Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, May 27, 1913, Image 4

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    I w I
r.MH EnteTriw '
lrr ' quite change in the c;en
era I appearance of "H" St of lt be
ta r.i f.l Andarsaa's store and 11.
K. Hoaad" fe-d stare. U h.s been
fiheo! i- and planted so that rany
itVr will oot esae the street to
become muddy a woald otherwise be
the -ae. tt is a derided improreateat
for th bettor aad dm that ha bona
needed for met i me.
Mr. and Mr. W. U Jehrn, of
Portland. arrival here Ut VVwdoedr
' and will make this their future home.
Mr. Johneoo bs purehmel tie By
?an Stuc and I cattimr tt in
readineee for the wmmw be
Mr. and Mr. W. J. Cleasesss, of
Portland, spent the week end at Usatr
! eottare, on Soath Bay St.
Ta Hen.- ett.-t .Vo. 1 wMeJi a Wen
onriuuM ana repainted w txuncbee
Monday omi)? and will U pil m
, ttwascdsatety.
V E. Knight hat mode arrange
mentu fir tbe pureaee of Ed Smith"? ;
;irernt barber shoo eoaipaterit. He ;
intends o move down to Roekaway '
Beach and open up a shea there. H ; Courier.
sy there are eYceptioaally bright J CaH fbortridga. as Ihsip. is ia town
j rospeet b ek food in hi tine of . hnde with oU-time friend.
buaineaa !unr.g the summer month j M j y. Mi tea, of Seattle, la the
and he intend to get in on tbe grand -yjof bar sister, Mr. Chae, Mar-
J J. Walter t doing considerable
wcrfc of late at Neearaey 3ty and Ne
ha m Bay Pare in tbe way of improv
irs street. He anticipate a big nab
of bus. ne there this summer and ia
tat. uHt W make late sa-t of hi op
portunity while be nay to aecoawdate
the many visitor wbo in Mod to mate
that place tneir hi sein,aai lata durinc
tbe corning aeeaoa.
Cbas. KoaateU of San Frarx-iseo
came in last week to pead a few wvefca
W. A. M igh entertained hH brother
and wife. Mr. and Mr. J. E. High, of
llcUtnnvitle, Taeedey.
Charley Keaaedy. sgeora panted by
hfe mother and Mia Banc, of Tltla
bvw)'. auUwd to CWeid4le Thoraday
L. M Kraner aatoed to Tillaauo
today. He waa acroaaeeaied by Atb
StiTefaoo. Carl SboiUidge aad &.
Tbe cuanty court cooaiatifte of J idev
Maaoa and Opmtainiaoara &laar ai
Faraer. weta in Oawerdale VTadxaie
Health a f-nctar In Scte5.
w' ""-" ' ' " dav. They eaaae oatanaibiy to look at
hi if. and aoa who htve baeti kvm hrV and Orerdale
there for fe past two year' 5oMin n(j lh, fM,ty t bw
oown e-aitn in u( ace. ; tfHnf this road, cirttin away froaa the
yy muca niu,a, wr e fad hilla aad aectirioc a bettor
of that ra!ley aa a coauar arrltral j
and horticultural center and intrude to !
improve his homvatead with that idea f
in view. u i v aiarr aaa roMn tur .
m-t m .r worker ftfce llr. Koecieki I The laraest. factor eoetribabaa to
o maVe it a veritabie aniea apatt. aad a mas'a aaMeaa ia itadoabtediy baaita.
it u be hoped that the stonfy ct- U aaa beaa ebaerve4 that a aaaa t
t!er may be amply fawarded for their aeidam wk wbea hi bowel are rf-
e rt in trying to convert thw Tt J lr be if oerer well wham they
wiMerr-; into zardern. It is a fto-: eoasfcpatad. For eoaatipatMR yoa will
r-Uu task bat we are fully m fiid eothinjr ait ao food aa Caaber
-ir.cf that they aaa eqaal to the oe-. Iain's Tablet. They not only aaoee
cat . 'on. ! the boweht bat impro're tbe appetite
and atreagtaea the difcauoft. The;
are eettby all deauera.
