Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, May 09, 1913, Image 4

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Re-rating of Tillamook
By Insurance Board.
New Fire Map Recuvci Hoard" Coo
sideraboa. Will bare Several
Ii Mmad Dollais Annually to
TitWraoek People
Since the re-sun ey of Tillamook
Citv bv the Si to rn Map people teat
fait by the Roaro f Underwriter.
re rating 1 f the e:ty of Tillamook nas
iow gone ir.to effect and the fir in
surance rate m ik established are
rttting down to somewhere witM"
nimaiM tt.e reach vf the general
insur.tr.ee puNte,
Titamsuk Well Protected.
Tbi tewt. w wait prelected fro
fire and a time goes in the exirtim:
haiards will be retrieved and new fire
proof buikhng wilt take th pine of
tbe frame coMtruet:r, thus reducing
a conflagratum of an proportion The
c rem test danger frvns lire i thru care
lessness, and ont business bouses are.
a; a fttxn rule well kept in a clear j
Bad orderly manner. An excellent
water supply, our active and efficient
volurteer fire departmcct and the ei- ,
erosive rainfall and dampres aids t (
reduce fir and with the paved street.- :
affords us ver. pood reason to feet r
great metswre secure fronj sr-v eacef -itoisally
targe fire.
Fire Deparfcaeat Busy.
At a mectin of the Fire Company
last Rig-it in the reading rvm f the
Cocnmercia i Club at which a lar
number of tth? company an we red rot
cat I a (renerat diacoaatoii of fire pro
tection and prevention was dicusei.
Tbe boy expressed a good deal at t
dignation at the actum of the cji
authorities who hare in the pat
perreitttf-i tbe Company's fire hose U.
be tued for private purpose. L:
year this matter came up when Ge
bisch Si Joolin, tbe aewer contractor
were aik wed to aie about 250 feei o!
hose for several months. So far a;
can be team- . the Ccancil never con
sented to it use, and the Fire Coos
pany objected iC-enaoasty at the time,
bet to no avail. After considerabJe
' a;iut:oi. Giea.jeb. Jopiin preae. ted
tie Company with an equal amount to
reiace the twee whicn toev bad usee.
But for several mooth, durior u
drvest perijd of the ;umme.-, the bo,
carts were not property equipped. It
is said that two lengths of hose (100 ft-)
have teen used sine last fait at one of
the buildings now under construction.
Tin bus; was taken without action of
the Cour.ol. or the consent of the
Company, and it is sail to be unnt for
farther use. Tbe boys feel tttat the
fire apparatus should be left enuieh
oncer tbe ran trot of the Company, and
shock! be available at all times for fire
protection. Another Butter whico wat
considered was violations of fire ordin
ances, it is aerted tnat almost a. I
toe pubi:c ouiicings of tfciicity do not
conform, in one way or another, with
laws designate 1 to decrease the nre
risk. Many residences and business
holdings have stove pipe: through the
rcof in place of brick enimneys, roof
are covered wiu moss, and in many
ways the danger of r.re is increased.
A committee wa appointed to search
the recorder's records and ascertain
wnat the ordinances regarding fire are.
aae if they are inadequate, the Coca
pany siii endeavor tv fiave a new ana
iaiequite ftre on: l nance pasaed.
If It present piar.s of the new fire
ordinances are carried oat there is
every reasuc to believe that th plana
uf the Fire Boys wiit further pro
tect the buaineaa interests of the city.
A tote of thanks was extended to
t-.e automobile owners who aaaistad in
la;'? in eart to Sunny-mend at the
t xc of tec iast fire a tana. Owing to
t i '.c.f. ; by the automobitea. the
.?,-', c:i .ed at tLe fire in excep
t q... A time and was in much
!-:it: -. jt. Uj ri;at fire.
After . nrretinjr, Rjillie Wataon In
v -.-d ti' L-o.. to a soft annk parlor
v. a r . .'K-,i,nt)ta ware nerved.
Pate Sc hedde Greaily Redoccd.
