Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, June 10, 1913, Image 4

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,Vrt'"d. Or.. June S(Specil A
splendid foundation has heer. laid b
tt.e l.ito Immigration Commission ir
the work of iiliiu'ii -ig farmer to Or
ff't fnvn tie com tne of Seethem
Kor pe A wno f Oonte'Tme with
German. Norwegians, $,WtJt and
Ii h ; t- h recalled in outlining
lh,. ,v ; t "mmpM!! and in seen-
fi (..u.'st cooperation of
miiM-"I :. ( the riot
nut o-isM-csiow reient here
C.mmittc-x form i if member t
hr 1 fore-it - w.': w.-trk wflh t
Im miration Commission in aee-ir..;
out tunable Un.1 for cokwitaXto p ir
pose, securing thvm at nhomdIi1
price ar.d at. !.!-.; the ee comer after
the, are W.'toi Nidging from the
micces that ha attended the pwli"
inary work, much may b expected
from this organised effort to settle
Oregon's idle f amain land.
More interest ta heme hown in eu.
(Tenir of growing perfect babies,
thn -jghuut the tt sine the first
shw at hebi tart year at Mvr
t!t Fsir. The Si-it teat of baW
ha just Iv-". held by the Parent' Ed
of "Portland, and
this promise to beeo.ne a regular in
stitution. Babies are given a careful
at-ntinV eaBtntkw and defect
pot"'? m! parents with instruct tor.
a tt. K tney may be overcome. Par
ent v, , o intern) enteric youngsters in
th -mine snow next fali (lad these
preliminary test helpful.
That the Willamette Valley is the
one aection of the United State that
can raise s!: ap equal to those of Eng
land, was the statement made by Prof.
Tii.. Shaw, agricultural expert fr
the Great Northern Railway, conditio?
are such that pork can be produced for
less cost than is the ease in the corn
belt of the Middle West, while butter
can be produced for ies than ia New
f r r.l. Prof. Shaw tni&U that the
' rt-." n fnrr-T is, as a rule, neglecting
h s opportunities.
o ient its boosters down to Poct-
UnJ !.'.u week and took the Ad Club of
toe metropolis by storm, winning a
ere a i deal of publicity. Louis W Hill
and party of railroad men have been
inspecting th Central Oregon country
the oat weefc. It is a period of gen
era, expansion, railroad building and
development over there.
-em has set its date for th an
ruS f erry Pair for July A and 5, and
an i t -Ait) indole a patriotic celebra
tio-. - teps have been taken to make
th vU'.r'n event the mat elaborate
utfa.r . i its kind ever held.
G'ni rtads workers of two state
wiii m : at Medford June 6, when the
prop. -e l r.ew road between California
and Oregon will be discussed This route
lue!j surveyed, is designed to avoid
bad grades in the present road. A
campaign will be started by Jackson
County for the issuance of bond for
road purposes.
fr Neahkahni Mowntnin in
tranaportinc rencr to nl fnm
k. ,Auu nutfll IWW iMHninC UP to
j the public. Uu-Khe will btj operated
! from Wheeler or Fwher INinl o car
j rv paaengrs aero the bay to the
; new float below Cronen'a Doc wi
I then the ArmtJng ato Bw will do
j the reaC
' Treasurer P. A. Rowe of the Nehal
! ero lort Cwmiwlon received a teto
' gram from the first National Bank of
Cleveland. Ohio to the effect that the
necessary cash money had been posted
by them with the federal government
! as a atantee that the Port of Hehal
j em wouM e-Mruribot its ahare towawl
I the cost of bui Ming the jetty project
on this harbor. This new baa been
awaited with great interest by ar
-cititerw an't is an assurance that theiw
will be aomething doing here very Boos
Ir harbor improvement work.
Thompson brothers have dee-hied to
operate a stage line from Nefcatem City
to beach points beginning June IS, and
meet the launch Juaeta at Anderaoo's j
dock to make train eooonetiena. Thi )
i a wise move oa their part ami will j
no doubt prove very beneAcial to all
cooeerned. since it provides a -ay for
accommodating the reeorters ia going
to and from the beach who ever they '
desire to go. Here fare it ha been a 1
hard matter to get to the beach with-1
out k oing to the expense of hiring a
special conveance which added ee
jide rally to the trouble of reaorter
visitiug these parts.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
Every family without esseptkm
b .ukd keep this preparation at hand
during the hot weather of the summer
month. Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy ia worth many
time its coat when needed and is al
most certain to be needed before the
summer is over. It has no superior
for the purpose for vrhich it i intend
ed. Buy it now for sale by all dealers.
