Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, June 20, 1913, Image 4

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Mv dear V.t. rrombloy:
year soon will have olntved, miko
1 w:ii in your tnWst. KrMi now Tilln
mook with hor tnv wd people Is
.n t vdea.finr a when I was one ot
Todoy flt u engaged In the sjotv
oral nv-re.inllle b aa ! tbi place .
Our partner Is C".a. T. Pwvne ti raJl
conn-id.-! litt'e Ensjlisthmsm.
But lew short ytr ago the site
on 'ii-Koar Utile ton Stands
the pant's grnsinc grounds bat todav
hxvp thrc gei-eral More. t
hardware, two cpufcctionorfcj, barber
shop, tin shop, loiter vnrJ, swemhl.
ht' rin. ', hall, two holtl
now being mitrKud to Aecotitcdat fifty
ormoi. trues ts, M. E. Chur.-h. three
blac tith and repir shps. feed an:'
cho ' h.-iuse, hames shop, two
but -hi- show. b k. post olfot, two
ware h us$, pool room, and tro livr
baw one of which is owned. nJ oper-
rttd by a lortoer Tillamoeker, A. J.
We are iraepraphicaliy and tragically
your next door neiafhiwr binr Just
over the hump and within tea mile; of
your eastern boundry. Not only thi
but the same railroad which feds on
fetii- v n.
We need your co-ope ration with u
for the mutual utilisation of our pro
ducts. We nee j you.- cheoje. fish an I
clams, white yea need our buy. era in
and t'r-.iits.
Our soil is a ilt, varie from a dark
black low mixed wiih a volcanic ah
to t subsoil consisting of clay trap!
natei with the other mineral neees-
.SUM 10N5.
fn th Circuit Court of (ho State of
Oregon, Fur Tillamook County.
W. (?. Du'tsht I'lnintitT.
P. T.UUott, Jr. Defendant.
SuM-mon for lttbrte.tha in Foreclos
ure o ' Tax Uo i.
To F. T. KIKotl, Jr., the a bow named
In the name of tho State of Oregon:
You aio haroby notified that W. 0.
Dlht. tho holder of Certificate, of
rviimiu. ey numbered lH Issued on
tne 5ih iiny of January, It'll by the
Ta Collector of the County of Tilln
roooV, State of Orr n, f-r the ataount
of Fifteen (.nd 0-RX) ($15. .9) lollar.
t ie tne lHtn the amount then duo
and je!iiquTt for tauv fir the yoar
19W t gethor with penalty, Intortst
anl .U thertHvn uin the real prop
erty awsted to you, of whie u art i
the owner a np(Hars of rocorvl. situ
ated in aW County .n.l Stttle. and par
ticularly bounded suril described a fol-
Ttti summon I published bv onler
of the Honorable Homer ,Maon, Judgv
of the Count) Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of nilnmook
and said onter wa m.tilo and dated thl
hithdayof Juno. I'.US and the date of
. the llrttt publleatlon of IhU ititmtutinn
Is the ath tiny of June. U13.
All process itml pitHrs In this prvt
oeeAlinr may Ut servwl upon tho under
siKttod resiillit); within the Statu of
'Oreuon. tit the nildress herc.tfter moiu
c.KOKtn: wu.i.KrT.
Attortioy for I'laitttltr.
Adilros rillantmtk, Oregon.
F lst issue At(f. 1.
In the Circuit Court of tho State
Oregon, for Tillamook County.
W. t;. tnicot. 1'lt.itiuif.
Mottnt VoriKin Crotun Cmptty.
