t Ilatn 00 If ISSUED TWICE A WEEKTUESDAY AND FRIDAY RGEST c,RCUL-ATiONorANY Paper in -Tillamook County Tillamook, Okkgox, Mav I'.'J, 101. 'J. First National Bank Tillamook, Oregon WM. G. TA1T, Prc.idcnt. J. C. HOLDEN, Vice I'rcaidcnt. Interest Paid' on jTimr. nnd SitvitiK. Deposits. Under United States Government Supervision C REED SMOOT 8&; tfav V GOVERNOR JOHNSON SIGNS UNO BILL Tlirco Elcmcn's Likely to Invoke Referendum Act Pecomes Operative August 10. PRINCESS LOUISE fUrrnmonto -California alien land bill i n;j,unl by Ouvcrnor J hnsot. against tli protests of Japan a J the rproa.ntalloiia or Presldout Wilson nuil hi personal untoy, Kocrutary Bry an. Tlji' nurnor atgaiHj Dm Mil and u iln yd after the adjournment or th IrKLIatWTa, which wilt i)H AMgUSt 10. u art brcrre operative. J Within California the act hm en- jnt.rnij triple hoeUllty which way '. in) lm Hctdlii) until November, 1J In the first place, tho dotno lfM.t upjKMmJ flan- legjahMlou nt this ""i". n matter or irty regularity. Th Aatalio Kxrlualon I.ongue. an - rKoriisAilon ur which the president Mil fllMf TvMffituu. rrr.nl rmivllMl . .. . . rompllcjiy In the national dynamite Emeu of Cumberland May 24. I "I" 7: . W" j 1 " ' J auohter of thi- NEWS FROM OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL Democrats Grant Concessions Regardinrj Fi:blicity of - Tari.'i i!ca;ings. Princess Loulie, t t r ' c i i T e nave a value in stationery xou Can't Beat i Sffs of Writing Ptifwr tuul Hit retopes. Item Qttnlity Prince Creie, far -.a- Phone In your order. Wc will deliver It. Tillamook Drug Store: KOCH HILL. K. H. KOCH. Ph.0. T i ill i atufaction Guaranteed. Money Back if Not Satiifactory (tcd ttrro.t. United Btatr Senator j ()f r in ti, ... ..... , . lr th, u-,ft f jm , th, Snatc. j n,mrwl tttHt t woul(1 ,nvok , rej. , ' i i i i i ii 1 Jt.M fill rut V tittrfMKiiMt (f riTihiMaui m I ( bill u (lrit ll.mtrl. I i Thlnlly. ,lb (njwerful I'ajiaraa-Pft- ' riric Intcrtiatlouut Kjjonlllon cwa- ', tuny. Imcki-d by tttany clmmbcr of : oomtuvnM. baa (ibicvil lunlf on rconl ' In oioiltloti to tin- btll on the ground tlmt It la n notation or fnllh. Brief News of the Week j .GOVErtHfilEKT hi J ST PAY , Treatment of III. Wilting Alltn Not ; Sleamthln't Duty. NV Vurt A dc:mou haiidd down l) JatUi' Mayer In tit I'nttod tiutuM dltlrtrt coart will com the t'nltwl Htaiv evtnttfM al u U.OOO.tKM) a . )itr lrHn now on. It hold thai lh govcrnmvnt iut pay fur wwlical aid to alln brought to tbl coumr' wnl , found after tbolr i rrlv:U at K!li lalaud . to b auf.'f rlK fn-ta mmci ipmpgr.iry oontaKlotta d ' from tho Hollnnd-A'uwriOHD Stoamihlp JAPAN STILL SHOWS FAITH Likelihood of Etrjngcmcnt of Peo ples, However, Admitted. Tokto. - Knlth In the American pea tito Ht s"e thai juatlco 1h douo tho Th 0v.rtimi.nt ouht to eothxit t-Japat:c: Ir the dotnlnatlnp note In tin? diactiiKlon of tho California ntlcn Tho bill IncortKiratltiK the Itock fellr Fouudatkitt to promote the w.l bei:ik -t mankind throughout th world haa bwn nlxnod at Albany. N Y by Oovernor Sulaer. A fierce tornado swept through district al btork Hide and 16 block kug in St ward. Nab., killing 10 per- sons and injuring 40 more. I Harper's Weekly ban been sold at jNVnr York to .S'orraan Hapgood ami Baswlateh." according to a aUternent j U)0 houg r'ven out by Colono! Oeorfio Harvey, j ! iu odltor. Tho flrt in cc lint of the executive Washington. Annoncr.ment by , Clutirman Simmons, of the flnnnco committee, that su'xcKra.'ttees co:i stlr!)'5 l.e -. arloos acheUules or tho Uh Jn ood tarirr bill had determind to graat more tim- to iiroteMlnR man ufacturer than at flrxt was Inte.ided. Rr..j. .J ccnsiderabl i:it.reel at tho caiitol. Although the effort or M-cuitn Itepub- nana ut iurc jiuuiir n'-rrig was .10 feated by a cto of SC , 4! h ailn oruy leaders sf-e in th" i.har.ged tac tics or the IVmorra!" a ri,ac aslo'i which thy assort r-j."