Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, May 06, 1913, Image 3

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r Co
i ! i
.,. . Hi t
? f tab", lit
1 ..,' (Jit.
UVi, vr
Ulaoti Jtltror
, t hewl tltr
h 'g to hp j
i'lM!. j
i ivuic work, j
Jyhn IIokuU,. J, H Vlj il
Uttieror of Hay trujr Were TllU.
Km-iV county 1 vUttnrt Ul Kami,
I wUh to Inl n Jt of duihlni' and
burnlm of 10 nrrw, work roa.t lio 1
'ifni.., ,y f, will pay kix ith' j
(or mi hi.ii.-nt j0b, ,ililr"i n. r,
Wnihku, Covmi1nli', Oritgon.
Mr. mill Mr. Arthur Carhop of-,
1 I .1 I t . I
8 i i "i.imni nrnvHii nuo .-mummy nim
j villi! until thin morning at Urn A. I.
i murium rnimo. .Mr. i.ltrl&on l u Ml
j tnr of Mr, Thooink,
I K H K.wh ralttrntNl on HattinUy
' from IWtl.ml whmrt he br.il beort
oll,l b On Mb, of hi mother, wlKi j
,dM of Tuearfny morniri''. Thu funeral
j w bald on IVkJny afUrtwt. turd In
tonmrnl lok placa wt ML Sootl Cmo '
lry. J
Mr. rnk Taylor m) Uaughl.'r!
Ilrtt. of t. lovvrdwht. ntmt Monday
tJUrt.n and vmtrtg ji tlt hom of
f '. K. Trwroblay, whllt on thwlr way
t Taooina, VVMb., whom tboy will'
vtiii brthr of Mr Taylor's. 'Hiity
fi-t In tw KlMOnl trHlt fwir Wrtdta.
i . .i. ... .. . . f f
i.iec in nun Mic mkt, jo uarmon
ImIixv ii pawing tl thing unwind, j
: 8 (' Wliti Ix-KHorn hiri owl Pwn nml j
' Whiip iluk VRi(purti wblt ki) for
Mr wr Milling. i'iiori or wtiu J. M. j
1 lUt.Uon, CNrtbnWi. Or. I. 8. I'hwii .
j WbiU ro tiody winter lyt'r ninl
liuli rwin) for 8rwll numlr of
John' .),; (arrdurk. ,
4 I
ma will
Bean Gtf2ssi.ag Contest
The total immlu'r f wnm as counted by n
committee ol live, Salurday tulit, was ,'',78.''.. 'To
Mr. I .eon Hcitv, whor ues of .'71)o was the near
pt of many to the correct uuinljer of beans in the
jar on diaplny in liont ol the store, the SLTi.OO suit
was awarded.
Sale Continues UntH Saturday
For ill? benefit of lhoc of our customers who
w.cre unable to malic their imrchaMfh last week, we
will continue the sale of men' lurniahiugs at greatly
reduced prices until next Saturday nijjiu. We still
hrfve pletiLv of new and nobby articles for men, in
cluding suit, hair, shoe, shirt, underwear, ties,
etc.. but would ad vine th it you come early il po.s.
sdbte a will not Imi-' -nti much longer. Take
advantage of this uj)joriiuii:y.
Thz Toggery
Of- VUI-I:LI!.
I lr. WwHlt U tJi only liyr Sm -
; nuiui
ixirifmrKmlly lucatf! In
Ilityhm frww Uylm? iirwlri Vimr cym wbteli ro Uiw )ot riwi
Wbll" l.mborn, fur by Mi. A. ' arnn of your Unly khouhl b
OirU!P!.'. Mwib I or Matunl 'phom. ; t.minl by . filiylrli wh, l ci-
OlU 'flii of IlitUbufo m In lb b, nrif',w '' olhur Uin
cLy far sbari Uim lb( mk. nrrlv. S ltM
hk lt.r Hond.y nd blre for bo4iHi I ItwwMw "T ttlw" " -!
ibt ittorrtin;; ' to m'1" U'"1' Kuurmitor.
S IVIrnt r riromhl(i n miywhuro.
