Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, May 27, 1913, Image 1

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Tillamook, Okimon, Mav 27, 1 0 1
NO. 3G
Loosed from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M, Decoration Day, Friday, May 3Q
D.inlik- distribution of t.oH Ilouil Trwling Stumm 1-ritlav. r
hn,l.i..iilfry cIiihkvk me comluvtcd daily from h.'ln to I 'M) o dock iffitl.
,it i.iii m t mill needle good clcjifu titcnt. J'Yee embroidery lessons &i3P,
j-ivti wlun innterinlN itie purelmsed here.
ErtAL BARGAIN TABLE" Watvh (Mil for this tlblc" !! .'Il'll fill I il (I'lll ft..,,
r i ..r i t. . i . 1
jomeui'Kiciii ""c "K Kaui uiemmmiise ai extraordinary bm'niti priceH.
ry-i i VIM
11 XL
a mr
5S V
4 v"miV(,i
I'AW, I 'I' 1
I, A .! I'li! i lli Wu llllli IM ffl AH
fHl . W.. I ' vV. foVJ:8fcl
ki r Ami
I "J Pi' illf
f til .11 . h 9. KJ f V -W 1
r pi a
Hrinf: yoat wreaths and garlands fair,
Strew the ruses 'round,
For n hero 'k sleeping thete
Umler every mound.
Leave the Hag Hiey held so dear
I?or their history,
Flowers for love perhaps, a tear
For a memory.
-otion d.iv this week; you'll find yi.ursell in the right line of mareh if you wear a
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Wll lil... mum. rMUH.niMiiec-. if von do say so yourself. If you want
hio""l sitisfaetiou look at our $'jr suits; belter rome and look at the fine
Is t li.uegot ready for you.
IWc att ,dso showing a stiappv line of Idyll standard suits from 312.50 to
mixnl uoisteds, plain and laney serges, superbly tailored, for men and young
,J" stature.
ntinuatxon of the Most Successful Millinery
and Suit Sale We Ever Held
$2.25 For trimmed hats that sold xip to $4.25
,'$,()$ u u u " " 7.50
L,)h u u u a 9.00
7B For pattern hats portraying smart, chic styles
mien's and Youn Ladies1 Suits, Values
to $25. Hi is Week -
ctu,i1 Mail Service
lSl())t)!llir ..Mill t,a In'
4 IVH .1.. ....
1 ()r "phone" your or-
prepay postage
' I'Ul'ehasen amount-
r'.Oi) (,r OVi.r.
Iho Conwr Comunlont U ler,liur
I loose wives' Specials
Finn, size luiek towels 11c c.
" bed sheets acta.
blankets $1.37 pr.
" pillow eases 12c ca.
" euunterpanes $1.67
eoniforts $1.38
bath towels - 19c
Golden Wedding
Worthy Tillamook Couple Spend PJeai
ant Day Amid Their Children ami
Curd Children. I. C. Quick
and Wife Married 50
Year May 26.
Hiiniic C. Quick wa horn In Holme
Co.. Ohio, April K, 1832, cronnJ the
piwltw In IWlt -liclptiiK tlrlvo n bnl m
CMttlo. He nettled down t I hc mlm-s
III California, ntnyltiK' thitrc until J KM
tltvn mniu to Ymnliill Co.. Oroiron-
fotlllti ilown at .S'ortli Yamhill.
Adidlno Slmmoni wa born In Grant
Cm Win., April 17, IW7, crtmeil the
plalnit with hr narenta In 1H.VJ. cttlinir
ilown at North Yamhill.
Tliiro pnrlion met nrnl were tnorriwl
int Nith Yairhlll. May 20, l&Ki. com
IrS Ui nilamcMlc In thu KjII of lKMl"
;To Uili union were horn cvn mm
aO'l live (laj(jhUM namely: Uiek H. of
Kormt Crovf, Oregon ; l)ultoy C. uV
cat!l ; Th01n.11 1 of Itnnkn, Ore.;
Ilarry W., of Tillamook, Ore.; Ivan C.
dMcaMil; l.ndil C. of Tillamook; Susan
lirlc'!n, ''ortlaml, Or.; Heater Well,
Tlllimik, Ore.; Clara Konnedy. Ml
am', r. ; Addle I). Uldu. Tillamook
Ore. ; Umlo I). Quick, clcc3wl, nml
Uaac P. of Tillamook.
0flhnf IIvIiik lx were proent to
help enjoy thia anntveraary : Susan,
Clam nml Iaac P. not bo inn ablu to
Till couple celebrated their WHJi
anniversary at their home at South
IJrMrlo on .Mowlay, May 20, 1913, with
a bounteous repast.
TJjero were BD Kuc',,;, Present Includ
InK children, crandchlklrrn, Krcat
(frnndchlldren ami frlemli.
