Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, June 10, 1913, Image 2

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    Che Cillamook Berald
Issued Cwlcc a Week
Crcmblcv. editor
- Cwcsd.iv and Friday
Notice Closing Strcwm.
Knterod as sivomU-liJ matter Mnv 17. WIMt thiMWoJlco
r" Orvjrvn. under tho act of March 3, !!?..
srnscmrTioN si. so a
JltU'crtlslttn Hale
' ccnl AUvortlenent
I'twt Insertion. per -
Each subsequent lrrtion. lino
. . . 1 Vl...
Timher Claim!" - - 10-w
Notice. rr lino - - -
Cnrtta of thtnk. per Hn - ,
lawnl. w line. rt n.ortkm - .7J j
Each subsequent Ineortlnn, lino
Resolution of Condolence awl
liCKtc nolle, per lino
Hiwin X- Professional etirds.nw-
.06 nutilMv Adverligormmt, per ineh
. . i ii 1.... A A t.mtt I let in
Art on Mumtay ami Thursday
inBs to insure publicntlon in follow
ir Tttdfdny ami Krlilny isuw
Rr:wons are Impomtlv.
SKNTS, Thrtt. WHEUKAS. tho Inte
H.mrd of Ftsh wl t5ae Cmiiuii-stnn-,,4
..f tlm State of Oregon (an well
. !t predecessor, tho Uoanl of Fish
hits propiCtcd nml t',vHl. M,u' l,t,v"
I .ntlm; ml iloklnu tho waters of
Tillamook Hay ami It trllmtnrlos. In
Tillamook County, Mate of Oregon.
. . ... i
M with salmon nsn, ami
i'oo: WHEKEAS. snid Tilhituook Hay aixt
It trilmtniie arc frequented by
A(. II till rth. ami. for tho purpose f pr-
j tfi'tiiiK tho same, tho suld Mute uonru
of Fish ami Game Commissioner has
deckled to close a tributiuy of snhl Til
Utnook Hay. known an HolU!rton
Slouch, above a point on said llo.pinrt-
l)tpttmetit tf The InUrioi.
It S. lMNl)OKIK'Kall''l.Hl1Or
Mar 9, lia
Ulil ll n,v,V
K. i-honiM. of nilm.li. Of."0
it .. ....i.... j 1911. ni !
on ----- .
. v.. for rr
leiM rmrj-, j
S. townehlp 1 S.mth. Rutr Wrt.
WllhntMttM MrWi.n.
..f mtmiiwt to mk
IW, t .wubll.h ihta ' J f"
,U,vedwcrlbl.bfowJ. i M
County lrk of TA
OrRn. at -rilUwu.k CUjr.
ih h Uay of Jun.
i'lalHwat nam"
7oTickTor nmucAiioN.
The Varrn t'onstruction Com(nny
now h forre of men onaed in the
completion of their pnvint: contract
which was left uncompleteil Ut fall.
i r.v...r inmri4tini7 to note tht1 diff
erence in the construction of tho pave-' b,.ot, ; town for the pat few day
. K w mwv hoinir laid ami the I m,i., hurrietl trio to NoAowln, look-
tni Iniil Inst venr. In : ftr hi nmivrtv interest nl that
t'Uli 'iifc mis ' - - r
Mr. James Walton. Jr. one of our
TilhimooW resident who has
.k r.f tilm-.. it -iiiDears Inai more
binding material i beinir used on the
foundation rock, and in retranl to the
we-irins surfac; there is a decided
difference. Instead of a combination
of bitumen and sand beinj: spread over
the streets with rakes like so much
sawdust, as was done last year, an al
together different wearing surface is
beinc put on now. The wearing sur
face that is now being laid is composed
of bitumen and small pieces of toek
such as the contract calls for. Mr.
