Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, April 22, 1913, Image 1

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Tillamook, Okkron, April 2U, 1 0 1 :i.
XO. 2G
Kidme the com of livinK-,,,c (;0U) M()XJ lnM,jJK Hlm
ImkImv iu very department.
. -It liver l?ree of Cluuw to any point , Tilhunonh County by
mvvvti post all puicltiihcM miii. uniting to $1 UO or over. '
Lace Sale of Unusual Importance
fU Y Yarn i..a:s rms wi-i-k
4,000 yds. Greatly Undemricecl from 4n fo R7r VA
. ... I . . . . J
v, i i ' union K'wmrm Von went tins season, from votir sintnlc
!t(c hw " wn to the minutest lini-iiV allnir. Our raue of luces to choose from
niUc-.-m.jh to h.iii every diuinud Tln-e i-miic in all tlu- fashionable widths, in
.?! .r -i f Ij.tiiilH. Latest flMius in hi
. . .. imitation and ival linen toili.,iiH, vinie. mneariue-. baby Ii-isCi-atine
v .- i iimi every new nice uuti ix in jjrent (k-uinml. "Ill V YUlU LACKS
HSU I 1 K "
Beautiful New Flora! Silks
38c yd
immncrtnjt tlk,
Hll V'utlen" fMit l eni.
nnnv eoltir emubiimtion
(illlil, .Villi !judiH
iii i t
til l r ii liitlicv tu t iki
c :kVI.iI o.'ii li
Superb Showing of Graceful White
Goods, 14c to 39c yd.
Spccinl OffcrhiKB
Xever has tin- mIiowmik Ik cn so lavish.
Tirr I., .utilul slu-ii batiste, nainsooks.
'unit ii IViih iiiuslin, Persian lawns,
luieiti u.u-im. India Jmon. i'i.-txous. etc.,
mi piurtl i hit week reitiarkabi v low.
Opening of ihe "Early Summer"
Hat Season
: . ,, iK- worn in smart tailored and ileini dress huts? Look ititooiir millinery
i i"i and .sec the jntinti. elite, new models Panamas, vanity sailors,
i h nrw rlei'hys. icyhorns. tiainslMiniH, olks, etc th.it are .so fnxeinni-
' .oid have been decreed lor dean duns as well as lor strictly tailored wear.
tt fo-Lharoc 1 rimminc aervlcc awaits vour u (ensure when von nurein.se tin.
o r .
tt mid their U iminiii;; iti-uui millinery section. halcony department
aijnrXfI Qiijf c Latest Models tor Young Ladies, Women,
exclusive diyio, mirdcuver rnceu
$15.00 to $25.00
r t t I ...... i ...... . ... i I .ii iiiLniLn.- niiiw'iiuri I fitiii in r tvn fiirn i T it
hhcI women, liverv desirable model, trout the strictly plain tailored to the
nil f r .i. ... I ..lV....a .. t.'... T...fo I tu lirfi rifi tl lli'flll clili: uli'iiiirlif
. . ".. .1 I'lll !
, III I h, II... ...... I.. .II-.IH...I i. ,r ii 111' If 1l'k". I IIIIIIK llllI III l'.fV
i iiv rMi in liiv hv ii i .iiiivt ..-. ..,., -
II . . . . . I I .... I ..J.....!.?- II'
vile nur lnsivi-ct ion mi i h est si ileiu I id va ties.
t- p i. m. i i o m. tfo i nn
omen sand Young Ladies otynsn opnng oats $a w i.ou
"i handsome new models in the popular length. All are elegantly tailored and
llll ... I.I. I... I . . . I. I. I. .1 I t. ...t.l l'iiiiwI .III II II II V fnlf C f fl I llf I lc
..villi IIIILU, .limit Willi llllllll Minn i.i ...
. .1 . . . . . i llll ! . . I
C ll.milllli. .ill.. ..I. I vv II I Ul'f II-I I S (ItHIIIlL- HILl IIIIA llll I.M. L IJ-llillLU
ll lll.lfrfiii.ii ..!. iiti I i.fiiii.iliilni'l' 111 l m l I'.s HI lllllinilflll! iiiivv.n.
, "(,"11111,1, I,H I A II 4I l I" " .
Children's Serge Coats $4.85
Strictly man tailored, made of heavy blue
wool serge, sizes ti to 11 years. Cut in
the latest fashion, smartly tailored.
Kollowlfu,' la n (Ui of tolcphone tub-'
nrrllr w( (mvo joint- ttiu niutunl
)li!in uliirc Jmi. 1, 1913:
SliJimy Jthnon. Attornoy at (. ;
Johfilk-rn, KrJ Hunt, IlUinc Store,
Arthur Mnixm, Thco Klnni. Henry
Zurlluch.W. K. CJo-l.oy, Kmiwr 7.wcM,
Dr. WulMlt'n UeMvaee. John IVrrv.