The r- t! tfefi rate on tt& Tilla
n..ok tie 4.k! property when tHe bu:W
.ne win i nit for a printing office in
IJ1 by R HHfW. Wataon, was 10 per
i.t it in annual insurance rate of
if' Wi w . ery $MXX,u0 of inaorance
i-arr.c'i. T i rata baa been redifod
at '.'ue).a.i to on the $1000.00
ai-i ,w a rate of 165.00 on the
v. How gratfid we are u
r.ou ''.isfc-u-at cbange that ha taer.
pla . ..awe are particularly int-reaid
mi' - tnalter.
ttn.'jr,! Comrades uf the G. A.
H. anu a i tmr soldiers, butb the Blue
and the i;-sv. toother with the Span
ish -ar u-rans, and Indian War vet
craiii, yoa are hereby invited attend
the memorial services at the Christian
Cnurch May 30. 1913 at 10 a. rn.
By order of C. E. Reynolds,
Cjra. Corinth Post.
It comes
Subscribe for tbe Herald,
twico a woek.
Or. VVedneadiy. Mcrtan Evemt of
Cloverdale. laden before Jwiicw
Stanley of thia city a trfcut foe aa
s.ult. Tbe compUmiiwi' witiwaa waa
Ortey Kellw of Hebo. tt seems that
the trouble graw out of the late aaitt
in rtyard to the barnta of Una
bam and the arrest of Everest ad
LcKtnard for boot'erwn.
The evidence wt to show thai oe
Sunday evenimt Evwraat wet-t fm
Ctoverdale to Hebu for the purpoae of
whitre Keltow and that he wr-t to
Cba hotel where Ketlow reside a.i
imtttd him put and the row at oce
started. Tfca titiRony was conflwt-
ia as to vbo start the first bUw
I nptre tbe ftht itert tt 1
b.idy btw in on Kelto t. Rtto
turn b:t Evemt in two piacea Mi tb '
ana and punched h finder in Etertat'a
ES-ereat was eiven a jury trial and
as foa-M a-u.it rvd Sued OO and
rt. which arrourtd $41. k
The statutes rvulatin the x-.u-fact
.r. and aa'e of t utter prsviie for
the brandinc of craamery butter, but
not for the branii k f dairy butter
except that aach rait or fcHr
be plainly marked 1 oaneaa full
weight or St ounce full weurfct
fii sotae dairy butter that i not
marked and we also fin some that t
short weight
We would be elad to hoai the eaaau
facturer responaibl for the misbrand
inf and a!o for the short weight, hot
in the absence o' aay aunse aid ad
dress on the butter so as t oaitivfy
identify Use manufacturer we eeaoot do
so. The fotiowinc rulinf is thorefore
All dairy butter oil ered or expiMi
f r sale will be considered "- i-s-1
if it docs t have piaislv taarkei on
each ruil or square the sroris. 'fjairy
Batter." "16 ou ce full weifht." r.
32 oune full wetrat.'" mai the name
and address of the ouioafartarer. Vny
oeraon offering or expoiiog for saie
dairy butter not branded in eomphanre
with this rating will be pr .?rjted
under t-e statute p-vided for the
branding of food products.
J. IX tfiCXLai,
Oregon Dairy ani Food Commoe
sio ier.
Furnished by Pacific Aktiraci C.
Laneda Inc. to Ethei Calkin lot 10
blk It Manzanita Beacfl. J10.
Tillamook 3esch Realty Co. to I. I.
Frenna tot 1 blk .6 Tillamook B'cb 75.
Tillamook Beach Realty Co. to A. B,
Muir lot 10 blk 19 Tillamook B'ca HIS.
J. H. Edwards L wf to See R. Hoy
par: of lots 3 i J blk li Clastic Ridge
Beach, 510.
Aaron Sherman & wf to A. G. Rey
nolds lots 1 A: 2 blk 6 Nortoas addu to
rillaraook. 1.
A. K. Crawford to W. K. Crawford
tract ia Sec St 1 S S W, 10.
Frank S. Whittaker to Richard .My
ers lot 1 2 blk 13 & lot 3 & i blk U
Neoabm, Ii50.
