Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, May 20, 1913, Image 3

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I YlMK 11111 Wanlnl tu dl tiiicro!
l: ...lAMiMa ! "u about rnh ldy job, bIhi
IMm'H' J nun to do p.dlnK for few d.y. Ull
Pur ol cheap, wrpfV lend) aUxit
Jl Hi. ech, or wfl ell cifly.
Inquire at llertli) OUh'ti
We .ell JUnll.TW, TllUmook Uruir
, ( V l U.o HttJ 4.
i,h nker, oppllJ
X 0r. I lUralltt. only flrl cl
Ikmic motor in TtlUitunk County.
Thlfly-flv )f IH tho iHlulllrM. I. 0.
Ilai No. 132.
f It T' m
(ft clKi loll on nnjy
I., i.. I'
nm ' I i. i f a.t n vi. i...
mi mormne ,1)f Br , .(llfl bo.lnc trip lo
U u r l r-.ttitl, I'uftl.t.l.
rtrupl k In IVitl!l Mr. WlllUm Vclol. f movinjj Oil.
itxJ JUJ. T l Itw Tlll.mcA fnn oi
HW tirttrr.e 0lc and fnrollv of WWI-
I1 f (iarlbahll. wm burn Kbv fvnlot the Herman llou.
U vt ' r Friday. 'nn "! rn
Ina fw" ' rent. nt- J.)
nr.jr oMk I
Jii ,i. n Whretcr working
An S rJtn iin-iniU hue, furnUhed,
with aundry. fur ) at W.WQ
iTenm. S- J. C. Itcwljy.
! wruntol
from one to
jmUk row.. W. S. I'liMtip.
. Ofcck. I'ho, e t K. 2i Pacific.
ttUt w.-k ihi wmk,
Vf WrnchVul tif HpNi i
i '. Mm- Guy Kur!.
l Ul! ttwehnnic in l. ,... ., ,,. i.
), K K'tllHUl-iru. , ,,bu( j.htB4f al lw.ay.
I J, Ta'w 1 1 py itwrs fr hi i
It. S. lirnVIc t vUUtns At thn
' hrr nirnnt'. Mr. nrul Mr.
ni.lfr.iici I ho Ural Itill'prlUrul.
i tl Ihc Illl. I.
.11, Mjt-f orvJ ItoyTroiil wrnl
riW VimJay returning tbo m
Ui, t airoViiw. State
IVofroiiV. (J .H. Hmltb. faroi
l)i Hotel
V M.;lloUi ami wife tooV'.llnnrr
HuiUy with Mr. il Mr. J. C Tanit
Xntn at tbolr homo In tho country.
A nv hraivl of fillfrrjat the Hlf 4.
tl U trlctly blb KraJp anJ mVr
mornrup fur tor money than any
thing on tho market.
The atramer Klmorr left for IVr.
Itixl Saturtlay morning: wUh l.S""
J tl IIcMprn itM.lhr of Mr. eatn of chccic nJ otter rtictcrinnuiie.
11,11. rcturne-i to 1'ortlamt Moil-. Un nvn )jf VotlUmi w.,
' tuwn for a few day lat week, arriv
DC KS W. I ynu want fr)i; horc Wsdnenjay at! retnrfjltik'
t i,y tunc, you will haVa 10 Ka'.UnlaV'.
For alo ; Otvwl j'miiit; KOtioral farm
team, ImHiecn LtiO rfl IUW H. 'U
Will ell ilncle. Jneph iimimijflrlnor,
Iiiik l'rnrle.
Imt, botwren tin' U. M. Chur'rt ami
ratin linrber Ihi u fur loa with nitr
niw rlbUin tie, Klmfer ptenn' lewvo
at the lltinluii bip.
On Sunday ('. W, THlniwe nml W.
fj )ii;bt relurneii f rum trip out-
ilile. While KDi'o they vlltel Aher-I
lucattlhti hk; 4, t iuu come
! t tftcm you.wlll buy.
?r Zwcifel recently comptotnl
hu Mitloii to bl farm al Fair'
Met Holme ami family Mwnt Sun-
hlUwir .tur.try bume near Hob-
i Wrdrn tiacli mado n trip l
Iwrth tivi i.f the rounly the tlmt f
I5tnl ft k.,f fr
V "i familv of
'f-h f 's who I rutulucUfilf a
rlninc at Wheeler w In town
' Sunuv
I". Joli'iwtn and fumllv who live
tikrr rtincli. apeiil Sumlny
'f. ml Mr. K. K. Mitchell In
I W. WmII. tho tull.ir who I b.
lover the cnnty bunk, uxpecu mi
f Into i ?t of Hi,. I tun In InilldlnuH.
