Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, April 22, 1913, Image 2

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    Cfte CUiamook fierald
C. G. CrcmbUy,' editor
Issued Cwlcc J CUck c
A. iM. Austin
Cuoday Jtid Friday j
Entered a wvoaai- I
ttc Mar 17. Ul-fc. t t "v-i
uk-r to art of March s, t
Ve at niUaxlk.
Un! A :-irti2ata
rint ! w-rt-. t R - 'V
He.nwsrtra.! Notic -
rNef Ctafmt - - - la
Cnto (rf ' i
Locals, ntf five. rt terti-w - .'I ,
Each atqu"l irrtwr, line
ftMeteCHKW of Mtlimr and
Uxiurr notice, per Haa
.;.,trwM. A Prof riJal Oaf d. -WX
fu!T A.irt . tarn
hi !fli At must ha u th
-,... ah ttnrul.t l Ttmrwiaf
i. la mattec jib3eaton it fait
imr Tatay d FHdajr
iUHiw are imperative.
Mutaal P-one-
AttornT-l"tw !
Oapaiilc CurtWwfc
St.trtlnR April J 5, J913,
We Will Repair Wtchrs
at the Following Prlc:
Kl R.0'f r-
Mar J" ' WM
KTEXJ3l. TSUw-wl. O.
In I ho County Curt. l MJ
olOrcRun. ,rr HllrtMiook
W-.H.T. BOTTb,
G. U OiCS & SON. --.
Tt i:SlAY APRIL 32. 19i3.
Taa peopt thwojrn tawbr - lajtia
tii eiamincd tlx ttwrwiy
mrt ftre td b biier throat Uwtr
ftndrR thtt thrt ! fcn In
fact Upt wm to be aa owjt er
taiaty laat tfce? r rMn
ml norh iaicrtor to thr r
aaaol to pay for. Ttu iiarovvry nat
rlh doa not okaat RMflT of oaf
l J and aiaail Umm wbo r'
. . foccad to Uk taa pavaoMmt aajmt
TV last of the HeadHt eon- tfcwr hXine.
utori tal la of ator To UhcH-.,. howar. Had
mt?bt i
an i' U
t rveotj'Tr
ton fatrt wart. tie Daoyhtw
importan4 woasen ' taetttw of the aa-
lion, by a ming iupto o
hition thaokin Praafctatt Wiitoo and
hiafawily far thir rin obaw
Tanee of SndF aad far cda
ttqoor fran the W'iiiU Howaa fwteUaaK
Thcae ar the straw wsic tel wkten
the td k bWwin. Ut tte
good work (o on.
. Iriicc -'K? 'J1, Tillamook
aaa liMa tS 3af tml
V aevr . ridmiiou. jamal Hailibt. to oo. .nt
R. ' ? VV - Vf-.
Faixrat Drtw J Uctaf C ailairr
A :. : W.-x R 14.
, tn m.tr f i h ar a'l
Owrl MilU. Kib-r rrm' ,
' UilW. Ktiia M A Man M'1" '
Mtma. '
optor t- aa af mI
' of rl f-wparly ahiwal
. ; VMa Ml. fftiaraUa f Utr
r ,.f ita - tod ajltiora, "(
Ptoneer I ranster 10, , ,til tm ta.
m mmXf tmgu anaaw. t
j in whh lat? af an inlawrt, ,
' H apfrliw trn mf r' ,
Ulton laailil aaaf l !
F N CRUSOtN. 1 u -'rh
t. 1. U ; , " L,t,f .ml ,ht tb r w r M
ntrr :'' ' ,,",tt?r f ami all ihwm- u.tor-atod
Cocir.u l r.tKcn j tteto HUM. t Wat lab wn I
Estimate Fimmhed. iat Um aaa rnir Ji "
k irAutcvl. CM Houa to Till . Oty. Or !
f r i o Hotiy la Sta 4y of April, j
)ta. U Kr of 10 o'rkwfc A. M.
J. P. KCtDl, U. V. m. hc .houU not W
fOLUKJUAIIO.Mnt. r.i,..
' r
oi whim
Matte N ltir.y (jut n thji
)'. lit Tift uy . t y, jji
tooti af la) t "Mi ll i ,.( iv.
f Or aw fur T ,
ty l 4ft pr)rlnK' t r
wf ii li'y f Win
Cint. llitf . II -111
! mmI fltfutr 9
T tlttf llonolnl !-
1 illmV 1'iKti I .
V, ho Ultttrraig' t
on of t ttal"k (
jt , j twiklrtila h
lrMtM1l lui k
Hfti at iKe
Uiyrn of WlMKflrr '
itfd aim ivruMKHt. j
fl Narla l Hi j
flHiOt eoitwr (
2 Nort af ( t
riMUC MofWloti. A
Nrl Wi .
af U nebt 'jf '
rty ml N'eivlgit
1 j
' At .1
It . i .
