Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, May 23, 1913, Image 4

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    W. C T. U. COLUMN.
I "The tM of tw bible." ami r
' there i little rvvmi for the rwMmist
b w. aU h.n you think our Croat
itvj: try i "awnt to the had" fat, re
partite cf tit s mmg turbulence of
-o ml. lions and unreal of spirit in tarn.
1 t whs wv know a the 'otlow'in
articles show that our com ntnset ws
founded on the word f God And with
its tradition? carrj out it teaching.
Tb optimist t iMt eon take courage
iooi uy is the word of the Book,
"i,m't word stall not return unto him
. a kt it W.'t HuittgawUoa limes Hotwe far a ten time after!
. -" - !- n . - . . i
PIMes he purchased. Whon liwver Notice o( hcrKJ's .ilc On
Cleveland cam to the Capitol for hi I l:eciillon 111 ForocloMH'f.
tlrM inauguration, he brought with him 1
n little red bible hm mother had iven
him when he w a hoy, and which he
had always cherished as n keepsake.
On that Bible he took the oath of office.
A few dsy? before Mr. MrKinley's in
auguration, a number of African Meth
odt bishop cam into Mr. MrKen
ney ottiee on morning with a tre
mendou package, which ptvvd t be a
large family Bible in a big plush bus,
Notice I herebr lvn that by Mr
ttw of an smwuUivi and order of t.
issued out of the Circuit Court of th.
Stat of Oregon tor th county of Til
lamocA on the t2th day of Mv. 9XX i
on Judgment and dwret rsmlorotl i"
aid Court on the ISth day of April.
l13, in favor of Auri M. Uropn.
plaintiff, and against John S, Mtn-
Events Occurring Throughout
tliu Statu During th o Past
and they wwbed to save air. civniry ChmrUM i. un-i. Rnd j
us it. Their rvsuest wai ranted, al , Kminltk defendant, for the wn if
the b bible we one of the show .b- . uun.iri ,j vintv Vollara with
jeetsmth Rod Parlor of the White ,,.,,. .,. .t tb rate of uhi
; of November, li'll: the further wm
if 1 had no otrer way Oi ?tn than wjL,n u. Roosevelt was Inducted
a . X. . J . 1 . - - a X. t'ail . W k. tl V I.
o we oera.tM ro seo uie nie o. office aa pvftH v """ivf Six Humiri and Thirty. niM tV-l-
sad UdiiJ States 5uoreme Court ptwnti h! Wllh the ttlt i . . . , t.
Clerk JJ., iir. Hi. ;f Zln frtl Tile
r.th,r-f.t under h, d and .Wcn . wrUtM m tht ny- ,4 7f Nt(V.mD. t9lt. th fur-
PnA ced a KBefc ot Wti. , leaf. wa Rumpel.'. tHit m uaea te lfaf s(jm of )UQdtvd and Fifty Do1
Slnnott Oemand Trr Clathlng.
WaahiMto. nepreeentatwe Sin
aott ha iMred oer the Mattottea w
the xnoi litduetr; atnl haa MMlyaed
th tariff tMtlNMMty an the aMie auh
per rent per annum from tb lOtlt da..- . . w" V V "
i a rooted on the abject of the Injuetle
whteh be UelteecM ) het dooe to
the woo) rowerm On May he to
traduced aa amendment to the Wit
putttot oole BtaaufaHuree oa the
free Wat, and la Mtpport of tt he poa
Kible at m M gSft6S. J ,m M ,ttd,ney, fee.; and the further' ta " T-.,
. and U ni, Un er of lir. RooeveU ! um of Sttt,n ar TVtOW tllan oaU J t W rhlat. tat
Rice." he continued. aJdreeawu?
votored man who appearei in raspottf
to h ring, "jr 1! to " PrvM B 1 hjot treasunM meaent9 tr trcc . ! . . ,4..k i atui
Court OMmbec and brine c the Ur wri.-.rr, k.. mmr.x -nter-' j bolly n0 the ooi rabter
!trer,and arneo Hm ' tion. wh,,h ,Arert and deer,, the Other dajr that .h,r. .