J. A. J eraser had the oaiafortane to i
kwe a raft of thing at bolts last Tae- i
dav ri;ht oontainiag about IO0 caeda, j
and a; a result these bolt are Mattered ,
all ovtr the bay with bat little eharr (
to reeover taea. atr. Jeceon aa no
one to blame bat hiauelf, bowrer.
sirce he left tse raft ieaacorely faat-ene-i
at the old suit d"ck eppoaitB N
haUis it a lata boar darixig the
nirbt od dr fti down tae bay on ihe
ebb tvjf. T'.w Mtitnaied km is aboat
Pewfte ia fte Hevrs
; Gee fro Maciocat a coaiparatlTe-
.t joust asaa. wss vaa edacated at
CorseiJ oaireraitjr. waa iaaafanued
president of C&ba oa Taeoday.
The bis eveat of the week abroad
-nil be tbe Baarriag of lYtaceaa Vic
torU Load, daagfeter at tae Cenaaa
aaperoe. aad Pnar Craat An.
the at tbe Duke ci Csaaberiaad.
ca. H. E. Kta namzij appotated d'y
straetare ia fast aeaaouar ita aoc- Oaaiaad. Cal eoiBsined ai
rnai prbportioae. Jadrie from Oat ! c;d' XSs fram tbe foarteeats
araoact of rmmd the afat wtH co-re; ! -Or of tbe aaw city bail
Wtri. ts auvady prut? easing oa
new rr.'.:i dock at Wbeeier aad the
One vwk from net TawO-ay. Jaal.
tbe law aaaVinc dtral ctaloalKi
af bridepttxam mimlmrj "ill Co lata
ffeei. ApplK-a.'t at tbe arrirr b
' era drUaVt of CeaaU) CWft He.
4'i obe oa sad aftar that date HII
be reflated hew oab?M tbe eertit-
rate d a ncenaed pbeaaruia. aawe
dot oath, aecaaapaaia the Bnetkaa
' tbe law n-tv aaaaed by the st hwfc.
hbare and i effective ia all parte af
Uader be tense of tbe law tbe atati-
rbnnre aitpwed a phyaiviaa far
maktac the eiamiaation and waain tbe
eertiarate tmll be IS.SO. Dattitae
aaay aecare the exaasi-MtKta by aaa-Mca-toe
to tbe eoaaty payavrtaa if they are
County Clark Hakiaa baa
that all wae expeet la apply far R
canaea after that data aaaw tbetc ear
ti Sea tea ready berare baad that eaav
fa-doa and delay may not be i aaa ad.
FoUoH iac are tbe provMe at vk
new law :
"Before aey coaata elawV ta th
slate abatl tseae a marrlaga Hcenan.
tbe apvlicast tbarefwre abatl tat vikb
the clerk from whom sue Urease at
aeaueat, a certiacate from a payaariaa
dare aatbortaed to prartaee
withlr. the state, mad
wiurin ten daya froaa the data of that
the saaae, snowing that tae male par
rtajte relataua free from oaaUTba
or infeetsoaa eeaenal dmeaae,
"Any ahyaanaa who shall, taewlckftjr
aad wiifeiry. make a falsa atata me at
to aay oaruneate issued, aa herein pr
Twmd. ahail be aaanbed by the rswea
Uoa of hi tiraaas t pracire hsa peo-
feaatoei within the state-
All feaa aad chargea. f aay phyai-
ctaa aakinf the aoteaaary axaaaiaatase
of and taming tae rateeeaary eertiarate
to aay one party, a hereto oavrtdad.
shall not exceed la sum of 12.30.
Tbe eoanty phyaieiaai of the swv-
eral couatie shall, spc recroeat. mak
the neceaaary exaraiaatioa and laaaa
certieate. if the saaae raa arupee ry be
iaauint. witbost rbarfe, to tbe apsb-
caat, if tadixvat."
aad tbe iix af !iaa!ers ccd ia its eoa-cossu-uction
it will fce oae of tbe kmr
eest in: moat sabsUatiat csiils in thai
coc.ity. It is live i;teoUoo of the ma&
a?t.tent to rss tbe old sill aboet a
lEocla or o iunre r before tbe new
plar.t ia rcaJj for operation.
