Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, May 20, 1913, Image 1

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- . - wMun i iiu r zj.iJ i
Trij.AMooK, Onv.cos, May l0.
NO. 34
. -
I I a .. r ....
Muu'jw.vnmMMM our i n.lav (listrihuLion of ilouble "(lold Mom!"
irmluiK siinipn with l(c cih!i purclmKc.s.
ii .
i-m; eiuiirouiery 'chmiu.h when mnterinls
Ladies eliiusc arc coiitJuciel daily in our
a rt-ait
purchased here,
and needle fcoods
lit n 11;; AT
'1 1 ursclny
Four-Days-Sale of
Fashionably Trimmed Hats
Women's Young Ladies' Children's
t i
vour trtM tn mil tuil'tiierv nlnu doubly worth while this week". We invite
nieihinu mun- than n aivle liov -a real economy occasion, and lor this
i. t yvar our patnm. makia ready for the Koe Festival at Portland,
died our millinery department, in.ved it to the verge of disappointment.
mux until the eleventh limit. Thi.s year we want to serve yon with pains
re, Hence these pleilt relations grouped on in.iivitlunl tables.
$K25 Hats $2.2B r$gf $9.00 Mats $4 95
Haitian Hats $5.75
$7. SO ilats
' Htore ever invited yui to a style economy occasion that was more worth
in this one, representing the ideas of the foremost eastern millinery artistes
' is the clever, fascinating models from our own work rooms; dress and
: styles, also the new airy inaline and How hats the latest fad of the day.
gest an early visit, these niarvclously low prices will crowd this section of
g Store" this week. The prices quoted include the entire millinery stock.
"Visitors to the Rose Festival and Others"
Women's and Young Ladies'
Tailored Suits
FROM $17.50 TO $25.00
i if
Will Be Observed.
All Butineu Houiei (o Ciote Prom
A. M. to 2 P. M. on Friday, May
30. Service! at Ne w Christ
ian Church.
on l-rlday. .May 30th, n memorial
way program will I conducted at the
new Christian Church In honor of all
U. S. ux-ftoMlur and Bailors.
All budlnruft hoimos will clone trom
b. m. until i p. ir.. during which time
nil bummMif. will come to a standmlll
no far lyi it in ;lhlc.
fir t i i .
v Hir ami iirum cr nns wen or-
gmUwl tur the oscajdon.
following thu progrum which will
!, rendered at Hip church beginning at
!(' a. in. :
I. (I. A. It. Port Sorvlcc.
& Sonjf lolumbia. Audtoncc.
3. Ojie.inrAWr "ThcMewmgc of
thi- llrunxi' Button" Uc. it. IJ. Jo.
t. Short Talk Kcv. !l. W. Kuhlmnn.
' " Kcv. MacKcnzio.
fooK Jttta Goodpood.
7. itec. Tho Blue ano the Gray
Ruth Benson.
8. Hxrclo Small Children.
.t. Lincoln' Gettysburg Address.
1" Hoc. .Mary Kasoin.
11 P.ttitomlmoAngel of HounaVista
12 Ouol MUies Hcali ami Todd.
HI Kc. Itobortn Campbell.
J4 Decoration Day Song
(hihlroni Ch irun.
16. lUc The Soldior'a Grave
Flora I'hl'lip.
10 Sont: Male Quartette.
1?. FlatrK Drill Younir Udie.f.
If. Hw. Mrs. I.. L. Maker.
18. Snir An.vricn Audience.
JO. Vtor S;rviro W. R. C.
Next uo.ay the G. A. It. and V. H.
C. will it c-t-d the M. B. Church in a
Uxly . Hore thoy will Ihten ton mem
orial sermon by Itev. Kuhlrnan.
First National Bank
Tillamook, Oregon
WM. G. TAIT, President -J.
C. HOLDEN, Vice President
Interest Paid on Time and
Under United States Government
Fire Chief C. E. Foster, of the As
toria Oregon department, has just sub
mitted an interesting report of the
activities of his department during
1912. He includes first a table of
it live stock show!causea 0f the 101 fires extinguished,
Til'amook County, . with hwes apureRittinK ?J2,720, and
1. h e,ir our suit department was taxed to its utmost capacity the week previous
"ii'l ip to the uijjit before the oiu-uiug of the !ose 1'estival at Portland. To super.
iiil (n our early purchase and that we may not disappoint any of our patrons,
aith ive them every attention. vc announce this "Suit Sale" and this sensa
ti' low price. Included arc the smartest plain tailored and trimmed styles in
t't livorhf materials fancv and olaiu wide wale diagonals, novelty bedford
mannish fancy worsteds, velvet cor.fluroys, men's-wear series, demure salt
upper, etc. Sizes .TJ to -l-f bust measure in this sale, but not every model in
c style and material.