the eaata
l:cht. It it i tiny KttSe book, only t
five and a half inche kmc three
and a half inches wide. It ia boand tu !
bright red morocco leather, with the j
word "Bible' printed in dfnisuuve j
gold letter oo the back. But one doe j
not see. mat reu hkiwcb corer m i lfi Lat
he remove the httie black loathe- H s pTslwJWEt Rooaewtt, Jvam I 2 54.
wh-.ch protect it. Ut. J Prdt Tafl, I Kir
little red Bible began to h w wesir. , .
ar' then the black leat-.r U." wm
ijd to orotct it--eo Wne o m fact
that fifteer of those eovtr. nsad to j AT FLORIDA KEYS.
protect the etwrated Ml 5a.-oe, j
were wr out ir. the aerv: -c. It Miatad. rfanda. Slay 2. Many have
without -att ore ;f tae oMt b;t bn kescai wheo readitqr the kl
if not tht-wr. oldest b.cte. M.necUd ' bibeal ttory about ivtm besajt wa
w.-. Uie roernment arM . cenai-.W ed by a w!ale. bat they wwtii hare
the met .i-t..ncal. It is t.w cxt at- ) f,ta ia "ey beftrtki tfie
on which. cv 1SX. eicry cSuvf ;ss- , trt has hew: iified in
ice. wi; i'ir.f ecerti.c uf C&icf f Bcayr ha. near Mtaaw. Foi. ai
Jo:icc Ci, aw every mernaer of beiac preaentwi by ei
the Sttr n.c .ort, ca ute tcte oath j trm the Smithesjissaa laitstutso.-..
.f dikv- a-.. --- be-. awru hi p-' Carl G. Ksalee has winter boete t
t. usk-r: to our huthest Utbunil. arxf with him Uvcre a cuf,ie uf
week ago were Karry; C.
Jutiee Brtk.
It u not any ooer I ubulatwo of the bible vewe. wbica enn,1W J.-t,tcd Ul the,
know of it want aee the hwtonc lit- fn Great . inamrur.., tlffi of Hkt Crt. an4 .ajd
tie rolunie. R,j , ttcn to ITibooa. have kiaeed Ukif -swtJtkln .nd orttar of d.
,,Tr;3 "ihoroathofoftVe. Iley are aa rKtl commaodirxt me. i the
ot toe vnrwuaa rnnu ti i;
with the creitaet veneratMn ana oe- rMHj.r,t Gnr.t fcoodJ, Ja. 2 24.
iewdent Haye. P. HM1-J3.
f reettt Uaracw, rtoe. Zl l. , mA meenutm nata. Co taw fatha
Preatdeitt Arthur, r". at 1-3. iQa( awn proswrty. te w.t
PrwuVot Cleveland, IV n :12-1C i i, jfere. t$i m. Poor (4 aaat the ,
l'nMiflt HcKiniev. 1 C&ron. 1 :U p. 0( g,ntnirirt 0
PreaideRt McKinhry itacawf). Pro, a-.-, Fourteee a TewwnW
Two t ) Sooth of Rmw She 9f et
of the Willamette Mendiam. ta fflna-
he laltilUe of
bill alia, to put
arhedui K atmot
Jrieted comnandinir me.
of the State of Oreeoav
1 attiary mui udaatitt and
' and (Hsbwreemeata. attureey"
M..r- ti- j thv. every attoraey whu
ka praciicm aiore the Supreme Court
ibc state, 130. has pledged hi
t.es-.ance over the little Tuiuroe. AH
witt one exeeptioa a tea, aad that ex
cvwttv a was Daniel Webaier. It is told
e -n yet of th supreme court oi that
da. A Mr, Webster's fame as an ant
in eo pceeeded hint that on the oc-cksi-jn
whea iie cane to rcu his Sitt
cas.- tefcre the court, the clerk. Sir.
