Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, May 30, 1913, Image 3

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, ,
.iiKnnDcnitms. I
it t afler lit-
.a t, optt U
ki uu. toV tl
.'uf I'urlUwJ.
I TumUlied rumim in id light Ikmiho
t kplng room to tout, fl.rVi mim! up
pr wixik. lilttclrlr ll(lit, tub-phono
Mini linttt. Call Hi Herald nlllco or
phlllM Hull II -J.
In our lnt wr afntd tlml (i,v.
Juk wihiM preueli lliti Imrrniiiufciita
riiin bfiforit Urn graduating clam on
HumU)', Jutm llio 7lh. This tttlnmimt
wru tMit mttnri. Wo wro mUlnformnd
In rKfil Ut inxtUr. lUv. I). A.
Mackoncio of th PrunbyUrlnn Church
will pinarh the bawnlsurnlo tot mm nt
the ChrinllHii Church.
Thti TiiUmiMik DniK Htrs, Kxli A
Hill. I'm., ban (tiovwl InUi u inw
mnrtnra in UwO.unty Hunk building.
T1ii tii0riHlttf (Inn ha ikiw oiin
very mmmiabou quarter. A. II.
Ilarria who raronlly purchased Urn
Wshlln jrwolry uir ! moving his
lwW of pood Into lb atom room or.
utl by thfl Tillamook Unit' Store
and will or -upy ut nlo of Ui im.
Owing to Uw bad watlnr condition 1
firm. What ftfw bvrrlMi eoino into
Portland ore Rwrwrally In Imd ilmpe, 1
thereforo w tiHVii nol beon getting I
any Wrlw. Ihti tho Orugon InTrio j
are ruining In now nod w urn getting i
'our flf.t uhlpmeni In today. Hereafter !
w will have IxjrMU in I uowloy and,
Friday itviwlni!. The prieo mw high
but will toon Im lower. Tim HKi I
I , ior ijuaiuy.
Ion) Wanted
inilb taw. W. H. Pblltlpe,
l.k. . a t
' baking wwr, Utitlr and op. Ilic
Mr. Cwrl Kwlnxt and cbifcJrm nod fnU vugttUbliw are itlll In lU.r than
Ml. T. It. tiojrrM) ami .tauul9r HlIU yint run pUidito tl nny lru in town.
ro YttUtaf frl t tiwllwWI j yy know wjwre, t l HI'i I.
aalo rHp, wori ttt aboul , (,u gnUjnJy numoon, May at. four1 '
H. earn, at will Mil vliy. ' ywnc mn of TtUfltttwk Kmil llarrl
I. i i .1.1 1 Mlu it .. . .. ... .. . .
on, uamr ixiniin, u. .. nuiuuiriKiT
and Jolin I'fUf walktwl out t Shuokum
and rmnaliKol all night fr the1
I Attorney M J. 0r..iil wrnt to
, iiairin inn murninK wrpiv iv win
if.ttln until lh Hrt of in it ttk
t . ttuHt . tK. to twenty , ,
W. . 1UHIU. I'ur,l! w fU In ir -lorr Out
r r
rent 8
Inijuir at l(erW Oltl.
I). V. ThoroiMon of MohWr. wai In
, ihm city Woliurailay Md atUndwd the
jdatrrWfiv' intiflf at lH COOfi IkHMc.
I', P. Pmn oA
It Y. UUjrlocl
will wftdurl
It 4n I. nt I
iurfiu of KDUini; jueinlml with Sir
Shookum. or If powlblv to Irani l tic
iHHirvn of the myatorlou wmixlt thut
an Mid to lw hfald, I hry rrturnrd
lat Sunday ofontnit vory lirrl, wi-ll
r!tMU wllh last trip, twt muck dia
minLatl far liavlnt? had to U1)
ItaMUM fhurrh mvim at Ut Advanl : an
f. jllsinl frlnmU.
r trow Ijrr4.
a n tttakq ami A
nlRht, aa lh onl
n.rn. uiunila Imard wm n dtttant nir. n
Itool owl and n rrane.
'I"hwy took lurim
a lor.
i vi Imm sMii wlf at Portland orvt
inn . ' V-k .win, tiMSk tho j B tJw Ttey will lottwln koto fur
.r fr -Mi ih birth of a VwmK wnntiNl l do Kmarnl
. u. 1 . , i l-ifl LaIi nihil
I man U do pHliK for fr dayn
up tWilijanefa.
t'rhnral Iioup worV,
r.n i-
n r .in iiiioiiu a inn
tl k fnr i.i.flnral llftllin
i fan. . of two. Kmpilro
ilia liirlli uf a mn
S uoliU on TliiiM-
ttiiiund loft on i
; tut fW tl) .