V i'TitR I N AU A N
Tillamook Building Room 216
(teat to otaar, uw omv
ooaidarad a pretty Maoota
ware not for taa fact that it i of oe
a dirty nature. The anruawnt baec of
the la teal move ia to tbc etfart that bj
tbroaing the pavement eoniroreray in
to the Mirtt the city wbofe "ill
have to pay far the pavement and the
ettiaeaa now effected will be relieved
of a peu-t of the harden f cayms for
the taase. We will sot im.'. rat this
ta ao, bat if it ta aa. woka i' tm
fittmate reaaoa fhy the peopte f u m
not proteat aad pat ap a i
beiag aefrxakieufT r are aure '..-.'
ererr fair mitttnti aas -wd' tv : it
in; diatrtrt a as faeoc of
As oaoal, the Headlisbt ia iU laM fallow eiUaaa taaidt toe pa .
iisue contitroea to poor oot Ita tiradei fair at thai use H;"r
of abci-i upun the citizen who arelawwete sow oo to array our
fihtijir for uVir riehu ia the pteaer.t l afaiaat om aaother i tk I,-.
of aiaatotemeaU than thoat (iven r
the interview of i7aptaio J. C. Read of
toe Vofbore to the Aaton'aa and which
copied by the Hed!ifbC The in
terview appear moat abasrd and ridi
coVjo to Ui.e who kxww anything
about the raw. In regard to brave
attempt whieb the life avr are aH
to have made, la'c present knfw that
the life boat msver jot more than a
few hundred feet from ahore dur
ing the last two attempt on Sou
day, and th hf ' :r seemtoxiy put
forth do effort t ad to get near the
Attorncv at Law
Office In Gimmercial Buildins
oat w 4j aut believe it will v.tt. It
it altogether too tyaj-.nrL
Whs we bear of meh t rar.r.j be- -
practiced ia Kaasia aa aaa oer, i-re-tiead
ta Tillamook we atana aht-lio-f
a boat the tyrar.r.y that aaa trer.
pracUeed hare?
in the lint place tae patcrr.nt wu
forced upon many of our oevrple aainit
their wiil : aecundly an apparently in
ferior pavement im been foietoi apon
them: and thirdly oo iht they arc
trivin to secure a quare deal, all the
dirty methodi poasible. baclead by the
Tbe citizen demanded an inveatisa-1 Headlicht, are being brought to bear
tion. Cojld ar y fair minded person ' agaiul them If titis i not tyranny,
pavement eor.trovry. At one Ma:n
the Headiight cundemns the knocker
and kickers and at the next breath it
starts a yow! that remind one of a
fitrhtioi; torn eat on a back yard fence
at midnight. The Headlight life Uw
torn cat ia not dangeroaa, it simply
rnakug a rxiae that at Umea become
We believe the present pavement
controversy could have been threshed
oot and settled with but little ctrife
among our people had M. Baiter re
frained from his usual torn eat tartiei.
protest a'aintt that? Most certainly
not, but Mr. Baker
After the citizer. inveatigaled and
discovered that tbe:r pavement had not
b:.i laid according to specification
and that tby were not gettinj; what
they were asked to pay for, viz: bitu
lithic pavement, they decided to pet
op a figbt against paying for the same.
Could any fair mi.-vied person blame
tbett? Most certainly not, but Mr.
Baker did, and in tne face of a suffi
cient amount of evidence to satisfy the
most skeplica! be baa kept up his tir
ade of abuse directed at those who are
simply striving for their righto.
We are at a ioaa to know wrtat could
induce the Headlight to resort to such
dirty, back yard ton cat tactic. The
very r&ot that the opponent of toe
citizen could reasonably expect of
Mr. Baker, ui.i.er the circumntonce,
would tiv his neutrality,
let ua look into the history of the
activities in regard to our pavement
and see what we will find.
In the firm place we find that regard- j
leas of tne opinion of the city angineer i
to the effect ttit bitulithic pavement
was not the proper kind of pavement
for ton locality, trie council voted to
adopt the bitulithic pavement. The
quention naturally arise, what did the
council hire an engineer and pay him a
bi Kalary for?