Henry Onastao & wf to Fred FekJ
sehac lots S & 6 blk 11 Stiltwell's adda
to Tillamoeic. tlOOo.
State of Oregon to Cba. K. Hen.-y
tracts in See 6 2 S 10 W A Se 19 90
3 S 10 W, t2(HJl..
John Scaroyder IJk. Co. to L. B.
Mere fee all of Sec S 1 S S W $410,000.
Eiie Stein non to U. S. L'tter uacU
in Sec 17 4 U 2 S 9 W, $1700.
John Bogau wf to Pater Mcintosh
tract in See 13 Jt 24 1 S 9 W and See
3 S 9 rV, 410.
State of Oregon to School District
No. 3 1 acr in Sec 9 1 S e W, 1182.
Nehaiem Co. to E- f. I tec tor lot 1
blk 5 Wheeler, $10.
NebaleRt Harbor Co to E. L.
lota 2 A 3 blk & V.'beeter. $10.
Tillamook Beach Realty
Co. to
Frances Page Allen, lot 28 blk
lamook Beach U.
Tillamook Bay Co. to C. F.
22 Til
Girard lots & & 10 blk 'I Ocean Lake, t220.
First Bank & Trust Co. to C. Viola
Bauman lot 9 blk -is flockaway, 1.
First Bank k Trust Co. to Marie A.
Woolfe. lot to blk 13 Rockaway, $1.
T B. Puttei Realty Co to E. AialWy
lot 11 IU 61 Bayocoan I'ark, $10.
Tillamook County Bank to Harry A.
McCreen lot I blk 7 Jaeobys addn to
Bay City, $150.
Bay City Lard Co to I.. S. Heock
tract in Bay City. $260.
S. G. RtHsJ & wf to Kwie Cain lot 19
blk 0 Noahkahn'e Mt. $10.
F. R. IteaU & wf to G. H. Ward
1 lots 3 & i blk 11 ;i'ark addn to Tllln.
I mook, $10,
Cure for Stomach Disorder.
DIsordfirs of the atomnnh mav b
avoided by the use of Chamberlain's
'Taulots. Many very remarkable cure
have been etfeetel by these tablet i.
1 Sold by all dealers.
IV.rtlsnd. oo . Vlay . Wort .
atrvad been ent .wt from tkw h
quaHers of Oregon Hvlfm
League ueging that alt of tb
atasa atari eartv to arras for htr
ita t the Raster land '
rail, tt la pointed out It iwt
soon t start the wort of hieiou
planus of erapa, vWtfc exhdt. m
oilnd, so that tae beat prhct aasv be
ent away in small quttntitUv for tat
aauwaw. A recent e.inaapi f tfc
tertiveM of Uis wort h Jail uca
to light. Having becosac tn teres led in
Um Cwcfcaaaaa County atfcibtt at the
Mttuwapoita Uad Sbo. ati faawtws
f Mtaweapoha sent a man to OaeVs
maa Counly to pk out suitable Iota
Uoos wbece they Mtht ttl. Actual
dcawwtTatton mi cros" rroa an wet-,
fro land is the beat pvf' rywt
for ImmigratK-rv
The tMurccaa riee prograoi tmt the,
Stat Flr, Stt. SSM.V:. a. k Wen .
exsplitcd bv the state printer aad will j
be distributed at once- rise bc '
una i the Fait rawta; will k the
Orgo Fwtantv. October U aad
tae Oaoo U a sod Ctart pave tlM
iollowias day.
May la wilt be Home CoaniwK Day
at lis Oragoo Afncuttural Collage, the
Seat annual event at t kind ever M
by tats instilution. Fonawr studauta
and frieml v! the college fr all
paru oi tne state wiU visit the school
at thatCtim. A big eacwrsasn ia butag
arranged from Portland. J
f Condon wants Jto secure the Tri-Cossn-ty
Pair permaneeUT. It ia iwrtad
this eet will again be held in Owdca
next Fall and thee a a dispoastsao
aflkiog ''oodon paopl- to saak it an
anmtal attraction for the C !