From Courier.
The infant child of Mr. aod Mrs. Eu
gene Atk'naon, of Sandlafce died Thars
dav roorr.in?. The little oac lived only
a few days.
Otf' Wiljon, the aoto siae driver ii
to move to Cldverdale from Tillamook
tomorrow. He will occupy a portion
' f the house with Job Poster.
Mi Fay Burke has resigned hr po-sitij-
a, lerit in the Cloverdale Her
cantue .v. store and Miss Gertie Mc-Kime-j
is asairs occupyicK that posi
tion. Ail the right-of-way for lowering
the vu'..y road between thi place and
Hebo hui been secured and surveyors
have oeen n.nniag the line this week.
The improved road will cut out one
lar(;e hill and several small ones and
will make a decided improvement in
the road.
Mrs. J. H. Connarn, who with her
children has bean stopping at Beavor
since moving from Cloverdale, returned
here T j. -day for a visit with frier.fis.
We ur.(J rxtand she will ro from here
t' li'-vii, Oregon, whore her husband
has deciuwl to locate permanently in
the dental business.
Mr. A'win Blum and children went
to Forest Grove last Monday to visit
her mother, Urs. Phillip.
B. E. Turner returned Wednesday
from Portland with hi bride. In the
eren!ng about 30 of hi friends wel
comed them home with an old fash
ioned charivari. The crowd were
kindly invited in and treated to oranges,
nuts, candy, cake and cigar.
Mrs. Gokit worthy closed her school
at Hemlock last Friday, and ha moved
to her home to spend the summer.
Miss Minnie Desmond is (pending the
week with Mrs. Frank Dye of Fairview.
Mrs. Fruett ad children of Salem
are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr.
Mis Winnie Wallace of Tillamook Is
visiting Mrs. W. R. Anderson at the
Reynolds home this week.
Charlie Moore is helping Mr. Bonn
at Beaver for a -hort time.
Miss Rcth Pearson is taking the 3th
grade examination in Tillamook.
Take Plenty of Time to Eat.
There is a saying that ''rapid eating
i slow luieide." If you have formed
the habit of eating loo rapidly you are
most likely suffering from indigestion
or constipation, which will result even
tually in serious illne-t if not correct
ed. Digestion begins in the mouth.
Food should be thoroughly masticated
insalivated. Then when you have a
fullness of the stomach or feel dull and
stupid after eating, take one of Churn
berlain'a Tablet. Many severe eases
of stomrch trouble and constipation
have been cured by the use of these
tablets. They are ea.y to take ami
most agreeable in effect. Sold by all
From Enterprise :
Miss Ucattie IJabcock receivod her
first com- a"irr,ent of furniture ami fix
tureB for tr.e Manzanita Tavern this
week from Portland. She is making a
ireru ui eTvrt to oten up the new
ho. I b J i i . 15 .11 announced and it is
very likely that she will succeed In her
ondeav'irs i the carpenters are mak
ing splendid progress with the build
ing. A box contract wag awarded the Ke
halein Sawmill & llox Fy. last week '
for lG.OoO cheese boxes by Carl Haber
lach, -eretary of the Tillamook County
Cheese Manufacturers Association.
These boxes are to he delivered by
rail to Tillamook City from where they
will be- distributed to the various fac
tories us needed.
V. M. Armstrong ban purchased S.
G, Reed's Automobile buis which he
intends to operate on the beach be
tween Nehulem Uuy and Heuch points
! V
Tillamook, Ore,
Make the Home Look
A 15-vitt Maida Lamp on
your front porch can b: lit every
night until mUnight and register
not ovrr fifty cent per months on
the metrr.
Tillamook Electric Light &
Fuel Company
Democrats Plan to Crowd Tar
iff Bill by Holding All
Day Sessions.