Corporation, Dfe.tdnU
Iowa, towil: The -uthwest qiiar er . Summong ,n Korockwuro of DeUmiUeat
o the Smthorwt qunrter ISW . W V Tftt lrtiri..u,.
l roureen Hi w To Vvrmjn
hh - t i awi r'.;' I comnlHa. the abovo named do-
eaat quarter (SKJ NED of Soctwn Ftf
ton (15). all in Tovnhip Two (2i
North of Range Ten (10) wet of the
W. M.
You are further notified that said
W. G. DwiRht has pot J taxw on said
j premises for prior or soboquont years
with the rate of interval on said
amounts a follows :
Said F. T. Elliott Jr. as the owner
of the lexal title of the above described
sarv to the soceearfal cultivation of property as the aotiw appear of record,
hops, irrain. fruit a-d vegetable. j and each of the other persons above
Hop grow very hixorinntly I j named are hereby further notifieJ Ua?
have bo-n informrl by cwerv;iv 1 W. G. Owight will apply to the Circu.'.
ho men that they have known them ' Court of tie County and State afor
to :eld a much a a ton to the acre 1 said for decree forckwim: the lier
although the general averace beir . aRainst the property above describoi.
In the Name of the SUte of Orotroo
You ttre horebv notifio.1 that W. 0.
DwiK&t, tho holder of Certificate of
Udlinouortcv numbered SS iiueil on
the 7th day of June. 191.1 by the tti.i
Collector of the County of Tillamook,
Stale of Orogon, for I'm amount of
Twenty-eiuht ami 10-100 (&L10) Uot
Inra, tho same bvitij: tho attMMtnl then
due and delinquent fur taxos for the
year 190 togelhor with iienalty, int
eroet and cotta t tier-ton upon the real
properly ainwed to yon. of which you
are the owner s apponrs of rooord,
situated in said County and Slate,
and particularly boumled and deaeilboti
a follo'v, tw-wit: Docrt0ei uiin th
A,?-)mnt Roll cf hl County for
frc i twelve b) fourteen hundrej i and mentioned in said eertiltctU. aoj I tbe year 1SKI- u tract .No. Jus awl moru
pv :. -1 to the acre. j you are herehy summoned to appea
P. tato growing is another crop of , within sixty days after the ftwt publi
i!i".-tane. They are grown frjm t!.e ; calioo of thi sumrwn exetutve oi
beaver iamls to the highest aitttj h j tbe day of aid ftrM publication, and
tht o of the best keeping quality are defend this action or pay tho amount
tho- raised upon tho higher ground. du m above .hown together with
The little weeping onion with h r. coU and accrued interest and in ca
mighty tr?ngth has come and crowded . of your failure to do so, n decree will
Y.ir.g soud from her quiet abode of be rendered forcloaint; the Hon oi am
beaver dam loam. Fruit growing is ' Uixe and
bocinr ng to receive a considerable at-, prenie above named,
tention and with tie tame scientific This summons is poblihe I by onler
methods we will be able to make our; of the Honorable Homor .Mason Judce
adverse, e sst up and take nonce. ! of the County Court of the State of
We H .i! have received our first crate i Orecon for the County of Tillamook
of straw barrie- tus nfter.-.n crowt
particularly oeribdd a follows, to-
wit: - Beginning at the .Meander Poil
on tho meander tine between Sections
Twenl.-five (251 in Townhtp one (1)
South of Kan Ton (10) Wl uf the
W. ,M. and Section Thirty () in
Township One (I) South of Knne Nine
(9) West of the W. .M. on tho North
Hank of Hoquorton Slough, litencr
costs againet thu lan-1 n mi 1 North ST degree Dt 6.00 chains,
and said order was mude ami dated this
. t ITl
here. Tne creu oromiied to be fair l'th day of June. lUlou tl the oats ol
althoa.-h tlie frut got the early blos-t-orr
wbici makt-t it little later than
u h . We s"on will for .ret vou ( the
land of milk and honey and dwell
that la-d v' Lt-rries and crci-n.
Were I a.--ked to name the one and i Oregon,
. . i . . ,
most prorr.tsuiff occuoation of this sec-! tioneo.
tion 1 h'JJi certainly say dairying.
It seems to me thit the cot. iitiopi are
ideal. While we tlo not have the
ab-ir..!am- ( ra&s we are blf.iod
with mill feeds Td the finest clover
and etrh hay I have ever seen grow
anywhere in Oregon.
