Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, June 03, 1913, Image 2

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    Cbe tillasiiook fierald
C. 6. Cromblcy, Editor
1micU Cwicc a tUcck
Cucm1.iv and Frldav
Etml as aes-ond-eWai matter May 17. WU. si the i pot oillcs at .niwiww,
turn act 01 mwb , i-.j"-
Oregon, under
ElftttotttUlna Hat
Legal Advertte:niit
First Irjstrtv-w. per Hwe - i
Each tib-tiaeit insertion, lint
Ho-nestoa i ttice
Tito ber Claim ...
Notice, ucr line ...
Card of thank, per Hne
Locate, er line, Bm irwwtkm
Each subsequent insertion, line
Resolutions of t ondolenc and
Lodye nottc. per '
thisine A Professional card,rmv
Display Advertisement, per inch
AM. rnla Ad mutt be in this
fW on Monday and Thursday Mvr
tnM to insure publication in follow
tsit Tuesday and Friday wuw
Reasons are Imperative.
of 1
Root Paint
Lime : Brick
Drain Tile
LA 31 K -SCH R A DISK ( : 31 13 A N Y
Docks and Warehouse Front M between 2d and M Ave. Wot
wm r.niry, N), 0,1241 .
i i.r U.1 i.r NUI ... i . ..
t It'll .1. tllWIuhui I !L,(L ,.'
n.ii...... ..' . H
iiiMumviici .iirri.ii.ti l..
Ul IIH.'MIUMI l.j ... .
henartiiirnt of the Interior
' ' . ... ..... ' t..u.t i i.. . .
II. H. I .and OMlw l rmimiBi. I'rrgun, j '- tum
N0T1CK I htfroby (.-"en Uiat CVunty Clerk f TilUi
t Ha ft ' fl.-.J.l.. -I 'till,
In Roger, of Route N 1. rt. v ni uv flly,
niUw.wV. tHegwr.. wlm. w Drl.ih'rjtli-Wthilny. f J., ,
marie llMrwetoml Pntry. No, i-uimwih n.., , v,
II. 1911.
I 8., It S
TUESDAY. U'NE 3. 191 a.
It t remtrkabl the 4!iunt o cfmsw ! doubt ' ow tbt they will P thm
that te growinsr Kaf te side of our f-fo rably.
streets. It eems to u that if the. Word is expected here with n th
pre? that is rowtn aKo wea Mt, few dayt that y, bond hc
oi oor street couM be converted rU b(tg forwurtfed hr fur signatare ty
n ilk our c'ty mieht add 9trtt. thw- tbe pfwt and areUry of the tVrt
and dollar! t its ineome everv year. CommiastoB. whteh is the lat act n.
while it would not be pmrtieal to allow ; to here to complete our
cow to rxm on the streets, it seems : af wor-
to us that much of the bar that is now
.tit ild be gathered at a I There is of necessity, a lanrt am.u:t
nroflt to the citv. , f P followed
. , boixk of this magnitude
Those of our cititens wb' are ets
deavorinc to keep up and beautify
their lawns and parkways about their
property, find it rather annoying to
have cattle trample over the same. An
endeavor should be made by inoae who fe mRitetj hrrv Morv
drive cattle throuf a the streets u see
to it that the cattle sre kept off the
lawn? and parkway. If this cannot
be done the council should pa.? an or 1
inance restrictinir cattle to certain
street?. It iems to u that ihi i a
matter that can be adjusted verv easily.
There is sorae talk of the L'nited
Brethern, the Presbyterian and the
Methodist church societies of this city
joining forces in the construction of a
new church aac. .toer u-ork which they
may have in hani for the benefit of. the
city, morally. This matter was dis
cussed to some extent lat nitrht at a
meetin? which was held at the Metho
dist Church and which wa attended
by members of the ditlerent churches.
While there seemed to be a unani
mous de-ire oa the part of thoje at the
meeting for church union, however,
when the matter was looked into a
multitude of obstacles appeared ir
view. While no doubt many of these
obstacles can be overcome, it seems
that much thought and consider it; .
will be necessary if a successful union
is consumated. Sonst of the serines
obsticles in the way is the manipulat
in? of church property of the different
denominations and the seenrint; of a
suitable preacher. Another thinv to
take into consideration is the fact Uuu
if a proper union is obtained there
must be an unanimous coreat on tae '
part of all or nearly all of the metabers 1
of all the enureses joining. A onion
of the chu.-eht-s will be a fine thiaan4
we &:t fast cvming to that point.
