Cbc Cillamook ficrald e. 6. Cromblcy, Editor i NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. j M)i tCl! ri iu.luMON. ! raw and tMi!ta I- O ! 0 F buibfca. tlWMi. we. c- (PimusntR.) Department l The Interior Masonic Brethren, Attention! Issued Cwicc j tUcck Cucsdav and Friday Ent-d uwk ...T.lUf May K. 191 ' t t TIUjaat, v-rrf -. thf act f Marrti X, IjTV svbscriftion Si J a year in aiavncx I Advertising Kales L.-V tvrvwt nt lairtKv. par - adl fctwrw: laarrtMCL, hne . Hootoad Notice - &. Tubr Claiaaa " NoUe. Pr Una - Cuds of tbarka. per hwe w Lceafe. "r hnc ftrat iiMltaon . Eav-b acbaanatnt isrUim, tin . KmmMHy af CatiJatoaca aa Lode aeUeac, par ttaa Dtapto? Aar twnwKftt. pw - ALL Pwp Ak t a taw af fie, a ataaday J Tfcwraday inr u ire pMrt i foJtow tn Tday and Friday toa. K n. fr ifce 1,M f .. LAND OFFtCK t PlWad. t Tr. UMee lh orwttoe Oi ta . t A , ,UJ( WUL ct$.. .SMTICK It rfwai Ow,. ladittk wBra af l fto. ,at oVa -1 tk tk. aiev Urr. UUHNI " IVruiwt iUJa U MMval ai o'cter. Ma? At). A canaaad ojaaea af asw waA af to acaaany taw m t ' aantnrt b MfWNt aad T - nt to tmpMt wr aati U bait tt rracrrad. REGULAR C0.MMUNICA1I0N EVERY ; THIRD JA1UR0AY A ull ittn!.mv l" iwjwTJitrtlt t on t '. ,mUv intitrt! k i !'..!, w u A. M. Austin Civil. li.s'oiNiu.it AMi Vi.,,k... FOR SAIE. v. iviidl (Vwv 41. oa tit fMft OMM to tign k Um ft. W. i fl ' WL WltawU Mumu' . CI. niLVUX, . V. warf ttw ttwtwr tfcawaw. a ! t" ' n mm Uta act I tHW N tv.r t Mutu Tt''1 am. K.;i, TUESDAY. MAY 20. WEDDI.VG ANNIVERSARY. A rv-rarVu (rT"s Mr. nd Mr. K. N. Sataxdaf y ITti. i invii rioos $ct oot fry tfceir ckiklMn. eoapany ntibrvni t tlier fwratry tBtsirerrary of thetr niac- iaa saj ihat -asxeea rannot be: ifc7 fTly did a ts an it -. -. saKpriae indtwd. Aboot ooe o ckwi xll t to t t looi; Uliie xad pirioo of waKXa-ww 5coer prtfpar rrf by tiir re dtsrtrs. Mr. Yiatet SiilifL iLr$- 3c i Piaiwy nd Mi MMe Sctk. A rrocp pjace wis utca irj ail ted srpy tisa ihnmsbenl the lfteroooc 5eer bn:al xad t-xteabie JnJiJ preset be trortfcy coeple ia i iootbir.r ii by Rer. Kashain. Tbos ;preM: r Mr. -ri Mrs F. PiiwrtocT!. r. uad Mr. J. C ?;- r. tod : Jdaazh: ers. Mr. isi Mr?. J eoi BrerJeo. Rrr. H. W. Sahlin d fosil Mr. V. Htriiton. Mr. Rot ?t:;!re!lt nd fiir. iir. tad Mr?. T-wodore r--rwr, Mr. Cb?fel Milb tad Brt FaEw af Corrillii. Oreroc Set-rmi ir.r-.le4 tots U. S A bft 31 5a Via. JIB- F. R. wf to Bcjamta S. 01 by. M I tS ?, Sea Vi F. X Beak i f l EaH A Parana. M M is. Saa Ytir PMtk. Uft. F. R. BmJ A f t Uaf 0y. lat S h& ?T Sk Vtw PrV. $J0, Aher Gricst to J. D. Hair P. T'.