- l iron tho denunciation of secret cotim l-ratlon oi th bill. Two Democrats. Senators lUaBdell and Thornton, of I-ouislana, roted for tlio Kupubllcan nraendmenL Senator I'oindoxter, of Washington. I'roftres ilvo, votod with the majority Som tor Jonw), of Washington, Republican, , wno prertously bad determtneU iu .oto against public hearings, aoncunc -1 i Just before the ro'.lcail that he had ( changed his mind becaue the finance 1 subcommittees were givins private buarln? to some Interests which he ' UioufUit should be public. I I'residaat Wilson came out strongly ; as the champion or free wool and fro tuKr-liMhre-years. as provided for in the tariff bill recently, passed by ; eompany 115 (orauab Iriwlmuuubniniid-onrrsMp-intisl'ition. was not considcrios; compromises of nnr Knrt fh.it Hm t rru crttistrlr ruv commlUM otJhtt-BewiUlcaa jjaUooaLi,,,,,,, .,teMim ft. pat8CiJ tne th" ruun. In finding for tho Uootiil nnt. ilwcbtnil that the liiwiilcrnlloii lav. msktf no provUion for thu Rttiit ohlp ettttitmny to iay for mtnlicttt trout innnt fnr dtllng aliens. UnlM over tulod b) n litRlmr oourt, tho ilcclolon will nppl) to all strAinahlp linen. H. M. Plagler Dead. War talk i denouiictNl ns ridiculous ; nud only calculntnd to inharraii tho j two goveranivnt, which nru laborinK for n peaceful nottlernont by diploma CJ' It Is coucetled, however, that failure on the irt of the AmorlcanR to r nK)Ut! to the Jtipanufle npp.ml for n din- I uontliiunncti or the alleged dlncritniu 5on;nlttf since tho Ji'ovnmber elis .lor. -Kill bo held in Washington Sat urday. FnirbankB. Alaska. Is on an enforced vestbl diot. Its entire supply or 'niai havlnc been exhausted. No romt will bo available until the arrival o! a cattle uhlpment June 10. The Canadian government demands Wwii l'alm lUmch. Ha- Honry M. , illiolt wouW UMy ,0 lum, t0 bome j n J500.000 from the United Stat.' pmoni iria I imp ! hnrk w f w I aw M mm -mr - - - Shingles' : Plaster Root Paint : Drain Tile - i m mmm m.mrm - ' ' - , . ..... , I 'ft i a . Ilf.l l-'taalvr. moclatn of Jolin I). ltockefI Irr. rallrimd builder nud banker, dim! nt hi country home Imro. He vtiik !3 iars old. Autrallan ileef Cutt Living Coit. Salt Knimiliwo. A nntlon-wldo flKHt on the bot'f lrtit tliroiiKh the lmllc tntlon ol AURtralUu beer, which Inn lowered tho price or meats hern from 10 to 25 per cent. In believed a cer tainty Tho first bin uhlpineitt from the south nea, 200 twin, which arrived for lumber used in 1900 to construct the military barracks at Eagle City. Kan. Canada claims that tho United ..uf T-r.t.rArntflf nf 111,. l,.ulti1M Th.. .1:1 It- anise public generally Is convinced J !!" ntUltoty barrack, at Eagle City that the laud bill In a racial nnd not I au economic mtinnuro and hence n 1 blow to nntlonal pride, and the people t I reel that the world muat bo taught , I tho nucesslty of equal treatment for i the whites and non-whites. DIM More Drastic Than California's. l'hoeulx, Arli. An untt-nllen land owucridilp 'Mil rar more drastic than ilui bill roeontlv imuKeil bv the Cnllfor- hem. In.UHMllately found Us way Into nu ,,.Bllll,turo hnil bt,on 'Kncd by 0ov emor Hunt, followliiK Ita paKsnKe by i both hout.es or tho Htato