ALTERATIONS, when necessary, fire made in our work rooms and ;uaran.
tei-l Our expert tailorcss will sec to it you are fitted perfectly and properly.
The May White SaIc
oflu ureal savings on
I'm i urn inil Hummer
lit- materials, laces, and
eiiilii -iflerics. Throughout
tlu tore re m a r k a b I e
"M a .Sale" prices prevail.
ho ( urner Coiifiilt'iit to Eoryhnro
Our Mail Order Dept.
jiives you (piick and effi
cient attention. Purchases
amounting to $1.00 or
over arc mailed free of
charge by parcels post.
Samples scut ou request.
Malce the Home Look
A b vnli M.:d Lamp ou
V "'r front porch' cin br lit rvfry
'"'''I wM iiildnlKhl 4tid frelitrr
nnl nvir fifty crnts r"r ilionllis on
Tillamook Electric Lijjht ft
Fuel Company
for Stoinncli Disorder.
01 tno HtomiuMi mny no
"'I'd ,y tho usu of ChaintHirliiln'H
Many vory ruiiiurknhlo uuron
Ly "II iluulorB.
i A ak I "T f"
VV f I 1 I c
Tl.ut"iinii'MH l'rlll IUII.
a r ..UiiJ Stt
khrnl .h'l nuii'.l Imi4 ! Ik
hiitI.I, ll.'MI III KlI.ilS Ul.ll
. ..ii i ;i f"i' ".'
lUIMlllOlll Cll ll" -'
II. t ill Hill. Ili ll UUIU;
lual IiiHhIIu.i-iiI". Ililrlit
t .It IT ri'hl llli't IU
nl iiinl.il l.mii of J HW In
ulna .i lu ll, t l.riu I ml ru
llii lt .UiV Itllrr III" lioum
i,u liti-u Uuilt ami lliv lmu
a'Ii.iuiI r,i'tpMilll'J
.i.ir.t In I M. .n.lrlrl lla
ran (urnl
n ilrl el"". "p
ll I lilt lival
Mrllnat t. iir-
Inn,, -irrrf'
inil !. Iltcl In II.
auil . at liiiallirM
H. In l'il
Ut'U ll
v;. a. ids
I Tillamook, Ore.
On Kridrty nftcrnoon n deleKntion
from this vicinity nccompanietl bv Mr.
Shrock, deputy dairy nne food lnsxct-
or, went to Clovenlitle to loost for the
Tillumook County Dcnionstrntion Farm.
The party from Tillumook was made
up of the following Rcntlcrnnn: Geo.
Williams, Chits Kuntc, J. Ii. Dunstan,
Chas. I. CIourIi. F. C. haker and C. E,
The Cloverdale Grange held its reR-
ulnr meelini; on Saturday afternoon
and this nave the visitors a koocI 0pxr
tunlty to meet the people, there Mug
n Kood attendance from ditrcrent local
ities of th south end of the county.
The visitors arrived at Cloverdale in
the evening and were at once confront
ed with a good chicken dinner at the
Cloverdale Hotel, and from that time
on tho quests wero royally entertained.
After the dinner a few hours were
pleasantly spent at the home of Editor
Taylor, after which the visitors retired.
During Saturday forenoon Arthur
ColTeo of Cloverdale took tho party for
a boat ride down the beautiful Nestue
ca as far us l'acille City. Upon return
ing we visited the genial Dick Kobedce
at Woods, after which we returned to
Cloverdale, arriving in time to enjoy a
most sumptuous dinner which was
served by tho ladies of tho Cloverdale
g rame.
After dinner Mr. ShrocK gave a talk
on tho demonstration farm subject,
outlining tho proposition ton consider
able uxtent. Mr. Shrock's talk was in
tho main the name us ho guvu at Tillu
mook on tho previous Monday. He
was followed by tho other members of
the visiting party who gave short talks.
At tho eloso of tho ineotintr overvnnu
seemed to bo in harmony with the dem
onstration farm idea ' and no doubt n
urge numbor from tho south end of
tho county will sign thu petitions ask
ing the county court to take hold of
tho mutter.
