Cbe Cilianiook fierald C. 6. Cromblcy, Editor lsucd Ctvicc j UJcck . i.i .t. ,.aa fVr I H t v.,ti, i: n: .MIs.lFP 5Al.II M crtw. j mm i " 0I: KIM I. PKOPHKW. annum -.. .f auii iirfT. Imi th Masonic Hrelhren. Attention! Cucsdav Jd Friday Entered a on-il, matter Mar IT. P 'V l T,Um""' sirsckiitios i so a vkar is apwncb 5 JR4vrMstr.4 Kali r rs Ir-rtiao. pr tine Each bKnt ineerUon. jrw-f.a N'oticc - kw T -itf CWfM - 1 00 Notice, per Hw -J Car of thanks, per line Loeak. nar Mae, r itk - "1 Each b-ite-t insertion. Hoe .0 RaohUo of ootejnce aad Lwbjt oUce, per Hne Basin fYofeaiioaal Mh aia. LJJ rivlay AdrtiMmt. P in !...-. Aii muel be in thi of fice on Monday and Tharad mr to tnHT puMai w in Tuesday and Friday Season are imperative. fotta of t.V Sute of Or. of Tuva, one) . i wU coart o th 9Kh dtj f A. ! mi in the cw wfcerste B W-J Me w plftteu. J Jg Eat. u . riw, . rw Veigwi U Jt fUat, t lie MMMdlMMIMilAm. . aa et . Mi tft I at Ihe re of 9 rrt p .nut tll vitilmic )itIuiH im-oo tlittllv invitril I K T I'mh. W C. I. Tmommi , M SrtTrt "V FRIDAY. MAY 23, 1913. SIwvUt. My2Mh. i Uw Ite act for a mw rrretr-r to h -H at Cwut l!oue, in t!t' irtereel of a ooonty faif. A Urir ttet)d4;: a dcsirtd. Use aieetir. ts railed fo I oteck. aoarfk. Let everybody at lend. REPORT OF RIVERDALE SCHOOL Tb Jiaacnk BniMw Aaaoeiation j uxf borrowed i,000 wWefc will b Tfi to another J&.OWahaeribed ;' b k-a! pw5. far the fona traction of s gr.W trurture on ta comet of t ir?t Av.. East and Seeood Street- t This boildinc wi Iw a fine addition So the city. 1 h afork of rtt oswwiiaa- 1 tkms a the Odl Feliawi aad Maaoa . in anancini: the er-ctiim of splendid bsiMinc? is ci aiofh benefit to the city and should be rreatly eDCOQtraced. For av-vnth codia May W'.i. S. ?Ufla rfnifim at ; prto ; toU! 1. So. dayit tasfht. 3ft. .W day ittaodanof, 371. K. days absence, .N'o. timea late, ft. No. popiH neither ahfoai ar hwa. 14. , Aerac Ko. hefenctws. fcu Ancati daily atteodaa, .. Per cent of aUcndanct. MABEL KOVSS. ToadMar notick IS irtKBY wivwi funfc.r w, f jar atiawy r. KKf.ULAR COMMUNICATION EVERY T,rtoetSf a KutK-irdr o. u J,.i.arM.nU .f THIRD SATURDAY A H nltcmlaitif t mu".Ml lh Tth day o Itt 0 " ' a.. f ad day. at Ih frwt t f lb.. tyewwt hoM i Tllaiw t My CW.ro. M to the biabrat baddaf forVaah as !. W,,T ntttatM fa Tinaawak Oawlf. aaara i-M-taalwly 4ai4 fata. Il: Hofth tide land frontiaf ami huttfnt k , t afi tbfee ' aewtatmtl twBhtj I no'th of ran If ? the WSHaaartta Mrrlian. tnfitS aw, aaoea -r . .?t the tMe tea ftitin ab.tti maa loft thru awl four f avtt -3 tvaatraw, to aani J f)xl ana af flat W.UaawtU Mer4ta, Win !., wire or ioaK aa a4 ej tfct n-Hwn of wd aached kaadt aala4 lh it :.4f a eorww n i herrt. fr emtj by Peter Byrtm "j E. N. CRUSON. XAaw. i fainter K.pcr HiuiKcr SheniS TiaaaeA t5e-nty. Ofaj-j. , Contracts