llillltOttl Beta lit. ISSUED TWICE A WEEK-TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Jbgg.EgT ?Jgg4!-AT'QN of anv Paper in Tillamook County Tillamook, Okkgmn, Jvsk 20, 1.1)1 a. NO. .13 It ih tin iiim of thin himlr to give lit. Ikhi ImnltiiiK Kcrviee pOhSiblc .mil vc do ii. It mIho our ftitn to have tlm u best equipment, such na 1 -Irni Jmiv Proof MttiiMug K .)tii, Fire Proof Vnuli, Mtuv I. r Proof Safe. Modern Snfc l. osit 1.1 ox cm and we have if'-- in FIRST NATIONAL BANK TILLAMOOK. 0KEG0N PEROXIDE-CREAM ran FOR THE FRECKLES ANDLSUNBURN S 25 Cents ia , : ,v I I M I I I 7 I -i" 17 I I I I i I 9 I J 111. f . ' t.in l i i . i . i .i j l ii lit w iii on lit ... llamook DrugB.Store KOCH cSt HIL.L. tjlwif.. IWH vl Mitiuili Miln igf " .... i i I M'HIItli' ,-., , (M' .'.ill-mi i. t' n i ci 1 1 &.fi4i : i irrit : cji Shingles : Plaster Root Paint : Drain Tile MU-urrii a ni?i? mMPAY ' . i I1 nd Warehouse Front St. between 2d and 3d Ave. We$t HRMjl'liSON html,!,' r JOl IN. ULAM; I IKNDHKSON ,Sro''i- Tn'iix.T Altoriif rl -w AnTftoUiy Public i in .m rmi m k.t m -m w COJflJP Atf (I.NCOKI'OHATIIIt) I III . .... I fW l I J (I llil I K.'VV- hi . Sl'KVlSYING : INSl'KANCiv Tillamook, Oregon MRS. C. L S "SBBk. kirkbridge OREGON YOUTH ROBS i mill tin paa a nsajk Gl'ndalc Institution Loses $3000 in Bold Daylight Holdup by Lcnc Bandit. Olrndnl. Or Headed by Sheriff Oeorg" Qulne. of ltoeburg, a pomo of experienced mountaineers are scour ln the densely Umbered dUtrlct west of 0lndnl In search of Bay Diamond, Uim IJyparolil ilont'tirnilo, wlig la-l'l tip ArClnK rlilr II. I. Hmlth. of Ilia nicBiJl Hii Imiik. Montiny mornlug nt S Vi o'rlock mill I'ocuri'd noicthlni; over Hofw In cnul). ! Tmlmil bloodhound In cam of tbelr j mrnuiT arrived hrn from CottiiK 5rjt. and oon nfii-r wcro nlvcn a 1 if!fi from tnlr of Dork which wore i found In th fuBttlvn' lonoly oibln. i Tho hound -ook th crnt nnd ularttd j omr tlm rouRh mountain trail In a ir4frly dfrfotlon, followed by thu ! htrlff and niMiibni of tho joi j Tim country of Olencnlo I j thickly tlmlwd nnd U travnn'd by I hundrw of mountain trull. .Maiir I j of Uifii"? trail IhniI In thn direction of flrunt I'n. while othor furnlnh a i dlrwt rouii to tho const. Inquiry has ntlfled the officer that Diamond had madn careful iiruji nrnllon for lh" crlmo and that he Is tr'ril to stay In th mountain for w.k f neci-nnnry. Only a fiw day ajto !m jiur.lianed 10 boxc of cart rldg. nnd Miwo h crrld when hu It 1 lUco ,ild that ilk &&wmm. ip KAISER WILHELM Mr. C t. KlrKUrlifg. the Philadel phia wonwn who itArted "Father1 Oiy" clhration. PREPAY FREIGHT ON FRUIT Cart mil OHEGON NEWS NOTES Or GEN EHALJ N TER EST Events Cccurr.ng Throughout the Sta.B During the Past Voek. IUi:roJd Take No Chance on That Cannot (Jc Sold. lUot!;.' KrultKroer throughout i th" ncr'.'itt'cMit ar Mnn notlllml by I trits:irtaHon romH(ntn that Imro after no fruit blymnntu will be for- 1 wrdwl un! the frelnln U twld la ! enlerwl the bank I adHiee or urnte. by wme r- J, fetly h. carried food ovr th j ajjhMble tern or Iwnk. ! ""OUBta.n trail loading went of town . Th-anion of the mUrofld comtiaiile , fcrveral dsya. mid ha tfce rnme ! U brouRht about. It In eold. by the fact , wf' wmo Ihobted octlon of tho I that durlnB the irnut itenwin lnrr. ! ,len.'" Udernc within u few mile niiifjum of frjilt did. not brine cnouith j of ,5,?3l on the market to nay the expense of! Tllnt ,,n W,U rPf"'" In hidlnK for trauportallon. j "veral days before nttemptltiK to Th Krouer did not feel like divine j ' Ketaway Is the belief of the down into hi tiooket for Urn amount onieers worKinK on me caoe. of the fn-lfiht blll. Jn view of the fart that he had recetvml nothing for hi fruit, and the cotnmlntlou men felt no obligation toward the rallroud rompan le. u the road lot out alt around. I They will take no chance the coming eaion. -Urldule" Webber Stabbed In Dick. New Vork -Itrldglo Webber. th j New Vork gunman whoso tentliuony ! aided In nendlng Police Lieutenant 1 (harlp Hecker to the death houne nt I Sing tflng. gave a new uvldenc of the grim it plrlt of the eaat lde thug Satur day when he absolutely rerued 'o r.U" (he name of a man who slabbed him In the back about 1 o'clock In tho morning, probably In rovenge for hi turning Informer. GOVERNMENT LOSES SUIT Title of Settler Dttween Two Proe. lamaticn Confirmed. Cheyenne, Wyo. The sorernmeni suit ngnlnit the Midwest Oil company n test case Involving the tltlo to million of dollnr' worth of oil land In California and Wyoming was dis missed by Judge Hlner. of the United States district court. While tho gov ernment nought to recover only 4000 acres of laud In thin suit, the Issue Involved cover thousands