Cbc Cillamook Rcrald- C. 6. Crembley, editor Issued CuMcc a Week CucdJV and Friday Jt?url of tb- f aadrtto ot Utr First National Bank of Tillamook Entered a Mdi-fi mtu Ma irrc1'. urv.tr xht ' :e at thf t-t act of Mxrrf. X. IS? sccR:rTio $s a ykak in adwncs TflCf ; Ttllaiaaal.. , tmii , SLblr at Orrpnu. at lar rixvH of bowine Jmt 4. IM. Will a Iar4lay TV. ,-eat mi Ht ft. " WiJMNN aa " aft tlw wHiioa .Notice of MtcrUr- On 3lttcrtiinvi Rate . ami A'.i':3ert fira lMcnC prr rtna - f taHh u!meour'-t t-wrtiMU Hw Ttatwr Claims - 10.00 swJm. imt line - fWA at thank, taw Uae .81 - .rt a?b aubaoojewt mafirtiOB, tar Rcthrtkw of CnWM Ldg notMM, par Mm . Baainaaa Prwcl caram.a a. rHaafaty AVrtiriwJV. pa ao -ft ALL Pirpan Ada Mrt 1 tan f fior on Monday and TWiday Mn inf to irwarr rwbfloatxsa is fcvlk inc Toeada? and Friary ama. Knmm m inlw. ItSSOTftCBSk lfta MMt PMWlHl CIvwrtrvfm v ami -C S. Bnad ta f(W rtlWK FRIDAY If NE 13, 19 i 3. On Saturday J one 21t. at o'rterk. there wl! t mart:- at the c rt bcu u the jrterwt of tw 1 1" Mk County Fur wrf-iitior.. TSr ftort hoioers and tho arho arr trtrr etd and w ill take tocV arc rrjrLrd t- rnt and tat part in lb tt nesj if to tx- tranrtod. A kt.-d of jirttarf will imrr b be eirctrd and oiic faBpoctant bosiaev icotrd xfier. A read crd 5-boa id be is au -ndwc tad pre tb ayiti -on a ewd boot oo the 21st, as tfcat date iairsd a critical unx wd we oaefet u tou of eaiiiasiasja into the auttter aad pir those trho ie tie arpLCtsstioB ta chtrjre pleaty oi fneoers cement, a jraod Kvr fair ackrialtoa tns a preat deal to Tillairxiok Cceaty. tion whe thrrlrr-; tr kirt pvtt the trarr ;ot Mermiiw Uir c-oald iw eoet:or their oi: htl. ut cmht tt the aid cf a jrullw- dnltar Hote IM of itcfet rati tit ttewr wi Um wwidrs rtirat$ ane tnc hettt not ct titee kandttnc tke inrii Mtaattac with i f trwnc band wWet. fart if iado4 crat fjittc SO Ur vbole CDSSCTT lr rtTVl-d io thn awttr: IVaiudent Wihac bs far of air tvmrfessaest aad strooorwtty. r. pa-rfatit as. uiraid" of the tcri! eo5siao . a N'icrrr it afraid of rncf-t. The hooVlet an Tiliixot Coor.tv trbica hts seen under iiscsioTi far soae tirae aad wiueli haj tc3: ettlMtii ed ander tae ttpee of tie Coent; Cocrt wt ready for diftrtbota&s. Waile tae tvoklet siay aot e every xray ftrit et'eryooe, it will is a feaerai m saner jnve tie oatiider a prottr pood iiea of o-bai Tiiiaaook CcKmty if hke. Taere is ote pwK fostare iiet tie bosk aad that if tie fact list it? story is is ao wise verarattn. The infocsia- tios cootatnec erein eta be relied naos ia every particalar. In fuet. it vrcld tike a book raaay tiraes larrer ts tell tae trae story of TUlaaook C aaty' creataess. A larce eppiy of tae booklets can te fooad at the Tiila xsook Ooraraercial Clob aad those wi nT desire Mae of taea to s;ad tc