Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, April 18, 1913, Image 4

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    11 .
FT Sip -"jl
Wc Arc Now in the Midst of the Second Week of this Great Ivpoch-Makitm RVOh,
the History of Tillamook .Ueivhandisin". The Price-( ultinii, Price-Slashing atj
fx O ! t "
Vs i H1J Are the .Uarvels Ainonn the Thronns of Shoppers that Have laken Advantaac nft
h 5 . A7 (ireat Mone -Sa inn lent.
3acril$ CirtWs
il v ,ii w.nt a
Sinr.me: Suit now
K the time to in
et. Come and
see what we can
uo for MM. We
mivc the Quality
and wiil make the
price so low. if
you reall v want a
su it w h v --the
sale is made.
' - ' . (rive cheaper y.v;
t - $7.50
Do your shopping early, secure the plate,
and avou. the rush there always is in the
afternoon While shopping he sure and
see our silks in beautiful crepe de chine,
crepe meteor, marquisettes, charm. us ,
mescaline, peau de soie, foulards, silk pop
lins, iX)i:i4ee satins, velvets silk cord tiro v
and many more-all at a area: reduction.
i . .i
aim win iht
Piano or a Wi
We have quite a showing yet of mixed
silk goods, going at one-half price.
If you wish a Tailored Suit of heavv
goods you will have to hurry, as our heavv
wool goods are sininu at rn astonishing
rate. V'e can still show you home-spuiK
whipcord and double faced oods.
It will pay you to come and see what we have
Ladies7 Suits and Coats
The prices will certainly astonish vou and th fin.
and Style anneal to vou If vou buv one nf mi
you will be thankful when the cold Tillamook ft
blows, because they were bought tor this climale.
17 J 2c
U Yoo Arc ThtoJcfng of SUMMER GOODS Ask to Sec
Bclfort Suiting 4t .
White Ratine 'Spcclxl at
uotton PopUns . t . . . 17 J. 2c
White Ga1m .tt . i Sc
While lxxdun llc.xd .it . J 5C
Madras at j 5C
Shoes for Ladies, Gents and Children
f Her: is where the pruning knife has surely "slashed" prices
I until it looks like so ne rharifehU intKfnn cr-k.-
? - . w i.uwu&iwi... UiMi lUUUli
00ds to tiie Door. .Ail shoes nor nf fh ia.cf rfvL k,..
been reduced to such astonishing prices that no one should
wear poor snoes. inese shoes are not chaap stuff, s3 old
thev- have moss on, but are Shoes of Quality.
35,00 to $2.00
T .ww I Villi wil
AH Shoes at a Discount
Even tbp lafpef
- w.uwi. up-iu-umc Licauons oi .' s lie
maker s art have been bit by the pruning knife.
Velvets, Satin,
New Buck, Kid,
Gun Metal,
In Low Shoes, High Shees,
In White, Black and Tan
J! iot-h, Plaintiff. v.
ta-- .' '..'t..-,. Pii,r.t.7, it. J.
H Lvefer.oaat. Dis7a.
Ore.,a UciBf d Tua&er Co.
Tb Count B.-d A Eqoljtztraci for
A. fe. jJais-nc. P. a;
Cmumus T:i45.
Hay, Plaintiff, vf. K. F. . n- Jade. t ai. Repr.j-
L' :f-xUnt, To act ante Deed enW- APP' Board of e-jnaJiaa-
Kief.. Ptaietig, r. WHiiam ! tioB-
t'- a!, befnadaata, CotArma- Lutfacw 2L Haafc, Appcitent. rt. The
wowwjf mud of jgqaaliutioo orTtlla.
-v T.oacm, awt floH A, Swan. , OreoB. and Hoowr Ma-
. imi.ium, Alien tt. . v , mwpnocu
rjd Laf a L. WiUoo. et al. tfei Boart of Eqoahzatioa.
f i i w rk... .
vwaaty ooaro ti Baatiaatiou for fili.
D L. Hadiey. Mao SJxajrp, ; Bc Canty, Oreycm, &od HoBr Ma- , Dl .l1' G
Jc:-,r,t. IniaxiM Km. Count v Jim .i D rutnr, r.
Afveai from Boaxd of Eoual)tato. . : " r rTr 'r''
aadt. Dffatsdaist, Pwum
E. P. Laociia. PlaioUW, w. Tilia
City and p. Todti. BcomiIk
of aaid City. V.'.nt of Ani.
Prait Lace Sr., ArainiatratOT f
Satate of ta Cap6.il. Daeta.