Jolin lVlorfloH, Henry SchiM, John
CrniK, OttUoy & Avcru, K. Mcl.aui;h
Jfn, llort Stjihcn Snltxin, H. W.
Couifli, Clmirl Acklov. (ommi'rflal
Cluli. Krnft"KnlKht, Ciolnoj'. Senior.
H Horron, S. H. l'hUi, Clirln NcUon,
II. Kohltch, Del UurJlck, (Jert Stjpli
ffi' Hnimrfloml, W. Hiirk-y, l)nwon'
llnro. S. A. Muulton. Kick .SVInon, Kr
win HarUon. (rnil Iadur, J. V. He.
Irr. J H. Hill. First N'ntional Hank.
Man-In Ho.lgi(m, Wtn. Owe.1, A. M.
Auitln. John Mtllo, Ou l'ajiiw. I'. C.
i.rrivfi. Jlvn Jacob. VA (jach, John
hhret' lUnivlcrice.
Circuit Court
In Session.
But Little Work For Grand Jury Thu
Terra. Pavement Suit May Be
M. J. IVternon nml I". S. Ilamca. the
mvc iroirintor of tho Itamsi-y Hoimo
nn Rivme uiai not.-i m iionm:n ovue
haullin;. Tho olllco nwm In bows ro-
fornldbwl nml lanolvum hni bn (Hit
. . . t it . ...
iiwn uic uiHir. ine nuiini; loom nn
thtf mtcond Itoor, hat len thoroughly
rcfiltoi! nml put in tly onkr, nnd
ovury ImhJ room hut been rofurntohai
throuulKMit with now rur, new hola.
now liwlrlotlilni: ami now furniture.
The kitchen awl ilinnitu: room ser
vice will Imj tnervntml nml ovorylhini:
liblo will Ihj ilono for thu comfort
of tho rumL of thu hotel.
C. S. Itsrnes will novo charge of the
nolo! nnd Mr. Pctornon will have
charco of tho bar room, which i
Ijpinn rciiiHMlolotl nml will be run in
cuiitivi-tion v. ith tho hotel.
1 1 m r rs 11 9
mi i ii I nniartnv niiriruii w
wv m mm M m - - -
Coats at $1.75
...v. ill, ii.- in 1 1 if I lopil IH I lll. i-i
'.ck4 ii. .it :i i i I
, in iiuioreo iiiiii ihmm"i,
is i i ... . .......... i.r i ....ii...
-,. ... iniii. I v l(l fiv....i ........
crv iiiiu.i. e.
-...-.in' i .iiirriiiiiiii iriim
(I,. I i.i i . :
... . ,., t ,t.c HHHIIMS Will
MM'll in Irish .m l Wuctiiin
iiiiiiii'i-r nattei-
b ""'l ) mil l.uv, Imvik-Ii
-vvn.i 'ii.iiiiuv-i-v. mine net
. nn v r j K...1...1 il...
,V, 1 " .IVIIIIK, llllllll
III IKIll I fli
I v .
I Ihi torm r CiMiirnii'iil lo I ioomIm-mi
Ladies' Home Journal Pat
terns, the Summer Style Hook,
Tie, Magazine of "Good Dress
ing" l-'ive. Just received--new
Spring and Siunuier models
Xemo and Auieriean Lady
On Your Own Account
' 6 any i,m,my t10 limk? A I ' ' 'f y"r nUhi
?.ho f'l'"-''.! thoru, nnywuy. Kvorybo.a imii nffonl to mwu noino
Imwuvor little. H.ivo a bunk ncroHnt of your own nn you
M Impplur, bottor, nioro liulopondout. Mnki. your lilt o
'7' win, ...oro, ..ml jrow lilKKr. llottor tin... hoiinllmr It
Jjr flru or ihlovoa run rom-h It. Your bank-book Un rwulpt
n uvlilonco of your wlao oeonoiny.
TilUmook County Bank
Kroni Courier'
ClioHtor WorthiiiKlon roturncil on
Monilny from t-orvallirt. ''No phu-o
like Clovurdiilo," Hiiyn Cheatur.
Mrnnil Mm, .1 iiiiii I lor. who huvo
lieon HojoiiriiiiiK with Clovonliilo rein
lives u.iil frlimila for tho past fow
mouth, left TuoBiliiy inorninn forlhoir
Imiao in lloppuer.
Dick Ward and winter Kmmii, of Ne
kowin, woro oiitKoinn pasnonora on
tho Tllliunook nlajjo Tuesday. Diek
will o to Huhtern OreKini and Kniinn
will remain In Portland, ,
II. A, l'orlei- and family, of Oro
lown, aio t'litortaiuintr thla week nn
thntr K'H'ftH, V. t. Colo and wife, of
CoH'oyvilli', Kas. Wu hope Mr. l'orter
will bo ublo to induce Mr. Colo to locate
hero permanently.
