4 I WE GUARANTEE 4 Ibig HONEY A HATHAWAY 4 PRICES Cocal Happenings. Wlx fc- ).H1 KT tJM(HJ (),, rrttCk- crt lid v,miw un on 2nd A vi). nl .1oip tlicj rail ltl() 4. A hitter from tttc Uynl Hon, hiking mr ly tnt tlmt ttm Ixiy arrived nl I'orunt (trovu nt mIkiIII ft M k.iii., Ww. icwlny, i,ft(,f MirounturlitK very heavy nihil n.'tir the Miiriinll of the inowt tnlim, where It wn imrjnry to hitch tin- hoy to it nK rope to help the hmdul wnon up Miotn of the ok hill and thriHiKli the di;i mini hole. The. bull Hume with Korfii (irovit on Wit iMtMlny dftiiniooii rwultod In the l,oynl Hon ilfeitl to thti liliio of 10 mid . K. 15. Koch of the Tillamook Druj; Hlrt', will ni0 Sunday morning for' Portland wh.im, he will bt united In mrrtBi. on the :41th to MIm Aiinn Man Hick of Portland, Tin- wi-ddlm: will lw itittilut )Mim irlr, mid will be hrW i th Imino of the bride' w roots. Mr. Will Cm.l, of Portland, will et m iumiMi-Ul at Urn Tillamook Drug Htorn tlitrtn tJ o itUntu-,. of Mr. Kurd, who will not return for h week t ton day. Mm. W. W. Wltoy and children e- cotnwnU by Mr. Wilwy' Mir. Ml . I'ltn Drew, left vn Wwlntwlny morn , lng for Httn DlrKO, Cl.. where thoy 1 will Join Mr. Wlloy who hm Uen In i ftiuilinrn California for noino time for Mho livimfll of hi health. Howard lirew rcompiinlMl them far n i Portland, returning here the next day. f lloaver. rni u p to rt)rtlml en i M 1 1 S'etft, w n TtlU- i rccarorfHe , ! (cpr. j tr In half Jn. Walton Jr., of Portland, urnvotl llffl) tint 11 tsl llf tint U'.tnll nlul U.-..UI U,lv wi.Iim viniiWivmniit it L.i,.,r-l ,ll",r,, ,,m ' l" NftiVowIn, where he hooiKt wtirV. in rtt or ontf. Ail. i "''"'' Tliurwjay, when h? r- wat In thp tltcM Hrr.ld oltkftor.Mi. Katie Dork. iiun,ni u dly nod UMik th- train IllUtwtoi Oru ' for 1'ortUinl thin morning. Jltn wa tU " f i ' Of It! ti' t!f ' r He! llaln wfm ha het nttootlltiK fottiioctloti with the Nonkowln ruort Wlliainolto Unlvirlty ituHni; thu it prorty. yar ri)tnr in TiltamooV Tlmrxlay. j Vi fllildl : A inotor truck lino imlab- ,lm Pap I uttltltiK ami eollortlnK , lUhod ami oortoJ botwcn Sagaradn ftm an ajjfll far ike tlnwr mwIoj machine. Trult I'artn and Tlllanwjk. for tho Machine tobl on ny jwynmni. ltr jHirjo of rarryini; umall frtilt atM u I.L.J I .I i . . . , . . ia iBinni, uumK n Konorai irottnl ami paanuncer ill.lnn.i I win ..-1 . ...I -tl , I -. .. . ivvi uuuii'iikn i nil jinsaria, arrrl at ' C,ii ltavr f,hcTo r . iinufUy. 1.im,nd of I'afllfic City, t to tht elty. j , f Itnatcr, a a Till- - .itur toly. ittk.it i- . - . . " , , , . . 'on FrwU-. Skomcat oi ho(n on Trak w w xuiunm, uriivriti in nnj t Uivr , Rw"l Shop. rhiv Btfont. Itfli; ' talk tl. matter over 0t, l. Ilotnlo, olr ftril clam !tHM mori In Tillamook (xtnty. iTWrlT'dve yar In th boli. J'. 0. ' ) price paid far rJitck Itoi Uo. ISL atl. ..V Mrnt U, Imi1. 1 Dkk 1'ficu had tbr tnlifotiutiH to uc to hulk at Iho IIIC ml w, rtK 'jHiiay, Whllo at wttrk. IWu.lBlUrrd A. No. !.) ,(,lfw. HrlklOK hl K' wit" f i,fita,li, w tranat-' '"" to tniltct a had nm)inl. n I'-wn T1iuriiBy. , t Urtif vitl 1'urtlatnl arl fosU ! ( . t tht Vrvk. kb'-jnr of VnwBy ha( tw f r ll.o fpw day. , i Mr. (1tt, Urati of I'orlland, hn Ifcwtt vlit4ni; at the homo of hr fathor M. V. Slltli.ll durlitK the pal wrk. Stic ftnurnwl to t'orllatal thU tnornltit:. Mr. J. I). Itarn'tt cnlnrtalnl on Dr. Wend I I it the only Kyt' SfMxinlist IH'rtnaoently locnUi! in Tillamook. Your I rye htrh aro tho mol ncnaitivt or i Kan of iuur hotly ahouk) ho t-xniitliux) . by a phymoian