Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, June 17, 1913, Image 4

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ty Fair
Will Be Organized at the
Court House
Saturday, June 21st,
1 O'Clock, P. M.
Everyone interested in a County Fair
Should Attend this Meeting
Notice Closins Stream.
ins; of any kind for salmon fUn, except
with bo k and line, commonly called
. antjline, from and after July 17, 1913,
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRE- until said tributary is opened agjin to
SENTS, That, WHEREAS, the f tate , salmon tubim;. as provided for under
Board of Fish and Gne Com-nisi'n- Section 5316 of Lord' Oreicon Laws;
ers, of the State of Orezon (a? well as ; and it i3 and will Ixs unlawful to fish
its predecessors, the Board of Fisn . for, or take, or catch any salmon fish
Commissioners of the State of Oregon) by any means whatever, except with
has propagated and stocked, and m pro- hook and line, 'ommonly called ani;
pagatini; and itockinz the waters of line, in any of said waters during the
Tillamook Bay and its tributaries, in said periods of time above specified.
Tillamook County, State of Oregon, I Any and all person whomever o
with salmon r.sb, and
WHEREAS, said Tillamook Bay and
its tributaries are frequented by sal
n on fish, and, for the purpose of pro
tecting tne same, the said State Board j
of Fish and Game Commissioners ha3 '
decided to close a tributary of said Til
lamook Bay, known a3 Hoquart
on Slough, and its tributaries ,
above a point on said Hoquart
on Sloutfn 47 31' West 2.013.7 feet from
the section comer common to Sections
25, 24, 25 and 26. of Township 1 South,
Range 10 West, of the Willamette
Meredian this point on said Hoquart-'
on Slough being more particularly de
signated by posts erected by the Mas'er
Fisn Warden warning the public ; and ,
silso another tributary of said Tilla
mook Bay, known a Miami River,
above a point where the county wagon
bridge crosses said Miami River just
hshing in violation of this notice
be prosecuted as by law provided,
Chairman I
State Board
Fish and Game
Department of The Interior.
S. LAND OFFICE at Portland. Ore.
April 17th, 1913.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Chester C. Shaw, whose post olfice ad
dress U care of Shaw Locke Realty
Co., Portland, Oregon, did, on the 25th
day of April, 1912, file in this oliice
below the Pacific Railway & Naviga-1 Sworn Statement and Application, No.
tion Company's railroad bridge crowing ' (fSACA, to purchase the S. W. i of S. E.
sud Miami River, all being in Tilla- ( . Section 30, Township 1 South,
mook County, State of Oregon, to pre- Range S West, Willamette Meridian,
vent fishing therein by any means and the timber thereon, under the pro
whatever, except with hook and line, j visions of the act of June 3, 1&"?, and
commonly calied angling, for salmon acts amendatory, known as the
fish, during the periixl of time herein-j "Timber and Stone Law," at Huch
after specified. value as might be fixed by apraisement,
NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS and that, pursuant to such application,
HEREBY GIVEN by laid State Board the land and timber thereon bavu been
of Fish and Game- Commissioners that i appraised, the timber estimated 80,000
said tributary of Tillamook Bay, known j board feet at 75 cents for M, and the
as Hoquarton Slouch, and its , land 10 ; that said applicant will oiler
tributaries above a point on ! final proof in support of his application
said Hoijuarton Slough, 17'" 31' West ' am! sworn statement on the Seventh
2,013.7 feet from the section corner day of July, 1913, before the Register
common to Sections 23, 21, 25 and 20, , and receiver of the United States Land
of Township 1 South, Range 10 West, t Office, at Portland, Oregon,
of the Willamette .Meredian -this point ; Any person is at liberty to protest
on said iloquarton Slouch being more this purchase before entry, or initiate
particularly designated by posts erect-1 a contest at any timu before patent
ed by the Master Fish Warden warning issues, by filing a corroborated aflldavlt
the public, are and each of them . in this oliice, alleging facts which
is hereby closed to fishing ' would defeat the entry,
of any kind or salmon fish, except i II. F. HIGBY,
with hook and line, commonly called : T Register,
angling, from and after July 17, 1913,1
until on and after October 15, 1913; and TlintmMrup.il li dcd
that the tributary of said Tillamook ,,,uKUU(jHBKLD PER
Hay, known as the Miami River, above '
a point where n county wagon bridge '
Department of The Interior.
U. S. LAND OFFICE at PortUnd. Ore.
My 9, 1913.
NOTICE is hereby given that Mary
R. Thomas, of Tillamook, Oregon, who,
on December 23, 1911, made Home
stead Entry. No. 03252. for Frac'l NW
: or S; of NWj anJ lyjta 3 and 4, Sec
tion 3, township I South, Range 9 Went,
Willamette Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make final five year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before J. C. Holdcn,
County Clerk of Tillamook County,
Oregon, at Tillainook.City, Oregon, on
the 2Sth day of June, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Thomas L. McFalls.
Ibbie J. McFalls.
Roe McFalls,
Horace E. Weston, all of Tillamook,
T. Last issue June 17.
From Courier.
