M!tlAl.lyM NUW. BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON From Kntorprlse: t . 1 1 h. - ' -X? O. K. Knichl receive! R ItaV.r. eiunetl t nreeeedlng moot ns xwtmtr fer the Nebawen fpr tJ ihiibmi; of a wenlct pvnlfVr this week and t nnr bun tw Hgn,,, m. rngaced inkinj; an inventory of the 0nkBto r efwnetl Mo band before Inking charge aft o to art Jwdje l the otlice twt.ter. cvrv the cttj- erseiha. Mi'r. Hurley Morten ami Arthur uim lac et school yr W Evnut this re for J'orttend nrr,H. )vot UI hav 8w H Sunday morning hw Uxy intend to ,chrtbws 10 i hi the uelehber rrmain inoennmeiy. mm or th 1 Vet land Kirenvrn's Bond, mm- be ing urrnird there and ko ervr act ively a are ngbtera. taVlng thei' place or the hook nd ladder brig, t w tih others bead enhted In the er- Free:- eh K. BluU-ar. Who hestre er T ' "ie Foienth&l IV turn at the Sur l.i-rn Mi j-22. From San Frarosco i. th- i r t crowds tnat ever asembled st tl (;. V- .-! w there to w u.'- . ;" im Roe thai picture. Before the opening of the doors at 1 o'clock the sidewalk were Hned with people waiting to get ; in. Capacity houses ptevaj ted bt niciit. The pictures proved ucosualiy trtrftir. beiajt vry and w rxpUjoed ti every detail br Mr. Blaek adar. Tb fo!iowiti)f pictures wvre exhibited: Hettaan Rownlhii the Metropnt H Jtl. ner w.vk t-. -r-ft , was K-rawttsd ; M. Ros-i-i! w.fc of the aau.-ire -. ganv : : -e R tha n- rii? t'' was med as a cam- . bHsg few ; Lieut. Becker of te N Y : Ptolice leyt., ws n prison, hki or a charge .'f the '".urVr of Rtwentna; . the gray a-Jttcobiie that carried the ; assassin to tin: . cvne jf the cn.iv? f j aided tbe -Uurdiirers U t-caiw ; Si.-' piro. en of the owrsr -f Vi aaU-: J . j: hW m an afww pju ; a scene outside of the CONMM-r V ctMirt. also an interior of U roart ; two of tae reward eircoUr ismed hf the poJiee aad acot aii orr the L'oited State for the captnra of these men. The following parson beahowaaad expiaioed : Jack Rom. fo Frank, Rose Harris alia Gordon. a woeura of Use wtderworld. Harry Borowitx alias Grp the Blood. Sam Pawl, Harry Fa i Ion. Lieut, Webber. Deet. File, Dect Wm. F. Bum. Po lice Commiasioner S. Doufherty. Police CommiMtooer Wakia. Wm. J. ShieflVn, Fraak Matter mlut Whit; Lewis, Dis. Attorney Witman, J. Kelly, known as Honest J. Kelly the gambler, and many other interesting slides. These pictorvs will be exhiN ited Thursday night. Owin to thv fact thai they are in wh ereat de and they could mt be arranged to t exhibited more than one nifht. Prices 10 and 15 cents. Oeora Measiaxwr. h has Imm am trial la thr etrciitt cewrt of ia couatj eaarted IUt hue f estU. was roead rnt? by trial Jury. With the arreai at rrak J- AU. with Iftia orth ef opteai kta per Cu, Jolly. , bwrW at McOsre". 