Ed iinit.i returned frora a tbort basi
ntrsJ trip to P'.rtiaad Toesday w&ere he
his placed an oroer for an entire new
eqaipcent for his barber shop. He m
tewis to make ex ten ire improvements
if. piace uf l-usineas at ooee in order
to 'arrj jp with the tread of the times
in to-f .id; and so loop 23 these hope
fel siasi iii progress coatiase to hover
tfier ur. r.c t certainly not making any
o;ta.:e bi ceepinz abreast of the
ti-ce :n beiny prepared to take ad
vtct2g of the rush &s it eoaiei his
wey. Mr. srcita w eTer in line with
progressive voau and is a consistent
anc 'reetk booster so that we are
aA.areo that he has oa: kwt faith in
the future growth of Nebalera CitT by
any tee
Seeicy Daieapevt aad Jacob Dunn,
:ckj state wjodcbopeira. of Whartaa.
N. J . ware ooarietoa by a federal
grand Jury of eeediaf tbreatesin; let
tcrs to Woodrow Wilson vhiie he a
C:;top WU'.iam Cres-ell Doana. of
- Albany diocet-) of the Protestant
Episcopal ehorch. is dead at the Hot-1
Manhattan in Tork
Couateaa Ladlalaas Si(ehenyl. for
aeri)- Gladys Vandvrbllu U fipctcil
to return to America with her hus
ha&d. who. according to adtiees re
ceived from licdapft, leaves that city
beeao he aas lost more than J 4.000,
W'J of the Vaaderbllt fortune In dlsa
trcui speculations
rtarles H. Neill has accepted a sal--ry
of 20 )00 p.r year to superrlse
her conditions for the Aacrtcai
-ne'tieg Hefinlni; eotnpaay the
aeitcr truat. He has tendered bis
resignation at Washinftoc a United
states commissioner of labor.
The irr .ry store oeraed by the T. B.
Potter P.ca.ly Cc. was sold last week
to W. L. J.fcnaon of Portland. H. D.
Piersor. co aaa beaa ia charge for the
past yer .!; re tern to Portland.
Mr. hr-i Mrs. swan Hawkinaofl of
PortUr.J arrived here last Tuesday and
will wake tnis their haxne in the future.
Mr. H6Ws.ir.tT. will build a cottage on
kte .... . . .... . . r. -i. r-. !
u inugicuT tuira si. aa soon as
mater:! car. t-e p!aead on tbe ground.
The two r.ew cottages beir. built for
Mr. Pajlscr , i,f inatan, Paulken Lum
ber Co., of Portland, are prufrresainf
rapiii;.. T.-jes-. - ottages will c t when
tfatJcnal Capital Brevities.
Secretary Laae. of the Interior de
pcrtmert, has placed biasclf oa record
aa favoring a railway system la Alaav
ka coaatraetad, owned and operated
y tbe foveramesL
Senator Chamberlalna reaolaUon
prcpokin a woman suffrage amend-n;-iit
to the constitution ha been lav--bly
reported by the senate commit
f t on wonutn suffrage.
'i&v il.Oweiid !lnaacu.l expert will
ie aaked a series of Questions orerar.
i't Servitors Owen of Oklahoma nrt
Nebrimka. bearing upon
Democratic currency re-
and t t
Mr. Vhul-:'
ideal jr rr,(
vi.-- .s t i
surnou- .' .