The KiiciU prvftent were: Mr. and
Mrn. Henry Olds, Palrviow; Mr. nnd
Mr. (teorKtt Olds, Palrview; Joe Lilly
ami family, Tillamook ; A. Christenen
Art. family. South Prairie; Mr ami
Mrs. Robert Ncilson, South l'raTncj
Mr. and Mr. Chus. Wells and dauRh
ter, NetJirts; Mr. and Mrs. Ike Wells
and family. Netarts: Mr. and Mrs.
Udd Quick. South Prairie; Mr. and
Mr. Ilarry Quick and Family, Forest j
drove; Mr. ami Mrs. Tom Quick and,
family. Hanks, Ore.; Dick Quick, i
Forest drove; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Quick, Forest Grove; Mr. nnd Mrs.
Albert Olds and family, South Prairie;
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zurlluch anil fam
ily, South Prairie; Mr. and Mrs. Weiss,
South Prairie; Mr. and Mrs. K. Schlnp
pl, South Prairie; Mr. and Mrs. Pear
son and dauK'htcr, Pleasant Valley; Mr.
and Mrs. Clms. Desmond and dsURh
ters, Minnie and Hiillie, Pleasant Val
ley; Jap Perry and Vedo l.avaya.
Some very nice presents were re
ceived: A gold handled umbrella from
Mr. awl Mrs. Ike Wells; told tooth
pick holder and salt and pepper shaker,
Mr. and Mrs. Wells three children;
water set, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Olds;
lartfo picture in Kld frame - very ap
propriate for the occasion, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Zurlluch and Mr. nnd Mrs.
Weiss; lamp. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Olds;
fruit bowl. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Quick;
salad set, Mr. and Mrs. Schlappi; sou
venir plate, Mr, und Mrs. A. Christen
sen; cushion top worked in blue and
Hold. Johnnie Quick, or Forest Grovo;
cushion ton. Mrs. C. C. Gullim. of
Knoxville, Iowa; plates, cups and sau-
cers, Mr. una .Mrs. ennur tonics; sou
venir spoon, Mr. and Mrs. Pearson;
levol plato glass in gold frame, eon',
mid hut rack, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Des
mond ; KoW salt nnd pepper shakers,
Minnie and Uallio Desmond; gold Ma
sonic Kinbleni liar pin. Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Lilly and family and a beautiful
hand carved cane, Dick Quick.
Gold bum! Plate which wero used in
serving thu dinner wero presented by
this happy elderly couple to tho child
ton. ltuihI children nnd great errand.
children, also a pinto which was bought
and used to begin house keeping 'with
by this couple BO years ago was pre
sented to tholr youngest living daugh
ter, Mrs. Albert Olds, with whom tlioy
innko their homo.
Dr. Monk camo out and took tho
photos of both tho family un.l guests.
The wedding cake was made by Mrs;
C. K. Mowrey, of Tillamook, who, has
tuken n number of prizes for her ex
cellent cukes, The cake weighed la
pounds am! was beautifully decoruted
in white, urn! gold with white mid gold
streamers hanging from a goldon wen
ding ring in tho center of the cake.
After dinner was partakon of msd a
general sueiul tune spom tho guests
dupnrted for tholr respective homes
wishing t"is couple many more yours
of happy marred life.
The retfulir mcetlns: of the Tilla
mook Commercial Club ww held at
tho club rooms on Monday evening.
May 2fi, 1913, President llakcr presiding.
Minute of the previous meeting
wero rend and approved.
The decretory' report showing re
ceipts for tho month of $107.20 and ex
penditures of f 183.41, was read and
ordered accepti-d.
The following committee reports
were received.
lt'cptlon Committee: P eaident
Hater reported that the committee
had assisted In the entoitninment of
Prof. Hetzel of the Oregon Agricultur
al College and Mr. M. S. Shrock of
the dairy and food commissioner's of
fice during their recent visit in the
city. He also reported that FokI and
Dairy Commissioner J. D. MicUc and
F. H. Scrlbnerof the U. S. bureau nf
animal husbandry would arrive in Til
lamook n Tuesday, May 27. and re
invested members to assist in entertain
ing them.
H. C. Lamb rcjtortcd for the reading
room committee that a desk and sta
tionery had been installed for use in
letter writing.
Mr. Spalding reporting for the com
mittee on county fair, appointed by
the president since the last meeting,
announced that a permanent county
fair association is In process of foi
matiun, and that a live stock exhibit
nnd fair would without doubt be held
hor during the month of September.
It was moved and seconded that a
committee be apofnted to look into
the advisability of issuing $25.00 notes
to refund the indebtedness of the club,
notes to bear G per cent interest and
to come due monthly. Carried. Messrs
It. C. Lamb, W. G. Dwight. A. H.