I have conversed with dairymen who
tM1 m- their ows net them annually
in the neighborhood of $56 per cow.
The (frcater portion of the milk is
gathered uo in atjont and delivered to
the condenjferies although quite a little
is shipped to Portland in the form of
whole milk or cream.
The raising of blooiod stock is re
ceiving a considerable attention at the
present time. Since we have come
several head of blooded cattle have
beert shipped into your county.
Poultry raisini: is being carried on
very extensively. We have taken in
our little store in a single day over 300
dozen eggs.
Our beinc located practically uron
two railroads and sueh close proximity
to Portland always gives us an outlet
for our produce.
Our climate is noticeably different
from yours being colder in the winter
and warmer in the summer our aver
age temperature for the last 40 years
being 40 degree while our annual rain
fall in the same length of time has
been 14.38 inches.
With our many advantages here real
estate does not command more than
half the price it does in your locality
We shall always be glad to hsve you
or any of our Tillamook friends to call
upon us at any time as we will only be
too glad to show you our country and
its many advantages. ,
Kospuctly yours,
the first publicati n of mis summons U
thu 20th day of Jane. Ul'l.
All process and pupen in this pro-
in ceeding may be served upon the undor
i signed residing within the State of
tho address heroaftor men-
Attorney for the Plaintid.
Address Tillamook. Oregon.
Last issue Aug. 1.
In the Circuit Court of the State
Oregon, For Tillamook County.
W. G. D wight Plaintiir
J. E. Corlett Defendant.
Summons for Publication in Foreclos
ure of Tax Lien.
ToJ. E. Corlett, the above named defendant.
thence North .3e chains, thence Weal
S.00 chnirw. thence North 35 degree
West t.ti Chains to the line bet-voen
Seetion Twenty-Rvo 1 25) and Suction
Thirty (90) as above specified thence
N.wlh .32 Chains, thence West 1.60
'C.iuins, thence Sooth 6.5-3 Chains
thence East 1.50 Chains lo the plae of
You arc further notified that said W.
G. Dwibt has pukl taxes on smd prem
ises for prior or subsequent yours with
the rate of interest on said amounts as
follows. :
Year's tax 1910. dae paid, June 7,
1313. tax receipt No. amount $23.10,
rale of interest 15 per cunt.
Said Mount Vei non Creamery Com
pany, a corporation, as the owner of
the legal title of the above described
properly as the same appoint of rec
ord, and each of the other persons
aboved named are hereby further no
tified that W. G. Dwight will apply to
the Circuit Court of the County and
State aforesaid for a decree foreclos
ing the lien against the property above
described, and mentioned in said certi
ficate. And you are hereby summoned
to appear within sixty days after the
service of this summons upon you, ex
In the pame of the State of Oregon : j clutimo of the day of service, and de
Administrator's Notice to
t. .I.. . . . .
notice is noreny given that the un
dersigned, E.J. Giunger, ha; been duly
appointed Administrator of tho estate
of Alice Cathrina Ralrner, deceased, by
order duly made and entered in the
County Court of the State of Oregon,
and all persons having claims against
said estate, are hereby notified to pre
sent same to me, duly verified, at Til
lamook, Tillamook County, Oregon or
at the ofliceof S. S. Johnson, attorney,
Ht Tillamook, Tillamook Co. Oregon,
within six months from this date.
Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, this
Juno ISth, 1913.
E. J. Gtenger,
Administrator of tho Estate of
Alice Cathrina Maimer, deceased, i
F Last issuo July 11.
