Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, April 22, 1913, Image 3

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    ' ' to?
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HON Hhj ,
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. .f jaltloMi. I I'
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If jr.
t tho imr.
.' lla, (. tit 1011
r i front the t.t.
, and "fe.Ws l
' H vUllt frlrixl' 111
.- i .t yilil?twlisr
-..i (oIh llVc
Am ftknnlrt.
v 'M to, Tlmaihy
-r tun nd 8lik'hl
. f lltnlV, wa In
,Ww i i")A Uirry jilnt"
I t ,j . s - i- ft..fnlnK' Imlw.
I II, A h' (ian. TIIUllli)V Wiy.
1 - wrnt til Mulllcr tlm
r of If' ttrck U, Ulll'l a ttlfal lnit.
W lira1" I of hnyixcall,
l.twt. ii s . '. In thn eliy, "
( tt UrKlWIAlm al Mulilnr. r
traixardn tUtti Itcfv t)io fid I of !
II It Via u( IM. lot on MowUr
morning ff I'oitUml vjori lin will
riMt hudtiUo a U, B. Grant Jwjor,
lTf Sal" f will Uatf" far !)
I'oulMwa lt-bUif, rapaHly ITS n;i3,
aha 1icm, HfOK-tcri. I), T.
Iilittum. I'aeiAr Oljr, OrrKWi.
W, t. Kiftf M m itoiMlay morfllnvf
for TU.nl. JVm Cnimy. wH( Iw
b gtrf"1 to look Jtf hi (mil rub.
MotCMt of Ja. lluH0 'on j tfktldri. kut.
rimiai plos hro am at 1 1 crt aid
Wy rlri.t I mat Ane Uyin? oiraln
Wbtif. yt;iion. (or ralo by Mn. A.
Car1l-nn. Koula I or Mutual 'pborv.
(hm. U lUittlln, only fltt rlsm
tontfi mower In THUtomk (utinty.
Twit ty-llwp yar tn th UulRo. I. 0.
Ilt N'p, tt
Krmtei l'rovott anJ Ham (otvao o(
ttMt Hy CUy K4itn-r. wr llt-
Wanted: "FtmSuft aer Impro
mi. t)i fwl UtldlrR, !r tr
km twiwp-a Wlir rr and Hay City.
Mt b a bargain. 8xtl full (wrllcn
ar. f.rwvcr HnnriVwi. Vwwwv?r,
V.. V. 0. Ho
Juty l''flM WjlMlll.Ufil of
Havi.r, wr( In Iho clly" iivr ihmny.
I.Uflit wKnn. 2 rifwl .VM Blrrmut, ii-vr,
l'r Oil" of the Imw! Ihmvv
work ti nint hi llllumwik County. I).
( liiitiiMl, I'acllte Clljr Oro.
iH. IItdtfrnri yf IMrtlnml, l ti.
)"nif Mllairxjok County l)ilfi thin
"'"k IU U lmlittifHl liy ii vory
latnr ankle, whlrh lw Ihiw lnitliorinK
In in !! w lnjiirMl It In. I fall,
Mf Aichlf I'onnlftBlon Inft fur Mf-Mii.t.vlll-
Kuti'liiy iiwfnlni:, wlmm alio
vi. ii frifKb, I'fwm McMlnnvlllc
tm will ifr, u, Wtllnmlfm, whr nhtt
t'U vmt Upr xrami tiarnti.
Tir ork if laylriK now crtnvnl
vifliaa Unt tH vchool Ikumi: (;rMiiMlK
"i rwlifi( (. rourwl U now imhIit
) Tio imw liriititmnU will tin
tf .vp th NpfwarHtwe of the wihkiI
t rrt)r ami Imi a ImMrrlt Ul lh rhllil-
I k Urn Hull Moot, Jou HarrUon
lfiii-vn tn iMMMiIni; uoffl tliini: aruuiHl.
S i ' Wlilii IiLiliiini lion aid Fawn mih!
Wf.itr ilucV n;i:((Hir wliltw t'Kk') tut
WV jwr uiUnu'. 1'Imjii" or wrlto J. M.
Uaittwti. OarlbaMI, Or. I. S. I'nwn
am) Whttn arc utomly wlntor laynra and
iMikl rMHjfil for Kroatmt. ntiinlHir of
YottftK wan want Job on ranch u
ml IV nr. KmjtilHr at llrrahl oilier.
I'. It, HonU wlw Iin Iwcn In I'ort-
lnl for a wrfk or more returiiwl tho
(Irat of tlm wrck. Itu rwifirla Mrn.
tioU. who lian Ihhi III, a Milk' fn-
I.. ..ILl.l
Mlctrauiy improvHi in nnaiui.
On Monday tho flrn ilanrtnmnt wa
t;nlM out bt a IwrnlnK chimney at the
f.lilono of II. I'. jlicldon In .Sunny
tnond. Tlw flro a nit but lflfnre tin
lor arHv-il Uot thoy mJn u.i tlmo
and w-r thnr- In jikinty of tlmo hail
tholr nrrvlco- l"?n ihiixIkI.
For'Salc cr Trade: FoRwrriLirA
mook Citv or County Property
Ho, I- Tho IfiU.Ii Horn ( ity Turk, Portland, orw UUtck
from tri'i' rat.
Mo. 2 -TlirM' lot In Unlvrralty I'nrk, I'ortlnn'i, thrtt
lilork from trt car.
Nu 3 I wo lota In Kni:iiv City, mm block from ntr-et ear
uuA four hlorka from tho lllnh Krh'ol, Cnrn((lc
l,ilirry hikI Stato UniTrlty icrouwla.
Nu.4 '.fM nnin of wlical InikI In Morrow County, all un
der rultivnli'in, in U" "I whoiit Uflt.
HuB Oin lot iirnl .1tM ri'irnro In bit raiilonco rmrl of
. a-i Jiwii', i'mI., b aoort blfwka from the Hitfh
Hchoitl am) HtHto Nurm il 8rbwl, fl two abort
hlrka from (hrm- atri'etrtir in".
AH tho Altovtt Will Initio Hir Tillamook Ohy or County
P. TODD, - - Tillamook, Oregon
We Have a Complete Line
Everything You Need
Prices Ranging from 25c to 60c,
Suited to All
lit' GtmrnnUf to Satisfy.
Tillamook Drug Store
Ii. E. KOai. Vlu G.
l'ln J htl Miln I Ooon North ci Pto!li
Saliifaction Guaranteed. Money Back if Not Satisfactory
Vi. . tto-o f ly Cllv. wai In town
ion httfinnm Saturilav. llo loft for
IVtrtUwi tlwnilay on a fow days bMilnoii
Calvci wnlcd : hlvn of llUlolro
eolor and tu f Jory or.
Awlrw Oirttin at Tillatnooit
Patimr Van ClaronlK-ck Uft forl'ort-
laml thir inorHlni-. to furth-r coitIJr
plana rolatlvo tn the uriKllon uf ti.o
imw Catlwlic Cliurrh.
I will i!lvo a (Jvo nwm hotuo nlinuit
now ami two lot to any nwHitlblc
i narty wlw will build me anoimtr boimo.
K M r-. t. nhv clcn anil aur ' .......
l,.tu and ;arnt tl.m. U I t,,r a,,, .on , , ....
I.t (o, ,...-,! HuIMIiik opiM-llr ". ' "'..
I J ' i I'hu l-'inch nimI (iou. Kil.wl.
IU ira.f- ., ,tt. HiMknwny Mon. , , , Mnto ami cn.ck.
riffer i -imK few day boro; . . u.jmmv (or
mluu n hakury al Kooknwny, !,,,' .... ,,,,,1 .vi,,,v ,,t
l'UM S .rk ly day or wrrk. U- j tho Mtt 4.
Irt.tkri c .. Cnrlior Third at. S.I i ii...l.,p I, Ii, I'.irllmul nil lltlil-
. i iiiii i
IJStvc.i , Avrmio V. I ,,M ,hlg wm(l Ho I Itwklm; plumb
l.oM '..,,, town to Kit K.kI lnK'UMHforthnowhotollM1lhli,.K.
Wiwii' all tho llmo It it tint I'iiki loit;tmiKhttoinmomhiium.
flil, l! , A Iliitlmwny. ambor mouth tiloco, niiiimwlmt colorod.
M i i n- of tho mmsrnnxiul
Knee. ,,ir .il hero front Portland on .
I.mivo a.ime nl lloruld olllfo. KoHaon
iihlti rowurd.
Hy ntormHlou'lWay. IIU Mr, r. C. KohUehuu nrrlvoii nor.
I'Mla'i i . ,v t limmtel imd con- from PortlniMl on biiuiniuy I'""-
hnoll , .pt-ny bolonvjIiiK ' Suily unl Mondny with Mr. l-oiu
hfcrmni i . ntfhttu, roturnln to rorumm una
r,, ,
PM .Cull at, or rliiK '!' " V""" " , .. , , nl,0v..
. . ... llr. Nl1IOl. Ill KW'H"h ""r
r"mneii i uri-oniioUHO uiioriuMin " . i..lla ii.,.(
Ifinin.. li, ..i v M. -It HT w- ,m,ru BU'
I " 1 I ..I tlritt flWlllt'Iit.
sjuaasHgiJ.11111 1 1 i lfTT.n
C L () U G 11
When you want anything
kept in n IMUST CLASS
Drug Store
I It also hffps
Druggist and Book Seller
A dairy ranch ftno location on Tilla-
inooV Hay tn Garibaldi, contain. 90
arr arid half of thla laml I. iJ river
(otlom, awl lb oUmr half n tlno rich
tWo laml wllh hill lt contain fliie
hanl blue rvek. eonni'Cta with the rock
ijtiarry. c-l Ihmj arwl barn and all
cow and tnaehlMtry ko Willi tt.
Two crk with flnu aprliiK waior run
IbruuKh tho place. Wo will ll nil or
half of Ibu placo.
For lurthflr Information call or write
to Prank K. Siruoby. Garlliakll, Ore.
First Class Tin Shop
Tin, Copper and Sheet Metal Work,
Plambing and General Repairing
II. S. Soulc. tho piano tuner from
Portland, i now in Tillamook for a few
dyr only. Order for tunltiK mav oe
loft at CloUKh'a or Lamar urui;
11 aerM tHitlom laral with huililinut,
t ww", ami horae. mile from town.
prtco M.COO. llrand new HMim bun
..!,. it.S hniteme it. li acre of hmd, 1
acre burrlen. near the new dexii price
Pine home near town, 10 room
house with 5 nerra of hind. J acre or
chard, i acre lierrien, tirico MKX).
AereiiKo in price to null, bee the own-
til t. .
All imrllc owlnn the Hel Lumber
C. are rwtiueteti to cull nt Mr. Heiiln'
olllre one door north of the 1 IL He"'
ollk-e and settle n noon hh convenient.
10 nerva of tho best cleared bottom
i hi Tillamook Co.. half in meadow
und the balance In nil Iok'I nnd near
ly alumped oir. There are CO cows nnd
KoihI tenrn. AH of form linplementr,
t-o with the place. Tim hoiwo nnil burn
are now. $1S.IH0; yi.wuuown .. -Imlnnco
In mall pi.ymentH. Iiupure i t
Herald olHce. "
i.' iv .ililHchmi. tho cumont walk
..nil fin. till . Ih hoildimr wiilk.i for Slier-
ir v.,.ihim. Dr. Wiilldl. hi, I. MHI-
lorn imd S. A. HroM.lhc.ul. H.iwwnlkH
uul.i of nlenn wnahod ijriivoi nnn
I . . ...
jhimd, undnroof the bent of eonsuiu.
