Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, May 09, 1913, Image 3

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5 I
"JirWIWTiliW rBm,-.l ....... " .... 1 "
illottrMn!t.n I -I I DAIRY NOTES.
A I " 'v ncri'n, worn mum do i i
I 1 mftniliiliHl hv fi.ll Will -I I I I "
T i I f'T Ifom-M li.ti. Atldrcn I). T. I I
aaaaaaw 4
wmiplntiM by full. Will my good price
fr Mti lfonit.1 Job. Atl'lrrnn I). T,
WfiM-liktil, ClovMrdnle, Oregon.
Attorney lliy, of Un, Hon (,f
riHo At Ifrtglnyof HUHboro, who have
minimal in (lid null whirl) till'
i ciii.i.nii Imvu brought Mnlnt Um War
rn CiiMiruf tloii Co., wna In town fur
a fw day Mil weV, making up ovl-'l-nui
imI looking wfior otbor nlTttirc
l "f.tCtr,n Willi Ui eM. j
,51'r. WoinH h th- only Kyt lp-1
U'lmt iwrmawntly loenUjO In
MMairwok. Ymr )i.ch fltoihoi
'it .multiv); organ of your toly ,
i..hiM In, QSMinlrHwl ly a 4iyIHm. j
wl.o cpMa to rccognlr.i ilixia.ru j
"iiwr limit tlm nuil 0f g !. I
HunrmitiN my uImwum nml urn alwai
i. -$ again,
.' Ilmnltrt. N
i. ff ale, '.tf
H ri-it rmiH in imlt,
Wr u.i.t.h yiiu With l nvr
miU. Ku. Smith (V,
Mr. tMMi Ixwv mm) UnyRhtor
LVllMtHtw Iwlt u V(Mhlay for h rlt
will frlMKl In IWltumJ
8in iH I, O H). r. 1111 m. bnm
utl, llilm JuhrMkin h mavod appo
Jumw Ji Kfiwtmm't iar.
IVtrtfewl jpa boi- - - t i IH o'or of
! tlw Klmwr nutvb, )m buying nllr
, jnffhti llttt pfufmnr from Mr.
J4 for nwrjf pr. fl.M
up to IHOO nrl liw r i QfMMl aimI
l (rtli lb money. King KmlOi Co.
vwV. umh u - 1iuf for fw djiy.
i Hp 0wn rreh,
' ' tMlA; for o i Al petial tMUn f Um ..minor
u. j rMl CMuti lat WdDMijr ni(ti it
in (Or A". n . ft. ' , .
j lrr i k knrwil rtnut of lVVi xr
i.iir foinniiiiiiKKiti
.ii.na I
I Yovn roan an(4 to 4o RtHtrl
I tmrk ailvMit mmIi iah n lu.
III ff. B
Kc c;r.. U llamUn, only firt .-ia
kuw imrf In TlltamiK County.
I .! yKI haU twulr , Tl.if Ir fln r tn the l.umn . r. U.
,m1 to linifn S VOL
,! ShfitJp, . -j-i, mrrell Sii put ti nutu
-w in 1'artlanal thi mj ('! idki on rumxfay Imt. Thi
wtll U lnpfjvijflt ovir pt
.. . . Kntth(l of tronporUnj( ton mails.
frrt from llio Ht.
t. mo oorKOUin. ! I will kvc flv,( ruom Iwm nlmut
r(i. 1 110 nmt two ioU in ny MMpcmiitild
iarty wbu will ImlU iu mtoLhnr Ikhii.
rtn ltf t thl m-nntrnji
l.o will vl.il nn
tmnt Ihiiihq, furalli"l.
f..r ulo (nt J4.00D
1 llrwUy.
HmjoliB at MiTold olllcv.
lil r1i om flRurr on yur
iHaor. Window, lluiltilnit IUrUwnr
ami I'ninU Wei both will mnka tmrnry.
Ktn A 8ml lit IV
4 I. .
-I ,
irnullfut mttrn, Urite
'..dull fmin, Kini! A
Mm, S'm. I'owoll rtunJ W I-
nwiilay from Voneoovor, Wh., whem
ln' wa calltl by tho lllnoe of lur
daiifhtnr. Mm. Hortlm Monro. Mr.
i,.,ir0 row. Slain iK Mfw n winowlmt lniirovl wlion
.. ... ' n ii.. .....ii i.fi
(i. . smilli. rrt. "''""
lloelitwrlul. Ilrluliton Hp. SprlK' '
I twrM l niiika tutd that " ifUttrfitH. i
Crip arr rnawnnlilit w iinywtwro. !