who m capahle to recog nise doti'atei other than the ncetl of kIao, I guarantco my glanite and am always hero to mako mxxl that gMarnntt'. I'rlce are rensonnble it anywhere. NEW P. R. & N SCHEDULE. lfM .rf CloVflHalc. vl.llcd ' WliMUy afternoon In honor of Mr. Alct. Mc.S'nlr. who ruccitlly fruin a mivrrol Wettk tav In l.Mn.ull of CmvcnUlc. , RW, ff . ... Tlll......t l-.l wV li Ki. c '.!.! homo loot wroW. In, t hntiir t jr .r I-1 ( returned I'ortland j 't Bthl wfo of Heavnr tv for a few day till . I- Hunter of Niw. Cal.. I In TlllatiK.iV, on a abort vlt. It ha been a ynar ino he left Tlllamoak for Naun ? wljure he ha lonn onuagod ai a work- llohll Tone el Tillamook man in wool at one of the Napa plnnl. i 1 SUtor Siijwlor, isUter Aloctla ami left on Thuraday for c..tr itorkMn. twehor at the Acad- tsc '.rro he will attend umrnnr fil jour tuar, c.lfce, cgci", flour, ptat tr ftfi-j tnnke ntlru In got )'ur l?t th- itii t. : n Wat. in wn Callctl to I'ort !Ui, .,n matter of btllnc. ( U i. return tomorrow. lcr I a ami wife ami ltcr lWt liwrdav for a vl!l with al :,! r. !tivci at Itlckreall. S. Ilr in 'till who I conductlni! a atwifo at Hnr View, wa a Tllla- i luii' r, vultor T'liuritlay. C S i,.it 0f Hmnrnilti lielld oil rmy. left on Thunday mnrnlin; for lloavertoa whnro thoy will ipnnd their Biimmer' vacation. Dr. 1.. K. llewlll nml wife Into of I'ortlniMl, arrived here tho lint of the week ami will locals here. Dr. How ell I an inloomlh nml In temfiomrily l.wated at tho A. 0. Uvron hume. The new m-lictliilc on the T. K. .V N. will so into rlfect on SunUoy. when there will be n double trmn service mtubliiOirtl lietween t It flly .mil I'nrlliinil w'itli n inotor rer Vice between Molilrr nntl t'llliiinoiik Two tibrcrvnliiiit rum will be 'inetl on the I'orlhmil trniiiti. Tlie ffhr (Itlle m ni (o)IoWh: I'oitlnnd-Tillamook Sri vice: I.eitve I'ortlniiil nt J:l.i u.ni. I.i'ove I'tirlliintl nt 13) p.m. iyl. (not bun l.etivr Tilliiiuook nt 7:0il it. in. Leave Tillnmook lit M: lit .ii. (not - aiiiiiinj fit. Motor Service: l.enve Molibr nt : CI n. in. p ni. l.c.vvc lllllllllOOK in .1) 11,111. 5: 1A p.m. 1 Oftttm.-lcr linker Iiiih miult n re (iioM to the Chief Clerk of tlic K'ml wny Mull Service for tin eiiinruency cncl to lir pl.icetl on the trniii lev ti lid nml If you want U or 3 day old iitrnw herrte Uiy the tmporto.1 mttw. If you wintl the ittrictly fruh omw buy the n(. ottliinil nt !". TtllaimMik berry for nlit nt ull up-to date itorci. I Trim li ver. hn buon t wlnci .uriiiir the unit few tins. ' A. Ilu lick of Hank, who vlilted hfof f,w tlava the tlral of tht) tctun ,d to hi homo on Thur 'ra. Iladlcy left for Shorldun thU e will lu iihaent for three fwr till, Innblfiir nfLir tmalneil "oulton'a Suulinrv hnrlwr hon line K'rcih towol for overy e.uatomer. r fur the rnvolvinji xh. John Spencel who Portlniitl hint been In U employed in the cty during VISIT CLOUG II "til vott wnnt iinvtliiiiL! j m lent !.. iMnt"it a oe II Drug Store He also keeps SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR EVERY PUPIL CLOUGH THE REIJADLB D"&ist and Book Seller in tho city . . f.v ,i11Vl. lHiklmr after html- lien intcreala. I It) expect 10 return to rorllaml in a fow tiny. W. H. Stillwell, who is nltciiilliig n reunion of Indian War Vuteren nt I'orllaml thl week hit hcen elected intiitor vico-graml commundor of that orgnnUtttinn. Thin I the noxt .to the highettl illlct) of tlmt orgnnlxiilion. Allien Hancock, who hu heon vtnlt Ing hi mother, Mr. I. M. Thoiitua for n wet-U or more, returned