their friends can tizve taara by cillir.? for taera st tae etab rooras. DAILY CURRLVT FILINGS AT COURT HOUSE. Moaday. tie lots day of Jua-, is Aa anal School Meetiap Day. aad Sept. of PabHc lastroetioo L. R. AWersiaa. asks cs to 1st Eieciai strtss oa tais matter Eae call cpon tie people to take ! U Nei,sss City JSE. Fcmitae by Pacific Abstract Co. WARRANTY DSEOS. .NattoaaJ MirrtT lxl to a. U. i rt;- Wtt tracts ia Soe'f.- . 2S. 3 and M. s 5 w. n. Cea. A. ?. & M- E. Ladttie to Joia 7. Snyder IS"' a 0360.13. Ssta Ft- PaeiSr R. E- Co. to Nt-bon P. Wbeder ? ? K 1 5 7 W. FraaV L. .S'pGairc to R. B. Horaer lots 1 i- 16 bit 1 Ttliaaouk 3 ei. H TOfatioot Bay Co. to A. M. Bozorta lots 1 ! blk J Cketniabe I'urk. ff?. Jobs A. 3 ram u L. E. Morton kt f tc 10 bli: S Jbyf adtf'c to Bay City, ST5fi. L. . Morton to J A. Brant, tract n See 3 5 5 W USOO. F. R. 3Bk ifiJ. A. Braai lets 4; i: -tS Dtk IT Sea V, SHL PbuI Wobfce U. Nebaleta Water Co. npht ta earry water frara ikibk Creek acrof tract in S 22 X K IB W flfi. Henry Toil to W. I Mtya lot S aft as iatere-t ia tie affairs We aeliere that tii is of tie day. a tine idea. Heretofore bst few of oor people have takes aay interest id tie affairs of School Meeting Day sad school setters nave aeea tiioe to on;t atonp wita oat mcei attaauoo cntil aa occasion is foetid for cnticisrs and then taere it soaetirne qite a rsittOB for a waile. Tae people ioocid tilce aa latere t io the scbooi on School Meetior Day, wrs out and disesss school matters w.ta one aaotier. learn tae aeeds of tie ecoooi and help pet the bs&ines aSairs of tae year startod ri,rat. Let everybody tara est to tie school raeet- in nejet Moaday. Scaooi aiatter siMcld sot be segieeted. Tltejaook cbeese leut aowa at dock is aow bnnpinr IS l-4e per pound. Tni tie hipawt price that bat evftr beer, paid for Tillamook cheese at tbi time of tae year, aad is a e-m and a qctrter more tita was pud at tbu titae last year. We know taat tit Fred Haaap k. wf to Henry Toil lots 8 & A blk 2 Tea! adds to Kehalera Citr. OfO.Ou Ktnssa Boasor to Bva Z. Soott lot ill blk 56 Bockeway Baeb tSOi. Scaadiaaviao-Araericiio 3uak t S. 3, Baekjaaa 12a ia Sae K i R IS W no. F. R. Bealf t v to Apses C iproat lots 3 fc i in Harter'f adtsa to TiHa raook, HO. G. W. Baker wf to P. Ic W. C R R, L Xar. (.-a. rif bt of w ay over lands ia 5 S 10 W. $.1. Toraliason Idt Co. HevfJ to Alva ' tract ia See 80 4 S B W 110. j First Bank : Trust Co to Filipto peeiale fct-al, lota IS. 2fl. 21, rj, S, 54 fc 2 blk 65 Roekaway. .v.ri. A. U. sars to C. K. Htsll lot 87 Strfese acres, flO. -N. McMillan &l wf ta V. . Rhodes i tract in blk 1 Bay City, SI. I v. a AldermaBi: wf to Fred Ponr- , man ei-ai lot 4 ik 10 Miller adda to Tillataoek, 5308. . . , . . j " ' w uaa muz aaanaas to to u, teu s 6 bk heart of Editor 3ek.r of the tieadl.cit. , ilLBUu,Y eira ta cbaiap.oB booster for TUtamoo . ptrEi Bank L Trast Co. to F. P County; tae man who always ioo on tol og oft Rockllw (l36 . aca Vat Bank & Trnu Co. to Joanna VZT . power anc taere . ; Hob0 lot 30 blk 62 Rockaway. 