WE GUARANTEE 4 BtO HONEY A HATHAWAY O O O U PRICES 4 ilRiippcnlnflf. lbK ' ti? ' , ' icfvlrc, . ..tain I In U-WX ill , n(allc llto , , rttj an oriipr I i mi r ftiat! on tu! ' 1 t'H.V. w l bc TJIlamooV f .ntlluVtl wag ttt tt'n .ell lluil-TvtH-, Hturr. W Tillamook Drug fT.. liaiq t) ' C ' 1 IU) ef liar iltw,T ! l'4 ... 11 dp ,.. r?nt. H- J. ' IM1, WCf c r Thurt'Uy. ' ah runner ilurV J H. Lunar, j S', Hay of;il,t4V(-r U In the dly. Ilcv, MoLcjr) in a Hoy dly visitor UJy. JoIih lit ami ! a ly City liti!rici vl(lnr uly. B. T, llaltom w In Whclir mi tiiijnii: rhrily. MUffU IrfatU wa a V)r cf Uulftnti v llar;WmIn0ay, Pitr KoImm ef Hj Gliy w In tWfi on btliinnii tbday. ,VnyMt iUc ifcwt-, ml cleared r any bennti work, rati at tho Herald ultlrn, 111. 'lotU rtrU tlio birth of tUuehic-r t Mr. awl Mr. Homy IHohl (ti BwMnltK. Carl KmxlNm l(l UtU morning for I'oftlarvl br tto will lrnrmel IhiI nl(of a o days. Hlngor Hewing MnrMtira Mild on easy 'ytni.iil. All tnnkm of suwlng " diluva cliiMmxl tt) repaired, Work KiiHrNiitf, Headquarter at Allen Pago's Furniture Html', 'Mm 1. It, Xt N. Will run n r nerlnl e. ruralon Iti Whelor mnl rr-lnrn iwxt (Monday, livl( Tillamook nt U.W) n. in. ami Wlii.tr iil fi:x) p, m, -'nr (r rnuiul trip , W. M Omit of Iluy (lty brniiiiiiliiwl ,1'V.Mi W. V. Tromlily nmi Mm. II. ! It firiiKH, phiiui ovr In mito Tliurndny. I Mr. AdiihkIm Mr llrtiil wlio IimI ln-ti I vnitii.n (MximId Unto for n few rjaya returiiml Willi tli'iin. I W. II, (Jiinit .now of I'lirtlunil. I.nt . formr!y of NVw Yiri Clly, w In thy I toly Tor tiw Uy this wnl(, looking . ovrr th ultonllon with h vlrtw of local ltK In ii'ito liio ol tilulmtiKi. rfl k.i l'..rtl m ihl iiMirnintf, ci'iny ii-n wo-lnixKlny inonuiiff i f..r Vitii Couvor, Wtioli. to vUil hi m..il.r Wo iimlrliinil tlml ho will Im flll a ti wHhom In lUa Hmn v Mnlnrkv I'ibIi t. hi lirllnn.l It.l.' Home (inpln nrllclra In our utoru thai runrmt l.i Iwni. Floor, rolfiir, tun, liakttiK (wiwiij-r, lH)tlr wnil op. 'Hi fr'h m!rtnlii tiro Rllll Ixttlcr tlmn VlMI ran clinic nt anv lllurr In t'fi. You kiww wlierr. nt th IUO 4. ' A limlM Ircturp coume will Imi put on nl llic('hrlllnii Clmreh ilurliiK tin! rnmlnn -ann. Ilin following iKnk- rt ami hltreirtloiu linvtr tfrpn IhkjVwI : C,i,v. Ilaillxv of l"llann ; Onlii Ititil ;j WnltirTwnn lfo, limit; quurlntu-; (Jrny j Mimical ('. ; MontnvIHa SVik.Ii. The ttml alxjvi- infiilloiul U the Ik-hI I h . I J ran Ik; yilrwl, anj wo nhoulil fil ' fllUfh plnaanl, lrnltnl, ImmsaUhc of hnv- ! lilt; inch a lnro of k'""I thing in Pr. Wttnlt l th" only ttyc S'C 'lallnl twnnanrntly loratnj In IlllauwxiV. Your ryc which nrathr' tnil tcnaltlvo onjan of your Uly 1 nlKHihl Im xamlnrxl by a phynlclnn , wJhi U rnpabli' Ui rrwijnirr illmano otJur than tin' lircil tif Klnmtn. I poaralitiM' my ttlatmt anil nm alwnyH j hurt; lo inn kit i;(m tlmt (unrantct. I'ricrisBrr rraoonahlo a anywhorr. j r'rrtl (. Skomp, of Hni;rniln lleml, on the Trnnk Itlvrr. will have approx Cwi wantnl ; fmm oil" U lpty milk W. 8, I'blllip. Kaurct . i.,rtu. .. ,, t irf.. thi. ...n. i win. Thf lrKir part utf losan Ikt Urrik. 