County capvUL Tass fair haa bawusM
a promitktftt feature of agrieuUiaral
fefe m Sherman. Morrow aad Gilliam
Support for Use Unirersitr of Orugwn
ia taw eoaKikg refarwodam Agist
orwuiag from aii quartera of tt tU
Ac oraaraaatjjc naa fcm furmad ts
urg aupport for tbe Stat Uairii
aad it tseprtd by thos isd m
Uw moresaetrt that t apprtpritio
fo- the matatstkm by the LagMfelttrr
will be approved arisen Use mi
pat to vote.
Added apeswen hare bea axw
for the Coeveraation os" Husaaa Life
CoodWrence, Read Cottage P rtlamd.
ttuf , W. II To all tntrt.l i
haetarmess wer afcaog u ttoaw tl
eaaLfaraars tncteaea, gatMriag
wtO a stiwat eafcae. pawat h
twond-trip ratea b-wa ?swd by
Use ratirowaa frm ail Swils m the
fn&r Nortaa,
?rurt dascrseta ot the state jafet
take a tip fra Houd R.ver boo feaap
en. MBi aaaed that ocsu.-dtli
d aw spray their trees dufiag the
usa the bkauosas are felly ope.
That rewitc is killior large oomoen
of bean, wluch are the aaot valuabfo
helpers th orehardtaU iuvo. their
aid is invaluable in spreading lh pvl
ien from tree to tree.
On the margin uf the river.
Touched with parti;; rays of SOU,
"iVbere the dyin icatwws quiver.
In the sky and on the w-obi.
Where the morning sun. with KiUint,
On the towers in ry falls,
Stand Willamette's stately baildlRXs,
Oregnn'i oldest college balls.
Ob ! come and let us loudly sin? I
Sins old Willamotto's praise!
Tbe memr'ysdenr thatroend her elin.
The joys of college days.
The days of toil, the night of fun.
Our athletes triad and true.
Sins all her praises, one by one,
Willamette ! Grand old U !
Born in faith and reared in striving
In tbe dim days jf tha past.
By that strong faith surviving,
Shalt our Wtllaowua last.
High ideab ami grand traditions,
Uf that magic waaura eliwe.
Have marked U17 slow transitions,
From th past to present time.
But while thy pAt is ijterious
Shaped by moo and women true.
May thy future bo victorious,
Alma Mater! W! U!
May thy huroe's olden atory,
Ever thrill us thru and thru,
Make u hen for thy glory,
Dear old Willamette U !
Road Bain.
Town property, tirabei lands, housos
and loU, vacant lota In Tillamook and
Bay City. I hare sorno I'ortlarNJ prop
orty which 1 will trade for Tillamook
J. C. BcIoy.
Dr. Jack Olson
' Office Hours from 9 a. tn. tor. n m
' n c , , D .
Uver K BeaU Kel1 "u,e !ce
Both Phones.
Republicans Fail to Amend Tar
Ill Bill Proposed by Ways
and Means Committee
t u The ovr balm'
j.. mamjr la the houa
.aruvth the free list, bowled
. u o?ts4Ue t free vioi. fro
- u bj other asesaaittea Not a
. H as mad ta the bill as approved
y the asygaad meajas commmee ma
ivrtty. Majay amend meats 'e offered by
rMtcM la a fortora effort to put
any frs Ustsd artteie bach oa th
dvtMMa ?tst. bat all 'r eutwd do-a
ith a raguiaHv t
frosl tsV aaiaortty ,
Ptvttuttw? Awwdww Iwudnts ,
Tsvt Adupioti.