156. 7c .7,;r7 Ja,,n "Sal- Dllt Who 3. J. Barrett to C. F. Stone lot & bit - &DO can see notiinj; ! Nscamey City. S3. b r,atH,a aaead of u when thiaps j Arni Anderson & wf to J. E. Coyne areotarw1Se. Ebm.aatiap the aoa-; treet ia Sec 3 6 S 10 W. 0.XJ..M W- Till tis4vr.it iV. J t . . . uomocra. iiva L. Swank to James W. Tnomp- tJn .7 "'.r""-"' 9&. t 34 blk 6 Sandlake, 1200. Insible for tie present hiph price of cheese. However, we do contend that the present price of cheese In a very THE IOWA WAY OF EoodindicatioBtr.it there is a sound t nniritir at it una stable conditi ttffairt of the coantr' Otim Stood in hvnxre lnl Svff HankiDC Bant, Fai waliura. Md Tixtmtm . ! I'ur fmm fHM mm! Pnirtrfo Sanka awfl aUnkm. Tr( Cumimniaa. Bad Savax tMUtl Afv k.acbs and otbarCaub tm Saehaarw. ar etearlnr bwtr Soar of oCfenr Natianal Hank f . . Frnrtaoaa.1 Pbixir Curraori. Nwkpls. and Crata .. Lawful Mk RFarvr ia Bank, vis . Sir . .lS,Ki0 Leptl ltndr Neto 2a.(t RodotMIRma fwid o-iti V. Treewiror (i mr eoat mt ciraabittoa . . - . i utaj LiAKIUTTES. Oiriltal tick u.td ...... Soritts faad... Uodiridrd Profit. ImV Ea- paOAvs vnd Ttxcs paid.... NatioaaJ Bank Xtt Cat- standinp Due to Siu and IVh-atc Banki and Banker individsal dcpwwit abjet to cacck Icun3 mrttacBte of tlr- jKUJt Tiair certificate ai doptsiiU . CerttSrd cbeck Patil Sariaps Dafxwiu . . . ftervo for Taxes Total Stale of Orctrun. Cncaty af TiHaraoa L Wnv G. Talt, J'rcnideat of tit . attove-aamed baak. do volaraahr nwear ' taat tie abovr Ktatoraeat 1 true to tlx ' best of ray knowlrdpe and lelieX. Wit. G. TA!T. FrtsMdoat. Satjscrfbrd uad iwom is iof orr mt tbit 12ti day of Jane, 1911. ROLUE W. WATSON. JCotanr flabhr Correct Attest : J. C HOLDEN. C. W. TALMAGE, b. c Lamb, Dirnctara. IVtar. CCM.fl i,.t3a.it LKLK 141.7? H.MauKo lsr.w rkiTlarv. 4,000.00 ! 2MM h.SUS. I i..t.ic ; 7.1M.U ' SWia tor Cw Uwl y vlr M ia tnrMilt Ourt f I 111 'Jf WiR U,aa,i-ad iM- .ts . . , i M Umi ISUi 4y of April. p. a ! J? : T l4rto- Mlnnl., J. lar tar aaan- i wit aa aiturai . am Pioneer Transfer tUv Snm re 0,jVw J. E. REEDY, Tillamook VKf HISAItlAK rf aad .VJra. Carrtamn. r ayaaaVag Ha ttmaga. Mta. W. J. raaav af i " LAWYER Dltl lnc Uf uvoK4t I UlnmuiiK ll(Kk tbotr H. t Cmmi fit PaWHft. 4Vi "d dtbirwmnli. t4 tio col f tar wrt aaal aMat t tt aVy , ai .!- f Jwt Iki. icb j t and dcr w. flartMaM. 