A 'rs force of workmen nrojlmnHy j
"r"l m Bfllllnic tho n; f hrinttun
l.ifh rdy for Uw tk)lratory iwir
It has twon fouml noeOinry to
' work U uion omtltmt, hikJ Mm church
, ha prMntl a prtly h- y arono tin
. up until o'clwk in Hid ovuntn.
j P. A. Hownof KiThulm wm In the
jcttv Tidy ami Vilnotiy, nttomllni:
UHmi. jrrtinty wrl ami lookint; after noinn
ry maltork in eonnflion with tho inor-
wirntloii of thi! town of VVhvolnr. Wo i
uwlnntnml that an nloctloti of city
otftrrrr will inkn pliion on thu 'Ji)iU of
IJVit lha itall Moo', Joo llarrimiu
i.livn H pMtioR iti.xi things rmux).
8. C. Whltw liglHirn hen and Kawn ni
Whit 4n?k (JKUilporv whttr tftJK) f"f'
Sc psr tMltlnir. I'lwm" or writ J. M. '
llaritwm. Caribakli. )r. . 8. Fawn,
ami Whltr ar t-ily winter layur aini
hold tr-i.r.l for irratnt nuinbvr of
WJ P 'lurle.
U. 8 Smith if I'orllani) wlm rwontlv '
pttrrhaaoi f J W. I.iialwru. tho If
iniHui .U at Nvtart. lift for hi
hofnr Hi l..ilUnl lh iiMnitn,' aftor 1
poitiirif a amok al ;ii ra i niUi.:
in planllnf pobtUami an. I itiUinK- tjmr
Imrovo'Oi'OU. H!! pui Ir. ncrt-
into muiw c. It. Anr.i.m in
eliar of inn rttorh. .
John , nativr f ;itin. 10 s
year old. wa arfju.lf-l in aw Thurn- i
day arwl will lo twki-n U Vu avliim '
lonnirn'" Ho hn a wtfi not clul.i ;
ran ani h Imkm nili ii; on a rn'irh
two rnil 'ilh of town. Il h Ikh-d ,
kfllmf utraniio for tho tat thn-c ,
tno:.(U. Hi falluir wan ininno wUv. '
he 'UiA.
Capt, l)cljto, who took a trip to the)
Solnton Itivitr country with lit KHitoline 1
IbuikIi Olive Intoly, ruturniHi thla week j
Hp will pot Ui OIv on n mifular ron j
hulwwon Tillnmook liny iminla, luav
inc Tillamook for liny City, OaribuVti
nul llyoun nt 0:00 n.m ami 2 30
p.m., nml ruturniui: will lonv Can
tmldl l 100 a.m. nl 3:30 p.m.
It. 11, Aahrroft. wtw ! t''l the-1
inaanKomcnl f tho A lion llou.- lf nin ,
room tlurins thf pnnl fow month, hnr ,
ovrrl connorlion with 'hut htcir. i
ami lm rontinl one of the building j
"irrrhnni of
tnmliioki in
1 1 mil lin k,
town tlto
' triulo wnw nt thn HKJ
. .w how woll wo ua
i lt-f i thin inoriilnn for
lie will axtinl n fow
id , i-min.
, .rly two jjriiili'I nnuurn
: .Horn iiplicii,
f i who Imvu u coiiwii for I
f" .i tlm HKJ 4. romo In nml
u fn t . f hurmi.
W t'.liiKton nml ilitUKhior
if i w rilnlo, wi-ro TlllniiUHiV
i' ' Iiiurniluy.
r.tvuin. ,i i. H to I wlion tho frli
ptsl.l,. . m ,, tliiin liny lm-
rllUly 'u .-inmu ihny o mi quick.
C L () U G H
P'licn want anytliiiiK
ht in ii I KST CLASS
Drug Store
He also keeps
Druggist and Book Seller
horo. Uh Shorwln willlain forepro
wral I'aintP. Hwlnt of overy oowrip.
lion for ovorv nurpo. Kin .fc Smith
J. J. HolUt of HUliir. wan
eliv WmlniNwiay. iiltumiim:
in thu
court In thu inlorot of the lilain roail.
Willi Uio Hilnc of work Ihnl han
Ikii moiui by tho nolilur, tin county
will prolwibly h.ivu a woo-l crmhwl rock
roiiii built up into the lllaino awtt loinont
by anoihcr yenr or o.
t0i. i H
Lifjhten Che Housework
A plain iron sink returns very
little for the cllort spent upon it.
A few minutes .pent in denning a
'Stlttfni'tl" while enameled sink
anil yon have a veritable beauty
spot of radiance.
Our cataloBitc of sinks is very
interesting with its wall hanuinii
corner and recess patterns. It is
free to nil interested lit eood
pluinbinu' and uood fixtures.
"I V n c kivIiik "Go'1'
i. ; J Ho. ul" Trail i iik
&iP t'l,,,Ps wiUl cv01'v
fettWaJ Hh dciil.