, 1 wifo an I ilnllljli-
t. woroTHUnuaiV
Dr. Wondt I the only Kyi' Spc
' lalUt wntiiMnlly lwntl in
'nilawook. Vuur oyo which ur? thoj
iimmI onultlvo organ df your lnly (
itwukl U oxninlnod hy n phyniclan
who U cttimblB to rocoKtilxr (lucsun
l njl lotJitir tlmn tho nol of Rlnnio. I
KUdrnntM my kI"""" n,1' u,n "Iwnyn
' Itwl V m iimis K ' r.
Ht fit. I. HamMn, only prieoanrc raonntilu n nnywliurc. (
iww iitoor In TillamcoV County.
j llo fio, l&i , Jmaloly threo ton of horrle this nun-
i Horry Vwnk wlo U ulttdont at mn Ttw Bn.or iMfi ru Iohbii br-
l.i. .t .1.-1 MIimI Ciltavn. lin ,
inf i humhh . . . - ' - -. nva. i nr iwinniifiiwi
lurtMHl hum a ami will hi vaca- cflJ1- phcnomlnnl ni'.l
lion hr. , ruammoth blnckii. Hu would liko to
V 0 Cha who Iim botin out to ', Rlvo n tHmill hiwiii contracl nt
IVwU'! fr b vvUt,k. ami wl ru nn .nrl clat to proHorvc tho l.orr.u
witnM In too cb.. Small v.. MUrky ulmro nulu.l.lo for tht murkct. Hell
iMh Ci.. roturn! to the clly on l mint- . phono.
Ma In I. .
I If I I I
i ir ut
who lion Iwtin
aomo llmo, i
l C',
i fr
II (ioyiut ninl firnut
"riling for n ilaya
f ihr Nohiilnm Vnlloy
tut luminous nl the
S I 'llH'JllllV.
Mtu,, ,,rM Ktnllli mnl lly
is n i f i ti rn i n lT ior u iu
-n IHtti IIVIII.ll
Wai . tlx tin or who In !
tttl,t: .ui tv litillk. uxi'i'Cln In
ifi... . ... 1 1 . i . i. ..n. ii....
l'rlc $6.(HX).(rt. Kino i-lnci' on Ihu
Hih'ti lllv.-r. for h. On tiilouitlcr.
1 m ..( llmlwr iiimI Ml iicrcK !
$3,000 Ultimo land. Owner olTonil $.t,i00.l)0
for limber alono. Cioo.1 lu.um- nml new
barn. KiiouhIi hind rlfiiriMi in iiiiiko h
' livin ilnlryini; ; ! ll"' lofnuou for u
cheuac factory. S'hool houije on the
.1. - ...tll,..P tltia ..f litiul In rent
i adioinin. Thin u n apK'tuliil buy itnd
will iimke tho buyer rich in few
eiira. Hoawin for nollmir m
of Chun, liuynr, Kernviue,
.T II...
JlJhn 1
& Kitutlmiii utoro
1. O U G II
hen i il.!...r
Drug Store
Ho also keeps
An S room tioinBiil hoiue, furnlnluvl,
with laumlrv. for b! nt W.ouu
Trma. Smt J. lowly.
Dr. Imrp lenves n Sntunlny
v...i...lr..i. vvlirre. lie will TC-
I III I' viii
inniii ! n k l'ki"K ",,cr
iientnl wiirU.
.... .t. 1. ..i. t .ii
A. W. Atloriiury uma mi. - 7 ,i Oroiioii.
tu I'lirllMMl t Thi.nalny for mwlten j .
irpntmeiit. Unit roruntly milTurwI ,
Tho nvoriiKo workmnn llkos to rout on
iillnrk of he.mi.iorlm-,0 of u, SuM,ny ,mt ho can o to church.
Iunn. Hut ho very mililom thlnkn how luml
Atiornov S S. .InhiiMin '"f " 'n'ur ' hi wifo work on Unit iluy, more thnn
,ny niirnl ,K for Snlom wh.ro ho will ny other. Ho liken tho rest o why
ml" Hiloro tlu- uir..mo Court in no, Vo hor tho H.une k.n.l of P oi.M.re.
hTf i f tho ,.l..lnlitr l the Port of lllt hur ,w froo from the cure and mmble
iioiimi n I .HMklmr Suiu my Himier, nml tnke
Uuyoceiu, C..,r. ?.Lr ..,il,r of tho fmnily
Tho wuler oonimiBBio" K' 01 ' , , Tinlim6ok'H IoiuIIiik oaWng
wHlur frn. nil .nwf ' ., frf)m ,mnWi Dinner nerved from
nntpniil w.itor rout by Ho iuui . ,t A M. to K 1'. M.
uuch month. I -j. fr tho bIkii K A T.
chn. b. '"'. w,w l,,',"u"H PALM CAFE
ployed nl tho Klmt N.itiom.l 1 n k xl po()r , ,rm,iniook
lenvea the Ural of tho week for biHttln-
Ko CiilifornlM, wlmro he ONpoctH to on- .
t.iln employ inont. THOROUGHBRED PER-
,;;;: STi cmeim staiuo. kikg.