Haiutitf. ra. Pactfte Raiivay aod Na.
eauoo w.. uriatttent. I agt.
r. k. etui. w. u. Owicht. G. H.
'ei, tHrfenianU, Port-
tt :
jwiju, . MNNHK
". snuoi Dud oi equalization. , , r , , - -n r
K F.:. Pearl Lc llrv...ti PorUavi . oratioe, j, R. Barter, a friayor of Uw
.Oragon. and Homer Ma, County : ?T y' Actwc f.
. ' ' narren uoniifiuiim
v-wihjuj, a
eorporatioii, Plaintiff. r. TiUamA
V!Uf t.f tft tM.'
tfc Cfntl tau of Anrri
( ta Matter of ta Put;o- -,f .
Hry CknattMwt, to owtm t t
f tta L iuted SUta of Afvf .,
! Matter of Um p,tlt. . f
V"tor Laa4er Jofcwaon. To rWu-.,-
GUaaw of ta Uaitf Suta of Atr
ka. I tfca Matt.- of tha P,tn.,n of
Eraat Soaliu. u bacooM a f -. of
tte Uattad fcutaa of .'.m?,,.
! ti alatttr of tb Ptta,t, of i.
Obaw of Um L'mtad 3Ut. f -..r
Cement Sidewalks and
Concrete Construction Work
Enquire at Ramsey Hotel
H. Mirr!!, Ptor.ti5. v Ei
r. H ---r. Trwte. Rort F. ftm
V K U3r..w. 11. : . cr at -
. -a-i wc, ruuntirr. v- k m .. .. .. :
- -.e a a..5 Kariatioi O.-npaay, : R.Waa and M. J. Rimdta, Defendant u 1 "B0',P, wPWtw), J. R.
rti-.. Defeadant. Suit for t Foreelowa. HarUsr, Way or of TiJI-io Citx,
D,'.nr i I In Nicklaa. Plaintiff vs. S L , lfa,w,l9 ey.
j ta- M.ti.r of ti Petite of Mat- j KatWwrn, Lf davt, Damaw. ' wJB'0W' EwUr I
t. Ar J-ro-, jja-Kien To Ueon I Otbon CabarlU. PlaiotiT ra Till- 7"! , .V"0"1 of BnUu
f.". 2c -United Stat, of Amer-:' unty. Dafond. f1' Fu,nUff. CanbakU
: Vuk- Titia. , owoi ciapasy. corporation, at ai,
B. h !, PuinUff. Praderie Bay ( Uy Land CoPr,y, . orpir,. lTL' ...
iw Waiten. Jr.. Plaintiff, v,. Harmtt M. Ford, piaiotiff, va. Earl ' ff"
Sef-ol District No. &. Tillamook 0. Ford, Defandant, Divorc W Bolfr. PlainUff, vs. f?il.
.r.ty. Orgon, a Musidp.1 (Vpw,. j B. N. Sptoat and An. C. Sproat. ' Z Uivowa.
t. - rtd, Defends. Jnoetkw. Plaintiff, va, J. H. iJaUiaway aod Anna ' Mw!T T' Pto,,,t,,,
i- J. Myen. Plaintiff v. n '. M H.tK.-... i,... ',7 . . , Uoa Giidav and at :
. ... w w i mi, wiKnummM. KdBeuau-ja . ...
i V. g. Grow. Amanda U w.k. - t"' ,w u 'u- "wlosor
wnt'i. ! uf. i Lumber O, , P,an.
tiff, .- A. K. J,.tle arid W i
. ... wa -
( . i . I'lHIWiB al al f A
firn.at.or .
-'. M '"(. jinjra. Plaintiff, vg. Jatf. -
, aA j ( frcioiura.
M. 'j. JOif.jfn, Plaintiff, v. Khte
W. P..
f M
. ' wtwit, .manda ai. Wright, at
Harn, Plaintiff, y. J. . . Piaintiff. v. John K. Hartar U.
;K Paul Vermiiyea, at ai, De- flanU, to Qoiat Titia.
1. Injunction. lo Clari, Plaintiff, vn. Cha. H
Copaland, PiaioUff, va. N. 'Clark. Defonclast. uivore.
- wwnuifll 1 . 1, 1 ai.r, ria.r.tin v
atuh, ai.-j .,drar, J. ituuo.,
t- I r- ,,-,.r-.
. A 1 f, 1',! ,.t.!f, w
I! : M. H ,,,
anu, rorecfiure.
Nrri .Suft and Irfc Cj.,
' orjyratior.. Plaintiff Vi.
set aside Jirfiiley. b:ifew,i,t. A tion for Mont. '
1- --e .-nanfiaii, j'l-ii.tiir, vi. Klrner
Micrial'., iJ.rfer, jani. Divorce.