In the second instance let u recall
the night that several hundred of our
citizens mot trie council, in accordance
with a previous notice, at the commer
cial club rooms, and protected against
the laying of pavement in certain lo
calities. Home localities sent an al
most solid vote in person arid by peti
tion against the pavement and men
plead with the council against the pave
munt, but to no avail. A large major
ity of our people had voted for an
amendment to the charter which gave
the council the power to pave the whole
city if It ho (Jenired and the
people were powerless. When the
people voted for that charter amend
ment they thought that only the busi
ness atreetB would ho paved. They
never thought for one minute that the
council would dare undertake to lay
Borne four miles of pavement at the
very neginnlng.
However, the people took their medi
cine and nothing more would have been
heard from them If the council had
thoroughly examined the pavement be-
we would like to know what tyranny is.
surely no (air minded man inaxle or
oatiide the paving dutrict will sanc
tion ficb a piece of downright vilUny.
The Headlight alto keeps up a con
tinual blat about the work of the d
toctivet. In regard to tail we miirbt
state that it has been announced time
and again that no citizen of Tillamook
was responsible lor Mr. r.nudwon s go
ing to Portland, and we put it up to the
Headlight to prove it dirty charge or
from now on keep quiet along this line.
Department of The Interior,
U. S. LAND OFFIC E at Portland, Ore,
April 17 th, 1013.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Cheater C. Shaw, whoa post office nd
dress i; care of Shaw Iek liaalty
Co., Portland, Oregon, did, on the 25th
day ol April, 1612, file in this ofilce
Sworn Statement and Application, No.
0i66, to purchase the S. W. I of 8. E.
I. Section 30, Township 1 South,
Itange s West, Willamette Meridian,
and the timber thereon, under the pro
visions of the act of June 1472, and
i acts amendatory, known as the
"umber awl Stone Law," at such
value an might be fixed by aprulnement
ami that, pursuant to much application,
the laud and timber thereon have been
appraised, the timber estimated &Q.Q0O
board feet at 75 cenU for M, arwl the
land J-JO : that said applicant will olfer
final proof in support of his application !
and iiworn statement on the Seventh '
day of July, 1913, before the liogister '
and receiver of the United States Land j
Office, at Portland, Oregon. j
Any person is at liberty to protest'
this purchase before entry, or initiate
a contest at any time before patent
issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit
in this office, alleging facts which
would defeat the entry,
r a v pkkk:n.
k . r : ."T ikxrriT
El. J . Claussn
TtllannioK HiKk
W. G. McGcc, M. D.
ii -Mr!' U'VTflK'
AM' nI'K'
r to M-i'.ual Telephone
...... i ivi urn iar awnirt9iif"j r s- aif
" ii- u- H. i ivn c fi i
cutvo to thi IvM of ' i
It's Worth More Than (iokl
to Relieve the Mind and Enjoy
The Kind They Always Show at
aa fallow
Oregon' .n undivided o-fawU ifttora-l If
' Ut t of Wtwfc In fa A ( Vn AMi
lioa to th town of tiny (Uy.
Loi S and 3 In HkMl ?. and Let I
and ( in ftfork IB. of Fuller Addilton
ta ta towr of Bar Oly
LoU 3. 1. 4 nd af llhwk 1. af
Hays' Addition to TtlU-W City.
All UX IaftOltl beiMlf in nitatft
("uunty. OnTjun.
Abo an undivhim ov third lttlrt
In tlkx-a 33 m furvl l'ot AdrfUloa
aa Uul oot hf II ('. 11mnkii. in
C'Utau CoanlT. tcK-w
PliVsirlts1 I'1 'urthar ordr-l that r-.l-i
h-r.f U rnadf by ptit4letMi for at
I.' N j (rut tr-rr- lliffowlt- woa In th Tit-
lanvuk HrW a tv papr pi!lhl
nrJ of i rrl circulation In TtllaMHx.1,
iN.uDty. Otrftjn
Horner liwi. '"ooMy Jmle
-vknl FIWI March St IQU
J. C. IIW. I'larl
My K. .Milk. )faity
Sllc of Ul?M
. .
County of Tillamook
I. J C ilokfcm. County CWri. of told
State and County, do hereby caitiff
Uul lh- fof(ft Im; cP of ruVt ho
l.-rtt liy m cutMporod with Uc original,
a-d lht it ts a rwrTact tranactlpl
th-rcfrni. ami of tin? whole of urh
rU "'I -rdrr the una snwri of
rif.-. rl m m oltlce and riU-ly,
In itn wUrnf. 1 bVf hmnU
rl ir hard trl allianj the of
tui'l -urt thu ZZntl day of Murcb
J. C IloWon. County nk.
, T Ily K. Mill. Deputy.
The Manufacturing City
l) St
i 'i
' ' I
' Wl
f- IK
. ft
Dr. Jack Olson
Office Hours from 'J a, rn. to C p. rn.