However, to sat the least it seeoss as
though we had a pretty bi? job on oer
in dnat-ii
and we srr
also unfavorably locl in relate
with the booti buyers. The legal ti des
to be decided are many and t! r
rejruiar procew of transmission through
th .-: ail is slow and tedious. It tikes
about twelve days from the tiro
This has caused considerable ael .s
in facilitating matters, but no false
moves have been made to delay the
bond isu. Plans for the work are
being cot out by the tfoveroment
ineerins; office and it will not take
long, after the real si:ninK of tfte
bonds, for the contractors to get into
action. And we are rapidly drawing
to the da of oar cherished realisation.
m m
rr v . . wru
hii i ill if rrr lrii vrvtrninr
i . mm
Al iH- rtt lull fr? i
r'Mf'ui ll It u V'l.j'
Lj li..tuatcvl with Vt tt!
11 M!'!S
c - .ail
Standard Hand
Separator Oil
5!HXI.l!' pfCiVMtvi f.r ctcv
;-irtt v ' J b dc.ii.
cvcrjwhcfe .nd the
W.I. for M . !. ft, T
iw.. mviNKi. meiawi. wvimvi.
! S tii M. Township I tUuth. Hwnsjw 8
Vnt. Willamoite MurMdan. hi ftlwl
L.-lu c of iiiteoilon to make n.l Com'
iiiatnlu'ti lTtiBf, wttablMh In
hf U'kI Ui lrerHd, bflfnro J, l...
H Men. I i.untv t'lerV of Tlllawowk
, . . Oregon, si TilU won, Otuti,
' .- i nt. dy of July. 1011.
I la ant nstMO At n'4UHMt:
I a Kim.
U. 1 Msrliny,
y iwsr l lUrtenhmtl,
r r, . Smith, all f 11llaliv4xV4
II. K. HlKtsy.
rtiuttiH l m i
ltM J. Mrl fl. ,
lti M?r'IU.
Horsso K, Wrl
T. I.asl U.uo Ji
ll it T
ii i' ...
' ' ' I 'I Ii,
Department ul ti,.i..
Prpartmc at of Tf-.r Inlrrtor.
NOTICt: i. i
Clmter(. hhs
ilrvm U cr '
con n : ' i
OO th- frH- ... . .ih w!..-u! f;
In ihr i'i '.r.i i-.1 'i' i ici
a Jut of 10 cent a buhrl whi
heat flour is free of duty It a!o
i 1 c tr 1'gr ( ui'g "Uf wslrr
vtrm fr r i - 1 - i.-..rip
trh'.n t'-e rt f Ju"-r i-harvfr of
per month or n tr year if paid
in lrxr will ho made. All outside i
I SiomCI5.l IS.rtlan.1. Ofr.
V 'TU'r" i horby giron that (U rV
"mot. of HUlnc, Oregon, iv. or.
jn 1018, inado Jlotnplid
tn N. iKSSBa, for S' SWJ jtKl NW
1 t S'KJ. -icetlun Xi. Towfuhlp 3
ith. Itange S Wct. U'lllUmc tin Mer
..i.... w. AIMl miu. l i i .. r ..... i .. ' 11, t . I . ul t . ... k ... ...
make Unal ITamniMtatkMI rrMf. to , appfaUcl. the In. rtl
tahluh elalm to the UihI a I rye do, t board frl nt 7 ' t I V,
ertl.t.1 lr,.f J ( IIuLUh (hihIv ' lout ttO lliat as ! o -.. .
.. ------ -. -- . , - - - - - - -
iU,, Portland, "et.
day of April. '.'
Hworn Mtatrms a
WlM, to purrhsir
I. Section & t
ml the timber the
VltlMU of Ihv a. t
art aH1nh.lat.fi
rimbor a'xl
V.tllrt am M.I..I.I I - r a. I ..
4 .
111 .
r . ...
W i
" I
aa reported that (be committee nrob faneeu not paid for must bo paid far
or they will bo" plucrwd.
By order of Water Coaiml.,ion.
President Has Tariff Situation!
Well in Hand Severely
Scores Lobby.
ably would recommend removal of
the 10 per cent duty on cattle, sheep,
and hues In conformity to the fro Its
In of all fresh menu In the Under j
wood bill.
Patent Monopoly Hit. ,
The soalle4 "patent monopoly-.' The wonderful Ur. Curo All. who
irhlcb threatened to prevent cut J promises a ' pontive and totly remniy
far nil ilk) to which rleih belr" will
have hu otSlcc hours from S In i In tho
Saturday Ma,- 31st.
Alex. Harley, F, Tiifeny. A. W.
Rose, E. E. Rose, M. S. Burnes, P. T.
Harvy and J. II. MoorebouM of Port
land ; H. S. Brimhall, H. L. Sim-on.
P.. L. Bills. D. Stephenson, J. G. Neil
o: (.anbakli : Walter D. Wood, A. D.
Ash, Eli Puts. L. M. Milke, Carl
White, of Bay City; P. M. Callen. S.