Gaylo-d were appointed on this com
mittee. President Baker requested Uie mem
bers present to help th: members of
the -G. A. H. to- geUjiutqinabUesfpr,
use In carrying the old soldiers to th
cemetery on decoration Day.
The committee on municipal affairs
was requested to take up the matter of
the enforcement of speed regulations
for automobiles within the corporation
Meeting adjourns.
K. J. Clauisen, Secretary.
The Tillamook County delegates to
the I. O. 0. F. Grand Lodge Conven
tion which was held at Medford, May
20 to 22, have all returned and report a
splendid time.
Side attractions were provided (or
the delegntes. Auto rides were enjoy
ed ; and many took advantage of n free
excursion to Jacksonville, the second
oldest town in the state.
Before returning the delegates were
royally entertained at Hoseberg where
they were led on strawberries and
Tho Grand Lodge will meet at Mc
Minnvillo next year.
Following is the list of the delegates
from Tillamook County who attended
tne I. O. O. F. and Kcbecca conven
tions. Tillamook: Dr. Monk and wife, S.
A. Broudhead, Mrs. Ed Snodgrass and
Mrs. W. C. King.
Cloverdale: Mrs. Belle Pierce, Mrs.
Archie Gist, Geo. Worthington and A.
Beuver: Mr. and Mrs. Forest J. Ay-er.
Bay City: Mrs. Smith Klliott, Mrs.
Geo. Williams, Wm. Bragg.
The first crude milk sugar factory to
bo erected in Tillamook County is
being erected near the Ma'plo Leaf
factory. 'H10 building now being con
structed is 10x80, two stories with
ceniont floors nnd part of Hie walks of
cement. The machinery for the new
plant is on the way und it ia thought
tlmt everything will bo ready for bus
iness by tho 15th of July.
Tho rellneny will bo located near tho
Mnplp Leaf factory and will bo erected
as soon as possible.
Other orudo milk sugar plants will
bo established us soon us circumstances
will permit.
Fair Meeting
At Court House.
Farmer! and Baiineti Men Meet and
Talk Counly Fair. Society Will be
Incorporated and Stock Sub-tcribed-
Proipecti for Fair
Look Good.
On Monday afternoon, pursuant to a
previous call, several farmers and busi
ness mn of this city met and talked
over the proposition of organizing a
county fair association.
As has been previously m-ntioncd a
tjmporary organization wa formed
last week by committees from the Fair
viow Grange and the Tillamook Com
merciil Club. Mr. Spalding, who was
tnsde temporary chairman by the com
mittees, presided at vesterday's meet
ing and explained as to what progress
had already been made and what in
formation had been gained.
The matter of the state law govern
ing thu stale appropriations for county
fairs wos disrussed. It seems that
where a county has no fair organiza
tion the law provides that tho county
court can apf vint three fair commis
sioner to loot alter the matter. It
ns dci.!td .Monday, however, that
e should have a permanent fair or
jfjnjzHtion and organize a stock com
pany, and ircororate for that purpose.
In connection wito organizing it was
WiJod that the shares should be lim
ted to one thousand, to be sold at $1.00
i--er share, and that no person, firm or
cjrpur.-ition.conk purchase more than
twenty-five shares.
At the close of the meeting a motion
vas made and carried that the commit
tees now in -.harge of the work should
puceel with the necessary steps to
wa: :s organizing, looking after the
matter of by laws, stock subscriptions
and incorporation proceedings.
F. H. Scribner. of the U. S. Bureau
of Animal Husbandry, Dairy Division,
accompanied by John D. Micklf, state
dairy and food com,nir,ion. are expect
ed to arrive in the city this afternoon.
An informal banquet will be given In
their honor at the Hamsey Hotel this
evening and on Wednesday afternoon
at 1 o'clock sharp they will address a
meeting at the court house.
It is hoped that there will be a large
attendance at the court house meeting.
FOREST GltOVE, OUE., May 23.
Messrs. Young, Wickershum and Perry,
of the Oregon Electric Railway, were
hero this forenoon, and went by auto
to Cherry Grove to look over a possible
route from here to that point, a dis
tance of 10 miles. They were accom
panied by leading members of the Com
mercial Club. They expect to extend
the line to Cherry Grove.
This afternoon they, will go to Gales
Creek to look over the route from hero
to that place, and Mr. Young stated
that it was possible that the United
Railways line would not be built into
Tillamook from Banks, as hud been
planned, but that the extension would
likely be mnde from this place, in or
der to avoid one tunnel which would
have to be built, if the United Kail
ways lino was extended from Banks to
tho Tillamook country. The people of
this city hope to see the Tillamook
lino built from here instead of from
C. M. Vidito left this morning for
Corvallis where he will visit relatives
ami transact business a week or more.
f Tillamook, Ore.
Subscribe for tho Heruld. It comes
twice a week.