'J" cai "I Hector. i - TlZ. arhoo, I r accident Mooaa, mn, wh.W , Jjjj Ti- alo frattnnmt the bone -bore lb .,,lUMU ,.nt. Me wM taken to the Bay Cu, 'iVf lrraaulari... , , , l who were rreeted recentry fr rx-OK vd entirely in oroer to proven j ..k,k,K. PW for hfe. 3ir. Jolly is bt Lars of ae and h., Jied tat JwTrIuaac." Jcka,., year. It wy rein j trttiT Tl ,n ! svcV.l montte t,m before he w be ,JL!f aw to wr ataln. i (h, na, o the aad clerk. J. A. Jensen Started up his MW !0 the rceea etecUon and aa 4dltol aill at ft'bceler Monday naaramr; fer the ftrst tine an-coneidorabJ t. treat ws aaanifeeted by tioee who watered eperatioM at the plant, the aiN Is of daiir capacity and 4tt e- ploy about IS men bvde those wort- nm of ItM for aweJe Nrmlahed the otnciala. Cowwtf Jw4e W . orda of Kl aaath FrnJla has pKMahMd ia harden kind of a RsJht aaataat the opponent who are seeklnc hi i.3l H t I I 1 1 " . " I ii f m i : i v i ii 1 wa. a. n i ii whh' i ' I I I kl I ki aTfllMrw II 'waw ' I f L JMV'k b' I I l Mahs. .iiaaj I ' ' 1 - ' nempj i CjT' 1 1 Ar irv t i tft lirtHMFrJ n: 4 I llMifef lull II M , r II II - I I COHKUNICAUOiV. wilson Rsvi-R irons. Hemlock, Ore,. May 11. 1913. J A bout a year a this To the Editor of the Tillamook Herald : wao an atteamt to eet a mat oAm ii" i : j I : - - I: , . t - ' - . . " ' ' jr Kivc m a uuiTpn cUUMbd in OUT saklat. bat it in your columns in wnim w ;epi an utmed down by the P O aructe puoitsiiea in ine nsiamooa , tae feton riven, not HeadJiaht of Feh. 20 titled "The Some of Ue settler Blasphemous Catechtem rasite to ?et their mail and lle purpose oi Mr. itaser seems w thetn not haviny horses it is be to dieminate an artieie batcatS up in a capital'-:i: e 'ex for the i or pie of w .r.tting aad iltfyir? the S- - : at lsre. i have bee , 'the Serial-it Partf for:--. -.- -f'-en yaaue and had at- -'id I would certainly - . hci- ,t before this and ! - e the whole thina; a -fabn-.-tioo whose only object : - t creo'T -ani vilify the Socialist Party Ann I farther aert without fear of successful contradiction that the Socia list Party b&i no more to do witft pea pie's reliioos beliefs than ha the Decorratie or Republican Parties, ur.le it be to advocate the teachings f.f Christ more than any other circular , papr.- last ! hare ever read. In- fact i .f Mr. Baker will produce as meeh of ! n ttirajk"vnatt in mil tk iibii ! k M hit mm lotndrf tt t Am Vi in, t n ' he if iosen copies f a Socialist pa Mi-1 A'.bn I wilt treat hist to the beat din-' .cr -tu. was departnsent. oawdh iiosera. havt: to so 25 nmay of net eery pieaamt. If the authorities want tiMae kotsv . ralieys seulei aad improved, the - ild civc the people who are ' ' a suffer a pioneer's lneonves-r- tnc eRcouraeocrt. A (Wfrt t x aid not at first be revenue ;r--: . e.- fo.- L'ncie Sam but it -roc Id -: ,,-reat deal in ;ettinc his land . I and.podncing. Thi is a gwi sjestion for rommereial ctuba fa Tillamook and Portland to consider. v m. Dieu of ieooaiioe. '.Vis., spent several daji in this vicinity loekiwrj over some lands ti!! subject to home-1 s Uadinu, ir, a few rarxte that ace for sale, and was piloted about by Len j Rush who is familiar with eery inch t of these woods. Mr. Dieo has traveled extensively, !wa with a diso-mn-; eye, arvj assured tu that we have the here and would experience a as foon kk our!rnail and triVelin? facilities are better. He expect to I be conveyed in aatotnobtha to dewtina ion. ta an eoJeaver to Com a orter and wore satisfactory tush Uian by goinr througn Neaaam. We doubt eery much if the plan will pr w cceesaf ol at aii but they are deteras- ined to. nuke the effort and it w y them to try it ouc CLOVEKUALti NflWS. From Courier. Gas. VVecdukrctaa act i!oarj Leia Giet and Beit Pierce uQ )ue Saurday fer Uedf rd tu .attend Gcntad Lodrre. they heieg sent a tfelaga rmtJa I. O. O. F. aaaf Reabah Mrs. Joan Blears aad a. f sea; Tillasat-A, vnere the guest yesterday of Mr. Btoott'i sister. fXr. Praak Owww. ' APS f r r.i'. cl n -:ai : " .