Th readtag of th imemmtm rut pro
vtam for ameudmccit was oomphMml
ta abort order Perfeettug amawd
meats offer! by taw way and .
committee, aad adopted, taeluded 4
prwrtaKsa atasBptiag fW tuv4
iau ia iaaoraaew aad a emus
rbaaxiaa thw terma ragardtug mutual
fir Insurance .-ompatds so aa to as-
h them to deduct fnsm thetr
leeomeu th amount reunited
th atata law to be placed their
MMrve Md Aautaar amendment
en-J th Unrwsv of the prohlo
tmtwaittg a tax of I par cent oa the
prottta f taauraac agw
t !. the Wit oouforsa Uternii to
t preaeat eotporattou tax ia
Rp-.-b.iaa atupted J aumetwM
mr.'dr".t-eU to after taa income iaa
ratM.. t,i without avail The progra
Mm .o offered several aasend-
IT. pwvtion of th tnenma tat
ar.r exempt tag the satart of tho
Irf.4r.t of ib t sited States aad th
txuH-. -n cf lh saorwm etntrt wef at
tjct' b the rMW!afia. but at
tetRts to rmova ta aemptton
:.. -r9txxi Aa amendment by r
ptiV. a Ue!rr Malta ptopoatns ta
matte fie aaian uf the presideat U
ect w .t 'jw waa r)eetad by a
of it tc S
.a expected deferthw from party
acr c reated Aa amendment by R
seUfc6 woolgrowtag sutaa tailed to
matertalts f the rut oa raw oi.
Th npWttea substitute was defaat
d aad th Caderwood aeheduJ tMcum)
74 to ltt
aVitS'ia Ob44 t Prtfcrwattal Ctau
The artttali goeeramewt has Jotoad
the luttoaas Is protest agaiaat that par
Uon of the tariff Mil watch euod i
prafereattal dlftercaee of t pr eeut
am goad imported is Amertcaa bo
One of the first acta of 8tr Cct!
3prtas-Rtc. the n Brit lab ambaasa
dor. as to eat! the attaatioa of the
State department to (his provision at
tn vtolatlaa of the i!tio treaty of
trad sad cemmeree bfei Amortea
aad Great HrUv'n.
It I undoritooi the daux-ratie ur
Uf maaaKars In th hou. ao ere
at first dUpod to pormit th mat
to dal th tbl cu-ttoa. it brrtas
one In rot via tratr reiattoui. vhkh
bolonc to the upper hou. have rC4-alK-.l
thr force of th- objnetioas that
liave accumuiatnd from all quartnr
aad will tbwirlT- remove the ob
jectionable provlitoa by aa tmoad
meat ivhea thv administrative etloo
of the Mil coauUaiaic tt ia reached.
Japan Will Enter Permit Pretest
News that thr Japaaeee Reverumeflt
had Instructed Ambassador f'hlada to
make formal protest agalnat the Cal
tfornia alien land Mil. now awating
Governor Johnson's signature, was r
oeived tn Washington official clrrlea
vlth fnierett. although It was not ua
it Is takn for gran led la official
eirclee here that legal proceedings will
follow the enactment of the bill into
Japan believes Its treaty rights
should be tafcea to The Hague for ad
Juatnieat, but tt Is probable the de
partment of Justice and the atate de
partment will hold thai the proper pro
cedure til) be for Japanese affected
by the legtalatlon to appeal to the fed
era! courts
Currency Act In Daubt
If Freaidnt Wilson proposes to ask
congTro for currency legialailoa at
tbe rxtra session be has not t made
aay daftotte suggeatloa relating to It.
but tbe Lous leaders will learn before
many daya his (daaa In that regard.
Aa to currency leglMailoa at ihia
Masioa, it Is known that the temper
of the uoufcf is asainat II Majority
I.ader I'nderwood said that the bouse
would prefer to com plot th tariff and
adj .irn, leaving currency loglstMlton
In the rnaklnB. to be ready for consid
eration neat winter. The bouao bank
InK nnd currency ctirnmlttfo will bo
organized as soon na possible.
Abbott Removed by Peace Society.
St. touts. Dr. Lyman Abbott waa
removed from (lie list of vlct-prei-dnts
of the American Peace Society
becauue he scried th appeal to the
Navy League for large at.val approprl-
Notice i bpfuMr gvr Ibfct lli '!!
bh, t iwl of lillan.K CMy. tr
f,,n. ill revetn. bids up " M V
p. m. .t May lth. tt--. f-r tli r
struclton of cone! sKkw-tt alo.g
the Mmwtag ottw ' UaU "
IIH.HMwk City. Or'K. i'Wlt:
Htlllw.l Avpimi... Wmt ut from
North and Lot Ukk 9 OrWtMl Twn
$ Limotn TUUhhmI C'ty) run
nine Houth to ft .