Roy who has been engaged by the citv
as inspector of the work being done is
looking after his work very thoroughly
anb is insisting that the work be done
according to contract. One does not
not have to be an expert in regard to
street paving to realize and understand
through observation that the work now
being done is altogether different to
that done unJer Engineer Richardson's
management. It eems to us that the
street pavin' v.-,r now being done
place. In a tak with tho Mitor Mr.
Walton said :
"The trip to NeVowin is hard and
rough and is going to bo hard and
nuigh for some time until the roads are
improved. Only until recently has that
section of the Conntv received any con
sideration from the County Court but
the road problem down that wav is ex
ceptionally hard because so much of
the road is improper!' located and tho
Court is properly very reluctant to do
much improving on wads of the cork
screw, up and down kind. Large lr
tions of the road from Cloverdalo to
Neskowin should be correctly located
and this should be done at once before
there is any further building done to
conform to the road as it is no locat
ed. Improvements on roads that must
necessarily be changed arc wasteJ and
the longer an incorrectly located road
is allowed to stand, the harder it is to
have it changed because natu'ally
those who have built their houses and
under Mr. Rov's inspection ought to Kirns convenient to it are discommoded
be evidence in itself that the work done , .vhen the change is made. The Hudson
on Slough tr SI" West ii.013.7 foot from - nw
i.. -.,,,.. In S.wtlnna iom t. ,.....
Ml? -lovwioo .- - ---
'it 21. 25 andM. of Township I South,
Range 10 West, of the tllamotte
Morvdinn this point on said Hoiurt
on Slough being more particularly de
signated by pout eroded by tho Master
Pish Warden warning tho public; aim
also another tributary of said Tilla
mook Hay, known as MU'nl Klvcr
above a iwint wjicro mo couiuy wnijo" f
Miami K'vor jun
last year came far short of being whnt
the contract called for.
rW. C. King returned on Saturday
from Talant, Or., where he has been ;
for some time looking after property
interests. Mr. King reports some of
the Valley town as being somewhat
Qretown cutoff is pretty well along ami
should be finished this summer. This
ia a antnruli'l imnrovement ami i a
niece of work thnt will be of lasting
value because it is correct in location
and grade, a piece of road that the
County can afford to improve because
it is level and direct. Considering that
i i.i i.t.. i,i
dull lust now as a result or me over- . .
. . . , this improvement fr the reason that
Dooming tney nave receiTeu uujihk . . , , ,., ,.
J . it romnved the road from in front nl
past two years. He says mat some oi ...i,i.,.
T. ,. . .L1 thehousesof a number of resident,
ine vaney lowns nave pusneu ininKs , . . ..
. ... .... the Court and esnec allv Mr. Farmer is
too far a ong certain lines, anu inai . . -, . ,
, . i ent t ed to gnat cred't for this piece of
now they have got to slow down and c"uu , . . ' .... .
. ' . . , . .,... work which is going to prove a greit
awow a natural aujuaiiiicni io , , , . . . . , ..,....
n-ii i n-. ... blessing to the reaiJents of the extreme
place, li amook City can congratu- " ' , i .
; . . tt u South of T amook County and those
late herself upon never naving been . ... . . .,,.. f ,,
... trvellini? down there. In spite of the
overhoomea. borne ot U3 nave oeen a - 7 .
..... . . u unfavorable road conditions, the tern
little impatient in times past because u'"a ' .
. ... , ,f , , tory about NeHkowin is building up and
mnrr ailvcrtisinr' baa not ben done for '
TlllmnnV It h.. hn h.ird for u. to 1 a '1 f building is going 00.
.:n .u:i., ...ki..;,. .,un. moreover the cheese factories gener-
nccu Skill woiic uui ucii,iiuuiiiih .y" ii ' ..i , i .
have kept up a bombardment through rePn mote m,lk than l"tn-
advertising schemes including leaflets: More ransnew are coming into the
namnhlets and larr-e disnlav ads in the Little Neatucrn section and given goml
V, .. . roads I confidently exnect to see a
rortiana papers, mere nas ueen, as ,
it were, a continual tooting of horns '" lnflux of Pop'iltion.
all about us, while Tillamook has used
only the ordinary means of letting her
liuht ohin After nil. it spm thnt
our policy has been for the lest. Every '
improvement that Tillamook U nO'.V 1
Friday, Juno 6th.
ll Uilit- , ,x ...
