i.i i ami in Niir
Utofrlc) 4(.(,
lilltwiiooK HuildiiH Hooa
c M roi IQfiPJ i it. a
I. l. t
IVmter ul Paper IlmiKcrl
Coiitnicts Taken
Hstiuiiites Ftiniishcil.
All 'rk Otiurnmwl.
TiUatnook. f)r
D I'HRkts
KKAtlllSXT tMtl7
OlTir in Nik'.-, n fJ4,
ai; Wiiik ( ';t4,
I U.t. lAOUIH. Ill
Ha. known as the Miami River, above i lllaiJlOclk,
l point wht rr n county wagon bridge j -
Otrice 'JOI.'.'JOI. Tillnmoolt
- I (luck
Allorncy at bw
f 117 . . . t ...... . . I H
. f r t. .1....
p ' '" nivrr iui Avrll in lhi HoraH, iwA4o
Ijho Pacific Railway St Navigation Com- , th. Hemtd has the larnd -ireulti w
raiirvii l hridgr rrwaauig said j 0f ar.v pm-r H. th cwn.ty.
the same to be used U auppr: countv tr of a great fishing industry within
fair for Tillamook v.i fall. Th u,e niar future a tho investigations of
amount vill bs a crr.;t helo to us.
The Fair meet.ng at the court house
Saturday was well attended and con-
s.uerr.ble interest wag sluwn, but it
tne government confirms the report of ;
j ext ;nsive halibut banks olf the coast of
Lincoln County. A large number of j
laun:he3 are now being fitted out at1
was de' ided i.ot to organize as had j Newport, on Yaquina Hay, for the pur
been previously planned until more
etock had been subscribed by the farm
ers. It is necessary thai 000 be sub
scribed before we can incorporate
$300 of this amount is already sub--scrioed
and the remainder could easily
be raised in Tillamook but it is
thought that it would he better if the
subscription was scattered over the
entire county, so accordingly it was de
cided to send men in the north and
south ends of the county to secure
stock subscriptions. On motion of F.
R. Heals it was decided to have Mr.
Jilalock of Beaver, look after the south
end and Mr. J. H. Danstan the north
; pose ill exploiting these recently dm
, c-jvt-red banks, and those which have
, already started operations are return
' n t-j port with capacity loads of
' s j;.--i Is 1 .iih. The extent of tho hanks
is st i ted to be sufficient to supply the
Pacific Northwest with fish for years
' to come.
Under a joint agreement of the
I Southern Pacific and Santa Fe rail
roads, it is announced that a new rail
road will be built along tho Oregon
coast, construction to begin at the
present northern terminus of thu
Northwestern Pacific ling at Sherwood
Cal. The road will he built up the
end. Mr. Heals promised t pay $15 coast to Myrtle Point, in Coos County,
toward the expense of these men.
A meeting will be held at tho court
house Saturday at which time the fair
association will he formally organized.
On Thursday cening the Epworth
League of the Methodist Church elect
ed the following officers :
Emma Weiss, President.
Verne Bain, 1st Vice-President.
Hurry Swenson, 2nd Vice-President.
Myrtlo Wallino, 3rd Vice-President,
Oscar Swenson, Vicc-Pre3ide.it.
Elsjo Lamb, Secretary.
Edwin Uoquiat, Transurer.
D. Robinson, Chorister.
and will then proceed up the valley of
the Rogue River, connecting with the 1
So. Pacific main line at Grants Pass.
It is stated that work will begin this
To the Pacific Northwest goes the
honor of providing a man to head the
American Association of Nurserymen
for tho corning year. The convention
of the association held in Portland last
week was thu first meeting of the or
ganization ever held west of the Rocky
Mountains, and at its final business
session, Friday morning, J, H, Pilking
ton, of Portland, wai unanimously
elected president. The 1911 meeting
will bu held in Cleveland, and at that ,
tlmu a strong effort will be rnai'u to
bring the association to Sun Franvncu
for Its meeting in 1910.
I'u, c in ;i,c Mews
G. M. 8.' n-jrit tf Pomona, Cal..
ims liK-n I'ifcted commaiid?r of the
California and Nevada department
of the (, A R.
LVutermut -Governor ThomaH Mor
ris, a rerldont of La Crosse, ha for
mally announced hU candidacy tc
Unltfd HtateH senator to euccoi-d
Ii;aac Strplionson.
It waa announced that Theodore
Roo:.ovclt 1 xolng to Argentina tiet
fall to lecture on the progress of th
United States.
Atteaux, eodefendant with Wood
In tho dynamite planting case at Jlos
ton, has been set at llherty. The
Jury returned a dlsatfreer U a to
Atteaux, tho district nttorney nolle
proiihed the case.
Madame Schumann-Hclnk has gone
to hor nowly-purchased 1500 aero
farm near San Diego, Cal., accom
panied by her nine children, and It I
said to be the singer' Intention to
give up her public career, iter place
raises orarii;of, lentous and alfalfa.
"Jane Addama for mayor In 1910,"
Thl I the suggestion flxlnsr amonjr
Chicago club women and suffragists
as the result of tho notion of the leg
Islatur In extendinr tho franchise
to women In Illinois.
Tb bouse of coeimoM camJtl
which ha been lavaaticatiBf the
"Marctal har scandal" ha ro
eat4 a report to sarHaaasat abso
lutely loneratlng Chaaoaflor tho
Exchequer David Lloy4-arg acl
Solicitor General Isaacs from any
wrong doing In connection wHh their
purchase of Arnricun Marconi
Come nd Establish
Yourself at
The Nehalem Harbor Co.
will make special inducements to
men with families who will -locate
MoptyloiM'c'.si(kMiet'H orJorJiuHiiiess l)tiiUlinKS can
he secured L.Ljil.)Ml1 prices and on easy terms..
--0 (M4t 4d m
The Nehalem Harbor Co.
F. A. JACKSON, Secretary Wheel.?. 0t?rysiwi Portland Offlai mMM
1 TTUvWWi areOH Tlllamk nifl,.. (', F