to hla work In Portland iM morning. Ilia iwt;r. Mlr Inim. went with him a for iih Ptirthimloiihur wny to Drain wlwro nhu will vlnlt nilntiveti for n tlmn. Col. Cooper of McMliinvlllii, who nt temlcd tho Hiilillcr reunion nt New born thl week, mint nioiigtt to K. T. lialtoni on Weilnediiy, which Mtnteil tlmt a (1. A. K. reunion would ho hehl In Tillamook in I1H I. Thl wns indeed welcomed now. Wo uiu sure our people will give thu old vet n rousing wulcumu next your. Applied nt Httemlittg tin' Teach, rr'n Kxniiiiitiition thlH week itici PlHie Wliito. Hlmu'li" I'Iiciih, in ,,'ie Ivi.plcit, MhihU- Kdtfur, Irani Pofigc, I'loru Hdgnr, Unth J. Clnrk, Dniy Allemlor, Kutic Iliuter, Hlnie 1.oiiileiHlinnon. Cyntliiu Scvell, am... lloiiHor, Mn.iileSiitlon, MrH. iimeM (.oltlH- woill.y. lvv Wlice.er, we COUNTY BUSINESS. An M'liiininctl iiiectintr o( the Coniiiv l t'li't w.irt lielil on Moiulux, when the following tiiittincpM won . trniiMoctctl: , Cliiiin of C. I. dough for $I.N wuri cotitiuiieil. Chum oi John lleilineyer for Sfl.Sl wiih ctinlinueil. The Countj Clerk wn niitl.oii.eil , to cull for bi ltt for. the conntnuMion J of .i county i oiid between Helm nml . M.........I..1.. ..j.. fir.lt. lir tl. III. Illllt I V. Ill li III II iiin'intiih ' ...v. ...... (. iiinl upccitlcntiotiH on file in the ! 1 1 SSSSiiiiii ROYAL Baking Powder is the greatest of modern time helps to perfect cake and biscuit making. Makes home baking pleasant and profitable. It renders the food more digestible and guarantees it safe from alum and all adulterants. "Studebaker wagons certainly last a long time" "I have hnd this wagon twenty-two years, and during that time it cost me only $6.00 for repairs, and that wns for setting two tires." "And after twenty-two years of daily use in good and bud weather and over all kinds of roads, I will put this wagon against any new wagon of another innlcc that you can buy today." "Studebaker wagons are built of nir-dried lumber and tested iron and steel. Even the paint and varnish are subjected to a laboratory test to insure wearing qualities." "No won made i utj-cled to u many tet or i more carefully mde than a Studebaker. You con buy them of Stude baker dealer everywhere." "Don't liiten to tho dealer vrho want to ell too a cheap wagon, represented to be jut u good' aa a Studebaker.' Farm wagon, truck, dump wagon and carts, delivery vaROtn, bueciet, turrrv. depot wagon and harnrt of all kinds of the Hon high Undard a the Studebaker vehicles. Set out Dtaltr m ccrtfe to, STUDEBAKER South Bend. Ind. NKW YORK ktlNNlAl-OUJ OIICACO DALLAS KANSAS CITY DK.WTjr. salt LAKjt crrv sam nuxasco romAKD.ou. reo the: fifth A modern, np-io-date, medium-priced enr, eruipcd with electric lights, self stftrter, deinountable rim.. The Reo lias the latest type of all equipments that iio to make up the up-to-the-minute ear. no-sat. n ED. SNODGRASS ollice In tlic uinttcr of the II. li. John moii roiul. the rtiiuit! wiw cont ii.t.ctl. , In Ihe mutter of the petition ol ' IV. A .MitkiiiMter foe ifi.tewnv. nct-t inn iM't' Hie unfavorable report of the board of toinl viewcrn, tliecout t rejected the petition. Hill iillowed .vere: Iniiicf Clii iHtcnHcn 1S()(H ... .... -?T HI itch rniiiin Inch Vint K N 1 1 unit lo Siincel Mnpizine Mend A- 1'nyiie M. M Meml V Son Wheeler l.tiuiber Co I.) OU I :io ix) aw oo Vlfi (K) toa to THOROUGHBRED PER- CHER0N STALLION KING. A heniitlfiil urny horo 1800 lbs. or over, will innko tho followliiK boi.boi nt Di.WH-ni Hros. Livery barn at Tilln