-tef a4 La 4 ana of Om fcart etauiwl MMMJUiMwsiia aikfa'-raif. Itai e TMUskx Co.. hail ta mmrnirn ttafear Mawrn fca fw ' r r wri Um balawv ail laffpN aad aaw- typr.!. Ika tMar atuUKJ S9,' KlOHeer I raflSlerCO. awsd taaav Alt of lam iwawaiuwti ; ja ; tMi m4 xai w.ll r C U MO. A 5W-. f wrCk ta pt. TV M: proof in wtavwrt af k pii-Uo ! Kh PWi Ui.M. 5S.aai M SM : ,, ioi a Um ScU T. H. GOYNE Attoftwjr.at L tti U. S. CommuiioMf OfifMiiitr CttftUtji H. t. BonsT LAWYER Hi... , TllllttlHHtk. Hcraid Ar. litMtkif t j;f Jh, IMS hfj Ua IUaViT era See J S W. SMB. Cu.rb .Uctoc r Children. W c TW to J-.w 5. Tlr late T & 5 Mk 15 Fw Wtf Fraa Ma t Bay Cty. fL Bntoa Pi utip rnt C. to KaMe i D. StilliH te Oca. Staacer. tot i (Ok 1 SulVeli Pirt aiia $3I3K D P. Siaaarw i f CWiot A. SaUaa ttieSwlt) Sf . J. ?- PcWi i: -f to CbA. A Saji- au Sa sr. 5e JP ? 5 W. 5' Zadriaf i "f to 0. A. tract kb c 25 t N 1-3 JSS90. A. Km lie.- i D. C CrrWc, kt I. ! J it 3 Snrte 5 J'1 F.-ai ScVroti to ;aal .laiai'aa irrt ia Sac U I if W UOK Jfea B. 3.rta Cate to Frsawk Los; K U. all mr ia eeruia iracu ior M&e af acibrr sa!S?w. sate cd tMtvar af ttat I'totad Statoa UJ ' t Piarttoad, Uraiaa. Ay farvm M at Wtortf ta pwti 1 kjikMa MtK or UMtlAlr T toach rat oa aol te j 4 t r t i y Uaa tlat tortaac anabrtfl f rMatrM. ' .... w- . ty,..,toitod MaHt tt t to UV. .- hmifi vaatiiMr imI trf fwctmi. Cfeuafesrteaa't Ccara a4y ta Uu UWit frt -aM M laat ta tartry. Mia tfcee rm :ro iyawn- Fwr iui by all 4nxi- .VOTKI FOR PUEUCVT10N. F. MICIIT. MJTICE EOR PUBLiaTlO.S. LVfurtEfnt f Tb Ititrrier. D. S. tXD OF ICE a JSrtud. Ore k. V MI'Nk v Kr tk-r Wc ' l i fJ If 111 V III III LIU tiirii'i n.n iu 111. iui lillomook lluililing Room Myt.t5li NOTICE Wty trtn that Mry BStWBR irE.H5. A SOCIAL EVENT. Sie A ceSctfd eves of the citv took pixe : la Mse oi Mrs. Websw Hofcses Fr i ier. Mrs. Cteszi, Mrs. Groal lai Mr?. Kokses were iies u afl- Udiei. profciioo of dmaoQ. aarctsie ltd 5 wee: hrwscaor:: ti rioctf tiiei a chars ta iie &pfsueu of tie occiiior; 5a tibi of pr?rwiiTe 9 fct wer S'"xrrKS t fo tbof ao wihe tefinfcl e : eardi. ote '.ejls sriu:r ciTersioa is faer wori iod cOwversititKi. Soereairs of lb ifter eoj ere receded 3y Mr. srtfcet ari Mrs. Snail. Hefrs-ibrsests in : coers-e re serri 1: 5re o'cioelc. lb 5iii rn Mtioc Pica; is Hlea 3U izxz Hia Hoists tfsiitiar l it- A teist-fai k lo "Tie Giraea f :z by Mrs. MFe-st M.