Washington. - Make the rvpc
earn or t th stwnaa &a4.
th democrat tc ldr t the
ta charge of tartff KtbteUai ho r :
diet that th senate vM WW oa -.:
hi;! by August 1.
timlwi of the f1ae coatm'---'
MU4 that the bUi oid b oM .
cocaasttteea by Jane 9; that th- f
WMavatittee report shoekl be r-
tor wm by th tetloMfte
that tb revte4 ateaaitr tw i
report 4 to th t o J
Then it U4 be watte) vigor u:
til Scared on tu BttMag. Ssuii
Hoke Satrih. of OeoexU. mkM that tr..
east ahoM i-4 oa th bill tn thr
latter part at Jaty
V will Keep th rNUMtca b
wat to dtacas the bill worfclag, aa:
w ta awn at el mraa trots
the very bvtfaaJnc" be nahl "W us
meet ta the sat every day at IP
o ckx ta th aoratar aa4 ti at
work until o'clock, at eight. That
will prevenf tb opposition from dotey
ttt the bill by playtag th a W.
wtU tire the ropwnJicaa ot c piay
LeMry tnawtr; Stjrttd
Th aeaat" inveaUgattea o.' lite
"Neeroo saxt iastttoo lobby.
wbkh ITestdent Wttsoa chanted Mm
ihratenln th tariff bUi. was hagm
Monday morning by a oomaslttee cog
po4 of Samtora Overnaa (cnatr
maii Watoh. Cammlas. Reed and
he iQTeetlgattoa was coaducta
openly In the awhile hearing room of
the judiciary eotnsaitta la the senate
office building, and mem hers of the
senate were catted tn alphabetic Or-
'resident Wltsoa was sent a cettt
fled copy of th reaoieUoa aathovlalag
the Inquiry
Limit Pat an WarW,
The houe Democrats ta cauetu
restricted the legislative progress
of the present tra session to tsrtft,
currency, emergeocy appropriatloM
and election case. Committee ssslgsv
ments a submitted by Chairman Un
derwood and hi colleague of the
way and mean committee majority
were adopted by the cases w ithout
The legislative programme as prev
ented by Representative t'Odemood
was made binding on the Democratic
member of th standing committee
of the house. The resolution by ' hlcn
thi was accomplished provided that
ao standing committee, except the
committee on ways and means, ap
propria lions, banking, currency, eler
Hon.-, printing, accounta and ruk.
should report Mils or resolutions to
tbe bouse, or have them placuil on the
calendars, withoni permission tapr?m
ly granted by the Democratic caucus.
Settler Mutt Pay Operation CoiU
The rocont decision of the United
Stales supreme court tn the cake of
Bwtgert vs. Baker ttloK for nit lltmt
the right of the secretary of the In
terior, through the reclamation service
to impose and collect annually from
settler on government Irrigation pro
jects tbe pro-rata cost of maintenance
and operation of project from the
tune water Is turned Into the canal
up to tbe time the projecta are turned
over to tbe settlers completed.
On many projects thero has been
dlacontent bocauae the government
has been requiring tbe settlors to pay
the maintenance and operation charge,
which usually ranges from 60 cents to
$1 an acre a year. Th lower court
decided In favor of tho government
and was reversed by the United State
circuit court of appeals at San Fran
cisco, but now I sustained by the su
pre me court.
National Capital Brevities
The president I reported to havi
agreed with Senator Williams and
Simmons that raw materials and their
products in tbe agricultural pchftd'ile
should he equalized In the tariff hill.
The progressives h.ve been allowed
n-presimtatloii on all the house com
mlttceK except rivers and harbors and
agriculture. The are given a total
of 28 assignment.
The seventeenth amendment to the
constitution of the United 8t;u-n ,o.
came effective when Secretary l)ryn
formally proclaimed that direct elor
tlon of United States senator Ih now
the law of the land.
The appointment of Alexander II
Stephana to he general superintendent
of the railway mall service, vice Thco
dote IngallH, waH announced by I'osl
master General iiurlcHuii.
Secretary Ilryan and Sir Cecil
Hprlng-ltlce. the HrltlBh nuilmsador
signed a renewal for five years of tin
general arbitration treaty between tin
Unted StatiH and Gnmt Britain.
Secretary Lane announced a red.
motion commission, which will dlre
ull work of the reclamation nervlo
F. H. Newell, present director of th
reclamutlou service, will be the chair
j - t
fl n ft
hr , tff Jj)
Washington Urncrt Asturcd UIj-i-ten
Peet tt Net Uiei.