11....1.. iiinii.e IVrrv left thin morn-
W III Hi J - ' ...
j for F.limi, Wunh., where he will
reniMin for hoiiiu time, mm i---v
illnpoHe of womo property. Undo
Jimmy, who h.m been reiddlnn t H'
Uollm WntHon homo duriiik' '"s H,tt'
here, him been with uh for m-nrly
year and a half. Wo hope he may wo
111 to iniilio another vihII noon.
( A. Comforth who linn iMjulppcil
tho bulldliiK recently vac.ueu
!! ,,.. jyonlvlch, with Hrt Huh
ro taurantonulpmontwlHhoi, to inform
the implle that hu will imiko a -peel .
yofalUHulH of huh food, nnd
con.lu.-t a tlollcHloMon whero I
WIS r.lollccl ... bo purchaned.
Tllo ,.ow retront will bo open day
ami nllit-
Makc the Home Look
A 15-wall M.d. Lamp on
your Iront porch Cu be III every
olclit until mldolKhl .uid rccljlrr
not over lllty cent r"r months on
the meter.
Tillamook Electric Light k
Fuel Company J
. , ,s...!ilS-WMN5
Tillamook, Ore.
Buys. Sells and Exchanges
Snaps in Choice Business and Residence Property.
Vacant Lois in All the Additions.
M e r c 1 1 a n d i s e S t o e k s .
Houses for Kent and Property Cared For.
Good Jiuys Arc faisy Sellers.
Sme Me For MAney Makers
Room -IT) Tillamook Block.
j Tillamook Sheet Metal Works
Next Door to Tillamook Bakery
f. '.. H.-...j-. or !lf"rd. (mm hn
ct-f.wn (or L'nrUd S;au Attorney for
tt el'itrltrt of Orwon.
TH Uoam H i r.alirond pntow
)mm'V$nn the .-rirtidn of an -terr-lM
Of lie I :. tram te, Into the
U- t Im!1- -mi'. irf.
Anccfdinr- " a-lTlr rrld hf
ti'ip'r f i -.tn iiftcrftury Tumal
t. i rtj -t Win oi. ft'ii not b noiO
tr, .n'pt -lf. . I.t. Il.il :. to rial.
Ori'son thh niDtrr.
Win H. Kmt. ntfol eorr.ltt.
man frow (irwton, bM brmn nar-i
a rirft'-f of the boart of appra.'K-r
fr .N'v York. 1 will fir t - a 8 iliry
of lJ'. ' a r:.r
l'l y aoiborit; a tve anriHl
f-r "i h" t" water rtshta In Bear
( . and ih ' rrta'Krj ri".r, and
,-f-eft with a diatrtbutlon -K
m r oon as tb lirn- la rip-.
Tiir I'eudlf ton roond op will b h!t
S-,"(.mber 11. 12 and 13. Tbia la the
final d.fllon made br th direclorn
ftr conaidertag tb rjuit of the
Sjokn.n Pair aaaociatirw offlcUta not
to harp a conflict wrtb thfdr dntf.
' SDator IA U l"lig delUKOd wHb
trlenraine from Oregon hop and goat
ra!r In proteat aKinl h propotid
tariff chaase In Ihttf commcxlltlea.
i Tby demand at loMt 20 per CJ.-nt ad
paiorem on wool and 40 on mohair.
Tn taall trannfer clrk al tb Union
depot at Albany fotnd a" sold nussflt
i In th craw of a chicken killed for his
i Sunday dinner, from among bU flock.
He tbl-kis the ohielu picked up the
nusgft In a creek bed In the rear cf
hiK how
In reply to a query from the gecro-
Cement : Coal : Lime : Brick
Shingles : Plaster
Root Paint : Drain Tile
Docks and Warehouse Front St. between 2d and 3d Ave. West
Hcc'ir Tirfis.