-i. Ciristcic 11 tie pur, ea74t ed ir. tfteracoa of rtre ezjojrjeat. DAILY CURREXT FILINGS AT COURT HOUSE. Fcriii4-C bj Picific Abstract Ca. WAHSAXTY DEEDS. F. L. SzpiTizto. Tt c LliJD-e ' er lot T t 10 Ri City sel. rSP. : Fris'c L. iieGore u L J. Atwt j lot 12 bit. 2 Tifiswk Sezet. fl. J. C & K. E. aewtey to J'Jir. Brast ks 1 i 5 bik ;. C. S'.y aci to C. P. SorviclE 4 f to Cirl Ao:ri4 Iettiora Vat i faiic 11 Wc.r, i-l'. C ?. Horrit i wf to Ttcviur4 Jso- F. R. 3e&a i v.' u I.-, C. Wt r. Vr. ud Mrs. F croft Ayen ir reffitic ta Odd Flk md Sebscc Ijijes of uu plter it Medfar tais 0. Shcs5 new harbor ?? i eoapletei io0 W x-5 j:tr touy. TW ceetl r i alsc wrritei fc st-od-rf s'ort. Mr. 3orear tad M 'A'ood. ocr tefaert. cl-t tiesr Mbooi Tbsr dj rarfc: of teui vita pmfrus ug 5ap(r far ill vita vita u jutoesd. Miw Jslta Gci?v lt rx--- aiLirr si ititd exeetteat pitrac-irt. A fc -aits zrr left w4iea irr rrdocol 1 price. Seerai 4 !.'": bocte ir i ptctetd to W tw.lt uis Veir. Tae CsrMtijas Soda.r Sity & der tbe nk&cxfret f VT. E. Goi&ry mi pcrr9d exceiieot. A Hoove M tseea $xoi; oj, "W:ntiac tt Ore 7s Oomtrj", is ifcasrtt csszp !rd. TSc Ssoeaotc fen ba nsca usurcst- skde by tie ar1- furtory t Btc- to doast to tb L. B. Cosfereare het eeaoea at T'toirn a. ta Juae. Bolder .$ Citajr tiiai t- pr--od ef. TW btrrt eacuacdtoc& bn:jrir.j -"ei it nccs$cd tiv f. W. GiiWrt tod Sons, ud for Usir WadV3 u,;r ln-e '. of torwU:y trracd. Lt at ps'.'o'.ii An in osr too: rdoc.: IHtJ t-rii btr. IB ctrsi UkrJ tr- Ibe oo 'cae atr?bt to ar "; ia: :r. errjeri to ina.ee skkbc f?r root3- Miy J&ts "'II cVrf-t tbc Usr ytr air.ittry f Mn. Don Yon&c. Spotiu suw. eicsaeati of tb Lord" Sapper A'i ire erd.iiy cd to be jrrt tt tse 11 A. VJ. rfice. Photo of ti eat-.re r-'-v it the eo for zeo8to. i?lBUiHt.i Drptrtarst of Tbt laferior . U. S. L-ND OFFICE t PWtUni, Orv. " May IT. mi ! XOTIC E u rrtrj circa tfeat Clkrte 1 Tba. f TIBatoa Wtwv, to, 1 C Uaat. B a. c ' Drtob.r . tU. Ho. ; Jumry 112. sad H joawtood Str. 00 fc Frr i .W Satrjr. No. for Nj 5 :-5E: .WV t ?j f N"Wj aal tti I mi t Sre- asd SW; Nj, 5wrtJ3 T wbp I r J. Ur'iM-.i? 1 Swtfc, Via VV,.i. Sacti. JLmzY 5 Vt. W ti aobrtte Mer WHtiaKe Mrndt. tod -v--l cr Idiia. Lx. mA at of itloUw to af tatwtoaa to aakr f5r jnr tat Ftomt Cooattitua f?tf. to c5- ?riK''- to ntiMnk riaMB to tb luvj tife&& ru- to tke Uad abvr 4c- drWl. J. C Ha, crisad. b'ac J. C Haitoa. Caoss Coaoty CkrV of Tift Cw.n Cerk of TiBia Cat. Oreaa i ' Ttttmjri Cttjr. Orm(v " . T5tt&i. Oraewi. on tito 3fck .' tS MUk day of IS IX E. N. CRUSON. I'aintit in.! l'iK Hunger AH V rk i.u u tntrr-l. TiilAtnok. Or IE. REEDY, D. V. M. VLTtCKIN AH1AN TillamooK t Oregon 1) El. J . Claussen Law yer In i.. hkk AnvnK vr n a i n.kMs , MMt.lt TlSIm All l xV t.f. i,J UCUKUC WILLI Attorney at Law rw r. . - i 1 n . Jaac ISUL ClkMuac an9 a itaai : Pecsy JL Caelum. Siiii D Mtore. AIlrt Dtv. 3ary Di:. 1'.: si 3U'e. Orrerxi. H F HI08Y. RjTWter T La! ie Jsae IT. Ctiicktatt Sitaae ttowi mi ! Ibbat J MeF.lt.. j Kx McFiiia. Hatw 2. "iVtiB, 1J o( T-. :ioatilt. H. F. HidRY. Hfg ttrr t-XHl tMJS J 3- 1" It's Worth More Than Gold to Relieve the Mind and Enjoy . . GOOD MOVING PICTURES . The Kind They Always Show at 1 hi? Now UKPV1 I HKA I ff THE BRIGHT SPOT WHEELER ca THE MANUFACTURING CITY' ON NEHALEM BAY TONIGHT AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Evangelists Gayior 2nd Altheide Srric :i cK Errt-nj Except Stardj t 71-45 Protrwc A iff t. s tcwij uiaus by 1 Utjc cbam .rhcar. S;coi. skx: ft u be SUBJECTS TH UJ.'PARTONASLE IN "Tes'ieiiiy Evesicj 2Z. CONVERSION TTturviiy Eveciag PRODIGAL SON' FriiiT HvfcJcj SALVATION BY GRACE SuUy Mcrciii. HK0 A. M.-B&;c ScbooL If ytw io cot ttrad ebrwbrft, hrr h 1 jooi clac oc you. Our jini u 300. Vlfl you be ooe? 1 1:00 A. M.- MONUMENTAL EVIDENCE" OF CHRJSTIANrrY Soaiy Erriicfc, 75 P. THY I AM A CHRISTIAN OR ALMOST PERSUADED Uo not miM tbeac nscetini. A cordial larita. tioA ta cstacdad to you. R. E. JOPE, Putc. Corner Establish Yourself at WHEELER The Nehalem Harbor Co. will make special inducements to men with families who will lo cate in WHEELER. Property for residences-Jor business build i ns cn n be secured at rcas.mablc prices and on easy terms. INVESTIGATE OUR PROPOSITION FOR SALE, s-xp H.l, llrfi tw 9 ncs ITVil 1.1 1 . . . w- I I bow with t rfr r.f ' I mini. eri tr' -. S-r Arrc.ire la nrtre u iu I Nr U r A. ru.krr NOTICE. 1 - . f !. f 7 f a i.'Vts.' Ifi ( 1 --sW 0 The Nehalem Harbor Co. F. A. JACKSON, Secretary Wheeler. OfeffOll 4 "7 J BMj. 7 0W TaWok Oftk. Carcf. It Sai fee W .. . .... nnc "1 1 .-11 111 1 Wo arr clliriK HmeM U't itock at priffa tl f" tempt jm. A WKI.L MADK HARNW wiii noi .niv irtiriravc "rr- be avoided If the old llarncMi dlacanlwi In time. in a bbii 1 ana vv iaa.i"- Tillamook Tillamook 1 h,i,j.'c Bl F0K SAM! AT ALL GROCERS O..I -a - If t.l It wativviiiag I Ui BJI1V .1 tlM a. L. ...1 r.d t'AU u nt it a .Ih.kII. 1 iKa iiriN 1 1 it hu the latent clrculaUoJi ' P'lr In ta count.