:. o(MG to it,Ju0 each
!tr the oe r jilt for
U'. fall will make an
heme. The property is
. hied and a magnificent i iaior.
i "f ocean ar.d bay and p:,ins
J- lry- wntt ,t Nether theft was made
P. L. Hi c the Hayooean Contract- j ' ub"c ,-,u aUy.
or h-, .t (...ri. i. ted two cottages, of I Secretary Redfiald'. broad Intlma
two t.f.i.itrr.t:.t tach for E. Mallory, ' r!on ,0 b"s-'l,'6 tlt Uie fwleral gov
r i '.itlar.il li.ese apartmenU are ! en!m"nt ""OttW iBveatieate outs in
feis:ipp' l v.tit. foojern conveniences aid lookad like reprisals for
ares .U i..c-.-i to supply trie ile
mar.i : u av.f-i tourist.
The i j'.ej-.iiit
-ompJ '..-) h i...
e u oi uiis . i .
lor . .'i , i n ! ,
!ii tr in ie
jjceut fr"'ii .
Will U l ... I
j Jiin .ii.'j'. n of
; ihe propo "J
form ii-a ire
On the r..(jbt of March i there wer
stc:a from the navy department the
; ila.-i', bhown.1! the geawral arrange-
mem of the (-cki, and hatches and
, corn; - method of electric wiring
' it-J loniro. o firing guns of the aew
1 1 2 - . l'-.i:.s . I'.anla. A fw Hicj
Kt .xTf dfKrlb? as "duplicate
-re miffed from the nary dc-
FcraiiKcd" by Pacific Abstract Co.
Dn Red to C A. Morris lota It
13 bflt ft TIBamaok Beach. flO.
First Bank & Troat Co, to S.
Robbtn lou 7, S I- 9 bft tS Kor Va
Brishtaa IjveioooaefU Co. ta &
P.obbtn Iota blk W Bribtoa.
Twin Rocks Uod Co. to J. E. Jobo
toa lot2: blk S Twin Rack. 11.
J. B. .t flaltie fiolb'ook to Earncut
M. Gatneid 16) acres in See 20 S S 10
W. tt.i
Manhattan Realty Co to Phil. Holmes
lot tu blk 17 Manhattan Beach. 35.
John Aellig to Andrew Zflerthar
in Sec 2 1 S 10 W ft.
B. . FeUer to W. 0. & Eva
McGee lot 7 blk 33 Thayer' addn
Tillamook, 1CJ.
Nehalera Bay Lantl Co 10 Myrtle
Thr lan ilellenk- at tatum t Ihe
fni.it) of lr.on has ruled that
frk--Mn flrfs lit 'as In sororities
m . . ar atmaea kwwbsv ed af aU
at daaeaa aad parties,
Tk.rty tw ttadaau ill be gradaat
mi from the AJbaay high school thia
cv R-. m eneemeai Of tbsa aaatbar
ar to ana weaaaa Jaaa a wiu
sraMiwataaa day
.bar Caaamtselaase Haff baa iw
ported thai aacMeni ta Oragaa fae
Arm tatatad ill. af aaatb H vara
fats' Tbera aera ltd aeetdeata la
etMtitiaa etth railroad orh aad Tt
ta rtJitneetlMi with awmitl aort
Hamilton, la the etrentt eaart
at R e burg, dtMiaaed the aetltlaa
tor coateat of the Praia mayorajiy
esrt)oa rued by X Ik Coal. ba ta
b. -tiea by Caartee K Haaard kj oa
tt r la an eieetio recently ball tbe
Xr Aall a aorked helf
to cweOi aad was to-l p -!
b . v... jeaasst r.?reaea W m-
l -r gfisg to feettaad. The '-
n . e,-:v- shape anar a ouf""
tbe Swjc She ta not leahma
,a praaf of the batilol -
t vk fmopte of Pwrttatsd "
etvw a ma; kit, aa aadner aad fottr
(sasmiaaionera Mtaa a fahaw or ao
aasses ilia 7. . fttt tt be
tao fee tea let ba ! laatatb
V Tbera at Aablaad has
Uktag Kr. FtiestssMMa taru n
trotaieM aa a aresaaUaasry
agaiast tahswaluals, He ta said t
th ft ret piraaa ta aeaba ortts
mot is tbe eattra mate. io try i
The Path I'aaaty fire Patrol -tat-'Ott
baa been oranUwd at tkalts
aa4 - oae af a rbaia ttt; are twa
art ?;il ta tlwswmi ri t'4 ibrough
e she slate Of it afw
of tiwbered taada io r)k rtusaty.
rrprkiS at ttie meeting
tr;t.r4;n f;j an ordlnaofe IMrndu
ad a: the couaco tto at Atbaay. it
t (miKMuni to light the streets if
tbe r-ideRea district of Albaay Jtb
lee watt lamps at each earner aad
three etaater tight at each eofwar In
the bwstaeae dtsinrt tsaewral bsarfca
ei nw pavemeai bar aaaa ttL
1- A Ke'ey. ce. a promtaeat real
drs: if North rvwdar. waa kitted when
aa auicaaabtie ahistded aad taraed t ar
il roar aailaa aaatb f Hatsea. Mha
Se" ' iaier. !. affertd a rraetvred
id may
af the
Illllfll aw I III aahv l I I I 1 eBaaaBBSa w gw SW III w-aM
eea.asa.aie. r m i is s s aa. r e.. v a a
Abstracts on Short Notice!
my mi:
! Pacific Abstract Comnanv
Buckley, si of lot 12 Mk 1 SeahrtKht
addn 110.
J..H. anil I H. Edwards to C. R. &.
Lou M. Lowthwaitc lot 2 ami part of
lot a blk 11 Classic KidRe Beach. $10.
1. J. & Bertha Atwoci to C. I). Me
Clelland lot 12 blk 2 Tillamook Bch $10.
F. J. & Belle Ayer to C. A. SalinK
tract of land in town of Ueavor, SIC
ska:? sad iatawwai tajurtee, a
ttie Three atber oerapaata
car eere aHgatly lalaretf.
t'Aited sltate Senator rmbr!a
"ill intredwc a biU aravidtag that all
arocewd from leaaea sad otbee rr
aaaea of Crater lsJte Park abali he
available for the caastroctioa of roads
aad bridge Ithta the part These
proceeds now k talo the ceaeral
treasury fund.
A Japanese mall carrier ve altar
ed at La Grande by two unknown men
who held htm ap la a dark alley On
threatctttid him tb a dirk. hl!e the
'Xh'-r rifled the pouch of reclal -red
mall They seemed to hav bon In
terrupted, aad made a haaty fllxbt
tritboat taking much of vaa.
Commercial fishermen nrar Oregon
City drew from the Willamette U
Japanese who had bt trolllnit tnr
Chinook salmon Tbe orloauls U
came eataar.lnd In the idlrs below
i the falls aad tholr ixxits trt? cntxlrrj.
A namber of Uulan famtltoa aro
expdcted to srrlvr soon to locate on
tnad of the Klamath country The
leadors of the colony took options on
several hundred acres. The first fnm
llltm to locate hare arrived and ar
making an xhauatlv InvestlKation
of tbe land bt-fore ranking permanent
W. U Balder and son of Stella,
U'aah. hare purchaawl Ui.j old J'aim
nun property at riaukanln. rucmlv
To the officers and members of Morn- !burawl- of ,h Ho City liwlxir and
ins Star Rebueea Lodgo, i'o. K, I. O. Shingle company, of Portland, and
0. F. ' "'HI at once begin the work of clearing
We, yoor committee on Resolutions 1 ay the debris preparatory t erec
of Condolence, rospeetfully scbrnit tbe tlon of ahlnnle mill, which It
following; j punned to have In opnratlon In the
Whereas: "The Great Grand Manter" 0rt'r Uil
has sammoned, on April 16, lflia, sister i rl"alt Jams Keating. on of the
EtSe Honey U the "Grand Lodge" I "1 ""wn pllota on tho Columbu
abote. j river, avidentally foil overbonrd from
Bo il resolved that: We have lost a H taur!fb at Astoria and aa drowned
sincere member aad the degree atatT an i ,,e 'r,!r '!. and bad resld-d
earnest worKar. m "'" practically all of hi life.