R. McFall, City.
Sunday June 1st.
J. A. LaFlambov, 8. A Ullfer-, 0.
C Voyler, H. W. TohU P. A. Emery,
J. A. Robinaon, W. J. Bonn, V. C.
Seh.-oeder, C. C. Christeruen, W, M.
Thompson, A. Greabam P. fJllfers, A.
J. EfTenberger. of Nehalem; W. J.
Loius, and C. A. Smith of Ckvwdsle ;
D. O'Uonnell and wife. Tom Rood, J.
B. Lippshod. A. D, Sickafm, J. Alz
heimer, A. K. Thomson and W. J. Con
nor of Port la id : John Wiuiin and Hohn
Your? of Sand Lake.
M jnday June 2nd.
John H. Red wine, L. W. MtxyJy, V.
A. Benard, H. Rosenblatt. C. H. Soott,
I. H. Syroouie, L. Ll. Moreltnd and E.
P. Stewart of Portland; .Nellie Hoi
comb, of Clover Jale ; A. P.. McBerney,
Uty; A. 1J. Heater, Sheridan; H. i
Hendrick ar,d wife, Los AnKolea, Cal. :j
M. J. Gersoni, .S'ehalem ; W. B.
Staines, Rock-away and Dave Clark,
tif Rockaway: E. Waitt-r. C. H.
Sheetcr and D. E, Rhodes, of Wilta-rnina.
From Bay City Examiner: The Port
Commission received a telegram early
this week that the pipers and certifi
cates., completing the requirements for
the port bund Issue, lind been received
and are satisfactory. Tho doeu.
munts in the matter will have to go to
New York for examination by tht at
torneys of the bank, but there is no
Wasttngtci. !rs. d' at Wtlsoc
seems to have the unit situation well
la Bund. aotK bounding repesited
mumarlngs amog western democrat
tc senators, who have it is their power
to force material change ta the Co
derwood b.U, and ante there i a
charge of heturt at the White Koanc,
the tarUf law iil k sigosed ia snb
staatiajiy the shape Is which it left
the house.
From time to time there is epecalsy
tioa as to what might happen ii few
western demoerau senators. rtpr
senting vooi and a agar growins utee,
tbould jota Sth the Unlstana sec
tors sad form a coabteation to defeat
the sugar and oo. irorijm of th
Underwood bill. Up to dat It hat
been Impossible to indue-: any of lh
Moatora - ho have r.iwed ia tali pe
clatton to declare themaelvai publicJr
on the bUL and their timidity leads to
thfc coacloaiott that they will content
taeme!-; by eipresatng their diaap
prwvsj ot free wool and free sesar. as4
tU than vote lor the bill
LsebyiUs Scored.
President WUsou stirred Cosgrst
ti tonal circles with an emphatic t Late
nt -t denouncu.g the "icdustrious
and inaldiotts" lobby in Waahington.
attempting to create public sentlmeat
against certain teature of the Tnder
wood uriff bill. This was accepts
at ti capitoi as re-temug to the uuaa
t:ai tl.'cru being made against free
raw wool and free rogar.
Wh.Je th president was declaring
that Ui public should be relieved
"from the Intolerable burden," Sen
ators and Representatives were view
ing on every hand the evidences of
the lobbyists, and significance was at
tached to a statement by Secretary
Slir.monb, chairman of the finance
committee, that in bis opinion the lob
byists were not making any headway.
Inquiry Into Lobby Urged by Senators
President Wilson's charge that an
"Insidious lobby" U t work In Wash
ington In behalf of changes In the tar
iff bill was brought to the formal no
tice of the senate through a resoluiloa
uy nenaior cummins demanding an
Immediate Investigation Uv a commit
tee of five senators to determine the
identity of all persons who had made
any. efforts to present arguments or
bring Influence to bear In favor of
changes In the tariff law, A similar
resolution waa Introduced in the house
of representatives.
Wheat to Co on Free List
Following the statement by Senatoi
Williams, of the finance subcommit
tee. wh:ob has the agricultural sched
ule under waaldenulon, that the duty
a llves'oig and thidr products and
'" -r products would be
i reported that the
by retailers In all patented article
on the market was destroyed by de
cisions of the supreme court of the
Cnitwl States. The court held l)ut
ok .,r ot patents do not receive the
r.fcht by the patent law to control the
pr.ee at hicb retailers must sell to
consumers. The dec Is ten la word ap
plied only to a nerve tonic for wefc-h
a patent bad been hwued, bat ill con
iro! ail patented articles sold under
reatrlctions not to retell at cut rate
Safety rasor. talking machine and
thousands ot other patented articles
are affected by the decision
Naticxul CiplMl Dravltlet.