Tiie Delia came to hi r dock Wednes
day, after a two weeks' delay occa
sioned by installing u new engine.
Arnos Worthinglon, nephew of Frank
Worthington, arrived here last Friday
from California and is working for Wil'
Mr. and Mrs Jewell, of Portland.
arrived in Clovordalo Saturday and
have taken charge of the culinary de
partment of the Clovtnlale Hotel.
A young son arrived at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Trent Saturday
So far $13.50 has been raised by pop
ular subscription for the Fourth of
July celebration. A voting contest
for queen of the day will be hud to
raise the romuinder of thu money nec
essary for a celebration.
Alcheus W. Rogers, of Woods, died
Monday of senility and fungus growth
of the jaw. He whs buried in Union
cemetery Tuesday. Mr. Rogers hud
been u resident of Woods thu pust four
years, coming to that place from thu
Siuslaw country.
ab a eU..tle summer dai and
toil Uh rtot prfnont. Wraton's
twvntf first annual reanK'n tmalil
la iiMntty t.jiier &rU
trtni: the ool aln at HUl'ir.
l.fttf.&vO toud was dlwnHl of at
Xiet ranfttac about lutv fleltu l
tan U)t )ear.
lVln ti I'lanntniC t flnol fd
bratiaa Of lt4etMja 14 rtr held
I- thM etlr TS 1M Chtujun
fa Jut; 4, to owilluuo for uu
A aassbr of M hae applied
v the mother' rla at th offlcn
of the couaty crw at Albany, durtan
the (Ktt few day, aad taelr rtjurta
!t! b cosWrl tj the (wintr court
r H tfneojenu. i lntiij narden
of the pUatUfy sad ao ch.rt of
lii. cttarUo ttr. arrttl a
charts Of baini! atlrko.t and
rljr t)olr a prionr tj 1
Jf tht ffert of the JJ t4ot with
chlitjrwo h Hap wadr appileatkxi
fcr (HwatoiM ftSr U t rmrtiV.r
paaaod by lh tsttatur am iM?
ful i a ial lTt tiM4 J10 a monib
ta Outlets cuutitjt uluiic.
CurE L HUMU. tn-rtl for
lifr ib tk Alwi twstttvnttarjr tot th
aurdr of A lie .MlMBorit at Cortland
tn ti. baa mi rvloajHnl uiJr a
etxiditioua) prtm cUb by (iot eraor
A grand Jury at The I)lt b t
tltrBKt aa '.iilirtinoBt alB( (i'rg
i R(M charRlac him UU lb m
btnint ot pmWIc tuada to h
laoouot of M. hlt rtritor f
lzt city tla ln booUt
Jack msb coaaly Ul iau a pain
pht( aloof IB itftaa tatab!'.h.l by
Califomia coiBtla Tfta dlUou itt
b at taaa M.oo aa4 tt wttl eonialo i
aaroUaia:t 100 paxaa. inefujiu,;
tutuika aat ma pa. TJ couoiy c.urt
Baa author! (i Ui worit
The bit VaaBa4 bsm Btw biK
Built at Astoria for to port couan
aioa all) acoa h rnMty tor um In ai
prie tita efcaaaat across ib ruai
at tba moeta of Uia CVtlumbu li us
bat a ipraad of to faat. with ehi
torsi foot roittag 4ia.
T-k!n a 4ai to etttnB a tr- nt.We
oat UJk a party of toy njrr i ar
V. aierJ, If it RaauHta Lz.i i
uii. ri:oib4 to a aatfr : f J tm
A ractt broae stwf aha fi-
csrr rl to B boasttat. Btti It -..!
J.-' -r hxl 1 broktitr
Ih TriCottBt telr wltt b held In
0 ndon !Bta fail on .el.r 1. 1 an.l
3. rortli! to ih JetUa of llio i
trutttr i.cai!iti- in a t'lal iwt
1 UK. Tbn Tn tuoty fair la l b a
pirtnarn-r4t rrl -n la t Vjudon
Aflea f rwelrwi b; Statu Kr
r.luaar Lrwi th.t inm actv of laud
brlonalns to the Columbia Southern
project, has b"-a itbdraa from ru.
try by the interior ilnpartmnnl
oriKltu.1 projr( coaalstm of 33.
acre and the SftOO aer" nr tnclud
ed within th lat few yrars
Tbr forestry rYle ha ordprrd a
tlepbone tln to b- Initatlod connrct
tnc Pralrt rn7 with th summit ol
Strab'rry r. II mil dlaUnL
A utatlon will b or'elrd on tbr "t
trrmc lummlt of th psl at a helKbl
of orrr 10.000 frt. whirh ofpflooks
thi- rntlre forenry district of eauti-ra
Ston- hoiis may r!p!acr thn rKi
Intlon two-roomd shntl which now
form th nbod'i of homiwidrr oif
virtually Mry nuart-r cilon In
Chriatmaii !. and ailyrr Lake ml
leys This Is madi polblr by ihu
dlscovrry of a half dorn ton rjuar
rfas on thf Mdo of Tbl- Mountain
Mandamus proc"dlni hart bsn
bun by the Or-on ti California rail
roifd roinpnny asAlr.kt Sheriff Kenvrs
of Washington county, to rjiilrfi him
to ki'- 'Mir - he will ml acenpt
a tender of U9.75E08 In payment ot
ini: .11- I ..).-.. T,,
amount docs not Include a special road
tax of J2.;26.(M.
