Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, June 03, 1913, Image 4

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g Out of B
Haviim sold the fixtures and some of the stock to A. II. Harris, we still have a la rue stock .of high j-rad,
Watches, Jewclrv, etc., which we are compelled to close out at retail, i ne iimaiiiuu m mock w,
have is all the llUh Grade Goods this well koown Firm carried in stock. As we are anxious to wind u;
our atlairs in a few days we will sell everything for whatever it will bring regardless ot cost.
Everything will be sold Wholesale and Retail. Merchants are especially requested to take advantage of this sale, as we do not expect
goods to bring 50 per cent of the Wholesale Cost
vr wiii. ki.i. k VRIOVTHIW, NOTHING R I-SI5K Yl'A Iticluilitiir all of the HmischoM 1'urmiiirc, cousisiins: Chairs, Publcs, Metis. I'icltirctf, Kukh. Dinlicn Oa
0 ft. and S ft. Show Case, Diamonds. Watches, everythtni; in Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks, ete. For example. lollowitiK are a tew of the lmiK"i" I" lc (mil while tlicy l.itj
SJ8.00 $ 1.00 to $L0( Cold Stick Pins - 50c 1 S 1-7 Kuger Hrus. Knives-Forks $1.60 $:Urt Huiks $1.2
7.00 :?.00to ;..()() Vest Chains . $f.20 $ 'J.f0 Hit: Men Alarm Clocks . Blc uw aierman or i anu-r num.
5.00 :0e CntT Pins .... J5C 1.00 Ahum Clocks - - 20c tain Peas - - . 2.2S
- 65c $:i 00 to S-kiH) I.adks Lockets - J. 35 1".00 Uin.vjs .... -1.50 -' 00 li'Jk Cold Mounted Comli Sfrl
50c 2.00 to o.oO Neck Chains - 90c ti.OO Kinus .... 1.75 ! 17 Jewel Hamilton Watehen 7.C
$4-0.00 Watches .
20.00 Watches -
12.50 Watches -2.00
Gold Cuff Links
1.00 to SI. 25 Cuff Links
Hundreds of Articles, too Numerous to Mention in this Space, at Prices Proportionately as Low.
Sale Begins Thursday, 9 A. M., June 5
at the Wahlen Jewelry Co.'s old stand. As we must vacate this store in a few days we will make quick work of disposing of this large!
stock. Wc suggest that you come early, as the prices we marked the goods at will start something when the doors open
at 9 A. M. Thursday, June 5th
We Also Wish to Mention that We Have a Large Stock of Watch and Jewelry Material to Dispose of, so Ouring the
Time of the Sale, to Move This We Will Do Watch Work at the Following Prices:
Jewels, any kind
Main Springs, any kind
Ratchet Springs, auv k ind
Balance Staffs
Watch t'dasses
tild Watch IIown
Hands, e.ich
From Enterprise:
Atwrt 60,000 feet of lumber will be
used in the new plank road now build
ins across the sand spit below Croon's
Dork from Nehalem Bay to the ocean
beach. The lumber is bein : furnished
by the county but the labor of putting
it down will be done by resort owners
alnntf the N'ehalsm beach who have
volunteered their services to do this
part of the job free of charge. They
intend to build a big floating dock in
the bay so that all launches will have a
Kood place to land. It is no doubt the
intention of the resort owners to di
vert the beach traffic as much a3 possi
ble ovar the new ruute, but it remains
to be seen if the chanc-' will prove to
be mjre satisfactory than by suing via
N'ehalem City as ha3 been done hereto
fore. It is worth trying, however,
frnm fViplr rWiint nf
tN ., ... ; ready been put up and the hill excav-
a new qock on nis property at upper ,
town, which will be built at once. He
penJint up-n boat service to make train
connections at Wheeler and unless some
definite action is taken soon it will be
utterly impossible fur the Juneta to
make her regular run owing to the ex
treme low tides in June, which was
also the case upon several occasions
laat year. It is to IA hoped, how
ever, that the Nehalcm t'ort Commis
sion will succeed in getting a dredge
before July and thus to be able tn do
some effective harltor improvement
work within the course of two or
three weeks at moat.
Supervisor Thompson and crew have
been busily engaged during the past
two weeks in moving the rock crusher
from its former location on the North
Fork road about a mile from its junc
tion with the road leading to Mohler,
to Coal Creek where they have found a
big ledge of suitable rock for road
building purposes. The bins have al-
also intends to put up a moderh store
building on his property adjoining Al-1-erf
Crawford's tract in the near fu
ture in anticipation of increasing busi
ness to keep pace with the rapid
growth of this vallev. The location i3
a most desirable one, it being directly
on the county road which makes it po
sible for teams to drive up to the store.