C-i.dwcU, ia bW easrroaai to hear the
..-c; speaker fv.-o: to adnir.i?tec the
The tittle rible is an Oxford. Ta
diti t. says that it is one of the twenty
thou and which Congress imported iooe
alter uas Peoerai Goeernmeat was ee
tabiiAhad at Vi'ashuigtaB. As car. be
aces from lit tttie pace in our illustra
tion u was rioted in 17V9. ni its
pnet cua-. 5iriviIero a-as five shiilsngs
it ii print- . . -. the old English style.
w:th the ktog s's ind Uie qaiirit spel
lir which are the despair of the mod
ern reader, eveo wre not the print 0
ane a U be almost prohibitive. Thi;
Bible has alwsys been in the care of
t&e cleric of the eoert, a position which
hai been occupied since 1300 by EUiw
B-jodinot Caldwell. William Tboous
Carroll Daniel '.Veiley Middleton. aad
James Hall UcKttony. the present in
camtit. Clerc Mceaaey has teen sixteen
Presvderrti inaujpuated. On thirteec
of these occasions has aansted by
proiucinf tae Bibl thax were used.
It u his duty when the President takes
the oath of hi office oo Inascuratioe
L'ay, 'jr. Vie rejit platform built for
he .-cre-rD' at tae east of the Capi
t i. u tam1 the left of the new Ex-
K. n. ryndail. H. C. Harmon. a--d a
nttiOber of other Iadiaaapnfis corn, alt
of whom saw the monster. It was
captured after a fight lasting t aers.
and the animal or fish or whatever it
is, is now mounted. The foilowtat; are
a few of its dlmensMwa: Weight. 50,
iX pouni ; length. t5 feet : cinroa
f ere nee, 3 feet. 9 inches ; diameter. 9
feet. S inches ; mouth, opes, 31 iacnaa.
vHtta, 33, depth, 43 ; tongue. tachet
lone ; ieverat teeth ; wei;ht tf bvr,
',T0u pounds ; tail, ten feet from tip
to tip : pectoral fin, $ feet long, 3 feet
wide ; dorta' fin. 3 feet kmc, 2 feet. 9
inefae; wide ; iUs. J feet long ; hide.
3 inches thick without sesiea.
The monster in iome manner found
j iu way inside the Vers and into B
i eayo bay, tvi Captain Charles H.
Thumpton effeeted iu capture after a
j fight that lasted more than taw days
and a night. Five harpoons and 151
bullet from lar?e express rides -ere
boned in the bc-iy, aud even then it
Const?. State of
gethnr 4th asaenaenSja.
and appurteawaace
oc in anywiae ijf 'p 'if tajtntffig
K"w. therefore, ta
Mate ot tJTegwc. asnt c a
wits said execvaoo ami erder f
I will on Saturday the 14 any ef Jane.
latS. between the eon f e'emefc a.
m.. and 4 o'esock p. m.. e wtt . At '
j'cr a. n. or. sai at la frw.
oooe kf tfce Cwtty Cesrt Bkw xa Tt
laasox. T.ViameK Cna&ty. Orefwc.
4fr for sale to the ttrhewt iiniiftat
cash, m hand, ashjevt ut f4rttj. a. i
the aCNrv !5-naei feomsei's riot"-.
tit'Ve. vm ixutt to acni tat the sjb
jesenbea rr. proewrtj. r e sjHBrs
iervcf as tsut he neceswary to
the susre be oe phwrtiif endes awas
jungeaMnt aad deer; aa ahc san
tiooed. Dialed, tfcrt lt .say tf Mr;.
M.m In aneep rasslng of thu o
tton the esrnw ehows aa tnreatment
vt fi' rtflaw. tftae ta a much d
rni, s the tHtaw tneuiry aa
the enac of eea raiataa u (inmn.