loKislature nearly 2o btitchurshops. The foreli;n 1 bet r has met thu reiiulrvmenta or the , United State Inspection laws and Is j in great demand by San Krnnclsco ' , housewives I "lent i rvr yoc JOHN LKI.ANn3HENlM'.K.soiN SiC'lf Tis. Alloriiry nl Law 4n,i NoUry'ubllc TlaLLAMTOIIK lINl'nKI'dKV'I'l in I.WV : AUfiTUACTS : KlvA U l-STATIv rRVKYINO : INSlVANCIi Tillamook, Oregon F. C. FELDSCHAU Cement Sidewalks and Concrete Construction Work Enquire at Ramsey Hotel M 4 ead it in The Herald STUDENT ARMY GAMPS PLANNED San I'ranrim-o Details hnve Just been made public hero of tho plan of the s.nretary or war to hold two ex perlmental inllltur) camim r Insirtic Hon for htudi'i.t of educational Instl tutloiiB durliu; tho buininer vucntiou period, coupled with Iho announce ment tlul U lliey prove a buccush tlu will ho held annually, one In each or the four sections of tho country, The announced object of these camps U. primarily, to Increase the pnnonl Inadeiiuate potHonuel or the ; trained military reserve or tho United I Slate l a class of men from whom. I In tune i'f national etnori.mioy, a InrKo i iirupi'i'loii of tho commlwsloned olli ! ccra will lie drawn, and on whoso mill tarv ni.Uiiii nf at Mich u time the llvei ' of many oilier men will In measure lU'iicml. Klnu Poter to Abdicate, (lenova. Swltiorland.Klni; Poter. of Soi'vlu, IntomlH to abdlcato as booh mi ho possibly can nftor pencil In the ItulKan HtatcH ami Turkoy lm boon ullllied, Waue Cut ,a Throatoned. ChrOnRo.- A out to tho Btiirvntlou point In Hi" wni or women wqrlu- In lltluolu, piovliled an oliilit hour law iu imksuu. wna Ihroatoncd In opim hear- ' ins; Dororo tho ulnte soiuUo sub-coin-' mltteu on labor. " KO Gola lloml TruilliiK .Stamps with eiwu yar' BUbsorlptlon to tho Herald. States bought this lumber from a man named Howard Page, who cut It Trom her domains without a permit. In what Is said to be the first decis ion or Its kind, tho Wisconsin Hall- way commission ordered a physical connection made between the local lines or the La Crosse Telephone com pany, nn Independent concern, nnd tho toll lines or the Wisconsin Telephone, ; company, nnd the American Telephone & Telegraph company. It was developed at Chicago at tho 'hearing conducted by n legislative 'committee to Investigate charitable j institutions that only 7.3 per cent or ' the money received was actually paid out to relieve distress by the United Charities, A uumbor of Important conventions " . are scheduled ror this weok, among noRton. An attempt to prove thit ... nnnl..Pt.nPV. m.,,ini-, nt the WOOLEN TRUST HEAD IS PLACED ON TRIAL I representatives of capital entered Into Ul)UnrJ:lna ,,, 1)oston: the Northwest a compact to discredit organized labor . . convention. In Detroit: tho wus made In the superior court hero, where William M. Wood, president of the American Woolen company; Fred erick :. Atleuux, nud Dennis J. Collins are on trial. Tho defendants are charged hpeclflcnlly with conspiracy to "plant" dynamite at l.awronco it tho time or tho textile strike of 1012. Collins testified as a witness for tho prosecution and confessed n part til tho alleged plot, though Insisting that ho was mnwuro at tho tiiuo that he was handling dynamite. Collins told of distributing dynn mlto nt illfforont buildings occupied by striking toxtllo oponitlvos at l.aw ronco, but nmdo only n casual refor enuo lo Wood nud did not niontlon At teaux' unino. Ho said that nt tho nv iluVst of John J. llroen, who whb n uionibur of tho l.awronco school board at tho tltno, ho carried a pacUnge