mook. , C. S. Briscoe. Can't Keep It Secret. Thu Hplomlld work of Chnmberlnln woniy, - M . nL.H,oiid. T in HplomlUl worK oi L,nnmuenmn Harriet 0ylord, N . becoming more widely Dtinl.a.n, C,ro K J p, ,(m, vor troublea ha8 cvor Itvviey Inul MHrtiw K. Alley: ' been known. For sulo by all deulera. Abstracts 01 Short Notice! BY THE Pacific Abstract Company L. V. EIWMIARDr, Mutmget Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of Tillamook County. Oregon OFFICE GROUND FLOOR TODD HOTEL 3(Vlth Koluk Wathon) BOTH PHONESt Miln 533 Abo Mutual P. O. BOX 147 TILLAMOOK. OREGON fiwSffi Tin I'.fiS. 'Ju n m tht' I W 1 k w- It,. .1.1 f I'EKrtr lltrr.lt alirav ut uvu LaH your i ju uuu '" It m-- - l - - IYJLAUESTIC Malhabje jnd 'Charcoal rori Range laa a cncalctcf nritv'vr featnm.rich tm lul'X. ,( to iM d j y uvi pi ir-t-nl en , irjiur. tlxi ilxivmu the lit rfif yti fin I jy it-rxtiUmn ni x-ttutra lr lit uoiuia iU rou SALE BY Alex fYcNair & Co. ' Alex fYcNair & Co. I " Hk. i it .t'fv;i':tt 'i w K Make the Home Look Cheery it every j result? C 'ntw oa r A 15-vatt M::di Lam? on your front porch can b lit every night uatil mI3nijht and rru not over fifty ccnU per months th meter. Tillamook Electric Li?hl & Fuel Con'Mny VILL SPALDING. Manager. HOTEL RAMSEY ARRIVALS. JUNE 13. I J. C. House, Portland, Ore. ; Thos. , Hood Port Hnd. Ore. ; G. R. Mills. I Portland, Ore. ; D. L. Adam, Portland, i Ore. ; A D. Sickafoose, Portland, j Ore. ; E. It. Francis. Portland, Ore. ; M. V. Crocker. Portland, Ore. ; Roy , Bremmer. Ncvbere, Ore. ; J. II. Cook ' son. New York ; Eli Pute. Netarts, Ore. ; O. Kerr. Hillsboro, Ore. ; V. B. Mitchell, Banks, Ore. ; C. H. Stout. Bay City. Ore. ' JUNE 14. ', A. R. Compise, Portland ; Mts. P. 1 Kurath, Portland ; Philo Kurath, Port ' land ; L. Farar and wife, Portland ; Mrs. B. Forstncr, Portland ; Rudalph XorsUller Portland : E. U. Wayjr. Portland ; R. Proctor, Portland ; M. J. Richer?, City ; R. S. Acorn. City ; , J. Perry, City ; L. G. Alberta. Bay ! ocean ; L. Johnson, Timber ; Otto i Page, Wheeler. JUNE 15. j V. J. Gilbert, Beaver : IsHbel Shell, City ; C. D. Emrnons, Victora, B. C. : A. D. Sickafoose, Portland ; A. Hau Ken, Portland ; V. H. Quick, Port land ; H. Simmon, Klamath, Ore. ; 1 0. P. Churke. Klamath, Ore. ; H. E. i Johnson, Tacoma, Wash. ; O. K. Man- hurt, Wash. 11. C. ; G. W Krause, Walla Walla ; Bartha Van Horn. Seat tle. Wash. JUNE 16. Geo. Aupistine, Seattle. Wash. ; M. Legarie, Seattle, Wash. ; A. V. New ton, Portland ; H. Anderson and wife, Portland ; G. Wliitlock, Portland ; B. A. 'Roberts. Tacoma, Wash. ; L. L. Kent, Bayocean ; O. Woittnan, Bay ocean ; W. Weinberg, Bavocoan ; S. Blanchard, City. Methodist Church Notes. ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD Are you making plans to attend the World's Christian Citiienship Conven tion? Our boy's cjass enjoved a splendid hike to the beach returning Thursday through the rain. That banquet Thursday evening was a mnrked event of the year. Thirty sat down to a sumptuous dinner. About twelve were unable to attend for various reasons. Noxt Sunday at 10:00 a. nt. Sunday School. Bring your Bibles and your friends who want to stay at home. At 11 a. in. Public worship. Subject of Sermon: "The View and Vision of The Pure In Heart." At 7:00 p.m. Young People's Meet ing. At 8.00 p.m. Special Evangelistic service. Come in time for tho special song service. You are invited. H. W. Kuhlman, Pastor, Advertise in the l.eruld, because the Herald has the' largest circulation f uny paper in the county.