Wed on m.M afceepi. and wMh tnl
at 14 ceetv a pu4. shoes "
ym&t 9 thosw afceep would be aboat
SjM U the pttee drct I cents
poe4. te kos on those hp
Hi, kt there are J.eoo iw
t my tftstrkrt aioa
P. Las'.
Takes Druggist's Advicr
Splendid Rcsc't.
If xsyoae shoeld kaonr the wortB.
oi a turivcr&, it is the retxU 4raent
who fcr . it orr h.ii ooeater rjr
day the .. aad is ts a pr ' ca
to taw r-ii re&ady sivea tke best
Jin. Praax H Clin, of Wt Saajl
Lalse, X. T, aeys: "Foe i aunoer of
years I x crta.1 swJSrer from
hranchiUa. Lat inly I had aa xttacx
which more never than any. and
tanawm as Cnwtee Vet 4
-lAiad atenw
tS'T'4 ' is-ri1 ch fb .
to nk-X 'he c!er' v.
Sx.i'S rjt ' rvt. - "
fSwrt c5S!r-f !or t s !'- i
tor ti: cf .
' t S"I"TS !!''
H. iC"4 f
', t tTV i MMld' " !
a a rrt. t - aa p '
tee-A' ... - iyfc'-t -.' . k ,...-
Jakasr-Mt . " ha -
je4 V hrti'As!
nt.i r re . renditts.
Tf rw, , , Bnft!-"-
i r fic.s trm f.- t
Sri; rhiWrec i 'hi ' '
5etr..ta fm.k fr .uvtn
s 4centfl Th eomt: .
efckfc it wfcrrd cim
thnt 't 4o st 4 tfe-- 3 it.
relief A alvl,ir. Ithc.jl
That Maertgagv rartu ?rM" t"
exempted from taxat.oa yr.x. .
rate of tMerent k t per
"aa the gtat f a reeo uttmi .
waa adopted. If the trtn -f
reenttttMM are etUKted into !j .
hv the effect of maktnc r- r
the msxianun rate of ttr- -state
on loans on farm norif.
w&i five days before the
died. Smell boats were
a switch of the tail knocked the rod
der and propeller otl a 31-ion yacht.
Vbcn lashed to a ship landing aitere
stnamers tie up, its mighty nrntxias
wrecked tan doelc and demolished a ,
onckhoune. (
The creature is not elagni&ed in net
oral history and proclaimed by seten-,
tisto to be the most remarkable speci
men of sea life ever captured. Dur
ing the fight it towed a yacht at a rate (
of 4& miles per aocr about the bay ia
aneffurt to seek the open sea. Its;
threat is targ enough for a man to j
! my fr
crawl is. and there is euAeient room
r.tme viUs tb- Chief Justice stands 1 "Booth for two men. A fish'
Cemsrtrtg Wheat en Pacific Coat
lon'ind. Sot mot thai.
bushels Of 'bet remsln un ..!
iarmers' hand: In trrlton 'rii -.'ir
to Porf 1m flit Skim iImIih
ttenght I eonld hot ncm; , w
diwffihK a try Vinoi. -kich I dfcl. j ""Wty do' not nn-o mo vdh
with waulerfnl msnlta, ily cough , J Tk'' ' ,OT e11 P'' 'teal t-urj .
b&t leii aw; I have gained Is weight t x clean up of northwest stork Nn-r
xad ape-Hit, and I am at strong xx Mc , Btot0fy of ttt (rdr Km,
ever I waa. I advts zO who hav , . , , .
braakitla. ehrosic eoogha, or who xr, ,o;p,y ' ,oeb
yia daws u try TlnoL" t prortion at this um of r,r
It is th combined ecttoa of th This condition is the malt of ex
sandtctasJ caraiive eUmeoU ot thi ' tenai but nutet buytnit that has been
sSnW.h!rrentt prop. JSte j axhtto. In the mat tew day.
iron that makes Ylaol o aOelant. Katttsate of the amoitat purchased
Remember. w nranta Vlnol a this perto4 range from TSe.Ofttt o
'- ? .3t wfet , hT - a j i,hw iw bushefs Almost all the buy-
Chas. I. VugK C. Dr.-itjr.at, j
Tulaavjk. freoe.
tag don by Portland speculator.