1W? 6 V, UiTI'afiAr. Pur lf riinapi, worV am about 13M lb. parli. Of will anil ttipnratfly. .a aJ.Ic a motor ' tnt(utrc at llcrak! Oittm, rung rulptnont. Tlio f!lmar arrlvnl In i"rt yrtr far Kcnvrol tKiuif - iay, loiI Jown with flour, frml, grj- of two, l'iUlra ! rral nirriiaiilir aM autionabllra. u lu tfvf,. Tllla.J JtwUn ,Dln)f, Am, tHto wc, ,moft. ' nt.? to I'ortlaml Wrlnulay. Wo uiw a! It wa a Tllla-' ticmtAmt thf y will Im abnont for a wcok r iho fir t of iho or maro. ! vn.ii... . u-oinl iu il L-oncral I for tlinof r 'oiii'. (In! hmino nnd now w.fn of Oaribalul work all ranch -lAdy Job, aUiHarp. Knointh land clonwl to make n .tu tlin fir.t ttt ti n ' .,. i . .l .ii.i4Ihl far fow ilavn. Lull 1 Hvlnc dalryiok' ; U flno location for n i up (liK-h ranch. '. . r iraw tirrrlr-c. ! )r, Womlt rap-uU tb birth of a girt a inuukci aixl ncll baby to Mr. a.l Vr. ClaroiKn Tlklon only rlr. Tlic rcmalrnlfr arr a variety of Mark cp, nomo phrnominaU ami limmnwtli bUck. "r would likr to (Ivp a rr!poii.nlllc mmh)H a rnntrai't nt an unrlj dali to prrarrvr thn lcrrl on nlmron ultnlilc fur tho inurkct. Hell phone. J'rlrt' I6.001.(W. Pino plarc on the Sllrir Hlvcr, for nh On liiVwatrr, 90 aerc of tlinWr and CO ncrc of iHitlwn land. Owrrr olTonil t.'I.OOO.W :-ft thl it with morn I ok mlnilvo ' r t tf- ral l.mno work. rrfrroncen. Addr J laioixik. ?-tSM , j.wliO ,na ImoI1 kw' llixi'l lllviT, ro- liflUrF ,y i.,f.. thi. whcW. I It Ufk war i, in phono n llvo Mf"l.k, Ijfij i. Wo will UkUbi A will autlafy villi. Ptk.it, iuhI Myrtlo MHU I'Sit t Vac j! i ..n ouUldo. ThuV l''.rtlan. j . .radaj inornlnif. '..rtliuul. urrlvisl fcefin' v.. win k nod In oiv P'f iplc it wimihtir nnd lino HuU. I n 1,1,. ,.iir nt tho I'V bulklino. lua coiiiiiliiti il hi 5l riuri,td to hla homo In Urn tmlor who l lo- tho county bunk, oxm.-cU lo oncof iho llralH liulldlnKii, thu Joui-a & Kutidnon itoro In . VISIT 1 V I v r r A ll . "ii iinL miij tiling ' u KIKST CLASS He also keeps HOOL SUPPLIES K EVERY PUPIL LOUGH TlHv RRUANLi; W'st and Book Seller on Wpl.HMM'oy. Tho Ulllo ono lvxl 'rw bourn. Hil. Kmaleraa ha iurchpil a Hop new Itrno aii'.o; aft h, p., o pannt'iinc', nolf alartfraiwl has rlorlrlr IIkIiU. The iiw car U eortalnly a Ixtnuly. 5fP Oro. U llatnlln. only llmt clam houo mover In Tlllamfn)k (Hinty. Thlrty-IlM' rr In thf IhuIiiuiih. I'. 0. Ilox No. IBZ 11m WlUon rivrr nchool which hn Imuiii UUKht during Ihn pnst yrnr l' Kllrn llrwley and HUlo l.amb. olot today with a proKram nd picnic illiinor. An B room tnniunut houe, furnUhod, with Inlimlry. for mihi nt J 3,000 Trrnm. Sen J. C. Ilowljy. For unto (!nod youmr Kenornl (rm tmm, betwewn lXl and IU0 H't. wl. Will tdl aliiK-le. Jiwoph llmiim;'irtni)r, lioK I'mrlo. K. I). Hnmll nnd on Clorencp went to Tortlnnil on Wodnemliiy. A law unit. Hmiill v Mulnrkey I'Uh Co, for money coimlderiitlouK, will bo tried In Port bind thU week, j Jnek l.