Taken F.L-a,,ueJanel ; um Vmm,hc(. MJTKIE Of 5mjlKU'H- 5ALK.j AH Work t;Mrntl. ( A. iU. Austin Civil. IvMUNiaiu TU.l.A.MUOK, tJlllT.O.S Mutual , T. H. GOYNE Al(ume)rat.Uw tni U. S. Commtiimotr Optwtllr CtiuMhaui the Ml day of Mawh. MM, a-d re) fe. he wtet a-aa M tM and ta-t ikatwaa at the rate " tr M r aawaih fraaa the ITt day of Jaianary. tMi. amJ tISfcW ittorwy 'a fe-a. aod the caa and a ' boraamata t aaad aart taxed a ., and the ta aad eaaiaaw f - writ. I wlk the 7th day rf Jww. ' 1U. at Jo chart a.av. of aaaf day. at IW rrwot door f the raty w1 ! heoae ir T?a-iaa City. Oiaf-a. al at asbUc aartwa to the hart dde for caak ha haad, tha'iwal aft ! sated rs Ttttaoaiw OaMy. tetw. daacrihail aa fat-, t i.-U half f the cithwe-t iQwartes of Hartaoa I?, aad the eaal half "of the atwthauat avarUf af aartaon in townahip 1 acanth la. f fatafe t Nt of W. C T. U. ELECT OFFICERS. There is considefable eompiaint b cacse of the fact that oat streets are so du'ty. It waa Uwoht that vrhea oar street were pared the doat aak aace would be eliminated, bat it see ma that we were intataken. It coat con siderable to k-ep four miles of pave ment clean, which fact was evidently not tborooebly considered by the coun cil whei the contract was let. From the Innfc of ti it aeema that the bojinesa met: may be pot to the extra eit-er,e of keerrnif the atreeta sprinkl ed or cleaned. The W. C T. U. of the Cl'.j held its massal eleetion af oalcen oa 7udy of th wee, the meeUnr heiaft t the home of Mrs. Botta. Mora idterett in the wort vat show by thou pcaaeot aad the fataiax wr elected to fitl the oaV far the enautAK year: Mr. W. E. Noyej. PrasadeaC Mrs. E. Bale. Vice Preaadcat at lanre Mr. H. T. Bott. Vic PJrat -Christian i3ns;eh. Mr. Eetha Phillip. Vtea Praaadeat -U. B. Caarea. e the umber theraoa M Wcru rifhu ta coaoect-ja thee-ith eaa reyed to P. at Beak ual Dad Mr uay. and abjct to all af th riwta rtna in the eaaeraae ta iaad jurtaa. ' Abo. aad eacwa a Urip af laad ! 1 06 feat eU beta SO feat a i side of aad PrUWl ith the Ha of the ataia tmct af the t'aivad 'Kaitwars Gxaeaai xs th ataked oat aad hx-ated over aad era ; the aaad real property. eonUiataf J af aa acre. Dated. May h. 111 H. BEKSHAW. Sharif of TtlUnasoV CoontT. Or Vice Praadcat I No TICK is hereby si that the arvrasfaew, Sr of THool Coaa't. !$taaa tt Or .-ua. id by tin x-t an eatMia and ardVr of aaie. iai m f oat f the fuewl Ctrt of the Stat of Orvtfwa. t TilUmooi Cxjb'., aa the Sh day of May. 11 J. ird to m dtrrtad. apoa a ;dctaet M 4-cre f the aald Crt aaad. Mrrwd aad entered oa the SKh day f kvrk S'lfc s mati wbfru M. K. Ranaeskrau was pUmtirt .nd TVaM Bewadaa aad llhartr H tin -re Vfrriat. for the m of eLsU li pr-vrnoi. ai interwat ifwr-on frwn epteobcr iJth VM. at -o prr cit pre .. and foe IT M t- th Sete.