Ptier i:rorn. Plaintiff, Vg. The Can
baidi iJaaeh Company, .a etirration,
Defeiviant, Fure'-kxiUM:.
Anni B. i fart, p.air.tiff, j. F"rank
Paff, Def t,.Jar t, D..orre.
The Kror,.:h Cr.ir.a Cmfarjy, i'lain
tifr, yt, Jaiiitu Myt-raitd A. M. Myer,
Dufe'-iant, Tax force loaure
r..- A. .Streatt, piait.tiff,
Defendant, To
vh. A f.
M. 1: Hanenkratt, Plan. tiff, vs.
Thorna. Hovenden and I r.drlts Hovt-r,-len,
DefftnuanU, Poreelosurb.
Ed Urn t-i Plaintiff, vs. Cora Smith,
Defrlar.t, Divorce
J. U. Silver, Plaintiff, v. D. O.
KcosKy or. J Alice Kenagy, Defen'Janu!
Confirinati jn.
:d.'.. I ', - 1 L. I,!.,,. ,.. u
1 t .. ... 1 1 'i iir . .
Kort R. .Slillwdi, plant. -f, v,
V1I1 Goerei, DefendaM, Ii.jumi. ,,,.
B'-'-, ( api-., pUir.t.fT. vi. Y'unk
sr. A jm "iir.tr' ,r (, t
.f 'A'. J. I arr,,; aj.'l Mil a J.
ie- ,!, ,.tltl fjef,.,, Ja, .
i. II. Hathawav. Ilir,;(r ...
, Pora-
B. X.
Sproat arid Ajn Sproat
IxtUi.- S. Phf.li.M .-,.,ur
, 'nil , Vfl.
Jan.. 1 i.riatnaun atl TiH hrmu-n-bia
wife, et a, Due-WanU. f ,fe
ekure. P.lroon A. Canasta. Plah.tifr, v. fiy
City, a .Municipal Corrwration, Defend
8t. Action for Honey.
Warren rotruct,on O.-nr,,,,, a
Aunlcpal Corrat.on, Defen-it,
Darnajffg, '
Fwsi.faiJ hj Pidlic Atricl Co.
BtigkVxi fvlwotpTit v, t-, r ... .
Mayar kt b'k M rizt t i. I ." "
Mra. KlsAor Bntot u, i -j,
Sto. kKa21 4S l i k . .
II. .
M. C Jama A vf to 3 iSr,i t
Wk 6 fiillamo, ftaara, f .
Briirlvtof) ijMwkui i ,. ... l-
1 . 1 .
. Marray, lot 22 blk IS, B.htn. : ..
't A. F. Handradc A -f to Kath. r, .
I. Saadroek, lot 23 hi. 1 1 NV-arr). f
A. F. Sar-d- wf to Katfcer.-.r
, vdnk, l. 27 blk i S.ar.. i
, ' fotur Realty ( V to
4,0,, w rj ocean. J!i
ManhatUn kealty rv,. Ui Gi
mif V, & 36 blk 6 Mar.haturi.
j Nefulerr. Ba Ufi. to V K U
jr lot 23 ,.lk M Ne.-r-ey C,t,
j Ja. ('hritrien U u. G Malt (c
M. H. Kurr wf v, Ci,m tv :
wf lot a lk 2TJ Ther a-idn U, 1,,
mook City. It 100,
P.rnt Hank &. Truat
- w v t 1 1)
deler, lt l! blk ,x-kavray II -
mj t,au j m. io n, f
Zulu E HUncil lot 2 ulic !9 Wa,,,,!..
fty, I2ii. 7
Tillamook B-y CV tii l.wli. r f ...
dr r, lot blk II Oceanlaka Park II
Nehalem Bay Uml Co. xo P.. CUKh
y. I"t 9 blk 33, .Wrr.y City. $r-.
B f : 'hi., w u. i . ... .
...... aworH u) nehaiern
y irw U., lot J blk 0 Noearucy
Tillamook Uav Co. to Unhurt v c i.
! traeU at Ocoanlaku Park,, tl. ' '
'UJ"-be for eml.wwikly Herald
i I'tfly Gold lioml Trading Stamtm witli
i yenr'a Hubucrfiitfon.
iXOUfrh hmii: 9
(tI don't mind. This is
aStudebaker Wagon1
-that's why ! bought it. noticed that
.kCre ""I"6 lhe Sludcbnkor whore
rirXiCS rdbai,Iing steel
, u
twY ,K ciiirAnn south Uond. Inn.