(r . in ulamookCity. Per-" wn Purowr ot aker would look up WP'eU'B tomtitrmer. or purchasers.! - H E.ctiorsary be Mr. Ulingwortfi n-disfxjsed of very lt r'trneii as to what ' near alt of his sheep, ' head to Mr. I f r. i Ludtky the buu-hr .-f Nehalem. This j 'r' i"f rnatioo 1 wi 'A ' bai d of sheep done very well,' I --n-y f rr v - b . ,l tJ. f ! .; n frxn the avauy j none havin Uf 'ci-tby varmints or' jos'-rtsvtn. dcaeaae. 11 r. 1 "-eworth is going into i Britaaiis-: "Ethlci jeattlt-r.ore exUrr...nei as they do not! s-.l lev ethics of Christian' j needyiu much care as 'sheep' and his ; ' . Tne tr?ncril tend- Jrefieh is better jiaapted for cattle. ' . -. ciaitstic any inter- The native are all prayirg for a let by society in bjfi ! up in this auua-poor demonstration this i cf:.eral it ma lv 8pr njt Sy t).,t tiusi can get at peeling j t c..-u .rn hirk which is now ripe for the Wi.ifc. A considerable harvest of chit ten v'.U te gathered in this locality If toe aeather permit. "- 'i-Jtraf le travel from the outside is noticed along the Wilson Itiver road, iu corittior. is reported pretty fair with ti.t i :. iA a f-w mrv .!., ' u . '. Zi-raa-. The eoofstv court ' j over the route a soon at '.v3j: rmiu and will note ail nee-1 ' iiri. h- ri-.uing tibe the habit now for ; Lcr, Ku.,h to report "another bear" j !ben n ccrtt-s duwn frorn hit Nvrth I Furk ruh Old Joe the trOMty wule is celled on tt pack him oat. To meat i I'.irj tut i and tri.ut-Sind' . r.ave a rra .t ! Mn. ('. A, Lvua and daughter fi m- veaeit4tueu -'H-etr b) destro sting iaawtooi.fe- jf t'oe wori i - fc - uditiva." J'.'.v .'a fJriieersalCjcopedla. ialUn t a-. - seforas , It i? '.r.. MS- iM'i. .'- the Tn.t ttri Ml.UnsT from dh-e vicj,. to !, socta isra iahes to pt u-i t-: arrd t soai: means not r. a . w r-i i; Ji iiioe but .:. a new social ur;a . z tiuo. ' ' C. J. BLANCH ARD. Clarence Vidiia, Dr. Moni aad Brtxadhead. of Tillimooi, were ta Clove rdai Wedweaday atteadtng the douse IjoOs metruni; in the eeewsac . A force af feral hrid?e hwiksaex reached Cfeverdale .Monday, u 7-jt- dy left foe (he point of at.'vtai ef the bridge acroi the Little Neecanai fee the aw cntotf reed. The ctxutm -erV on th read it eoaapJeied uad taw next move H the bsiidiwrje.' Um ar. The hotto iron cnt for the eaew abetmewu pojod thceeh here Wt neaday and we are taf orated by Ut commiioeor that all tie tree v r the bridge a ta Tilbmwolt: acd m tt iueled here ks'toMi a peaMbae. ' rt en u. .s r-d baa pcogjr- id ewry raav idi.. and jrithoei deed it wilt he cyge pleted before Use Bataser St ewer. M r. FUeceS Ward dd at he; awase i Nevkowic 5anday last at the age of 64 year. She waves x insMMwd. Jsaset D. War-:. ari three son to aawi kee ieth. The fu serai vee. piaee Tart nay. Rev. Clark orViauaz. uesday. th-- ar daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arch M r, cf Hebo, bad the mifortun of having a jrvk-.p.