-itlmer nnd inotluir loft fori Portland Wodnondny mornlm; t attoml the graduation oxwrcUe of tho PaclUr i Dontnl Collee. Ira l.atlmor In a mom her of thin year' cliti. l.ont, bolweun the , K. Church anil HeiiHton barber nhop a fur boa with nar row ribbon tb'K. Hndor pleuHO lo.ivu at the lleiotton ahop. Ilonry ItoKorn who has bcon Horvlnk' on tho U. S. firand Jury at Portland returned homo yoMonlay for a short vlnlt, after which ho will return to Portland and complolo iii uuuuh moru. Son Turner nnd Schlld hoforo you build and ot prloei on llrt clana Bhiu gloi. nt their mill l iiiIIch nouth of Tilla moolt City. Wo can hnndlo any lo ordor on whort notice. rhreao factory. Schixil house on tho plare. Another piece of land to relit, adjoining. TbU m n uplcndld buy nnd will make tho buyer rich In n fow yearn. Kenton for selling in debt. Inquire of OIibj. Coyne, Kei ville, Oregon. mmm The llatltroom That Pleases is one which completely satisfies the ileiiuml for sanitary security, durability and beauty of design. A ",$tumfoir Modern Dath room iuMallcil by s with a careful rruard for sanitary efficiency and the fnllowiiii; out of your instruc tions will please you. Ask for booklets. R. F. We life giving "Gold Hond" Trad i n k Stumps with every ensh deal. ZACHHAN Most Prompt ami BKcctual Cure for Had Colds. When you havo a bad cold you want n remedy that will not only give relief, but oiroct a prompt and permanent cure, a romcdv tlmt l pleasant to take. ii remedy that contain noining injur- Chamborlaln'H LouKn hkiuwijt ii HCIH I. ..I..., ,..11. .Dm tllO IUIIL'8. i i .i nn oiiiuru n uiKii, i" - . moriiliw. Mr. Koy accompan.eu ui...... .)Xectortlon, opona tho aecre- To loan, by Uo Tillamook Title & tUmmi restore, tho system to . Tillamook. Ore., $1200 ......piiv condition. This remedy has In ono or two loans on Improved farm wor( wKle sale and use, lands, Tillamook 0 jih rnt morl- wyH be depended upon, gujfes, ileulera. Mrs. Komoyno and children of Spo- ...i.,. I,v l.eon V Siting whii Kane, wi. "r". ... ..- Ioiih. 1 Mrs. Komeyno'H fattier, " u tll)80 requiremonts. .anmo time, loft for homo Wednesday n tela " . t, f . I ll...,,. III! I1I1LIIIU ----- niul can Sold by Roy. Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Makes delicious home-baked foods of maximum quality at liilnimum cost Makes home baking pleasant and profitable Church of Christ. Sunday May 2i, Is tho clwfnfr day of thu revivals now in profcreM. Have yo'inttenlod? Cuitx on Sunday -.vo will iJo you gfxl. 10 A. M. Bible school with clnw f ir nil. We haw ylnc foryou, 11 A. M. i'rrflcolng by BvnflfjeHtt Caylor. Hut.jrt: MormmeriUil rl dnre of Chrintbim'ty. 7 P. M. Christian Uttftf or. 1 P. M. ProHcrdn:;. .Si ,. : "Why 1 win a Christian or r iina.i' o of Hap t'Bfn Nt wvuninp .'rrc, Thoco Bieetlng art f.ro. nir a blus irtif to many, soul arc tr lo-' u, C hi. You sr cordially invi-i. A welcome awaits you. K. E. .Jo pc. U. B. Church No'm. I Nearly all those Wagons and Buggies are Stvdebakers" thousand Every yenr over one hundred S'udcbnUcr vehicles nrc sold. tl This tells vou what the farmers of country think of the Studcbakcr wagons. Tliis appreciation has been constantly grow ing for sixty years. This npprccintion 1ms been rnmed by the deter mination of Studcbakcr to produce an honestly built wagon thnt will do n full day's work