of dynainlto front Hostou to l.nwronco nnd nt nroen'a direction distributed smaller packages of tho explosive at various places whore tho strikers co'i grogntod. llreen liaa boon convicted and fined for actually "planting" Urn dyiiiunlto. National Association of Railway Mall Clerks, In Cincinnati; the Ilrothor-. hood of Railway Trainmen. In San Francisco; tho National Association of Retail Grocers, In St. I.ouls. Allies Want Cash indemnity Paris. The Hulgarlan Minister of Finance. Theodorfr. who is to repre sent Rulgarln at tho financial confer once In Paris In connection with the Jlalkan sottloment. said hero that th Ilalknn states would ask for a war la domnlty or 2,000,000.000 rrancs ($400, 000,000, of which FlulRarla's shar would bo 1,000,000,000 franco. ' Dnrnh'Mny Ub( President. Now York; Hurpor'a Weekly makes tho rollowliiu editorial forecast: "Wo prodlct Hint llio hum republican rnndldiito for president of tho United tliatea will bo William 13, Ilorali of Idaho." Bible Readlnn Made Compulsory Harrlsburs, Pa. Under a bill ap proved by Governor Tenor, 10 verse.' of tho Hlblo must bo read without l otiniont In the public school of Pomf f.jlvaula. Teachers who violate tho i.rr are subject to dismissal. Dynamite Cruiser Rent by Torpedo. Newport, R. 1. Tim torpedo boat Vesuvius was struck by oue of Iti own torpedoes itud was bonchad on Hope Island, Narriignnsott Uny, when tho liven of those on board seemed Im periled by tho waters which rushed In through a two-Inch hole astern, Mrs. J. A. Matthows nnd childron and Mrs. Hih took thu train this iiiorn Inpr for tho bench whoro they are Bpendinu tho day. xium aMw house and he regarded It a tho duty of the Democratic majority In tho sen ate to fulfill Its platform pledge by ennctlng the house bill into law. Tariff Bill Not in Favor Abroad. While democratic senators aro wrestllnjr with homo manufactures, protesting against numerous rates in the Underwood bill, they uro confront ed also by protests from foreign coun tries against administrative features of the bill and the provisions that would grant a 5 per cent reduction of the duty ou imports in American bot toms. Protests from England, Germany, France, Italy, Australia and other countries have been lodged with the state department and communicated to the finance committee. From many countries have come protests against that new provision In the bill which would give the sec retary of the treasury the authority to exclude from entry goods of nuv chants or manufacturers who refuse to submit for inspection by United States agents their accounts pertain lng to valuations or classification of nterchandlee whenever uispuies anno. Bryan Replies to Japan's Protest. Secretary Hrynn handed Ambassa dor Chlnda the reply of tho United State, govemmeut to tho Japanese protest against tho California alien land legislation. Tho ambassador Im mediately entiled It to Tokio. No indication ns to the nature of tho re ply was given out. On learning through press dis patches that Governor Johnson ttnd .Ognod the Webb land act. Secrstary r.rytin lolei h.-.iieii Viscour.: Chln.la and invited him to como to tho state de partment to receive the reply which he had baon nuxiously uwultlng since the presentation of his note May 9. Tho negotiations between tho two governments are now expected to pro ceed In regular fashion without fur ther reference to what tukos place In California. Subscribe for the Herald Now. i i f LAMAR'S VARIETY STORE Tillamook, Ore. "DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND"