Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, April 25, 1913, Image 4

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    taui rue
The Third Week of the Bi Dissolution Sale at
Mason, Pennington & Co.
Everv dav our sales increase as the people have become convinced
.... i ii. i. i r it.. 1 .. i
rtf Aft
a ' w i. ! IV
it L
(uiiii iiiiiuoirjj
the "dowager."
three gracious
l; race till.
. j g. -r.tf. ..". , . r; v "-ft
C LdiJ uut LUCULfci mail any utiici mtitnam. n v. - -
fn JpII vnn if hp hnvs rhf-aner he buvs chean poods. We lav no ex
cessive claims to cheap buying, but we do claim to carry the Best
Quality obtainable; and ve also lay claim to selling this High Grade
Merchandise at less than others ask for theirs.
iKTfectlv inotJclol ii, U
Cornel, the one in i uf ....
i ... ..........1. , ...
ii ml star. fitftftiCnti K .: r ... 1
jicrffvtly uMitic.
ouits ror IVlen s: i;Cs . t. ,n
ft- . : . . .' :' riv :in: . rc-
cr-, - j W . . - iicv -.-.v.- Aa canr.ot iicat
; .-..- ;,-:ja- .tin a hcrf C. rrw and rc.
Suits for Ladies filtV
-ut : -r '.c-v ?at a if Tort wm .
: k. aui.i.'r t iwr -itrxw we WX ' -
c .'. --r. - :;cr wsfj i-if all jOW.
buits for Boys .?al.
When yoa bay goods with a oaiuc
that has .1 national rcpaUtion io: CoaUty
yoa know what yoa arc dolne. 1 his Ls
the class of goods we carry. It pays to
bay the best.
Nazerett Waists
Nazerett Union Suits
Dependon Hosiery
Children's fleece lined cotton
Children's Sleeping Garments
Ladies' gauze Vests
Ladies' gauze Union Suits -
rr . ....
vu HcUC a oil mx'ii our nriees on this liiu;nl
merchandise? On all shoes not of the
latest we are aivins prices that are trulv philan-
inroplC. USl tninK--:i ,n P;u c:in Shnr nr u
Julia 3Iarlow for .'fl.TS. These are shoes of ood
I 1. 11 i l ! t Ui. -1 :..! 1 . I 1
quctin, inu Miniiuyoui Oi SIN le.
ror a standard shoe akc tfee Utz & Dunn Shoes for women you have
a style and qnalitv cosnbisc-d in a shoe which gives both grace and
eas. We have the ' .3. & J. an in tan, gun metal, patent, vici, new
beck, suede both h:.: aaa aad velvet in both high and low shoes.
c n x orr
1 s jtmM.
19c v
25c 2rL
I3C AV. X "V
L9c Z V1;
25c mr-
Mr ujf ?
1 1 1
. i 1 iP-V
f I II . J
f I II M
1 ' 1 11
1 n 1 u
f.'sirerKtT of Or..-.- B.er. Ape-.i
le.e 0 fapMtmr of ue L'or,ity
cf .vugm, hi t Wti hrt of
brjpss the row auovnoettt
oct of tbt Mtcr. sMd tlum w
no tie hnidiitt p-j?t tU; mm.
tfc;r.2 vtil iMt Ax Tkm enmastm rem
will adowbudlT et soon the bflmw Mtw C
It U rwotMO, That it i Uw bptsina
toe Lu Coontjr Goad road mwocv
uot :b wetms iwby o April S,
-JiiJ tkt typ at ingkwtj to ac
euutrsctcd ia the ViflaaMtte taUc;
m wteefe will deweoatftUf ilMtf to
rf itifrvw rtioe. a, eoaewtc tew
ircoi fmr or 8t inebo w tUckaMt.
Afir jr ptrirw
f tje trjfsrJtrj. vt M kr. Pwpt't iti 1
Ut icaraae e tat syet f rvijr
asd auustcsaoer of raada u saar..
aae f Iftei- baa carrL-Mr m i.-.j
ebier or factor. It h neetod it
At t-speitD will bnasr Jwt
twxjr soclecitaaiteoa; of the stj-rt f
n9irand uixttaMt is ibe r.ra
Maoy rteldras tiria? U, ta rsr:
4imru nr xfneaead tie Uc-
ao it l rxawetad taut Uuol: .t.-et .-.
tiw eoakpetiei'.i wiH ttueciUU jrrt u-r
wtenat xtujoz tin p.-ett. ti
tdi a prerctMl acy r&i-drr-fern
trainy ftrocc; aOagatrf: -.;
te ea jcrrwbtMi imtum frow
reti3i tba m4 of mrw pateriti .-.
line U t "Jmmi Utm.
' -t baM U u sa evrd wrta tlx tse1- attentat eor.u-y aei.
ti.'w!Htioo antlllt tram, cm k 11 .
trs jo ta.-vHi ; u if beibjr re
s7 maaat. Onljr rt
pper a-t ae wntu. .s
k4 of u
f.fsi,j Msnuttod to t&a hmimMt atauaid a asbatd : .r- uax.
, .
t, fat:U a atade fr baktio( at
' oviJa Una fmenta. jrw. aad
U: ttilai Maae of tfeic oMattnc
u.: nek mad ecstrieu 'can w
' r- ewadstre oi MMt ftAt
- 4tk of U higK.y t be about anoouaeemect
ijcwi Ifctrt The a tun to ta; esat-
prt vety k eeat i daa tc. Pixf. Me (
A.tr 4d tb ef;a of expertneeu
t 'j.-. , t Stt Usivfrsity, )
Wf..er. ..t! ,r. r.e JJwViVej .r tr.t 1
u of p.iv.'.. i i.f.t'e errr.- Urt. N". E. Reynold wot to Port-.'
k.'jt. .:. tt,-. paru A .-. - Tbjda wfcr aba will vuit her'
Oauibter, Mr. Coas. P.ieb.
rm i. u vrv . . . .. M Anaa Sehilda m Minm. '
VJVLU WtUAL l-UK BLO I tSSAY OH lie.m,,, flyitttirio to Heiiuek I
aaa aoetrcaa or Uw writer, tsd tr.
me sxi keatio of Um; aeaool whirr.
a or ae U atundin: mut be pUi-.iy
writteti at the tt of the ftp pjrc
Tbe aAOU!aemerit of U eosapetUiw
has been sect Uu Om tupeneUodenU
of aeteooWi in U rarai diMrieta. N,
fert&er isf'-rftitn can be obtaine-2
Craa tie Ofieof Public B4. Tdi
MV!id be plain
rraryoae, a.-0 Ji children will
tart an it baaia of equality.
Our Plumbing at Prices that will Interest You.
The cu is ofrcn an important factor m the pjohlem f whether you shall
have new pra: :r: placed in your home or nt. The erroneous i'- rr
ti.e cti is czcesHvc rmv deter some rwinlr r.,r., f..
. " , J" .wn IUU1UI
cun-sidcraaon ot ncv plumbinjj equipment.
It wouW be much better to consult us and let us show
y-u how t?ie grcac variety in dejigtw of plumbing fixtures
uiivca jxjsHoic cuner a moderate priced,
plain but serviceable bathroom or one as
luxurious as can be desired.
We recommend the well known
Standard" guaranteed plumbing fix
tures and will be rAtnirA tn K4i-
- J v.i . vn
.11... . : T T r ... . .
uiiuu-auons oi tnese nxturc ot which there 11 a suitable
deign for any bathroom.
A little talk with us about your plumbing may
quickly show you that a new plumbing equipment is
vvcii wiuini your reach.
We j;ie l.n.ii lU,u 1 i.,:it ,w
tainpi with every f.ish !.,i.
w r-r
j-'J "f.frlil to tr. n.-i wy or
'r- fWr.-r te af4k of ! anj 15,
wfkj ur.te the bet -vmtjiU'c out
V, ex-ed word, on tbe repair aod
fisir.Ur Mi'. ce of fturth road. U to be
awarrlt J by sn Waller Page,
rector, Often ut I'ubiie Roadt, United
Mates Departuent of AgxK'jIture,
Vijh:r.jfton, D. C. All eoiaiuoai
rnoit b Hibmittod to Mr. Page before
Wy 15. 1&13, and tb taadal wili be
aw&rdod a wx tbereafter a the
Tii.r ;
Gj..j Uirr moved bi family u
fiUru iiut Tiiaaday.
Guy Matuxii and family, of Clover
dale nr.-t.ved Vtdoday an hi property
be joat reee..tly pareoaMd of J a,
i bnateoaen.
A number of young poaote of tbit
j, pUce attended Um bail aro at Heaver
. laal Sufiiav.
fierze Proevor reternod Tuod
from Waubiiigton where
pl winter. Ue w&
boinf by b brother.
P.alph Wyant eame
from Pairview v, bare
worScin for ome time.
lleirii Gao. aurj John
he spent tbe
home Sonrfay
he baa buei.
ompoitions can be jfradfl. Th
coition may be ba, ed on Vnow.edge tallKrSo
vt oioer sources, Mr j jjr4 i ii irjrrp
but no quotations should be made. re ativ in Ba, City Sunday.
Prootor wont
Cement Sidewalks and
Concrete Construction Work
Enquire at Ramsey Hotel
rursiibrd by Pacific A
lUaii Land Co t. II lltV
. .. . .... o.
to Lake Lytic. fl'
ndu I. Shrill . w' to V
tic-Sra. HO.
T. H. I'ottrr Iteait to. U
1 Druvcr. umj j V.t f
' tot 'J A- to blk M l' fa
Tw TilUmwik H i. 0
WaUrr llminT lot S
itonii t.o park. 1 1
P It. Itmll i wf l.
lot 7 lIV 31) Sea View i fk. Ii
K. H. Ilrh A wf A8 X
!.' blk 17 Sea Vie
T. H. Poller Ilea
Cartwialcr, Wit 'i tilk i
Th.. II. Watt l I
mm Ci.. lot 1 1 t.lk
I lurlottr h. Ma. H
Hay Ll 4 I.U Xt S
J. h. Morna A wf l
.lor Ma I .t 2 tU U'A
l Sandlakn by the Sail
IfiO. 10 u SflC fi 4 S 7 S Uti ti
,Un r i .ii to
0 W. 110.
A. K. Farnam A w f i
lot 3a blk M miHht.. .
W. A. Ixivctt .t wf i
lr kila 10 A U I lk ."
I 'ark, It2& blk U S
M 3D blk T Ni halcin '
Si8i of Orri:Mi u t
It in So 103 S
Oiii II. Onlior.i i w !
Whruler l()4 See h i
Ji'bn . Ilriifbhin lo I
L. .SteiiM-r iruct tt
I ifl. n
. 1. 1 RuU
t4 2Ti
., J. H.
. ch. ill
II (
1 lit -
. J. W
Dr. Jack Olson
Office Hours Irom 'J a. rn. to 6 p. rn.
Oyer F. R. Belt' Real Estate Office
Iioth Phones.,
Chamberlain's Tablets for Consti
pation. For Constipation, Chamberlain',
Tablet are exeellenL Easy to Uke,
rnild and Ktntle in eirect. Give Ihern a
trial. For aale by all dealers.
Subscribe for the Herald. It cornea
twice a week.
W ti'l ',,K .'"'flf of tbo
tM juo" "'l't t)
nriLi- W"-LUMS,
llllniuiM.k nrKtl.
Tin- follow Inu uritfts ..r
iir farm pnxlucla nt i ,ut"
i oiruoteU every 'I'liurni'
Lkb r lox.
Mutter. iur roll
PoUitoou, jwr ewl,
Chei, por lb,
CubhaKc, pr b,
Currotj', per lb.
i'draiiip. iwr lb.
S4tialif H,r lb,
Pumpkin, iwr lb.
A iiple Hir Ihix
"K's. ilri'Moti. per lb.
.171 to
1.00 to
Ueof live pur lb,