Ut. fc ilamlin, otily flrt f Im ; ... , . . . , , ,
...v,r In TUhW Oooty.lU,?ln,,rhlK:7 WU of krlrt
Ha tit SaUinUy night at hl loin on WlUon
imhoo.ho. ,:rir. KrbUy w hl Slr.1 birth.lav
P. S, l'olf, R. K. OabtM and II. I). but Urn iny wn planiMt fr Saturda
IUrkMrjiJi, :i of t'iomtiNbj. wr nU;lii. An nnjuynbbi vonink'
ruiainooV. ril(r oi ilwuiay. Mr. p(Mtii In srd Uylni; ihI parlor
i;lnini ms bcrn U fOW up oo bl nuennn. after whlcb rofrohiinnU wir
Cement Sidewalks and
1 Concrete Construction Work
Enquire at Ramsey Hotel
Jwvrl, Svnral of the party
i- ' M Hi-rW, wn Irt
l .
n tb
, M
wnl lranadt'
' imwy
I hIII ko a fl room bmM almut ! " lrly
v0 tw tou to any rn.lbl i " mHnlM. ItWrV doelanni;
, llMil wai Kroauy tnqni wun uie
i trirt.
' ft ll'kl (ll !.Im. filnM mi
rlurlv wbo will IralM mo aoolhur hnoM.
Knmilr at lloraM oilk
u .u- I,..' IWo.W'i. lino pmcr on low ,
w " ig,rt,t Kv0r. forwlo. On ti.lmvi.ti r.
a vUtl v,nbfr1.b. riliL Pwm Mtm o( Um,wr nm M lf
.m- y.11 u UllfomU UlUM 0,.cr o(Trl n,(W,oo
bd ! .(kmI Uw r wlM br . , , .. . . .
born. !"ikhu:Ii Inml elrorHl to make a
J. I Abwrn and on ; Uvjn dfllryinu ; alo fine lortiiion for a
Vrtnlr of Jpvifl County, Kam wlMjch,-ro fartory. Sehoul houu on the
bav tun Ulllnc at tb Marble Umiiv. ! plur. Auotbor plcco of Inixl to ronl.
Mr. bhI Mr.
i i . f r of Ucavnr '
. r tlay,
t ' .me, furtiUbrtl,
' M , wa a
! 't aUinlay,
. ( M.ihlor,
I Cbt ri v mitor laftt
wan n
nillolnlnir. Thin lit a Mileii'lul buy ami
will makr Uib buyrr rlfh In a fnw
ywr. ltnaMn for hoIIIiik i debu.
of Chan. Ooynr, kertivillo,
loft fur tJxdr Kaaa bemo lbl morn
L,.. G.l. A i.l.l r-rtnlln dlK'lOL-
. r... .t rMlu,nklv. Vlrtl Iwiulro
DmiaWaM. Tenth Ktvor. Urt-Mo.
, . , TIip ptlnl ncrviruH at 'hi' M. I.
Ww. 0. Tall, prWottl of th Hrt ; C)mtU tU) QU SuH,(ty ,vtllntf tj.
Kalttwal HaoV. accfHnMn(ial by Mm , fnrlWB1,,py , ,,i,cmle f IICM,
Tall, wail a bu.ioi. Irlft l IWtland , ,ypntlirla aro v a utm u
. mi . ami oIIpcIihI Uio nmi'linij i t'" cm
j ll:mlnc with tho iiwrnlns: of Jlv l0J( mi,mit, nn, for that rvaaon im
! Sib. all I'. tl..t N. paiMirttiKcr train aiu-mlanc wn not nU-av wlal It
1 will l(tv frtxti Ibc now ilopot in n- mt, mv been. Kvnm:.lii Vnn
tint iwrl of town. Marlor. howevor, ilollvcnMl .i no rv
With lvvery ".Dc Purchase of
A JOc Box of Laxative Tablets FREE
Tillamook Drug Store:
E. E. KOCFt, Ph. G.
Phonr y,,, J- M-ln I J Dooo North ol Patoflice
Satifclion Gtwranleed. Money Back if Not Satisfactory
A if .iiio at tbo
tnt k w t..iw well we
f- ft.
i w i rn lo
ri nplctr.
... . . . t .-i . .ii . . . . i. : . ). ........ .....
Hit;' There will (w a inixilltiK 01 uie r inarsanm ni-rmmm which 'ii' 'vm.j
uo a I rompaity Thurxlay rvonlmt at rho Com-1 an liwplrnllnn for Iwtt.T living- but
. nicrclal Clum rooms. Tbcro will be wr an oluntlotinl treat. I.nt Sun-
' aoinolbini; iloink'. KvorylKly eom. iilay mornlnii in li'ii im wuuicni-u jhmi-
I 'all I
IwtirHt for an hour mill ton mlnuUM
The ovniiliiK survlro w out of thu
' i Iffl thin morn
friciula In I'ortlnml
i You aboubl not war an old bnt t
Chu cb; Thu Mm domamU your J .nlln.ry in that f.llRloi enlh.lm
Imat iipixinrrtllCi'.
tho church nu-mticridilp In
Ull tlin for aale. W, '..