Hc till) .Iikii..M A V .niila.iii Hlnri.
s 1,
Kenernl bouan
two, KiKpilru
lc .von want anything
fo't in a FIRST CLASS
Drug Store
He also keeps
Om&gist and Book Seller
J. I'. Allmi left for I'orlland
jMalnrdny morniiiK to wtlond tint ;rid
. iiatluK iinrclwi of tint I'aclflc Dental
' "liejji., .ir r"ii VAmr I i rnmnlmr
! of th KradiintliiK cm.
Wp tnertand that tho lrebyturlii
, (iurr)i foelMy U about to build n
btiildiiiK of tbi bungalow type on tbo
r-hurrh tut, the ttMl t b ue(l for the
Kgilav KehMi nml entertainment pur
H.. Tillmk Rhet Melnl WurUn,
(iitiniienwnkl ft Ituhrlmrh, l'f""f , hnvtj
inv(l Into the ImiIM'iik which tlwy
lately urbara from thn Odd Fellow
m.'l muvnl onto their lot opHlt; tho
sir" ldaekmlth hop. The ball will
Ik renll mi usual to tim Odd IVIIowa
ami other lo li;e.
A II llarrl wb') recently itircbNel
lht Wnhlin Jrwnlry 'ore, wllnw tin
In (( tlmt he will trlvit mronal nt
leiittou ti all repair work thai may
r .ri.e li, ln ilnr of butltien. Jucob
i.roriin u nut in th einphiy of Mr.
I llarria. he having luft when Mr. Wale
I ll'l Mld u!
Hupormteii(lrnl W. It. Ilutherford
will ii maln at the hd of tbo McMInn
vllle cln")l ainl mil heed Ida call to
Dalle ph(xU UK!ritilci)diticy.
'tint announccmetil wn made at the
meetlllK Friday II I U lit at the lllich
Sch'xi' aiwl wa reci;vel with applauc.
,Sew ItrjKiftnr, McMlnnvlllc.
Mr. F. It. Ural, who ha Iwrn In
I'nttland under the doctor' caro for
Minn time, returned to TlllamooV lat
Hunday with Mr. Heal. Mi Kinma
Writ who accompanied Mr. Deal to
Portland returned wtb bcr. The
many frlrtvl of Mr. Ileal will bo
ilra-rtl to loan) thai bo I much lm
imivol In health.
Howard Mllll. who wa playing ball
11 Sunday In a uanic betwpen two
lal nine, rccelvpil a orlou Injury i
In the eye by the ball ttrlkim; him.
Tho acchlcnl wa very jculiar. Mr.
Mllll wa at bat and the hall Mew from
hi hat trlklm; him In the eve. The
wound wa very erlou It bcInK nec-1
rtiary lo take three atllchc In dress- j
ln It.
Dr. Wpmlt I thi only Kye Sr-c-"
"lalUt iK-rnunently! located In
Tillamook. Your eye which arc thci
ml tenltlvn orn of your luxlyj
hmild be remitted by a phyilclan j
who a capable to recocnite dueue
olhpr than the need of claanea. 1 '
Ituaruntce my i.le and am alway
here to make kcx1 thatuaranlo-'.
'rlc are reaaonable a anywhere. j
Fred C. Skomp, of Sanarada Htnd, I
on the Trak Ulver, will bnvc apprux-
Imatcly three ton of herrie this sea
son. The larucr pari are lounn bcr
rlr. The remainder are a vnr'cty of
black ca. Kiltie phenomlnal and
mammoth black. Ho would like to
Riva reponIMe jnimon a contract at
an earl daU; to prmcrve the Jcrric
on ahnrea auitnhlu for the market. Hoi'
nlhsllne nna munoi imy ouy, .ncn.
i arnved at Hay City on .Saturday a
I after payliiK Mm. Ilorry' brother W
I ('. Tromblev. a nbort visit enmv on
TlHumuok nml ari now vinltinR nt t
n. K. Troinbley home. Mr. Ilorry
hualtb ha nut been tho bent int
ittul It l Iioim.I our videndid Orc
climN will b of benefit to her.
Price $&,tl.fl. Fine place. Oil t .
Sllctx Hlvor', fiMfK.'ile. On tidowu'
110 ncn' of tiller mm GO acres ..
tmlt.-m land. Ow ner offered $3,00 .
fur timU'r alone. (Jnod houae anil n"
burn. KnoiiRh bind cleared to mnke a I
living dniryinic ; a No fine locution for t
The Difference in Drugs
Anybody can it'll the (iilfertnee in drngH
after they have taken them and don't get
reHiiltH. Why experiment?) Come here
and yon are sure ofgetling thellcst. We
always nerve yon well.
