GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL VISITS TILLAMOOK. Dairy ami Fod Cumtykmr MlcVh wn Uw flrt .roKr to l introduced. Ho dwsdt to ow extent wpon the lf. U Scribner. t( the l is Hu- rcmi of Animal Industry, Dairy niiion. nd J IX Maklc. Orrcwti Dairy ami Food Commissioner. .... f , i.u -.1 l the tmin bv the trident ot , T'. 'T the Tillamook Couiutetvtal Chili nnl Tillamook Development Lea true. In the evenine the Gentlemen w entertained at a banquet by a number of members of the Com mercial Out-, when covers were laid lor JO at the Ramsey Hons-e. The Iwnquet w.- nenred in fine st le and the management of the li.tmaey House deserve, jrreat credit for their eflort in catering to the public in thi- respect. After the bannuet the party met i - . ..... The mectmjr at the eourt house on 'ever, that they believed the t""0 Ultfcol. MAKNil r IKM. Vednedav aft-rwwii wasattomle! by JwmiM come when we wouM bo :' '. , . ,, a large amltnee. eoHweJ r.Kwtly of ' (tig eorn. the mwl per feet sllRO -H'. . Vh aKl alwut eiKllloa lit e farmers. Cha.. Kunie acted as ehair 1 hora. Thoy lulvWed that In the rm-'t. ,.h..r tr. le. i 'art ILuerlnri. -il man of the raeetinc ami introduced ! time we !IhhiI.I use red clover, vet. li I "Cheese has been felllut; rvs.l.K the -iea!vf rs. land eat . a. laR erup. A enmblna- lHH. W ,uus.l of ail the nM ehr e I lion of peas """I 1 w fMTC"' " ' Wa aw mnMn snout W eaten im- Mag nno forailairo. lou pr djr. but i i b the rei As the meeUnK w drawing to 1 de I advanced price one half eid ehwe Mr. ijcribner wai asked a) to tBj., Wek. We ate urmltnn tl fw car what bread of cattle ho wowhl rwow u Ux Amk'Im Iht l'"' moral for cheese nrudurtion. lie re-. u, ;An prMnleo. Wa can dpr. I plied that white he Kept Jeny for ; ufcq tAngeW ti.takJe.n.i.etai'k the production of butter and erenm. he J 0l"7wr eh-: henwhe tK- jrtih. betfeved the HoMein wu better ,k I Mtnetttne wonder vthnt we used apted for cheese making. M ; to .to vitn the twfi-r we .!.: that th ehwe maker of Whwnnam j (ip1 y. Southern mrkU Wo ai had come to that eoncludon. Mf-1 wty had low at thW time of Sen brer ' aUteroenU c&tml wlte a ! (h0 vt ((tr tH, Tiia nuaiit that nothing bnt the best kind of a ire be kept about the pretnWa. He saui ' that the ?ire wa more than half the herd and that it wa up to many of our farmers to knock their .erub ball in the head at once became a scrub ' bull produced nothing more than a scrub oirpnnt which had no place upon a dairy ranch. Mr. Mick la wa very em phatic and struck right out for the boulder in regard t Uii matter. Mr. Mickle dieuaed the aubject of tuberculoti and adviaed the farmer Stir and at once Holatein and Jore l mem were making themaalvea tmi eonaiiicaoutt all over the room. The scene at once took on quite an ammlng apect Cha. Kume. Holatein i. Anally mad a prvpoition to the etfet-t not to be afraid to tackle that problem. BS llie HU 11 ran ..... - . . . - , i V - r-r - 1 tt .L. t in 1 1 1 ri r t null . i . ... at the clnb rooms where a number j ' - that the notem ami jeraoy win of interestine talis were made along Mi ,b hthr MahouW be kept separate at a ear Urn dating line, where there w.s hi. herd had Wberruloai and that if ttetoty , u,. .uer tried out. Thia i mmtrst uod mwvtcnju tv achcme wa aareed upon, in onct to Kim srood ffathetinsr of members and ! u'w,r,TO rT . , " v,.itors be tveryuung n ni . maltVf. tmrt m atevr. i're. ident Haker welcomed the 1 to rldfeto H ,"td. th,t the trial will be very exhaaati ve ; the IreMdent Haker welcomed the foa-w (Uon of th;M.. , nmiu,iu and . i-iit.r to l iiiutiiuoK. ana ine nrai i . . . . . t . .. . ... i ' sieaker wn Mr Scribner, who first dwelt up on tne importance of co-operatio untll thie - ji jn between farmers ami btisraeaa men. WM ftw fmm wbercttkwi He ielt glad to ?ee that a spirit r if it took the taat cow they had. co-operation esited in Tillamook. Mr Mickle aaii tnat ha wa planning aud that the bntMneoe men were ! Jeoooi ooae campaign a inatroelion errntly tnteect-ted in the dairying iu-; jn to rnai. and to fe lt ' i internal organ of a tubercular c uktm ,nU fontioeratton. It ! they would not toucn a arop oi U-ut eatlafactorv data on thit from it. ana mat tnay ju h r : )et can ba aecured from the ditfacent atri cultural college. If our eollaj are not able to threah thi matter out we ate at tea to know how out farmer can be expected to. The addreaaea of both Mr. Mick la ami Mr. Scribner were very interesting and full of valuable information. Thaae j who war present certainly enjoyed a ran treat. that he and hi aaftatanta were Rot" ne thing. IK -aid. to -ce the to , jj,, ferner as nuaeibte. vial c'ub active ic h it- oaW (mm flea aaatstant avail able for fie id wort. At the conetusi n of Mr. -Hrv f TilLtuiook Count was a fine com mere rectioo, for it fostered a better feel ing amongst all classes. Mr. Scribner iaid he was sent out by Mr Rttae intrgduced F. H j the 1. S. Burran of Aaimal Indus try to create interest in farming. and hi, tiecialty wa- the dairy di- f vtimtl tndatry. and vi-ion. He dwelt upon the import- Dnc.ic.i dairrman. Mr. Scribner began his add-eas by laying that he found coalition for dairying so different here from what ' Scribner of Wtaconain. who i at tl , head of the dairy divition of la V. S i a WILSON ft VJ2R iTRtS. a nee Jaaaea Reeher made a trip to the Fail-view district tha past week and purrnaH a load t yoang calve aixt he ex pee U to maae several nor trips before th season is over. It will ;dt9?onti ."!-- tuaki'ig butter and iieeate hi ti.-nt- to ra-fuug vivea which is t T J B ... t IIIWK 1 U- ' KWMI1H V and he dwelt upon the subject of ; say along ccrUia lines. He ka.-l thi; B,m lne mlM lrum roW wlu cow tetin coeteMa. They had there were but few other place in the ! r' coaiderable numbar of ealvea nmU rtakeo a content in Washing- ' world that affordej such ideal coodi- !" Ay FM rr of dairymen aeccrtaimng what their cowa were doing, and strongly advocated cow testing con- tei- ; they are in other p-rt$ of the J I. Mk kle wi the rseM sneaker ' that he was at a ! to know '.-a-t.- porehaaed for one dollar a head ait turred out at two year old for fort., dollars there is some profit. Mr. Raeh er repuru the uad vvr the divide ton County, bat it bad fallen tiora for dairying as we enjoy, through for lack ot interest. He ' The first subject which he touched wa anxiou- that a cow testing con-, npon was the matter of breeding. I" teat be carried on in Tillamook his tha sire b about the whole Co jntv for tne next two years, aa ! thine ia a hard. H jwevor. he advised ; ln v'r'r haP nd omethlng thi,, was the ideal dairying -ection the dairyman that he should be very ! wUi ll- otherwise sartou and where great results could be careful to see. when selecting a sire. I " occur w&en nKipe start ot taiced, which would be need by that the i ire's mother had a good rac-1 ea"lin' ,ft- ocd tot production ; he said, that af rreeiaod Richer and wife, who ex- sire's pedigree should show a good rac-; pact to wave in a few day for their ord all down the line. 1 old horn in Michigan, spent vrral Mr. Seribner was very much in favor! days visiting Mr. Roah and Mr. Hugh hi- office to show what the cows were domg is Tillamook County. He advised the boatce men and the commercial club to help in thi matter, it weald prove a great i of the cow Mating association aa a ey. They spent a year on Mr. Hughey' benrht to the dairymen, and be I means of getting rid of the worthless , ranch previous to its sale to John ventured to -jy that even in Tills cow. He said that if a cow did not Uttie. and have made main friend inork County a large amount of i produce 3Q0 pounds of baiter per year ' who regret to tee them leave. Mr. ltri-rorement could be made in the that eow should be dispensed with at' flicker has a farm in Michigan that he amount of milk produced by di?