and keep on doing it, and not to build a cheap one. The man who buys the Studcbakcr Rets all the improvements sained by the experience of two gener au'ons of wagon builders. FwmW4(mi Truck D.li-rr Wo Dump Wmmh Bucfl Surrr iuiiM W(on font Cart Hunnt SuJJ undtr tf.0 StuJtbuker guaranty. Sec our Dtjlcr ei utile us. STUDEBAKER South Bend, Ind. KCW VOKK CHICAGO DAIXAS KANSAS crTY PEMV MINNCAl-OUS SALTtJkKX CITV- &A.N rXANUSCO n RTl.SO.ORE. We are d'.'njicd to announce that the Oregon Annual Conference of the U. B. Church will hold in Tillamook this y-ar. June Jth to Sth is the date. Further hnnounctintnU will made. quarterly meetings will be held Saturday MH P. M. each official should make an earnest effort to be present at this meeting. Kev. C. C. Bell of Philomath, Ore., will be present and take charge instead of Hldcr. Kev. Bell will preach Sunday morn ing at 11 tW A. M. after which the sac rament wnl be administrcJ. Sunday School at 10 A. M. Y. P. C. K. ui 7 P. M. and preaching again by Kev, II il at a P. M. Every body invite! to nil thetc scrices. I. E. Meese, Pastor. I Presbyterian Church Notes. University SUMMER SCHOOL f Oregon June 23 Aug. 1 1913 Twenty-live instructors. Fifty courses. Distin guished Eastern educators added to regular faculty I'nivei'sity dormitories open. Hoard and room at $15.50 per week. Reduced railroad rates. For Complete Illustrated Catalog, address CfK Registrar, University of Oregon, Eugene REPORT OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 49. No. of days taught, 20. Whole number of days attendance, 170. Whole number of days absence, 8. Whole number of times late, 2. No. papils neither absent or late, 5. Average number of pupils belonging, 8.0. Average dally attendance, 8.6. Per cent of attendance, 95. Itoll of honor: Martha Halmer, KIlMibtith Halmer. Verna Abplanulp, Kosn Abplanalp, Stella Stulvonger. KATIK SHEKTS, Teacher. Naierene Meetings. Services Tuesday nnd Friday even- i ings. Sundays at 3 and S i. m. PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TRADE. Town property, timber lands, houses and lots, vacant lots in Tillamook and Br.y City. I have some Portland prop erty which 1 will trade for Tillamook property. J. C. Rowley. Cure for Stomach Disorders. j Disorders of the stomach mny bo avoided by the use of Chamberlain's Tablets. Many very remarkable cures havo been effected by these tablets. The average workman likes to rest on Sold by nil dealers, Sunday so that ho can go to church. : But ho very seldom thinks how ban!; ' his wife workB on that day, more than any other. He likes tho rest, so why not bIvo her tho same kind of pleasure, let her be free from tho euro and trouble of cooklnK Sunday Dinner, and take her nnd tho remainder or the family down to Tillamook's leading eating house und enjoy tho comforts of homo, a-s-ny fnm homo. Dinner served from 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. Look for the slirn EAT. PALM CAFE 2nd Avenue, Next Door to THiamook Feed Co. 3uriAI 'ONKnVdS TIIA iusdtury) nj H'n 'WIS I00"!!!! MJU1 all uo nnuoui Jd tiij AJ ao ou j))s3jj pur iqJupui )un p3u Ajjaj