WashisRlon- tkmt cnierntHn
and aaeasia hsa hwn on-ii'til
by the are are of leper at ttumut-.d
Point. Wash, sad tb fsr that (he
pehUc health as4 tnarMw hospital t
tm to ansa this not oi prr
maneat etthtten bat to wn.i
Uprs there froca other tats T
fseltag beassh ao tetess that (ten
tor Jon s4 th othee ssesirr n
the Waf)lt-ion gelegfttuw were 3
peld to to hate th matter tnvrn
A result of thi agitation both
the senator and 8prauttvr Joho
on rnlled on jtergeon Oeaeral llluo
and wer.t o.e the subject with him
and were Mrs4 that there no
intention to Mh thta a prtnsr-ti
Round Trip Fares
to ttir.
M- BBS SB 11 BBKB B V. r 'tl III'
via tut;
DArinr paiiway & NAVlf.ATinw r
.m ai. a&-maa.vBjmM vK. aan w a a
va -..--- -"VII
AM- tilt
All'"it 0 V U N to IlilUbut"
Plun UO Onntm
Sitlm Oat cm:
June M to IS Ineloeiv. Final rotuttt Itlttlt Jut !(,;,
... .1 ta a.
I'or illutrtetl .jooMet oti tne KOflc r.st:-, Atl.
I .1 ' ; tV.tt ...... .ii i., a .. W l ,
t)f illllllVSN
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent
Pnrtlnntl, Oi'cyon
letttlt "Aoti.Hatp4fi" L lJr
Besttl - The au hatpin t,rtin
atice lat.roc'uced lato th city ruui, .1
at the renaeet of the fedxratiun of
Women' Club was passed tinan.moes
ly hy the council.
Th ordtaanee provide that ih
point of a hatpin ahall no t p-.nnit
ted to extend more (hsa OTuanr
Inth l eyoc the crown of 0- hst and
1- no esse beyond the brim violation
of tbe ordinance will he ni- brd by
a fine of nm m.ri- tt, in J;rto or tin
prion merit for not rnori- than JO day
MrMlnim v or I t:,l.m
(lAlloway lttlr.,: ,n l . nr. ni' n.nrt
hi're, scrtt.-m rd Ma)or V T ,ntno.
Of McMlnnvllte. to pay a fin.' of JJ00
and to be linprisnn-M ii tnomiis in
the county Jnll. without ball or until
uch tlm as hn nhould fit to ob-y
order of the court, ll.i was placed tn
jail by Sheriff HendHrson, of Yamhill
county. 4
Mayor Vinton's life In jail, however,
wnii short, ror h i rUal aftir
expcrienc'ng threw hour of cll llf.
to apptiar In hbaa corpus procd
Injs at Hnlem.
Thlo In the climax In the Iour founh't
stilts, which first oriBlnated in the
form of an Injunction suit Instituted
hy a private citlxen of MrMinnillln,
enjolnlnx the mayor and recorder sln-
inB the contract entered Into hy the
city siih a paving company. Imme
diately following the Kitting asidiN of
the temporary Injunction mandamus
procedure was Instituted by the Htat
of Oregon, ex rid., A. C Chandler ver
sus William T Vinton.
It's Worth More Than Cold
to Relieve th Mind and Enjoy
The Kind They Always Show at
8 . .
i ho w-w ;hm hka IK
Cement Sidewalks and
Concrete Construction Work
Enquire at Ramsey Hotel
t ait'O, I .ii . li-ij
.1 lava ' 4
Wheat-Club. 93c, hluealein, 11.00;
red Itutislan, U2c,
liny-Timothy. 118; nlfnlfn, I2.
Iluiter Creamery. 2Sc
UgCaudlol, 2c.
l.Kg Candled, lle.
WoolICaterti OroBOti. lCc; Wll
lame;te valley, 16o.
Whetit-Hlueslem, 03o; ohih, g'je;
red HiiMHlnri, S8c.
Ubkh ifip
iiutter- ("ri'iimery, 2jc.
Jl Timothy. 1S p,.r (; Hfufa
113 per ton.
1915 JUNE 1913
grasshopper, and on hards snd !'
fu ftrlds of that dlatrw and Oro! .
irn twiiiK badly damrtl
Kght of th larg rallroHd nutnrtiiK
Chicago havn posted tiutlcoK luud b
the Illinois Vigilante association rn
( Ing Rlrls against rhanco actjualtit
' a flees
A torrnntlal rainfall nhlcih Qnllamt
strnam to overflow and destroy prop'
crty. did damage to the itnl of
IJue.ooe at Huiwrlor. Win
Th nVotttah hom rule bill lias
punted It n.Hond roadltig tn thahou
of ommons at London It follow
ith m change the lli uf iie
lrih hoiu.. rulo bill.
