Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, May 06, 1913, Image 1

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    Itllitnutat A geftlft.
J arg est Circulation of any Paper in Tillamook County
Oh Tillamook. Oititc.o.N, .MaV (5. 1013. NO. .",0
lii.luiv the com f living tlouhle Hold Mom) trading stamps I'ii-
I if. iv in every uiMmiitttcm. 1 Ins week Murium Koot ih here
3; , with a lull line of hair onris ami diiuoiistniic her beautifying
i . . ' . i i . i i
i pi v ini ii i iwnn. hum mini, nun ni'i i;i 1 1 1 'i in. i ret einoi oiut i v
. i - i . .....
it.il i lucaci u hHoio. i m riHiuii imiii i .',() to 1. .10. ou arc
aut.iv'f of this i n if treat.
L, , 4 flOl'lIC I ll'fcHOMh tl
J i odiallv inviicd lo tal i-ail i
. t
4 '
Nemo and American Lady Week in Our
Corset Department
Souvenirs of the "Pink Lady1'
. ii!iverniy of Nemo Ve L in now hi inly estnh1ihed
it..oitani animal fahion anil Women follow and
..ie in this even i with intense interest. They al
! .i Mime new Nemo or American Lady idea that w ill
: -nod. It uUo in the time when the manufcturern
the privilege to cut on the discontinued line. On
mdii and for thin week only we will ulitce on wile:
Nuiiii 5:t oil diwotuiimnl models $2.88
hi l,;idv :J..h liHoiilinuetl mmleU - 2.75
tii I.:nl I' flu dimoatinuetl models - J. 78
an Liolt -." iliMiintuiiied models - J .68
hi I 7 " 'iiM otitiiuit d mcxiiU J. 33
.. n Lady I i!iouiinued nokU 98c
iM.drU ttr full fijfMrrw fltioimlilr, figure retluc
.hd and eomfurt-jiivinj.'.
j Come tomorrow and throughout the week.
' Remember "Quality" is never sacrificed
j here to make " Price." The whole store is
j brimming with special values great pra
tical economies; timely savings.
Silk Alternoon and Evening Gowns for Young Ladies
and Women-Special $10.00 to $18.00
A i ti mi of clmrmiiitf new .lu-ssts in a xaiietv of models, and the season's most
las. , ,l,c pl.un and lancv silk m.iten.ih. i.r.u-ehilly draped dresses some with
In. is ol iace or chilTon, nine with net. clever (lesinin and perfection of fit sure
to t with the approval ol discnmmatm women. To appreciate the excellence
u'i I ' inly ol these dresses one must "see" them.
Fashionable Spring Coats for Children $1.75, $4.85, $6.00
!' shepherd checks, full liox styles, cutely trimmed and well tailored. SpecmJ
.-..lvalue. A.es - to six years - - - J.7-
T....,,l blue sctkc coats of extra heavy worsteds, sizes C to M- years, smartly
trut .id and decidedly stylish. Priced nt -
U .u's tan coats, made of fancy mannish worsteds cut in the latest Spring
.st, 1,. p Robespierre collars of ill benzine. Sues 0 to years, ".cuh.rly
H""-. alue -"""
nc: e too early to think of graduation dresses
"..mlnnlim. lnv will he l.c.v. Ifs .m- u, I ho "sini-ml ti.m-x" in .1 (jirl's lilt-.
. . i c iiro ii '' I aniplv l..r this m-,,,si,, will. mmc .,....le W'.ul.m jon
I'll . .' Mom - " . . mt
JHI. Mlk umtvriuls. Wo-chk- ..ml '-'' ,47
"' 7 Few of the Remarkable Specials in the Dry Goods Section
GfcaW, Talc Powdc,, ...mc : W-f-, Sal, p.ln '"
va.a and dactylis, hihly perfumed, rei- iininsu0.S orj.Uulies, etc.; regular sell-
i ers to :h"c. Special
J6c yd.
nl )-....,: o s;o..inl J 7c can
..v .....r- . ,-- ; , , v.. ,
SaIp rmM.i4 Trlmmlncr Flowers, 33c ; At,i,ntc t aces and Bands 29c yd.
i ..,. Unitarian, and lasluon-
T'HtlKllll values lllCri-, ev-1 . r .Miiviim.v, r- .