- an. chine redle r'rr. - through her anger. The fiedW entered the Rager at tie root ;of the .nail, striking th ne, the point remaining in the lde of tre finger, while the rest of the odl was forced out through the end of the finger. Dr. George was called and dressed the wound. Meit.i a Factor in Success. The urn factor contributing to am""'- - ' is undoubted r. J. aith. Ithi! -k.i observed that a n.a. it fetdum buk when hi bowels are refL lar - he is never well when thoy are cow ti paled. For constipation yon will .bare returned from Portland, when rini nothing quite so good as Churnber- they enjoyed a short visit, Mr. Lyons ain' TabJcU. They not only move k expected alwut the fint tf Jure,, the bowels but improvethe acpetile Mrs. Wesley Sutton is spending "a and etrengthen the digestion. Thty short time n Itsuj..ofe visiting are soriby all dealers. friends. rag in thewod cctting out bolta for 1 xbXiv-it tor battte that be a, offrrd the plant numbering aboot twenty ad Xa mii tartn m getuag the rwail rlec dlttonai men. ft is aw thaCthe t ttot tfar, th. neopS. moolhly payroll will amount to ,t '. OtriRr"' th vJlc brought i on ejtting bolt on their own aceovot Repwweautrve J ftartoe. for delivery at thi. nil it it all h of 'o4tUe, lawicted on oMnpwIM at Pmw are hem? perfected by the Teakum. a wmpteye tu owners of the eanoua rweert .N'e- ' The Jury ww out olj halem Beach to dtvort the n 1 1 " Br- tneel via Fwner P nu theuc aeruM mnk Jaaw. haw lav th. bee to the hewch where thee vrttl "- Hn tndPdee foe i d ta arraying hope. He ha otv4 114 ten. of to from JapM at a rvai tn fmutbt a ion of III, aad wm ttrgta chipping tbet at . A cche of -Jf &aattte -mbt ha hw tte-t:ccr! near the old Immigrant rtW a mae wcet of Kcta The bomb v err l$ ta number, and rack rowhrted of a attch of dymamtte u a lead pip. They had he wrapped aa aid raay wrfc and 4ak t a hadgor hoi. rtdwUy month ago. 4a effort to mrrowee a rtlaBwe that .H exterminate rabbit lu the westeni portwtt ef t'mtfUa count j. Or W. 1L Little, state sheep lap;lor. n( to Keho armed with a bottt at "culture of aume wttk hick be Ul lapou mt a aemher of anJavsis Dseiartag that rabies agala ta ; feared a 0:ion aud that the attua ' ea as Multaomah aad edxaatftx coua t 1 gra. the state heart of health a report t4ud for the quartrr -nitag ta March. rfonatsM thai -- 'log be mettled Ta fowr retrwseatatlvet of a Ho W enw,y ts Sfcatch an. bo -T" -3 '.ovrias eeT Oregon lor i tft 5u' cli i dJ for th jjrejafc of tVM icm practkaily U ml eol? a Una couaty They hat S3i aewrpucutuae peer under th of th Society of tadpont SteAhohmri ith capita! of Jiao.owo Tea fan.iitoe viU coca from faaadi t '. xa4 other vtfl oikrw aoon Tmiec ern of PoW. county b eeraaued for the awrpoa of protccuti db ;c-ita sa taia county frocn Rre din the (iomuag dry eeo) W v 9Ur. t fjaUiM. a jwomiseat Umtr aaa f the cooaty, be died iil vnera eoaceealag the .irk of focvot pwotectie-i. ad ait efforts by the oen ici -rlU s-! put (aeth to leeeea th ext of the burned district th USEUE-tT Tke eaee leaders and i:nit-r ciaiai aau at Kumath " : have (. awarded the flsal decision la the ., draw o-it J7-14 land case. The t.m ber Ur.da were ehaiswd by A U Inn i "-d aaaociauns hj had srnp oa theaa, aad also by a numi r of ic.!ii;dtti whu prutod up on t.