1. K.. W. lac -rf'ily -awltal aa4 OorWUJ In the r.itl li tkrt' oaVr of W rurt. aid attend Cbtf Baa Atw aad aycal i t Valai arrvad it i mvs vtv w MaMMd Om aMa -lla Utly d jirmt .ml Jtw, t. tar rtaevtion nJ ardr of ale i rHd coiairadtae m. i V laf tr af Orrcwo. ta me ill the ftttne in urier to rner b W L Jolsnrt. Sr tifckKt tr rt- rvtatr m. furnilHd apartaxmU of oott -". tar wvt ar Jr the rv. HOia RAMSEY ARRIVALS. IWday Jaar IX. Sk P. Stranc P. F F. A. Fatrf. C IW aad C St. HJi wf Part land . Artattr Davav ftarakway . fi. M, Dnmv. SandWa. 0. , JL J. CataM It S Aeortt aad Cbm. L. Daainl of By City. Jan lit C. F Eaatar. of Panltad. Ore ; fa. Gaa. BaaaKaaa. M. Jieoexaa, A. 1L Biaek.. Taw Raact. A H ScisU. H. J aWe. r. M. taw. H . Buly aad W Poa4 of Xaeaao'ay, Oragaa; A, f Swfcaioow. ad S. E. Wibact, Mat- AaatraJia. Caa't Keep It xicrct. j tad wrrrataf ct. to aetl ll follow faritirf motet4 trajrty. to U br! Let Taf (II nd 'wr (t) tl (he j EU fcatfof the SS!ithwcl iruaitcf f aWtkxi Fourtrn (lO. In Tmhlji T (2) Sat Kanjr .Vine (V) Wl fUc V. IUm.lt. WraJUb, In HlU. aumk Cooatf. Sute of Ofcn. li fVtawr ta UoeoMmlt, rrtttUirK-nU nd saeartcnaar ibrinia Ult8jr C to aayiec apfKMUi. I IT S' w. tirrrf jr. In ta wc of the SUtr of Oregon, nd to ioHiplUr wtti aai ittaratiao aal uHf of !, I on Salsrday lb" II d of Jutve, IflX btwMl Um hawi of 'i o'cttxk a a . and I u fkxk p. m., to nil : At 10 a'ciork , at. aa 4ty at tie front door of Uw Cjaty fmtrt !lar tn Til latncok. TIUaMik Cauoty, Oregwi, oftrr for talc to tae blebtut baktrf (at -tk tn btad. tjbjwt to mdemptlan. all U !? naaxvl dfeHlat' rht. title, tad inter nt in ta4 to tic abate aaurrtlml real prajxtli , or hi much T. H. COYNE" AltofDf jrai'Ltw lai U. 5. Commituaiaj 0ppoil CourtacaM llt.LAnOOk IMlHRIAktx Four IKwi, t ( Jmj t . lu 1 . tit, .. JOHN ICU.NU HEAOfl tlw xt-atlt, aatr(te lilldmook Building Ka 1) RAD PI'.KKISS Office ta J4laoa te.'j Tar aploMbd "ork af (.'aamWrlitti'i ! Umkm( may be nore.ry to tatufy Thart u dailj !eoomff awnrr idclf wt. Nt' acV era-'-"! rrmedjr for (totoaefc and lurr trsjl r kti ever ban: mown For mt iri Sjirr :e for . H N w (a tuasa due the plaint !T u lcf tM iwietnrnt and derive xt t.;me. twraol. DatoJ. thi. IStft Uay of May, tats II I'rcfMhtw, ' Shrrif? of T'tUiM."k Cwntr. OfejSo, r-4 Jjif IX J F Iji.t All Wix' (mtustcni. GEORGE WIQj Attorney t Uw Office in CommcrcMl bM Tillamook Baker's l'ni Mil! AT ALL GROCEU TEACHERS EXAMLN'ETION. Park addn ts Til- Hot business peneral and Xhe Pacific Coatt country in particular. iFromCorwith (Iowa) Hustler: which means, if it mn. ..nt.tv,; ...... ' people are easily aatisfied say tht honest business men of the country ! ,mUinc " cent churacter. have confidence in the present adminis- Ex-VrtAtnL Rwevelt sued for elan tratmn. and tne dishonest fellows have ' er f ehtr,,cU:l'- II 16 he won his -decided to be pood because President and U'e verdicl wa 80 Erected by Wilson has told them what he would iuigt who ht on thfc caW:' bul ln do U thera if they would not do as they vnna,nK bow 0Ofc hfc fore the Bupbttn. We do not bear any more cn,1,rion PP'e today? Upon the testi- panic talk since the nresident m,. u,uu " m own wimeases u was pro- iuai uc r.eeuz "A ient i-man'k XOTJCE IS H BITCHY Giru.N -That Uic t otnt uvfriii!rndrn! H Tn- lamooi. t mtatv will hukl the rsru lar ftuojmatkin lor ailrit nt- l.ir s'-ait aad Cootrtj pBKnp tie Circuit Court Room, Tfllomook City, Orerou a- followr: rur Stutr PapoTM. Coramencinc Wcdtedar June , 1W3, at t o'clock a in. at(1 rtrn. ttnuintr iinltl Satarday, Jane 1, lfilX at 6 o'cIock p.m. Wednesday Hore acton f WritinS:, L. a. Hitory. Jbyf. olopy. "Wednesday Aftcrtxa. Physical Geoprapby. Keadtap, MeUiod in Arithmetic. Tbnrt-day Furetioea. Antliaietic Hi-tory of Kducauon. lKVChtlop-). Method r in Gei.prapliy, TburMlay Aftrmooa. Grammar, Gt-opraptay. Amen md i.aru'uarc Tbeir lor Certificate l-nday Fureuoon. Theory unii J'rnctire. Onhi.rr.. lby Kap-liMb Literature, Chenutry. ' iiunj wicrnooti. ?CllOfl LltW. BotUCV A lr.-).. Ciil Govern tnent. ' Sfitardu) afternoon. Grcmietry, Getilopy. Snturda Afternoon General HiUtt. IliMikkceiur!" W. . Ht tu County superintendent WHEELER Primary arranpements for the exjjenditure of a million dollars, if necessity, to be ' used ir. tie Cellar," one well stocked wita hiuh- ir.vestipatio.. of coroora. ' ,v ooes a man . wii all these mtoricanU. In his t t - cellar if he or ms associates are not OtarVVa fin ami Yil-tl f'nK to drink them? In Iowa a man 11 1 III I Iml 11111 1 selU or pives away the drinks to MT mvm" ; anyone is a bootlopper unless be holds 1 wffl unuue re- u. a. aW lua i. twe a covemment license and baa a pharm- No remedr that I have erer aold for ' "ciBt'-permil or is a lepalired aaloon Ecieraa, rsorlaels, and all other disease keeper, or the akin has clvea more tiorouca ' 1. 1. 1. PreseriBtiM for Ecaeaa I fc-uar&ntee tali remtdy. LaUaK'S DKUG BTOKE Tillamook, Orcun. Naiereae Mectiaft, Services Tuesday and Friday even ings. Sundays at 2 and B p. m. HARMESS ED0.VT SPOIL A GOOD HOUSE by keepinp blm In shabby old Harness. VVe are selling Harness made of the best stock at prices that ought to tempt you. ?m A WELL MADE HARNESS: will not only Improve the appearance of your horse, but contribute to your safety as well. Many a runaway could be avoided if thi- clrf H.c ...a i . . " discarded in time. ' " W. A. WILLIAMS. Tillamook . 0rMina THE MANUFACTURING CUT ON NEHALEM BAY BaMHBBMBBVmWB,B"IBBWBaBaBaaaaaaaaBSBeaBB Come Establish Yourself at WHEELER lfle Wehalem Harbo Co. make special inducements to Willi families who will lo- will men cate in WHEELER INVESTIGATE OUR PROPOSITION Subscribe for the Herald it twice eucli wtck. comas The Nehalem Har bot Ly Wheeler, Otegoi NrllaMl OffiMl THtanWiaX OMcci Cirt 327 ft1 if.'