" nt- n eouiKin for I
ltt ii,.. ijli; I ..oino In ami
V larenlioek lufl thin
It 't iy vmlt with bla
il V,,IU
IfiilH m.M nro boItiK ul 01,1
!'-.. h..i.. W. !' Hoiith.
Pr!i' .f iho work.
l. ci o j.-, tlntl Iiiih bvuti
lJi. . ,n Iiiih moVi'd OIIDO
1 4 lit ijioii'a atoro.
tlln.' ItIC t whiiii thu froali
(Mine ii.. mill thou buy lin
, kcauiiit hoy k quick,
First Class lin Shop
Tin, Copper and Sheet Metal Work,
Plumbing and General Repairing
mi,,., .lulitiftiin. I wi. at a hmh pitch mid tho inodlin
lit i..i i t... i.i.ii tut. ,n
, , 1.1..1, i Climwi, ioiiviiik nii'" " ..
I IIP urailiiniiiiK iijuimv"
ii... i i, .ii
nclmol wt moko .n. .. . '"!l!VM.,n.l with .. foo.im; of conlUlccc
Jump. It not known at thin writing
jtut how lao: t flam will uradiiiitc.
John Wo bwI wlfn nnd Mri. John
W.tl, Jr., and Clm. Ilickmnn of
Moda, vru rillamimk nhoiiorn IukI
.Saturday. Thoy cu'tiu to tho city In
mito with Jim. llurko.
-...I. I i.ul tilltlllllWtll nlntUit now (
.fliiuHk;' ,
nuidy for plantim: licahbitKO planU llvo
con tit pordomn. Cull l. or rln up ,
Sunuy.noM't KrconhmiKo uflonuKin or
oviuilni;. Holl phom 4i! M. ;
J, H. I.iimar I making Improvomiinti.
to hladrii atoro priprly. Tho build
UiK haa rocolvnl u uiuv font of lit
iho lloor Kiiiu-o of hi balcony is;
buliiK oiilnrKcd.
mid nopo,
Make the Home Look
A 15 wall MArda Limp on
your Itoiil rt,rc'1 CJn rv,ry
night until midnight And rrgbtrr
not ovr fifty T' n'0"1"1 '
ill' mrlrr.
Tillnmook Electric Light &
Fuel Company
Tillamook Sheet Metal Works
Next Door to Tillamook Bakery
you want anything
mg Store
He also keeps
On Your Own Account
.. in ii,.. l.imk? A part of your isurnlnK "K'lt
Imivo you m.y money hi tho ,,nll!" JJ 'Jr M, ,lirc,nl to buvo Home
to lo placed thoro, anyway. horybod t an micr
will fool happier, r, ww
WM ovldonco of your wIhu cy.
. h n nV7f I A III
Tilt ut-t1
Tillamook County Bank
; Surveyor
Xl'o't' 1 1'CdS'
Attorney at Law and Notary Public
Ikdh Phone
Tillamook, Oregon
Cement : Coal
Root Paint
Lime : Brick
Drain Tile
' Notice Ii hereby Klvcn, tbnt on W'oil
' tiowiuy, tho 7th day of Miy,lOl.1, nt tho
hwr of 10 o'clock A. M. nt ttc Mny
torm of tho County (.Viart of th Stntc
'of OroKor for TilbMnook Cfunty. u
j petition will he prenid to a;i 'in
J ty rt prayioK for th inrorprtiori
of th City of Vhvclti. in Tillamook
- Cf'tinty, Orei'on; that (Rid petition in
in words ami f)Knr a fotlowt, to-wlt;
To Ui llorwimbbi County (rl of
.Tillamook County, Sute of Orcjron :
We, tho umleTiiiiffwd, qunlfttol ekt
ors of Tilbtmook County. Suite of Ore
gon, and raiMnU within ibt folio
Ifiir rtMrribtirf liiniti and boorwlnrittt in
id Coonty, to-wit ;
Bocinnini; at tho Initial point of the
j town of VVho-li'r, oa ln Mine pbu
l tml and rcotdod, Jnifl point bing 1S31.5
fort North ami fet Woat of the
Soathwent corner of Section 2, in Town
; nhip 2 North of Kane 10 Wont, Wllla
! mett Meridian, and ninrilni: tbfnce
j North SI Vr Wot 21 .09 feet lo tbo line
j. . the rieht-of-way of the Pacific Ki.il
I Wtf ami NaviRation Company; thence
j j followinicalonKVa'd riht-of-why North
1 71 14' Kant 107.02 feat; tbonce along a
Hcurvo to the left of 16.100 feot radlu
! ! for Tj.Q feet ; thunce along a curve to
the left of M5.2 feet radios for 60. IS
feet ; thence along a curve to thu left
of feet radius for 60.27. feet;
thence along n curve to the hf of
1910.1 feet radius for 334.S feet;
thence along a curve to the left of W05.6
jfeet radius for IM&.53 foot; thence
South 1 1'JJ- west 24.30 feet to a point
on a curve whose tangent at
this jwint bears North 57" 51' East;