Albert Moon arrived In Clovonlalo
last Saturday from 1'ortland nnd Mon
day took tin) inaiiaKomuiit of tho C lev
oriialo blai'kamlth ahop. Mr. Hoon
cornea woll recoinmendod as black
iniitli ."! eopeidally Kood hor30
balem Ore., April IS. Althcuph the
necrutary of jtlato and the attorney gen
eral have given out a number of state
ments HlioivInK that the money provided
for county fnira in tho law enacted by
the laat IcirUlature will be available
in June of thin year, confusion and mis
utulerntandinK still exist iu mnn; part
of the atale and inquiries continue to
(Kiur iu to the office of the secretary
of state.
Secretary of State Hen Olcott has is
sued another statement. He (Mints out
that the law enacted by the last lenis
luture repeals all existing lavs provid
ing for district fair, but authorizes a
county fair in each county. If u county
fair ia already organised or nn agri
cultural society litis been holding county
intra, then that organization or society
is to bo recognized as the official county
fair. Hut If no county fair is now in
existence then the county court is
authorized to appoint a county fair
An nnnual appropriation equal to one
twentieth of a mill upon tho taxiable
property is made for the support of the
fairs, and if it is nut used for fairs it
is to be applied on the improvement of
tho county roads. In part Secretary Ol
cott says :
" Ims olllco will issue warrants in
favor of the com ty treasurers of the
respective counties on June 15th, l'JUl,
for the amounts as set forth iu the fol
lowing table, as provided iu aid house
bills 4iS and 033, for the holding of
county fairs in thu year 1913: Haker,
f ta5 ; llenton, $7i'u! : Clackamas,
$170S ; Clatsop, $1123 ; Columbia. Sttti ;
Coos, $1171 j Crook, $740 ; Curry, 319 ;
Douglas, $17158 ; Gilliam ; $fi21 ; Grant,
11 ; Harney, $TW ; Hood Kiver, $f.$S ;
Jackson, $1701 : Josephine, $728 ;
Klamath, '$Si!3 ; Lake, $5315 ; Lane,
$U1S5 ; Lincoln, $329 ; Linn. $11557 ;
Malheur, $tol ; Marion ; 22-17 ; Morrow,
$57J : Multnomah, $10,173 ; IVIk, 1032 ;
S.ienniin, $MI ; Tillainook, $SS9 ; Uma
tilla, $2178 ; Union, $1213 ; Wallowa,
$701 ; Wasco, $910 ; Washington,
$1281 ; Wheelor, $378 ; Yamh ill,
Tho city council met in regular sea
ion M nduy witlr thu following olllcera
prosuut: Coiincilmen Leach, Hales and
Hick; Recorder Todd; and Attorney
llotta. An assessment was levied on
sidewalk i.uproveuK'iita in Sunnymoad,
A bill of $1,831,03 in favor of the
Warren Construction Co., was allowed.
This bill was iu payment of muiiu ox
pouso iu connection with thu storm
I no suloou bond of G. W. Colrmnn
who bought thu Clement saloon was ac
The April torm of Circuit Court with
Judge Galloway in tho chair la now
nmier wny and considerable buMncM
has already been tramacU.il, although
the big case may be delayed aome
what. The following jurymen were appoint
1 on the Grand Jury: S. W. Klliott.
foreman; E. G. Andenen, C. W. Mc
Ilvaine, J. II, Hicks, J. M. Harrison,
Alvn Finlcy ami I). Hilling.
The fimt ca-ie for the Grand Jury to
consider wni tho cme of Jas. Herry o(
I Portlund, who several months ago was
arrosted for cashing a check at the Don
Ellis Miloon of Hrighton, which was
Intended for another Jas. Herry. It
M-cm.i that tho attorneys for a certain
Jas. Herry of Hrighton, Y.ih., sent him
h check, but made a mistake and ad
dromwl it to Hrighton, Ore., instead of
nnghton. Wain. The Herry who got
the check, cashed It and got in jail fo
il, but the Grand Jury did not consider
the evidence strong enough to hokl
him so he was dismissed.
Judge Galloway had digttosed of tbe
following business up to today nt noon
Case of Jas. Walton, Jr., v. School
District No. 9, dismissed without preju
M. J. Myers, vs. II. Crenshaw, for
damages in a suit over nn automobile,
verdict for plaintiff.
C. M. GidJing. vs. Karl Cox defend
ant in tax foreclosure, default entered
and decree granted as grayed for.
Ed Smith, vs. Cora Smith, divorce,
divorce granted.