-rat thereon fro Jly lih 1913. at it per teat per annum, and ii.r JTi tivtl mttonmr f. '"d fr 1 25 cat d dibar-or t. anrt for Jon C. Uat iae. jt f eeekawir wrvrge 3! real property imiiw J"" 11 3 . , a f,.i-riL IttWtl INOTICK 01- 5llgill-l'-5 sALli xM torn tn Mrk o of W. G. McOcc, M. I). lloMHoi'ATIIIf I'llVSKIAN ai i k;i:n OitW Net lV f t- Mutual Telephone t'nrl. '"I A ' Pioneer Transfer Co. 0. L. IXOK .V SON. !Vn- With ltmt Ihc Same Price lo llcrytuc II. T. BOTTS, LAWYER CUMPl.t:Tl:.Sl:T()lABSTRAn CO jo:; 'jot, Hh.tk illitntooti, I ilia ft I Ma J. E. REEDY, D. V. M. 'til 1 tflf uil I IVjiU'ikt .a . - - H. S. IIUNKJ J r Fuur l.r Wral f I ajjy JOHN I UAM) HlSDiKSO. ttloM)! law Utftr. lillmituok lIuilutiH) Kuam V ITKRINAKIAN 1) U A Tillamook Oregon I. J . Claussen L.A WYER lKt TsCIII It ADVHK.VT Tlll.l'HOok Hlovk t Pitukiss Ott.c M Mu-fr I' it, AD WtifV I GEORGE WILLtTT Attorney at Law fMI!. . . I II. -i Praaadaot' TV.e Tillaook Band boys have arain orjrar.ized far the nnor aad have en- paee! Lyle it of Portland a n-stroct- r. '-'r. Lewi ia a nmetit aid come t'! - in-.er. Tillamook City sbno'd have s brd sad we are sore oar people will loyaJly sapporton if tie boys s;et together ad show the proper spirit. A zood band is a 3i thin? for 2 town and it is U) be hoped that Mr. Lewis vrill soeceed in petting the boys interested to each aa extent that they will make .rood. We oader stand that Mr. Lewis is deiroos of orsranizini; a class of a doen or oore beginner?, to work into the band or ganization as -con ae they stew tie necessary ability. retary. Temper- Mr. A. G. Beais. M. S. Caareh. Mr. D. L. Sarod. Preabyu rin Church. Mrs. Bernic Locas. Mrs. Jennie Kins. Tr The siiosrinieadeat of were re-eieeted a follows : Mr. Lao: a Laace. Loyal asee Lerion. Mrs. Jenoi Kio. Fte-r Mawioa. Mrs. J. C 3ewleyf BTx.lstie. Mr. R. E. Jope. Sciemtifte Temper ance ! tv irDe lion. Mrs. i.'. J. Myers, Letriltion : Law Enforcement. OUter departments applicable to IM &eds of tie home town will be scpplied with Scprictendent's frora tia to tia. RliAL PttOPIIKTY. HOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that by rirtae f aa Ezacctioa sad Order of Sal iaad out of th CireoH Cxirt af th StMte of Oreroei. for Uw Covatj of Tt.laraook. 13 the roe wbrrm Petrr Bjrvns aj rU:ntaT and th fl-K'-. V.-V. t c-m.fv waul W fr"i- ant. ajon :re- ' -.V re . csf or, the 1-tn f Asei favor cf ta-d t.". n rVr : iV- r. ij . rii. 1. n kjf 1 1 .u ttno aad foar ia hkk On, c S-i 0. StiMwii"f Ai'tKr. to Till -. now Tiliaww l "J. '"''' W i art! the ' ' ' o-1" r". ti. the hitit bi'Wer fat fmtf .n ha-iS. on Saturday th Tin -lay of J. 191 at ter. oW- a m. uf aau) day at the - ift h'ja '-.r m mkJ Hif;ty ar! lo Mtlafv said jodifmenl at Tlla-iiuk Orif-a. thu 5th i ,f Mav 1H H. I RKNSHAW. rr :T of Tuliiiiu't t.jnt.. State r- n. r . June t ue It's Worth More Than (ioid to Relieve the Mind and Enjoy ..GOOD MOVING PICTURES. The Kind They Always Show at - . aa -- aawB aa m man a aaaaBBW ejBam. bbb THE BRIGHT SPOT Brother Baker still continued bis la ment because of the fact that the Un derwood Tantf bill contemplates re raorin? the duty on milk and cream, while retaining a duty of practically three cent; per poond on batter and cheese. The lowenne of the tariff on rr-ili: and cream no doubt prints from the demand of tSe larze cities ia the East wh:ch are hard j reused frr such necessities arid are near enoogb to the Canadiar. line to be able to arail them selves of Canadian milk and cream. Hro. Baiter evidently has not thocsb' of the starving babies of the large Eastern cities. Politically he has nev er advocated anything bat toe eaase of the interest, therefore it i quite nt eral in this ease that he shoe Id not think of t-e under d.jjf. Thre is a-'.'hr '". Vj "i- (jus tion. however, and that m to the effect, that when the Democrats considered the loner'r.s. of th tariff on milk they no docbt had in mind th thousands of dUcTuntled political pao tucking re publicans who are playing the baby act, and wr.o, by their attitude, are ex pected to at once take to DAILY CURRENT FILINGS AT COURT HOUSE. bottle in real baby style. v'e nndt-r-stand that both milk and sucking bot tles are to be placed on the free list. The Democratic administration 13 prov ing itself far lighted indeed, consider ing even the babies, which fact should be very consoling to Bro. Baker. Furnlihed by Pacific Abstract Co. WAP.P.ANTY DEHD5. Xebalero Bay Land Co. to Lillian Thompson lot 20 blk 20 Neearney. $50). ' Brighton Development Co. I'nni Po.t humus, lots 34 & 36 blk 5: Bngr.tun Beaen, J0. D. S. Bisbee to M. F. Helm tract in See 3 1 S 9 W, II. i Su.iiet Land & laves ts-ent Co. to John W. Viodriek lot 2 blk 3 Sunset Beach. 1175. Sunset I .and Si Investment Co. Henry V.'. Goddard tots 17. 13 L 19 blk 19 Sun set Beach, S175. E. A. Rooter. & wf to Uraemia Land ei Water Co loU 11 & 15 blk 13 Rock a.. '. FVa n, . . A. E. Xolan Iz wf to 0. G. Swena-.n lou 15 & 16 blk 9 Miller's addn to Til lamouk City, 110. Mane Remer to 'A m. L. V watch, et-at 5 acre in Sei 31 1 S 9 V, 45-, B. Potter Realty Co. to E. F. ' the sucking BacbtoW lot 10 blk 60 Bayocean S10. WHEELER THE MANUFACTURING CITY ON NEHALEM BAY 1 Cough Medicine for Children. Too much care cannot be used in se lecting a cough medicine for children. It should le pleasant to take, certain no harmful .ab3tance and be most ef fectual, Cha-nherlain's Cough Remedy meets these requirements and is a fav orite with the mothers of young child ren everywhere. For sale by all deal-crs. Skin On Fire? Bay- simple waab, the wall Juat the mild, known D.D.D. Prthcrlptlon Jor Kczema. ana me lien is sona. A trial will prove it. We have sold other remeea for aktn trouble but none that we could guaran tee aa we can the D.fr.D. remedy. If the first regular aize J1.C0 bottle doe not do exactly as we say, It will not oat you a cent 1.: . - jjki'o s'jur:; T. B. Potter Uealty Co. U E. Mai-1 lory lot 10 blk 61 Bayocean. t!0. 