A tan. begirmtwii l thr InUtctlan
of H rih ki of Thlid Str-et with W.t
side of Slillwnll AviUMi. nil tunnlin:
thane North 110 fswt.
Alan. froHi th W f 'htnl Jtttel
to North sde of Pouith Httl.
Also from mtrln of North l4o
of Fifth Utreel, 0tednd. lh Wv.t
Mi vif StillweH Atio. aiat rum orf
South Mj ft;
Kaat sid Stillwell Ae.u. fr-m
erthst corner of M ltU"- V.
Original Town f l.tnc'ln THU
nMoh Cttyt in miulsmaal ncr
t, xtetermwtt's Addtf"" t ruisna
City. , ,
First ,Vnu Kast. el W fmiit
Nortkwast cunurr !;HW-k5.. riKMl
Ton of Uncoln (no Tlam.' C"
la Rotitltoast rornvr HlocV 2. M !"
mott't Addition to ntlanW. Hy.
On rWeond Avenue llast. Wt
from South shla' Third Jitrawt to Nnrtf.
tad Fourth SJtrwt. farpt fcl f"
North end Ul H"rh S. Mrlerm..t i
Addition t4 lilUmwa tit.
Kaat aid Seeond ,iru- rt fr-
aith stde Mt:tfl u North
j Street, and from North i I-
jjirt to South ! S ''
mi thJt ri A r,aK ;Eaat fn
Soutu tida First trwt to N.wth J'
VoxtrXh Htrwt. eseept Smith htf tlWk
l. of Tfcajw's Additton U Tilts moo
jttw'.h side iieewnd Islrwet from Et 1
st,i Third Avenue Eoat to West pi.tr ;
F orth Avenue East. I
On North side Jieewni Street from j
East stde .itiilwetl Avenue ( West '.
side First Avenue Eavst. and fnm Eaat I
tide Second Aveno East to West W
Third Avenue East.
On Sooth aide third Street, eatend i
tng from East idc Stilt w. II Aveooe U
rVeat saie of Fourth Aeenu East.
West stde of Sttltwotl Avenue, run
ning South to North aid of Fourth'
Street U be 13 feel in width, and re- ,
maltster of watt, on Wr.t d StlUwell
Avtns to b $ f4t in wtdti.
All of Wl on Kt id of i.nr
Avenue peurased to be rotwlrurt..! to
be 12 fert in width.
On Wat side of First Anu Fast,
walk to be 12 feet In width
Soot to South td -f Hk-t. y. gm
al Town of Lincoln, and the fvti...jjf
U. be a feet in width.
AH tvdewalk la be ronairueted or 1
Writ side of Second Avenue East to h
12 feet tn width.
On East side of Second Avnu russt
U be 12 feel in width from South side
of First Street to North stde of Second
Street, and from South swie Third
Street to North side Fourth Strnut. and
remainder ruantnir South to North aide
of Seventh Street to t-;a frt in width
Wlk on Wost thin Third Avenue
East to U- S feet In width, ami al
same hlth on South ililn of Socond
' On North ide of Sccoral Street sml
on South side of Third Slnil, thn pro
! potod walk to bo 12 foct In width,
j Tbn sidewalks In be eoutlrurtnl for
t corner proper tins to connect with other
I walks and adjoinlnK IrnVHinont.
All of said bhls tn be in aecordancc
with the Charter ami Ordinance of
Tillamook City, Orison, ami of a Reso
lution duly adopted by said Cornmoi.