.re n z
r. rr. :--r.e
;jvr . --me.
x.- M:
. S". -t:
Ktnnej : r
caref-tli :
. -vJ they hold the bible weighing l.fcOO pounds waa foand
:c n. When the Presnjvnt i moosur alomach.
$-.iemn wends of his oath J- & W ametis was sent to Kiami by
t.ad and kisses the vol- the Smithsonian Institntioa and he
.1 rV'fl.M. nkn it n nwmnttfid the naaaaxr bv n.tnjf kM.w 1
close t him. Clerk He-s Uel ribs. Many of the buiiets fired t know:: xtl"TiX f Mtwton, tow.
is ... darine the fieht faiUd ia r..,. ' ttve tim a tottle of Cnamberlxio
: .e president's lips. Heitbe&W.
rs the place, and no th ;
Rheumatism Qulefcly Curatl.
"My sister's Kasbsii had aa attack
af rheumatiinr. m his arm," write a
car-; its t.-
f i.-
ur soon thereafter, be
le to the White Hvus
ar' .r-.u it to th president' wife,
A vr two aim Praaident Mayt's
iratioc. Mr. and Mrs. McKenney
the President' Bible to Mrs.
i They found her in the Red
- fumurjad by is group of cal
Mm. Hayes asked Mr. Moiier.oey
the verse the P.- Unt nd
.. Wbun h.' repurj t .t he ha
:i:arf f .t her, tne ikvi cm.
U rta : tr.r:n Vj trve con.DX.'.. ar.j nt
..(jc.. -. la. -.i-tiieittu Paxlm,
onlii.iO t r -Wvettn, tv.flh, arid
thliU t: it .:r;el. A r.t sl.n.y re
cit : t .. .'uris: ,-i :. i n.j..oJ
Be m. t. ;, e, the., i l:.;aucd me
atxwi . it m.f : but l t . r .i.c of
the Ljtc 1 w,ll dasiro) f.em. ' Mr;
Jlaes ru i out in a d m : i.-e,
"Ob. -. '.n .t verse is m.t r :. ... i. e
Prec.v.t.n: - ; he wuuld not itr
a.ytj.!, f t..ej cyinprta mdi
uL"Ct I -. r.;l !"
Ckrk K'.r.c; has purchased the
Bibles I t 'he- Prc.-i w- is inaugur
ated ii- -.4 :.t.J u.3 ;.,ffii-e. ' .t
two cr tbr .f tt.tnu aid not use the
belter taae Chamberlxin's
SM by all dealeri.
Tillaniook Harkct..
The followinc prieae are now
for farm product at Tillamook
CVx reeled every Thursday :
Health a Factor in Success.
The largest factor contributing to
a man's toeee is uryiaubtedly health,
it has bean observed t.iat a man is
seldom sick when ni boweis are regu
larhe is never well when they are
constipated. For eonstpation you will
find .nothing goite s-, ood as Cnamter
Iain's T ..-'.i. Tr.cj :t only tnov
xm tne d.tk. The, &&n .
-r. . :ea.er. , Pouto, per cwt.
j Cheese, per lb.
... ; ! Parsnips, per lb.
Plar.a anl pecincatiom for th I. O. SquaahTper lb.
o. F. builir, at Tillamook, Oro., ran Pumixin. per lb.
be f.,r ttse purjone of making AppSss, per box
bid on tn. erection ot the un, at the uS&f'T- r ,b'
-m: . a. Hroadmaod, TiMamoot J
Jri... at Ove office of the architect.