Prtdat Wilson has dictated Into
a talking machine a long apeech that
Kill be grosutd oat to SI tribe of In
dians on H reaenariotia on the or
soon to be made by Dr Joseph l: ion,
of PhUadelnfaia, and Major McLa ;h
Kmola'.lng her precedent breaking
husband. Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, wife
of the president addreeeed the wifes
of the aenbers of congrtas at Kaa
Cher's Hall Tneeday ob the net!ou
of WasoUtcm slr-s.
Senator Simmon: ehinBa of tbe
senate finance ccmmltte. w le potdjc
a llsf of 2f oaeettoos reiath.g to the
tariff prepared by majority member
:t it coar. mitts which wtll be en:
o aangfgc jrrrs of the com'ry
rii.jatt '.'.' . naam made estesnl-
J'os. t Se.j-tor Chamherlala
befcre th i t trrttor:s commit'
tot sr. . .: hi uswarrantetl
'i & t.-.ttr .'fejrr;rlft)a had
...id a :-okd Aji'a ralird
Hall, Sunday aftornooti
Clerk of TlllaiitwV Co.. Oregon.
TllUmook. Oregon, oa the, 30th dy
Juno, 1013.
Claimant misr.i vrticaoi ;
Perly K. Couhon.
SI la. t). Mire.
Albert Ilewn,
Henry tai, all of lllalrte, Orgtn.
II. P. lllfiHY.
T, It Use June IT.
June loth.
fhi wondwrfnl chance of iacllal ad
vice for one day only.
He will come to be present at the t V. S,
Commencement KxercUcui of tlw icho.il i May '), 1913.
but will ftwl time to lUtcn to your eae . NOT1CF. I. hereby given thst Mary
you only atterwl. Ihin't fall tn bo ' It. Thornan. of TlIUnwk, Oregon. lto.
Department cf The Interior.
LAND oKI'lt'Kat PurllarMl. Ore.
.i .. i ... . . .
nnai ur.Mii in sun:. .1 .
ami morn tieie i a jj
day of July. I VI ', . ' re iu
OfDee, at Portia- ' 'eg ?
Any wf'.n . .if v
thla pttrehaae tt e c 'ff u
a conical at ' . ' e u'uy
i . . u . . . .. . . . . , ...
". 'T ni'-iE rs
Ill thl olllre. a . c f fjcS
waukl Uefeat the t "
present. AdmiMton IV.
It aere lotl. i
1 Cow t. ah.1 Ivrir
price H.VO tr
galo ltl bat.e '
acre lcrrlr. fveat
noal. Pine 1. mr
house Willi ti ifri
CfinfJ. aei Tf r,
.crege in pf i -e I . '
'on OeemtK-r 2M. 1911. male Home 1 ef A. I'la.krr
i j rr. if
t t 31
Da wir nun unser ernt Klaas 8per.gl3r $
and Plomber Geschaeft in d alte I. O. .
O.K.BuiIdung nun gogenuebvr Arson's
Blacksmith Shop stohond versetzt'
halx-n, nehmen wir una din Fraihelt '
Ihnen da von Mitteilung zu inarhn.
una 3ie zu ersuchen. una mil Ihrn
werten Auftrugen zu beehren.
Uetuezt auf gute ech.ief U erfahr-
ung, so wie auf unnere gute Kuntnisso
wiiion wjr rij veriichern.
'fas wir alle Auftraege naeh Ihrern
Wunchand zu vollkommenor Cufriwlun.
heit nach rnaesigen Preisen ausfuehrun I
Wie '., B. Pumpen. Wa&serleitungen,
I.uftheitzunger, .Milch und Wasserbe-
V.cl,..w '.. ..II I. i rtl i t
,uii miuriei niecnaroeilen, so
wie Autornobil und Velo Reperaturen
und bagefcilen, etc.
tM ist unser elfriger Wunsch, rnit all
den werten I.andsleuten, Schweitzern
und Deutschen hier in Tillumook und
Urngcbung bekant zu werden.
Inzwischen emplehlen wir uns Ihrem
geelgneten Wohlwollen mlt Achtung
und Ergelenhelt.
Tillamook Sheet Metal Works.
yffv Kr-Mf. Ik,' !,,M
Aim. ll fail iFs;"" '''
Corraeiimi Establish
Yourself at
The Nehalem Harbor Co.
will make special inducements to
men with families who will lo
cate in WHKELER.
i'M'tTty for ri'siik'iK'fs or
lie sixMircfj ni rensoiwililc ,
for lii.siiicss l)iiil(lins can
"I'L Hfl 0n terms.
The Nehalem Hatbot
F. A. JACKSON. S.crUry Wheefef, OlCgOIl
ittA run... til P.il inS
""mm viiiwii i j
Till , ook Offltei lrr. K-i