Council on Monday, May 5th, 1918
The contractor to do all neeeseary grad
ln, and filling nereeanry to brini; tb
foundation for sidewalks to tlie estab
luhed grade, and shall also maintain
and keep said sidewalk In r.iir for
a period of 6 ywirs from the time of
tnakinu said improvonivnta. j
All uid shall be arconmat.iril t.v a
certified check for 5 per cunt of the
awrxtnt of the bid, to In- forlVUcI 1,1
'1 illamo.A vity shoild the bidder if
awarded the contract for the work not
enter into a protMir contrai l, will, np
proved siurity. for tlte making of said
improvements, within 10 days from die
dale of too iwardintt of said eon trad.
ror further information call on the
j Done by order of Uis Common C.un
'V1. l,,.n.IOW,. r,y. OruRon. and
uaiwt ujiB ,xiay um,
P. W. T.-ld.
City itecorder of
Tillamook City, Orei;...,
Vote Is Cast, 36.000
of 73.000
'Qstrd Votlnj
Portland Vtb tlu aomt'ii of I'.irt
land 1 sating their first Imllois In tins
' Hy. a commlraiun form ur governuiftu
was rdopied by a i-loso vote. With tli
ooum tompbite, dm cliartar onrrled by
17,01 to 16.IH2. n majority of 3'ii
votas. A. (J. RiiHlillgbt wns ovur
wbolmlngliigiy rmiomlrmtml for mnyur
on tbn reimbllcan tlckut ami II. u. ai
bw' iiomliuiti'd by ihu proKreaalio
Ono of the tl aun'rlaea of the day
wns Hid light votu. not lo mcood 47
per unt of ihuHii reKlsioruil being
found at thn polls within thu day. It
had been thought that a lnrn vnto
would U east, UiU thuru were about
35,000 out of a totul reKlstsrel vote
of 73,0C
tut.!. iL.t-
' .vfiK.VV,"n
uirmutoHit - i, t.nrr.1
- jv-m rtn
Who arc "Jut Kcxi u
WhU yon
bett o (o. i
Lt ". i !-aa .
rs i v t. h -Eel
t,j. a llrr.
hro -i t.'.
help ii..l ii
o S i ,
rtiid- i 'onJ"
but i - tl-v
,, i tt ?ot airs
sad V'r.
tbn :l '
etsf !js.
If 'b rtirowr.r-.
UmtiU) t .J to!. . j -
fottow vim t'- i
U( woul.J toot. l
Ylftol ur dsIlcv-.'-a
remedy, Uad Iv''-1
thra struee.
It l a wnnderfV
aad lnvlsrilnc
soil tt urwler an !
t. .!
a 14 11)
. til Hi
Of M)frl!oM
Uek tf Vloot
( has. I .1 i
dora BOt l')
a fv 5ft,
Why Don't You U
... a
i in 11 1. juiiu imiij
the tt ir n
Willi f C V
m a m a. mi
rs1sTsTgaTs1 mjWsT It. I I
"ll fur ait rt
not entirely i..t
Mills frtiin
Flmii, return
Hour find reniv.
full price ol th- v
AT YorU e.i'
Spcrry Flour Co.
100 Hcnd HiBh-Gr
Ho!sli:in 1 nirv CoW
onrinf.cr. iuimii-i
r m .... I... IW!
VAN (,MtI i N e I'lS.1?
iaoi ausiin sr lAt"'
1 1 cal Hi al'itctor i'i S'CCC,,
ti... 1... irlbutW
" ... ii.. iii
11 muira aiirresa la uniU ""-1"'
It him la-on olmervi-il tliat
Heldiim alck when his lmwclsf '
' liir-lm ia nuvur well wlu-n w
......I !... I mntllirl I'I10
1 . .IIIJBLIItlll u I . rill vlllirtvii
ll'ii iiiillilnif milto ho iriani nv
... 'kilt
vi 1 ' 1.,
luln'M Tn Ii ota. They not v"" .
thu bowels but Improvo i""
Srvu aauc si
f 1 A l.i h .. i
uu a v
Ml I sT Blii i t
IXi i If 7 f'
I "mJ aW- I K'hJ am rv'
it a w . ii
ICS J ai' mm t -v -
r" ivtj t fc
wm pj m vv aa r .
m W h. faVs Tg
mill atrongthiMi tho m"UM
aru sold by all dealers.