Ills the intention of those interested
in tho mutter to present tho county
court with a petition signed by the tax
payers of tho eouuty, usklngj for tho
Tho situation in regard to the matter
is aboot as follows: Tho state will give
us &2.000 each year if wo will nut un
?2,(K)0, As tho county has already made
an appropriation of $10,000 for a poor
fumi, ll Is thought tnal tno poor tarm
may bo used as a demonstration furm
also, and tho appropriation of $10,000
bo applied as to meet tho requirement!!
of tho state, Thu domoustiation farm
should nut only bo solf-suppoiting but
it should yield an income, and should
tho mnttor bo properly handled there is
every reason to buliovo that tho county
would be to very llttlo if any expense
aftor tho lirst year or two,
Tho Tillamook visitors loft Cloverdalo
i ,, , , i ,i,i ii-i.i on tyuir roiurn nomu snoruy auur lour
.Subscribe for tho soml.woel.ly Herald. ....ijli. ..ftor hnvlntf snout i must on.
Fifty Gold Howl Trading Stamps with ' joyablo tlmo with tho Jpeoplo in tho
'a year's aubswlptlon. SwthEnd.
The committers which were lately
ppointed by the Fairview Grange and
he Tillamook Commercial Club to con-
niilcr the matter of
or county fair for
met at the Commercial Club room on
Monday forenoon and considered many
phases in connection with the proposed
Following were the members of the
committee?: Fairview Grange com
mittee, Marion Chance, Chs. Kunze,
Morrison Mills, Wm. Maxwell; Com
mercial Club committee, C. 1. Clough,
Will Spalding, Ira Smith.
Tho meeting was called to order by
President Baker of the Commercial
Club and n temporary orcamzation
1 wns formed with Will Spalding as
j chairman nd Ira Smith as secretary.
I It seemed to be the general opinion
at the outset, that the proposed fair
should include an exhibit of all our re
sources. Among the different matters touched
upon during the meeting was the
question of finance. Eight hundred
dollars will be given by the state, $200
of which may be used for the childrens'
industrial fair, leaving $600 for the
county fair. It whs thought that a
fairly large sum might be raised from of
tno business men ot the city, and that
n fnirlv I'irr... mini mir.ht Vy -. i 1
through the sale of stand nriveleces. 1 in Astoria were directly
It is going to take some money to pav ins or defective flues. An equally
the expense of a county fair and it will 1 iar?e percentage of the alarms turned
iZZSSSttf WOfk 10 J!" locally in the past year have been
The details in connection with hold- due to the same causes. Shall we
ing a county fair will have to be ! profit by Astoria's experience and our
threshed out by the permanent organ-1 own or shall we wait until a serious
' Atthc close of the committee meet-! nflS forces us to a realization
ing which lasted for over an hour the of the dangers that lurk in stave-pipes
following motion was made and car- that extend through walls and ceiling,
riil.'Ji , . and chimneys that act as a support for
"That a Tillamook County Fair As- fl L . ,
sociation be perfected; that we phone "oor joists, etc..
tho Secretary of State for copy of bill At a meeting of the City Counul
concerning state appropriation for j Monday evening, the council instructed
county fair; and also phone secretary thi rtr nhi... m lmv- ovi ff nr n
..r i.:n -. ...... , !...:. r " " J w- t,w "
...mv of th,.ir bv.liiws. Aft.r hnth nr.. ! hosC- N- J- Meyers was appointed fire
involving $15,200 of insurance. The
table follows ;
Burning flues 47, overheated stoves
2, roof from sparks 13, overheated pipe
I, gasoline boats 3, brusn 5, pitch pot
1, autoX from sparks 4, smoke house
1, rubbish 2, street fires 4, defective
Hues 4. fire crackers 1, cigaret 1. elec
tric iron 2. locomotive sparks 1, fric
tion, band saw belt 1, furnace 1, hot
ashes I, stoves, coal and gas 3, un
known 5.
Fires were extinguished by the de
partment as follows: Chemicals 43 ;
hydrant streams and chemicals 9 ; hy
drant streams 9 ; buckets S. The rest
were out before the arrival of the
force. The department laid 12,500 feet
f hose and used 1100 gallons of chem
icals From "Fire Protection."
The foregoing report should be of
paticular interest to property owners
of this city because of the similarity
conditions between this city and
Astoria. Fully one.half of the fires
due to burn-
received another meeting will be callo l
to act on same; ami that a mass meet
ing bo called for Monday, May 20, at
tho Court House, at 1 p. m. sharp.
All parties interested are cordially invited."
marshal with instructions to enforce
all ordinances in regard to mossy roofs.
The council also requested fire com
pany to submit ordinances which they
might consider of benefit to the com
munity in regard to fire protection.
Oil Your Own Account
have you uny monoy In the bank? "A part of your earnings ought
to bo placed there, anyway. Everybody can afford to savo some
thing, however littlo. Hnvo n bank account of your own nndfyou
will feol happior, better, moro independent. Mako your little
monoy earn more, and so grow bigger. Better than hoarding It
where llro or thioves can reach it. Your bank-book isii receipt
and an evidence of your wise economy.
Tillamook ounty Bank