. . , , I c. uun'iieiHon, .fvs. uoyie, it. a,
maKing, anu mere are many of them, Byrne, F. Rebble, A. H. Hlack, Mrs
is jusutiea. tvery building that is Capt. F. Johnson and James Shaw all
being erected is being erected because of Portland; P. E. Myers, J. Mam and
theie is a legitimate demand for the R. H. Alexander of Kansas City ; Hert
earne. grangers who come into our Arrivee, St. Paul; P. Dyrom. C-anbal
ity with a view of investing can read- di ; L. H. S lun-io'. ani wife, Heaver
ily grasp the situation and in conse-' Ed Hallier, Soider Peterson, City,
fl ience investors are rapidly gaining Satur lay, Juno 7th.
mucn connuence in iniumook. Tilla- Tom RooJ. Mrs. Lal'orte, W. D.
mook's present boom is not baaed upon Wendevhill. E. A. Culp, G. W. Turner
nui air lounaation. It haa a genuine- all of Portland: Felix Rnv. SfnhU.r.
Lyle Cramer, Jim
M.i MrFnll.
Horace B. Wwtoo, all
U. F. ItWBV.
T. lsl UkU" J1'"0 l'
ncps.ln.rn! of ll '
U Mrty il. WIS.
NOTI0U hr.hr iv.n
it, in.m i'y'u,s H
oau. for ft. .'..:;.,
iw. mm. mwi. "
I . .' .u,..t.l.. I Nnuin. H"'H -
W.t. WllUtt M-r..ll.n. ta' HW
wtttmlon rrr. i ""' " "
th. tend Khot 1rwriht. Mm J . t
rjMtd Mt
of TilUmook, mwtkri C. IUi. TtlUnH-.V,
ll p, miy.
Pioneer Trn.r
O.L. DICK; jon,
Hio Mime I'fUc IbH.
J. b. KttDY, D.V.
VI. 1 1 pin Alms
t.H , ...
b-. J . Olaus
l)icr t m in it ti.,..
hridiro cro-so said
Iwlow tho Pacific Railway & Navlga
tion Company's railroad bridge crowing
said Miami River, all being In una
moiik County. St4te of Oregon, to pre
vent fishing therein by any mown
whatever, except with hook and lino,
commonly called angling, for salmon
rt.h, during the period of time herein
after specified.
HEREHY 01VEN by said State Hoard
of Fih nd (lame Commissioner that
said tributary of Tillamook Hay, known
as HoUarton Slouch, alnive a point on
said Hoijuarton Slough, ii' 31 el
2,013.7 feet from tho section corner
common to Sections 23, 2i. 25 ami 2f.
of Township 1 South, Range 10 West,
of the Willamette Mcrodlan -this point
on said Hopjarton Slough being more
nar ticulnrlv designated by post erect
ed by the Master Fish W union warning
the public, is hereby closed to (lulling
of any kind for salmon fish, except
with hook and line, commonly called
angling, from and after July It, 1113.
until on and after October 15, 1913; ami
that the tributary of said Tillamook
Hay. known as the Miami River, above
a point where a county wagon bridge
crosses said Miami Rivor just below
the Pacific Railway & Navigation Com
pany's railroad bridge crossing said
Miami River, is hereby closo.l to fUh
ing of any kind for salmon fih. except
with ho .k ami line, commonly called
angling, from and after July It, 1913,
until said tributary it opened again to
salmon fishing, as provided for ureter
Section 6316 of Ixni' Oregon Laws;
and it ia and will be unlawful to Ash
for, or take, or catch any salmon fish
by any means whatever, except with
hook and line, commonly called ang-
lintr. in anv of said waters during the
said periods of time above specified.