Tillamook Drug Store:
K. It. KOCH, Ph. C.
1'lvwr j j,,1,! Mln I fxr Norlh o( Pottollicc
.Satiifnclioti Guaranteed. Money Back if Not Satisfactory
deen, Waah., and Kuene, Ore.
Sctf Turner and Seblld before ynu
hulld ami el ricen on Ural elans ahln
nl.n at their mill ! mile aouth of Tilht
mmik (!lly. Wo can bundle, any aUe
onler on abort notlco.
To loan, by On) Tillamook Tillo ,t
Ahatrnet Co., Tillamook. Orn., $1200
In ono or two lonnn on Improved farm
land. 'Illlnmook Oitinty. Ilrat mort
k'HKe". Mm. I. I.. Pike of liny City, under
went aerloim operntion nt the home
of her daughter, Mr. W. S. Ilnre tbb
forenoon. Dr. Wendt perfoimed tbu
Jnme Wllllamn bn jitat completed
three biro Iok' pllea which will tflvo
blm from !! to Id "ere mom clear
hind to hi duiry farm on tho WlUcin
Dr.HnitlH reportH thn birth of n ilaiinh
tor lo Mr. nnd Mr. Carl Hiiherbieh
tbla mornliiK'. Anil tho prlco of cheeae
Htlll remain llrm. ConKratubitlona
are In order.
Mm. J. C. Chirk, who him lecn vlalt
Injt ut the homo of her brother U. G.
Jnckiton for the pnat two weeka, left
for her homo tit Cnthliinudt, Wnli.,
Monday mornlnif.
A valuable team boloiiKiiur to Alfred
Lumen on the WINon Klver bociimo
frlKhtcnod nt tho county road rollur on
Monday und run itwuy, Injurlnir nno of
tho animal ipilto badly.
Town property, timber Inn K he
ml loin, vacant loU in Tillamook
l-yClty. I hfve.ome Portland ,
and loin, vacant Iota In TiiiamooK nno
nul. i uu aumii I'ortland prop
erty which 1 will trude for Tillamook
,roprv' J. C. HewUy.
cheeao factory. Schfxil hoime on the
iilnce. Another niece of hind to rent.
ml loin int-. Thl i a Niilendld buy and!
will make the buyer rich In n few
your. Itenaon fr felling l debta.
In((Ulre of Chna. Coyne, Kernvllle,
Aost Prompt nntl l:Hecttinl Cure
fur Hud Colil:.
When you have u bad cold you want
n remedy that will not only give relief,
but effort a prompt and permanent
cure, a retnedv tlmt la pleasant to take,
a remedy that contain nothing injur
ious. Chumberlaln'a Cough Remedy
meota all theau reiiuirements. It acta
on naturuV plan, rollovea the lung, !
aldH expectoration, opona the aecre
tloim and reitoro the ayatem to n
healthy condition. Thl remedy ha a1
world wide nale and use, and can al
ways be depended upon. Sold by nil
The big attraction for the S'ar thea
tre for Thursday night Ih the exhibl
lion of the famous American Prcas as-,
soclation pictures relating to tho cole-.
hrated Kosenthal case, now on trial In
New York city. The photos taken on
the caso are thrown on tbo screen, and
explained in every detail by Frederick
K. Hlackadar, on expert lecturer and
former newspaper man. Plcturoi of
the people concerned in tho case, and
of tho bulldinfra ami acenea Involved
aro shown, and they are all up-to-date
recent plcturea. Aa an admirable aup
ploment to the newapaper account of
tho case, they hould b aeon by all
people Intoreated In tho moat enormoua
Kraft exposure of modern tlmea.
Abstracts on Short Notice!
Pacific Abstract Company
r. KltKHIlMiDT, .liimif;a
Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of
Tillamook County, Oregon
(With K.il.LIE Wtt,K)
Miln 533 Auo Mutual
P. O. BOX 147
Frank IOntf. Jr., who ha been aer-
I iouily III with typhoid fever I much
: n proved In health ami li able to be
' up ntrain.
The Prilrvlow Dairy Aotalon i
building an addition to it ehceac fac-
irry. Jnjt Kalnca nrw rete ornwn are
doing the work.