of other acres of California and Wyoming land Included In President Tuff sweeping order, designed to conserve tho coun try's resources and to afford the gov ernment u supply of fuel oil for the United State navy. Kaiser Wllhelm, emperor of Ger many, who celebrated the silver annl veriary of hi relj;n Monday. Brief News of the Week Seventeen-year lorunt are moving northward In Nebraska, after Invading the southern part of the state, and h.ivo settled In Johnson county In large swnrms. Honorts from Winnipeg. Man., say that crops In ilnnltoba end Saskatche wan are drying up under an Intense heat wave, reaching at many points to 102 and 103 degree. The Servian and Bulgarian govern mentss'iave both agreed to accept Rus-r-lan nrbltmtlon In their dispute over tho territory acquired during the Bal kan war. The federal government has filed Wet Will Not Ctsk Office. 8alim. nfsM:o rumcr to the ef fect thai he "would be a candidate for reelection rid ?r.at preliminary ar rangements 'cr hi campaign were be ing made, Cc'.qt West positively anncuncd here hat he would not bo a candidate fcr office again. "1 want It distinctly understood," declared the governor, "that anybody who says I will be a candidate for re election doe not know what h Is talking about. I tblrh when my term expires I will have accomplished all I started out to accomplish and that will satisfy me There la much hard work connected with the office, and the remaneratlon I net such that a man can save any money." Opinion of Liquor Shipments Given Salem. An opinion rendered by At- ttorney General Crawford hold that transportation companies cannot ac cept intoxicating liquor for shipment to dry territory unless they have In such territory an agent to keep a rec- ord of the shipments as provided In the bill passed nt the last esssfon of the legislature. It also is held that Intoxicating liquor shipped Into dry territory must be labeled as such, and a record must be k?pt by the trans portation companies at the cfflco where received and the office from which it Is delivered. Will Ak President to Aid Project. Portland. Secretary of the Interior Lane and the Oregon conservation commission are working in unison for a complete department of irrigation sn anti-trust suit at Chicago against nnd water power projects of the state. Nebraska Farmer Give Pledge. Lincoln, Neb. To do their part In reducing the high coiit of living, 200 Nebraska fnrmerii have pledged them Kidvea to devote their time, talents mid energies to Inrreaslng the prtiduc lion of beef cattle In this Mtnte. unit to follow tho Instruction of the unlvor- lty experiment Million, which for n v oral yearn has made n Hpeclal stud of ruiHlng cattle for beef by tho bent method. A3MITS OFFERING BRIBE TO SENATOR DELSMAN & DO LAN "KNKRAI. CKMHNT CONTRACTORS II M. m . . ll aiKs, Moors. Foundations, niinucjra. "ding BlocL, Jjptic Tanks, fctc. ALL WORK GUARANTEED MllTllAt r.r..f ik tA'rV-ll TrWHli'OR'HHHMAN . SAN DllltS' RESIDUNCU d it in The Herald I itnnta Barbara, Cnl.C. H. Krcnn hrnch wiih nrrested by n deputy United StnteH inarnhnl on a federal Indictment (hunting him with nn attempt to trlh" Pulled Suites Senator Works. Urcnii hrnch wnnted tho iippolntment of. post nuiHtur heio, and I alleged to have written u letter to Senator Works offering $1000 If tho nppoluttnont wero procured for him. lCronnhrnch'H letter wiih turned over to thu doimrlmoiil of JuMlco nt Wash ington by Senator Workn. Tho de partment sent tho letter to United RlnlCH District Attorney McCormlck hon. The Inter presented tho nmttor to the grnnd Jury and nn Indictment wiih returned, ICruiuibrncli Is n carpenter who 1b considered fairly well to do, No one know liu hud political nsplratloiiH, Ho wuh mirprlned wion tho "wurrunt of nrreHt wh orvod on him. ' He ad mitted that, hti had written' the loiter to Senator WorkH, nnd' uddod: "I did not know It wns u crime to offer to pivy u man for setting u poMU cnl Job for you,"' HerHld HdvertisemonU bring returns.' California Get Batch of New Law. Sacramento, Cal. A mother' pen Ion act, a minimum wage commlnnlon act nnd a so called "blue sl:y" act. tho latter seeking to prevent wlldcnttlng by promoters, wore nmong a big batch of progressive measures signed here by Governor Hiram Johnson. A pipe line Inw, making oil ducts, now owned by big corporations common carriers, nnd an eight hour law for women, to Include student nurses and omployos of lodging hnuscH and places of amuse ment, also wore signed. HAWAIIAN VOLCANO TO BE FORTRESS Boston. Amorlcan troops In the Hawaiian Island havo taken posses sion of tho cnttor of n largo extinct volcano situated on tho const, nnd are working night and dny to convert