E. E. McClaran, &2S Lumber Exehango, 5
Senator Uakt Intprtsalon on Secre.
txry of lntvr.ee.
v. . - gtoa sntor ljn. of Or
So. : ; "irrd ttrfor aWrvtsry of the
l!.'rr lt..- and put in a bid for the
aikm-nr oi money from the reels-
Ltntmcnt wn.'.-. t applied to his arra tSc,n ?JIi1 ,g'f'' "'" ,or construe
and Of, the r.cxt morning the rheunta
Uiro wxj (ofte. " For chronic rr uses-
lar nveomausm you wiil Pnd nothing
I chi.'.'
f f
the W-st I'mattlla and na-
irrtcxi'-n proectx set
'.teas' ri'ed the equity of Ore-
ialti. against tbe rrclamBtton
but poisled out the feaslbtiit
.I7j in
1.00 to
if u.c.
Portland. Bids will be rueeivul
5 o'ckM-k. M I'Jia,
A certi!ie.J . Mc-?k of 5 pur cent of bid
to accompany amc as a guarantee that
contract will U- iigtied aad Uaml j;iven.
Th.- .ivn to rojc t a:.y anJ all bids
is reserved.
Dr. Jack Olson
aad lirab!litr of both protects, snd
ther showed .Secretary Ijin. he-
fund could he found staple to build
these to pro)ects.
A Senator l- rancluded hia tal
meat he was coagruttilated by Secre
tary I -an who toij him his was tht
-sbcsi f. oirxring ulk" he had heard
In th- course of the bearings covering
the pant two weeks.
Land te Be Recovered by State.
Salem Bolt to recover annul 30.004
icrea of IWu land, alleged te bate been
fraudulently select d doriag th no
torious Hyde aad Hanson operation
In this state, will tw started just aa
soon as Attorney General Crawford
receive from WaahlnKton, D. C . tht
! checked-orer list he left at the Keneril
' land office upon his recent visit :o
the capital. The attorney Ken era I ex-
Oifiee Hour Irora 0 a. m. to 5 n i pecU 10 reHt,? th'' ll$t wl,,,ln
' a" few days, as b man asaurtxl the
Uver t K. Bcalt Real EiUle Office ork lh-r e"ll U accomplUbj
Both Phones. j "Khia uu days.
-yjpU.rxi W.lfr I;.m7.mjj I.'
Htindles This Rmjo I he HeslOnU
1,1- rk.. I.ViHll)
.Uh lh
..mansi - rf am"i,JBf
ri,-Vial SjV'J
. . -"f I
-mew JcrcctiorL vi:
Oil Cck-stove
tv. wUfvef iKf it N! ITiUliTlON wt fuvJ A
txrvi mlit4rl If'iww
iKfl Is thsj .4x1 Ml W lo uf, ras S- Of Vw Itt 'Id'lT
ru m;u' it jta . u
Tmt fUa ,.tl(l Wf kdmss
, ' lt".
ml, ll, ukAMti tt- - oo
' lucl ll 'tuW
Ka. u.iVt hl'. C - IM-W
II oo ni In" .
i ;n lii hen - M
Vs l'tiJn4- C-t V".
iu. i t . i i m J. 1.1 1 U 1
Via thi:
I lOCOtNSMixval I
I t HQUTta I I
TicketH will br o, fl u ,, ,uj j,nui, ,..
OrKou lil iiai,in .lrti i..tl m ..ne wy tliioitictt ("I
I ortland. stop iitrn within lm.it.
Sept. 30.
Final Return Limit Oct. 31st
i. .nits
28 to
I IIICAtiti.
T()li,T .
11 1 1 1 Al'l
M'. I.Ol I
M KM I'll IS.
And vunoua u,,r ,m..h Sot.tH x, Oill on in-.
I'.r full i.,!, ,,, llM , rHlM (J , f s
l.ustern u. mi i..r in. .......... . . '
' fttiiiiic hvki riiniitr tioiniM '
Jt-IIN M. SC'oTT. tiitiiurul I'.ihhci.
I'urtluml, Ori'Kt"'-
" riic
. I IUA.
I I .
t Ailf'
50 Gold Bond Trading Statf
Witfe ;Evcry Cash Subscription to th