- j once. Ha said that somen me a good will operate. card'ti cows which did not pro I cow would not make a proper record j It is reported that Mr. Stanley who dure the amount of milk -hey 'for the reason that she was not fad! several years ago sold his ranch on the shouNL Mr. Micile congratulated j properly cr possibly for other reasons, river to the timber interest for fTtfO Tillamook County on the splendid j and that before a cow was discarded and moved to near Ixai Ancrlea. Ca! co operative -yrtem which en-led j 't should receive careful consideration. ' and purchased a small there fr amun-t the dairymen and wa- ! He said that the milk sheet was a Mac , part of bis money, has recently old t I thing and that the dairyman "hould j for SJo.OOQ and is taking u trip east to know jnst what every one of his cows i visit relatives. i is doing, what ft coat to feed br and j About mile of the river road is : what she predeced. I now jn cri hw having oee'i i.l?h.-.l In tha matter of feeding Mr. Scrib- , Up enugh so tnat it i now paaaali ner sUtad that the cow should be kept j for automobile. There i st.ll n.... on full feed the whole year. He said erable more that could be ione but tK. of hewe we are making now kelp' lh aki conideralk, aa tee sand only the very beet South. San Fraociaco I also getting to be a fine market far Tillamook cheese, a U San IHego. "We arv getting ready to pay na trons for April milk the Aral of the month. The price range front to ceata at the ioweit to 40 4 cent at the highest. While the pruW of thwv i tha aaje, the dlfteranc ia Urgel) caaaad by many of the iwnalW fart r tea having u rhar.-e eoneidarabW mor thaa the larger ona fr making up tha cheeae. Alsu, te larger fetrt. a rule, get a larger yield uf he per tk) lbs. milk. The making prtre raaga from S et par lb. eheeaa U 1 cants charged by Tag Tillamook Craamary. The yield raugea f ruaa ten lbs. to eleven lbs. chaea per ! of milk. "Prices are ruling about It mi Wiacwwln. 10 cants in Canada and itj eU Co Bay, at which prtc I umi r tand tha Coos Bay people aokl a car Wat! I expect that the radoru.m . f the tariff ia going no hurt Tillmk dairyman to aaaw eatant. 1 hiiv that with latter mrt tU of toojatng aftr the milk which wttl enable us to onVr a batter article of cheeaw, e - iargl ovetcomo tha tariff rvl '!-.. A two cent duly wli be much twttrr than the fre lral r w't rijirvti . under INe Canadian rr-.rufity highly ilea-e'i with the reception given Prof. Helie! and . M. Shrock when they were in lh counts. Mr Mickle mentioned the rapid rtridc that the state wa3 making in all line of agriculture He pok.- of the irrigation projects in Ha-tern , , , ( . ..... jv.i. "c eraDie more mat couKi w none out tr . Oregon which have turned the -age that as soon as the grass began to dry j repairs will be dlayed until the count-, brush country in beantiful farina upjsome succulent feed should be given court has .an oooortumtv to ow-r Th-re were proriucing irauicnre i-i its place. He said there was no j and inapuct the road. amounts of alfalfa, and they were time when the farmer could afford to Tk .. . , , ffoing into the ,-heeag making b- feed hi. cow. lightly, and that thev j "rrtf- ' '' ne, and organs, craU.e shouki be fad just a wel, during the n ZJl tointdniei, time they were dry a at any other . . ... , . . 