The docking facilities too are most de
sirable and will permit boats of any
size that may enter this bay to land
safely at his dock as the depth of water
is sufficient to accomodate them at any
stag of 'he tide. It goes without
saying that the change will be benefi
cial to all concerned and especially to
Mr. ISoyakin who has been at a slight
disadvantage in his present location,
owing to the fact that his place of bu
ifiess is not located directly on the road.
ith this feature eliminated it is an
assured fact that the voiutne of Dust
iness will increase rapidly in the near
The channel between Nehalem t-jty
and Wheeler opposite '1 odd's point is
becoming a source of considerable an
noyance to launch owneis who operate
between these places owing to the diffi
culty of getting over the shallow placos
at extreme low tide, and st?H have
been taken to secure u dredge to re
move these obstructions to bout traffic.
Word was received from Major Mclndo
of Portland who is in charge of this
district to the effect that a dredge
so as to give ample room for load
ing wagons. The dirt has also been
! removed from the rock so as to give
them enough material to begin operat-
j ing the cruihcr as soon as the roads
' are in condition to withstand the heavy
wear incident to rock hauling. Mr.
Thompson had twenty teams at work
during the good weather of last week
ami was jugt getting his work lined up
in good shape when the rainy weather
again interfered with his plans. Dep
uty Supervisor Garry had eight teams
at work hauling gravel from Neahkanie
mountain to put on the road between
N'ehalem City and thu beach. They
were making splendid progress and
would have finished graveling this
piece of road at the end of two weeks
if their plans had not been fiustrated
by unfavorable weather conditions
which put a temporory halt on all act
ivities. It is time, however, that the
weather would become more settled
soon an'l enable) them to prosecute the
work more vigorously. Supervisor
Thompson has also been informed by
Atternoy-Guneral Crawford that a I
public work after June '.i will come
under the eight hour law bo that ho
can onlv work his cruwH for that length
of time after that date. It is now up
to the county court to decido whether
or not the present wagu scale will pre
vail in road work for teams and men
under the eight hour law, but it Is
quite probable that no reduction will
be made, however, since the wages are
not overly high when compared to
other lines of work. Their deeisii n
Mesdamei Stone and Jenson spent n
few dnys visiting friend. near I'ncitlc
City, the first of the week.
Mrs. E. P. Mills made a tlyinlf trip
to Sandlake Monday, returning the
next dav. She was accompanied by
Mrs. Virgil Magarrcll and Delia Mills.
Mr. Louis the cheese maker ut Hap
py Hend, is n happy man a hi wife
and son have just arrived from New
York. Mr. Iuis has not seen his
family for a year or two.
Miss Stone has left the Houlder din-
I trict. She left last Thursday morning.
She expects to attend school at Corval
lis for a while.
Wilbur llooth brought his wife and
children up to Maine to visit with Mr.
Booth's mother Mrs. Smith.
Tom Blackburn and family went to
Heaver Sunday, They had to camp for
a while on ' the road as one of their
horses got very sick. However, it got
better and they made their trip all
could not be secured until some time in I will be uwahoi with greut interest by
July. This is u rank injustice to our those unguged in road work for the
I ort in oiv opinion us we are solely de- county.
From Courier.
I). A. Hailey has his large new barn
well under way.
Joe Stitrunassl, of Kstella Falls, was
in town Thursday.
Frank Owens Is enlarging his barn.
Archi- Gist and family are spending'
the week at Hay City.
County Surveyor Jackson anil wife
were Cloverdale visitors .Sunday.
Mrs. J. M. Weiss and sons Fred and
Henry autoed to'Tlllamook KatiiriJny
Mrs. Klbert Worthington and sister
Edna were Tillamook visitors Wednes
day. Dr. George has the roof on hts now
house and is doing some of the interior
Roy Estabrook, of Portland, is visit
ing in Cloverdale this week.
J. C. Foster is busy these daVH got
ting gravel and sand for the concrete
basement of his new home,
Mrs, Frank Taylor and daughter
Krrnu returned homo Saturday from
their visit to Portland undTucomu.
We removed o osirnew quarter in tSie
lieu hunk lia aiding;. Come in and wee
iim. We wih to thanik all our patroiut
anil friends for the help they have given
us in making, our store a siieeess. We
thank vou again ami hope to see you in
our new plaee of huttine.
Tillamook Drug: Store
Koch & Hill, Props.
E. E. KOCH, Ph. G.
Phones: Bell and Mutun'l; Mftin one.
Sntisfiiction GimntnLccd. Money back iConch not. mtisfuctory
Tillamook, Ore.
GO Gold Ilond 'J railing Stamps given
with every cash subscription to the
Dr. Jack Olson
Office Hours from 9 11. in. to 5 p. in.
Over F. t. BeaU' Renl Ettate Offic
. , lioth Phones.
Allomcy 4l Lw iul,'NHry ft"
Tillamook, Oreg
50 Gold Bond Trading Staiaj
WitSi Every Cash Subscription to the