1 W. T. Schackelford to H. D. Schark- ' elford tract in S"c IS 1 S 9 W. Brighton Developcnent Co to Arthur' .V. Vail lota 6 t 7 blk SS Brighton. $10. . Edw. Braunerareuthcr i: wf to Kath- erine McMillan tract in Sec 12 3 N 10 W, $400. T. B. Potter P.ealtv Co. tn -Swan & Uthelia fiawkinson lot 10 blk U ocean. Ruth A. Rees to Zilpah Casey sj lot 5 & C, blk 2 Central addn to Tillamook, , $1500. N. E. Melchior to Carrie Galwith tract in Sec 25 1 S 10 W, $175. Adelherl Hudson & wf to Edith L. ' Pike tract in Sec 19 A S 10 W, $.'15. F. P.. Beals & wf to F. H. Wilklns parU of lou 41, 12, 43 & 44 blk 17 Sea View Park, $10. j F. R. Reals & wf to F. H. Wilkins ' nart nf lnt. oq fn s, ,.11, n c,... tri,.... Park. $10. 'I Tillamook Bay Co, to E. B. Daugh erty, 1 acre See 35 1 N 10 W $10. F. L. Sapnington to J. W. Uhman' lot 5 blk 9 Roe City Beach, $250. ; G. B. Nunn to J. C. Peterson lot 9 1 blk 14 Manzanita Beach, W00. , Myra F, Helm to Mrs. Mrr. Eliza, beth Helm tract in Sec 3fi 1 S 9 W $10 T. B. Potter Realty Co, to F. w! Brooke lot 19 blk 61 Bayocean, $10. T. B. Potter Realty Cs. to Frank C. Pozzie lot.,20 blk 54 Bayocean $10. Come and Estab! ish Yourself at WHEELER The Nehalem Harbor Co. will make special inducements to men with families who will lo cate in WHEELER. Property for residences or for business buildings can be secured ,at reasonable prices jmd on easy terms, INVESTIGATE OUR PROPOSITION The Nehalem Harbor Co. P. A. JACKSON, Secretary Wheeler, OfegOll J FOR SALE. I. f ... !.! ,, I . rl Imr-. ' pr.',' H.Crt). UratMl ktw Kile wtth liaaelfir it. I j p- d( ll aeri brTlr. near th f ifp! I3.X Fine hotn1 rwrsr 1 w 10 .. . ... . t i. . . . ... j., 1 . rtt inm.w himi V Rill" I V, eliord. i arte bcrr--. . r-M Arrnaye in lrl,i tdaUit lil or. A. I'laakcr NOTICE. oitlcc urn? iliHJf north of v c t H s aw i i -f v. IM, MTW fiAIMIwVC DON' T .SPOIL ASCiOi t oy KfooiiiL' mm in nRoo ih r nvi.'iniih: fiiiii 111 ftii.'i llT 11. as .. 01 " firy PVIMllIC 11 i i" " " ' vi li.-t ritock ut prlct-n tlitl t,u' A WKI.L MADE IIAllNi viii 11111 '1111 iiiiirunT i "ii of vour horan. but cOlltrdiUtO W J nr.. 1 1. ... .....11 Mimii 11 runaw'j v ... .TV,,, I'lHIIJ - . I I .'l l .1 I I I ... hli hit nvniucil II ilia 0111 iiniii-" dlar.inli.l In tlnwi. W. A. WILLIAMS, lillaniook N Tillamook Baker's cai9 FOR S5ALI5 AT ALL GROCERS 11 .11 Subacrlln) for the Ilcrnld. twlcu a ivioilr anil irlvei yOU now, AdvurtUo In tliu ner"" It has thu laiKfkt clrctilutlon 01 pawr in tho county.