1 . 7 to see ti.e authontie arni have thet., A little dixierence ot opinion aro-e 1 l,me; O0"8 at that time they were prohibit he running at large .t catt .- lietA-een Charle- Kunze and I. n K"ing reaay tor the next year s work ou the public roa . .-. provided in in V milked trie full vear durine her first 'trove oui f'---n lillamoiA. ui. la th year of giving milk, and that after j Sft. ber tnav ne should be milked to within Wilson River people enjoye.1 a pnn six weeks of her calving time so that 'dinner in tne school house park. Mil she mignt form . rooer habits at the I u mem notne anu is in regard to .it-tie, .Mr. Kunte tboueht that I " '" npe or it l me the lari'e amount of alfalfa raised j0011- "fc gaio 11)81 a ' should be, The Muses Lena and WVriic Kppl. :n the irrigation di-tricts and the ' i.irmtrs going into dairying, would ove'-tk the chett-e market and ' bnn, 'lown the price, but Mr Mukif- contended that the North-w-t was not producing enough dair;. product- to supply the de- ' ma.-:l- and with the large influx of einigration cau-ed by the com- 1 piet: .tl of the Pacama Canal he di l rut look for over-production. ! Price would fluctuate, but he ex- ', pected to see the price of cheee maintained, but not at iu present i limn v.Uiic- t r - ii " y It- 7 'l.i r.-l . 'ff Jir ?!.. i . 1-. a t. - .1 iiAl ix. xr t-i tyt u ' Hie Great dnd Grand f MAvJESTiC Ah:-Mc j.rd Ourmtf ran. ire AN OK bu B'i't r-t rrr!udn 'mlum, rvli fJ r- c, .nu.t U )lui". Via ..--I r j I .jr trim Uimm , iy -. 4 W y f ' m , '.-f SXkAttU t.nna uj Ut it. Leginning of her caretsr giving rnilk. Mr. S.ribner dwelt to some extent upon the necessity of being kind to the dairy cow. He said that especially at milking time the eow should be giv en kind attention, in order to get the beat results. In apeaking further in regard to the j dairy cow Mr. Scribner advised against Mr. koy t-jx-ke of the booi-t-1 the farmers of this locality getting er. . ere doing io spoken- in the 1 pure blood cows at this time because, w.i f .ml rjad-, where they had as a rule, they were not prepared to 70 n i ) of h,irr! surfaced pavement give pure blood cows proper attention, mil- cit a-:d on cadi Hide He advised procuring a pare blood oftb- ti, idKpple tree l;..'J been sire and breeding hirn to the best cov;s planted He HaiJ it took a com-' and thereby grading up. He further par.iti 1 short lime for the farm- I advised that a heifer should not have ira of ton r-cction of the country to ' herfirit calf until she was eighteen or i:rt t I An r.i ttKir autoa He pre dit-) the Ifooatern of Tillii inook Mint;, would bring about ; expected of her. Ho advised that the -am-re-ulta in hard aiirfnced J while you should bo careful what you ruail- fertile c Jiirity. UtrHpoke highly i fed a cow ami how much you fed her, of the roads of Tillamook County j at the Bame time you should be co .ir.'l if the) had a boosters' meet- ' ful and feed her enough so that she jr.' on. e .. week Hke they had that will have every opportunity to deulo evening it would do much good. her digestive organs and thereby be n. other speaker, were Clum. ' able to Increase her nroduction. II T. JJotte. J. I, Ilender. I At the conclusion of his address Mr. Kol'ie V. WatBOS, R C. Scritinor wan nsl. si.Vf.rnl .mtt,.nu ! spending the k with them. I Mr, (ieorge Kiehm invii.