You are herehy notified that W. G
Owight the holder of Certificate of De
linquency numbered 71G issued on the
23rd day of December, 1911 by the Tnx
Collector of the County of Tillamook,
State of Oregon, for the amount of
Sixtyone and 2.S-100 Dollars, the same
being the amount then due and delin
quent for taxes for the year 1909 to
gether with penalty, interest and costs
thereon upon the real property assessed
to you, of which you are the owner as
appears of record, situated in said
County and State, and particularly
bounded and described as follows, to
wit: The Southeast quarter of the
Northwest quarter (SEJ NWJj the
East half of the Southwest quarter
lEi SW'l) and th" Northwest quarter
of the Southeast quarter (NWt SE)
of Section No. (10) jn Township Six
(C) South of Range Nino (9) west,
containing 100 acres more or less.
You are further notified that said
W. G, Dwight has paid taxo3 on said
premiies tor prior or sensequent years
with the rate of interest on said
amounts as follows :
fend this action or pay the amount due
as above shown, together with costs
and accrued interest and in case of
your failure to do so, a decree will be
rendered foreclosing the lien of said
taxes and costs against the land and
premises above named.
All process and papers In this pro
ceeding may be served upon the un
dersignel residing within the State of
Oregon, at the address hereafter men
tioned. George Willett,
Attorney for the Plaintiir.
Address, Tillamook, Oregon.
F Last issue August 1.
in pursuance of a writ of execution :
issued out of the Circuit Court of tho
State of Oregon, for Multnomah
County, on tho I Jth day of June, 1918,
I upon a judgment rsndorud in said Court
Ion the 12th day of May, 1913, in favor
oi the ortliwestern National Rank of
Said J. E, Corlett as the owner of Portland, a corporation, plaintiir, and
the legal title of the above described ugulnst S. G. Reed, dufendnnt, for the
property us the sumo appears of ro- sum of $;i,ri00.(, wilh interest thereon
cord and each of the other persons t the rate of 8 per cent per annum
aoove named arc herehy turther noti-1 irom November 19th, 1912, and tho
lied that W. 0. Dwight will apply to further stuns of $225.00, and f 11.25,
the Circuit Court of the County anil i costs and disbursements, which said'
State aforesaid for a decree forecloe- et-cution is to mo directed. I have
ing the lien against tho property above . levied ijon tho following described
described, und mentioned in said cor-j real property, situate in Tillamook
tificnte. And you are hereby sum- j County, Oregon, the properly of the
moned to appear within sixty dayn after ; defendant in said execution, to-wit :
the first publication of this summons Lots una to twenty-three inclusive,
exclusive of the day of said first publi-! In block ono ; lots ono to eighteen In'
cation, and defend this action or pay j elusive, of block two ; lots one, two,
tho amount duo as above shown to-1 four, six and eight to twulvo Inclusive'
gether with costs and accrued interest of block three j lots eight and ten to
and in case of your failure to do so, a! fifteun Inclusive, of block four' lota
decree will be rendered foreclosing the (ono to seven Inclusive, and lots four
Jien of suid tuxes and costs against thu i teen to twenty-four inclusive, of block
land and premises above named. ' five ; lots ono to eight inclusive, lots
twelve. lhlrtTit. Oftivn to rlgltteon
inclusive, lots twenty, tweitti-oo
(wenty-two, Hwnty-tht. twciity-Hw,
t.vonly-sK nod iwottty-olghl of Ithwk
i . lots oih' to nine- Inclusive, of block
seven , lots ono to fifteen Inclusive of
bhK-k olght . lots ono to ftve inclusive,
lot sewn and lot nlns to fourteen
Iwlusiw uf bltxk nine ; lota one n
four Inclusive, lots nltio mtd fourteen
to seventeen Inelusiw of I leek Id
lets uno to eleven Ineloslw. of bloeV
rlevon ; lots ono to sl Inclusive d
twelve to lten lnelilw. of Meek
twelve ; lots one to l Inclusive, and
eight to twelve Inclusive of block thir
leen and hit two and three f bkn-k
All in Noah -knit-n ilognts.it, r
curding to the recorded plat lherr f
Also the southeast quarter of tie
southwest quarter, and the .ithwv
quarter of (lie southeast quarter of
section ewnto . lot one. two, thre
four and five of Seetion eighteen . I t
one of Seeilon nineteen.