It Into a fortress cupubie of withstanding n long siege. Ammunition nnd food supplies nro being stared within It, guiiH ure being mounted, u wuter'sup ply has boon iirrnnged for and gurdon lrnvii boon planted on tho slopes of thu crator to provldo food and thus roiuler the place solf-uuotulnlng In case. It Is bosleged for un grout length of i line. This Information reached Bostou from an nuthontta source In Honolulu, nnd thu communication fur.th.or said that AmorlcaiiB residing In tho Hawai ian Inlands, Including troops, nro much exercised over the Jupuuotio sltunttou. tne Quaker Oat company. This com peny control 90 per cent of the oat meal product of the country, and Is known as tho "oatmeal trust." The women suffrage bill has passed the lower house of the Illinois Itgls lature by a vote of SI to 5S. It already ha been passed by the senate. Official notice ha been Issued from Socrcmerito to alt railroad agents In Cnllfornln thnt every shipment of po tatoes must be held for rigid Inspec tion. Tho order followed the discov ery of n shipment Infected with tue potato tuber moth. Americnn troopers were killed nnd 12 wounded In a desperate encoun ter at Bngrng with Moros under the sultan of Jolo, according to reports from Manila. Appraisal of the estate of the late John Jacob Astor, one of tho Titanic' victims, has been completed nt New York, nnd shows net assets of over 185,000,000, of which nearly $70,000, 000 goes tc Vincent Astor. Ordors hnve been Issued by James J. Hill stopping nil work on the Great Northern railroad lines that Is not absolutely necessary, accord ing to an announcement made at the general offices of the road. It was sniu tno action wns taken as a re sult of the receht supreme court de cision In the Minnesota rate cases. Secretary Lane announces that. In co operation with the Oregon commission he would ask President Wilson to set aside approximately $450,000 for re clamation service use in developing the lands of the Deschutes valley, IX engineers' reports are favorable. Night Pishing Is Target. Astoria. With tho avowed object of putting n stop to night fishing for trout in tno various streams in ino county, nn organization of 200 sports men of this city and vicinity has been formed und ench member has beon appointed a deputy gnme warden to serve without pay but with authority to nrrest offenders. Some of tho best trout streams In this district havo beon practically ruined by tho night fishers, who build lnrgo bonfires ndjn cent to some of tho drew pools nnd ns tho fish nttrncted by tho light rush In, they ure slaughtered hy tho wholesale. Lewlston Goods Confiscated. Lowlston, Idaho, The Investigation by the state puro food commissioner of Idaho whllo In Lewlstoii resulted In conflscat. ; of a large quantity of groceries and fruits. Mineral Resources to Be Detailed. Asfiland. In accordance with nn appointment from tho state commis sion of mines, Dr. Wincholl, of tho fnuulty of the University of Wiscon sin; L. 13. Ueber, of Madison, Wis.; Sidney W, French, of Corvullls, nnd C, B. Watson, of this city, will meet In- Ashluud to prepare u report on tho mineral resources of tho state of Ore gon. The appointees havo been mak ing an exhaustive Investigation of tht various geological formations and min eral belts of the state. TO RECLAIM TULE LANDS Owner Anxious to Close Channel Be tween Lake and River. Klamath Falls. Owners of tule land bordering on the lower Klamath lake have begun negotiations with the re clnmntion service to close the channel connecting the lako with Klamath riv er. If this Is done the lands will scon be reclaimed by evaporation. When the railroad was built ncross the marsh, concrete headgates to control the flow of wator across tho channel were partially Installed through the efforts of Abel Ady, who owned most of the land across which tho railway company had to get n right-of-way. Tho closing of the gates has been pro vented by tho Van Brimmer Ditch company, a private irrigation concern, which gets water from the lower Kla math lake. It is now proposed by the swamp land owners to supply water for tho Van Brimmer ditch from the main canal of tho Klamath project. The channel could then be closed and closo to 30.TJ00 acres of marsh land mnde available for grazing and farm ing. Tho plan meets with tho approv al of tho local officials of tho recla mation service. Chicago Women to Study Polttlcs. Chicago. Special classes In politlrq for women are to bo opened In som of tho churches ns oon ns Goverr--Dim- n t". f'e woman's suffrage bill rnescd by (l- leg sinter j last weok. Subscribe for the Herald it cone3 twice each week. LAMAR'S VARIETY STORE Tillamook, Ore. "DROP IN AND ' LOOK AROUND"