Aftnr wHltlnr. lnc. 1319 to be Mm.
burned to tho unt of J7I for over
ohnr;.' on nome hounehold soods hlp
pnd from Mobile, Ala., to Jtosoburg,
E. Lynn Tunncdl has bMin notlflml by
the state railroad commissioner that
thf Interaute cotnmcrcn commission 1
ihh doolded In his favor. Tim com-'
Inllalrin trutlr V I a ... .
i fin
1 he secret or motor tar tconon)
tt in llm !!( a irv lulnWallns 4l,
imI lltl elitttinolM liKllvit altuws 1
iw of clSIIMi III I UllliMwJ.
The Standard Oil for Motor Can
La ssJ
I lutllU w of flvl!f imV
ell u. il,.i l.UOt.iLNi: It mu bf
, main U'Utf III lb 4kKIK(J
tiutil IUit-ltIM" f )!-.
71HOUNI, il..t.U-.
i..f lul 'wj atc(
rjtk J. .1 L. i I .V I
BBWV I . All.
!i N I MANClSCt)
It's Wonh More Than (ii
to Relieve the Mind and Enjoy
The Kind They Always Show at
1 he New GhM I H K A T
F. C.
Cement Sidewalks and
Concrete Construction Work
Enquire at Ramsey Hotel
Abstracts on Short Notice!
Pacific Abstract Company
.. I. KHEMUUm Mmwxn
Complete Set of Abttracta of the Records of
Tillamook County, Oregon
JtWlili liui.ua W ...
Msln 1JJ - Atw Muiu4l
I. O. BOX M7
11 ncrus MtoiiCliindrwItirtmlldlnK,
t rows, mid horxi.
.....I .1... .1,1 . ,M"V wn.
...... j ,, IIIIUH W(iru wlln 1(IIMmi0 ltt
crosses suid Miami River just bulow
the Pacific Railway & Navigation Com
pany's railroad bridgo crossing said
Miami River, is hereby closed to fish-
A beautiful gray horse 1800 lbs, or
over, will make the following season
at Dawson Uros. Livery bzfrn ut Tilla
(nook, C. S. Driscoc.
Can't Keep It Secret.
The splendid work of Chamberlain's.
Tablets is daily becoming more widely
known. No bucIi grand remedy for
stomach and liver troubles has over
been known. For sale by all doalers.
li ncrr of liiml
acre berries, near tho i,w iUM,t prlc.i
$2100. Fine hoimi near town, 10 room
no.mo wim n acres of m, J ,,, or
chnrd, J acre Imrrli-s, price MKX).
Acreage in price to suit. See the own
,er. A. J'lmtker.
Subscribe for tho Herald Now.
The McMlnnvlllo council awarded a
Bontrnoi for street icradltiK to a firm
of Portland eontractors, and Mayor
W. T. Vinton rcfusnd lo affix his sic
nature, f.'ontomjit of court proceed-
luu.muu, unu hid mayor was
fined 1300 and sentenced lo nix months i
coiiflnernent lu th eoimty ju wih- "kc ,,c,,,y ' Time to Hut.
out ball, or until such time as he sees ' There Is a saying that ' ranld em
fit to obey ,he orders of ,h. circuit 1 stow suicide.'' Ify , , Si f
C7Lth f, Tl ,U CUUr"Ct- U' '""'lt 'f t,"t, ni pl'l y y mi tin!
The Hinlth f owers LorKlnK con, most likly sulferlng from Indkr It
;rti;r: r1? arr ii
miles above noni.dl,. u..... ,. ... . t. i ....... . " "..""' " ' u una
i.... r,.,,,n ' """' oe inoroughly mast ciii.wl iy i wuii. Many a run.Vv -. .
. . uV..uvUUw ie or umber, The Insalivated. Then when von Imv, . 'I!' "VoWi-U If thu old lliirnvss a
.,. ,or a lORninc railroad to fu ness of thn stn...ni. . " icnuii in lime.
extend two miles Into the timber from
tne main line Is uow bala lo;ir4 and
t'llfikW' uiiwi a .null If OliSB
.... i .1 1 1 mrt-
I.V Hill. ....... ., ... U..H....V ...I. 1.
- ... ,..., ... n.M.w.rj . ,ij
W I. H..llli. Ilufimua I. i.ne VI ..
best stock at nrlecB that ('l!h, "
w"!t you.
uia roan win aa uwaUuctad tortb
wHh. The loaa wtM go ta tas CL a.
auaub aawialU at
fullness of the stomach or feul .lull
of ,i. r.: ...i.."'""'. Buveru cases
: " iniun lit anil ennat ..i ....
...I l.., it
most agreeable in effect.
talJlcts, 1 iuv aro I. . . . .
. , "j
to taku and
Hllamook . - Orc
HllbserlbA'Ifnr ll..i Itnrald It COB"
Bold by all
- ti
twice ach weak,