in m uv3 pioi uojj jnoA uo auivi vpjvy )rM-c v 3JOO-J 3UJ0H 9Vf 3JW The Second WorU s Christian Citi zenship Conference will be held in I ortland, June 20 to July 6. The Conference will open with a general mass meeting in the Mult nomah Stadium on the afternoon of June 20, and three sessions daily will be held through the week except the 4th of July. On the morning of Independence Day celebrated rien, American and foreign, will speak, foll'j.ved by a great civic parade and demonstration. Low rates on all the roads, good for the whole time of th; Conference, and special rntcs for special days, will be granted. TI e Bible gc'uol hour is from 10 to ,11 o click. The first picnic of the season wi!I be held an Saturday May 31st. We anticipate a pleasant drive It Ida ville on the bay. Everybody connectel wth the school and tha , church arc invited to join. Preaching service at 11 a.m. The ser iio.i tbeme: "A Good Soldier of Jesus Christ." The choir will sing- an ! anthem ent iled: "My Presence Shall go With Thee," by E. S. Lorenz. Praise ami preaching service at 8 p.m. The poster vill speak on the themet "Is Decoration Day Per ma I nent or Pass-ing?" Anihem by the choir: "Go Forward Christian Sold- ier" by Miss Adam. The general public are cordially in vited to these services. Strangers are specially invited to make the Presby terian church their church home while in the city. Methodist Church Notes. If a fellow really begins looking for them he may be able to find spots on so bright an object as the sun. A beam in a fellow's eye does not al ways prevent him from seeing splinters in his brother's eye. Sometime the beam appears to be an aid for the ad verse critic. Even the printer is not infallible as witnesses NaamUn the leper in last week's issue. A tellinu lesson showing the hard ships of the children in factcries was seen in the pictures lasi Friday even ing. Next Sunday: At 10 a. m., Sunday School. Wo have teachers and elassts for. At 11 a. m., Memorial Services. Members of tho G A. K. and W. R. C. will attend in a body. This is the beginning of the cxerc ses of Memorial week and the public is in vited to these services. At 7 p. m. Young People's Meeli.ig. Subject. "The Social Impulse " At S p. m. We expect to have illus trated songs for this service. Subject, "Sham, or the Folly of Untempered Mortar." The public is cordially invited to these services. H. W. Kuhlman, Pastor. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, that the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, will receive sealed bids, for one hundred cords of hemlock wood, lor meV-OUri iiuuac, nam nuuu iu uu cut 415 ill. In length, and corded in the basement of the Court House. A certified check equal to 5 per cent of the amount of the bid, must accom pany each bid as a guarantee that the bidder will execute u bond for the com pletion of the contract if awarded the same, 1 All bids to be tiled in the office of tho County Clerk, of Tillamook County, Oregon, on or before June 4th, 1913. The Court reserves thu right to re ject any and all bids. 1 ' J. C. IIOLDEN, County Clerk.