Harry Hutton, late partner of H. S.
j Clark of the Star Theatre, left the city
last wuek, tearing n rrmlUtwIe of
'debla behind blm. We understand
' that a warrant for hii arrett has betrn
placetl In the hand of Sheriff Cren
lahaw, who is cndeiavoring to bring hiu
back. The warrant waa lu:d by
Deputy Ditrict AtUjrney llarwlley at
; the request of C A. Corhforth, of 'iic
, Spannh Kitchen, where Sattftn ow a
hoard, bill, nrnl passed a worthla5
' check jut before he left. Matt l e-
bnga Ui that M:cir: of graficra that
' infest nearly every town of any aize ;
thoe fellows who voluntarily take
upon tbcmtelvea the job of spending
other people' money, arid .ho take
every opportunity to imp-Mif on kind-
nei and good nature. Tillami.k ha
had more than her share of this class
of individuals during the put. ' here
f but ori way Ut deal A'lth thetu fel
lows and that is to make them pay
for what they get on the spot.
Kazerene Meetings.
Services Tdeday and Friday even
ing. Sunday a ut i and e u. rn.
Cement : Coal
Root Paint
Lime : Brick
Drain Tile
Docks and Warehouse Front St. between 2d and 3d Ave. West
Attorney at nd Notary Public
Tillamoak, Oregon
iujon. Thecdore ftootevelt can
I n- e tUe th: ae of Albania. If he wanta
f The Bu'-estlon already has been
,-r.fd tc it-; point where the colonel
. cn'y to signify hia illlnsneas to
! t and the crown is his.
i: T?oost elt dcairea the klmnhlp
; A'tan'.a -e will put htra ahead of
I cmcrt ho have been namd. I
'elf vouid certainly vote for blm.
..oosevHt Is one of the most estraor-"-ary
men in the world, beins by na
re ou a higher plane than mere
This was the emphatic statement
nade by Iumall Kernel, provlsstonal
; resi-ent of Albania, and leader of the
legation from the Albanian peoplo
t thorlied to find for them a ruler ac
uejrfable to the ambassadorial confer
ence of powers.
The corespondent's audience ttii
Kemal took place in the Hotel Ctcil.
where he Is staying, scccmpanted by
h.s colelecates. Loois Guracuc-:hl.
I minister of education, and Noggs. Kun-
itsa and Delejlua. AH showel the
in-eatest Interest ta and were evidently
surprised hy suggestion of Roose
velt as k'.nj. f
M i a r
slMiV 12 Y INC.
H 'UUH" inc nnuii HIHVan vl.al 3eUf!Nrt-'
I f jour scpnrntor if FjpH? ''frollSJ
Standard HandIl
Separator Oil W Sjfiffil I ,
I Sxrcially prepared for cream jilSM
1 separators. Sold by dealers '4$&uSKES& h
i I eveo'where and the ''PiBfcfcHj
Wheat Club, S7c: bluestem. 9Sc;
j red Russian, 85c.
Hay Timotny, it; airaua. 112.
Butter Creamery. 28c
Kegs Candled, 21c,
Hops 1912 crop. He.
Wool Eastern Oregon. 16c: Wtl
lamette alley. 18c.
Wheat Dluestem. 9Sc: club, 87c;
red'Uusalan. 85c.
Errs 20c
Butter Creamery, 29c.
Hay Timothy, Jl per ton; alfalfa,
$12 per ton.
Medford Merchant Accused of Theft.
Medford. Upon a specific charge
et stealing UO. H. C. Kentner. a lead
ing dry goods merchant here, has been
erved with a warrant. Business as
mclates, upon whoae move the warrant
was Issued, say that Kentner's alleged
peculations will amount to 112,000,
Kentner Is alleged to have raised bis
salary from 1175 tP 300 a month with
1 out authority from the directors of
he H. C. Kentner company, of which
wr. the mnjorlty stockholder, and
he M to linve drawn heavy amounts
18 1 n c.itsrj;- 'b -.daioon.
Iron th , .
1 n)n.M iij
by glvehi M lh.
Cement Sidewalks and
Concrete Construction Work
Enquire at Ramsey Hotel
Read it in The Herald
TV' 1 1
'iimmefjlc. Cmrtv.
u'eff bids. fnJ
4i '
NOTICE is hen
County Court of
Hrnimn will ri.iv. .
one hundred cords of lu wocd,
for the Court House, said A) be
cut -10 in. in length, and cordeu ' ihe
basement of the Court House.
A certified check equal to 5 per cent
of the amount of the bid, must accom
pany each bid as a guarantee tat tho
bidder will execute a bond for the com
pletion of the contract if awarded the
All bids to bo filed in the office of
the County Clerk, of Tillamook County,
Oregon, on or before June 4th, 1913,
The Court retwvea the rlsht to re
ject any and all bids,
County Clerk.
lUaeh Ik Sm
Siopi pain laiUuihr,
Th Gnat Pll lUa
iy. Put vp la lab
i'a rtcta! Miifc