Over F. R. Bealt' Real Estate Office
Both I'hones,
Special inducements will be made
to people who will come to
and make their homes in this
The Nehalem Harbor Co
will co-operate with manufacturers in get
ting new industries located at Wheeler
Free mill sites are offered to those who
wiil bring additional payroll to Wheeler.
Wheeler has Payrolls
Now. We want More
The Nehalem Harbor Cn
Wheeler, Oregon l'i2: ,ld
!f 'I
for W.W feet. 0;v u
lU toft of tat 7 '
fc-ml . .lofig
at MM.S fl i I .j
thence akiog a .-i-ic
UU0.1 frt radu
tbtrtcc aton a CMre I 1
(ot t4i f..f i
.HtMlth I- IP Wr.l ;i
141 a rWfyr n 1 tt
thl point Mr . ri
thrtr akri a .- ,nr
ft feot ruliu I r
.rfth t- ll?i lu.i ;i
on a curve ta (,
l.r Nrth &f- 1j 1
a rurvw to the Ufi i
far (USD tool. V .
West to ho line .( I.
loltt lty , them-o i
tiftclt akwu: i
to Uto Mtorel.r
S'arlh ho of I...I K
tiwn 8; lwi at-i-i f
i.wt i four Hi j "
the inerctton thrfc '
; ly Uf!.f the ri?ht f
' Hallway ll ;niic'
tbctxo aloni? ll U '
Jt- XT K' M& i fct
cwrnor of V. 7,imT.c
tr&ct dntcrttx'd ii i
ikwk 17 I'sk W- ' '
l)il uf TtiUmo' . 1
lbce South (IS 2i
tolhonouth lto ic-
Htlrct In the .ml i
theneo alont; the '
Fourth Street, and
ot. Mith SI 37 We.!
ti renter of (rc; ry
Town ( Wheeler, the
Wnl W M feet lo the
vlk St l In aaid l-w
thonce Soutli W 3- W
to thti Northeal for r
aid town tif Wheeler I
we.lcrly llrm of Unn '
M' W Wnt 1613.1b le 1
7f If l.'t ta K feet '
teu'innlrik.!. do rfH I' '
tKilltlon that aald Pott i'
County, Oregon, bo ' "''
miinlelpal cororBtnt. w
of the "City of Whet ' 5
lirtvl.ioni of Art Aft t "5
Bnrnblv of thn ilate '
nt iu cion In the ir ,!
found In th Grnvral I
iui uiu vnur inj.. a 4 ' '
thorMif, nulil Aft taintf ' title!
"i i ior n geimrni inw i i
11 1 i Of i of cltlx. unit tow. - I-
of Ortiguii," iiml your 'lib
loL'r Unit imrli nf iui.I I
iuiltfltx voter with ii 'i 1 '
-'Hfll 17111.11 Ul M 1 I
ru.illtiltt within thn lllii "f
hl(mI corMirntlon ; tll
of nuld TllliiiiHMik Coui'i
lulu within IU limitfi '
IrihnbllitiitH, to-wlt! P
unil (hut tint anrnu Is ru '
liic(iriiiriited ns n inu-
Anil your petitioner wll tt
Diited April 0, ltll.'l,
L.F.Hnllliliiy, It. M. I -ryant,
M. Ilryitnt. Mth. (!. L, MmlM
Nlgu, Jonof 'i'lchy, Mrs W
W. M. Hamilton, . II I'")1
A. OhiIuiiiI, John Kiiinpf r, M
Kiinipfer, lm,rC. ll.'.h lirlH.
J. t'urott, C. II, SrlirlM,:l."''
Andruw Ohtluml, Aiinl' K'Hy
Akren, A, J, Zlinmnnmii. '
lemon, Jr., Annii Aiidemon,
llenuchiimp, It. L. Ilrenn'fi
Miiilden, M, F, Howniwiii '
J. C. Itpcl.ir. I. II. WUveUt,
Wiiilc, Myrtlo Murphy, to
n, 0. II. Klch. K. A. Ilmnnfi
U,..lll. 1 1 Ik t, i. t.4 llrld
.jiiiiui, ii, r jorK, J, r.
Miuilon. Win. M. Knott. W Sl
10. F. Mul)fiurll. .Inliun KrlcW
I f .. . . II,, .11
i.iiiim, nov Miu h. ij. r,. i'"'
L. A. York, II. L. Mnnelli 1
thin Munsoll. Sum LumlliurKi
I.undburK, Mrs. L, A. York.
I, ....! t I &I..1I If
...vvhv, wviiii .savi.,
11. CurmiH. M. K. Curni-'8,
Mr. C. L. Hoyal, K. 0. Jt
vola 'i'lchy,
Last Iktuu May 0
ii A
nt I