thence along a curve to the left of
C925.5 feet radius for 322 feet; thence
North 1 19J- Ea.t 21.02 feet to a point
on a curve whose tangent at thi point
tears North 55 3i''East; thence along
! a curve to the left of 00J5.5 feel radius
ifor 40.S9 feet: thence North 34 30
I West to the line of Low Water-in Neha-
lem Bay; thence in a Northeasterly
direction along said line of Low Water
I to the intersection thereof with the
North line of Lot Four (41 of said Sec-
. lion ' thence alonf the North lice of
Laid Ut four (4) South SS 43' East to
j the intersection thereof with the Easter
ly line of the right-ox-way oi the racine
Railway and Navigation Company;
thence along said right-of-way Norti
21" 37' Ea feet to the Northeast
corner of W. Zimmerman's 7.10 acre
trad as described in deed recorded in
Book 17 Page 4S0, of the records of
Deeds of Tiilamook County, Oregon;
thence South 6S' 23- East 1217.74 feet
to the South line (extended) of Fourth
Street in the said Town of Wheeler;
thence along the south line of said
Fourth Street, and an extension there
of. South 21 37' West 1S09.52 feet to
the center of Gregory Street in said
Town of Wheeler; thence South 33" 33J
West 7tG.20 leet to the center of Hor
vik Street in said t wn of Wheeler;
thence South 55 30- West 177S.72 feet,
to the Northeast corner of Block 52, in
said town of Wheeler; thence along the
westerly line of Gamble Street North
!34 30' West 1513.10 feet; thence North
174 19' East 52. S3 feet to the place of
'i beginning, do respectfully pray and
; petition that said portion of Tillamook
County, Oregon, be incorporated as a
municipal corporation under the name
of the "City of Wheeler," under the
provisions of an act of the legislative
; assembly of the state of Oregon passed
at its session in the year ISM. and
found in th General Laws of Oregon
Ifor the year 1S93, at pages 119 and 133
"! thereof, said act being entitled: "An
' iiM for ii mineral law for the incuroor-
"A ation of citis and towns in the State
of Oregon," and your petitioners al
j lege .that each of said petitioners is a
qualified voter with'n said Tillamook
county and each of said petitioners is u
t resident within the limits of said - pro
posed corporation; that said portion
of said Tillamook County, Oregon, con
tains -vithin its limits more than 150
inhabitants, to-wit: 165 inhabitants,
' and that the same is not at this time
incorporated as a municipal corpora
And your petitioners will ever pray.
Dated April 9. 1913.
L.F.Halliday. U. M. Bryant, It.
M. Bryant, Mrs. G. L. Madden, August
iNigu, Josef Tichy, Mrs. W. S. York,
W M 1 1 ... 1 1 ... II 11 Pn.mo Mm
, 'l. 41111 .Vl, ... ...
A. Ostium), John Kampfer, Mrs. John
Kampfer. Mrs.'C. H.,Schrttt, Mrs. V.
J. Curott. C. H. Schrltt.IAlex. Akron,
Andrew Ostlund, Annie Kelley, Acusta'
Akren, A. J, Zimmerman, Alex. An-
dorson, Jr., Anna Anderson, J. T.
Beauchamp, K. L. Urenncr, G. L.
Madden, M. F. Bowman, E. L. Rector,
J. C. Rector, I. B. Wheeler, Gladys
Docks and Warehouse Front St. between 2d and 3d Ave. West
Wade, Myrtle Murphy, Ernest John
son, C. H. Rich. E. A. Brenner, O. J.
Smith, R. P. York, J. F. Bradley, II.
Munion, Win. M. Knott, W. S. York,
E. F. McDowell, Johun Erickson, L. J.
Louis, Roy Louis, D. E. Huckleberry,
L. A. York, II. L. Munsell, Mrs. Cyn
thia Munsell, Sam Lundberg, Mrs. S.
Lundberg, Mrs. L. A. York, Andrew
Ratchye, John Davis, Neil Barnett, E.
E. Ctirnus, M. E. Carnes, Ben Cox,
Mrs. C. L. Royal, E. C. Johnson, Pa
vola Tichy.
Last issue May 6 T
m and Book Seller