V,,h,,H t'o 7.-. ,lisp)n,e,l i.,Uu. ,h-y .hU ! Sill;, ' ' 29c yd.
SuLion. Choice
secti. in, Choice
CWul attention iven
phone orders. We mail free
of charge to any point in
Tillamook Co. by parcel
DOHL mirplwiKesi to tlC
'Ulloiint Ol JjJI.OO Of OVei'. jji,, romnr Conwr.lwU to lonlior
Sale boys' heavy laucy
worsted vacation and
school Iviiickerbockers,
sturdily made for wear;
sizes from 5 to M- years.
Very special 29c pr.
Tillamook People
To Buck Combine
Big Paving Dfil Arouci
Royally on Pavement Nearly Three
Fourlhi of iti Coit.
Christian Church
Will Be Dedicated.
Tcli'Kfiiro, April .10:
In a hjU rwently fllwl, Htvl cornlnt;
up for lieitrinj; noon, lh City of Tilln
UMM)k prcucnU no of the iiKt nlann
Hijf hwJ Krnplni: IniimBcaorw yot rc
rinlri In Ihn liistnry f thu ptivlni:
iiiIiIm'ii work III Oron. Ilium;
iTillmiuMk cltizniif any Hint the eom
l.lm? flrt htiil tlii? Tfllnrmxik charter
. ftxwl up o tbtit It would bo ii con-
vunlunt working medium. Tlmn thpy
nhl thrwinh n rHt lmprovcmnt
plan, which rmulto1! In k city wlih
l.tfrt nnd $400,000 nwoaawl valu
ation, inrurrinn in the yeir 1912 im
tipjvmcnt chargp SKri'patlni,' 11,
m. Mi of thi terrify Irk outluy
wn for a iUnted im's-ment, eoverinif
71 blwkt, a i:nnt ileal f which 1 aW
t. ! tibnolutnly worthier after it i
i plar-d. Thud th hutnhle property
iiwnern y llmt tl'vy have been tnut
M while IwprovemcnU aKKreirnn
more than hnlf thtr al valuation
of tlw community wen? beinc ina.le.
Irtit that when the work waa rlnihl.
at an wnormou unit charse. it in de
clared tf a very inferior quality, and
' some of it I pronounced molea.
In addition lo charginit the? pavlnif
ptjople with eorwpirinK and connubiat
inn to net lh.flr talona on moot of the
: peaceful little rommiinity that i famed
' for lU butKr and rhww. Tillamook
reaidvnu aay they will jroe in court
that the Warren Cottftmction Com
: pany, El wood Wlliw, awl lh Clark
: Hinr- Oimiwnv K Ummsh it fraudu
j loot prcterMic of competitive bidding
Jlmd nprtorttnn tho work out amonc
UlemCOIVUB Bl 'l ITO.lMuua nii"'.
Whim the pnvinj; qiH'lioi came up,
I Httd the harHl-mnde, cnrcfully-sclecteii
nciv charter of TiltMii.ook wiis invoked,
1 it wa found by tho nnmswl projMsrty
j owners Unit specifications had boon in
jaurtod, which cnllwi for the patented
I pavement. Hid on no other kind were
tolerated. In a rcat creadth of public
jupirit, and to prove how keen "compe
tition" mteht become, the Warren tm
; utruction Compuny agreed to let any
j company in the whole creat world lay
it patented pavement by paying the
mere triuo oi i.ii a njuiirv
royalty. Even with this proviso on
record, Elwooil Wilea bid $2.1)2 n yard
to lay bitulithie. but the Warren Com
pany wont under him tofl.DS.
Tillamook men say this farce is ap
parent to them, and in its working
effects, it is a destructive, vicious com
bine. They say that vVilo and one
or two others have a secret aRreement
with the Warren Company to lay tho
bitulithie pavement al a very low roy
alty, where it la necessary to pass the
work aroui.il a little, to prevent the
monoply from becoming too hideous
to the public.