R. F. Z A C H M A W
lately movoil on the HoaU propurty op
t.llit Jono & Kmulnon'a furniture
store uih! will instull Uioroin n flrt
cIhi roaliiurmit. Mr. Anhcroft wmhes
lo thiuik those who havo ptroniiol I im
In tlm fut nml hopm for eontimiii.ir
of tiiolr pntromiKO. Tho new rosliiur
um will h ready for businoa next
Frtil C. Skouip, of SiiK'wrwln Heml.
on tho Trnik Hlvr. will Imvo npprox- j
iniuti'ly thruo tona of horrlen Ihin -1
on. Thu loror pnrt r loiui her i
rlo. Th romiiintUr lire n variety of I
lilnck caps, hoiiii) pheiHiinlnulii im.l
miunmDlli blm'kit. Ho would like to(
fjtvo a roaoiiblo pooon eonlniet nt i
un onrlv ditto to preserve the horneii ,
omo wtiy Miiitnblo for tho murket. Hell
I'neo $r,lKK).(W. Fine plnco on the
biiloit Kivor, for unto. On tiduwnter,
30 iicreH of timber nml nerea of
luitlom Intnl. Owner olVered $;I,IH0.(H1
fur timber iilono. (Joed hoiiHo nml now
linrn. Kmmh html oloiired to miiko
Iiviiik ilitiryhiK ; also ilnu locution for u
cheeso faelory. School house on the
pliico. Another piece of Innd to rent,
ndjoiniiur. 'I'"! i" si'Iendld buy nml
will miiko the buyer rich in n few
yoiira. Koiihon for soIIIhk' 1 dobta.
Impure of Clms. Goyne, Kernvllle,
C-nker Olxby l Indicted.
I.titi ,ni:cltiit. Churned with contrl
imtlnr. in iK'llntiueiioy of two Klrln,
'.or ;o II. Hlxliy. mlllloimlro financier
mid land owner of Lour Hfiteh, Ih un
der arrerl. Ho was lutinod In two In
dlclmenlH voted by tho l.oa Auj;elo
oounty Bi"d J1"
Make the Home Look
A 15-wJtli Ma:da
J Cheery ?
S A 15-wJtli M:da Lamp on
f your front porch can b lit every
S nlfihl until midnight and rcllrr 1
f mil over llliy U per month on i
1 liie inctrr. C
Tillawk Electric Lifht k ?
f Fuel Company )
Abgglutsly Pm&
The only Baldng Poivder made horn
Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
Makes dclicloias Ihome-fcakerl foods
ol maximum qualify iriinimum
cost Makes home baldng
pleasant and profitable
Cement SiJewalks and
Concrete Construction Work
Enquire at Ramsey Hotel
From Wcit;rri Farrrwr:
"Milking a Cw Up,"
Alinr.m any ono en i trrlllt a cow down,
or, i-i ol ir vhnlt, dry ; out vary few
few wliyo that on which haa fr.mo
through this vexatiou oto-rlenee can
h- rMUirnd to har milk. I have Jtmt
p.ixi thr'ioith a vry lnl!(-r xxr
istice abnt this line, and the recert
ly learowl truth ii caau-.t taught I
will recite aome of th- "li-i-i nott."
in tne eauu.
I wm ir.llkinK a co tint W4 ftvin
lntyUire txini d.u.y bn t
lurried hir over to other : .ilncri on (he
Hth of February, ami -u n i 'rrti ilty
fallie.g ilf in n.iu at tin- r..-- ..f o
Miid in 16 'lavs. Wbi 1 I i v krje
of l.er again, on tho .'.th f Aj.- I. ne
wi dowp to ait poumIh a .lay. aial
pr,Hi.incfcl rui wnitl i n ' treat-re;
her with cwn chop, brars, tver, fl
ael meal, salt, bay, ekar water and
petting. She honn to monrl in her
milk nht away. On tho 30th inat.
he Kavc 16 poundi. Yesterday ho
nave Wi.o xurxl. On this 22nd of Ap
til, ahe nave 17 toiirKl. down weight!
Shf hn been having a little sreen ntufT
for the jiast week.
I find that the Danish costom of roan
ipulating the udder after all the milk
hat apparently been taken is productive
of (food resulu. Qoite a little very
rich mil ts obtained "after you are
done" by mildly but firmly kneading
the udder for threo or four minutes.
Such action seems to displace milk
that had a tendency to hide in cavities
of the uckicr and remain til! next time.
Thin holding oer seenw to havo a bad
effect. The "benching" of the calf is
certainly frcicntiflc, if it is sovere. It
would not be beat for jotj to risk an ex
ercise as vigorously as the calf does.
A. . Jones, King Co., Wash.
"Yes, our new wagon 's a Stadebaker
the only kind we KNOW"
"Die Studebnkcr iden has been in our family for
sixty yenrs. Wc huvc never thought of buying any
other kind of a wngon."