Will Bell hI.ikIo. JoHoph lliiiHBrtn j A l)(mltiflll Kray homo 1800 Iba. or
I.01.K I'r.irie. !0Vl,ri wm ,uko tho followlitB Bonwn
Mr.. Cliiud Tlmyor, of lWlu.ui, ' lt j)l(W8yn nro.. I.lvory burn nt lillu-
.i l ...I... liiiu liililll vlsltlun hor peuplo .,...),.
" ' In tho city hint Mo... i C. S. HriHcoo.
Mill.,.,, on Tlmrmlny. W. (, Hi,M
accompanied Mm. 'rimyor to .Salon..
Economizcfi Uulfer, Flour,
EjHIs i makes Uic food more
nppeliainjj awl wholesome
The oa?y nsld"' Povdcr made
Irom Koyai Grap-e Cream ol Tartar
fatuity mhwhiI u
THy will
mk trtr utmn on ihlr own ranrh
.rltni IK iwa,tht. I
l Herald Ilk",
; n tunilrrfoWV
j S Ulnar. Uhtttrh nct HunllBy
! KmrirtMM IotiUkI.
n,it mornlBK fr . , lum ,ulr. M.,h . w.,c, while the
.r:"Zltt,: otr BWpt. aral .cb watch rrto-l ,
ni work Kiton at Jon. knmUan ,
"IVieri invest in a wagon
I buy a Studebaker, then
it's a safe investment"
Of course it is! Sludcbakcr wngons arc
built on honor, with sixty years of wagon
building experience and with every wagon
yocs a Studebakcr guarantee.
You enn't nfloid to linve a dealer sell you some
other wagon represented to be "Just as good."
If you want n wagon that will ln&t, run easily and
stand up to ittt work, there is only one wagon to buy
and thnt'a a SluJcltcker.
Don't trade ten extra year of service for a few
dollars difference in price.
Stutlcbalter wagons arc ninde to fit every require
ment of business or pleasure, in city, town or
F.rra Wacom Bu.In.M Whom
Stirrer! Huc
IVoy CutUcm Dump C.tU
Each the hot of it kind.
I lj DM
Set car Dealer or trrltt ui.
STUDEBAKER South Bend, Ind.
wNNMrSus IXLT tSkrcrrv a.s nuNutco roKHAKD. ore.
Insist on having a perfect bathroom
Dtautiful, therefore pleating.
Sanitary, thcrrfoic healthful.
Durable, therefore cconomii-al.
And heiidct ihi let it lue an imliuduality,
an txpittiion of your own ustet, Theie retulu
we eattly obtained tbroufth our careful followinc
ol your w ithri ami our uiing 2;atiJarr plumbing
fittiirri of which there is Mich an cxtentive
variety of plranni; detignt.
Let ut eitunale for you.
1 . ! . .. Hill
Sou Turner and Hcl.iut nnoro , ....
build imd K-ot priei-H on lint c ms ,
..le at their mill" ".lion hoiiU. of lllh-l
liVcily. Wo can lu.ndlu any hUu .
order on abort notice. j
C Schliinpl Imd ' liuariiii,' tiuforo
. A.'.Uh.C V ' Mtiinlov on Tmm.
.,m hi,,. r.O, hut nUHpcixio'l tho P
,:,,m,;',f Ihu nam.. mdln( Koo;l bo
Make the Home Look
A 15 wall Md. U"P "
vour Irout rorch can be lit mry
,W l until mUnlRhtand ttttaa
nol over IlltV nU r.mo.ill on
h melrr.
Tilhmook Electric Liht &
Fuel Company
fPAUMNO, Rl.m..i-r.
The entire line of Millinery Goods must he sold by
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11th. Now is the time to
secure your millinery supplies lor the Rose Festival
nml Fourth of July.
This Sale Commences Wednesday, May 28th
and Closes Wednesday, June 11th
At. the prices quoted below we expect them all to be
"one before the two weeks end. Come early and
secure your choice.
Fancy Feathers up to $1.00 Sale Price - 35c
Fancy Feathers up to $1.50 Sale Price - 50c
Grass Stick-Up up to 60c Sale Price - 20c
Flowers nt Astonishing Reductions.