Attorney 4t Law and NobryJPubllc
Botlr Phones
Tillamook, Oregoa
Cltamberlnln's Tablets for Consti
For Contlption, Chamberlain's
Tablets aro oxcollent. Easy to tako,
mild and Rontlo in olTect. Give them n
trial. For wile by nlltloalors,
Subscribe for tho Hornld. It comes
twico u wcok.
Holiness Meeting.
Tho Tillamook County Holiness As
sociation will moot Friday ovenim nt
7:30 at tho homo of H. W. H. Holmes.
Nnznreno class will meot at tho same
plnco Sunday P. M. at 3 o'clock. A
cordial invitation is extended to all,
wry of the Oreson Stato Threanora
, asuoclctlon.- Aaalaiant Attorney Gen
, eral Van Winkle gave an opinion that
i the . orkmen'a compenaatlon taw do-s
no' Include threshing machines In its
tiros .slons
1 A'ter usine four charsw. of d-na-j
nltp, which scattered the safe, win
ldrs and fixtures of the Hofinc Itivcr
.ieriantlle company at Hogue River,
a cracksman escaped with $150. using
a Southern Pacific speeder to make
his gi-taway.
The Washington board of engineers
agreed to reduce from MOO.OOO to $10.
100 the bond required for maintaining
; tbe nine-foot channel from Bay City
to Tillamook and an ortier to mis s
ftct will be sent to the Portland office
I Immediately.
Company A. Oregon National Guard,
will bo disbanded about .May 10. While
no official notice has been sent out by
the department all indications are that
Baker will lose Its mllilla. The canse
Is duo to lack of efficiency and non
attendance of members.
Entailing a loss of $S000. with In
surance of Jtroo, oily on the build
ing, the Elk Creek hotel, at Cannon
Iloach. the oldest summer refort ho
tol on that portion of the Oregon coast
was destroyed by fire, owing to a de
fective flue. Nothing was saved from
the burning building.
A movement that will be fostered by
the Portland Press Club and newspa
permen throughout Oregon has been
started for the purpose of raising by
public subscription funds for the erec
tion of a monument over the grave of
the late Homer Davenport, one of
America's greatest cartoonists.
The proprietor of the Stnyton saw
mill, has a crew putting In a 500-foot
.loom three miles above town for the
nurwse of turning logs from the main
clwinel of the Santiam river Into the
millrace of the Stnyton Water Power
company and tho Salem Flouring Mills
company, which will carry them to
' Stayton.
Secretary of the Interior Lano Intl
' mated to Senator Chamberlain that ho
has heen getting reports from Oregon
'to the effect that the Hermiston re
clamation project Is a failure, and h
practically said that It such were the
ease It wcuW hardlv be wise to lay
o- : more r. ey la that vicinity In a
slml'.nr rmuvre-r.
The pros!:! nt of the Deschutes Land
company, who has returned to Slern,
from Wnshl-'ctoa. has nnounced th-it
his appllcftloa for a right of way to
Crescent l.nko ! neon granted by
tho Interior department, and that work
on tho nro'ect will be resumed. Tho
application has been held up because
of charges preferred with the depart
ment against tho company b; ..o .;
nor West.
Women must tell their oxact ages
when registering as votors. says Dep
uty District Attorney Mngulro at Tort
land. To say that they aro over 21
'is not sufficient, ho declares, and he
,snya that It is Incumbent upon tho
registration clerk to ask each voter
bis or her age in years and that It la
tho duty of tho voter to respond in
kind, not with tho phrase "ovor 21"
or the word "legal."
Mrs. S. L. Itodgers ovserved that a
'certain barn In Turner, where she
lived, had a peculiar attraction for
mon. Sho hud a suspicious curiosity
about the matter, Waiting for a fa
Torable opportunity, sho Investigated
and found three kegs of ber neatly
cached. She tumbled the beor and
kegs Into a nearby millrace. In tho
tourso of tlmo the kegs reached tho
mill and gave notice to tbe mill mo
that something had happened to their
'Mind pig."