Be it further resolved that: Our' Al-r"y (Jeneral Crawford has rU
chartar be drajed in mourning for a!"" tl" u opinion at Salem to the
period of thirty daya. A copy of those j el'"cl ,B' ' slgnaiuro of any signer
resolutions bo spread on the rninuttw of to tt rtf'anduin petition may be t itb
this Mije, one copy sent to the beroav-1 rWD ' "we prior to the Uikint
Complete Set of Abfstr.tcts of the Records ol
TlILtmooIc County, Oregon
omen cnoutm hi.cok todo ko .t.
tWiia lw.4. WstanrU
NUla 5A1 - Afa Mutuil
P. O. KO.X U
Cement : Coal
Root Paint
Lime : Brick
Drain Tile
Docks and Warehouse Pront St. between 2d and 3d Ave. Wtit
ad family and one
Tillamook Herald.
publkhod in the
'he pasxage of the tariff bill brought
out -a sharp crossfire of speech In tli
house hefwapn flintF-m,, tt.. i
... l . ....... iiiuri itiHin.
'' "'Kl lrt ha pf the wayt and means committee, and
i. rth as Oak by tho RepresentaUve Mondell, llepubllcaa.
bi I only a so. all , 0j Wyoming.
mint that will be'
Inch wiii make a
'. t' Baoceai. and
easure of sutr.n.er
W Gold Bond Trading Stamps given
with every cash subscription to the
Herald. . ;
! Goodnight siUr. tho' the sliadowa
Gather thick a room) your bud,
Tho oor eyas are rwl with weeping -
And we whisper "She is doadi",
Yot we know that you are living
Moc abundantly tlian we;
You have joined the mystic circle
On that other, better side;
Whore, forever, perftct Friendship
Love divine, and Truth abide.
There we hope some day to find you,
-When our life work, too, is o'er;
And to hear your glad "Koodmornlnfj"
Where oodnichts are said no more,
Marie Wade.
of official action thereon.
Official of the O W. H. & N hav
nniMHinced the nurvey of two propo-.
ed eitonslon Condon to Posall :-i
Gilliam county and ipllot Hock to
Uklah In Umatilla county. The for
mer extension would Involvo Jo mllM
of track, and the latter IS mile. Tb
otffolale say that if thi expense la not
too Kreat, both lines will be bull'
Under direction of Kovcrnment offi
cers, the Indiana of the Umatilla res
ervntion will, sometime during this
summer, assemble to hold memorial
ceremonies similar to those recently
held at Port Wadswortli, New VorK
harbor. Garbed In their historic trap
tfie Indians will gutber around
I .
Committee: i wlT ,on toms and with weird chnnl
Berenice Lucas, raUe llie Ur nd dedicating
Gcorjjla Sowers l,'fcw,vt o the American Kovern.
Eliza Dawson. ' j IB'U cWer clvllUed Ufu.
Cement Sidewalks and
Concrete Construction Work
Enquire;t Ramsey Hotel
-B n is
en lr n. III oil. u,"'J
I-IIH.M.1 in.,.. U'l
rl I'rr." '..' .' -i'uZ til
r. iu,x,n-'"1 " t-.- w
v, a, ide m
m tie luuniuMti, ,.oa, Is!
khctimntlsm fjttkkl Cured.
i attsfi
"Vy sister's husbn xl li '
fj rheumntlMii l lilt arm
wi ll knownlrt sldciit of N v t
"I Kovo hint ajbottlo of (
l.inimiMit which hu uppllnl t
! ami 01. Iliu in xt,iiiornIiif t'
tisin wns Kiine," For rhr
nr rliL'iitnntlsiu vnu will I
Imtter thmi Clinmhurlulii'a
Sold by iill.riciiler.
Dr. Jack Olson
OlIU'o Hours Irom 0 , in. to f p.
- i' e se a - j
llotli Phoiiow.
t..l .a . . si.. UatUM
tMiiuirrum iitr iiist uiMiiie will's1, 1 1
K rtVCn i II.ta.il 'P-s.ilIn.r SillimHP T'1