An injuction suit has been started,
rentrainliiK: the Mayor and Councilman
Irom tryn to collect $1'.17,000 that has
been assessed auainst Tillamook prop
erty to pay for the pavement. This
honrinn promises to net at the vitals
of the combine, if the Tillamook people
can command all the evidence prom
ised in their preliminary inquiries.
This they aiv confident of presenting
to thu court at the proper time. They
declare their ability to prove that they
have been jobbed, both lis to tho amount
of improvement work done m WIA
A Fine
Program Has Been Prepared and
Committees Are Working Hard.
On Monday, May 12, I'renldcnt Kerr,
of the Orcicoo Atftirultural Collage,,',. , ,, ,n . r.
Citizens. 1 will lm in Tillamook City and will nij. atinaay, may u.isuaieaet
dress mi audience al the Court Houie
ujxm ihe ubjct of "Oemomtrotlon
Farm Work." Mr. Shroek, Deputy
Dairy nnd Food ComrnfiMtonijr, will
accompany Mr. Kerr.
Ono o'clock in the afternoon la the
hour dot for the meeting at tho Court
i Home and it in botx! an; cxpoctod
that thore will Iks a large uttondarKC
of farmer napoeiallv.
On Saturday, Judge Galloway ad
journal Circuit Court until June 2, at
which time the suit against the Warren
Comtructiou Company, which the cit
Uena have InaliUiUd and the suit which
Uie Warren Construction Company has
brought agninat the city will be tried.
Th suit Had ley v. Had Icy will ateo
come up for further conrideration at4
that lime. '
In the autt o( Hadley v. iladley, it
will be renumbered that the svtdow of
, the Inte C. It. lindkv. brought suit
through her attorney, Oak Nalan to
M-cure a share of property which was
. i i i r i c. tl It - .
the time of C. B. Halley'a death, the
plaintiir alleging that there was a
partnership bt-taeen C. Ii. and C. E.
Hadley. In the meantime C E. Ilad
ley vruroI n' settlement with Otelia
Iladley, Uie plnlntitT. paying her $7,000 j
to let the auit drop. Thu plaintiff did
this, however, without conulling her
attorney, Mr. Nolan, who was not
wsttlod with through the transaction.
Mr. Nolan is now endeavoring to bring
the suit to trial, rogardles of Uie set
tlement, and with this dHdln tiovv,- hfl
has tiloi with the ceurt a deposition
made by Otelin Iladley to the effect
that she made the settlement because
of undue inliuencesi brought to bear
upon Her. JUUge ua noway nns con-
tinued the case until June 2, with the
understanding that Otelia Hadley come
into ciurt with the $7000 which was
paid her, after wnicli he will consider
the matter of reinstating her as plain
tiff nnd allowing the case to come up
for trial.
In the damage suit, Frank Long, Sr.,
administrator of the estate of Win,
Campbell, deceased, vs I. It. & N. Ky.
Co.; the jury, after being out all day
and part of the night came to an agree
ment and rendered a verdict which
nave to the plaintiff $2,000 damages
and coits. It has been said
company offered to Kettle
amount previous to the trial,
statement is not true.
Next Sunday, May 11, in the date
sot for the dedicatory services for tho
new Christian Church, nd ttcv. Jopo
and the committeoa in charge are work
ing over time to get thing in shape by
that dat.
The dedicatory ermon will bo
preached by Rev. S. II. Hawkins of
Other feature of the tervicos will bo
music by a large ebortt of voices awl
vocal okw bv Mm. Jennie Koy
Komeyn and C. H. Altheide.
After much labor and sacrifice the
member of the Chriatian Church have
about completed a .fine church edifice
which it coating them rx-arly $20,000.
The new building is euipwd with up-to-date
facilities fo handling the Sun
day School and ample fjrov.-ion is made
for the entertai; merit of the young
folks. The new edifice i a credit and
ornament to the city.