--Und under the homestead and ti!r laws The litigation has been In '"i ress for about 10 year. Two accidents were caused at Thr Dull- by th explosion of Hnl.x)it poailer. One of them may cost Krl Corson. II yearn old. the loss ot b eyeaikht, as he looked directly into the fiaeh while auemptlag to uke i picture at a campflre picnic. The kitchen range of Mr. & K. Vic, rs waa wrecked by the oxplclou ol n box wbloh she supposed wa urn ft 5, but which contained flashlight pew dor. Prow Wblteevlllo, Mo., to I'undlcton. r. distance of 2000 mile. Is tb Journey oomplettMl a lew days oko by two ilr of homing plRnon. About six wooks ago Mrs. L, (1 Poll of ndluton ship ped th lour birds to N. 0. Koilerk.T In Whltosville. Ho liberated them with his other plgeona and tluy Imme diately disappeared. Upon recoiling a letter from him tetllni: of hi Over F. R. Beali' Real EtUle Office ! Mr8 ,'t'11 Wf"1 I'Iko" lofts and fioth Phones. ,cuna 1,10 rotlr b,r,u nullng on tlmlr All wore In kooiI com!. ALEX. McNAIR & CD. tl II.... Tl.: I .,..v l lwv l.w s A r -1 - - - ' 1 WOUND TRIP !! V. 1 1 It 1 1 fl l M. - LJ VI I u Jr I 1 IK 1 VI VI t r 1, ALU lillll EAST VIA TltlJ ri(l sun s tir 1 txkvnA.-.' Otlltt Ticket will lw 1 if Min ami iirm OrejrtHI W Kl"tn ilrfili ''I n ,,r 4) ttlri-.lh farUaiwt 5tr( ovrt. wiUm., n,.,it r TICKICTS ON SALK DA II, Y May 23 to Sept. 30. Pinal Ucturu Limit Oct. 31st ro ATLANTIC CITY iiAi.riNuifK.; IhitJTO.V. CIII(AfU, DKNVKW. Tkt),NT . Mkl til h fiM ll itiiii i iii i I'lm .... --. Ktx l t ri.V, HKTIfOir. IMHANAiniUS, KANSAS CITT, M KM PI IK NliW YORK. WAHIIINtnON. tlC. IN.I f-i. i..tt t-.l ... . - a . .... ' aa in tin ii im 1 1 tin ii ft in iiiiitff ami iiirna in mo i arm hiistcrn city, tuut lif lllrnililfr Or.rnliim; tM-ttlla ! if s ' write JOHN M SCUTT, ilrm-nil l'-c hrr ,;-tn I'ortlntut, ()rcj;im Rheumatism Quickly Cured. My sitei'a husband h4 an attack of rheumatism in his bra," write a well known resident of Ntwton. Iowa, 1 mm a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment which he applied to hi arm nd oi, the tiexi morning the rheuma tism was gone. " For chronic muscu lar rheumatism jou will find nothing better loan Chamberlain's I.inioiti t. Sold by all dealers. Dr. Jack Olson RESIDENT DENTIST Office Hours irom 9 a. m. to p. n. Do You Know This Bear? I Ic Blnndi for ! ! I i P ( i urns, The Standard Oil for Motor Cars Wntcli for liim. I Ic is on every ZKKOLIiNK cnn. I Ic nmrb tlic oil ihni frcctl the ctr ltm ciuIkjii, Z IL R O I I- N! I- - ""ICn . ... - V(J Pil Up in the . ' e - uiir.ii ltl cy toltniullemlso 111 hurrnla niwl Imlf V bttrtcls, Soltl v (Icalcm i i . I. ll ngcticics of the wv aXi" mm SAN I'lMNCISCO Hubscribe for the HeralJ. It comes twice a week. ' home roosts. tton. It Is not knnwn i .... h.i; were tn covering the distance. With Every ash 1: ccHation to tlic TILLAMOOK HERALD