Any and all persons whomioever so
fishing in violation of this notice will
be prosecuted as by law provided.
Chairman 1 Con.tituting
DUNCAN ' State Hoard
Secretary of
STONE , Msh ami .am
Norici! I'ou ih;iii.icaton.
ness anout it that gives us much cour-
.age tor the future.
Cramer. Bjaver:
A. C. Alexander. Hav Cltv. P. H.
, Schorr, Kansas City; Carl White, H.
. j . . . , f Will I f lltbUf IJ(
unttOJlAit LMUKLfl. I '
aunuay, june, bin
On Sunday morning a large number
of our people gathered .it the Christian
Church to do honor to the graduating
class of 1913 and listen to the bacca
laureate uerrnon delivered by Rev.D.A.
MacKenzie. H. I)., pastor of the I'res
byterian Church.
The subject of Or. MacKenzie's
dress was "The
contended that
Price of Success."
S. P. Strang. E. IS. White. F. A.
Voertwan, R. I). Cru'ckshank, F. P.
Pyle, Edward Barrett, C. Harrett,
all of Portland; Roy Brinner, New
berg;0. B.. Parker, Carl White of Mc
Minnviile; J. A. Jensen, C. V. Palmer,
Monday, June 9th.
Frank Woodward, S. Phillips, Torn
Rood, W. Pool, B. McFrait, B. S. 0'-
iJt:intJii nfiiiiiiii i a r n tii r nivi i . r .
ft.1( ; ut . 4 uii ren mi or rortiand: J.
iu luvwiiuuicorsna is ui lit-; rkwMrxi RmU.m n v
iu jor un-j men bend every energy in i Seattle,
tllB Onil ill rint inn 1 1 ...... 1. 1 . 1 . . I
houd not b measured by position or'nR CIIRF AI I CUkUrvc
by dollars, but rather ,v pfTn. f..,iUK'LUKt ALL CHANGES
.l-.. ' . .. : ' i
me man wno uui the best
under the cirenrnKtarie(s
he could i
was Indi'i-d
m r i . . .
mutivunzie pui particular stress upon
the necessity of spiritual tfiiidanco
mrougn life, stating that without that
bpiritual Buidanco wo were like a ship
wuuuuk a puot.
Or. MacKenzie is a profound thinker
and his address whs indeed an inspira
tion to all who hear! hlrn.
Flowing uro the names of those
vho aro members of this year's gradu
ating class; Ruth M. Burge, Helen M
Heals, Flora 0. Edgar, Gertrude N.
Schlappi, Hlumiho Lucas, Wilina Cos
ier, John Kbiiifjer and Paul Edgar. I
Owintr to vorv urtutt himlnuu n.
Cure All has had to change the date of
nis coming to inursday evening, June
12, at 8 o'clock.
Be sure to come and hear this com
ical dialogue. To see tho tallest
woman in thu world is worth lCc alone,
Come and enjoy a hearty laugh.
Thursday evening, June 12, 8 o'clock,
ut tho Academy Hall.
Nazerene Meetiagi.
Services Tuesday and Friday evim.
ings, Sundays at 3 and 8 p. rn.
Department ut flic Interior.
II. S. LAND OFFICE at PoftUo-l. Ore
April I7lh. lll
NOTICE U hereby glvon tlwt
Chester C. Shaw, whwn poat oltle J"
dross is euro of Shaw tW lUnllr
Cu lHirtland. Oregon, did. the 36th
day ot April. 11S. ln In thi er
Sworn Statement and .pleitka. No.
oau'Ji, to purcha" th S. W. i of S. V.