Tne dedicatory services will be fol-
j lowed by a series of revival services
I which will be conduct t-d r, Evangelist
j Guy lor. aited by C. H. Altheide,
Following is the i.n.ifram for the
! service of dedicatory day :
9:45 a. m. Bible School.
11 a. ra. Voluntary.
Hymn I love Thy KinU-a Lord. -
Scripture Lesson Keinive Read
ing. 1'rayer Evangelist Gaylor.
Solo Mrs. Jennie Koy iiomeyn.
Solo C. 11. Altheide.
Dedicate! y Service 5. R. Hawkins.
Dedicatory Prater R. E. Jope.
3 p. m.-Y. V. S. C. E.
7:45 p. m. Evening Service Ser
mon by Evangelist Gaylor.
to the price paid for tno work, and as
to tho quality of the work, as revealed
following completion. Without a pat
ent protection, and in view of the cost
of raw materials at Tillamook, tho
residents who have enterod thu court
declare that a good pavement could
have been laid there for $1 n snun ro
! yard.
Tongue .v llagloy, of llillaiior", vvno
wero first takon into thu case, have
retained Fulton & lluwornmn, of l'ort
land, and when tho issue comes up for
trial at Tillamook, probably souib ttm u
1 next month, ono of tho most interest
ing fights yet nindo against tho
paving combine is expected to develop.
U, W. Montnguo Is tho attorney for the
Warren Company.
Tillamook's Paving Troubles.
Editorial, Telegram of May 3:
In Tillumpok they nrojmylng puvlns
troubles, raving monopiy nua last
ened ita grip on thW community, just
growing to municipal manhood, and
with tho samu spoelea'of groed It has
The entertainment given by Mrs.
Stone, teacher of Boulder Creek
School, at the close of school was well
attended, 150 people being there. The
school house being too small, it was
held in the Mngarell Hall.
A beautiful and interesting pro
grame, which lasted about two hours,
showed the enthusiam of Inith teacher
and schoDl and was heartily enjoyed by
After the program the ladies of
Boulder Creek district gave a delicious
supper for all who attended. Tho ap
preciation of the people was shown by
as good attention during tho program and
(Continued on Page 4.)
sociable spirit of all during the supper
which was greatly enjoyed by all.
Ono who was there.
Last week N. C. Maris, field worker
for Industrial fairs, in company with
Superintendent Buel, covered the
county pretty well in their endeavor to
arouse an effort and enthusiasm in be
half of industrial fairs for the children
of the county, the fairs to take plape
this fall.
They met the people of Beaver and
vicinity on Tuesday nnd arranged for a
meeting which will take place on tho
evening of May 12, at the Beaver
School house, at which time necessary
committees will be appointed.
On Wednesday evening a mass meet
ing was held and committees appointed
to look after the work of tho schoob
of that locality.
On Thursday evening a meeting was
held at Bay City and necessary com
mittees appointed.
On Friday evening a meeting was
held at Nehalem nnd committees ap
pointed to look after the work for the
schools in the north end of the county.
Everyone seems to think the industrial
fairs are a good thing, nnd they cer
tainly are, but it takes a great deal of
push to make a success of them.
Workmen are now busy making the
uxcavatioiv for the new I. O. O. I.
building and contractors are figuring
on the construction of tho same.
Tho new building will bo 101 J x 80
feet, two stories. Tho ground lloor
will be rented to tho First National
Bank mid a store, thu bank to occupy
tho corner. The second lloor will bo
occupied by lodgo rooms and omco
rooms. There will be some twelvo
otlicu rooms, ten of which have been
already rented. The lodgo rooms
will consist of the lodgo rooms propjr,
u banquet hull, reception room and!
Tho now building will bu a groat
Improvement tu our city and will cost i
when comploted about $20,000.
Attention! Comrades of the G. A.
H. und all other soldiers, both the Blue
and tho Gray, together with the Span
ish wnr veterans, and Indian War vet
erans, you are heroby invited 'a attend
tho memorial services at the Christian
Church May SO, UU3 at 10 a. m.
By order of C. E. Reynolds,
C un. Corinth Post.
Tillamook, Ore.