-'i a nun l.r of little children to her home on the 17th instant, to aiuist her daughter Helen to properly atvi enj,t ii c brate her i.ih birthday. Miss Helen mads an adu.irabie hostess and all had Iota of g.rxi thing to eat and loU of fun. ho'-'l t-. have a few fish stories for you thin time, will try and have Home for next week. Mr. Win. Illingworth initoil in il lamook a few days with her slater Mrs. Harry Uirnas while having some den tal work done. Several crews oftruisers are working along the river, what their rniaalcn U nu one i able to ascertain i- i twenty months old, at which time aha i. would be strong enough to do what was M. J. GerBoni, W. Koy Km. t-on, M.igarreil ii II. 1 otlltTH ednuad.t iiiorning the visitor Avcre tnkt i "ti an iupuctioa of the iluc-ac fk t jrua and the dairy farm i. Klietimatibin Quickly Cured. "My siiter's husband had an attack of rheumatism in his arm," writes a well known resident of Newton, Iowa. "1 gave Dim a bottle of Chamberlain' Liniment which he applied Uj his arm and or. the next morning the rheuma tism was gone," For chronic muscu lar rheumatism you will find nothing belter man Chamberlain's Liniment. Sold by all dealers. in regard to balanced rations, silage otc. Many of these questions, how ever, he was unable to answer becuusu of his not understanding our conditions. Both he and Mr. Mlckle stated, how' Dr. Jack Olson RESIDENT DENTIST Office Hours lrom 9 u. m. to 6 p. m. Over F R. Bealt' Real Estate Office Doth Phones, ii rou vtui snr fjf " Alex McNair & Co. a a K Kai.-i b.& -rl". i Expense Stops When Your Cooking Stops llvil ! l ll" t Jtis id (ha 1 WW Ixx. w Hew Pcrcction Oil Ccok-stovc Vtn ki lltMsk V"is Hlr linn cm I iK TV, M im d Im4 Ab.1 l tu li lull l.l ., vlut ( whmJL by wb lnta nuUIi TK. NTW PI'.KI 1.1 HON ttxJK StOVU t. mu I, "i -- "- 'i r t( PEARL or EOCENE OIL a Im ll tt in' m, ! tl twt-, Wvtlt.lMi i ll. Uf il in IrrJr S N Ik' SV.ISl.O HOW AH INDIANA GIRL Got Strong and Well Again at Small Cost. Miss Alut Abel, of West lladon, Ind., tays: "I was n complete wreck, al ways tired, wornout and nervous. I had to spend about one-third of my time In bed aitd my life waa not worth living. Vtnol, your delicious cod liver and Iron tonic, was recommended, and It 1ms done mo more good than nil the medicine I ever took In my life. That nervous and tired feeling Is all gone. 1 have gained In health, llrwh and strength, untll I feel like another per fon." Vino! la the most efficient strength creator for such womon. It Is tho medicinal elements of tho cods' llvora contained In Vlnol, aided by tho blood making and strengthening proiwrtlen of tonic Iron, which makes It so far superior to nil other tonics to build up health and atrongth for weak, tired, nlllng women. It contains no oil and has a delicious taste. Wo give back your money If Vlnol cs not do nil that wo claim. Chns.ri..ClougJ), Co. Druggists, Tillamook, Oregon, 60 Gold Hond 1 railing Stumps given with', every cash subscription to the Herald. F. C. FELDSCHA Cement Sidewalks and Concrete Construction Worl Enquire at Ramsey Hotel Itwtw I VI ' University of Orego SUMMER SCHOOL June 23 Aug. 1 1913 TweMtv-tivc instructor, l'iftv courses. Histc j4iiishcl KiLstcni ciluuitor mltlcil to regular lacu 1'nivcrsity clonuitorirs open. Honnl ami roccl at $.' per week. Kcdttccil rnilnmtl rates. I'or Complete Illustratcl Csttnln;, aililress CRc Rcflistrnr, University of Orcflon, GufltBtl Round Trip Fares TO Till, Portland Rose Festival vu tin: PACIFIC RAILWAY & NAVIGATION CO. and tin: I W r.uN5tT sV 1 I lOCOtHSMIAJIAl I 1 I Houita I ONE FARE ROU.NI) TK IP All ( Oliiln on the I'. U. St li'.Ut Hillnboru Plum EO Oontm Salm Dates: June 8 to l!l Incliuivo. Final return limit Jiiiid Hlth. For illustrated booklet on the Rose Festival and leaflet miitf full program, call on any S. P. or address: John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon II us It's Worth Morfc Than Gold to Relieve the Mind and Enjoy ..GOOD MOVING PICTURES.. The Kind They Always Show at The New GEM THEATRE THE BRIGHT SPOT ei 'Ev ji i. luniii' ttfc he. irs bet c;iv