J, Section .U. Towrwhip I South,
Range S Wyt, Wlllainott MerWUn.
and the limlwr thcrron, umlar th pro
visions of the art of Jutvo a. 1S7?. nl
Acts atncmlatory. known th
"TlmUir ami Ston Law." at wwb
value ji might hr fhol by apraUflltiont.
arwl that, pursuant to uen Application,
tho land ami tlmtKr lhron hao Kron
nppralnwl. the tlmbor rtlttMtil a.f
boanl foot at 76 conti for M. anu the
land i-10 ; that tnld applicant will otIr
final proof in nupporl of hi application
ami sworn titmnt on tho Soon lb
(ri?l1LlSIKM I
llrpjiflmrot of Tb Inlfflor.
U. . I.ANH OFr'tfKal 1'artlatMl. dir.
May 17. VAX
VnTlCKU Wtnb cti that CIro
C, WtlmnU f Ulaln. llrifrn. , on!
Jannary W. 101. ,uuio HMt'"
Entry. No. OBSKl. ff N S l-M I
and SW, NKJ, -Wtu-i SJ. Tthip 3
SoulK Haw SWoot. Wllliatitrtt Mrr
ttiun. h AM n-iw" f ilotMn
al KWICoiHmoUltsHi frif. to
Ubhh elatm t tlte land b-.v !-'
tribal. bfoi J. C. IIoMoh, tVwnty
rv.t. 'nltmixr. tV. Orrk-lKl. at
v..T. " ' , . . . -. . - - -
Till-nV. Otion. w the 3Un Uay
Juo. 19V4
l'rlT K. Coulo.
HlUa I). Mxte.
AlWrt Down,
Htmty l)al, H of HUloe, Orcfc'tm.
II. F. ItlOHV,
T. Ll Jun 17.
day of July, 19!, before the ltfltr j jj ,,erns i.xtom land with IrtitWInc.
and rocoivor of th United ijUls Unl j i eot. and Ikm. wiU from ln.
Oillce, l I'ortlaml, Oregon. t price II, M"). Hrurml tr 9 rttm Ihii-
Any x-rioo is at liberty l prolt ' m, iapitn- it. l crr of lnJ, 1
acre borrlm, near (tic new dpt pru
thu purchaic (wfoio entry, or tmtlato
a .-ontost at any Um ti.-fi.rs .alrnt
llaurs. b) filing a -iirr'l.ratr. al!tlav it
J in thia ofllee. alleging facta which
! would dcfral the entry
T ;ilgtcr.
J. F.
B. E.
C. F.
M. J
Fiih- bunv nrar town, U rfrtn
iwiuno with i acrr of land. aifo r
hrd, i arm brri-, prire ttf1.
Acreage in .r-.- t auit ttcc tho own
' or A l'!akrr
Atlorntt ,4t.l .J
- -
OppoiiU CtUi
i ll n m ! i . .
I I & .-J I IUlfI ft llll'UI I
I'l.il. fv,. U' i . I b..
I . . .
r uni tkiuno)
M A'la t WhfUl
.j w i.i,i,.iiiu in.vi
lUldmook lluild
ll( A I) t'l'HMSa
1 9 K..
Off.c ib iu 6
All Wwl (ei.'4L
Attorney it Uw
Office In lomnwrtUl
a W m f ll
m m m ' - -
nn v . j .....
f tho Ual iralrrialii
mo worm
'. form Mr....'!.. . 11..
1 tlimilplimtt m.,1. I...... .
.lei I i. '""TTTlrt
J V saves hdi your I oti Liii.
): TTie Great and Grand
Ma ireiPKM
Malkable jndCurcaa Iron.
cat acrviM, making tho ifaiiafio lu
U-?t lun you can huy ri-rardliM ,,(
pneo. lliat'awliyfifirmollicruianu
latlurta try tu LtnJuia it.
roa mix arr
t a .in iiiindii ot . in
Coined Establish
Yourself at
Nehalem Harbor Co.
Will m
inen wi
catc in T
1)0 SC't'llfi.fl
uke special inducements to
th families who will lo-
idciiccs or for hiiHtncKH iHuhUnp4 win
sonablc nnccH ami on cHy tennj.
The NefiW i Hafco
' -wVA
.t nfflcci
TIIU'i 0 "
twice ach wtekv