T. H. Potter Realty Co.. vs. Law
rence R. Wheeler, condemnation, et
tlei and dismissed on motion of plain-tin.
DuHois Lumber Co., vs. County
Hoard of Equalization, dismissed on
motion by plaintiff. The cases of the
Oregon Timber Co. ; Luther K. Haak ;
J. M. Cochran ; and the Portland Tim
ber Co.. vs. the County Hoard of Equal
ization, were also dismissed.
Harriett M. Ford, vs. Earl G. Ford.
divorce, was dismissed on motion of
A. A. Yager, vs. W. R. Stubbs. Bet-
A. A. Yager, vs. Charles Himea,
foreclosure, settled.
Norris Safe and Lock Co. vs. Kadley.
I'oter Hyrom va. Garibaldi Beach Co.,
foreclosure, default entered and decree
for foreclosure granted as prayed for.
Anna I'fatf vs. Frank PfarT, divorce,
dismissed on motion of plaintiff.
R. U. Stillwell vs. Will Goeres, in
junction, settle.).
W. S. Cone vs. E. M. Rhodes, fore
closure, settled.
E. A.'Geneste vs. Bay City, action
for money, motion by plaintiff for non
suit granted.
The suit Had ley vs. Hadley will un
doubtedly come up for trial iu a few
Furniihed by Pacific Abttract Co.
Sylvester Davis to Christian Davis,
tract in T 1 S 10 W. 110.
It. S, McDowell & wf to Pacific Util
ities k Inr. Co. number of lots in Ne
tarU Bay Park, 210.
N. D. McDowell & wf to Pacific Ut
ilities Co. lot C blk Netarts Hay
Park. J-tOO.
Nchalem Bay Land Co. to Geo. A.
Epperly lot 4 blk 22, Necarney City,
Nchalem Bay Larvl Co. to County of
Tillamook 20 ft strip for road in Ne
carney City, 11.
J. T, Ross to Ethel Jones, lot 12 blk
27 Rockaway Beach, 15.
Brighton Development Co. to C. R.
Curtis lufloti Brighton' Beach, $34,000,
Wm. Mewhirtcr to Jat. A. Si John
W. 1 m!ah,3o. 10-32 acre in Sec 4 5 S
9 W. $1500, aUo fc0.53 a in same Twp.
Nehalem Bay Land Co. to Anslem
Bokowitz, lot 3 blk 1C Nehatem H'ch.
Brighton Development Co. to Walter
Rock, lots 12 & !3 blk 70 Brighton
Bsach, $310,
F. S Nutbrown & wf to Wm. H.
Coponhafer, lot 13 blk 16 Roctaway
Belle McDonald Lacy & hua, to James
Pinder lot 12 blk ? SandlaV-, $10.
Belle McDonald Lacy & hus, to Hen
ry W. Gi-rke lot 11 blk 8 Sund Lae by
tbe Sea, $1.
E. L. & T. E. Clark to Andrew J.
Swansoo lot 37 blk 4 Sand Lake by the
Sea, $150.
Tillamook Bay Co. to R. J. Hend
ricks lot S blk 11 Oceanlake Park, $1.
Tillamook Bay Co. to A. M. Bozorth
lot 7 blk 14 Oceanlake Park, f 1.
Chas. H. Foster & wf to Hpnry Tohl
& A. C. Anderson lots 4 & 5 blk 17,
Tohl's addn to Nehalem. $10.
Henry Tohl to Tohl & Andeison lot
12 blk 12 12 Tohl's addn to Nehalem.
James A Biggs to Mary E. Rhodes,
lots 1 & 2 blk G8, Pacific addn to Bay
City, $250.
Melvin S. Stanley & wf to Bertha
M. Butts tract in Sec 19 1 S 9 W,
Nehalem Bay Land Co. to F. J. &
Jessie H. Laird, lot 19 blk 21 Necarney
City, $200.
R. M. Barsnes to R. C. Loucks lot
4S bU 66 Bayocean Park $10 et-al.
Ed Smith to J, C. Holden, Guardian.
tract in Sec 5 2 S 9 W, $1.
F. R. Beals & wf to Andrew Peter
son lots 6 & 7 blk 1 Mohler. SI.
Bids will be received for excavating
tho basement for the I. O. O. F. build
ing until Wednesday. April 23, 1913.
Specifications can be had at the office
of S. A. Brodhead.
By order of Trustees I. O. O. F.
It is thought the citizens suit against
the Warren Construction Co., will not
come up for trial until May when tho
Judge will make a special trip here to
hear the pleadings.
First National Bank
Tillamook, Oregon
WM. G. TAIT, President.
J. C. HOLDEN, Vice President.
Interest Paid on Time and Savings
Under United States Government