The Northeast quarter, the et
hslf of the northwest quarter, kls on,
two, throe and four, loss ttwt psrl of
iota three and four pWMed. and the
soutbossl quarter of Seetion twntv.
all in rovensMp ihree North of Rsfi
ten West of Dm WilUmott Merid'at to
And I wilt on Thursday, the ilth
of July. WIS. t the Court Mue
door in Tillamook Ct. Orecon. t tl.e
b nir of 10 o'clock a.m . sell at public
auction to the Wigheet bidder for -nh
in hand Uhi said dweribod real proper i
or so much" theroo' a mar be twr
rr lo satisfy I He said judgment. t
gtiht with the ateruing costs and pi
wivxt uf Sal.
D.ted thfat June SHh. 1911
Sheriff of Tillamook County, (reun
NOTICE, ( hereby Viven tht the
t'ountr Court of Tillamntk t'-n'itv
Oregon, will receive sealed Hit "
One Hundred mrd of Hrmkk wl
to he cut Poely-elx ioene i-i length,
and to be delivered avl rordJ to the
smenl of the Court Hom"
A certified irherk eousl t 6 lrr er- I
if the amount of the bid. must iwim
pa-iveaeh bid as a guarantee tht th
hi t ier wilt eterute a bond for the --"m
plrtion of t conlrart tf vnl.l .he
Mi bids to be fitod in trw of ti,r
I'n-i'itv Clerk, on or befor the r-oi .
d of July II3,
The County Court reer-- in right
to ri-l any at! sit bids, Hy orlcr -t
the i.ounly Court
J. . Iloldrn,
I'ounty Clerk.
NOTICE. Is herbTgiven thut tht.
County Court of Tillamook County,
Oregon; will receive Son led lli-t. fur
the clearing of the right of ny. lira I
ing and excavating, anl buiMing all
necessary br)itge nod trestles, .jf a
wagon road, running between llebu
and Clovortlnle, Oregon, from Station
O X O to Station JJ x 36, according to
the survey rnsde fy C ti Jaekson,
(!ounty Surveyor and on file in the .if.
ncu of the County Clark of Tillamook
County, Oregon.
A certified check equal to 5 per cent
of the amount of the Hid, rnusl n ceo in
pnnv each bat .is a gunmnlee thai tho
bidder will oxecute a Hood for the com
pletion of the contract if awarded the
All bid to lie filed in the olIW of
the Ccunty Clerk of Tillamook County,
Oruuon. on or before 10 u'ctV n m
Wednewlay the 2iJ day of July, A. D.
Tho County Court rosorvo the right1
ui reject any nnti an omis, liy onler of
tne County Court.
J. C. Uolden.
County Clerk.
Administrator's f-'oticc of f-lnal
NOTICE is hereby given that tho
undersigned Administrator, with the
will annexed, oi the estate of Christ
Prantzen, deceased, ha Hied with the
County Court of Tillamook
County, his final account, anil that
Saturday the 19lh day of July, 1913,
has boon fixed as tho time, and thu
Court Home of Tillamook County Ore
gon, as the place for tho Hearing of thu
aid final account, and all persons hnv
ing any objection to the said final ae
couui are hereby notified and required
to present tho same to (ho said Court
on or before tho hearing aforesaid.
Dated this 19th day of Juno, 1913,
Matt Olson,
Administrator with Will annexed,
of tho Estate of Christ Prantzen,
Last issue July 18.
Administnitor'.s Notice to
Notice Is hereby given that tho
deralgned, E. J. (iiengor, has been
iy . appointed Administrator of
estate of" Margrite Clcon, deceased,
ordur duly mado and entered In
bounty court of tho State of Oregon,
and all persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to pro
sent samo to mo, duly verified, at Til
lamook, Tillamook Co. Oregon, or at
tho office of H. H. Johnson, attorney,
ut Tillamook Co. Oregon, within aix
months from this date.