"It's true, we're continually being offered other
wngons costing a little less, with lots of promises as to
what they will do. But wc cnou? in our family what a
Studcbokcr will do. A few dollars difference in price
doesn't mean much. It's the jeril'cc n wagon gives
that we consider most."
"Long service for a fair price means more every'
time than short service for a few dollars less."
'Thot. why we lick to Studebaker and 'Slick to Stude
baker' u a pretty fcood motto for a man who ur wagons."
"Studebaker wagons are built of pood .tuff. They're made
right by pcopln who've had years and year, of expencncc in
muling them iijjht people who are truled the world over.'
"StudebaLcr wagon, la.t, because they're maJe to la.t. "
"Look out for the dealer who tella you hi. wagon i jut on
k-.od a u Studebaker. That's my advice after a good deal of
. .1 l V..
experience anil tlto experience or an or my i b"
Studebaker and you've eot a eafo inve.tmcnt.'
See out Dtitlct ot write ui.
STUDEBAKER South Bend, Ind.
Bean Guessing Contest
The total number of beans as eounted by a
committee of live. Saturday nitiht, was 'MS'. To
Mr. Leon Berry, whose uess of .'171)o was the near
est of many tothe correct number of beans in the
jar on display in front of the store, the $23.00 suit
was awarded.
Sale Continues Until Saturday
Kor the benefit of those of our customers who
were unable to make their purchases last week, we
will continue the sale of men's I urni shines at greatly
reduced prices until next Saturday niht. We still
have plenty of new and nobby articles for men, in
cluding suits, hats, shoes, shirts, underwear, ties,
etc., but would advise that you come early if pos
sible tis sizes will not hold out much longer. Take
advantage of this opportunity.
The Toggery
Read it in The Herald
The Skim Milk Calf. -K.
V. Ellington.
One of the phases of the ilairy indu
lr that is more rr less neglected in
thr- Northwest is the raising of the
.cifer calf. In these newer kettled
-ei-tn ns the farmers are not financially
able to go into the dairy districts and
' u their herds outright ; and even if
they were so situated this would not
-e .-lvis3ble because of the risk of im
:,rnrK inferior cattle. Therefore, the
'!H-rc permanent system, although
vjtt.ewhat slower, is to raise the heifer
cnives from the best row.
Young animals require food that will
mane rapid bone anl rnucle growth
and in milk we have such a feed. There
is a difference of opinion Rf to the
length of the time the calf should re
main with its mother. It is becoming
more and more customary to remove
the calf within 4S hours. Whatever
method is followed tho calf should have
the first milk or the colostrum from its
mother, as it has slightly purgative
effect which acts beneficially on the
aitestive tract and if the best results
are to be obtained this colusttum
shtuld not be withheld.
For the first week or two five or six
quarts of its mother's milk u day is all
a calf should be allowed to have, and
this should be given two or three times
a v ay three being better than two, as
the calf's stomach is not large and an
excessive amount of milk at one time
results in indigestion and scours.
As the calf grows older somewhat
more milk can be used, but at no time
dees it need more than 1C or IS pounds
per day. Any time between ten days
and 3 weeks skim milk may be' substi
tuted in part for whole milk, and in
about ten or twelve days after begin
ning this substitution, skim milk may
replace the whole milk altogether.
When tho calf is two or three weeks
old a little whole corn or oats in a box
where calves will get it will be eaten.
The calf will soon eat hay. It is well
to use alfalfa-clover hay or legumes of
some sort. The aim is to keep the
calves growing.
At the age of four to six months,
skim milk may be dropped out of the
ration and at this time tho grain should
l 11 creased.
tn the rearing of calves, keep the
feeding utensils absolutely clean, feed
the n.ilk wa'in, and do not overfeed.
i.1 thus? rules are followed little dige3
t.vo disorder will result.
Most Prompt ami Effectual Cure
for Hnd Colds.
Who t oa have a bad cold you want
a remedy that will not only give relief,
but effect a prompt and permanent
cure, a remedy that is pleasant to take,
a remedy that contains nothing injur
ious. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
meets all these requirements. It acts
on nature's plan, relieves tho lungs,
aids expectoration, opens tho secre
tions and restore the system to a
healthy condition. This remedy has a
world wido sale and use, and can al
ways be depended upon. Sold by all
Rhe iniatism Quickly Cured.
"My sister's husband had an attack
ii f rheumatism in his arm," writes a
well known resident of Ntwton, Iowa.
"1 gave him a bottle of Chamborluin's
Liniment which ho applied to his arm
and on the next morning the rheuma
tism was gone." For chronic muscu
lar rheumatism you will find nothing
better than Chamberlain's Liniment.
Sold by all dealers.