Metliodlit Church iNoUm.
.Memorial sonrkts brotrgU t an
ovrllMwrinic (Miwf,
l.iiU Sunday wo hA ' 1 '- '
te'dawe In Humlay School f r tl.- i r
PHday nlnf, Mefflorial Day, tkftre
will ahnwri throe irU i piHo( '
It it entifnaud U.at but Soitday
(.v.nlnjrov. r200 aaw tlw pictUrO J.r
life of Cr.riat cntltM Tho CtiMKln
Next Sunday.
At 10 A. M. Sunday School.
(rut 'jffirr and ioodMrU MS oMnsf
l)tidhl work. Con.
At II A. M. Public Koranic. Sot-
"Vok tn Iron."
At 7 P. M. Young- Pole Mdttlq;.
fhl will b a apertsl wnrint of now
A H V. M. KvanftoHoUe Sorriec.
Subjott. Tbo Folly of PfOMorfii K
Uxm a SunpoaUn.n." StoTOftfttem
slides will b abown to illustrate soft.
, Th public I eordiaUy invitod.
H. W. Koblwan. PaWWr.
GiKrch of Christ.
The annual excursion of the I-oyal
:K'H will Im: on Saturday when th- loy
' al Sn umI Ioyal daughter iil Ko to
Hay-cin for tho rtav.
i J i thp lyal Son. trl on thoir
i hike K'''r over th Wilson Kivgr road
' . Kormt - tfw oo the lfj;n where the
b-.ya w! Hay bs'l. Eaeh ctiiIok a
I rccej ticn la arransor! in diffcruot towns
. nor.g the route.
ir. -rs at the CMntian Chureh for
S.' .jiv.
1 L.i -. " Krol at 10 A. ii. Hero !a &
i;xk1 plaro for yoo to spend an bonr as
i we have cluscs for nil.
1 Pt .. !.,: k at 11 by toe tutor.
7 I'. M. I'l.rintian Kiajeavor.
Fvi" r x service at S sermon subject
' :.!..; k '' Proxy.'
Y . re cordially invited to any or
a.! T tr.i-e fervices.
I It. E. Jope.
' Pastor.
Preibytcritn Church Notes.
' l". . M.liibie School. The church
j.idav Scliool w ill join in an all
r .--ir at Iduville on bntunlay.
Tre Children's day services will be
t 1 i,n June nt the evening service.
I ch..PM"fr at":30. Parents are asked
. r.rtfnt their children for Christian
J HiMum at the children's Unptism at
the c iWren's service. "The promise is
I unh y.u and your children."
, ll A. M. "Morning worship. Ser
,mor. tlume: The Heligion that is worth
' white "
I P. M. Praise and preaching. A
'Sermon theme: "A Highway or a
jB.ind Alley.'
Strangers in the city are cordially
' invited to worship with us.
' D. A. Mackenzie. B. D.
! PiLator
U. B. Church Notes.
The t'n.ted Brethren Annual Con
ference n- near al hand. June 4th is
the date, however, many delegates and
mir.;stcr mav arrive Tuesday the 3rd.
B.s.h"P Pill of ms Angeles. Cal., will
be ir charge. See Tuesday's issue of
I his paper.
The last service of this conference
year will ie held next Sunday.
Sunday School at 10 A. M. and
-reaching bv the pastor at ll :C0 A. M.
V. fcl lit 7 P. M. and again Rev. Bell
of Philomath, Ore., will preach at S
y "clock. We earnestly request the
presence of all especially members of
tK church. I-t us inuke this service
Jie : et of the vear. Everybody watch
for next announcement.
I. E. Meese, Pastor.
On Wednesday evening a reception
was given in the basement of the
Christian Church in honor of Wm. Koy
the builder of the church. Some 250
members and friends of the church
were present and a royal good time
was enjoyed. Mr. Hoy and all the rest
were nicely seated at the tables before
Mr. Hoy received any intimation what
ever of the import of the gathering.
Rev. Jope explained the situation ut
the proper time nnd to say that Mr.
Roy was surprised is putting it very
miidly. Mr. Roy has rendered the
members of the Christian Church a fine
service for tho interest he has taken in
tho constru-tion of their new church
and his work is much appreciated. We
understand that Mr. Roy has rented
the Doty property and that he and his
daughter Mrs. Romeyn of Spokane,
will reside hero for a time.
For excavations of basement for Ma
sonic building. Bids will be received
up to 8 p. in., Juno Ith, 1913. Rights
reserved to reject any or all bids.
P. W. TODD, Treasurer.
DrtI;st and BooK 'llcr
n . n n i. n nt
,u had Wifo unu muiiiy -
JlpondinK "I "" l,,in'