Duted at Tillamook, Oregon, this
Juno 18th, 1913.
E. J, Gicngcr,
,'-.,, Adiiiniatrator of tho Estitteof
Murgrlto Clcon, duccastd.
t Lust" Issuo July 11.
(In. thu
"Why! It's
A Wonder
5l tlx )Utdw) Cl'tk
Oil Cook-stove
r.M luiVo, l'uiL tt SImI lVi. on it lo.t A. w)l , rn I i,
il c l .-.I aU ajlii ll )) M4I- I 1
So .l.itr litsl. . ). 1 oiiiiil. hmV, Hoiih ,J atl lutm
(hll l"l I
A.k ff the WIW 1'I.Hn.CTION. Ml by dfU .i,.).Utv
It's Worth More Than (UM
to Relieve the Mind and Enjoy
The Kind They Alw.iya Show at
Cement Sidewalks and
Concrete Construction Work
Enquire at Ramsey Hotel
Summer Vacations
Seashore op JVIountains
via tiu:
Soiimitt TicVcti tuiH,i,.
Dully I'ntil Sept. Ml
I l0C0tMVlMMl I
1 i Moutta I I
U Pay Tt. V t on
Stitttnliiv siiulf.
t5eaon fnrcK from tlie t.riiu ipnt -lotloiix lo New it f Till
HlooU lletullrMtrcl'ix follown!
Oregon City
Tllliiiiitiiik Mnirlicri
?i '
i. w
. to
. I"
i m
i w
I liV.cl
Coi Viilllw
h'OHelnirg "
AhIiIihuI ' (
CorriHiniiilltitr low fr,!H from other txilnlM. ,V-ch vv
on mi. Ir from vurloitn iolnts.
TliketH will )ir no).! from till mniii ntiil hriimdi Inn l'"'"1
In On-goti to liiuteni ilrnt inut Ion one wny throiiK ( 'li'l,r,,lJ
tir vlu I'ortliiittl. Stop ovcrM within IIiiiIIh,
lMmtl Uettirn TJitiltM Oct. ,1lHt.
i 1 1 ''"tillfnlly llliiHtritt.-.l honk "Viifiitlon liiv-' "
l. 'oklelM tli-Hi rllilng- Tlllitmook County llntolifH. New i f"""1
',1,V.';r ,,f,'.n,,i "H "H liruiiilioii iihniit KiiMi'in
lottti-H, toi,ovt rM. Mi cull on iieurcht Agonl or wrih' "
JOHN M. HCOTT, fietieriil I'liHMenKcr Atfcn'l, I'oitluinl, ()rr'
riansfornow MASONIC THMI'I.M
can ho auun ut Chiis. , Clotigh Drug
.Store and at H. E. MrClarnn .-An-hl.
tcct's Olllco In I'nrtliinil t. n,..i....
'V.f"'6.' .0" of H,,,",,. fur Juno
mm, iimif win do iccolved till (1;(h) 1
M Juno ,10th. A eurtlfled iluil i.t r.
purcent of hid must
ui hh u guurnntco tlmt U,, ...in i...
. ariia iiu
Klvon and contract alumni. ik
nwervo rluht to reject uny or u bids.
I I itcres bottom limtl with l,ulldl
1 cows, anil horse, mllo frim '
airt,... iti ii... ...i .w.ve u roont
'l Sr HIMS ' .
gain with biisnniu.it, Ii er. of "
1,.... i, ..--i.. u ........ ii,,, iwiw tlci'r
..vav aiwaaaajD, aiuiaa fc.aw al
, Ui l,v., k. ,.,,P InWII. 10
""', . aiiu iiuiiiu ,iv.. - .
.....ll aPIt) I"
liouso with 5 ncrc s tif it"ii 'vtfiM
idmnl 1 nnrn l.nrrloH. Uric) rTW
AcruiiKo In price tu suit, bci) t"e
er. A. ll'iHskar.