Th'- IdiiWWashliiKton ronventtoti
' of tlic farmers' union, In session nt
.-ipiAune. udoptnd resolutions advocat
Ing a con;reloiial Investigation of
'he jute buxlnos to determine on llin
xisleni e of a lrul. Conarea I ask
d to put grain Ik on thi tariff ftr.t
Memhera of th iMiards of aldnrmmi
I mid supervisor at lieuvt-r Imvo an- j
oouneeu iltttl mey will not relnijb
title to offlcf In favor of the five com
mitoiiers recently nlwctsil. They
I wei ntted for four years, they as
J sert. arid thp recall ha not been In
j voked tigntnst them.
The London Httitidrml nilvlsen Japan
to "no lnw" In Kii Imuu with the
United State. It insert ti,nt ,if,pn:
Mhould deal with Hie iiii.llon na purt
ly n tiiislnuas itiMiter, and that Iih aen
tlinentH or offeuded racial and nation
ul pride should not utilur Into (lie m.
Women letupenince wnrketa hnv
won n fight of iniiii) yenra to noiiulr
full title to tho Temple Millilln(; In the
financial district n Chlmino for the
InirptiHc of ilodWmtlhK Din MltyHurniier
an a monument m .-ni.M willard,
Pcopio In The fiows
Hubert Underwooil Johiiuon Ima re
tired from the ediKimhlp of the (Jen
tury iiin;irritin nt New York, flu Is a
widely known writer.
To attend a nuetliiK of the Lincoln
memorial coiiiiiiIhhIoii', former ru.
dent Taft wllj eonio lo WitHliltiKlnii
June y, for IiIh flral vlhlt tdnc.i he loft
the White llouao.
IfsnWUn It (Unit s rr-.HtM
pre.l'lrnt Of thn Soutli I' . ' !
Bit) ul Vnflntlllotl. H II S 'ereri
cn ymr. it" ' ' "-j
Went f Wetitworth co'.-rf tit
ma, U'nti.
Stephen K. IUIIIel t
teMCed nt New Vork ,r"n
eUht jrpnm In Hlaic Hne ' !'3
thn firmer stnto potmter 11
. . ....
1 Ha ... 1 r 1 . v , 1 . n v r. 2 1 ' ,
it, hi I"1' J i '
101; ntoneruieo oy um " -
Kmmelinn I'ankhur
utfrntto lender rrc
from jail, Is miffrrluK I'
gisilon. Khe In In n
i-otidliloti niut Imr u''r
er re nlnriund for her
A dupoteh Imm NoK.ti'
that litdler Mnn. r '
ailed hi big nlrplnneo"
KUtiUmt (luerrero In (imt'
Ifliialnxl ut n hiditht I'f '
HUHV Ut till) Rlll'll llll'l "
gunner tooli effect
Oovernur Suiter of S
named Mis A111111 Mor. i
lh (llog.itR from that
first Allinrlonll eolifereD'
limurance, tn l held Jti'"
CIiIciiko. Hhe la the daei
lain J. I'. MorKitti.
California In drip of Destru'V P,u
Hftorninetito, Cul. Ci''
Kan llleco on the on,;
coiitily on (ho north 11
tlotiH In In i'i Kill' of
per" and unlenH an Inline'
tnrmlnott enmpnlcti mv'1
la iirnHtiriited by fiit tni r
Kroner,.. (, -fi,v total
firim w crons inny renlt
litat.i 1. ' r!-t '
1) J Is-"
. 111
at lt.1V IW
. .. ..I
H 1"
... J
to ifc
and J 11
, el i".
is in
, mi
I .la.
,. ami
I ff
,.- tt
, , alt d
0 iuH
1 , wo1
holdii u morlKUKti for 1J00 l ;v
plulnl In the 1:111m aliened 1 1 (,
iiiiIh will abandon the "f""r c,,(
tliiK the timber ami Ihul '"''ur' .
ih itnpuipHl. Itilereiil tuiai"
Timber Held fleol t
IIHlMhoro, The I11J11111 1"
Charleii J. Cowiinlnli. nil M""1
aiop the operullon of the U
10 mliuii north of lllllriho'c
by Cowiinlnli. The mill hIiiimI
Mold Ii v Cowiinlnli. and i M " "
ciine troin thu ItiHitiilty cimri.1'
nKitlimt pliil.ulff by one of H" ul'r..
font of tlm mill. At lh" h'''"
wan doolurctl luino and tllitchurK0